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Journal of Pediatric Surgery 54 (2019) 2274–2278

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Journal of Pediatric Surgery

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Accuracy of surgeon prediction of appendicitis severity in

pediatric patients☆
Yangyang R. Yu a,b,⁎, Eric H. Rosenfeld a,b, Shaahin Dadjoo a,b, Robert C. Orth c, Monica E. Lopez a,b,
Sohail R. Shah a,b, Bindi J. Naik-Mathuria a,b
The Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza Suite 404D, Houston, TX 77030
Division of Pediatric Surgery, Texas Children's Hospital, 6701 Fannin Street Suite 1210, Houston, TX 77030
Division of Pediatric Radiology, Texas Children's Hospital, 6701 Fannin Street Suite 470, Houston, TX 77030

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Purpose: Clinical prediction of disease severity is important as one considers nonoperative management of simple
Received 29 October 2018 appendicitis. This study assesses the accuracy of surgeons' prediction of appendicitis severity.
Received in revised form 8 March 2019 Methods: From February to August 2016, pediatric surgeons at a single institution were asked to predict whether
Accepted 16 April 2019 patients had simple or complex appendicitis preoperatively based on clinical data, imaging, and general assess-
ment. Receiver operating characteristic curves were generated to determine area under the curve (AUC) and op-
Key words:
timal cutoff points of clinical findings for diagnosing simple appendicitis. Outcomes included sensitivity and
specificity of variables to identify simple appendicitis. Predictions were compared to operative findings using
Nonoperative management χ2. A p-valueb0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Accuracy Results: Of 125 cases (median age 9 years [IQR 7–13], 58% male), simple appendicitis was predicted in 77 (62%)
Diagnostic study and complex appendicitis in 48 (38%). Predictions were accurate in 59 (77%) simple cases and 45 (94%) complex
cases. Although surgeon prediction was more accurate than individual imaging or clinical findings and was highly
sensitive (95%) for diagnosing simple appendicitis, specificity was only 71%.
Lower WBC (b 15.5 × 103/μL, AUC 0.61, p = 0.05), afebrile (b100.4 °F, AUC 0.86, p b 0.01), and shorter symptom
duration (≤ 1.5 days, AUC 0.71, p b 0.001) were associated with simple appendicitis. Of 18 complex cases (14%)
inaccurately predicted as simple, 17 (94%) lacked diffuse tenderness, 15 (83%) were well-appearing, 11 (61%)
had ultrasound findings of simple appendicitis, 11 (61%) had ≤2 days of symptoms, and 8 (44%) were afebrile
(b 100.4 °F).
Conclusion: While surgeon prediction of simple appendicitis is more accurate than ultrasound or clinical data
alone, diagnostic accuracy is still limited.
Type of study: Prospective survey.
Level of evidence: II
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Background (87–100%) and specificity (89%–99%) making it one of the most com-
monly used imaging modalities to diagnose appendicitis [3] However,
Appendicitis is the most common pediatric surgical emergency with concerns of long-term impacts owing to radiation exposure in children
the standard of care currently laparoscopic appendectomy in children have led the American College of Radiology to adopt practices to reduce
[1,2]. Recently, there has been a growing interest in managing patients radiation dosages and utilize targeted CT scans to reduce anatomic cov-
with acute appendicitis nonoperatively. One of the reasons contributing erage [4]. As a result, many children's hospitals have decreased use of CT
to this has been improved imaging capabilities resulting in increased di- scans in favor of ultrasonography (US). Diagnostic accuracy of imaging
agnostic accuracy. Computed tomography (CT) has high sensitivity modalities from a recent meta-analysis found pooled sensitivity of ul-
trasound to be 89% and pooled specificity of 97% compared to 95% sen-
sitivity and 92% specificity seen for CT [5].
Although there is a body of literature in the adult population
☆ Disclosures: The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the materials or
supporting short-term feasibility and safety of nonoperative
methods used in this study or the findings specified in this paper.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Texas Children's Hospital / Baylor College of Medicine, 6701
management (NOM) of appendicitis [6–10], there have only been a
Fannin Suite 1210, Houston, TX 77030. Tel.: +1 832 822 3135; fax: +1 832 825 3141. handful of small studies in the pediatric population assessing nonop-
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.R. Yu). erative management of uncomplicated appendicitis [11–15]. Even

0022-3468/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Y.R. Yu et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 54 (2019) 2274–2278 2275

though initial hospital success rates are high (92–99%), a consider-

able number of patients experienced treatment failure after at least
1 year (24–29%) [11,12,14,15]. These studies all rely on different di-
agnostic criteria such as symptom duration, imaging and laboratory
findings to identify patients with acute or uncomplicated appendici-
tis. Patient selection and miscategorization of complex appendicitis
as uncomplicated appendicitis may contribute to some of the vari-
ability in failure rates of NOM reported. Despite technological ad-
vancements, appendicitis can be diagnosed clinically with a
thorough history and physical examination [16,17]. In cases of equiv-
ocal appendicitis, the surgeon's physical examination often is critical
in the ultimate management decision.
Clinical scores such as the Alvarado or Pediatric Appendicitis
Score are also helpful [18,19]. Low scores can be used to exclude
patients with a low likelihood of having appendicitis [20]. In order
to minimize failures of nonoperative management of acute appendi-
citis, careful selection of patients with simple or uncomplicated ap-
pendicitis is of key importance [21]. The purpose of this study is to
assess the accuracy of pediatric surgeons' prediction of appendicitis
severity in children. We hypothesize that pediatric surgeon's physi-
cal examination supplementing historical, imaging and laboratory
parameters, can accurately predict whether a child has simple ap-
pendicitis prior to appendectomy.

2. Methods

2.1. Study design

Following IRB-approval, a prospective survey was administered to

17 pediatric surgeons, with experience ranging between 3 and 35
years of practice, at a tertiary care pediatric hospital between February
Fig. 1. Survey administered to pediatric surgeons prior to surgery.
2016 and August 2016. Children less than 18 years of age who were
scheduled for laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis were
included. Cases of complicated appendicitis for whom interval appen- findings. Disease severity classification for appendicitis has been stan-
dectomy was planned were excluded. All subjects were screened for dardized for all surgeons in our group with the use of pictorial pam-
study eligibility by the first author (YRY) prior to study entry. This phlets in the operating room with standard definitions to ensure
was a convenience sample of children with appendicitis who were en- accurate description and coding in the electronic medical record. Simple
rolled when study investigators were present to administer the survey. appendicitis was defined as an acutely inflamed or suppurative appen-
Surgeons reviewed the imaging and laboratory findings, examined the dix, and complex appendicitis as a gangrenous (ischemic/necrotic/
patient, and then completed the survey prior to the operation. microperforation) or perforated appendix (hole in appendix, fecalith
outside appendix, complex free fluid, presence of abscess). Operative
2.2. Appendicitis severity surveys findings were used as the reference standard instead of histopathologi-
cal diagnosis as it has been shown that operative findings are more pre-
The administered survey is shown in Fig. 1. Clinical variables such as dictive of clinical outcomes [22,23].
age at time of surgery, white blood cell count (WBC), highest reported
or recorded temperature, number of days of symptoms and ultrasound 2.3. Statistical analysis
findings were filled out by the clinical research team from the admission
history and physical. At our institution, we have developed an ultra- Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 24, IBM SPSS).
sound scoring system (Appy-Score) to facilitate consistent, reliable Descriptive analysis of patient demographics and clinical variables was
communication among providers and risk-stratify children with performed using counts and proportions for categorical variables and
suspected appendicitis [22]. Score breakdown is as follows: 1 = normal medians with interquartile ranges (IQR) for continuous variables. Re-
completely visualized appendix, 2 = normal partially visualized appen- ceiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed for con-
dix, 3 = nonvisualized appendix, 4 = equivocal, 5a = nonperforated tinuous variables and optimal cutoff points of clinical variables for
appendicitis, 5b = perforated appendicitis. The operating surgeon was distinguishing simple appendicitis from complex appendicitis were de-
asked to complete four questions on the survey. The first question eval- termined based on maximum value of the Youden's J statistic calculated
uated the presence and extent of peritonitis on physical examination for each point on the ROC curve. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, posi-
(none, focal, or diffuse). The second question assessed the general ap- tive predictive value, and negative predictive value were calculated for
pearance of the patient (well-appearing vs ill-appearing). The third each clinical variable and combinations of clinical variables, as well as
question asked for a prediction of either simple or complex appendicitis surgeon's predictions, for simple appendicitis compared to operative
based on a synthesis of the imaging data, clinical data and physical ex- findings of simple appendicitis. While sensitivity evaluates the ability
amination. Finally, the surgeon reported his/her certainty of the predic- to correctly identify simple appendicitis cases and specificity evaluates
tion on a 5-point Likert scale. At the end of the case, the operating the ability to correctly identify complex appendicitis cases, accuracy
surgeon completed the operative report and intraoperative findings evaluates the ability to differentiate both simple and complex cases cor-
using a standardized operative template in our electronic medical re- rectly. Preoperative predictions for simple appendicitis were compared
cord (Epic Systems Software, Verona, WI). The research investigators to intraoperative findings using χ 2 analysis and Fisher's exact test. An
reviewed the operative report and collected data on intraoperative alpha b 0.05 was used to determine significance.

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2276 Y.R. Yu et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 54 (2019) 2274–2278

3. Results 3.4. Comparison of surgeon predictions to alternative diagnostic features

3.1. Patient characteristics Imaging studies had a sensitivity of 95%–100% and specificity of
48%–75% for simple appendicitis. CT scan was more sensitive (100% vs.
A total of 125 laparoscopic appendectomy cases were included. There 95%), specific (75% vs 48%) and accurate (89% vs 70%) in diagnosing
were 73 (58%) male patients and median age at time of laparoscopic ap- simple appendicitis from complex appendicitis compared to ultrasound
pendectomy was 9 years (IQR 7–13 years). Of 116 patients with white [Table 1]. Clinical variables such as WBC, maximum temperature and
blood cell (WBC) count recorded, median WBC was 15.9 × 10 3/μL (IQR symptom duration had lower sensitivity compared to imaging studies.
12.1–20.0 × 103/μL). Reference range for WBC at our institution is Temperature less than 100.4 °F had the highest sensitivity for simple ap-
4.5–13.5 × 103/μL. Eight patients reported subjective fevers without ele- pendicitis compared to the other clinical variables. Accuracy of clinical
vated temperature recorded at the hospital. Of the remaining 117 pa- variables was 60–79%. Presence of a combination of clinical variables re-
tients, median temperature was 100.2 °F (IQR 99.1–101.9 °F) prior to sulted in high specificity (97%) and positive predictive value (91%);
surgery. The majority (51%, n = 64) of patients reported just one day of however, it lacked sensitivity (32%). Patients with focal or no abdominal
symptoms (IQR 1–3 days). There were 89 patients who underwent ultra- peritonitis had 97% sensitivity for simple appendicitis; however, speci-
sonography to diagnosis appendicitis. Four patients were found to have ficity was only 33%. Similarly, patients who were described as well-
Appy-Score of 3. Of these, 2 underwent subsequent CT scan to confirm ap- appearing had a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 40% for simple ap-
pendicitis (perforated appendicitis and early appendicitis on CT). Two pa- pendicitis. Accuracy of physical examination findings was 65%. Surgeon
tients had Appy-Score of 4, 60 had Appy-Score of 5a, and 23 had Appy- prediction resulted in an 83% accuracy rate, 95% sensitivity, and 71%
Score of 5b. There were 36 patients who were diagnosed with CT. As CT specificity. Surgeon prediction had higher negative predictive value
is not first-line imaging modality at our institution, and infrequently per- (94%) than positive predictive value (77%).
formed at our institution in the diagnosis of appendicitis, these patients There were 18 patients who surgeons predicted to have simple ap-
were initially evaluated at a community hospital and transferred to our pendicitis who were found to have complex appendicitis during sur-
institution with CT scans already performed. Overall, 30% of patients gery. A closer look at the features of these patients revealed that the
were diagnosed by CT and 70% with ultrasound in this cohort. In terms majority (94%) had focal or no peritonitis and 83% were classified as
of physical examination, 13 patients did not have peritonitis, 88 patients well-appearing. In 61% of these patients the ultrasound diagnosis was
had focal peritonitis, and 23 patients had diffuse peritonitis. Sixty-five simple appendicitis (score 5a). The majority of patients (61%) also had
percent (n = 81) of patients were described as well-appearing. two or fewer days of symptoms. Notably, 33% of these complex cases
had gangrenous appendicitis (ischemic, necrotic, microperforation).
Gangrenous appendicitis was difficult to differentiate on ultrasound
3.2. Surgeon predictions and confidence from simple appendicitis, given the lack of simple or complex
periappendiceal fluid, appendicolith, and/or enlarged appendiceal di-
Surgeons predicted that 77/125 patients (62%) had simple appendi- ameter, the presence of which are all features associated with perfo-
citis; 87% of predictions were either “somewhat certain” (n = 26) or rated appendicitis [24]. Of the 16 patients found to have gangrenous
“very certain” (n = 41), 3% (n = 2) were “equivocal”, 8% (n = 6) appendicitis at the time of surgery, 11 underwent preoperative ultra-
were “somewhat uncertain”, and 3% (n = 2) were “very uncertain”. sound. Eight (73%) were diagnosed as simple (Appy-Score 5a) while 2
Forty-eight cases were predicted to be complex appendicitis: 52% (18%) were diagnosed as complex (Appy-Score 5b) and in one patient
(n = 25) were “very certain”, 35% (n = 17) were “somewhat certain”, the appendix was not visualized (Appy-Score 3) on ultrasound. In addi-
4% (n = 2) “equivocal”, 6% (n = 3) were “somewhat uncertain”, and tion, patients with gangrenous appendicitis had average 2.2 days of
2% (n = 1) “very uncertain”. Intraoperative findings confirmed 62 symptoms compared to 1.6 days for simple appendicitis and 3.7 days
simple appendicitis cases and 63 complex appendicitis cases. Of the 77 for perforated appendicitis.
simple predictions, 18 (23%) were found to be complex appendicitis in
the operating room. Of the 48 complex predictions, 3 (6%) were found 4. Discussion
to be simple appendicitis in the operating room. Of the 109 predictions
made with “somewhat certain” or “very certain” confidence, 93 (85%) of Nonoperative management of appendicitis is a highly debated topic
predictions were correct. In comparison, of the 12 predictions made in the surgical and nonsurgical medical community currently. This man-
with “somewhat uncertain” or “very uncertain” confidence, 8 (67%) agement strategy is proposed for the least severe cases of acute appen-
predictions were correct. dicitis; specifically children with simple appendicitis. However, there is
Of note, although there was a significantly higher rate of complex currently no standard clinical algorithm for identifying these patients
appendicitis in children less than 7 years of age compared to children accurately. While we continue to explore the safety and efficacy of
7 years and older (83% vs 43%, p b 0.001), there was no difference in sur- NOM for simple appendicitis, we need to also identify risk factors for
geon prediction accuracy in younger children compared to older chil- failure of NOM. One major contributing factor may be inappropriate pa-
dren (87% vs 82%, p = 0.76). tient selection, where patients with more advanced disease are
misidentified as having acute simple appendicitis. In this survey of ex-
perienced pediatric surgeons at a single tertiary care institution with
3.3. ROC analysis and optimal cutoffs for clinical values an annual appendectomy volume of N 1000 cases, we found that the
surgeon's prediction of a patient having simple appendicitis had greater
Receiver operating characteristic curves demonstrated WBC count accuracy than relying on imaging findings, clinical variables, or physical
(AUC 0.61, p = 0.05), symptom duration (AUC 0.71, p b 0.001) and examination findings alone. Despite this improvement in accuracy, a
maximum temperature (AUC 0.86, p b 0.01) have significant diagnostic 23% error rate was observed. Disease severity in appendicitis falls on a
ability to discriminate simple appendicitis from complex appendicitis spectrum [25,26]. Gangrenous appendicitis appears to lie somewhere
[Fig. 2]. Additionally, maximum Youden's J statistic for all points on in between simple appendicitis and perforated appendicitis. At our in-
each curve yielded an optimal cutoff value for greatest discriminatory stitution, gangrenous appendicitis is considered complex appendicitis
ability of each diagnostic variable to identify simple from complex based on its typical disease course. Although lacking visible perforation,
appendicitis of 15.5 × 103/μL for WBC (Youden's J 0.23), 1.5 days symp- gangrenous appendicitis often has greater bacterial spillage and poten-
tom duration (Youden's J 0.35), and 100.4 °F maximum temperature tially higher complication rates than the standard simple appendicitis.
(Youden's J 0.58). Preoperative identification of patients with gangrenous appendicitis

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Y.R. Yu et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 54 (2019) 2274–2278 2277

explains the 36 (29%) patients in our study with CT scans performed

to diagnose appendicitis.
Over the years a number of interventions have been proposed to im-
prove diagnostic accuracy in pediatric appendicitis. Diagnostic algo-
rithms have been gaining popularity. These algorithms include various
diagnostic modalities to create a standardized pathway for the diagnosis
and management of appendicitis. Use of these clinical pathways has
been shown to increase sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of
pediatric appendicitis [30]. Interventions targeting ultrasounds have
also been explored. Although ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging mo-
dality, it is limited by its operator dependence and availability at referral
centers. Some proposed ways to improve reliability of ultrasonography
are to increase its use at institutions [31] and implement a standardized
ultrasound reporting template [22,32,33]. At our institution, ultrasound
is utilized as an adjunct to clinical diagnosis for the majority of appendi-
citis cases. With the high volume of appendicitis cases, the ultrasound
technicians are experienced in obtaining high quality images, and de-
velopment of the Appy-Score template has resulted in a sensitivity
and specificity of 93% for diagnosing acute appendicitis compared to pa-
tients without appendicitis [22]. We recently studied ultrasound char-
acteristics predictive of perforation in an attempt to improve the
Youden’s J
AUC P-value Optimal cut-off diagnostic utility of ultrasound for this patient population in our institu-
1. Maximum tion. In the current study, sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound for dif-
0.86 <0.01 0.58 100.4o F
Temperature ferentiating simple from complex appendicitis were 95% and 48%,
2. Symptom
0.71 <0.01 0.35 1.5 days respectively, which are similar to prior data published from our institu-
duration tion of 93% sensitivity and 44% specificity [24]. Compared to ultra-
3. WBC 0.61 <0.05 0.23 15.5x103/uL
sounds, our study shows surgeon prediction has equivalent sensitivity
for differentiating simple from complex appendicitis (95%), but greater
Fig. 2. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for distinguishing simple
appendicitis from complex appendicitis and optimal cutoff points of diagnostic tests.
specificity than ultrasound (71% versus 48%).
To date, only a handful of studies of nonoperative appendicitis man-
agement have been performed in children. In 2012, Svensson et al. per-
may not be possible owing to its often subtle, intermediary presentation formed a pilot randomized controlled trial including 26 patients
of signs and symptoms. Gangrenous appendicitis accounted for 1/3 of randomized to surgery and 24 patients to nonoperative treatment
the errors in the simple appendicitis predictions. with intravenous (IV) antibiotics for at least 48 hours. They report a suc-
Better imaging technology has led to increased diagnostic accuracy. cess rate of 92% at discharge and 62% at 1 year [11]. Mudri et al. per-
While CT is the gold standard diagnostic imaging modality in adults to formed a retrospective review of 26 children treated nonoperatively
diagnose acute appendicitis, many pediatric centers have moved away with acute appendicitis and found significantly longer total length of
from CT owing to concerns from the ionizing radiation exposure. The stay and a 35% failure rate of nonoperative management. Although initial
American College of Radiology has recommended ultrasound as the pre- costs were lower in the nonoperative cohort, median total hospital costs
ferred initial consideration for imaging children with suspected appen- over a 3-year period were similar for both groups [34]. Minneci et al. re-
dicitis, with CT reserved for equivocal cases, while recognizing expertise port their findings in a prospective patient choice trial in the United
and access may vary in community settings [27]. Reported use of CT in States enrolling children between 7 and 18 years of age meeting specific
pediatric institutions for the diagnosis of appendicitis is as low as clinical inclusion criteria: age 7–17 years, ≤48 hours of abdominal pain,
under 10% [28,29]. At our institution, CT usage is b6% and almost all of WBC b 18,000/μL, imaging study with nonruptured appendicitis, and sur-
our patients receive an abdominal ultrasound as the first-line imaging gical evaluation to confirm diagnosis. In the 37 patients choosing nonop-
modality. However, 36% of appendectomies are transfers from referral erative management with antibiotics, in-hospital success rate was high at
facilities with 87% diagnosed by CT [28]. This combination of referrals 94% but decreased over time to 89% in 30 days, and 76% at one year [14]. A

Table 1
The extent clinical variables are able to predict simple appendicitis compared to surgeon's prediction. Max temp = maximum temperature.

Variables to predict simple appendicitis Sensitivity Specificity NPV PPV Accuracy p-value

Imaging studies
Ultrasound (5a vs. 5b)a 95% 48% 91% 62% 70% b0.001
CTb 100% 75% 100% 83% 89% b0.001
Clinical variables
WBC b15.5 57% 63% 61% 59% 60% 0.03
Max temp b100.4 84% 75% 83% 76% 79% b0.001
Symptom duration b1.5 days 73% 70% 72% 70% 71% b0.001
WBC b15.5, Symptoms b1.5 days, and Max temp b100.4 32% 97% 59% 91% 65% b0.001
Physical Examination findings
Focal or no peritonitis 97% 33% 91% 58% 65% b0.001
Well-appearing 90% 40% 81% 60% 65% b0.001
Focal or no abdominal peritonitis and well-appearing 100% 29% 100% 58% 64% b0.001
Surgeon prediction 95% 71% 94% 77% 83% b0.001
n = 83, 6 patients with Appy-Scores of 3 or 4
n = 36.

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2278 Y.R. Yu et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 54 (2019) 2274–2278

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