Lindenblatt 2010
Lindenblatt 2010
Lindenblatt 2010
kin grafting still represents the preferred cause long-term survival of cells within these con-
technique for covering skin defects.1 Despite structs demands the rapid establishment of ade-
the widespread use of this technique, we still quate blood supply.4 As a consequence, strategies
do not fully understand the precise cellular and are now directed toward engineering of pre-
vascular mechanisms involved with graft survival formed microvascular networks within tissue-en-
and incorporation. The development of tissue- gineered constructs.5 These developments sup-
engineered skin substitutes has reanimated the port efforts to understand the physiologic process
discussion about graft revascularization, because of graft revascularization and to establish new
these constructs still lack reliable incorporation models with which to study the revascularization
into the human body.2,3 This is in most cases be- of skin grafts or skin substitutes in vivo. Most re- 61
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2010
Volume 126, Number 1 • Angiogenic Transformation in Skin Grafts
Fig. 1. Images of the modified dorsal skinfold chamber. From the front of the chamber (above, left), the muscular wound bed
(panniculus carnosus) and the larger subcutaneous vessels are visible and accessible to intravital microscopy. Simultaneously,
the microcirculation of the skin graft can be visualized in vivo from the back (above, right). The microcirculation of the wound
bed showed a strong angiogenic response after 48 hours (below, left), leading to reperfusion of the graft capillaries after 72 hours
(below, right). Original magnification, ⫻200.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2010
Fig. 3. Skin graft microcirculation in the graft center and periphery over a period of 10 days. Functional capillary density (FCD) (above,
left), capillary diameter (CD) (below, left), capillary blood flow velocity (RBV) (above, right), and density of the newly discovered “spherical
structures” (below, right) are shown. Mean ⫾ SEM; *p ⬍ 0.05 versus day 0; #p ⬍ 0.05 versus periphery.
Volume 126, Number 1 • Angiogenic Transformation in Skin Grafts
Analysis of the expression of the angiogenesis
factors Ang-1, Flk-1, Flt-1, and bFGF within the Fig. 4. The spherical structures originated from the graft capillaries
vascular walls of the wound bed and the graft starting at day 3 after reperfusion and continued to grow larger in
exhibited an up-regulation of all molecules at day diameter (above). The structures appeared to contain cellular mate-
5, underscoring the angiogenic process that was rial, were up to seven times wider than normal capillaries, and pre-
seen using intravital microscopy (Fig. 5). sented slow but maintained blood flow (center and below).
Staining of the endothelium and pericytes
with CD31 and desmin in thick cryosections and
subsequent evaluation by confocal microscopy re- Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy
vealed that both molecules were present within Light microscopy showed large wound bed ves-
the vascular wall of the spherical structures within sels that could be identified because of their dark
the graft at day 5 (Fig. 6). blue color, whereas the smaller capillaries ap-
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2010
Fig. 5. Histologic evaluation of the expression of angiogenic factors within the wound bed and the skin graft revealed the
up-regulation of Ang-1 (above, left), the VEGF receptors Flt-1 (above, right ) and Flk-1 (below, left), and bFGF (below, right). DAPI
nuclear staining; original magnification, ⫻200. Goat anti–Ang-1, mouse anti–Flk-1, rabbit anti–Flt-1, and rabbit anti-bFGF were
used as primary antibodies followed by secondary staining with Texas red (above, left) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (above,
right, below, left, and below, right).
peared light blue and white. Larger magnifica- der the scanning electron microscope also stressed
tions showed the microvasculature of the skin the angiogenic transformation of the wound bed
graft itself, which could be identified because of its vessels, making reperfusion of the existing graft vas-
loop-like structures (Fig. 7, above). Vessels from culature as a consequence of the connection with
the wound bed and the typical capillaries of the newly formed bed vessels highly likely. At a greater
superficial and deep dermal plexus were inter- magnification, the connection from vessels originat-
connected. Interestingly, we also were able to ing from the wound bed to the original graft vascu-
identify the spherical structures at the capillary lature was seen (Fig. 7, below).
divisions of the graft vasculature with this method.
Evaluation by scanning electron microscopy DISCUSSION
made the two different natures of the vascular The vascularization of tissues is a well-known
beds even more clear: on the one hand, the wound aspect in plastic surgery.15–17 Tissue engineering as a
bed vessels with angiogenic transformation; on the therapeutic approach to regenerate lost or diseased
other hand, the graft vascular plexus in a more su- tissues by means of delivery of cells, constructs, and
perficial plane (Fig. 7, center). The graft intrinsic biomolecules is assumed to demand a functional
vascular dermal plexus appeared to be preserved as vascular network for adequate integration.3,18,19 This
well in this technique. The high magnification un- is the reason why the physiologic process of revas-
Volume 126, Number 1 • Angiogenic Transformation in Skin Grafts
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2010
Volume 126, Number 1 • Angiogenic Transformation in Skin Grafts
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