Non - Rectangular Components: Prepared By: D.M.O

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Non – Rectangular Components

 Tangential and Normal Components

- A particle moving in a curvilinear path will have instantaneous linear velocity and linear
acceleration. These linear variables will be directed tangentially to the path, and , Example:
therefore, are known as tangential velocity, vt , and tangential acceleration, at ,
respectively. The force that constrains the particle to the curved path will generally be 1. A motorist is traveling on a curved section of highway with a radius of 2500 ft at a speed
directed toward the center of rotation, and the particle will experience an inward of 60 mi/h. The motorist suddenly applies the brakes, causing the automobile to slow down
acceleration perpendicular to the tangential velocity and acceleration, known as the at a constant rate. If the speed has been reduced to 45 mi/h after 8 s, determine the
normal acceleration , an. The resultant acceleration a is the vector sum of the tangential acceleration of the automobile immediately after the brakes have been applied.
and normal accelerations. Normal and tangential components of acceleration are
illustrated in Fig.1 . The vectors en and et are normal and tangential to the path,
respectively. ρ is the principal radius of curvature.

2. A race car C travels around the horizontal circular track that has radius of 300 ft. If the car
increases its speed at a constant rate of 7 ft/s^2, starting from rest, determine the time
needed for it to reach an acceleration of 8 ft/s^2. What is its speed at this instant?

Fig. 1.

Thus, the scalar components of the acceleration are

Prepared by : D.M.O
 Radial and Transverse Components Example
- In polar coordinates, the position of a particle is described by a radius, r , and an angle,
θ. The position may also be expressed as a vector of magnitude r and direction specified 1. The rotation of the 0.9-m arm OA about O is defined by the relation θ = 0.15t2, where θ is
by unit vector er. Since the velocity of a particle is not usually directed radially out form expressed in radians and t in seconds. Collar B slides along the arm in such a way that its
the center of the coordinate system, it can be divided into two components, called distance from O is r = 0.9-0.12t2, where r is expressed in meters and t in seconds. After the
radial and transverse, which are parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the unit arm OA has rotated through 30°, determine (a) the total velocity of the collar,(b) the total
radial vector. Fig 2 illustrates the radial and transverse components of velocity in a polar acceleration of the collar, (c) the relative acceleration of the collar with respect to the arm.
coordinate system, and the unit radial and unit transverse vectors, er and eθ , used in the
vector forms of the motion equations.

2. A boy is flying a kite that is 60 m high with 75 m of cord out. The kite moves horizontally
from this position at a constant 6km/h that is directly away from the boy. Ignoring the sag in
the cord, determine how fast the cord is being let out at this instant and how fast this rate is
Fig 2

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Prepared by : D.M.O

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