Causes of Failure of Parliamentary Govt

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Causes of the failure of parliamentary democracy

Basically it is a form of government elected by people for the people to attain their rights.
Parliamentary form of government/parliamentary democracy
Under a parliamentary form of government/parliamentary democracy, mass vote for their
representatives, who are then elected to various provincial and the national assemblies. The
parliamentarians from the majority party then nominate an individual , usually the party leader,
as the leader of house in the assembly. The nomination of these individuals is then ratified by a
simple majority vote in the assembly and then they are elected prime minister and chief
Causes of failure of parliamentary democracy

 The seed of a great democratic culture, sowed by the great quaid e azam never
appeared to turn into a strong tree because of these reasons.

Failure of Political leadership

In political system of Pakistan, feudal had a great hold in politics in center and provinces. They
had been get good position in politics;
on the other hand leaders are mostly depended on them. Feudal or landlords had a hold on
public and their votes. These are not
sincere with public but had own interests in government. So in the Pakistan political
history, most of the political parties was
depended on feudal because they provides money and votes for political parties and got own
interests. The other class of people who
interfered in politics and leaders of the parties are lawyers. These people are well dominated in
politics in Pakistan political history.
They have knowledge about politics and government. (Aziz, 2001).
Jinnah was also lawyer and great leader of subcontinent Muslims. Since 1947to 1956, in
our country had no young and labour
leadership, who had plays any role in political stability or settled the issues regarding to politics.
We had not that type of leaders or
politicians because local political parties were to weak and political activities were hands of
big parties. The other influence on
leadership was the piers and Ghadi Neshanic. These people were belonged to religious group
and some of them had political parties
and became leaders. But these were also had own interests. They were not work for public or
B. Heads of state involve in instable government
According to parliamentary form of government, the head of state had no role to play in
politics. In Pakistan democratic era, years
between 1951to 1956 is called weak democratic period. Ghulam Mohammad and Iskindar
Mirza were the head of the state. These
heads violated that rule as a chief of the country were involve in political activities.
They had hold on parties, government and bureaucracy. They also play major role to make
weak political parties and government.
They were involved to make instable government at center and in provinces. Ghulam
Mohammad and Iskindar Mirza were belonged
to bureaucracy. In this period no election were held. Legislature was elected indirectly. Only in
1954 election were held in provincial
level. The other action by Ghulam Mohammad which was out of democratic law, the dismissal
of prime minister Nazim-ud- Din who
had a vote of confidence in assembly(Hassan, Causes of Military Intervention in Pakistan: A
Revisionist Discourse “ Pakistan Vision”
12,2, 2011,78-81).
No voice was heard against prime minister Dismissal. No actions of assembly like discussion or
notice were taken for his remove.
This act was against the democratic rule and show the where no voice heard. For own interest
he appointed Bogra as a prime minister.
Relationships between Bogra and Ghulam Mohammad were just like an owner and a
servant. “He was only show-boy” (Ahmad,
C. Political Parties of Pakistan 1947 to 1956
Awami Muslim League:
On June 1949, Awami Muslim League was launched in East Pakistan. In East Pakistan Bhashani
as president, Ata Ur Rehman as
vice President, Shamsul Haq as General Sectary. The party main objectives in East Pakistan
were provincial issues and economic
situation. After that provincial Awami League was emerged. The prominent leader of Muslim
joined the Awami League. Pir Manki
launched Awami party in NWFP.(Salamat: 1992)
The Pakistan National Congress
Indian National Congress was the political organization in sub-continent before partition.
After the separation INC organize The
Pakistan National Congress in Pakistan. Its leader was S.C Chattopadhyaya and it’s got
fifteen seats in constitution assembly of
Pakistan. It was major opposition party in post independence period. It was represented the
minorities of Pakistan, and had main
strength in East Wing. The party supported Bengali Language controversy, opposed the
Objective Resolution and 1st BPC report.
Almost 20% Hindus lived in East Pakistan and party had got 28 seats in East Pakistan legislative
Assembly Election of 1954(Ahmad,
Jamaat- I-Islami
Jamaat-I-Islami was well organized political party which has Islamic agenda. It was established
by Maulana Abul Ala Maududi in
1941. The main objective of the party was to create Islamic state and society.Firstly, it was
against the creation of Pakistan, because
chief organizer was thought that All Muslim of the world is Ummah. Muslims of India are part of
that Nation. When Pakistan came
into being, these people shifted into Pakistan to established Pakistan an Islamic state. Its
members mostly criticized PML and even
Pakistan Muslim League
International Journal of Art & Humanity Science (IJAHS) e-ISSN: 2349-5235, Volume 2 Issue 1, (Jan-Feb 2015), PP. 19-22
21 | P a g e
Pakistan Muslim League was the major party in movement of Pakistan and also in initial phase
of Pakistan politics. The reason behind
its success was its manifesto “Muslim of the sub-continent wanted to build up their
lives in accordance with the teaching of
Islam”.PML party main objective (creation of Muslim state) had got and Pakistan established as
a separate state. But after the death of
Jinnah, very soon League lose its position because it was starting divide into many fictions.
When Jinnah was died, no one is able to
fulfill his position in party as well as in country. Lack of honest leadership political parties were
in weak position. Most of leaders
change their position in different parties because of own interest. (Afzal, 1977).
Weak political parties
Political parties play an important role in political system of any country. It also had important
in democratic system. In Pakistan post
independence period, Pakistan Muslim League, Jamaat-i-Islami, Awami Muslim League and
Pakistan National Congress were the
major parties in politics.
The other parties were Nizam-i-Islam, Azad Pakistan Party, Sind Awami Mahaz, Communist
party. The major party in Pakistan
movement was declined and other parties were formed in Pakistan. After the Jinnah and Liquat
Ali, it could not found leadership. The
politicians were work for self interest and there were no party who worked for country
there are many causes of failure / unstable parliamentary democratic set up in Pakistan. we
divide these causes into two main parts.
1 internal Causes
2 external Causes
1 political causes
Political instability is a branch of internal causes/instability of a parliamentary democratic set up.
It includes
It is one of the greatest threats to democracy in Pakistan. Our leaders have always vested
interests and have divested the nation of the basic amenities of life. In such conditions,
democracy has suffered a lot and is still suffering. The malignant intentions of our political
spearheads, have not only smudged the image of Pakistan before the globe, but have also
proved fatal for the democratic survival.
In the absence of mature and sensible leadership, the confrontation between institutions is
prevailing. Consequently, there is surfacing a government – judiciary mismatch. By thwarting an
oversight the court, the government is trying to runs its affairs, in which the top priority is to
complete the tenure. The clash between the mains organs of the state has been leading to the
catastrophe of the democratic state.
It is also a threat to democracy. Coordination between them is essential to run the machinery of
the state smoothly. On the contrary, the center and provinces have always been at loggerhead
with each other. Disharmony over natural resources and other issues have kept democracy
under strain. That,s why ; Pakistan has always been experiencing political instability. These
conditions have again and again provided army a rationale to topple the civilian government.
Due to lack of political insight, our politicians have frequently invited the military, to topple the
democratic government by opting unconstitutional means. Thus our incompetent leaders have
endangered the survival of political and democratic values of country.
It also caused damage to democracy. A constitution is considered as a guardian of democracy. A
proper constitution was formulated in 1973, but every dictator trimmed this constitution in
accordance to his on personal interests. Moreover, our political forces have also played a
horrible role in deteriorating the original draft of the constitution. Resultantly, we have
remained unable to protect the strong democratic traditions.
It is another threat to democracy. Their secret coalition is hindering the growth of democracy in
a smooth way. Their compromise with each other has resulted in the accumulation of power in
fewer hands. The circulation is power in handful families is making the structure hollow. Today
we will hardly see people from middle class and lower class in politics, because of sheer force
and influence of these politicians, such class could not get free hand to participate in politics
that is absolutely against the democracy.
All the major political powers are busy in point scoring and blame game. They are least
concerned with addressing the problems of the nation, and hence ,a sense of deprivation among
the people is replicating immensely. Without cooperation between the political supreme, the
dream for a durable democratic state would remain a fantasy.
Corruption remains a substantial obstacle for Pakistan and democratic system. Transparency
International has ranked Pakistan 127th corrupt nation in the word. The menace of corruption is
hollowing the roots of already weak democracy.
Corruption is growing stronger in absence of accountability. Accountability which aims at
strengthening the roots of democracy is lacking in our country. The National Accountability
Bureau (NAB) which was created in 2002 and endowed with the powers of investigating and
prosecuting the cases against the corrupts leaders, has failed to play its role effectively. Thus, in
the absence of accountability everyone, whatever he illegal he does, thinks it as his rights. It is a
sort of deluge which is weaking the democracy to its roots and posing a great threat.
It is posing a challenge to the smooth running of the system. Pakistan is facing is a constant
dilemma of poor governance. Poverty has been growing in the country at an alarming people
find themselves challenged even to procure basic staples such as flour and pluses. Pakistan ‘s
level of human development is low and its education indicators are the worst in South Asia.
Despite having huge natural resources, our country has entered into a stagflation, which is the
worst-ever scenario. Investment is rapidly flying from Pakistan due to unfavourable economic
environment in the country which is not a good omen fir democracy.
The government is losing control of law and order situation. suicide attacks, target killing,
robbery and other crimes have become norm of the day. Innocent people have been killed on
ethnic basis and government seems helpless in this regards which is also a dangerous sign for
democratic rule.
Media plays a pivotal role on moulding and reshaping the beliefs of a lay man. Unfortunately,
the recent media hype in relation to political activities have been aggravated the situation.
Media’s biasness ha ignited a flame of political imbalance and disharmony which in turns, has
been weaking the roots of democratic culture in Pakistan.
It is also a type of internal instability/causes of democratic setup. It includes poverty stricken
society, illiterate masses, social injustice, democratic violence, sense of insecurity and
frustration etc.
It is also a major problem. A society, lacking a food security is least concerned with their rights.
Fraternity and impartiality could not be the hall mark of such a culture, where more than half a
total population of the country is living below the poverty line. Consequently democratic trends
cannot prevail i such an environment where the people are paying a tax even on the purchase of
a match box and the grain is getting beyond their reach.
It have also contributed in deteriorating the political system of country. A nation with such a low
literacy rate can only breed a frail political and democratic culture. An educated person is aware
of its rights and can fights for the principles, and resultantly, his voice cannot remain unheard.
Contrary to this philosophy, an ignorant society weakens the democratic values.
Sadly, the political psyche of people is also very negative due to low level of political awareness
and socialization. And this trend allowed the hegemonic forces to keep media, educational
institutions, peers and public forums from incorporating a political consciousness into the
people. The masses are even not able to resist the Martial Laws, and the civil society is always
succumbed to the military rule.
Increasing domestic violence is also proving detrimental for democracy to prevail. Day to day
target killing, extortion, kidnapping for ransom and other crimes made people vulnerable. Sense
of insecurity is increasing and people in secure even within their homes. Protection of the life
and property of the common people is the first and foremost duty of government. But owing to
government’s failure is breading frustration among the masses which is turn in giving rise to
unfavourable conditions fir democracy and paving path for anti-democratic forces to come into
It is also included in internal causes of democratic setup, economic stability is a hallmark of a
democracy. It plays a role of backbone for democracy. On the other hand, economic instability
serves as toppling factor for democracy.
Our economy which, has already been suffering heavily at the hand of particular people, is hit
hard by natural calamities. Agricultural sector is witnessing a worst scenario ever instead of
showing upward turn GDP is constantly going down. All these factors are leading Pakistan to the
brink of political instability.
Energy is just like the fuel of economy; similarity existence of energy crisis makes the economy
vulnerable and adversely affects the industrial sector. For instance, the textile industry of
Pakistan is badly hit by the energy crisis. In fact, the whole country is suffering from the
scheduled and un scheduled power outages, which indeed have disturbed both domestic life
and economic activities in country. People have started agitating in streets and damaging public
property. Thus, the energy imbalance has become a threat to economic growth and prosperity
of democracy in Pakistan.
Energy crisis is also giving rise to unemployment. Deterioring conditions of agricultural ans
industrial sectors and government’s inability to provide employment to its masses is indirectly
weaking the roots of democracy.
A dangerous sign for democracy . Food commodities are getting beyond common man’s reach.
Causes of food security are as various as its consequences but government’s management has
this issue complex and not only threating the lives of more than 83 millions Pakistanis. Water
shortage is also a major problem in the different parts of Pakistan.
The recent natural calamities , in the shape of floods and earthquakes which has paralyzed our
economy, is real test for the government. All the sectors of economy, especially agriculture and
industry, have been severally hampered by this devastation. Under the above and pitiful
conditions, the failure of government to tackle this challenge would be failure of democracy
It is cause of internal instability of democratic setup in Pakistan.
It is most immediate threat to democracy in Pakistan today. These extremist elements equally
manipulate the government and the common people. Their own version of Islam have become a
means of playing with the sentiments of already deprived masses. Hence, the bearers of this
new ideology of governance consider democracy non Islamic and thus completely useless for an
Islamic state . For these elements, the concept of democracy is western thus against Islam.
External causes is one of the major cause of un favourable democratic setup in Pakistan.
It includes;
It is one of the mist biggest reason of unstable democratic setup in Pakistan.
Recurring foreign intervention into our national and domestic issues is also providing hazardous
for democracy to sustain. A country, with sturdy democratic norms, does not allow any foreign
power to intervene into its matter of domestic and national interests. Countries, especially
America, are more interested in influence in framing Pakistan’s policies than that of its own.
Our leaders must realize the importance of parliamentary democracy and must respect the
power delegated to them through vote. Though democracy is facing a multi-dimensional threats
yet they can be tackled efficiently if will is there. Our leaders must shuns their vested interests
and joins hands in hands to fight against all the ant-political forces. They must coordinate and
utilize public power in right direction to create awareness. All the institutions must work in
conformity with each other to strengthen democracy.

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