Jamia Millia Islamia: Submitted by - Submitted To - Dr. Shabana Shabnam
Jamia Millia Islamia: Submitted by - Submitted To - Dr. Shabana Shabnam
Jamia Millia Islamia: Submitted by - Submitted To - Dr. Shabana Shabnam
Faculty Of Law
B.A. LLB (H) Self- Finance
VIIIth Semester
Topic – Nature and Scope of IPR
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Conclusion.........................................................................................Page No. 20
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Intellectual Property (IP) is a class of property emanating primarily from the activities of the
human intellect. Human beings are distinguished from animals by the intellectual faculty
endowed by the Almighty. The human beings are thus, elevated themselves to the present
civilized state solely due to the exercise of such intellectual faculty. It is common that any
property, moveable or immovable is to be legally protected in order to prevent it from stealing.
Similarly the rights in the intellectual property created need also to be protected to prevent it
from infringement; the property, which is created by the human intellect. In other words,
intellectual property relates to information, which can be incorporated in tangible objects and
reproduced in different locations.
Like the movable and immovable property, intellectual property is also governed by the
law of the country which is for the time being in force, namely Law of Intellectual Property
The legal rights in the intellectual property generated are termed as intellectual property
rights commonly as “IPR” in short. Protection of the legal rights of the intellectual property,
especially by way of patents has come to be recognized in the modern times as an important tool,
not only to promote inventiveness but also to ensure adequate returns to the investments made
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Modern usage of the term intellectual property goes back at least as far as 1888 with the
founding in Berne of the Swiss Federal Office for Intellectual Property When the administrative
secretariats established by the Paris Convention (1883) and the Berne Convention (1886) merged
in 1893, they also located in Berne, and also adopted the term intellectual property in their new
combined title, the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property. The
organisation subsequently relocated to Geneva in 1960, and was succeeded in 1967 with the
establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) by treaty as an agency of
the United Nations.
The statement that "discoveries are...property" goes back earlier. Section 1 of the French
law of 1791 stated, "All new discoveries are the property of the author; to assure the inventor the
property and temporary enjoyment of his discovery, there shall be delivered to him a patent for
five, ten or fifteen years."
The concept's origins can potentially be traced back further. Jewish law includes several
considerations whose effects are similar to those of modern intellectual property laws, though the
notion of intellectual creations as property does not seem to exist – notably the principle of
Hasagat Ge'vul (unfair encroachment) was used to justify limited-term publisher (but not author)
copyright in the 16th century.
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The various forms of IPR are Patents, Designs, Trade Marks, Copyrights, Geographical
Indications and Trade secrets.
The term patent usually refers to a right granted to anyone who invents or discovers any
new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new
and useful improvement thereof. Examples of particular species of patents for inventions
include biological patents, business method patents, chemical patents and software patents. The
word patent originates from the Latin patere, which means "to lay open" (i.e., to make available
for public inspection), and more directly as a shortened version of the term letters patent, which
originally denoted an open for public reading royal decree granting exclusive rights to a person.
Patents are legal rights granted for new inventions employing scientific and technical
knowledge. A patent confers on its holder the exclusive right for a limited period (usually called
“term”) the rights to the new inventions disclosed. The subject of Patent, which involves
scientific and legal issues, is relatively complicated as compared with the other species of
intellectual property like designs, trademarks and copyrights.
A Patent is a statutory right for an invention granted for a limited period of time to the
patentee by the Government, in exchange of full disclosure of his invention for excluding others,
from making, using, selling, importing the patented product or process for producing that product
for those purposes without his consent.
A patent is not a right to practice or use the invention. Rather, a patent provides
the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the
patented invention for the term of the patent, which is usually 20 years from the filing
date subject to the payment of maintenance. A patent is, in effect, a limited property right that the
government offers to inventors in exchange for their agreement to share the details of their
inventions with the public. Like any other property right, it may be sold, licensed, mortgaged,
assigned or transferred, given away, or simply abandoned.
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There is a trend towards global harmonization of patent laws, with the World Trade
Organization (WTO) being particularly active in this area. The TRIPs Agreement has been
largely successful in providing a forum for nations to agree on an aligned set of patent laws.
Conformity with the TRIPs agreement is a requirement of admission to the WTO and so
compliance is seen by many nations as important. This has also led to many developing nations,
which may historically have developed different laws to aid their development, enforcing patents
laws in line with global practice..
Patent in India
A Patent is a statutory right for an invention granted for a limited period of time to the
patentee by the Government, in exchange of full disclosure of his invention for excluding others,
from making, using, selling, importing the patented product or process for producing that product
for those purposes without his consent.
An invention relating either to a product or process that is new, involving inventive step
and capable of industrial application can be patented. However, it must not fall into the
categories of inventions that are non- patentable under section 3 and 4 of the Act.
Patent protection is territorial right and therefore it is effective only within the territory of
India. However, filing an application in India enables the applicant to file a corresponding
application for same invention in convention countries, within or before expiry of twelve months
from the filing date in India. Therefore, separate patents should be obtained in each country
where the applicant requires protection of his invention in those countries. There is no patent
valid worldwide.
A patent application can be filed with Indian Patent Office either with complete
specification or with provisional specification along with fee as prescribed in schedule I. In case
the application is filed with provisional specification, then one has to file complete specification
within 12 months from the date of filing of the application. There is no extension of time to file
complete specification after expiry of said period
An invention to become patentable subject matter must meet the following criteria -
i) It should be novel.
ii) It should have inventive step or it must be non-obvious
iii) It should be capable of Industrial application.
iv) It should not fall within the provisions of section 3 and 4 of the Patents Act 1970.
The following are not inventions within the meaning of this Act, -
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d. the mere discovery of any new property of new use for a known substance or of the mere
use of a known process, machine or apparatus unless such known process results in a new
product or employs at least one new reactant;
g. a method or process of testing applicable during the process of manufacture for rendering
the machine, apparatus or other equipment more efficient or for the improvement or
restoration of the existing machine, apparatus or other equipment or for the improvement
or control of manufacture;
i. any process for the medicinal, surgical, curative, prophylactic or other treatment of
human beings or any process for a similar treatment of animals or plants to render them
free of disease or to increase their economic value or that of their products.
Term of every patent in India is 20 years from the date of filing of patent application,
irrespective of whether it is filed with provisional or complete specification. However, in case of
applications filed under PCT the term of 20 years begins from International filing date.
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Industrial design
An Industrial design right is an intellectual property right that protects the visual design
of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An design consists of the creation of a shape,
configuration or composition of pattern or color, or combination of pattern and color in three
dimensional form containing aesthetic value.
India's Design Act, 2000 was enacted to consolidate and amend the law relating to
protection of design and to comply with the articles 25 and 26 of TRIPS agreement. The new act,
(earlier Patent and Design Act, 1911 was repealed by this act) now defines "design" to mean
only the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament, or composition of lines or colours
applied to any article, whether in two or three dimensional, or in both forms, by any industrial
process or means, whether manual or mechanical or chemical, separate or combimed, which in
the finished article appeal to and are judged solely by the eye; but does not include any mode or
principle of construction.
Trade mark
A trade mark is a visual symbol in the form of a word, device, or a label applied to an
article of manufacture of commerce with a view to indicate the purchasing members of the
public about the origin of the manufacture of the goods affixed with that mark, It distinguishes
such goods from the goods manufactured by others in the trade. A trademark is a type
of intellectual property, and typically a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a
combination of these elements.
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Copyright is basically the right to copy and make use of literary, dramatic, musical,
artistic works, cinematographic films, records, distribute, adapt the work and broadcast. These
rights can be licensed, transferred and/or assigned. Copyright lasts for a certain time period after
which the work is said to enter the public domain.
The exclusive rights granted by copyright law to copyright owners have been gradually
expanded over time and now uses of the work such as dramatization, translations, and derivative
works such as adaptations and transformations, fall within the scope of copyright. With a few
exceptions, the exclusive rights granted by copyright are strictly territorial in scope, as they are
granted by copyright laws in different countries. Bilateral and multilateral treaties establish
minimum exclusive rights in member states, meaning that there is some uniformity across Berne
Convention member states.
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Geographical indication
Trade secret
A trade secret is information that is not generally known to the public, confers some sort
of economic benefit on its holder (where this benefit must derive specifically from its not being
generally known, not just from the value of the information itself) ,is the subject of reasonable
efforts to maintain its secrecy.
Companies often try to discover one another's trade secrets through lawful methods
of reverse engineering on one hand, and potentially unlawful methods including industrial
espionage on the other. Acts of industrial espionage are generally illegal in their own right under
the relevant governing laws. The importance of that illegality to trade secret law is as follows: if
a trade secret is acquired by improper means (a somewhat wider concept than "illegal means" but
inclusive of such means), the secret is generally deemed to have been misappropriated. Thus if a
trade secret has been acquired via industrial espionage, its acquirer will probably be subject to
legal liability for acquiring it improperly. (The holder of the trade secret is nevertheless obliged
to protect against such espionage to some degree in order to safeguard the secret. As noted
above, under most trade secret regimes, a trade secret is not deemed to exist unless its purported
holder takes reasonable steps to maintain its secrecy.)
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Every country with a patent system has a national patent office where claims of inventors
may be made a matter of public record. As mentioned above, in many countries there is an
examination before an inventor is given any substantive rights. In other countries patent claims
are registered but detailed examination is delayed until a dispute over infringement arises.
However, even in these countries a search of the prior art is often conducted as a part of
the registration process, and the search results are published so that members of the public can
assess the claims made by the registrant.
Headquartered in Geneva, WIPO is the specialized United Nations Agency that serves as
the secretariat for administration of most of the global intellectual property treaties. It is the
principal forum for negotiation of new patent treaties and the leading provider of technical
assistance to developing countries in the field of intellectual property rights. WIPO was created
in 1967 as the successor organization to the International Bureau for the
Protection of Intellectual Property, which had been in existence since the 19th Century. WIPO
Currently has 179 member states.
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The scope of the patented invention or the extent of protection is defined in the claims of
the granted patent. In other words, the terms of the claims inform the public of what is not
allowed without the permission of the patent holder.
Patents are territorial, and infringement is only possible in a country where a patent is in
force. For example, if a patent is filed in the United States, then Americans are prohibited from
making or importing the patented item, while people from other countries may be free to make
the patented item in their country. The scope of protection may vary from country to country,
because the patent is examined by the patent office in each country or region and may have some
difference of patentability, so that a granted patent is difficult to enforce worldwide.
Those who accuse others of being patent pirates say that they take advantage of the high
cost of enforcing a patent to willfully infringe valid patents with impunity, knowing that the
average small inventor does not have the financial resources required to enforce their patent
rights. In the US, for example, an inventor must budget $1 million or more in order to initiate
patent litigation. They say that patent pirates also take advantage of countries where patent rights
are difficult to enforce and willfully infringe in those countries.
Ironically, the term "pirate" has also been used to describe patent owners that vigorously
enforce their patents. Thus whether one deliberately infringes a patent or whether one vigorously
enforces a patent, they may be referred to as a pirate by those that feel they are overstepping their
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Musical works
Bootleg recordings are musical recordings that have not been officially released by the
artist or their associated management or production companies. They may consist of demos,
outtakes or other studio material, or of illicit recordings of live performances. Music enthusiasts
may use the term "bootleg" to differentiate these otherwise unavailable recordings from "pirated"
copies of commercially released material, but these recordings are still covered by copyright
despite their lack of formal release, and their distribution is still against the law.
Sampling of copyrighted music for use in other works without permission is also a form
of copyright infringement. Some companies exploit this fact by attempting to sue the creators of
the new work for copyright infringement.
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Copyright infringement is often equated with theft, for instance in the title of the No Electronic
Theft Act of 1997, but differs in certain respects. Courts have distinguished between copyright
infringement and theft. A British Government's report, Digital Britain, characterizes online
piracy as a form of theft: "Unlawful downloading or uploading, whether via peer-to-peer sites or
other means, is effectively a civil form of theft.
Basmati rice
In late 1997, an American company RiceTec Inc, was granted a patent by the US patent
office to call the aromatic rice grown outside India 'Basmati'. RiceTec Inc, had been trying to
enter the international Basmati market with brands like 'Kasmati' and 'Texmati' described as
Basmati-type rice with minimal success. However, with the Basmati patent rights, RiceTec will
now be able to not only call its aromatic rice Basmati within the US, but also label it Basmati for
its exports. This has grave repercussions for India and Pakistan because not only will India lose
out on the 45,000 tonne US import market, which forms 10 percent of the total Basmati exports,
but also its position in crucial markets like the European Union, the United Kingdom, Middle
East and West Asia. In addition, the patent on Basmati is believed to be a violation of the
fundamental fact that the long grain aromatic rice grown only in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar
Pradesh is called Basmati. This type of rice has been grown in the foothills of the Himalayas for
thousands of years. According to sources from the Indian Newspaper, Economic Times,
"Patenting Basmati in the US is like snatching away our history and culture."
RiceTec Inc, was issued the Patent number 5663484 on Basmati rice lines and grains on
September 2, 1997.
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In abstract, "the invention relates to novel rice lines and to plants and grains of these
lines. The invention also relates to a novel means for determining the cooking and starch
properties of rice grains and its use in identifying desirable rice lines. Specifically, one aspect of
the invention relates to novel rice lines whose plants are semi-dwarf in stature, substantially
photoperiod insensitive and high yielding, and produce rice grains having characteristics similar
or superior to those of good quality Basmati rice. Another aspect of the invention relates to novel
rice lines produced from novel rice lines. The invention provides a method for breeding these
novel lines. A third aspect...relates to the finding that the starch index (SI) of a rice grain can
predict the grain's cooking and starch properties, to a method based thereon for identifying grains
that can be cooked to the firmness of traditional Basmati rice preparations, and to the use of this
method in selecting desirable segregants in rice breeding programs."
In an official release, the government of India reacted immediately after learning of the
Basmati patent issued to RiceTec Inc., stating that it would approach the US patent office and
urge them to re-examine the patent to a United States firm to grow and sell rice under the
Basmati brand name in order to protect India's interests, particularly those of growers and
exporters. Furthermore, a high level inter-ministerial group comprising of representatives of the
ministries and departments of commerce, industry, external affairs, Council for scientific and
industrial research (CSIR), Agriculture, Bio-technology, All India Rice Exporters Association
(AIREA), APEDA, and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) were mobilized to begin
an in-depth examination of the case. The contents and implications of the patent are currently
being analyzed in consultation with patent attorneys and agricultural scientists. The government
of India is particularly concerned about the patenting of Basmati because of an earlier case where
the US granted a patent to two Indian-born scientists on the use of Turmeric as a wound healing
agent. This case worked in favor of India because the patent was subsequently revoked after
scientists of (CSIR) successfully challenged the patenting on the ground that the healing
properties of Turmeric had been 'common knowledge' in India for centuries. There is a clause in
US patent laws that will accept any information already available in published or written form
anywhere in the world as 'common knowledge'. As a result, India was able to furnish published
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evidence to support their case that the healing characteristics of Turmeric are not a new invention
and as such cannot be patented.
It had also caused a brief diplomatic crisis between India and United States with India
threatening to take the matter to WTO as a violation of TRIPS which could have resulted in a
major embarrassment for the United States. Both voluntarily and due to review decisions by
the United States Patent Office, RiceTec lost or withdrew most of the claims of the patent,
including, most importantly, the right to call their rice lines "basmati." A more limited varietal
patent was granted to RiceTec in 2001 on claims dealing with three strains of the rice developed
by the company.
The Intellectual Property Rights & Patents plays an important role in protecting the rights
of an inventor or a company. The rights conferred give creators an exclusive right over the use of
their creations for a specified period of time. There are signs of changes in patenting in some
developing countries. One example is India. The Indian Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR) has established an aggressive program to commercialize the research of the
scientists working in its laboratories. This program involves identifying useful inventions and
patenting them not only in India, but in big markets like the United States as well. Sometimes,
some organizations can achieve their apex position only with the help of their correct choice of
intellectual property. That is why it is very much essential for any organization in the world to
protect their intellectual property as correctly as possible. Nevertheless, there must be the
involvement of the government of the respective organization. Otherwise, it is must that business
cannot go far and cannot reach their own goals and objectives.
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4) en.wikipedia.org
5) www.patentoffice.nic.in
6) ipindia.nic.in
7) www.pcworld.com
8) www.neowin.net
9) www.american.edu