College of Teacher Education: "I Wish I Could Persuade Every Teacher To Be Proud of His Occupation"

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College of Teacher


EDUC 146 The Teaching Profession

Learning Contract Nos.7


I. Learning Outcomes

1. Explain how a professional teacher should conduct herself as a person in the teaching
profession and in business.

II. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: His Person, Profession and Business

III. Activities
A. Read Article IV-The Teacher and the Profession

1. Analyze the given quotation. Identify which section of Article IV does each quotation
a) “I wish I could persuade every teacher to be proud of his occupation”.
b) “Good better best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is
best” Tim Duncan
c) “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning
from failure”. -Colin Powell
d) “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet”-Bobby Unser
e) “Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity goes with the ability to say no
to oneself”-Abraham Joshua Heschel
f) “There are 2 kinds of pride both good and bad. Good pride presents our dignity and self-
respect. Bad pride is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance”-
John C. Maxwell
2. Do you see the teaching profession as a noble calling? Why do you see it a noble calling?

B. Read Article XI-The Teacher as a Person

1. What is the big challenge for a teacher?

2. There are more women than men in the teaching profession. Does this indicate that less
men are able to face the challenge of the teaching profession? Separate your answer.
3. Describe the teacher as a person based on Article XI of the Code of Ethics by way of a
cinquain. A cinquain is a 5-line poem composed of:
Line 1- 1 word
Line 2- 2 adjectives that describe line 1
Line 3- 3 action words that relate to line 1
Line 4- 4 words (feelings) that relate to line 1 or a complete sentence
Line 5- 1 word, a synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up.

Caring, compassionate
Questioning, listening, responding
I love her dearly.

4. Interview teachers who have taught for at least 5 years (5 females & 5 males). What do
they consider to be the biggest challenge in their life as teachers?
College of Teacher

C. Read Article X-The Teacher and Business

1. With teachers borrowing habits, which section of Article X do teachers fail to observe?
2. When do professional teachers violate Section 3 of Article X?
3. Cite 2 proverbs in Mother Tongue that can serve as reminders for professional teachers
not to live beyond their means.

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