ECON5541 Assign 1 PDF

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ECON5541 Online Individual Assignment 1

(Due on March 28 Saturday, by 12 noon)

100 points, equivalent to 15% of the unit’s assessments

Please typewrite your answers. Convert your assignment into a pdf file and upload them in
the Assessments and Feedback => Assignment 1 folder => Assignment1 submission link on
LMS. You can submit only once, so go over your work thoroughly before you pdf it and
upload it. Save a copy of your assignment as a backup.

1. The market for paper is perfectly competitive and there are 1,000 firms that produce
paper. The first table sets out the market demand schedule for paper. Each producer of paper
has the costs in the second table when it uses its least-cost plant.

Output Marginal cost Average Average

Price Quantity demanded
(boxes (dollars per variable cost total cost
(dollars per box) (thousands of boxes per
per additional box) (dollars per box)
3.65 500
200 6.40 7.80 12.80
5.20 450
250 7.00 7.00 11.00
6.80 400
300 7.65 7.10 10.43
8.40 350
350 8.40 7.20 10.06
10.00 300
400 10.00 7.50 10.00
11.60 250
450 12.40 8.00 10.22
13.20 200
500 20.70 9.00 11.00

In answering parts (a)-(e), please explain how you get the solution concisely.
a. What is the market price of paper? What is the market’s output? What is the output
produced by each firm? (10 points)
b. What is the economic profit made or economic loss incurred by each firm? (10 points)
c. As more and more computer users read documents online rather than print them, the
market demand for paper decreases and in the short run the demand schedule becomes
the schedule shown in the table. If each firm producing paper has the costs set out as
above, what is the market price and the economic profit or loss of each firm in the
short run? (10 points)

Price Quantity demanded

(dollars per box) (thousands of boxes per
2.95 500
4.13 450
5.30 400
6.48 350
7.65 300
8.83 250
10.00 200
11.18 150
d. In the long run, do firms have an incentive to enter or exit the paper market? (10
e. If firms do enter or exit the market, explain how the economic profit or loss of the
remaining paper producers will change. What is the long-run equilibrium market price
and the quantity of paper produced? What is the number of firms in the market? (10

2. Based on the perfect competition model as depicted in the following diagrams, explain
the short-run and long-run economic adjustments occurring in the following two markets.
Please distinguish the market diagram and individual firm’s diagram. Initial market
demand and supply curves and firm’s marginal revenue curve are denoted as 𝐷 , 𝑆 and
𝑀𝑅 respectively.

(a) Explain how the growing world population is influencing the world market for wheat
and a representative individual wheat farmer. (25 points)

(b) Explain how the nappy service market has been affected by the decrease in the
Australian birth rate and the development of disposable nappies.(Assume nappies
market is perfectly competitive.) (25 points)

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