Ap Biology Kingdom and Biome Survey: 3 Domains

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Life is currently classified in 3 Domains and 6 Kingdoms as in the chart below.

(Kingdom Protista is being researched and may be divided in the future!).

3 Domains

6 Kingdoms

Create a 3 PAGE color image collage on computer paper with the following images to be included:

On page 1:
➢ at least 2 plants from each biome
On page 2:
➢ at least 2 animals from each biome (HUMANS not included)
On page 3:
➢ any 5 bacteria (Bacteria or Archaea) *Label each image with the biome it occupies, and
➢ any 5 protists both the common name and the scientific name
➢ any 5 fungi (Genus species—and note that Genus is capitalized
(page 3 organisms are from any biome) but species is not, and both words are in italics).

The major biomes are: * Make 2 copies of each page – 1 set for your
notebook/binder and 1 set to submit.
• Tropical Rainforest
• Temperate Rainforest
* Make a COVER SHEET for the pages you will
• Desert
submit with your name, block, and the resources
• Tundra you used to find the images and information.
• Taiga (Boreal Forrest)
• Grassland
• Savanna
• Freshwater
• Marine

The reason for your choices is up to you: you like the image, the name, how the organism works,
you’ve never heard of before, it’s your favorite, etc. Have fun looking!
The more unique/unusual the organism is the better!! The goal is to use this collage is to raise your
awareness of what’s out there in the world of biology that you may not have realized before this

Here’s a good place to start, but research SEVERAL sources https://askabiologist.asu.edu/explore/biomes

Have fun!! This is due the first day of class.
Name ___________________________________________ Block __________


This assignment is designed to help you learn the language of science, so we’ll start with
something familiar to everyone -- human biology. We will refer to terms and their prefixes and
suffixes throughout the semester.

Instructions: For each root in the list below, find a word that incorporates the root. The word does not
have to be a medical or technical term. However, be sure that the word you choose includes the
appropriate root with its given meaning, rather than just having the same letters without the correct
meaning. For example, the word “apple” begins with the letter “a”, but it is not an appropriate word to
illustrate use of the first root in the list, “a” meaning “without”, whereas “atheist” would. To verify that
a particular root is appropriately used in the word, look up the word in a dictionary or glossary or
Google it.



1 A-, AN- not, without

2 AB- away
3 ANTI- against
4 ARTHR- joint
5 BI-, DI- two, double
6 BIO- life
7 -BLAST early stage, precursor
8 CARDIA-, CARDIO- heart
9 CHROM- colored
10 CO-, COM-, CON- with, together
11 CONTRA- against
12 CUT- skin
13 -CYST bladder, hollow
14 -CYTE cell
15 DERM- skin
16 DIA-, DI- through, across
17 DORS- back
18 EC-, EX- out of, out from
19 -ECTOMY excision of

20 -EMIA of blood, in blood

21 EN-, END-, ENDO- within
22 EPI- on, upon, over
23 EXTRA - outside of, beyond
24 FOLI- leaf
25 -GEO land, earth
26 GASTR- stomach
27 -GENESIS origination or development of
28 GLYC-, GLYCO- sweet
29 -GRAM, -GRAPH record, write
30 HEM-, HEMA-, HEMO- blood
31 HEMI-, SEMI- half
32 HETERO- different
33 HOMO-, HOMEO- same, similar
34 HYDR- water
35 HYPER- above, over, excessive
36 HYPO- below, under, deficient
37 HYBERN- winter
38 INTER- between
39 INTRA- within
40 ISO- equal
41 -ITIS inflammation
42 LEUC-, LEUK- white
43 -LYSIS loosening, dissolving, separating
44 MACRO- large
45 MARG- border, edge
46 METR, METER measure
47 MICR- small
48 MONO- one, single

49 MYO- muscle
50 NEO- new
51 NEUR- nerve
52 -OLOGY study of
53 -OMA tumor, swelling
54 OS-, OSTEO- bone
55 -OSIS abnormal condition
56 -OSTOMY formation of an artificial opening
57 -OTOMY incision into
58 PARA- beside, near
59 PER- through
60 PERI- around
61 PHOT- light
62 POLY- many
63 POST- in back of, after
64 PRE- in front of, before
65 RETRO- behind, to come before
66 SUB- below, beneath
67 SUPER-, SUPRA- above, beyond
68 THERM- heat
69 TOX- poison
70 TRANS- across, by way of
Instructions: Using the list “Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems” that begins after this page, give a
definition of each word below. Do not look the words up in a dictionary or textbook—use the root
words!!! Seriously—you will thank me next May! ☺

1. microscope - __________________________________________________________

2. chromosome - __________________________________________________________

3. hydrolysis - __________________________________________________________

4. synthesis - __________________________________________________________

5. hypodermic - __________________________________________________________

6. neurology - __________________________________________________________

7. cytoplasm- __________________________________________________________

8. endothermic - __________________________________________________________

9. hydrophilic - __________________________________________________________

10. lysosome - ________________________________________________________

11. photosynthesis - __________________________________________________________

12.antidiuretic - _________________________________________________________

13. polymerase - __________________________________________________________

14. monomer - __________________________________________________________

15. epigenetics - __________________________________________________________

16. hydrophobic - __________________________________________________________

17. chromosome - __________________________________________________________

18. biogenesis - __________________________________________________________

19. prokaryote - __________________________________________________________

20. phagocyte - ______________________________________________________

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems adeno- gland
agri- field, soil
This list gives the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, -al having character of
and stem that are commonly used to form scientific alb- white
terms. When you encounter a new term, break it -algia pain
apart and try to find the parts in this list. This skill alto- high
will greatly simplify your mastery of biological ameb- change; alternation
vocabulary! amphibi- leading a double life
As an example, you might take the word ampho-;amb- on both sides
nephrology. The stem nephro- is derived from the an- not ;without
Greek word nephros, meaning kidney, while the ana- back, up, again
stem Log- is derived from the Greek word Logos, andro- masculine; man
meaning thought or study of. You might later angio- vessel
encounter the word nephrolith, and you would then ante- before; ahead of time
only have to determine the meaning of the suffix –
antero- front
Lith, since you would already know the meaning of
antho- flower
the first part of the word. Or when you ran across
anti- against
such words as bacteriology and zoology, you would
probably have a good idea of what they mean. anthropo- man
After some practice, you will be surprised how ap- to; toward
many new words you can define without looking aqu- water
them up. With words, it has often been necessary to archaeo- primitive; ancient
add a vowel to combine forms for pleasing arthro- joint
pronunciation. For example, bacteri-+ -logy aster-;astr- stars
becomes bacteriology, or hydr- + -lysis becomes -ate used in forming verbs
hydrolysis. For the same reason it has been from nouns
necessary, at times, to drop or change a vowel in a -ation used in forming
prefix, suffix, or stem. For example, gastro becomes nouns from verbs
gastric, the adjective pertaining to the stomach. atom- vapor
Most scientific terms are derived from either the audi- hear
ancient Greek or the Latin because neither of these auto- self
languages is in use now so that they are unchanging, bactr- stick; club
and also they are studied universally. As a result, baro- weight
you will find that Latin noun endings are often used bath- depth; height
in biology. As a help in determining the plural of bene- well; good
words with Latin endings, you will memorize the bi- two, twice, double
following 1st Semester: bio-; bi- life; living
-blast sprout, germ
Common Roots used frequently brachi- having arms
-ase an enzyme branchi- having fins
-ose a sugar/carbohydrate brev- short
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bronch- windpipe
Quiz 1 calor- heat
a-,an- no, lacking, none carb- carbon
ab- away from, out from cardi- heart
ac- to, toward carn- meat
-aceus,-aceous of or pertaining to carp- fruit
acou- hearing carpal- wrist
acr, acro extreme, peak caud- tail
ad to, toward
Quiz 2

cell- storeroom, chamber dynamo- power

-cene new; recent dys- ill; bad
centi- hundredth ec- out of; outside
centr- center echin- spiny; prickly
cephal- head eco- house, home
cervic- neck
chem..- referring to chemistry
chlor- green
chrom-; -chrome color
chym- juice
-cide killing
curcum- around; about
cirru- hair like curls
co- with; together
cocc- seed
coel- hollow
coll- glue
com-, con- with; together
coni- cone
contra- against
corp- body
cosmo- world; order; form
coytl- cup
counter- against
crypt- hidden; covered
-cule; -culus added to nouns to form diminutive
cuti-, cutan- skin
cyan- dark blue
-cycle; cyci- ring; circle
cyst- bladder; pouch
cyt-; cyte, cyto cell
dactyl- finger
deca- ten
deci- tenth
demi- half
dendr- tree
dent- tooth
derm- skin
di - two; double
dia- through; across
digit finger; toe
dis- apart; out
dorm- sleep
dors- back
du-; duo two
-duct lead
Quiz 3

ect- outside; without haem-; hem- blood

electro- electric; electricity hepat- liver
en- in; into herb- grass
-en made of hetero- different; other
encephal- brain hex- six
end-; ent - within; in hibern- winter
enter- intestines
-eous nature of; like
epi- on; above
-err wander; go astray
erythro- red
ethno race; people
eu- true; new; well; good
extra- beyond; outside of
ex- out of
-fer bear; carry; produce
ferro- iron
fibr- fiber; thread
-fid; fis- divided into; split
-flect; -flex bend
flor- flower
fluor- fluorine
foli- leaf
fract- break
-gen; -gine producer; former
-gene; gene- origin
-gest carry; produce
galact; galax- milk; milky fluid
gastro- stomach
geo- land; earth
glob- ball; round
glottis mouth of windpipe
-gon angle; corner
-gony offspring; generation; coming into being
-grade step; division
-gram writing; record
-graphy; -graph writing; record
grav- heavy
gross thick
gymno- naked
gyn- female
gyr- ring; circular; spiral
Quiz 4
mast- breast
hipp- horse med- middle
hist- tissue meg- great; million
holo- entire; whole mela-; melan- black; dark
homo- man -mer,- mere part, unit
homo- same; alike mes- middle; half; intermediate
hort- garden met-; meta- between; along; after
hybrid mongrel meteor- lofty, high, in air
hydr- water -meter; -metry way of measuring,
hygr- wet; moist instrument for measuring
hypo- beneath; under; less
hyper- above; beyond; over
hypho- weaving
hypno- sleep
-ic added to nouns to form adjectives
ichthy- fish
ign- fire
im-, in- not
in- to; toward; into
-ine of or pertaining to
infro- below; beneath
inter- between
intra- within; inside
-ion go; come
-ism a state or condition
iso- equal; same
-itis inflammation; disease
karyo- nucleus
kilo- thousand
lachry- tear
lact- milk
lat- side; flank
-less without
leuc- white; bright; light
lign- wood
lin- line
lingu- tongue
liqu- become fluid, liquid
lip- fat
lith-; -lite stone; petrifying
loc- place
-logy study
-lysis; -lyte; -lyst dissolve, separate; loosen
macro- large
mal- bad; evil
malle- hammer
mamm- breast
marg- border; edge
Quiz 5

micro- small pan- all

milli- thousandth par- beside; near, equal; bring forth
mis- wrong; incorrect path-; -pathy disease; suffering
mito- thread; filament -ped foot
mole- mass pent- five
mono- one; single
mont- mountain
mort- death
mov-; -mot move
morph- shape; form
multi- many
mycel- threadlike
mycet- fungus
myria- many
moll- soft
nas- nose
nemat- thread
neo- new; recent
nephro- kidney
-ner- moist; liquid
neur-; nerv- nerve; tendon
noct-; nox- night
-node knot
-nomy; -nome distribute; arrange; law
non- not
not- back
nuc- center
ob- against
ocul- eye
oct- eight
odont- tooth
-oid like in form or shape
olf- smell
omni- all
oo- egg
opthal- eye
opt-; opsy eye, vision
orb- circle; round; ring
orth- straight; correct; right
oscu- mouth
oste- bone
-ous full of; abounding in
ov- egg
oxy- sharp; acid; oxygen
pachy- thick
paleo- old; ancient
palm- broad; flat
Quiz 6

per- through -scribe; script write

permea- pass; go semi- half; partly
phag- eat
phenol- show
phil- living; fond of
phon-; -phone sound
-phore bearer
photo- light
phyc- seaweed; algae
-phyll leaf
physic- nature; natural qualities
-phte; phyt- plant
plan- roaming; wandering
plasm-; -plast form; formed into
pleur- rib; lung
pneumo- lungs; air
-pod foot
poly- many; several
por- opening
port- carry
post- after; behind
pom- fruit
pre- before; ahead of time
pro- ‘before’ another in time
procto- rectum; anus
proto- first; primary
pseudo- false; deceptive
pter- having wings or fins
pulmo- lung
puls- drive; push
pyr- heat; fire
quadr- four; four-fold
quin- five
radi- ray; spoke of a wheel; energy in rays
re- again; back
rect- correct; right
ren- kidney
ret- net; made like a net
rhin- nose
rhiz- root
rubr- red
saccharo- sugar
sapr- rotten
saur- lizard
sclera- hard
sci- know
scope look; observe
Quiz 7

sept- partition; seven ven-; vent- come

septic putrefaction; infection ventr- belly
sex- six vice- in place of
-sis condition; state vig- strong
sol- sun vit-; viv- life
solv- loosen; free volv- roll; wander
-soma body, structure vor- devour; eat
somn- sleep xanthin- yellow
son- sound zo-; -zoa animal
spec; spic- look at zyg- yolk
sperm- seed zym- yeast
sphere- ball
-spire breathe
spore seed
stat- standing; placed
stell- stars
stern- breast; chest
stom-; -stome mouth
strat- layer
stereo- solid; three dimensions
strict- drawn tight
styl- pillar
sub- under; below
super- over; above; on top
sur- over; above; on top
sym-; syn- together
tachy- quick; swift
tarso- ankle
tax- arrangement
tele- far off; at a distance
terr- earth
tetr- four
thall- young shoot
therm- heat
-tom cut; slice
toxico- poison
top- place
trans- across
tri- three
trich- hair
troph- one who feeds; well fed
trop- turning; changing
-ule diminutive
ultra- beyond
ur- urine
vas- vessel
vect- carry

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