Wonderful World 1 Audio Script

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The audio script provides pronunciation practice for letters, numbers, colors and greetings. It also introduces vocabulary related to family, school, daily activities and time telling.

Some of the activities described include singing the alphabet song, playing in the park, going to the beach, doing homework, painting and playing with toys.

Some of the family members mentioned include mum, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle and cousin.

Level 1 Audio script for Microsite


Track 0.2
N: Alphabet
1 Listen and say.
Woman: A / B / C

Track 0.3
N: 3 Listen and say.
Man: D / E / F

Track 0.4
N:  5 Listen and say.
Woman: G / H / I

Track 0.5
N: 7 Listen and say.
Man: J / K / L

Track 0.6
N: 9 Listen and say.
Woman: M / N / O

Track 0.7
N: 11 Listen and say.
Man: P / Q / R

Track 0.8
N: 13 Listen and say.
Woman: S / T / U

Track 0.9
N: 15 Listen and say.
Man: V / W / X

Track 0.10
N: 17 Listen and say.
Woman: Y / Z
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 0.11
N: 20 Sing.
Woman: a b c d e f g
Sing everybody!
Sing everybody!
Sing the alphabet song!
Sing everybody!
Sing everybody!
Sing the alphabet song!
v and w
v and w
x y z!

Track 0.12
N: 1 Listen and read. Say.
Man: red

Track 0.13
N: 1 Listen and read. Say.
Woman: one
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 0.14
N: 1 Listen and read. Say.
Ana: Hi. My name is Ana. What’s your name?
Tomas: Hi. My name is Tomas.
Ana: Hello. How are you?
Tomas: I’m fine, thank you.
Alex: Hello. My name is Alex. What’s your name?
Sophie: My name is Sophie. How are you?
Alex: I’m fine, thank you.

Track 0.15
N: 2 Sing.
What’s your name?
My name is Sophie.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
What’s your name?
My name is Alex.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.

Track 0.16
N: 3 Listen and read. Say.
Ana: How old are you?
Tomas: I’m seven years old.
Ana: Here you are.
Tomas: Wow! Thanks.
Ana: You’re welcome.
Tomas: Bye, Sophie.
Ana: Goodbye, Alex.

Track 0.17
N: 4 Sing.
Goodbye, Alex. Bye!
Goodbye, Sophie. Bye!
Goodbye! Goodbye!
Bye! Bye!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

UNIT 1 My Family

Track 1.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: baby

Track 1.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: They’re a family. A mum, a dad, a brother, a sister and a baby!

Track 1.3
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Alex: Look, a mum!
Ana: Yes! Two babies, too!
Alex: A brother and a sister!

Track 1.4
N: 1 Listen and point. Say.
Man: aunt

Track 1.5
N: 2 Listen and read.
Antonia: I’m Antonia. I’m eight.
Look! It’s my family. I’m with my grandma. Her name is Maria. I’m with my grandpa, too. His
name is Pavlos.
My brother is Alex. He’s ten. He’s in a grey and black T-shirt. My mum’s name is Athina. My
dad’s name is Steven.
Simon is my uncle. He’s my dad’s brother. Clare is my aunt. John is my cousin. He’s cool! He’s
eight, too! He’s in a red and white T-shirt.
My family is great!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 1.6
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Man: My family is cool.
My family is great.
So, come on and celebrate!

Mum is great.
Dad is great.
Brothers and sisters,
Yeah, they’re great.
So, come on and celebrate!

Track 1.7
N: 1 Listen and point. Say.
Woman: short

Track 1.8
N: 2 Listen and read.
Jorge: My name is Jorge. I’m from Argentina. I’m seven. I’m young. I’m short.
In the photo, I’m with my grandpa. His name is Ernesto. He’s old. He’s tall.
I love my grandpa. He’s funny!

Track 1.9
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Man: sister
My sister’s short.

UNIT 2 My School

Track 2.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: classroom
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 2.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: It’s a classroom in a school. She’s the teacher. They’re the students.

Track 2.3
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Man: homework
She's my cousin. It's her homework.

Track 2.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Tomas: They’re students. It’s a lesson.
Sophie: Yes! We’re students. And Mrs Lee’s the teacher. We’re in a classroom.

Track 2.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: board

Track 2.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: The boys and girls are at school. The school is in South Africa.
The teacher is great. She’s funny, too. The students are young. They aren’t old.

Look at the classroom. The teacher is at the board. It’s white. She’s by the map.
The students are at the desks. The chairs are orange.

Look at the clock! The lesson is over. No homework! Cool!

Track 2.7
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Woman: We’re all students in our school!
We’re all students in our school!
We aren’t teachers! We aren’t family!
We’re all students in our school!

Boys and girls sing together.

Young and old sing together.
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Teachers and students sing together.

Let’s sing together in our school!

Track 2.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
school bag

Track 2.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: Look, Jimena! Pencils and pens. Are they on your list?
Girl: Yes, they are.
Woman: And a ruler?
Girl: It isn’t on my list. Look! A rubber.
Woman: Is it on your list?
Girl: No, it isn’t.
Woman: What else is on your list?
Girl: Paper. And a school bag.
Woman: OK. Here’s paper. Are books on your list?
Girl: No, Mum. The books are at school.

UNIT 3 Animals
Track 3.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: bird

Track 3.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: This is a cat in the garden. It's funny!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 3.3
N: Sounds of English. Read and listen. Say.
The cat plays with the paper!

Track 3.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Alex: This is a bird! It’s red.
Ana: Yes, and that’s a rabbit. It’s grey.
Alex: That’s a dog. It’s funny!

Track 3.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.

Track 3.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Lots of animals live in Africa. Lions, giraffes, zebras and monkeys all live there.
Elephants live in Africa, too. Look at these elephants.
They’re a family. That’s the mum. She’s tall. Those are the babies. They’re young. They’re a
brother and sister. These elephants stay together.

Track 3.7
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
These are monkeys – ooh, ooh!
Those are monkeys – ooh, ooh!
These are monkeys, those are monkeys, ooh, ooh, ooh!

These are lions – roar, roar!

Those are lions – roar, roar!
These are lions, those are lions, roar, roar, roar!

These are elephants— baraah!

Those are elephants— baraah!
These are elephants, those are elephants— baraaaah! Hurrrah!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 3.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: dolphin

Track 3.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: Hi Janet! Look at my photos! They’re of the sea near Australia.
Girl: Wow! Cool! What are these?
Woman: They’re turtles! They’re babies. Five babies!
Girl: And what’s that?
Woman: It’s a shark. It’s grey. This shark is old.
Girl: Great photo! And look! Is it a whale?
Woman: No, it isn’t. It’s a dolphin. It’s funny!
Girl: Yes, dolphins are cool! Are there penguins in Australia, too?
Woman: Yes, there are penguins … but not in these photos!

UNIT 4 My House

Track 4.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: bathroom
living room
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 4.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: Look at the living room. It’s nice!

Track 4.3
N: 4 Listen and circle.
1. 13
2. 12
3. 11
4. 8
5. 17

Track 4.4
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Woman: chair
There are four chairs in the kitchen.

Track 4.5
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Alex: In my house, there’s a living room. There are three bedrooms. There are two bathrooms.
There’s a kitchen, too.
Ana: Wow! Is it nice?
Alex: Yes, it is!

Track 4.6
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: bed

Track 4.7
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: This is Agata. She lives in Poland. That’s her mum. They’re in her bedroom.
There’s a bed in the bedroom. There’s a nice lamp, too.
Look around. Are there toys? Yes, there are!
Is there a computer? No, there isn’t. The computer is in the kitchen.
Are there books? Yes, there are! There‘s a map in her bedroom, too.
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Is there a TV? No, there isn’t. The TV is in the living room.

Track 4.8
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
There are toys for you.
There are toys for you.
Are there any toys for me?

There’s a book for you.

There’s a book for you.
Is there a book for me?

Yes, there are toys!

Yes, there’s a book!
Hooray! Hooray!
Let’s go home and play!

Track 4.9
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: ball
teddy bear

Track 4.10
N: 2 Listen and read.
Girl: It’s my birthday today. It’s my brother’s birthday, too. We’re twins! We’re six years old

There are friends at our house. We’re in the kitchen.

There are lots of toys! There’s a nice doll. There’s a cool game, too!

There’s a car for my brother. There’s a brown teddy bear for me!
There are two balls. The red one is for my brother. The blue one is for me.
What a great birthday!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

UNIT 5 My Body

Track 5.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: arm
one foot two feet

Track 5.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: Look at this boy! He’s got his hands and legs on the tree branch!

Track 5.3
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Woman: three
That green tree frog has got orange feet!

Track 5.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Ana: The elephant has got four feet.
Tomas: Yes! And we’ve got two feet.

Track 5.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: eyes nose ears
face mouth
long hair

Track 5.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: Look at the girl. She’s got paint on her face. It’s for a special day in Mexico, the Day of
the Dead.
This girl has got brown eyes. There’s black paint on her eyes. There’s black paint on her nose,
too. She’s got pink and black paint on her mouth. She hasn’t got paint on her ears.
She’s got long hair. It’s black. She’s got purple, orange and white ribbons in her hair.
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 5.7
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Man: I’ve got a trunk for a nose.
I’ve got big ears.
I haven’t got any hands.
Do you know what I am?
Do you know what I am?
I’m an elephant! That’s what I am.

I’ve got four legs.

I’ve got black and white stripes.
I haven’t got any arms.
Do you know what I am?
Do you know what I am?
I’m a zebra! That’s what I am.

I’ve got a great, big body.

I’ve got a big head, too.
I haven’t got legs and arms.
Do you know what I am?
Do you know what I am?
I’m a whale! That’s what I am.

Track 5.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: teeth
one tooth, twenty teeth

Track 5.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Girl: Mum, look. A lion!
Woman: Yes, it has got long hair and a long tail!
Girl: Look at the lion’s paws.
Woman: How many paws has it got, Lara?
Girl: One, two, three, four. . . It’s got four paws.
Woman: That’s right! Come on! Let’s look at the shark now.
Girl: Wow! How many teeth has a shark got, Mum?
Woman: It’s got about 50 teeth. Has the shark got a tail, Lara?
Girl: Yes, it has. It’s got fins, too.
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Woman: Very good.

Girl: Mum, let’s look at the birds now.
Woman: Look at the bird, Lara. How many wings has it got?
Girl: It’s got two wings, Mum. They’re red.

UNIT 6 My Clothes

Track 6.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: shoes

Track 6.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: These children are in their school uniforms. They’ve got blue skirts and black shoes.

Track 6.3
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Man: socks
I've got trousers on my legs, and socks and shoes on my feet!

Track 6.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Alex: This is my mum. Her skirt is blue.
Sophie: These are my cousins. Their T-shirts are yellow.

Track 6.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: boots
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 6.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: This is Osha. She's seven years old. She's from Canada.

Her clothes are warm. She's got a pink and brown coat. Her boots are brown. She has got a hat
on her head. Her coat keeps her warm.

The tall girl is Osha's sister. She’s got an orange and brown coat. She wears her coat with a
jumper and warm trousers. She hasn't got a dress. It's too cold for a dress! Osha's sister wears a
pink hat and boots.

Track 6.7
N: 7 Sing it! Listen.
Woman: Crazy hats, crazy hats!
We’ve got crazy hats!
Big hats.
Small hats.
We’ve got crazy hats!

Funny socks, funny socks!

We’ve got funny socks!
Long socks.
Short socks.
We’ve got funny socks!

Warm boots, warm boots!

We've got warm boots!
Black boots.
Brown boots.
We've got warm boots!

Track 6.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: big

Track 6.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Max: Nice white hat, Jae. Is it new?
Jae: Yes, it is. My blue hat is too small. I've also got a yellow hat. It's big!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Max: A big yellow hat? That's funny! You've also got nice shorts. They're blue and orange!
Jae: Yes! And your T-shirt is blue. It's cool!
Max: Yes, blue is my favourite colour. I've got a new bag. It's a pretty colour. It’s blue, like the
Jae: I haven't got many blue clothes. But, I've got an old blue coat. It's ugly!

UNIT 7 What can you do?

Track 7.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: cook
listen to music
speak English

Track 7.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: He’s in the kitchen. He can cook!

Track 7.3
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Woman: can music
dance nice
We can dance to this nice music!

Track 7.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Sophie: What can you do?
Tomas: I can read. The fish can jump.
Sophie: Great! I can read, too. And I can write with a pen
Tomas: Me, too!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 7.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: buy

Track 7.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: Pockets Warhol can paint. But he can’t colour between the lines. He can’t draw. He
can’t sing, dance or speak!
That’s because Pockets is a monkey. He lives in Canada. Pockets can paint with his hands and
feet. People can buy his paintings. They’re around $300 Canadian. They’re cool!

Track 7.7
N: 6 Sing It! Listen and sing.
Children Sing everybody! We can sing.
Sing everybody! We can sing.
We can’t be quiet! We open our mouths!
Sing everybody! We can sing.

Dance everybody! We can dance.

Dance everybody! We can dance.
We can’t sit down! We move our feet!
Dance everybody! We can dance.

Open your mouth! Move your feet!

Come on, everybody, sing and dance!

Track 7.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: play the …
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 7.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Girl: My name is Jenna. I’m eight years old, and I’m in a band. I can sing and play the guitar. My
sister Jacinta can play the trumpet. Our friend Bea can play the drums. You can listen to our
music on your computer. It’s cool!
We can play great music! We want new friends in our band. Can you play the piano? Can you
play the recorder? We can’t, so come and join us!

UNIT 8 Let’s Play!

Track 8.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: baseball

Track 8.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: They’re playing football! Can you play football?

Track 8.3
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Man: football book
classroom cool
I can’t play football. I’m in the classroom with my books! That’s not cool!

Track 8.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Ana: I’m playing football! Can you play?
Alex: Yes, I can. But I can’t play now. I’m writing to my grandma.

Track 8.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: catch
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite


Track 8.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: Bossaball is a cool, new sport. Bossaball players can jump and hit the ball with their
hands. They can also kick the ball with their feet.
Look at the photo. He’s jumping and kicking the ball. The players aren’t throwing the ball. They
aren’t running and catching it.
There’s also music at bossaball games. Players can listen to music and play at the same time.
Sometimes, people are playing the drums and dancing during the game. It’s great!

Track 8.7
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Children: Tennis is cool! Tennis is great!
Look at us now, we’re playing tennis!
We’re hitting and running.
We aren’t kicking or throwing.
Come on, play tennis with us!

Hockey is cool! Hockey is great!

Look at us now, we’re playing hockey!
We’re hitting and running.
We aren’t catching or jumping.
Come on, play hockey with us!

Basketball is cool! Basketball is great!

Look at us now, we’re playing basketball!
We’re jumping and throwing.
We aren’t hitting or kicking.
Come on, play basketball with us!

Track 8.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: match
win lose

Track 8.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Amelia: Hi Eva. Are you watching the football match?
Eva: Yes, I am.
Amelia: Are the Dolphins your favourite team?
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Eva: Yes, they are.

Amelia: Me, too. Are they winning?
Eva: No, they aren’t. They’re losing—seven to three.
Amelia: Oh, no! Is their best player playing?
Eva: No, he isn’t. The team isn’t playing well.
Amelia: You can’t watch your favourite team losing! Come on, let’s play football!

UNIT 9 My Town

Track 9.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: go to the . . .

Track 9.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: Look at the old library! What are the people doing? They’re reading.

Track 9.3
N: 6 Write. Then listen and circle.
Man: 1 What are you doing? I’m reading.
2 What is he doing? He’s playing hockey.
3 Where are they going? They’re going to the library.
4 Where are we going? We’re going to the cinema.

Track 9.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Sophie: Where are you going?
Tomas: I’m going to the zoo.

Track 9.5
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Woman: there this
theatre three
There are three theatres in this town.
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 9.6
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: market
toy shop

Track 9.7
N: 2 Listen and read.
Girl: My name is Tania. I’m from Thessaloniki, Greece. My town is great. There are nice parks
and markets. There is a cool toy shop. It has got lots of great teddy bears and games. There’s
also a big pool!
My favourite part of my town is the playground. My friends and I can run, jump and play at the
playground. It’s big. There are lots of different colours. Look! I can see red, green, orange, pink,
grey, blue and yellow! There are always lots of boys and girls at the playground! Let’s go!

Track 9.8
N: 7 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Man: Let’s have fun at the zoo!
Let’s have fun at the zoo!
Let’s have fun, me and you!
Look at the shark! Watch it swim!
Just don’t go too close!

Let’s have fun at the zoo!

Let’s have fun, me and you!
Look at the zebra! Watch it run!
Just don’t go too close!

Let’s have fun at the zoo!

Let’s have fun, me and you
Look at the lion! Listen to it roar!
Just don’t go too close!

Track 9.9
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: drink
have fun
look at
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

take photos

Track 9.10
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: Let’s go to London, England! There are lots of great things to see! Look at that big clock!
It’s Big Ben!
Let’s go to the theatre! We can listen to music and watch dancers at the theatre.
Let’s go to the museum! We can look at pretty paintings there!
Let’s go to the park! There’s a playground! We play and have fun at the park!
Let’s go to the zoo. We can take photos of the monkeys! Monkeys are my favourite animals!
Now I’m hungry! Let’s eat and drink at the café!

UNIT 10 Let’s Eat!

Track 10.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: apple

Track 10.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: These people are throwing tomatoes!
Don’t throw tomatoes—eat them!

Track 10.3
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Alex: Where are you going?
Ana: I’m going to the market.
Alex: What are you buying?
Ana: I’m buying mangoes and strawberries.

Track 10.4
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Man: mango
Mangoes are orange! They’re good! Oranges are good, too!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 10.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: bread

Track 10.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: Let’s eat and drink around the world!
Boy: Look! We’re in France. In France, people make cheese. There are many different kinds of
cheeses in France. They make cheese with milk. People in France eat cheese with bread.
Now we’re in Singapore! Many people eat meat and chicken with rice in Singapore. There’s a
popular dish called Hainanese chicken rice! It’s from China. It’s delicious!
Let’s go to Trinidad and Tobago. It’s in the Caribbean. There’s great juice in the Caribbean.
There are many fruits, like mangoes! Wow! Look at the bird! It’s drinking some juice! That’s

Track 10.7
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Woman/Children: Let’s go to the market!
Let’s buy some food!
Have we got any oranges?
No, we haven’t got any.
Let’s buy some oranges!
Yum, yum, yum! Let’s buy some!

Let’s go to the market!

Let’s buy some food!
Have we got any tomatoes?
No, we haven’t got any.
Let’s buy some tomatoes!
Yum, yum, yum! Let’s buy some!

Let’s go to the market!

Let’s buy some food!
Have we got any cheese?
No, we haven’t got any.
Let’s buy some cheese!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Yum, yum, yum! Let’s buy some!

Track 10.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: biscuit
ice cream

Track 10.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Grandpa: Come on, Leo. Let’s go to the sweet shop! Let’s have some ice cream!
Leo: No, thank you. No ice cream. Let’s get sweets instead. Let’s see. . . Is there any chocolate?
Grandpa: Yes, there is.
Leo: Where is it? I can’t see it.
Grandpa: It’s next to the strawberry sweets.
Leo: Are there any apple or orange sweets?
Grandpa: No, but there’s lemonade.
Leo: No, thank you, Grandpa. Let’s just have some biscuits.
Grandpa: OK. They’re next to the ice cream.
Leo: Mmm … Ice cream. Yum! OK, let’s have biscuits and ice cream!
Grandpa: Leo!!

UNIT 11 Our Wonderful World

Track 11.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: climb

Track 11.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: Look! He’s climbing the rock! It’s so big!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 11.3
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Man: water warm whale
Some whales like warm water.

Track 11.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Alex: I climb rocks. I play the guitar. I like hockey.
Sophie: I play the piano. I swim in my pool. I like baseball.
Alex: I like baseball, too. My favourite team is the Bears.
Sophie: Cool! They’re great!

Track 11.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: cold hot

Track 11.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: This woman is in the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is in Asia. In the summer, it can be
45°C in the desert. That’s hot! In the winter, it can be −40°C. That’s cold! Today, it’s sunny and
dry in the desert. It’s not rainy.
There aren’t any rivers or trees in the photo, but there are two animals. They’re camels! Camels
like the desert. Some birds, insects, dogs and rabbits live in the desert, too. These animals like
dry places. They don’t like wet places.

Track 11.7
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Woman: It’s sunny today! It’s sunny today!
On sunny days, we play in the park.
We run, we climb! We have fun outside!
Let’s go to the park!

It’s rainy today! It’s rainy today!

On rainy days, we play in our house.
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

We read, we paint! We have fun inside!

Let’s stay at home and play!

Track 11.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: seasons

Track 11.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Girl: In spring, I like looking at the pretty flowers. My friends and I go to the park. We climb
trees and play.
In summer, I don’t play inside. My family goes to the sea. Do we see animals in the sea? Yes, we
do! We see dolphins jumping!
In autumn, it’s not hot. We’ve got coats and hats on at the park. We go to school. We do our
homework. Sometimes, we go to the museum.
In winter, it’s cold outside. We stay at home in winter. My brother and I play with our toys. My
mum makes biscuits and hot chocolate.
What is your favourite season?

UNIT 12 My Day

Track 12.1
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Woman: Monday

Track 12.2
N: 2 Listen and read.
Man: I paint in my art lessons. They’re on Mondays!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 12.3
N: Sounds of English
Read and listen. Say.
Woman: sunny
Is it sunny?
Yes, it is!

Track 12.4
N: 7 Say it! Listen and read. Say.
Alex: What do you do at the weekend?
Sophie: I draw and I paint. I listen to music, too. And you?
Alex: I play football . . . and I watch football on TV . . .and I read about football!

Track 12.5
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: get up
get dressed
have Breakfast
have Lunch
have Dinner
go to bed

Track 12.6
N: 2 Listen and read.
Woman: This is Huang. He’s seven years old. He lives in China. Every day, Huang gets up and
gets dressed. His mum makes breakfast. He has breakfast with his family. Then, he goes to
school in his mum’s car.
Huang goes to his lessons. Then, he has lunch with his friends. They have fun at lunch! They eat
and talk. Today, they’re eating vegetables.
After school, Huang goes home. His mum and dad cook together in the kitchen. Huang does his
homework at his desk. They have dinner together. After dinner, they watch TV in the living
room. Finally, Huang goes to bed.
What about you? When do you get up? Who eats with you? Where do you do your homework?

Track 12.7
N: 6 Sing it! Listen and sing.
Woman: Get up! Get up!
Sleepy head!
Get up! Get up!
What do you do?
You jump out of bed!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Eat your breakfast.

Eat it all!
Eat your breakfast.
Where do you go?
You go to school!

Run home! Run home!

Let’s play a game.
Run home! Run home!
Who do you play with?
You play with friends!

Go to bed.
Go to bed.
Sleepy head.
What do you do?
You jump into bed!
Good night!

Track 12.8
N: 1 Listen and point. Repeat.
Man: in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at midday
at midnight
at night

Track 12.9
N: 2 Listen and read.
Mum: Get up, Kyra! Let’s have fun today! It’s 7.00. It’s sunny!
Kyra: What are we doing today?
Mum: In the morning, we’re having breakfast at Luna Café—your favourite! At midday, we’re
going to the museum to see the new paintings. Then, in the afternoon, we’re going to the park.
You can play at the playground. In the evening, we can have dinner. Then we can go to the
cinema. We can come home at night.
Kyra: But, I’m so sleepy! When’s bedtime?
Mum: At midnight!
Level 1 Audio script for Microsite

Track 12.10
N: 5 Write. Listen and match.
Man: 1 What time is it? It’s three o’clock.
2 When do you do your homework? At four o’clock.
3 What time is it? It’s one o’clock.
4 When do you watch TV? At seven o’clock.
5 When do you go to bed? At nine o’clock.

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