Useful Expression Mun

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MUN – ENGLISH Useful Phrases

To have the floor

To have been given the right to speak in debate before the house.
To yield the floor
To give up the right to speak either temporarily when yielding to a point of information or
permanently at the conclusion of one's speech.

Useful Phrases to be used :

When starting to speak

Mr./Madam Chairman...

When asking for permission to speak

(The delegate of___) requests the floor

When beginning a speech

Albania wishes to speak in favor of/against this motion/resolution/amendment because...

When wishing to ask a question

The delegate rises to a point of information/point of order

When asking a question

Is the Chair/the speaker (not) aware that..
Does the speaker (not) agree that..
The speaker stated in his speech...Does the delegate of China (not) realize that...

When pausing to answer questions

This delegate is open to points of information

When moving an amendment

Zambia moves to amend the resolution by striking/inserting/adding the words...

When concluding a speech

Ecuador urges the assembly to vote for/against this motion...

At the end of a speech

I yield the floor to the Chair/to the delegate of..., (or if requested by the Chair) Floor yielded
Useful Phrases to be used by the Chair (president)
When asking the house to be quiet
The house will come to order.
Will the house please come to order!
When starting the debate
The Chair calls upon the main submitter to read the operative clauses to the house.
The house has heard the motion.Is there a second?
The Chair sets a debate time of 20 minutes open debate/
10 minutes for and 10 minutes against the motion.
The delegate of France/the main submitter has the floor.
All points are out of order until the delegate has finished speaking.
When recognizing someone to speak
The Chair recognizes the delegate of Russia. To what point do you rise?
Please rise and state your point (of information/order).
When the question is not clearly stated
Please state your point in the form of a question.
The speaker appears not to have heard/ understood your question. Will you please
repeat/rephrase your question.
When asking for further points
Are there any further points on the floor?
Are there any further points of information to this speaker?
When dealing with a point of order
There’s a point of order on the floor. Please rise and state your point.
Your point is (not) well taken.
When asking a speaker to conclude his speech
Will the speaker please make his concluding remarks.
When concluding debate time
Debate time for/against the motion/the amendment has been exhausted/has expired.
Debate time has expired. Will the speaker please yield the floor.
When extending debate time
The Chair proposes an extension of debate time by 5 minutes for and 5 minutes against the
When concluding debate and moving to the vote
The debate is now closed. We will move into voting procedures. All points are out of order.
If there is a point of order during voting
Does your point of order pertain to the conduct of the voting?
When conducting the vote
The motion will now be put to the vote.
Will all those in favor of the motion/the amendment/the resolution please raise their placard.
Will all those opposed to/against the resolution please raise their placard.
Are there any abstentions?/ Will all those abstaining please raise their placard.
When announcing the result The motion /amendment has been carried/has failed
Organizing your ideas :

To add more ideas: To prove something

– again – evidently,
– furthermore – for this reason,
– in addition – because,
– moreover – inevitably

To compare or contrast ideas: To show exceptions :

– alternatively – however
– contrastingly – nevertheless
– conversely – yet
– whereas – in spite of
To repeat or refer back to something : To show that you will include something later :
– as has been mentioned – his will be discussed in detail later
– it has been noted...
– As previously discussed
To emphasise something : To give an example :
– definitely – for instance
– obviously – in this case
– inevitably – in particular
– undeniably – notably
To show the order of things Summing up
– previously – It is clear that
– following this – The evidence shows
– initially –
– subsequently
– finally
Conclusions :
– In conclusion
– To summarize
– It has been shown that
– Several conclusions emerge from this analysis
– The evidence presented has shown that
– It has been established that
Agreement / In favor of Qualified Disagreement
– There are many reasons for … – It is only partly true that...
– There is no doubt about it that … – I can agree with that only with reservations.
– I simply must agree with that. – That seems obvious, but …
– I am of the same opinion. – That is not necessarily so.
– I am of the same opinion as … – It is not as simple as it seems.
– I completely/absolutely agree – Under certain circumstances …
with …
Disagreement / Opposition
– There is more to it than that.
– The problem is that …
– I (very much) doubt whether …
– This is in complete contradiction to …
– What is even worse, …
– I am of a different opinion because …
– I cannot share this / that / the view.

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