American Viewpoint Memo of April Poll in IA 04 CD GOP Primary

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To: Interested Parties

From: Randall Gutermuth

Re: Recent IA CD-4 Survey Findings
Date: April 24, 2020

The following outlines key findings from a survey of likely GOP primary voters in IA CD-4, commissioned by
Feenstra for Congress. N=400 interviews were conducted via live operators April 22-23, 2020, with data
trended to a previous survey conducted January 27-29, 2020. Approximately 40% of interviews were
conducted with a cell phone sample of those who can’t be reached on a landline. The margin of error for the
full sample is +/- 4.9% at the 95% confidence level.

There has been a significant amount of movement in this race with Feenstra closing in on Congressman King.

• Randy Feenstra only trails Steve King 34%-41%, with 8% voting for another candidate and 15%
undecided. This is up sharply from January when Feenstra trailed 22%-53%.

• During this same period, Feenstra’s perceptual ratings improved from 33% favorable, 9% unfavorable
to 52:8.

• Among those with an opinion of both candidates (57% of the electorate), Feenstra leads 53%-29%.

• Once Feenstra is more fully defined, the undecided vote should shift to him as King’s favorable to
unfavorable ratio is 37:46 among undecided voters, while Feenstra’s is 32:5.

The Sioux City broadcast ads are clearly working for Feenstra.

• The campaign’s primary focus has been on broadcast television in Sioux City, and Feenstra leads 40%-
32% in this market.

• While broadcast is unlikely to be in play for the campaign in the Des Moines market other than some
limited efforts in conjunction of early voting, the mail and digital efforts there have already had an
impact, with Feenstra cutting his deficit from 51-points in January to 29-points today.

• 51% of GOP primary voters districtwide have seen, read or heard something recently regarding
Feenstra and the positive messaging is clearly working. Feenstra leads 51%-29% among those who
have seen, read or heard something regarding him, with a favorable to unfavorable ratio of 81:11.

• Feenstra’s S/R/H is significantly higher in the Sioux City market (61%) than in the Des Moines market
(35%). If this disparity is lessened, Feenstra will overtake King.

Given Congressman King’s lack of financial resources and Feenstra’s solid momentum, if the Feenstra
campaign has the resources to continue defining his record of conservative leadership and ultimately to
prosecute the case against King, there will be a new Member of Congress in Iowa’s 4th district.

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