Thanksgiving For MC 2018

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June 2, 2018
Before start (07.15):

1. Good morning, parents and our distinguished guests. In a few

moments, we will start the ceremony. Please take your seat.
Thank you.


2. Good morning parents. Welcome to Sekolah Dian Harapan

Lippo Village. Thank you for coming and celebrating this special
moment where we can celebrate our gratitude for what has
blessed our children in grade 6. I am ____________.

3. And I am ____________. The details of today’s event are shown

on the screen.
We would like to remind you few things before we start the
a. Please kindly switch your mobile phones to silent mode.
b. We have a team of professional photographer to take
pictures and video, so please enjoy all the program from
your seat.

Thank you for your cooperation, we really appreciate it.

PROSESI (07.30 – 07.45)

4. Dear parents,
This service is a thanksgiving remembrance of each help and
blessing came from God, which has anointed our students’ life
abundantly. Our theme this year is “LOVE IN ACTION”, taken
from 1 John 3:18

“ ear children, let us not love
with words or speech but with
actions and in truth.”
4. Dear parents, let’s welcome some of the teachers
(…………………………………………………..) and Grade 6 Students!!!!!

5. Parents and teachers, after this, we will welcome grade 6 students

with their special performances. For sure everything it is all about
I can’t wait any longer____________. What if we invite them
With pleasure……. 
Dear parents and teachers, let’s welcome:
 6 A students! singing ‘Called to Love’
 6 B students! singing ‘L-O-V-E’

 6 C students! singing ‘Beloved Child’

6. Wouuuuw….let us give them a big round of applause. It was

Wonderful…I am proud for their spirit, their effort and their
enthusiasm to prepare all of this ________________.
Yes, ________________ I think they have put their best effort for
this performance.

7. Well…dear parents, teachers, and students… We would like to

invite you to stand up and sing “INDONESIA RAYA” and followed

8. Please be seated. As we know, all children have a dream for their

future. What they can be…What they can do…Let each child turn
his and her eyes upon Jesus…In the journey to reach their dream,
they must focus on one goal…to fulfill God’s will and to glorify His
name. Last week, they have bring their LOVE into action by serving
others in SDH community…and now, we will watch the pre-
thanksgiving video.

9. It’s wonderful. We really hope and pray that they will be able to
reach their dream.


10. To open our celebration today, we will have the first speech
delivered by Mrs. Eva as a principal of SD Dian Harapan Lippo
Village, and then will be followed by opening prayer.

11. Let us dedicate all the service and celebration today in His
hand. We bring up the confession that He is the Holy one, the
one who deserves for all glory, because He is our hope, our
light and our strength.
The word of God today will be delivered by Ibu Charlotte. But
before, let us sing the beautiful song “WONDERFUL WORDS OF

12. Thank you Ibu Charlotte for delivering the message from Bible.
All of us have a dream. Yet, we must bring our dream to our
Lord, Jesus Christ, so we can fulfill His will and glorify His name
wherever we are.
Dear parents, teachers, and students, as a response to God’s
Word, we would like to invite you to stand up to lift up the

PIDATO DAN PERAYAAN (08.30 – 08.50)

13. Next, will be speech moments. We will watch a performance

from grade 6 Elective Dance then followed by a precious
heartily saying from students, teachers, and parents. Please
welcome Grade 6 Elective Dance!!!!

14. What a great dance. Let’s give them one more round of
applause, for the performance from elective dance students.
Now, we proudly invite THANIA from 6A as a student
representative to deliver her speech.

15. Every teacher has a deep passion for each student here; we
know it is same as parents to students, students to parents, and
also to teachers. Sometimes it is spoken out; sometimes it is
only mentioned in prayer and heart.
Dear parents, teachers, and students, please welcome…
Teachers Choir then followed by Ibu Yuanita, as the
representative of teachers!

16. Sekolah Dian Harapan roots their conviction that parents are
the first educator in a child’s life. We strongly respect parents
for that sacred role. Deep inside their life, there are continuous
hope and blessing pour out for their children. Stepping to the
next session, we will have parents performance and followed
by speech delivered by ………….. as the representative of
parents. Mr……………………………..……….. is a parent of Lionel
Please welcome, Mr……………………!!!

PEMBERIAN MEDALI (08.50 – 09.10)

17. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are coming to the most expected part
of our ceremony. The Student Award presentation!!

We would like to invite Mrs.Eva to present the medals.

To be reminded that we already prepare the professional

photographer, so you can enjoy the moment from your seat.
Thank you for your cooperation.


18. It took a lot of work,

Time, and persistence, too,
To achieve the important goal
That you set out to do.
With graduation now, come bigger challenges in life
May you face every challenge with your sincere efforts to reach
your dream.
Congratulations for all of you students.

19. Dear parents and students…now, let us welcome Jeymin,

Natasha and Jeslin to sing “In This Moment”.

20. Dear, parents and students…now we will present you the

teachers and staff who have walked along together with you
and your children during their journey in Sekolah Dian Harapan-
Lippo Village. (photo session)
Yes…you may have special memories with them…or remember
how the kids tell you about them. Dear wonderful parents, let
us give a round of applause for the relationship that we have
built together.
Thank you teachers and staff, you may take your assigned

21. Now, it is the time for our students to express their gratitude
to parents.
Let’s welcome Gershom, Nadya and Tara!!! They will sing

22. When I am down, when my soul is weary;

When troubles come, I am still and wait….
Until you come
and sit awhile with me.

23. Well…that is the last part of our celebration today. We would

like to invite Ibu Eva to lead us in a prayer. Then, we will
continue it with a flash mob, by singing together “THIS IS ME”
24. Please be seated.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, There are few things to be noted
after the ceremony.
1. We provide 2 sides for the refreshment. So, you can choose
either one.
2. Please, prepare the coupons for the refreshment. Also, for
those who have registered for photo studio.

25. Thank you students, parents, and teachers…for the wonderful

serving and efforts in this precious moment of elementary
grade. Have a happy refreshing and chatting time! God bless

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