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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Dr.Radha Damodaram
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science,CMS College of Science & Commerce,
Coimbatore, Tamili Nadu, India
Abstract - The Internet has a remarkable platform usability evaluation, a number of usability issues may
for common people communication. Persons with found. [13].
criminal mind have found a way of stealing personal
information without actually meeting them and with 2. STEPS IN PHISHING
the least risk of being caught. It is called Phishing.
Phishing poses a huge threat to the e-commerce A person who engaged in malware activities is called a
industry. Not only does it shatter the confidence of phisher. Phishing attacks today typically employ
customers towards e-commerce, but also causes generalized “lures”, intimidating users and creating fear –
electronic service providers tremendous economic a common example is “we need you to confirm your
loss. Hence it is essential to know about phishing. This account details or we must shut your account down”. An
paper gives awareness about phishing attacks and approach which is believed to become more and more
anti-phishing tools. common is context aware attack: this is a more complex
approach as it not only uses threat or enticement, but
Key Words: Phishing, phishing steps, phishing types, makes the victim think of the messages as expected, and
Anti-phishing tools. therefore legitimate.

1. INTRODUCTION The method used by phishers is usually to make

fraudulent websites, similar to the genuine website by
Phishing is an act of attempting a victim for fraudulently mimicking the HTML code containing the same images,
acquires sensitive information by impersonating a text and sections. Some phishing websites register a
trustworthy third party, which could be a person or a similar domain name to the legitimate website of a
reputed business in an electronic communication. The company or a bank. The most common method used by
objective of phishing attack is to trick recievers into phishers is by forms, for example, the Internet Banking
divulging sensitive information such as bank account login page or a form for password verification. Many
numbers, passwords and credit card details. For instance, phishing attempts use domain spoofing or homographic
a phisher may misrepresenting himself as a large banking attacks (Gabrilovich & Gontmakher) as a step towards
corporation or popular on-line auction site will have a persuading victims to give out personal information.
reasonable yield, despite knowing little to nothing about
the recipient [12]. A phisher could target many kinds of confidential
information, including user names and passwords, credit
Both academia and industrial practitioners have proposed card numbers, bank account numbers, and other personal
various anti-phishing measures in order to safeguard the information. In a study by Gartner (Gartner Inc, 2004),
interests of customers, and online security policies. Some about 19% of all those surveyed reported having clicked
commercial anti-spam and anti-phishing products prohibit on a link in a phishing email, and 3% admitted to giving up
email from "blacklisted" sites that they claim send spam financial or personal information [11].
and phishing email, while allowing email claiming to be
from "whitelisted" sites they claim are known not to send A common phishing attack is (for a phisher) to obtain a
it. This approach tends to unfairly discriminate against victim's authentication information corresponding to one
smaller and less-known sites, and would seem to be anti- website (that is corrupted by the attacker) and then use
competitive. . Due to the obvious usability problems of this at another site. This is a meaningful attack given that
security toolbars, it can affect the performance of these many computer users reuse passwords – whether in
toolbars ultimately. verbatim or with only slight modifications. The phishing
attack lifecycle can be decomposed in :
The usability evaluation is indispensable for the future.
Now a days five typical anti-phishing toolbars are in use as
 Planning,
built-in phishing prevention in the Internet Explorer 7.0,
 Setup,
Google toolbar, Netcraft Anti-phishing toolbar and
 Attack,
SpoofGuard. In addition, internet Explorer plug-in, Anti-
phishing IEPlug. Indeed, according to the heuristic  Collection,

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 700
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 Fraud and
 Post-Attack Actions. PHISHING

PLANNING SET UP ATTACK Deeptive Crimewaree Other /Types

Fake details Key loggers DNS phishing

Screen Loggers Man in Middle

Figure. 2.1 Steps in phishing

Host file Search Engine
modifiers based
The phisher plans the attack, creates the attack
code/message and sends to the target user. A malicious
message arrives at the target site. The ignorant target Session Hijackers Content injection
reads the message and takes some action which makes
him or her vulnerable to an information compromise. The
user is then prompted for confidential information
through a familiar and trustworthy looking web interface. Data Theft Social Engg
The user reveals his confidential information. The
confidential information is transmitted from a phishing
server to the phisher. The phisher engages in fraud using Figure. 3.1 Types of phishing
confidential information to impersonate the user[4].
1. Deeptive phishing involves the sending of email
There is no single way that can prevent all phishing. But message using make believe logos of reputable financial
different methods applied at different stages of phishing institutions and other organizations, which the users are
attack can abort a phishing attempt and properly applied prompted to click. Users may be foolded by the syntax of
technology can significantly reduce the risk of identity the domain name in these types of attacks.
theft. (Emigh, 2005).
Eg. uses a lowercase “i” which looks
similar to the letter I for the letter “I” and
3. TYPES OF PHISHING ATTACS substitutes the no 1 for the letter i.
Phishers send legitimate looking emails from government 2. Malware based phishing is a widely prevalent
agencies and other financial institutions with a motive to collection of phishing techniques which include key
obtain personal information or unknowingly install a loggers and screen loggers hosts file poisoning web
malware on their computer. The categories of phishing Trojan, system reconfiguration attacks and spear phishig,
shown in figure 3.1. session hijacking data theft malware based techniques
tend to install and run malcicious software on the users
There are different types of phishing attacks prevalent at machine [3].
present. Analyzing is categorized into 3 different kinds
3. Other Types:
1. Deceptive phishing
 DNS based phishing relies on hosts file
2. Crime ware based phishing modification. Using this type of phishing,
phishers change the hosts files or domain name
3. Other types as DNS based phishing (content
system in such a way that requests for URLs or
injection phishing)
name service returns a bogus address and
subsequent communications are unaware that
the website where they are entering confidential
information to the phisher.

 In man –in – middle phishing the phisher

positions himself between the user and a genuine

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 701
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

website and captures the information and sells or 3. The e-mail will contain a link or hyperlink to a website
uses it later. with a similar URL name as the “real” sender. Note that the
hyperlink does NOT point to the legitimate Citibank Web
 Fake Websites site URL[5].

APWG member PandaLabs tracks the number of

 Filter evasion
malware variants detected, which has been growing
each quarter. During the 4th quarter of 2014 this
figure broke a new record, with 23,500,000 mal Phishers have used images instead of text to make it
ware samples detected, an average of 255,000 new harder for anti-phishing filters to detect text commonly
threats each day [1]. Never in the history of computer used in phishing e-mails. More fraudsters are adopting
security ha s the amount of new malware created new approaches in an effort to make phishing sites
been so high. In fact, the vast majority are just variants undetectable by common security measures such as
of existing malware modified by their creators to firewalls and content filtering web proxies.
evade signature based detection systems, while the
functionality is the same [2]. Still, the escalating  Phone phishing
numbers illustrate the adaptability of the code and the
creativity of the malware authors. The following figure Not all phishing attacks require a fake website.
shows the increase of fake websites during the year. Messages that claimed to be from a bank told users to dial
a phone number regarding problems with their bank
accounts. Once the phone number (owned by the phisher,
Unique Phishing websites during and provided by a Voice over IP service) was dialed,
prompts told users to enter their account numbers and
2014 PIN. Vishing (voice phishing) sometimes uses fake caller-
20000 ID data to give the appearance that calls come from a
trusted organization.
No. of Websites

0 Security Loop Holes

3 main areas

1. Non uniformity of internet standard,

2. security loopholes in mail transferring
Figure. 3.2 Increase of fake websites during the year 2014 mechanism and
3. security loopholes in users system.
 Phishing email
General phishing solutions
It will typically direct the user to visit a website where
they are asked to update personal information, such -Primarily the solutions are
as a password, credit card, social security, or bank
account numbers, that the legitimate organization 1. technological remedies
already has 2. policy changes’
3. awareness and training programs
Phishing e-mails will contain some of these common -Technological
1. The "From Field" appears to be from the legitimate 1. stripping URL that contains IP address
company mentioned in the e-mail. It is important to note, 2. blocking Internal Address that Originates
however, that it is very simple to change the "from" outside the perimeter
information for any e-mail client. 3. monitoring bounced email messages

2. The e-mail will usually contain logos or images that Potential policy changes
have been taken from the Web site of the company
mentioned in the scam e-mail. 1. Registering any obvious and available
deeptive domain names

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 702
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2. Establishing standards of the styles and • Near-zero false positives – as the pattern of legitimate
distribution of mass email. mail sent from one to another will probably appear only
3. Using personalized messages once.

Awareness and training programs • Content-agnostic – effective against Phishing, fraud and
innocent-looking spam.
1. Making use of regular communications to
explain the phishing problem • Language independent.
3. Establishing a simple mechanism for • Detects spam of any file type.
reporting phising attacks
• Adaptive technology – As spam is economically
4. Posting alerts on security website
motivated, spammers constantly change tactics to achieve
mass distribution.
� Heuristic Fraud detection sets of rules - Mail-Secure
4.1 Mail-SeCure uses Heuristic rules in order to detect possible new
Phishing attempts. Mail-SeCure has over 2,500 sets of
Mail Secure’s Anti-Phishing module combines several
rules to detect characteristics of Phishing. The heuristic
layers and technologies to detect and block. Phishing
engine uses a score-based system to identify Phishing.
attempts. The main technologies used are:
�Zombie detection - Most Phishers use zombie computers
�Anti-Phishing Database - Mail-Secure maintains a data
to distribute their mail. Zombie
base which is updates on a daily basis. This database
features millions of known Phishing URLs and domain computers are computers that were involuntarily hacked
names. If one of the listed URLs appears in a mail, it is (whether by Trojan horses or by direct hacking) and used
blocked [5]. for mail distribution.
� SURBL - an RBL which is designed to block or tag Mail-SeCure has a unique Zombie Detection System – ZDS.
Phishing attempts based on URI's (usually their domain It identifies zombies and automatically blocks them at the
names) scattered in the body of the message. In this case, session level (similar to RBL). PineApp has a central ZDS,
the RBL is not intended to block the source of the spam
message. Instead, SURBL is used to block spam based on RBL-like server, which dynamically blocks identified IPs.
its message content. Since a zombie computer owner can change his IP, ZDS
automatically adds or removes IP addresses from
Even if a spammer uses new domains, they may point to blacklists.
the old, blocked IPs and will therefore be blocked, right
from the first spam message received. � IP Reputation - a powerful additional layer used to
block Zombies at the SMTP session level. The IP
� Commtouch RPD™ - Commtouch’s Recurrent Pattern Reputation mechanism is based on sniffers located at
Detection (RPD™) is based on the fundamental various points of the world, monitoring traffic of hundreds
characteristic of Phishing, spam and email-born Malware - of millions of email messages daily. IP Reputation
its mass distribution over the Internet. Sniffers located centerdynamically classifies IPs, according to a profile
worldwide, lookout for real traffic in over 60 million built from parameters such as: volume, percentage of
operational mailboxes. They then extract patterns to spam & viruses and elevations. When an SMTP session is
detect recurring patterns and examine the number of established, Mail-SeCure queries the IP Reputation system
sources to determine if they are Trojan-based outbreaks. (or uses local cache) and performs various actions
Commtouch RPD™ differentiates between bulk mail according to the IP classification, such as: permanently
(which can be a mailing list), and confirmed spam [6]. reject the mail, respond with a temporary error to be able
to re-evaluate the IP on the retry time, activate grey-
Commtouch RPD™ advantages:
listing, activate Rate limit, etc.
• Generates patterns from more than 300 million daily
� Rate limit - provides an advanced layer against mail
messages, from over 15 locations worldwide.
bombing, by limiting the amount of messages or SMTP
• Real-time – blocks spam from the first minute of the sessions allowed from a certain IP on a pre-defined time.
outbreak. Rate limit uses a complex algorithm using a sliding-
window method. Limitations can be defined for
timeframes of: minutes, hours and days.IP Reputation

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 703
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

saves bandwidth and lowers the load on your Mail-SeCure ESET SysRescue Live is a Linux-based bootable Live
system [7]. CD/USB image that can be used to boot and clean heavily-
infected computers independent of the installed operating
4.2 Security Tool Bar - Netcraft system. The program is offered free of charge, and can
download updates if a network connection is present.
An Internet services company based in Bath, England’s
product is Netcraft. It provides web server and web 4.4 Browser Integrated Tools
hosting market-share analysis, including web server and
operating system detection., The service is able to monitor A browser-integrated tool usually relies on a blacklist,
uptimes uptime performance monitoring is a commonly which contains the URLs of malicious sites, to determine
used factor in determining the reliability of a web hosting whether a URL corresponds to a phishing page or not. In
provider depending on the queried server's operating Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, for example, the address bar
system. Netcraft also provides security testing, and turns red when a malicious page is loaded. The
publishes news releases about the state of various effectiveness of a blacklist is strongly influenced by its
networks that make up the Internet. coverage, credibility, and update frequency. At present, the
most well-known blacklists are those maintained by
The company is also known for its free anti-phishing Google and Microsoft, which are used by the most popular
toolbar for the Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. browsers, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Starting with version 9.5, the built-in anti-phishing filter in respectively.
the Opera browser uses the same data as Netcraft's
toolbar, eliminating the need for a separately installed 4.5 Using Antiphish And Dom Antiphish Techniques
toolbar. A study commissioned by Microsoft concluded
that Netcraft's toolbar was among the most effective tools AntiPhish is a browser plug-in that keeps track of sensitive
to combat phishing on the Internet, although this has since information. Whenever a user attempts to enter sensitive
been superseded by Microsoft's own Internet Explorer 7 information on one site, and this information has
with Microsoft Phishing Filter, possibly as a result of previously been associated with a different, trusted site, a
licensing Netcraft's data [8]. warning is generated. This is effective when a user
inadvertently enters bank login information on a phishing
4.3 ESET SECURITY site. However, AntiPhish suffers from the problem that
legitimate reuse of credentials is also flagged as
ESET Smart Security incorporates anti-spam and a suspicious.
bidirectional firewall along with traditional anti-malware
features of ESET NOD32 Antivirus. The acronym NOD To address this usability problem, DOM AntiPhish was
stands for Nemocnica na Okraji Disku ("Hospital at the end proposed. For that approach, the authors compared the
of the disk"),[1] a pun related to the Czechoslovak medical Document Object Models (DOMs) of the pages under
drama series Nemocnice na kraji města (Hospital at the analysis to determine whether the two pages are similar.
End of the City).[2] The first version of NOD32 - called NOD- When information is reused on a page that is similar to the
ICE - was a DOS-based program. It was created in 1987 by original page (that is associated with the sensitive data), a
Miroslav Trnka and Peter Paško at the time when phishing attempt is suspected. When the information is
computer viruses started to become increasingly entered on a site that is completely different, the system
prevalent on PCs running DOS [9]. assumes legitimate data reuse. Although DOM AntiPhish is
able to identify phishing pages effectively, its major
ESET SysInspector is a diagnostic tool which allows in- limitation is that the DOM tree is not necessarily a reliable
depth analysis of various aspects of the operating system, feature to establish similarity between pages. In some
including running processes, registry content, startup cases, it is possible for the attacker to use different DOM
items and network connections. Anti-Stealth Technology is elements to create a similar look-and-feel and appearance
used to discover hidden objects (rootkits) in the Master of a page. Furthermore, a phishing site that only consists
Boot Record, boot sector, registry entries, drivers, services of images cannot be detected. A new technique to detect
and processes. SysInspector Logs are standard XML files phishes has been implemented in the project, which
and can be submitted to IT experts for further analysis. removes the above said disadvantages.
Two logs can be compared to find a set of items not
common to both logs. A log file can be saved as a service Conclusion
script for removing malicious objects from a computer
[10]. Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information
such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details
(and sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 704
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an 13. Congressional Budget Office Cost Summary, H.R. 1525
electronic communication. Now days it has become very Internet Spyware (I-SPY) Prevention Act of 2007,available
serious. There are many techniques to solve these at:
problems. But people may don’t aware of the seriousness df.
of phishing. Periodical updating of anti-phishing tools or
softwares in their own systems may helpful to secure their
confidential information and credentials. This study may
give the awareness about the phishing problems and


1. Anti-Phishing Working Group, Phishing Activity Trends

Report (May 2014). []
2. Anti-Phishing Working Group. Phishing Activity Trends
Report (November, 2014).
3. AVIRA antivirus report.
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4. Camp LJ, Goodman S, House CH, Jack WB, Ramer R and

Stella M. Chapter 6: Offshoring: Risks and Exposures
[ ... ] .

5. CERT-In Annual Report (2014). [cert- ... ]

6. Emigh, A (2014). Online identity theft: Phishing

technology, chokepoints and countermeasures. ITTC
Report on Online Identity Theft Technology and

7. Gabrilovich E and Gontmakher A. (2014). "The

Homograph Attack," Communications of the ACM,
8. Gartner Inc. (2014). Gartner study finds significant
increase in e-mail phishing attacks. [
about/press re ] .

9. ESET NOD32 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


10. ESET SysInspector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


11. Kirk J. (2011). Phishing Tool Constructs New Sites in

Two Seconds. [ . ]

12. Computer Economics (2007), Malware Report: The

Economic Impact of Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Botnets
and other malicious code, reference available at:

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 705

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