Wilson Vs Ermita

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G.R. No. 189220, December 07, 2016





Before the Court is a Petition for Mandamus1 filed by Albert Wilson (Wilson) to enforce the
United Nations Human Rights Committee (the Committee) Communication No. 868/19992
(View) against the Republic of the Philippines (RP). chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

Antecedent Facts

The present case has its roots in the incarceration and subsequent acquittal of Wilson for the
crime of rape which was the subject of the Court's ruling in GR. No. 135915 entitled People of
the Philippines v. Wilson.3

Proceedings in G.R. No. 135915

On September 16, 1996, Wilson, a British national, was ac cused and charged with the crime of
consummated rape4 by a 12-year-old girl, the daughter of his Filipina live-in partner. The girl
was assisted by her biological father in filing the criminal complaint. Immediately thereafter,
Wilson was taken into custody.

After trial, Wilson was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Rape by the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Branch 171, in its Decision dated
September 30, 1998 and was imposed the death penalty pursuant to Section 11 of Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 76595 and ordered to indemnify the victim the amount of P50,000.00.6 The case was
elevated to the Supreme Court for automatic review.

Pending appeal, or on June 15, 1999, Wilson filed with the Committee, pursuant to Article 5,
paragraph 4 of the Optional Protocol, a case7against the RP for violations of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) specifically: Article 2, paragraphs 2 and 3;8
Articles 6;9 7;10 9;11 10, paragraphs 1 and 2;12 and Article 14, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 and 6.13

In the Decision14 dated December 21, 1999, the Court reversed the ruling of the RTC. It found
that there were serious discrepancies and inconsistent statements particularly in the testimony
given by the victim. It concluded that there was not enough evidence to support the finding of
guilt beyond reasonable doubt for the crime of rape by Wilson. The Court, thus, acquitted Wilson

WHEREFORE, the decision of the trial court is reversed and set aside. The accused is hereby
acquitted of the charge of consummated rape. The Director of the Bureau of Corrections is
ordered to effect his immediate release from custody unless he is being held in custody for some
other legal cause.

SO ORDERED.15 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

The Present Case

Wilson was released from detention the day after the acquittal. He immediately left the
Philippines for the United Kingdom (UK). Upon his return in the UK, Wilson sought
compensation from the Board of Claims (BOC) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) pursuant to
R.A. No. 730916 through counsel as one who was unjustly accused, convicted and imprisoned but
released by virtue of an acquittal.

On January 1, 2001, the BoC-DOJ awarded to Wilson P14,000.00 as compensation. On February

21, 2001, Wilson was informed of the BoC-DOJ award and that he had to claim the
compensation in person in the Philippines. Wilson moved for reconsideration arguing that under
R.A. No. 7309, he was entitled to P40,000.00.17

On April 23, 2001, the BoC-DOJ informed Wilson that a memorandum was issued directing the
BOC to raise the award to the maximum amount that may be paid to those unjustly imprisoned
or detained subject to the availability of funds.18

Wilson applied for and was denied a tourist visa to travel to the Philippines due to his presence in
the Bureau of Immigration (BI) watch list.19 According to the BI, Wilson's presence in the watch
list could be attributed to his overstaying and his previous conviction of a crime involving moral

The BoC-DOJ, thereafter, issued Resolution No. 2001-25 dated August 24, 2001 granting
Wilson an additional award of P26,000.00 in addition to the initial amount of P14,000.00
bringing the total award to P40,000.00.21

In September 2001, the DOJ issued a check amounting to P26,000.00 representing the additional
award. The check was made out to Wilson, care of the Ambassador of UK at the request of the

On November 11, 2003, the Committee issued the View. It found that the allegations falling
under Article 14, paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 of the ICCPR were inadmissible.23 The Committee

9. In accordance with article 2, paragraph 3 (a), of the [ICCPR], the State party is under an
obligation to provide the author with an effective remedy. In respect of the violations of article
9 the State party should compensate the author. As to the violations of articles 7 and 10
suffered while in detention, including subsequent to sentence of death, the Committee observes
that the compensation provided by the State party under its domestic law was not directed
at these violations, and that compensation due to the author should take due account both
of the seriousness of the violations and the damage to the author caused. In this context, the
Committee recalls the duty upon the State party to undertake a comprehensive and
impartial investigation of the issues raised in the course of the author's detention, and to
draw the appropriate penal and disciplinary consequences for the individuals found
responsible. As to the imposition of immigration fees and visa exclusion, the Committee takes
the view that in order to remedy the violations of the Covenant the State party should refund to
the author the moneys claimed from him. All monetary compensation thus due to the author by
the State party should be made available for payment to the author at the venue of his choice, be
it within the State party's territory or abroad. The State party is also under an obligation to avoid
similar violations in the future.24 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

In a letter25 dated June 19, 2008, Wilson, through his counsel, asked the Executive Secretary


As with internationally wrongful acts, a breach of a State obligation gives rise first to a duty of
reparation. The Committee found that the breach of Covenant obligations required that the
Philippines provide compensation or redress. In accordance with the decision of the Committee,
we thus pray that this Honorable Office:

1. take steps to effect payment of compensation to Mr. Wilson, taking into

consideration the seriousness of the breach of his human rights; chanrobleslaw

2. direct the [BOC] to release the sums awarded to Mr. Wilson to his authorized
representatives, the undersigned counsel Roque and Butuyan Law Office.

3. direct the [BI] to refund the amount unjustly imposed upon Mr. Wilson for
overstaying his tourist visa, such be indirectly attributable to the wrongful
decision of the trial court.26

In his letter27 dated October 20, 2008, Wilson reiterated his June 19, 2008 letter and asked that
the payment of compensation be effected, a comprehensive and impartial investigation be
conducted, and the monies paid by Wilson with respect to immigration fees and visa exclusion
be refunded.28

On October 29, 2008, the letter was referred by the ES to the DOJ Secretary for appropriate

On September 9, 2009, Wilson filed the present petition for mandamus.30 He insists his
entitlement to the writ of mandamus owing to the ICCPR and the Optional Protocol. He argues
that by virtue of the doctrine of transformation, the RP is in breach of an international obligation
since any View issued by the Committee constitutes part of international law and that the RP is
obligated to enforce the same. He prays that:

1. Respondents take steps to ensure that Albert Wilson is paid and given reparation
in the amount sufficient to compensate him for the torture and abuse he suffered
under the penal system of the Philippines, in compliance with Philippine treaty
obligations in the ICCPR as embodied in the Communication of the Human
Rights Committee in Case no. 868/1999 in keeping with international law on

2. Respondents undertake continual efforts and steps to ensure that no torture and
inhuman and degrading treatment are suffered by prisoners in the National
Penitentiary and other places of detention and imprisonment in the Philippines, in
the manner laid down in the Manila Bay case.31

The RP, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), opines that the petition is without
merit. It argues that Wilson was not able to prove that there is any national law giving life to the
ICCPR and Optional Protocol in order for it to have force and effect in our jurisdiction as
required under Article 2(2) of the ICCPR.32 It further avers that the findings of the Committee are
merely recommendatory and does not give rise to an obligation to enforce and implement the
View. Thus, being recommendatory, the View cannot be used to compel the Philippine
Government to compensate Wilson.33 In any event, Wilson's documents show that BoC-DOJ had
already awarded in his favor P40,000.00 pursuant to R.A. No. 7309 and it was of Wilson's own
volition that the amount remains unclaimed.34 It disagrees that the case of Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority, et al. v. Concerned Residents of Manila Bay, et al.35 is applicable
because unlike the Manila Bay case, the petitioner, in this case, seeks to enforce international law
and not domestic law.36 chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary


Simply, the issue before this Court ts whether mandamus lies to compel the enforcement of the
View. chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

Ruling of the Court

The petition is without merit.

Under Section 3, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, mandamus is a writ issued to compel a tribunal
to perform an act which the law enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust or station, to wit:

Section 3. Petition for mandamus. - When any tribunal, corporation, board, officer or person
unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which the law specifically enjoins as a duty
resulting from an office, trust, or station, or unlawfully excludes another from the use and
enjoyment of a right or office to which such other is entitled, and there is no other plain,
speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, the person aggrieved thereby may
file a verified petition in the proper court, alleging the facts with certainty and praying that
judgment be rendered commanding the respondent, immediately or at some other time to be
specified by the court, to do the act required to be done to protect the rights of the petitioner, and
to pay the damages sustained by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful acts of the respondent.

The petition shall also contain a sworn certification of non-forum shopping as provided in the
third paragraph of Section 3, Rule 46. (Emphasis ours) ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

In Yuvienco v. Hon. Canonoy, etc., et al., and several times reiterated thereafter, the Court held
that a purely ministerial duty must exist and a clear legal right must be established by the
petitioner for mandamus to lie, to wit:

Two pertinent principles arc well settled in this jurisdiction: (a) one is that mandamus would lie
only to compel a tribunal, board or officer to comply with a purely ministerial duty, or to allow a
party to exercise a right or to occupy and enjoy the privileges of an office to which he is lawfully
entitled; (b) the others is that for the writ of mandamus to issue, petitioner must establish a clear
legal right to the relief sought, and a mandatory duty on the part of the respondent in relation
thereto.38 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

It behooves the Court to examine whether the View dated November 11, 2003 relied upon by
Wilson confers upon him any legal right which the respondents are ministerially required to
perform but have unlawfully neglected.

No Ministerial Duty

It is well-settled that a ministerial duty must be clear and specific as to leave no room for the
exercise of discretion in its performance.39 As stated in Lord Allan Jay Q. Velasco v. Hon.
Speaker Feliciano R. Belmonte, Jr., Secretary General Marilyn B. Barua-Yap and Regina
Ongsiako Reyes:40
A purely ministerial act or duty is one which an officer or tribunal performs in a given state of
facts, in a prescribed manner, in obedience to the mandate of a legal authority, without regard to
or the exercise of his own judgment upon the propriety or impropriety of the act done. If the law
imposes a duty upon a public officer and gives him the right to decide how or when the duty
shall be performed, such duty is discretionary and not ministerial. The duty is ministerial only
when the discharge of the same requires neither the exercise of official discretion or
judgment.41 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

R.A. No. 7309 was passed on March 30, 1992 creating a BoC-DOJ to evaluate and investigate
claims for compensation for persons who were: (1) unjustly accused, convicted and imprisoned
but released by virtue of an acquittal; (2) unjustly detained and released without being charged;
(3) a victim of arbitrary or illegal detention and released without being charged; and (4) victim of
a violent crime.42 Under R.A. No. 7309, compensation for victims of unjust imprisonment or
detention will be based on the number of months of imprisonment. Compensation for each
month of imprisonment shall not exceed P1,000.00.43

It is clear, however, that Wilson has been granted compensation under R.A. No. 7309. In fact,
the BoC-DOJ granted to Wilson the maximum allowed compensation under that law. It was
Wilson's decision not to collect the money granted to him.

Other than the R.A. No. 7309, under which Wilson had already been granted compensation,
there is no other law or regulation that forms the basis of such ministerial right that the
government is impelled to grant. Wilson does not present any law by which his ministerial right
arises from with respect to additional compensation. It is not within this Court's discretion to
adjust any monetary grant arbitrarily.

There is No Clear and Complete Legal Right

On December 19, 1966, the RP became party to the ICCPR and the Optional Protocol.44 The
ICCPR recognized the "inherent dignity of the human person" and its concomitant rights. At the
same time, the Philippines made a declaration that:

The Philippine Government, in accordance with article 41 of the said Covenant, recognizes the
competence of the Human Rights Committee set up in the aforesaid Covenant, to receive and
consider communications to the effect that a State Party claims that another State Party is not
fulfilling its obligations under the Covenant.45

Pursuant to Article 41 of the ICCPR, the Committee was organized. Signatories recognized the
competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications to the effect that a State
Party claims that another State Party is not fulfilling its obligations under the ICCPR.46 In
addition, under Article 1 of the Optional Protocol, the State parties agreed to recognize the
competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals who
claim to be victims of a violation by that State Party of any rights set forth in the ICCPR. The
Philippine Congress ratified the ICCPR on October 23, 1986 and the Optional Protocol on
August 22, 1989.

As the OSG points out, the Court in the case of Pharmaceutical and Health Care Association of
the Philippines v. Health Sec. Duque III47 stated that a treaty is transformed into domestic law
through a constitutional mechanism. The Court explained:

Under the 1987 Constitution, international law can become part of the sphere of domestic law
either by transformation or incorporation. The transformation method requires that an
international law be transformed into a domestic law through a constitutional mechanism
such as local legislation. The incorporation method applies when, by mere constitutional
declaration, international law is deemed to have the force of domestic law.

Treaties become part of the law of the land through transformation pursuant to Article VII,
Section 21 of the Constitution which provides that "[n]o treaty or international agreement shall
be valid and effective unless concurred in by at least two-thirds of. all the members of the
Senate." Thus, treaties or conventional international law must go through a process prescribed by
the Constitution for it to be transformed into municipal law that can be applied to domestic
conflicts.48 (Citations omitted and emphasis ours) ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

In sum, there must be an act more than ratification to make a treaty applicable in our jurisdiction.
To be sure, what was ratified were the ICCPR and the Optional Protocol, nowhere in the
instrument does it say that the View of the Committee forms part of the treaty. Even the
Committee in its General Comment No. 33 stated that:

11. While the function of the Human Rights Committee in considering individual
communications is not, as such, that of a judicial body, the views issued by the Committee under
the Optional Protocol exhibit some important characteristics of a judicial decision. xxx.49 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

Any View issued by the Committee only displays "important characteristics of a judicial
decision" and are not per se decisions which may be enforced outright. These Views, therefore,
are mere recommendations to guide the State it is issued against.

Once again, the Court would like to stress that it is beyond its purview to act on such
recommendations as these are matters which are best taken up by the Legislative and the
Executive branches of government as can be seen by the formation of the Presidential Human
Rights Committee.50 To recall, the Court derives its powers under its basic mandate under
Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution:
Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such l9wer courts as
may be established by law.

Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving
rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any
branch or instrumentality of the Government. ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

The Court finds that there is no ministerial duty and clear legal right which would justify the
issuance of a writ of mandamus.

WHEREFORE, the petition is denied for lack of merit.

SO ORDERED. cralawl awlibrary

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