Scores Relatively Low On Individualism, High On Uncertainty Avoidance, and Low On Masculinity. For

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Keeping in mind the aforementioned context, please answer the questions below.

For each of the four

questions, describe which decisions you would make. You are free to make assumptions yourself to
make your case: you can zoom in on a particular segment of consumers (e.g., “I will focus on the
segment of students”), you can describe a visual ad, a radio ad, or anything you think is necessary to
make your case. You can zoom in on the logo, on the product itself, on the packaging, or on all of them
together. The important thing is that you show an understanding of theory, and that you can apply it in
a credible way.

First, the plan is to launch the ad in a country with the following three cultural values: the country
scores relatively low on individualism, high on uncertainty avoidance, and low on masculinity. For
each of these three values, describe which information or elements (visual, verbal) you would
integrate in the ad so that the ad fits the cultural values. Clearly explain why the elements you propose
are in line with the specified cultural values. (7,5 grades, 2,5 grades per element).

The country I have decided to choose is Uruguay because it follows these three values: low individualism
(36/100), high certain avoidance (99/100) and low on masculinity (38/100).

I would choose some verbal and visual elements that fits in the ad related to these three values. Having
a low individualism society means that there is a collectivism society so I suggest a visual image of a
group of runners drinking the sport drink. Related to the uncertainty avoidance, I propose to use people
from Uruguay because if they have high uncertainty avoidance that means they are conservative and
resistant to the introduction of new ideas and concepts, therefore the ad has to be in their language and
not very innovative, also the song of the ad could be a famous popular song. Finally if an Uruguayan
football player is in the ad, people will be more comfortable with the new product because they will
trust in this famous player.

Finally, related to low on masculinity means that there is a feminism society and the values of caring,
people value equality, solidarity and quality in their working lives… To fit this value in the ad, I suggest a
visual image of a mixed group of runners, men and women group.

 Second, in addition to trying to meet up to cultural values, you want to make sure that the
campaign also leads to a pleasant experience in consumers. Discuss one (either visual or verbal)
tactic you would integrate in the ad, so that it triggers perceptual fluency, and one (either visual or
verbal) tactic that would lead to conceptual fluency in consumers. Do not merely mention the two
tactics you would integrate, but clearly explain why these tactics are a source of fluency. (6 grades,
3 grades per tactic).

Regarding point two, I have thought about the visual tactic that would lead to conceptual fluency in
consumers. We are aware that throughout our lives there have been advertising campaigns that have
impacted us and that we continue to remember today, in my case it could be the ad of Mc Donalds
where the song "I loving it "grows with me, every time I listen to the mythical musical notes, it reminds
me of my favorite hamburger from the multinational and also reminds me of how happy I have been
celebrating birthdays or celebrations in the restaurant chain, for my advertisement I thought it would be
a good idea , using music that transports the consumer to the advertisement, I have thought the rocky
song, eyes of the tiger. In the announcement, reference will be made to this letter, implying that you will
resist like a tiger, in addition there will be a plane where the two runners are focused, where one has
drunk water and the second our drink, our runner will have the look of a tiger, and the consumer will
link the song to our ad. The song will make my brand comes easy to their minds.

Related to a visual tactic that it triggers perceptual fluency I have thought in Coca-Cola bottle, when we
see the shape we know is from coca cola. In my case I will create a plastic bottle with a special shape, it
will have a handle. When people see this bottle, although is impossible to see the name, they will know
is from my brand. The shape will be easy to perceive my brand.

 Third, one of the shortcuts (or: “heuristics”) consumers often use to make decisions is the halo
effect. Given that the halo effect can exert a powerful influence on consumers’ decision making,
you decide that it should be a necessary ingredient of your ad. Describe and justify. (3 grades).

The halo effect is phenomenon that causes people to be biased in their judgments by transferring their

feelings about one attribute of something to other, unrelated, attributes. For example, a tall or good-
looking person will be perceived as being intelligent and trustworthy, even though there is no logical
reason to believe that height or looks correlate with smarts and honesty.

In my ad I suggest to use a famous football player that everyone likes as the main character of the ad
because he will make people trust in the sport drink. If he is drinking it is because it´s a good brand, if
not he will not advertise it. The football player is drinking and eating an apple. When people see the
football player eating an apple they will think that the drink is very healthy. The criteria to choose the
football player is following values like honestity, healthiness and kindness.

 Fourth, you want to back up your ad campaign with some scientific evidence, and demonstrate
that the sports drink indeed increases endurance with 4%, compared to plain water. Describe how
you would generally test the performance-enhancing potential of the sports drink compared to
water. Mention the independent variable, dependent variable and the main hypothesis. (4 grades).

I think that the most convenient thing would be to do a social experiment. We would choose 4 random
runners in the park and we will ask two of them to drink our product and the other 2 runners to drink
water. We will make them do a series of exercises to see their capabilities. The hypothesis will be
"drinking our drink will increase 4% your endurance”, the dependent variable will be the condition we
measure, in this case will be the endurance and the independent variable will be the thing you change in
the experiment, in this case will be the sport drink.

There are 4,5 grades left to earn. You will earn these points when your proposals are (a) sufficiently
concrete, (b) sufficiently elaborated, (c) sufficiently theoretically justified, and (d) fitting sufficiently

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