How To Find All Roots of Complex Polynomials by Newton's Method PDF

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Invent. math.

146, 1–33 (2001)

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s002220100149

How to find all roots of complex polynomials

by Newton’s method
John Hubbard1,2 , Dierk Schleicher3 , Scott Sutherland4
1 Department of Mathematics, Malott Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4201,
USA (e-mail: [email protected])
2 Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique, Université de Provence, 39 rue F. Joliot-Curie,
F-13453 Marseille cedex 13, France
3 Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Theresienstraße 39, D-80333
München, Germany (e-mail: [email protected])
4 Institute for Mathematical Sciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY
11794-3660, USA (e-mail: [email protected])

Oblatum 24-II-2000 & 14-II-2001

Published online: 20 July 2001 –  Springer-Verlag 2001

Abstract. We investigate Newton’s method to find roots of polynomials of

fixed degree d, appropriately normalized: we construct a finite set of points
such that, for every root of every such polynomial, at least one of these
points will converge to this root under Newton’s map. The cardinality of
such a set can be as small as 1.11 d log2 d; if all the roots of the polynomial
are real, it can be 1.30 d.

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 The global geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 The immediate basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Geometry of the channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Hitting the channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6 Estimating the constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7 If all the roots are real . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
8 Points on a single circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9 A recipe for dessert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

1 Introduction

This paper concerns the global dynamics of Newton’s method for find-
ing roots of a polynomial p(z) in one variable. We show how to find all
roots of such a polynomial without recourse to deflation (which has serious
2 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

computational difficulties for polynomials of high degree, and which is not

available in some problems of interest).
Finding roots of polynomials is a venerable problem of mathematics,
and even the dynamics of Newton’s method as applied to polynomials has
a long history. Our approach gives a picture of the global geometry of the
basins of the roots in terms of accesses to infinity; understanding the sizes
of these accesses is the key to the proof.
We were not just motivated by the intrinsic interest of the subject. We
developed the techniques described in this paper in part because we actually
needed to find all the roots of polynomials of rather high degree (a few
hundred or a few thousand), in order to compute an approximation to the
invariant measure for Hénon mappings. We describe this particular problem
in more detail at the end of this introduction; similar problems often appear
in holomorphic dynamics.
The dynamics of Newton’s method always presents difficult problems,
even as applied to polynomials in one variable. For instance, already for
cubic polynomials there may be open sets of initial points which do not
lead to any root but instead to an attracting cycle of period greater than
one, and the boundaries of the basins will usually be complicated frac-
tals whose topology is poorly understood. An example is shown in Fig. 1.
C. McMullen [McM1,McM2] has shown that there are no generally con-
vergent purely iterative algorithms for solving polynomials of degrees 4
or greater. Thus, any algorithm analogous to Newton’s method must have
polynomials with a positive measure set of initial points that do not lead to
Our main result is the following. Let Pd be the space of polynomials of
degree d, normalized so that all their roots are in the open unit disk D. For
such a polynomial p, we will be interested in its Newton map N p : P1 → P1
defined by N p (z) = z − p(z)/ p (z). If the sequence

z 0 , z 1 = N p (z 0 ), z 2 = N p (z 1 ), . . .

converges to a root ξ of p, we will say that z 0 is in the basin of ξ.

Theorem 1 (Main Theorem)
For every d ≥ 2, there is a set S d consisting of at most 1.11 d log2 d points in
C with the property that for every polynomial p ∈ Pd and each of its roots,
there is a point s ∈ S d in the basin of the chosen root. For polynomials all
of whose roots are real, there is an analogous set S with at most 1.3 d points.
The theorem is constructive: in Sect. 9, we explicitly construct such
a set S d in the general case (see Fig. 2): it will consist of approximately
0.2663 log d circles, each containing 4.1627 d log d points at equal dis-
tances. If you are more interested in a set of starting points for practical use
than in the theory, you may skip ahead directly to Sect. 9.
The restriction to polynomials with all the roots in the unit disk is not
severe. For any polynomial, it is easy to estimate the maximal absolute value
Newton’s method for polynomials 3

of any of its roots in terms of the coefficients: for |z| too large, the highest
order term will dominate the rest of the polynomial and there can be no

Fig. 1 The Newton map for the poly-
nomial p : z → z 3 − 2z + 2 has a super-
4 attracting cycle of period 2. Left: the
graph of p over the interval [−2, 2], with
3 the superattracting 2-cycle 0 → 1 → 0
of the Newton map indicated. Bottom:
the same Newton map over the complex
2 numbers. Colors indicate to which of the
three roots a given starting point con-
1 verges; black indicates starting points
which converge to no root, but to the
superattracting 2-cycle instead

−1 0 1 2
4 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

Fig. 2 A set of starting points as specified by our theorem for degree 50, indicated by small
crosses distributed on two large circles. Also shown is the Julia set for the Newton map of
the degree 50 polynomial z 50 + 8z 5 − 80 3 z + 20z − 2z + 1 (black). There are 47 roots
4 3
near the unit circle, and 3 roots well inside, all marked by red disks. As in Fig. 1, there is an
attracting periodic orbit (basin in grey). A close-up is shown below

An appropriate affine coordinate change will bring all the roots into the
unit disk. Such coordinate changes do not alter the dynamics of Newton’s
method: the Newton map for p(az + b) is conjugate to that for p(z). More-
over, there is a precise classical criterion based on continued fractions to
determine whether or not all the roots of a given polynomial are in the unit
Newton’s method for polynomials 5

disk; it was brought to our attention by A. Leutbecher and can be found

in [JT, Chapter 7.4] or [MS, Sects. 2.3 and 2.4].
We believe that the cardinality of S d is not too far from optimal: we
anticipate that a universal set S d as specified in the theorem must have more
than O(d log d) elements, i.e., |S d |/d log d → ∞. When all roots are real,
the number of our points is only a constant times the number of roots.
Concerning the number of iterations, it is not difficult to give a compact-
ness argument which shows that there is a number N(d, ε) depending only
on the degree d and the desired accuracy ε such that for every root there is
at least one of the chosen starting points in the basin of this root and whose
distance to the root after N(d, ε) iterations is at most ε. An explicit bound
is in [Sch]; it cannot be found from the compactness argument above. It is
exponential in d and far from optimal.
The constructions in this paper also apply to the relaxed Newton method,
i.e. to z → z − h p(z)/ p (z) with a real constant h ∈ (0, 1).
Of course, while Newton’s method is one of the simplest and most
widely-used root-finding methods, there are many others appearing in the
literature, with their own advantages and disadvantages. In addition to the
methods covered in numerical analysis texts (for example, [He, Chap. 6]),
we refer the interested reader to Pan’s survey article [Pa].
This paper builds on results and ideas of many other people: F. Przyty-
cki [Pr] has investigated the immediate basins of attraction of roots under
Newton’s map; A. Manning [M] has shown how to find at least a single root
of a polynomial, and he has given an explicit bound how many iterations it
takes to find it with prescribed precision. Since we will need some of their
results together with their constructions, we include them here.
The organization of the paper and of the proof is as follows: in Sect. 2, we
give a number of introductory lemmas which help to set up the algorithm. In
Sect. 3, we turn to the immediate basins of the roots and show that they have
“channels” which extend all the way out to infinity; these results go back
to Przytycki and Manning. We investigate the geometry of the channels
in Sect. 4: these channels are not too narrow; following a suggestion of
Douady, we measure their widths in terms of the modulus of the quotient
of the annulus identified by the dynamics. Using a variant of the residue
theorem, we give a lower bound on the width of at least one channel for
every root.
Since all the roots and thus all the interesting dynamics of the Newton
map are within the unit disk, we have good control sufficiently far away
from this disk. In Sect. 5, we show how to find starting points within
these channels. This is accomplished using extremal length arguments and
a sequence of conformal mappings involving the elliptic modular function;
the detailed calculations are collected in Sect. 6. The case when all the roots
of the polynomial are real allows a number of improvements which will be
discussed in Sect. 7. Placing all the starting points onto a single circle is also
possible, but the number of necessary points is substantially larger (and the
calculations get more involved): see Sect. 8. Finally, in Sect. 9 we discuss
6 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

Fig. 3 Left: The Newton map for a polynomial of degree 7, showing that every root can be
connected to ∞ within its basin of attraction. Indicated are the seven roots (which are all
critical points of N p ), as well as the five further critical points of N p . For every root, the
number of channels to ∞ equals the number of critical points in its immediate basin (see
Proposition 6). The shading of the colors indicates the speed of convergence to the roots.
Right: The same picture projected onto the Riemann sphere. The repelling fixed point ∞ is
clearly visible near the top of the picture, together with the periodic channels leading to ∞

Newton’s method from a practical point of view and describe explicitly a set
of starting points for given degree.

A prototypical problem. Below we discuss one of the problems that moti-

vated this paper; see [HP]. A Hénon mapping H : C2 → C2 is given by
the formula (x, y) → (x 2 + c − ay, x). This map has a unique invariant
measure. An approximation to this measure is provided by a normalized
sum of δ-functions at the intersections H n (∆) ∩ H −n (∆) of the nth forward
image and the nth backwards image of the diagonal ∆ ⊂ C2 of equation
x = y.
Newton’s method for polynomials 7

It is fairly easy to see that computing these intersections leads to solving

a polynomial equation of degree d = 22n ; the higher n is, the better the
approximation. We worked with n = 4 . . . 7, i.e., polynomials of degree
d = 256 . . . 16384. The roots of these polynomials can be shown to lie in
a disk of radius
R= |a| + 1 + (|a| + 1)2 + 4|c|
and are usually packed along some sort of fractal curve, with typical spacings
something like 10−8 ; but of course these roots collide and bifurcate as a and
c vary.
We know the polynomial we need to solve as an iteration. This is mainly
a blessing, as evaluating the polynomial and its derivative requires of the
order of log d operations rather than d. But it means that we don’t know
the coefficients of the polynomial (and in fact, can’t compute them, as they
overflow the real numbers of the computer); in particular, deflating the
8 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

polynomial is not an option; the temptation to deflate is best resisted in any

case, because of numerical instability.

Acknowledgements. Over the years in which we worked on this project, we have ben-
efitted from suggestions by many people, among them Walter Bergweiler, Xavier Buff,
Adrien Douady, Myong-Hi Kim, Hartje Kriete, Armin Leutbecher, Anthony Manning, Fe-
liks Przytycki, Steffen Rohde, and Mitsuhiro Shishikura; many of of their contributions are
acknowledged throughout the paper. We are grateful to all of them, as well as to two referees
for valuable suggestions. Moreover, we would like to thank the Institute for Mathematical
Sciences and its director John Milnor for its hospitality, support, and inspiring environment.
It has helped bring us together again.
Scott Sutherland is especially grateful to his thesis advisor Paul Blanchard for all his
help and advice; this thesis [Su] was a germ of this work.

2 The global geometry

A critical point of a holomorphic map is a point where the derivative van-

ishes. Critical points of N p = id − p/ p are solutions of N p = p p /( p )2
= 0, i.e., zeros and inflection points of p. If a root of p is simple, then it is
a critical point of N p , i.e., a superattracting fixed point. A root of multiplicity
k ≥ 2 is attracting with real multiplier (k − 1)/k.
In this section, we will assume for convenience that our polynomials
are monic. Multiplying a polynomial by a non-zero complex constant has
no effect on Newton’s method or on our results. We also assume that the
degree is at least 2.
In order to study the geometry of the immediate basins, we will need
three simple lemmas. The first is known as Lucas’ theorem; see the first two
chapters in Marden [Ma] and in particular Theorem 6.1.
Lemma 2 (Critical points of polynomial)
The convex hull of the roots of any polynomial contains all its critical points,
as well as the zeros of all higher derivatives of the polynomial. In particular,
it contains the critical points of the Newton map.
Proof. By induction, it suffices to discuss the relation between the position
of the critical points and the roots. Consider any half-plane containing all of
the roots; by applying an affine change of coordinates, we may  assume the
roots all have negative real part. Ifwe write ourpolynomial as i (z − ξi ),
the derivative can be written as i (z − ξi ) · i (1/(z − ξi )). If z is any
point with Re(z) ≥ 0, the real parts of z − ξi and thus of 1/(z − ξi ) are also
positive. Consequently, the derivative cannot vanish at z. 

In the subsequent two lemmas, and throughout the rest of the paper, we
will always consider a polynomial p ∈ Pd and its Newton map N p .
Lemma 3 (Asymptotic  geometry of
 the Newton map)
For |z| ≥ 1, we have N p (z) − d z < d and |N p (z)| < |z|.
Newton’s method for polynomials 9

Proof. Factoring the polynomial p again as p(z) = i (z − ξi ), we can
p 1
N p (z) = z − 
(z) = z −  1 .
p i z−ξ

All the z − ξi are contained within the open disk D of radius 1 around z.
Since 0 ∈/ D; the domain D := {w : w−1 ∈ D} is another disk in C and
contains all the (z − ξi )−1 (if |z| = 1, 
then1 D is a half plane). Summing
and taking the inverse, we see that 1/ i z−ξi is contained in the open disk
of radius 1/d around z/d. This proves the first inequality. The second one
follows: |N p (z)| < (d − 1)|z|/d + 1/d ≤ |z|. 

Lemma 4 (Domain of linearization near infinity)
Let U := {z ∈ P1 : |z| > 1}. Then there is a domain V ⊂ U and
a conformal isomorphism g : U → V with N p ◦ g = id on U. Moreover,
there is a univalent map ϕ : U → P1 with
ϕ ◦ Np = ϕ
on V , and V contains every z ∈ P1 with |z| > (d + 1)/(d − 1).
Proof. Let g be the branch of N −1
p fixing ∞; it is defined in a neighborhood
of ∞ and satisfies |g(z)| > |z| there. Analytic continuation along curves
in U is possible: we can never have |g(z)| ≤ |z| by Lemma 3, so by
Lemma 2 we never encounter a critical value of N p along the analytic
continuation. Since U is simply connected, this defines g uniquely on U
with holomorphic inverse N p , and g : U → g(U ) =: V is a conformal
isomorphism. If |z| > (d + 1)/(d − 1), then |N p (z)| > 1; it follows that
z ∈ V.
The map g : U → V ⊂ U is a contraction of the Poincaré metric in U
and fixes ∞, so every point in U converges to ∞ under iteration of g. Near
infinity, g has the asymptotic form z → (d/(d − 1))z, so the map
d − 1 n ◦n
ϕ : U → P1 ; ϕ(z) := lim g (z)
n→∞ d
is univalent on U and satisfies the relation ϕ(g(z)) = (d/(d − 1))ϕ(z) (see
for instance [Mi, Sect. 6]). Therefore, we have ((d − 1)/d)ϕ = ϕ ◦ N p
on V . 

3 The immediate basins

The basin of a root ξ of a polynomial p is the set of starting points z which

eventually converge to this root. Since every root is a superattracting or at
least attracting fixed point of N p , the basin includes a neighborhood of the
10 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

root and is in particular non-empty. The immediate basin Uξ of the root ξ is

the connected component of the basin containing the root.
The following proposition is due to Przytycki [Pr] and, in more general
form, to Shishikura [Sh] (who proves that the Julia set of a rational map is
connected if there is only one repelling fixed point). We give the proof as
explained to us by Sebastian Mayer.
Proposition 5 (Immediate basins are simply connected)
Let ξ be an attracting fixed point of a rational map f : P1 → P1 and let U
be the immediate basin. If ∂U contains no more than one fixed point of f ,
then U is simply connected.
In particular, the immediate basin of every root ξ of the Newton map N p
is simply connected and thus conformally isomorphic to the open unit disk
(unless all roots of p are identical).
Proof. Let W0 ⊂ U be a simply connected neighborhood of ξ, such that ∂W0
is a simple closed curve, no critical orbit meets ∂W0 , and W0 is relatively
compact in f −1 (W0 ).
Define Wk := U ∩ f −k (W0 ) and let Vk be the component of Wk contain-
ing ξ. The boundary components of Wk and Vk are simple closed curves.
Note that the union V = ∪Vk is an open subset of U whose boundary is
contained in the boundary of U, so V = U. In particular, if all the Vk are
simply connected, then U is also simply connected.
If U is not simply connected, there exists a first k such that Vk is not
simply connected; let A1 , . . . , Am be the connected components of P1 \ Vk .
We will show that each contains a fixed point of f ; call such a component A.
Then Vk \ V k−1 is path-connected (we are removing a closed disc from
a connected open set), and we can choose an arc γ0 in Vk \ Vk−1 connecting
a point z 1 ∈ ∂ A to z 0 = f(z 1 ) ∈ ∂Vk−1 , avoiding the orbits of the critical
points in U. Let γ1 be the component of f −1 (γ0 ) starting at z 1 ; suppose it
ends at z 2 , and continue this way: let γk+1 be the component of f −1 (γk )
starting at z k+1 , and let z k+2 be the point where it ends. Let γ be the simple arc
formed by the union of the γi ; it lies entirely in A. The sequence z 1 , z 2 , . . .
forms a sequence in A; we claim it converges to a fixed point of f .
There exists n such that Wn contains all the critical values of f in U.
f : U \ W n+1 → U \ W n
is a covering map, hence a local isometry in the Poincaré metrics of the two
spaces; in particular, it is strictly expanding if we use the Poincaré metric
of U \ W n in both the domain and the range. All the γi are in U \ W n when
i + k ≥ n, and in the Poincaré metric of U \ W n the γi are shorter and
shorter. Since they accumulate to ∂U, this means that their spherical length
tends to 0. It easily follows that the accumulation set of γ is a connected
subset of ∂U which is pointwise fixed, hence a single fixed point in A.
If ∂U contains only one fixed point, then P1 \ Vk must be connected for
every k, so all Vk and hence U are simply connected. Since the only fixed
Newton’s method for polynomials 11

point of the Newton map N p which is not a root is ∞, all immediate basins
of roots are simply connected. 

Let m ξ be the number of critical points of N p in Uξ , counted with
multiplicity. For each root ξ we must have m ξ ≥ 1 since ξ is an attracting
fixed point (of course, when the root is simple, it is itself a critical point
of N p ). Moreover, N p : Uξ → Uξ is proper and has a degree dξ . By the
Riemann-Hurwitz formula and Proposition 5, these numbers are related by
the formula dξ = 1 + m ξ .
The basic observation which allows us to find roots is that every imme-
diate basin has the point ∞ on its boundary, and there are simple arcs in the
immediate basin of each root joining the root to infinity. A homotopy class
of such curves is called an access to infinity.
Proposition 6 (Accesses to infinity in immediate basins)
Each immediate basin Uξ has exactly m ξ distinct accesses to infinity.
This proposition is another instance of a very general phenomenon in com-
plex dynamics: critical points determine the dynamics.
Proof. To lighten notation, we omit the index ξ and write U = Uξ and
m = m ξ . Let D denote the unit disk and set ϕ : D → U to be a conformal
isomorphism, uniquely normalized by the two conditions ϕ(0) = ξ and
ϕ (0) > 0. The map f := ϕ−1 ◦ N p ◦ ϕ is then a proper holomorphic
f : D → D, also of degree m + 1. This map extends by reflection to
a holomorphic self-map of P1 with degree m + 1, i.e., a rational map which
we still denote by f . Then f has exactly m + 2 fixed points on P1 , counting
multiplicities. Among them, there are the attracting fixed points 0 and ∞
(super-attracting if ξ is a simple root of p) which attract all of D and
P1 \ D respectively, and m additional fixed points ζ1 , . . . , ζm which must
necessarily be on S1 .
Since D and P1 \ D are completely invariant, it follows that f cannot
have critical points on S1 , and is a covering map S1 → S1 of degree m + 1.
Moreover, all f  (ζi ) are positive and real. The ζi are repelling fixed points:
otherwise, they would have to be either attracting or parabolic, and would
attract points in D. In particular, the m fixed points on S1 are distinct.
If we assume that the conformal isomorphism ϕ : D → U extends
continuously to the boundary, then the m fixed points of f on ∂ D will map
to m fixed points of N p on ∂U. A fixed point of N p = id − p/ p in C must
be either a root of p, which cannot be on the boundary of U, or the only
other fixed point of N p , namely ∞, so the domain U will extend out to ∞
in m different directions (see Fig. 4).
Even if the boundary of U is not locally connected, so that ϕ does not
extend continuously to the boundary, the argument still goes through: radial
limits, or equivalently, non-tangential limits, exist at all the ζi . Let γ ⊂ D
be a non-tangential arc leading to ζi with f(γ) ⊃ γ , for example a segment
of straight line in the linearizing coordinate. A standard argument then says
12 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

that f(γ) leads to a fixed point of N p in ∂U: the accumulation set of f(γ) in
∂U is connected and pointwise fixed [Mi, Sect. 18]. But the point ∞ is the
only fixed point which is not a root of p. This provides us with m accesses
of U to infinity. We must show that they are distinct, and that they are the
only ones.
All curves converging non-tangentially to the same boundary fixed point
of D are obviously homotopic among non-tangential curves within D, so
that every boundary fixed point of D defines a unique access in U to ∞.
Different fixed points of f on S1 lead to non-homotopic curves in U and
thus to different accesses. Indeed, let li , l j ⊂ D be the radii leading to
ζi  = ζ j respectively, parametrized by the radius. If ϕ(li ) and ϕ(l j ) are
homotopic in U by a homotopy fixing ϕ(li (1)) = ϕ(l j (1)) = ∞, then one
of the components bounded by the simple closed curve ϕ(li ) ∪ ϕ(l j ) must
be contained in U. Call this component V ; then ϕ−1 (V ) must be one of the
sectors bounded by li and l j ; call it S. Both V and S are Jordan domains,
so ϕ extends as a homeomorphism to their closures (by Caratheodory’s
theorem); but there is nowhere for S1 ∩ S to map to.
Conversely, we show that every access in U to ∞ comes from a fixed
point of f on S1 ; our argument imitates that of [Mi, Lemma 18.3].
First, suppose γ ⊂ D is a simple arc such that ϕ(γ) defines an access
to ∞. Then γ leads to a single point on S1 ; otherwise it would accumulate
on some connected interval I of angles. By the Riesz Theorem, the set of
ϑ ∈ I for which limr→1 ϕ(reiϑ ) exists has full measure; since the radius at
angle ϑ must intersect γ on a subset which accumulates on eiϑ , we see that
the limit above is always ∞. But the radial limits can take on a given value
only on a set of measure 0, again by the Riesz Theorem.
Let γ : [0, 1] → U ∪ {∞} be a curve representing an access with asso-
ciated angle ϑ ∈ S1 ; then for every k ≥ 1, N ◦k p (γ) represents an access and
thus an angle ϑk . Since every fixed point of f on S1 gives rise to an access
and N p is a local homeomorphism near ∞, all ϑk must be contained in the
same connected component of S1 with the fixed points removed; this com-
ponent is an interval, say I , on which (ϑk ) must be a monotone sequence
converging under f to a fixed point ϑ of f in I , i.e., to one of the endpoints.
But these are repelling, so no such sequence can exist unless it is constant.

A channel of a root ξ will be an unbounded connected component W

of Uξ \ D with the additional property that there is a w ∈ W which can
be connected to N p (w) by a curve in W. It follows from Lemma 4 that
every access to ∞ of Uξ corresponds to a unique channel of ξ. It is not
hard to show that the extra condition on w is unnecessary: every unbounded
component of Uξ \ D is a channel.
We observe that every circle outside D centered at the origin intersects
every channel and hence every immediate basin. This will allow us to find
starting points for all the roots.
Newton’s method for polynomials 13

4 Geometry of the channels

In this section, we will investigate the geometry of the channels more

closely. Since outside the closed unit disk the Newton map is approximately
linear, the shape of the channels will repeat periodically near infinity. We
will measure the “width” of any such channel in terms of the conformal
modulus of the annulus formed by the channel modulo the dynamics.
The immediate basins are simply connected. Restricting any channel to
the exterior of the unit disk and taking the quotient by the dynamics, we
obtain a Riemann surface homeomorphic to an annulus, hence conformally
equivalent to a standard cylinder of some height h and circumference c.
This is a rectangle of sides c and h with the latter pair of sides identified.
Associated to such a cylinder is its modulus h/c, which is a conformal
invariant. It is not hard to see that the modulus must be a finite positive
number in our case, as is shown below. We will call this number the modulus
of the channel. It will serve to measure the width of the channel. We will
now provide a lower bound on these moduli.
Proposition 7 (Widths of the channels)
If the number of critical points of the Newton map within some immediate
basin is m, counting multiplicities, then this basin has a channel to infinity
with modulus at least π/ log(m +1). In particular, every basin has a channel
with modulus at least π/ log d, where d is the degree of the polynomial.

Proof. We will use the construction and the notation of the proof of Propo-
sition 6. We have an immediate basin U and a conformal isomorphism
ϕ : D → U sending the origin to the root ξ. Choose a channel of U corres-
ponding to a fixed point ζ ∈ S1 of the map f = ϕ−1 ◦ N p ◦ ϕ extended to P1 .
The point ζ is repelling with positive real multiplier λ > 1. (Although the
point ζ corresponds to the fixed point ∞ of N p , the multipliers are unrelated,
since the conjugation does not exist in a neighborhood of the fixed points;
in particular, all the fixed points of f on S1 will in general have different
Linearizing the repelling fixed point ζ, we obtain a linear map w → λw,
and S1 intersected with the domain of linearization turns into a straight
line, which we may take to be the real axis (see Fig. 4). The quotient of
the channel corresponding to ζ will then be conformally equivalent to the
upper half plane divided by multiplication by λ. This is well known to be
an annulus of modulus π/ log λ.
We will now use the holomorphic fixed point formula (see for example
Milnor [Mi, Sect. 10]): for any rational map f of degree d with fixed points
ζ1 , ζ2 , . . . , ζd+1 with multipliers λ(ζi )  = 1 (which guarantees that the points
are distinct), we have

= −1 .
λ(ζi ) − 1
14 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

Fig. 4 Estimating the width of the channels, defined as the moduli of the quotient annuli by
the dynamics. The figure highlights an immediate basin U of some root, with fundamental
domains of its channels shaded; the disk D as a conformal model of the immediate basin,
with one boundary fixed point for every channel of U; a half neighborhood of such a fixed
point in local linearizing coordinates ψ; and finally a rectangle representing a fundamental
domain of the corresponding channel

This formula is a corollary to the residue theorem for the map 1/( f(z) − z)
(best evaluated in coordinates for which ∞ is not a fixed point). For the
map f we are considering, we have (super)attracting fixed points at 0 and,
by symmetry, at ∞. If k is the multiplicity of the root ξ under consideration,
then λ(0) = f  (0) = N p (ξ) = (k − 1)/k with k ≥ 1 and λ(∞) = λ(0)
by symmetry, so the points 0 and ∞ each contribute −k to the sum. The
only further fixed points of f are the m distinct repelling fixed points on S1 .
Summing over those, we find
= 2k − 1 ≥ +1 . (1)
f (ζi ) − 1

ζi ∈S

Since all the denominators are real and positive, there is at least one ζi with
1/( f  (ζi ) − 1) ≥ 1/m and hence f  (ζi ) ≤ m + 1, so the modulus of the
corresponding channel is at least π/ log(m + 1).
Newton’s method for polynomials 15

Recall that m + 1 is the degree of the restriction of N p to the immediate

basin U. Of course m + 1 cannot exceed the degree of N p on P1 , which is
at most d (equal to d exactly if all roots are simple). Hence m ≤ d − 1 and
the modulus of one channel is at least π/ log(m + 1) ≥ π/ log d. 

The estimate above is sharp. Consider the polynomial p(z) = z(z d−1 −1).
There are ordinary critical points of N p at the roots on the unit circle; all
the other critical points are at the origin. It follows that the map f 0 =
ϕ0◦−1 ◦ N p ◦ ϕ0 is precisely the map f 0 (ζ) = ζ d . The channels of U0 then
correspond to the dth roots of unity, and the quotient of each channel by the
dynamics is an annulus of modulus π/ log d.

Remark on the size of the immediate basins. The calculation in Equation (1)
allows us to estimate the area of all the immediate basins: all fixed points
ζ ∈ S1 are repelling with f  (ζ) > 1. For a simple root (k = 1), it follows
from (1) that all fixed points ζ ∈ S1 even have f  (ζ) ≥ 2, so the moduli of
the channels add up to at least
π π π
≥ = .
log f (log 2)( f  (ζ) − 1) log 2
ζ∈S1 ζ∈S

For a root with multiplicity k ≥ 2, we need not have f  (ζ) ≥ 2 for fixed
points on S1 , but
π π kπ
≥ = (2k − 1)π ≥ .
log f (ζ)
 f (ζ) − 1
 log 2
ζ∈S 1 ζ∈S

The sum of the moduli of all the channels for this multiple root is at least
as large as estimated for k simple roots (one could arrive at the same
conclusion by perturbing the multiple root into k separate roots and using
semicontinuity of the attracting basins). Thus, adding up the moduli of all
channels of all roots always yields at least πd/ log 2.
In linearizing coordinates near ∞, the fundamental domain of the New-
ton map is bounded by two circles such that the quotient of their radii is
d/(d −1), and there is room for modulus 2π/ log(d/(d −1)) = 2πd + O(1).
By a standard length-area inequality, the fraction of the area of all the chan-
nels within any linearized fundamental domain is at least the fraction of the
moduli they use up. In the limit as d → ∞ and for fundamental domains far
outside the roots, this fraction is 1/2 log(2) ≈ 0.721. Therefore the portion
of area taken up by all the immediate basins within any centered disk of
radius R is at least 0.72 for R and d large. A quantitative version of this
result has been given in [Su] (with a fraction of 0.09) and in [Kr] (with 0.5).

5 Hitting the channels

At least in principle, it is now clear how to proceed in order to find the
roots: outside of a compact neighborhood of the origin, the map N p is
16 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

approximately linear, and we know that every immediate basin must have
a channel with a certain minimal width. If we distribute sufficiently many
points within some fundamental domain, we can ensure that a channel of
this width cannot possibly avoid all these points. One possibility is to put the
points onto a single circle centered at the origin. This was first done in [Su].
We will show in Sect. 8 that (π 2 /4)d 3/2 points suffice for this purpose.
However, it is geometrically conceivable that a channel with large mod-
ulus becomes relatively thin at just one place within every fundamental
domain (compare the sketch in Fig. 5). In the worst case, this will happen
precisely on the circle containing the starting points. We will thus place the
points onto several circles within a single fundamental domain. This has
two advantages: the number of points to be placed onto each of these circles
may be reduced to such an extent that the total number of necessary points
can be as small as 1.11 d(log d)2 . Moreover, the geometry of the problem
rescales and becomes independent of the degree. This allows us to derive
the result (up to a constant which is independent of the degree) without
explicit calculations.
Before giving a precise proof of the Main Theorem, we will outline the
argument using various simplifications. The first of them is the assumption
that the Newton map outside of D is exactly the linear map z → z(d − 1)/d,
so that a fundamental domain for the dynamics is any annulus between two
radii R > 1 and Rd/(d − 1). We are looking for a channel which traverses
such a fundamental domain and which has modulus at least π/ log d. We
cut this fundamental annulus into some number s of conformally equivalent
circular sub-annuli, each of them bounded by a pair of circles such that
the ratio of outer and inner radius is (d/(d − 1))1/s . Making the further
assumption that the inner and outer boundaries of every sub-annulus meet
the channel in a connected arc, then the intersection of the channel with
a sub-annulus becomes a conformal quadrilateral in such a way that its

Fig. 5 Left: A fundamental domain of the Newton dynamics under the simplifying assump-
tion that it is bounded by two circles, subdivided into s = 3 concentric sub-annuli. Shaded
is the intersection of the fundamental domain with a channel of some root. Right: The same
situation in logarithmic coordinates; the three sub-annuli turn into vertical strips (moved
apart to show them separately). Each strip contains a vertical sequence of points
Newton’s method for polynomials 17

boundary parts on the circles form two opposite sides of the quadrilateral.
Each quadrilateral has an associated modulus which is a conformal invariant.
By the Grötzsch inequality, the inverses of the moduli of the rectangles add
up to at most the inverse of the modulus of the channel. Therefore, at least
one sub-annulus intersects the channel in a quadrilateral with modulus at
least sπ/ log d. If we let s = α log d, the modulus of the quadrilateral can be
written as απ, where α is independent of d. We will distribute some fixed
number of points onto a single circle within each of the sub-annuli such that
the angles between adjacent points on the various circles differ by the same
We now take logarithms; see Fig. 5. The sub-annuli become infinite
vertical strips of width log(d/(d − 1))/s > 1/ds (we take all the branches
of the log, so that the exponential maps from the strips to the sub-annuli are
universal covers). Stretching by a factor s/ log(d/(d − 1)) < ds, the strips
get width 1; the channel becomes a series of s quadrilaterals connecting
the two boundaries of each of the strips, and one of these quadrilaterals
has modulus at least απ (strictly speaking, there are such quadrilaterals for
every branch of the logarithm). We will now use the following universal
result from conformal geometry:

Lemma 8 (Universal geometry of points in strip)

Let S be the vertical strip {z ∈ C : −1/2 < Re(z) < 1/2} and let Q
be a quadrilateral in S connecting the vertical boundaries of S. For every
α > 0, there is a number τ > 0 with the following property: if the modulus
of Q is απ, then at least one of the points iτ Z is contained in Q.

We will justify this in Lemma 12. If τ is small enough, one of the

points iτ Z hits the logarithm of the channel. Transporting the points iτ Z
back into the sub-annuli we started with, we obtain a collection of points
within every sub-annulus such that the angles of adjacent points differ by
more than τ/ds, and every root has a channel which is hit by at least one
point on at least one circle. The number of points on such a circle is then
less than 2πds/τ, and since there are s sub-annuli with one circle each,
the total number of points used is less than 2πds2 /τ = (2πα2 /τ)d(log d)2 .
The choice of α > 0 is arbitrary, and τ depends only on α but not on d.
These numbers can be optimized so as to minimize the total number of
This gives a proof of the Main Theorem, up to a universal constant τ(α)
yet to be specified, and up to the various simplifying assumptions made in
the argument: the Newton map is not exactly linear, and the intersections
of the channel with boundaries of the sub-annuli need not be as simple as
assumed. We will now provide rigorous arguments for the claim; precise
estimates will be given in Sect. 6.
First we recall the definition of the modulus of an annulus via extremal
length (see e.g. Ahlfors [A1, Sect. I.D]): if U ⊂ C is an annulus, then
18 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

1 2 (γ)
= sup inf 2 ,
mod (U ) ρ γ ρ U

where the supremum is taken over all measurable

functions ρ : U → R+0
with strictly positive norm ρ 2 U := U ρ 2 (x, y) dx dy. The infimum is
taken over all rectifiable curves γ ⊂ U which wind once around U (i.e.,
which generate the fundamental group of
U). The length of such a curve
is defined with respect to ρ as (γ) := γ ρ(z)|dz| whenever this integral
exists; if it does not exist, we set (γ) := +∞. It follows easily that the
modulus of an annulus is a conformal invariant: if ϕ : U → U  is a conformal
isomorphism, then an optimal function ρ for U turns into an optimal ρ  for
U  by the relation ρ  (ϕ(z)) = ρ(z)/|ϕ (z)|.
Closely related to moduli of annuli are moduli of quadrilaterals: roughly
speaking, a quadrilateral is a bounded subset of C with two distinguished
connected subsets of the boundary so that the remaining boundary also con-
sists of two connected subsets (for details, see [A1]). A quadrilateral can be
mapped biholomorphically to a rectangle so that the distinguished bound-
aries map to a pair of opposite sides. Admissible curves in a quadrilateral
are curves connecting the two distinguished boundaries, and the definition
of the conformal modulus is exactly as above. We again obtain a conformal
invariant, and the modulus of a rectangle with sides h and c is h/c if the
pair of sides of length h is distinguished.
In our case, the restriction of a channel to a fundamental domain is
a quadrilateral which becomes an annulus if the two circular boundaries are
identified by the dynamics. The modulus of the annulus is at most that of
the quadrilateral: requiring that a curve close up imposes an extra condition,
which can only increase its length. This inequality will be used below: any
allowable function ρ in a quadrilateral gives a lower bound for (γ) and thus
an upper bound for the modulus, and the modulus of the quotient annulus
can not be larger.
Using extremal length, we can rephrase Lemma 8 as follows:
Lemma 9 (Universal geometry of points in strip II)
Let S := {z ∈ C : −1/2 < Re(z) < 1/2} be a vertical strip and fix
a number τ > 0. Then there is a number M(τ) > 0 and a continuous
function ρ S : S → R+ 0 ∪ ∞ with ρ S  S = 1 such that every curve in

S connecting the two boundaries through the interval (0, iτ) has squared
length 2 (γ) ≥ 1/M(τ). The function ρ S can be chosen so that ρ S → 0 as
|Im(z)| → ∞.
As τ tends to zero, 1/M(τ) tends to ∞, and M(τ) can be chosen to be
We will provide a proof in Lemma 12, together with an estimate for M(τ).
For the construction of the point grid, we need to have some space within
a fundamental domain.
Newton’s method for polynomials 19

Lemma 10 (Fundamental domain)

For every radius R > (d + 1)/(d − 1), there is a number κ ∈ (0, 1) such
that the round annulus
d−1 κ
V := z ∈ C : R < |z| < R
is contained within a single fundamental domain of the dynamics. The
allowed values of κ tend to 1 as R → ∞.
The quantity κ measures the size of a round annulus that fits into a fun-
damental domain, relative to the size expected by the linearized map
z → (d − 1)z/d. The larger κ, the better will be our estimates.
Proof. By Lemma 4, the image of the circle at radius R is a simple closed
curve around the unit disk. The region between the circle and its image
curve is an annulus, which is a fundamental domain for the dynamics. By
Lemma 3, every point on the image curve has distance to the origin of at
most (d − 1)R/d + 1/d = R − R/d + 1/d. If κ ∈ (0, 1) is such that
d−1 κ R 1 log 1 − 1 + 1 
R ≥ R− + i.e. κ≤  d

d d d log 1 − 1 

then the round annulus V is indeed contained within a single fundamental

domain. This inequality is obviously satisfied for κ sufficiently close to 0.
As R gets large, the admissible values of κ get arbitrarily close to 1. 

Remark. The choice κ = 1/2 is allowed for R > 1 + 2 independently
of d.

The construction of the point grid. We start with a round annulus V with
outer radius R and inner radius R((d − 1)/d)κ as specified in Lemma 10.
The grid of starting points will be determined by two numbers α and β
which will be determined later: the number of circles onto which we place
our points is s = α log d, and the number of points per circle is β d log d
(the quantity β is related to the constant τ in the heuristic argument above).
For ν = 1, 2, . . . , s, consider the disjoint sub-annuli of V
d − 1 νκ/s d − 1 (ν−1)κ/s
Vν := z ∈ C : R < |z| < R ;
d d
their closures cover the annulus V . The core curve of Vν is the circle Cν
centered at the origin with radius
d − 1 (ν−1/2)κ/s
rν := R .
All the sub-annuli are conformally equivalent and can be mapped onto each
other by multiplication with appropriate powers of ((d − 1)/d)κ/s .
20 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

We place β d log d points onto each of the s circles Cν , distributed evenly

along each circle. This fixes the points on individual circles up to rotation
of the entire circles, and for our estimates it is inessential how the circles
are rotated with respect to each other. For example, we may align the grid
of circles so that there is one point at the intersection of every circle with
the positive real axis. The total number of points used is αβ d(log d)2 .
We can now conclude that a channel must be narrow if it is to avoid the
given grid of points.
Proposition 11 (Channel avoiding grid)
Let S be any grid of points depending on constants α and β and constructed
as above. Then the modulus of any channel which avoids S is bounded
above by µ(α, β)/ log d, where µ(α, β) depends only on α and β but not
on the degree. As β tends to ∞ with α fixed, the quantity µ(α, β) tends to
zero. One possible choice of µ(α, β) is M(2πα/κβ)/α, where M(·) is as in
Lemma 9.
κ d κ
Proof. It will be convenient to use the number q := log > .
s d−1 sd
For ν = 1, 2, . . . , s, the maps f ν : S → Vν with

f ν (z) := rν exp (qz)

are universal covers from the vertical strip S to the sub-annuli Vν , and they
wrap the imaginary axis over the circles Cν . The number of points on each
circle is β d log d, so the angles of adjacent points differ by 2π/(β d log d).
Let τ := 2π/(qβ d log d); then points on the imaginary axis mapping to
adjacent starting points on any Cν have vertical spacing τ.
We will construct a measurable function ρ : V → R+ such that any
curve γ running through the channel from the root to ∞ satisfies a lower
bound on its length within V . Since all these curves are homotopic within
the channel, each of the circles Cν has a pair of adjacent starting points such
that every curve γ must pass the arc segment of Cν between these points.
By Lemma 9, there is a continuous function ρ S : S → R+ ∪ ∞ with
ρ S S = 1 such √
that any curve in S connecting the two boundaries has
length at least 1/ M(τ). Transport this ρ S forward by f ν to a continuous
function ρ : Vν → R+ via
ρ(w) := sup ρ S (z)/| f ν (z)| : z ∈ S and f ν (z) = w .

The map f ν : S → Vν is a universal covering such that f(z 1 ) = f(z 2 )

implies f  (z 1 ) = f  (z 2 ). Since ρ S (z) decays to 0 as Im(z) gets large, only
finitely many points z compete for the evaluation of the supremum in ρ(w),
and ρ is continuous.
For every domain S ⊂ S on which f ν is injective, the norm is preserved
in the sense that ρ 2S S = ρ 2  fν (S) . Then the norm of ρ 2 on Vν equals the
norm of ρ 2S on a subset of S, so it is at most 1. Any curve in Vν connecting
Newton’s method for polynomials 21

the inner to the outer boundary

√ and passing the arc between the two selected
points has length at least 1/ M(τ) as before.
It is not true that any curve within the channel connecting the root to
∞ will connect the inner boundary of Vν to its outer boundary, passing
through the selected arc: it might first traverse all of Vν and then come back
in through the outer boundary, say, traverse the selected arc and disappear
again to the outer boundary (compare Fig. 6). However, any curve γ in the
channel must connect the selected arc on Cν twice to the boundary of Vν
within Vν ,√and the two corresponding subcurves together will have length
at least 1/ M(τ).

Fig. 6 Sketch in logarithmic coordinates of a fundamental domain of a channel of U (white)

and one of the sub-annuli Vν , together with its core circle Cν and the distinguished arc.
Within this channel is a curve which connects the root to ∞, but the connected component
in Vν which crosses the distinguished arc has both ends on the same component of ∂Vν

The function ρ is now defined on the union of the sets Vν . We set it equal
to 0 elsewhere on C. Then ρ is measurable with total √ norm at most s, and
every curve γ in the channel has length at least s/ M(τ). Therefore, the
modulus of the channel is at most M(τ)/s = M(τ)/α log d.
Recall that
2π 2πsd 2πα
τ= < = (2)
qβ d log d κβ d log d κβ
independently of d. If β tends to ∞ with α fixed, then τ tends to 0.
By Lemma 9, M(τ) also tends to 0. By monotonicity of M(·), we have
M(2πα/κβ) > M(τ), and the claim holds for µ(α, β) = M(2πα/κβ)/α. 

Remark. It is geometrically clear that increasing α (the number of circles)

for fixed β can only decrease µ(α, β). This fact can be extracted from our
calculations only by a more precise estimate on α(τ), but we will not need
it. The limit of µ(α, β) for α → ∞ with fixed β is 2π/β (for large d), so it
22 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

does not even tend to 0: the limiting point grid will be densely packed onto
β d log d radial lines.
We can now prove the theorem up to constants.
Proof of the theorem. By Proposition 7, every root has at least one channel
with modulus at least π/ log d. Choose a number α > 0. For every β > 0,
Proposition 11 specifies a number µ(α, β) such that the point grid consist-
ing of α log d circles having β d log d points each hits every channel with
modulus at least µ(α, β)/ log d. The number β may be chosen to ensure
that µ(α, β) < π; this choice depends only on α. Consequently, the grid of
points will hit at least one channel of every root. The total number of points
used in such a grid is αβ d log2 d. 

It remains to calculate the number β in terms of α and to minimize their
product. We will do this in the next section.

6 Estimating the constants

In order to provide the constants promised in the theorem, we will need the
elliptic integral
z → Ψ(z) = √   , (3)
1 z (z − 1)(P − z  )
depending on a real constant P > 1. This integral is defined on the entire
complex plane except if z is real and either greater than P or less than 1;
where defined, it should be evaluated along a straight line from 1 to z. Of
special importance will be the two numbers
 ∞  1
dz  dz 
A(P) = √   = √ (4)
P z (z − 1)(z  − P) 0 z  (1 − z  )(P − z  )
dz  0
B(P) = √   = √ . (5)
1 z (z − 1)(P − z  ) −∞ (−z  )(1 − z  )(P − z  )
The map Ψ provides a conformal isomorphism of the upper half plane onto
the rectangle with vertices 0, B(P), B(P)+i A(P), i A(P); this isomorphism
extends as a homeomorphism to the boundaries so that the four points 1, P,
∞, 0 on the extended real line map to the vertices in this order (compare
for example Nevanlinna and Paatero [NP]). The reason is that the integrand
on the real line is either real or imaginary, so that the image of the real
line surrounds a rectangle exactly once. Similarly, the negative half plane is
mapped to the reflected rectangle.
The following lemma will be the motor for all the estimates. It is a quan-
titative version of Lemma 9 and proves Lemma 8 as well.
Newton’s method for polynomials 23

Lemma 12 (Geometry of points in strip)

Let S := {z ∈ C : −1/2 < Re(z) < 1/2} be a vertical strip, fix a number
τ > 0 and set P := e2πτ . Then there is a continuous function ρ S : S →
R+0 ∪ ∞ with the following properties:
• every curve in S connecting √ the two boundaries through the interval
(0, iτ) has length (γ) ≥ 2A(P)/B(P) with respect to ρ S ;
• for every r > 0, there is a y > 0 such that ρ S (z) > r only if |Im(z)| < y;
• ρ 2S S = 1;
• ρ S (z) = ∞ only for z ∈ {0, iτ}.
It follows that every quadrilateral in S which connects the two vertical
boundaries of S avoiding the points iτ Z has modulus at most B(P)/2A(P).
The function τ → 2A(P)/B(P) is strictly monotonically decreasing
and tends to 0 as τ tends to 0.
Proof. Let S− (resp. S+) be the parts of S with negative (resp. positive) real
parts. The map E(z) := exp(−2πiz) is a conformal isomorphism from S−
to H+ and from S+ to H− , and it sends the interval I := (0, iτ) onto (1, P)
for P = e2πτ , while it sends both boundaries of S onto the negative real
The map Ψ sends H+ biholomorphically onto the rectangle
R+ := z ∈ C : 0 < Re(z) < B(P), 0 < Im(z) < A(P)
with area A(P)B(P), and it sends H− onto the analogous rectangle R− with
imaginary parts between 0 and −A(P).
On the rectangle
√ R := R+ ∪ R− , we will use the constant function
ρ0 (z) := 1/ 2A(P)B(P). It is normalized so that ρ02  R = 1. For any
curve within R connecting the upper and lower boundaries (i.e., imagi-
nary parts√ A(P) and −A(P)), √ the length with respect to ρ0 is at least
2A(P)/ 2A(P)B(P) = 2A(P)/B(P). (By Ahlfors [A1, Chapter 1],
this choice for ρ0 is optimal).
Now we transport ρ0 to a function ρ S : S+ → R+ 0 using the conformal
isomorphism Ψ ◦ E : S+ → R− by setting
ρ S (z) := ρ0 (Ψ ◦ E)(z) · (Ψ ◦ E) (z) .

For Im(z) < −y, we have |E(z)| < e−2πy , Ψ (E(z)) = O |E(z)|−1/2
and |E  (z)| < 2πe−2πy ; it follows that ρ S (z) = O(e−πy ); by symmetry, an
analogous estimate holds for Im(z) > y.
The map ρ S extends continuously to a map from S to R+ 0 ∪ ∞ with−
value ∞ only at 0 and iτ. Similarly, we get a continuous map from S
+ −
to R+0 ∪ ∞; by symmetry, both maps coincide on S ∩ S and extend to
a continuous map ρ S : S → R+ 0 ∪ ∞.
We have ρ 2S S = ρ02  R = 1, and any curve connecting the two bound-
√ of S through the interval (0, iτ) has length with respect to ρ S of at least
2A(P)/B(P): under E, the image of the curve connects the negative real
24 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

axis to itself through the interval (1, P), running around [0, 1]. Under Ψ, we
obtain a curve traversing
√ the pair of rectangles from top to bottom, indeed
with length at least 2A(P)/B(P) with respect to ρ0 . The statement about
moduli of quadrilaterals follows.
As τ decreases, P decreases as well; there is less room for the curves γ ,
so their lengths can only increase. This shows monotonicity of the function
τ → 2A(P)/B(P) (see also Ahlfors [A1, Chapter 3]). As τ tends to 0, P
tends to 1 and A(P) tends to ∞, while B(P) tends to a well-defined finite
value (this can be seen most easily in the second variants of the two integrals
(4) and (5)). The limiting behavior for the lengths follows. 

Minimizing the total number of points. Our next task is to minimize the
total number of points αβ d log2 d, i.e. to minimize αβ. Recall that we use
s = α log d circles containing βd log d points each, and that κ ∈ (0, 1)
measures the relative size of the round annulus we put our circles into with
respect to the size of a fundamental domain (κ depends on the radius R: the
larger R, the larger we can choose κ and the fewer the total number of points
needed, but the longer it takes for the starting points to iterate towards the
unit disk). In the vertical strip S of width 1, adjacent points have distance
2πs 2πα 2πα
τ= = < . (6)
κβ d log d log(d/(d − 1)) κβ d log(d/(d − 1)) κβ
The further quantities involved are
P = e2πτ auxiliary variable for elliptic integrals (7)
B(P) the maximal modulus of a quadrilateral in S
M(τ) = (8)
2A(P) avoiding the points iτ Z
and the fundamental inequality we have to satisfy is
M(τ) < απ . (9)
The optimal values of α and β do not depend on κ, but of course the
total number of points does. It is convenient to choose a value τ0 first, then
set P0 := e2πτ0 and calculate M0 := B(P0 )/2A(P0 ). Finally, choose
M0 2πα
α := and β := . (10)
π κτ0
Calculating τ as defined in (6) assures that τ < τ0 , hence M < M0 by
monotonicity, so (9) is satisfied. The total number of points is then
2πα2 1 B(P0 ) 2
αβ = = ;
κτ0 2πκτ0 A(P0 )
it only depends on τ0 and κ, not on the degree. We can choose τ0 = 0.40198
so that P0 ≈ 12.5, α ≈ 0.2663 and β ≈ 4.1627/κ, so αβ ≈ 1.1086/κ. This
Newton’s method for polynomials 25

gives a valid choice of points for the theorem; the reader is invited to verify
that these numbers are indeed close to the minimum (see Fig. 7.)
Of course, the numbers of circles and the numbers of points on each of
them must be integers, so we have to round up (see Sect. 9).

Fig. 7 Graph of αβ/κ as a function of τ. As described in the text, the total number of points
needed is α log d! β d log d/κ!. The minimum αβ/κ ≈ 1.1086 occurs near τ = 0.40198

Remark. We did not require any correlation between the points on the
different circles. This worst case is that all the points are lined up (so that
all the points on the various circles sit at equal angles). The bounds can be
somewhat improved if we rotate the points on the circles “out of phase”,
so that the points on adjacent circles are rotated by exactly half the angle
between adjacent points. However, we have not been able to give a better
upper bound for the moduli of annuli avoiding all these points.
Remark. The elliptic integrals A(P) and B(P) used in the calculation can
of course be evaluated by any numerical method. However, many numerical
integration techniques can be reluctant when applied to such integrals; for
example, releases of Maple prior to Maple VR5 were unable to compute
these integrals in a reasonable time. Fortunately, there is a very efficient
way to calculate these elliptic integrals using an iterative procedure going
back to Gauß. It uses the arithmetic-geometric mean.
For two positive real numbers a0 and b0 , we define two sequences as
√ recursively an+1 := (an + bn )/2 (the arithmetic mean) and
follows: set
bn+1 := an bn (the geometric mean). For any choice of initial values,
these two iterations converge extremely rapidly to a common limit, which
is denoted AGM(a0 , b0 ). In fact, this convergence is quadratic: as fast as the
Newton map near a simple root. Now we can calculate the elliptic integrals
as follows:
π π
A(P) = √ √ and B(P) = √ .
AGM( P − 1, P) AGM(1, P)
26 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

This relation can be found in many textbooks on elliptic functions; see

for example Hurwitz and Courant [HC]. Another more explicit reference is
Bost and Mestre [BM, Sect. 2.1] and in particular their formulas (10) and
(11) (their polynomials are normalized so as to have a factor 4 in front, so
their formulas differ from ours by a factor of 2).

7 If all the roots are real

The case that all the roots of a given polynomial are real might be of special
interest. It allows a particularly simple treatment.
Let p be a polynomial in Pd all of whose roots are real, and denote the
smallest and largest roots by ξmin and ξmax . Then under iteration of N p , all
of {x ∈ R : x ≤ ξmin } will converge to ξmin , and all of {x ∈ R : x ≥ ξmax }
will converge to ξmax , so both ends of R will be parts of channels to infinity.
Let d  ≤ d be the geometric number of roots (not counting multiplicities).
Then the algebraic degree of N p is easily seen to be d  and N p has 2d  − 2
critical points. By symmetry, all the d  − 2 roots other than ξmin and ξmax
must have at least two channels each, so their immediate basins contain at
least two critical points. Since this exhausts the available critical points, it
follows that the minimal and maximal roots each have exactly one channel,
and the other roots each have exactly two channels. (This can also be shown
by the fact that two channels of any root always enclose a further root.)
By Proposition 7, every channel has width at least π/ log 3, indepen-
dently of the degree. We will use a single circle, so s = α log d = 1 (since
the modulus is uniformly large, it does not help to use more circles). First
we find P such that the moduli are
B(P) π
= .
2A(P) log 3
We obtain P ≈ 3 972 132 and log P ≈ 15.194 8. In the limit R → ∞,
we then need 4π 2 d/ log P ≈ 2.5982 d points on a full circle or, using the
symmetry, 1.2991 d points on a semicircle. That is an efficiency of 77% (the
ratio of the roots to the number of starting points).
There might be an efficient bound on the number of iterations in the
case of real roots: Proposition 2.3 in Manning [M] implies that, when any
point z has imaginary part y > 0, then its image under the Newton map has
imaginary part at most (1 − 1/d)y (the imaginary part of the image may
be negative; in that case, the bound says nothing at all). This might give
a bound on the number of necessary iteration steps needed to get ε-close to
the root for points converging to it within the upper half plane.
Since all the critical points converge to the roots, the Newton maps of
polynomials with only real roots are hyperbolic, there are no extra attracting
orbits, and the measure of the Julia set is zero. Thus almost every starting
point will converge to some root. Restricting to the real line, an old result
by Barna [Ba] says that the set of starting points not converging to any root
has measure zero and is a Cantor set or countable.
Newton’s method for polynomials 27

For arbitrary polynomials, wide basins are not so untypical, as the fol-
lowing corollary shows.
Corollary 13 (Number versus widths of channels)
More than half of the roots of a complex polynomial of arbitrary degree
have a channel of modulus at least π/ log 3.

Proof. All the channels of any root can be smaller only if the immediate
basin contains at least three critical points, but since the number of critical
points is less than twice the number of roots, fewer than half of the roots
can behave in this way. 

If we distribute points as above in the real case, except using an entire

circle rather than its upper half, we can be sure to find at least half the
roots. We can then deflate the polynomial and continue with the remainder.
We need 2.6 d starting points in the first step, half of that after the first
deflation, a quarter after the second deflation, and so on. The total number
of starting points used is then less than 5.2 d. Of course, deflation is not
always possible. Moreover, it introduces numerical errors, but this will occur
only log d times, rather than d times when deflating for every individual root.
In a different setting, Kim and Sutherland [KS] have controlled the errors
introduced by similar log d deflation steps.

8 Points on a single circle

In Sect. 5, we have used α log d circles to place our starting points onto. This
had the advantage that the dependence on the degree no longer showed up
in our calculations, and it also improved the necessary number of starting
points in a substantial way.
In this section, we explore how the number of starting points behaves
if we place all the points onto a single circle. This had earlier been done
in [Su]: after various improvements, 11d(d − 1) points were needed. Here,
we will show that cd (π 2 /4)d 3/2 ≈ 2.47cd d 3/2 points are sufficient, where
cd is a constant tending to 1 as d → ∞.
First, we will investigate the asymptotic behavior of A(P) and B(P)
when P " 1. We should note that the following calculation up to Equa-
tion (11) can also be deduced from [A2, Sect. 4-12]. We give a different
argument in order to make the paper self-contained. The estimates are par-
ticularly easy for B(P) because the integral still exists at P = 1. Writing
P = 1 + ε, we have
 ∞  ∞
dx dx
B(P) = √ < √
0 x(x + 1)(x + 1 + ε) 0 (1 + x) x
√ ∞
= 2 arctan x 0 = π.
28 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

The evaluation of A(P) needs more care:

 ∞  ∞
dx dx
A(P) = √ = √
1+ε x(x − 1)(x − 1 − ε) 0 (x + 1 + ε)(x + ε)x
1 dx
>√ √ .
1+ε 0 x(x + 1)(x + ε)
√ √
Now we split up the integral to the intervals (0, ε) and ( ε, ∞). We get
 √ε  √ε
dx 1 dx
√ > √ √
0 x(x + 1)(x + ε) 1+ ε 0 x(x + ε)
1/ ε

1 dt 1 √ √
= √ √ = √ 2 log t + t + 1 
1+ ε 0 t(t + 1) 1+ ε 0
2 log 2ε − 1 log ε + 2 log 2
>  √ = 2  √ .
1+ ε 1+ ε

For the second
√ interval ( ε, ∞), we have the same value as for the
interval (0, ε) because the Möbius transform z → ε/z fixes the four
singularities {−1, −ε, 0, ∞} of the integrand and turns one interval into the
other. (Quite explicitly, the substitution x → ε/x turns one integral into the
Therefore, we obtain
− log ε + 4 log 2 − log ε + 4 log 2
A(1 + ε) > √  √ > √ .
1+ε 1+ ε 1+ ε
Now we can estimate the modulus again as above: ε describes the spacing
of the points on a single circle, and any channel avoiding all these points
has its modulus bounded above by B(1 + ε)/2A(1 + ε). Since we know that
there is a channel with modulus at least π/ log d, we have to find an ε such
that π/log d > B(P)/2A(P). Using our estimate above, we have to find an
ε such that

B(1 + ε) π π(1 + ε) π
< = < . (11)
2A(1 + ε) − log ε + 4 log 2 2(− log ε + 4 log 2) log d
2 √
1+ ε
√ √ √ √ε √
This yields ε1/(1+ ε) < d −1/2 · 161/(1+ ε) . But since ε and 16 ε both
tend to 1 as ε " 0, we obtain the necessary inequality ε < 16 d −1/2 /cd ,
where cd ≥ 1 is a factor tending to 1 as d → ∞ or ε → 0. (The estimates
of [A2] allow us to conclude that cd = 1 works for all d.)
It follows that we need a value ε < 16 d −1/2 /cd . In the approximation that
N(z) = ((d − 1)/d)z (which means that points are placed onto an infinitely
large circle), adjacent points should have angles which differ by ε/2πd, so
the number of points we need is 4π 2 d/ε = (π 2 /4)d 3/2 cd ≈ 2.47 d 3/2 .
Newton’s method for polynomials 29

Note that restricting the points onto a single circle not only increases
the number of points substantially, it also requires the estimates to depend
on the degree d. (In [Su], the moduli are estimated by a different method,
using ellipses.)

9 A recipe for dessert

In this section, we give a recipe for applying the results of this paper in
practice, and we suggest how to modify it according to the ingredients
available (and according to taste).

Construction of the initial point grid. We have assumed throughout the paper
that our polynomial p has all its roots in the unit disk. If instead the roots are
in the disk |z| < r, you may simply scale all the starting points by a factor
of r.
The first step is to select a collection S d of initial points so that there is at
least one in every immediate basin of every root. Here we choose √ our points
in an annulus whose outer boundary is of radius R = 1 + 2, allowing us
to use κ = 1/2 (from Lemma 10). The number of circles needed and the
number of points on each circle are a function of a parameter τ (Sect. 6).
We take τ = 0.40198, which gives
s = 0.26632 log d! circles, with N = 8.32547d log d! points on each
(we use x! to denote the smallest integer ≥ x). Set
√  d − 1 4s 2π j
rν = 1 + 2 and ϑ j =
d N
for 1 ≤ ν ≤ s and 0 ≤ j ≤ N − 1. With these choices, our grid S d consists
of the collection of Ns points rν exp(iϑ j ). (There may be a slight advantage
in rotating the circles with odd ν by π/N.)

Remark. The quantity κ is a bound on how much our fundamental domain

at radius R differs from being a round annulus. For any finite R, the quantity
κ is smaller than 1. Larger radii R yield larger values of κ and thus fewer
points per circle. For example, R ≥ 13.94 allows κ = 9/10 instead of
κ = 1/2 as above. However, a price must be paid: increasing R from R1
to R2 increases the number of iterations required to arrive near a root by
approximately d log(R2 /R1 ).

Rounding and the numbers of starting points. In the above recipe, the num-
ber of circles is usually quite small: for degrees d ≤ 42, the number
0.26632 log d is less than 1; for d ≤ 1825, it is less than 2; for d ≤ 78 015, it
is less than 3 and for d ≤ 3 333 550 it is less than 4. Of course, the number of
circles and the number of points on them must be integers, so rounding can
30 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

have a significant impact on the size of S d , although this effect diminishes

for very large degrees (one always has to round up to be on the safe side).
To get the smallest number of initial points, one can, for each degree d,
choose α so that α log d (the number of circles) is an integer (typically near
0.26632 log d), and then solve for τ as a function of α. Since

B(e2πτ )
2π A(e2πτ )
where A and B are the integrals defined in Equations (4) and (5) of Sect. 6,
this requires calculating α for a number of values of τ and interpolating
the inverse. Then the number of points per circle can be computed as
2παd log d/(κτ)!.
If this is done, the total number of points is minimized by using one
circle for d ≤ 173, two circles are best for 174 ≤ d ≤ 9255, and so on.
For example, for degree 100 the basic recipe above requires two circles
with 1918 points each, while one circle with 2722 points will also work
and requires only 63% as many starting points; for degree 12 000, the basic
recipe calls for 1 407 570 points spread over three circles, while the minimal
number is 1 201 893 points, also on three circles (that is, 85%).
In practice, reducing the number of starting points by even as much as
a factor of 2 or 3 can have little effect: one often has found all the roots of
a polynomial long before all the starting points have been tried, depending
on the particular scheme used (see below). For example, in an experiment
solving 1000 degree 256 polynomials with randomly chosen coefficients,
on average only 758 ≈ 0.53 d log d initial points were tried before all roots
were found.
The reasons for this are twofold: S d is a universal set of starting values,
and must allow for the smallest basin of the worst-case polynomial of
degree d. In particular, for a polynomial which has a root with many small
channels, the grid must be tight enough to ensure that a starting point lies
in the largest of them, but in practice, points will often fall into several of
the smaller channels as well. Furthermore, by Corollary 13 at least half of
the roots of every polynomial have relatively wide channels. Secondly, S d
does not take into account the preimages of the immediate basins, which,
while smaller than the immediate basins, can still have a significant size.
Taking twice as many starting points on the same circles will ensure that
not only is there a starting point within every basin, but also that there is
one which is not too close to the basin boundary. This yields a better rate of
convergence for such a point, and makes it possible to give an upper bound
on the necessary number of iteration steps [Sch].

Locating the roots. By the main theorem of this paper, for each root of any
polynomial p(z) ∈ Pd , there is a point of S d that lies in its immediate basin.
Although we give no upper bound on the number of iterates of Newton’s
Newton’s method for polynomials 31

method required to approximate the zeroes of p, it is easy to construct an

algorithm to approximate the roots.
The goal is to find points  ξ1 , 
ξ2 , . . . , 
ξd which approximate the d roots
ξ j of p(z) (regarded with multiplicity), so that | ξ j − ξ j | < ε.
First, make a reasonable guess K for the number of iterations needed.
Any positive value for K will work, but better guesses make the algo-
rithm more efficient. Taking K = d log(R/ε)! will do, which assumes the
convergence is always at least linear. Then, for each point z 0 ∈ S d , apply
Newton’s method at most K times, stopping when |z n − z n−1 | < ε/d (where
z n = N ◦n p (z 0 )). This condition guarantees that there is at least one root ξ j
with |z n − ξ j | < ε [He, Cor. 6.4g]. Any enumeration of S d will satisfy the
theorem, but we find enumerations where the argument of subsequent initial
values differ by about 2π/d to be most efficient.
If the root ξ j approximated by z n is different from all previously found
roots, let  ξ j = z n (see below for how to detect this). Notice that roots must
be accounted for with multiplicity. If z n approximates a previously found
root, discard this orbit entirely. If Newton’s method has been applied K
times to z 0 without converging to a root, save the value of z K in a set S 1d for
possible future use. In addition, if |z k | > R for any k > 1, the iteration of z k
can safely be deferred by storing z k in S 1d . If after trying all the initial points
in S d the number of roots found so far is less than d, then begin again, using
points from S 1d as starting values and saving the non-convergent points in
a set S 2d . Continue in this way until all d roots are found.
When |z n −z n−1 | < ε/d, we know that |z n −ξ j | < ε for some root ξ j , but
even if z n is in the immediate basin of some root ξ j , we cannot guarantee that
ξ j = ξ j . The method described here would fail in the following situation:
there is a root ξ0 so that the orbit of every point z 0 ∈ S d in its basin comes
within ε of some other root ξ j with |ξ j − ξ0 | > ε (or we would view the
roots as a multiple). Furthermore, this orbit must pass ξ j slowly, so that
|z n − z n−1 | < ε/d. We have never observed this, but the best bound we can
provide to exclude such a situation is much weaker [Sch].

Detecting duplicate approximations. When we have a point  ξ for which

|N p (
ξ) − 
ξ| is sufficiently small, we must decide whether it approximates
a previously found root ξ j or a new one. If the root in question is simple, there
are explicit criteria to decide this: see [KS, Lemma 2.7]. These criteria use
the Kim-Smale α-function, introduced by Kim in [K1,K2] and sharpened
and extended by Smale [Sm]. Unfortunately, computing the α-function
requires evaluating (or at least estimating) all of the derivatives of p at the
point ξ. This can make its use computationally troublesome if the degree is
very large.
In most cases, the roots are simple and sufficiently separated so that
detection of duplication is not an issue. In the rare cases where there are
multiple or clustered roots, the multiplicity can often be inferred from the
rate of convergence or the value of N p .
32 J. Hubbard, D. Schleicher, S. Sutherland

The accuracy necessary for calculations. One significant advantage of New-

ton’s method over some other root-finding methods is its great numerical
stability. Even if the goal is to approximate the roots of p(z) to very high
precision, we need only first find d approximations to moderate precision
(say, with ε = 10−8 ), and then refine these approximations as needed. Since
we are finding all of the roots at once, with no intermediate deflation, the
fact that we initially use a low precision will not affect the final result.


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