The Artwork Is Planned Carefully Understandin Gofall Concepts and Instructions Are Clearly Shown

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Extraordinary Above Average Average Below Average Poor

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Understanding The artwork is The artwork is The artwork is The artwork The artwork
planned planned planned shows little shows no
carefully; carefully; adequately; evidence of understanding
understandin understanding understanding understanding of the
of most of some the concepts concepts and
g of all
concepts and concepts and and instructions.
concepts and
instructions instructions instructions.
instructions are shown are shown
are clearly
Craftmanship/Skill The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork
shows shows good shows shows below shows poor
outstanding craftsmanship average average craftsmanship
craftsmanship, with some craftsmanship craftsmanship and no
with clear attention to and attention and little attention to
attention to detail to detail attention to detail
detail. detail
Creativity/Originality The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates lacks evidence
original some an average little personal of personal
personal personal amount of expression expression
expression and expression personal and problem
outstanding and logical expression solving skills
problem problem
solving skills solving skills
Effort Puts forth Puts forth the Puts forth Puts forth Puts forth no
extraordinary required adequate required effort or the
effort to effort to effort to finish effort to project was
complete the complete the the project finish the not
project project well project completed
extremely well

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