Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la ConstrucciónBilingualism Team
Evidence name
Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes ene nes exclusivamente educavos del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción-
Sena- Regional Antoquia
Teachers teach children to read, write, do math, andmuch more. They show students skills.Teachers try to make their lessons easy to understand.They also explain information. That´s why they teachthings in different ways so that different students canlearn in the way that is easier for them. They makeposters or worksheets, use games, videos, computers, achalkboard, a projector and other tools to teach childrendifferent subjects. Teachers also give homework, correct it,and make class projects. They often havestudents work together to do projects.When students are not doing well,teachers help them. Teachers must be able to talk to children and be goodleaders. The students must trust them. Teachers shouldmake students want to learn. They also should beorganized, dependable, patient, and creative. Teachers like to see children learn. Butsometimes teaching lots of students can bestressful. Teachers also have to deal withchildren who misbehave. Teachers work withstudents of many different cultures. Teacherslearn about different cultures so that theycan be more helpful to students.
1. Answer the uestions!
What do teachers teach?
...............................................................2. What do teachers make? ................................................................3. What do teachers use? ................................................................ ................................................................4. What do teachers also do? ............................................................... ...............................................................5. How should teachers be? ............................................................... ...............................................................6. Whom do teachers meet? .............................................................7. What classes must you take to become a teacher? ...............................................................8. What do teachers do after school? .................................................... .................................................... ....................................................
2. Underline in the text: all the activities (verbs) teachers do!
Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la ConstrucciónBilingualism Team
Evidence name
Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes ene nes exclusivamente educavos del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción-
Sena- Regional Antoquia
Teachers plan their lessons before they teach,which takes a lot of time. After class, teachersgrade papers and projects. They also createtests. They write students' report cards. Andthey meet with parents to try to help theirchildren do better in school. Teacherssometimes go to workshops to learn how toteach better. Many teachers work more than 40hours a week. Most kindergarten and elementary school teachers teachseveral subjects to one class. In some schools, two ormore teachers work as a team. Most middle school andhigh school teachers teach one subject, for example,English, Maths, Science, or History. All teachers in public schools must have a teachingcertificate to teach. Some are licensed to teach at apreschool or elementary school, middle or high school. You must have a college degree to be a teacher. You musttake classes in education and practice teaching with thehelp of an experienced teacher.You must pass tests in reading,writing, and other subjects. And you have to keep learning. 3.
Unscramble these nouns!
rcilhnde ..................................otsrhweeks ..................................aegsm ..................................whkmeoor ..................................gnisEhl ..................................sssolne ..................................nreatps ..................................lksils ..................................oifrmnantio ..................................4.
eight adjectives
in the text. Write them down.