Year 11 Physics Dynamics Notes Part 1 1 PDF

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The key takeaways are that a force is a push or pull that causes an object to accelerate or change motion. There are different types of forces like contact forces, gravity, tension etc. Newton's three laws of motion and the concept of net force are also introduced.

Newton's three laws of motion are: 1) An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. 2) The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. 3) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The two types of forces are contact forces, which require two objects to physically touch each other, and non-contact forces like gravity, which act over a distance without direct contact.


Module 2: Dynamics

Part 1 of 2:

Brought to you by Professor Sandy, Jathu and Gary from:

1. Forces
Inquiry question: How are forces produced between objects and what effects do forces

• Using Newton’s Laws of Motion, describe static and dynamic interactions between
two or more objects and the changes that result from:
- A contact force
- A force mediated by fields

• A force is a push, pull or a twist on an object due its interaction with another object
- This interaction can be either direct or indirect
• Force is a vector quantity and are measured in Newtons (N)
• Net force refers to the sum of all forces acting on a body
- We say the forces acting on a body is balanced if the net force is equal to zero
- If the resultant force is non-zero, then we say that it is unbalanced

• There are two types of force:

- Contact force requires two objects to physically touch each other
- Non-contact forces are force mediated by fields, for example gravity

Newtons Laws of Motion:

Newtons First Law

• This law is also known as the Law of Inertia, and it states that an object will remain at
rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external unbalanced
• For example, if you throw a ball in space, it will continue to travel with the exact same
velocity forever (as no forces are acting on it)
• However, if you roll a ball on a surface on earth, it will eventually come a complete stop
- This is because an unbalanced force, friction, acts on it to eventually stop the ball
- Friction is a contact force that is created whenever two objects move or try to
move against each other
- They always act the direction opposite to the objects motion
Newtons Second Law:
• This law states that an object will only accelerate when subjected to a net unbalanced
force. This is given by the equation:

Σ𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎

- Where Σ𝐹 is the net force, 𝑚 is the mass and 𝑎 is the acceleration of the object

• The force of friction can be again analysed using Newtons Second Law. As friction
opposes the motion of an object, it essentially causes it to decelerate and thus making it
come to a complete stop
• Gravity (A non-contact force) can also be explained using this law. Any objects in the
Earths Gravitational field will always accelerated towards it at 9.8 ms−2

Newtons Third Law:

• Newtons Third Law states that for all action force, there’s an equal and opposite
reaction force
• For example, consider what happens when you sit on a chair. You exert a downwards
force on the chair (due to your weight) and the chair pushes back on you with an equal
upwards force such that the net force is balanced (and so you don’t fall through the
• This force is known as a normal force and it is a
type of static contact force. It always acts
perpendicular to the surface that the object is in
contact with

• Another a common type of a contact force is tension. It is the force that is transmitted
through a rope, string or wire when it is pulled tightly from each side
• It pulls equally on the objects on the opposite ends of the wire
• Explore the concept of net force and equilibrium in one-dimension and simple two-
dimensional contexts using:
- Algebraic addition
- Vector addition
- Vector addition by resolution into components
• Solve problems or make quantitative predictions about resultant and component
forces by applying the following relationships:
- ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐹𝐴𝐵 = −𝐹⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
- 𝐹𝑥 = 𝐹 cos 𝜃 , 𝐹𝑦 = 𝐹 sin 𝜃

• When a net force of zero acts on an object, we say that it is in an equilibrium

- This means that it has zero acceleration as per Newtons First Law

• To solve many types of physics problems, we need to analyse the effects of all forces
acting on an object. We can do this by using a free body diagram, which is an example
of a vector diagram
• In the diagram, we can represent the magnitude
of the force by the size of the arrow, and the
direction at which the force is acting by the
direction of the arrow
• The arrows are always drawn from the center of
the object
• When solving problems, you must always
identify all the forces and draw a free body

• We will be then mainly using Newtons Second Law and vector addition to solve
- For example, if an object is at equilibrium, then the sum of all the horizontal
component of forces and vertical component forces must be equal to zero


Calculate the Normal force acting on this object

Using trigonometry, 𝐹𝑦 = 50 sin 30 = 25 𝑁

Since the object is not accelerating in the 𝑦 direction,
Σ𝐹𝑦 = 0
∴ FN + FappY − Fgrav = 0
FN = −FappY + Fgrav = −25 + 100 = 75N upwards
• Conduct a practical investigation to explain and predict the motion of objects on
inclined plane

• To determine the acceleration of a trolley down a ramp due to its weight

• Motion Sensor, interface and computer
• Dynamics trolley
• Runway
• Protractor
• Wooden Block

1. The runway was propped up at 45° angle of inclination
2. A wooden block was set up at the bottom of the ramp
3. A motion sensor was set up with a computer at the top of the ramp facing down the
4. The trolley was released from the top of the ramp and the data was recorded
5. Data logging software was configured to plot the trolley’s velocity vs. time
6. The experiment was repeated three times

• The acceleration of the trolley was then found by taking the gradient of the graph
• This acceleration was due to the trolley’s weight force parallel to the plane:

Σ𝐹 𝑚𝑔 sin 𝜃 − 𝐹𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑎= =
𝑚 𝑚

• The force due to friction can also be calculated using the above expression

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