Analysis On The Flexural Strength of Muslin Cloth Reinforced Gypsum

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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the Civil Engineering Department
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Joshua M. Bernal
Jamar A. Camar
Pauline Dela Cruz
Jerome M. Palicte
Nicole Denise G. Salandanan

April 2019



Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
List of Tables iii
List of Figures iii
1 The Problem and its Settings 1
Introduction 1
Theoretical Framework 2
Conceptual Framework 4
Objective of the Study 4
Scope and Limitations of the Study 5
Significance of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 6
2 Review of Literature and Studies 8
Plastic Waste Management 8
Thermal Properties of PET Bottles 12
Utilization of PET Bottles 13
Thermal Stability 16
Cost Analysis on Thermal Insulation 17
Synthesis 20
3 Methodology 29
Research Design 29
Flowchart of Research Design 32
Description of Research Instrument Used 33
Material Requirements 33
Mix Design 34
Specimen Details 34
Laboratory Experiment 34
References 36
Appendices 41
Biographical Statement 41



Number Title Page

1 Mix Design 34


Number Title Page

1 Research Paradigm 4

2 Flowchart 32


Chapter 1



Thermal insulators is one way to cut costs from your house as it benefits the

household in the long run. Insulating the house keeps it from the elements of the frigid

winds of winter and the searing sun of summer. Fiberglass batts are typically the

cheapest type of insulation. It is packaged in rolls with a standard thickness of 16 to 24

inches which is great for attics or other areas with few obstructions. Even though a

loose corner or tear can diminish its insulation quality but with proper maintenance, it

can last up to 15 years.

Being a tropical country, Philippines is exposed to the searing heat of the sun half of

the year therefore its residents our prone to heat stroke even at home. Proper

insulation can reduce the transmission of heat that enters the household and keeps the

cool air within the household. However, even the cheapest type of insulator can cost

up to 1,900 PHP per roll, which is usually 12-20 square feet.

With its growing populace, about 35,580 tons of garbage is generated every day and,

on the average, each person produces 0.5kg and 0.3kg of waste every day in urban

and rural area respectively. In early 2001, Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of

2000 (Republic Act 9003) was approved and came into effect. This law refers to the

“systematic administration of activities which provide segregation at source,


segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of

solid waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm the

environment”. RA 9003 requires a proper segregation of waste and at least 25% of it

should be diverted or recovered through reuse, recycling, composting and other

resource recovery activities. But over the years, only 40% to 80% of waste are

recovered implying that 15% to 60% of waste are improperly disposed, and majority of

improperly disposed waste are plastics.

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles are considered as high residual value plastic

and most likely to be picked up by waste pickers as it generates more profit than low

residual value plastic considering the time spent in garnering them. In fact, according

to a study by a global firm called McKinsey Center for Business and Environment,

Philippines recovery rates for PET bottles has reached 90%. Henceforth, the

researchers came up with the idea to utilize PET bottles as thermal insulators while

maximizing its own ability as a good heat insulator. With this proposal, we can reduce

plastic waste while offering another helpful benefit as it reduces the temperature in

households as it traps the heat from roofs into the rooms.

Theoretical Framework

According to United Nations, 300 million tons of plastic waste is

produced yearly and about half of it comes from five countries, Philippines being one of

them. Among these plastic wastes is Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles. Based

on a research conducted by Euromonitor in 2016, the number of productions of PET

bottles will increase as it is being used in packaging of clean drinking water thus

making the amount of plastic wastes to grow more. Fortunately, these PET bottles can

be recycled and could be utilized to various products that will help reduce

wastes.Materials that do not absorb water, like PET bottles, are preferred to use as

thermal insulation as it transfers heat slower than wetted materials. Thermal insulation

is the process of preventing the heat transfer between adjacent surfaces and is

measured by thermal conductivity. According to Fourier’s Law, the time rate of heat

transfer through a material is proportional to the area, the gradient in the temperature,

and the thermal conductivity of the material. Low thermal-conductive materials are

used for thermal insulation. Thermal insulation materials, also known as insulators, are

installed in structures so that heat is resisted from one material to another.

Engineers use the concept of thermal resistance for thermal insulation in

buildings. The thermal resistance, or thermal resistivity, is directly proportional to the

thickness and inversely proportional to thermal conductivity.

In evaluation of the cost comparison of an alternative and conventional,

Incremental Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis is used. This method helps determine if a

project is more beneficial or costly, or more feasible than the other project.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 Research Paradigm

Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input

consists the objectives of the study, the process starts with reviewing the related

literature and studies to determine if the study is feasible or not; the process also

includes the preparation of materials and standard testing for the prototype, and for the

output the researchers would know if PET bottles can be utilized as roof-ceiling thermal


Objective of the Study

 To determine the capabilities of PET bottles as an effective alternative

material for roof thermal insulators.


 To evaluate the cost of conventional thermal insulator to thermal

insulator made of PET bottles in terms of:

a. Material

b. Production

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study aims to assess the thermal insulation capacity of Polyethylene

Terephthalate (PET) bottles and its ability to sustain its job as thermal insulators for

roof ceiling. The study will compare the expenses between the conventional thermal

insulators and this prototype in terms of material cost, labor, production cost to

determine whether the prototype is an alternative material to be used as thermal

insulator. The standard testing to be used on determining the heat capacity of

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles is Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

since other standard testing is not available in the Philippines. To have a homogenous

specimen, a 300 ml Coke Mismo type 1 plastic bottle will only be used. Other standard

testing that is done on common thermal insulators available locally on market that is

used by Manufacturers on National Capital Region (NCR) based only, will also be

applied on the prototype. The specimen’s area and its thickness will be based on the

required size for testing and on the available common thermal insulators in the market.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to utilize Polyethylene Terephthalate (P.E.T) Bottles as a

material for thermal insulation in roof ceiling. Also, this study makes possible for the

following to be benefited.


This study pursues to add knowledge to students regarding the use of

Polyethylene Terephthalate (P.E.T) Bottles as a material for thermal insulation in

ceilings. It also helps the academe in providing a reference for future related



This study benefits the community by having an alternative and cheap

thermal insulation.


The study helps the environment by recycling a waste property.

Definition of terms

Heat Capacity. It is the ratio of the amount of heat energy transferred to an

object to the resulting increase in its temperature.

Homogeneous. It is a composition of parts or elements that are all the same


Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). It is a polymer formed by combining

modified ethylene glycol and purified terephthalic acid. This is commonly used for

packaging food and non-food products.

Polymer. It is a large molecule or macromolecule, composed of many repeated

subunits. Due to their broad range of properties, both synthetic and natural polymers

play essential and generic roles in everyday life.

Residual Value. It is the predicted value of the waste after its consumption.

Thermal Conductivity. It is a measure of the material’s ability to conduct heat.

Thermal Insulator. It prevents heat from moving from one place to another.

Thermal Resistivity. It is a heat property and a measurement of a temperature

difference by which an object or material resists a heat flow. It is sometimes called R-


Thermo-stability. It is the quality of the substance to resist irreversible change

in its chemical or physical structure, often by resisting decomposition or polymerization,

at a high temperature.

Utilization. The act of using a material in a practical and effective way.


Chapter 2


Plastic Waste Management

In 2000, Solid waste management strategy of Metro Manila were reported by

“Wasting and Recycling in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines” that criticizes all types of

incineration-based on treating plastic waste since it is against the Clean Air Act of

1999. While the government is still doing incineration-based proposals, it is discussed

that the remaining waste should have proper landfill to be put to. Common recycling,

waste reduction, and applying new technologies and effective implementation of

strategies could help in managing Municipal wastes. Alternative approach like 3R’s

(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in an environmental way that reduces plastic wastes to be

disposed on landfills.

Jucyte et al. (2005) on a study entitled “Economical and Ecological Feasibility of

Plastic Recycling” stated that plastic is an outstanding material but still have

undesirable effect on human and environment. The study tackled different ways on

recycling of plastic wastes and assessed their economic and ecological impact.

Different natural and chemical treatment of plastic wastes were also discussed. One

way to greatly reduce number of plastic wastes is by reusing it, but the problem is most

plastic materials aren’t made to be reuse and only plastic bottles are easy to reuse.

Plastic pollution by the definition of Wikipedia is the accumulation of plastic

objects (e.g. plastic bottles) in the Earth’s Environment that adversely affects wildlife,

their habitat, and humans. Greenpeace published an article on 2005 about the “The

Plastics Pollution of Manila Bay” and it says:


“In Manila Bay, most of the plastics come

from land-based sources. There is especially a
higher density of plastic wastes along the deltas of
rivers and esteros especially after heavy rains.
Some plastic trash even ends up smothering
mangrove trees along the coast.

Plastics that are intended for disposal after

only one use are defined as single-use plastics.
They are generally derived from petroleum
products and are predominantly used as
packaging material. However, often, in the
Philippines, reusing single use plastic packaging is
common. Plastic beverage bottles or cups are
used over and over again until they start to leak.

Plastic waste pollution contributes to the

loss of economic resources, especially in fishing. It
is often implicated in the shortfall of tourism
opportunities, as the presence of plastic litter
mares the natural beauty of the environment. It
incurs economic costs in the form of damage to
ships, infrastructure or water flow systems; and it
means more resources being poured into clean-up
efforts and waste management. It may also pose
physical hazards to humans swimming or diving in
plastic-littered waters.” (Greenpeace, 2005)

But there is also this “Solid-waste management practices of households in

Manila, Philippines” by Bernard EC (2008) wherein he gathered data through an

interview with household members using open-ended questions. Interviews were also

conducted with garbage collectors as well as scavengers. Results showed that the

households generated an average of 3.2 kg of solid waste per day, or 0.50

kg/capita/day. The types of wastes commonly generated are food/kitchen wastes,

papers, PET bottles, metals, and cans, boxes/cartons, glass bottles,

cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes. The respondents segregate their wastes

into PET bottles, glass bottles, and other waste (mixed wastes). No respondents

perform composting. It is worth noting, however, that burning of waste is not done by

the respondents. The households rely on garbage collection by the government.


On February 2008, “The Study on Recycling Industry Development in The

Republic of Philippines” discussed about the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act

of 2000 (RA 9003) that provides extensive measures on minimizing waste, as well as

reusing, recycling and composting. It aims to minimize solid waste including plastics by

collection, treatment, and on putting it on landfills. Since most plastics are

nonbiodegradable and takes time to degrade themselves, most people are just putting

it into fire and isn’t appropriate since it can affect the environment and health hazard of

people. The purpose of this law is to ensure human health and environment.

According to Hopewell (2009) in his paper “Plastic Recycling: Challenges

and Opportunities”, plastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable materials, which

can readily be molded into a variety of products that find use in a wide range of

applications. As a consequence, the production of plastics has increased markedly

over the last 60 years. However, current levels of their usage and disposal generate

several environmental problems. Here, researchers briefly set recycling into context

against other waste-reduction strategies, namely reduction in material use through

downgauging or product reuse, the use of alternative biodegradable materials and

energy recovery as fuel. While plastics have been recycled since the 1970s, the

quantities that are recycled vary geographically, according to plastic type and

application. Recycling of packaging materials has seen rapid expansion over the last

decades in a number of countries. Advances in technologies and systems for the

collection, sorting and reprocessing of recyclable plastics are creating new

opportunities for recycling, and with the combined actions of the public, industry and

governments it may be possible to divert the majority of plastic waste from landfills to

recycling over the next decades.


In the study of Seebaluck (2009) entitled “Prospects for Recycling of Waste PET

Bottles in Mauritius”, the paper analyses the status and prospects of waste PET bottles

recycling in Mauritius., It is shown that with high demand of consumers, from glass

bottles and cans, industries created fully recyclable pet bottles. The characteristics of

pet bottles as clear, durable, and cheap made it also a good material for packaging of

food and other products. However, with high demand, large amount of pet bottle

wastes was also produced since it is non-biodegradable, it poses another problem.

But also, according to the article published by Rachel Cernansky “When

Recycling Is Bad for the Environment” (2009), Recycling is generally far better than

sending waste to landfills and relying on new raw materials to drive the consumer

economy. It takes two-thirds less energy to make products from recycled plastic than

from virgin plastic. By the last official measure in 2005, Americans recycle an estimated

32 percent of their total waste, which averages nearly a ton per person per year,

around a third of which is plastic. In the U.S., only 6.8 percent of the total plastic is

actually can be recycled and the higher rates belong to bottles. The chief problem lies

in plastic complexity because it can be categorized into two common types such as

PET and HDPE and also the additives in different plastics must be considered so they

can be melted down and recycled together.

As it says in Lisa Zyga’s article of “How Much Energy Goes into Making a Bottle

of Water?” (2009), she discussed that in producing and transporting plastic bottles it

takes greatly energy input and mostly single-use plastic water bottles are polyethylene

terephthalate (PET). The researchers calculated that the manufacturing cost of PET is

about 4 million joules of energy per typical 1-liter PET bottle weighing 38 grams, and

the cap weighing 2 grams. Even though using recycled materials could lead to some

energy savings, almost all plastic bottles for water are currently made from virgin PET


Park et al. (2009) on a study entitled “Reduce, Reuse, and Replace: A Study on

Solutions to Plastic Wastes” stated that most plastics aren’t biodegradable and

requires time and process in breaking down before throwing it in a landfill. It takes a lot

of time before plastics degrade themselves naturally, but manufacturing of plastics is

happening consecutively. This means it’s difficult to lessen plastic waste and when

more plastics are manufactured, it can contribute in pollution and wastes.

Thermal Properties of PET Bottles

Freire et al. (1999) study entitled “Thermal Stability of Polyethylene

Terephthalate (PET): Oligomer and Formation of Volatiles”, investigated two oven-able

pet bottles that undergo severe heating conditions. Test samples were with possible

migrant into foods, namely oligomers and volatile substances. Migrate into different

liquids and tested with different time and hour. It is concluded that pet bottles even

under melting point, have good temperature stability. It can be said that it is well suited

high temperature food contact.

Also, plastics can create opportunities in recycling as Jane Blunt (2002) says in

her study “Health and Safety in Welding and Allied Processes”, the plastic and

synthetic resins are now commonly used in coating materials for protection of metal

surfaces and as insulating layers between metals. Burning and welding such coated

metals invariably gives rise to organic decomposition products, many of which are

known to be hazardous to health. All coated surfaces must be treated as potential

sources of noxious fumes, particularly where the nature of the coating is not known (as

is usually the situation during maintenance and repair work).


Nienhuys et al. (2004) stated in the study “Plastic Waste Insulation Re-Use of

PET for High Altitude Houses” that many people that lives in mountainous areas is

highly dependent on firewood as their source of energy. Because of large

consumption, more trees are cut down that greatly affect the forest. The concept of

making an effective thermal insulation is considered to lessen the consumption needs

on firewood. Researchers discuss the principles of using pet bottles as insulating

material on different forms on houses such as bedsheets, uses on roofs and many


Kamal et. Al (2009) reported in their study “Recycling of Waste PET Bottles as a

Voluminous Alternative Material for Making Composite Panels” that pet bottles

contributes large amount of wastes on our environment. Researchers saw an

opportunity to recycle and use waste pet bottles as an alternative filler material in

manufacturing composite panels. Since foam core is costly, replacing it with pet bottles

is an economical solution. The pet bottle isn’t compatible with cement so thin steel

wires is used and tied it over the pet bottles. Improvement in terms of panel’s strength

were also shown.

Utilization of PET Bottles

Muller (2004) conducted a study to know the use recycled plastic bottles as a

material for roadside crash-barriers. In his study “Energy absorption capability of

recycled plastic bottles”, potential use and effectiveness of recycled plastic bottles were

investigated using a test program. The data of energy-absorbing potential of common

plastic bottles were compiled. To identify the factors that mostly affect the energy

absorption, test matrix and analysis of variance was used. This study concludes that

the plastic bottles collected are capable of absorbing significant amount of crush

energy when it is filled with appropriate filling materials.

Coca-Cola a company that manufactures carbonated soft drink published an

article “Unified Recycling: Coca-Cola Launches First Bottles-to-Fiber Recycling

Operation in Nigeria” (2005) and it contents is as it follows:

“Across Nigeria’s cities and villages, as in

many other developing countries, solid waste,
including PET bottles and other non-biodegradable
materials, end up at dumpsites and landfills, often
clogging drains and waterways, contributing to
health and environmental issues. In response to
this challenge, in 2005, Coca-Cola, in collaboration
with Alkem Nigeria Limited, a synthetic fiber
manufacturer, initiated a buyback and recycling
scheme for used PET bottles, regardless of source
or brand.

In addition to reducing litter from PET

bottles, the project employs an estimated 1,500
people, with many earning more than US$6 a day,
in a country where about 70 percent of the
population lives on less than US$2 a day. The
synthetic fiber produced is valuable raw material
that supports various local industries in producing
textiles, mattresses, pillows, sofas, roofing sheets
and insulation for buildings.” (Coca-Cola, 2005)

Andrew (2005) conducted a study entitled “Recycling of Plastic bottles for Use

as a Lightweight Geotechnical Material” about the use of recycled p.e.t bottles to be

used for lightweight geotechnical material. Common geotechnical fills are used for

building roadway embankments, filling in retaining walls, and as backfill above buried

pipelines. To explore the use of polyethylene terephthalate bottle blocks as a new

material for lightweight geotechnical fill, it’s physical and mechanical properties were

investigated. A block with 59.5% is made up of recycled pet bottles shows results of

average density of 32.63kg/m^3, which is very low. In addition, unconfined


compression tests is also conducted, with strengths of 60KN/m^2 (1,250 lb/ft^2). The

tests made shows that this material may be useful as a lightweight geotechnical fill.

An article by Packaging Gateway entitled “Beer in PET bottles alternative

packaging” (January 2006) that says

"In October 2005, San Miguel - the

Philippines based beer company - launched its
beer in 1L PET bottles, in addition to its existing
glass bottle and aluminum can formats. In 2004, a
major nightclub in Glasgow, UK, started selling
plastic beer bottles to reduce the number of
injuries caused by glass bottles. The early 2000s
have seen an increase in the popularity of plastic
beer bottles at venues for sports, parties, concerts,
etc. across the US, Australia and UK for safety and
security reasons.

The plastic bottle is slowly emerging as

alternative packaging format for beer. Plastic beer
bottles are light in weight, unbreakable and easier
to handle than glass when cold. Customers prefer
plastic bottles to cups as they eliminate foam and
are easier to carry outdoors. Plastic bottles can be
moulded into complex designs, giving various
options for improving marketability. PET bottles
are also completely recyclable. PET’s recycling
advantages, though, are becoming increasingly
important as part of the drive towards greater
sustainability in packaging across the world.”

Producing invention like HD-Green by the Baum Publications Ltd (January

2009), HD-Green is from PET bottles and used as a thermal insulation wherein it was

designed to meet the specialized needs of the technical sleeping bag in the market and

according to them, it is exceptionally warm and soft with the highest thermal efficiency

possible in the eco category.

And this news that turns PET bottles into insulation board or foam,

As bottles of polyethylene terephthalate, or

PET, continue to gain favor, the question of what
to do with the empties arises. Two chemists in
Switzerland believe they have come up with an
economically viable answer: Convert the discarded

plastic to thermal insulation foam. Their process

now is being made available under license.

Insulation board made from recycled PET

has several advantages over conventional
expanded polystyrene board, says H. Verity Smith,
who with Edwin W. Trevitt. Foamed PET has a
melting point some 100 °C higher than its
polystyrene counterpart. It also has a lower degree
of degree of flammability. Besides, PET insulation
board would make practical use of material that is
increasingly becoming something of a social
nuisance. (Chem. Eng. News, 1990, 68 (7), pp 25–

Thermal Stability

On August 1999, according to Freire and et. al in his research article “Thermal

Stability of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET): Oligomer Distribution and Formation of

Volatiles” two ovenable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) samples were investigated

under severe heating conditions and oligomers and volatile substances were analyzed

as potential migrants into foods. The samples were tested for migration into water, 3%

acetic acid and 15% ethanol solution for 1 hour at 95°C. Overall migration and the

specific migration of terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol were all

very low. The plastics were heated at 150°C, 260°C and 270°C, for 5 minutes 30

minutes and 60 minutes. Oligomer analysis by LC/MS (liquid chromatography‐MS)

showed that the concentration of the second series alicyclic oligomers increased up to

15‐fold on heating whereas the major oligomer fraction, the cyclic trimer, tetramer,

pentamer and hexamer showed only minor concentration changes with heating.

Volatiles evolved by the samples were trapped on a Tenax trap and identified by

GC/MS (gas chromatography‐MS). They were few in number and low in concentration

and none merited migration tests. It is concluded that even when tested up to melting

point, PET plastics of this type have good temperature stability and are well suited for

high‐temperature food contact applications.

According to Rajabinejad and et. al in his

paper “Recycling of Used Bottles Grade Poly
Ethylene Terephthalate to Nano Fibers by Melt-
electrospinning Method” (February 2009) used
PET bottles disposal is an unsolved environmental
problem, and there are many efforts for finding an
applicable solution for it. Many researches have
showed that the degradation rate of the polymers
increase with the smaller size of fibers. This work
was carried out to convert used PET bottles into
nanofibers by melt-electrospinning method.
Uncolored, washed and chipped PET bottles and
the PET granule was used for experiments. The
temperature of melted PET at extruder nozzle and
spinning area were set in the range of 245-255°C
and 200-235°C respectively. The melting point of
the polymer was determined by DSC. The
potential difference was fixed at 25 kV and the
distance between the nozzle and the collector
were 3-9 cm. The morphology and fineness of
produced fibers investigated by SEM. Although the
producing fibers were not completely in the range
of nano-size fibers, but the results have showed
that the nanofibers with diameter between 61- 93
nm can be achieved by the melt-electro spinning
method. Comparing the effects of different flow
rates of melting polymer as well as the distance
between the nozzle to the collector have shown
more proportion of finer fibers in flow rate less than
0.1 mL/min and the distance in the range of 3-5
cm. It was concluded however the melt
electrospinning production of nanofibers has some
difficulties but it can be considered as an
applicable and environmentally friendly way to
recycling the used PET bottles so it can prevent
more pollution of the environment.

Cost Analysis on Thermal Insulation

On February 2008, according to Richman and et. al in his paper entitled “Life-

Cycle Analysis of Roofing Insulation Levels for Cold Storage Buildings” that to reduce

operating costs, cold storage buildings are being designed with increasing levels of

thermal roof insulation. This examines the current state of the art in order to estimate

average roof insulation requirements in modern cold storage buildings and also

includes both economic and environmental considerations. The added environmental

impact of manufacturing thermal insulation is compared to the reduced environmental

impact of the building’s cooling load. The cost of purchasing and installing additional

roof insulation is also compared to the annual energy savings associated with the

increase to establish the most economic insulating level given today’s cost of energy.

In the article of This Old House about “Insulation Cost Analysis” (June 2008). A

quality discussion about insulation:

Of the following insulation projects, which will yield the

highest efficiency / highest return on investment?
* Blown cellulose into exterior walls
* Insulate basement walls
* Insulate basement ceiling
* Bring attic insulation to R-60
* Insulate kneewall flats with R-30
If the exterior walls have no insulation, is it possible to
blow insulation up the cavities from the basement (instead
of going from the outside)? I have access to the cavities
from the basement.
Quick Background Information:
Our house, located in New Hampshire, is a small cape
with a full basement. This past winter, our energy bills
(elec. / oil) were extremely high and this year we want to
reduce costs and better insulate our home.
We had a professional energy audit, but the company will
not return our calls / answer our emails now, when we try
to find out which improvements should be done in which
order, keeping cost in mind (as we’ll probably have to do
the improvements as time / money permits).
Re: Insulation Cost Analysis
* Blown cellulose into exterior walls
These would be the main areas with equal importance.
* Insulate basement walls
This will add benefit as well though the basement will
maintain a somewhat constant temperature in the 50's to
low 60's degree on its own.
However, it does definitely help to insulate the basement
walls in preventing heat loss from the basement and cold
infiltration through the basement walls.
* Insulate basement ceiling
In my opinion this returns little benefit since warm air rises
which is advantageous for the upper floor.

One area that is critical is the perimeter rim of the floor

where it sits on the foundation. Insulation at this area
definitely needs to be applied.
If the exterior walls have no insulation, is it possible to
blow insulation up the cavities from the basement (instead
of going from the outside)? I have access to the cavities
from the basement.
Sounds as though you have an older home that is balloon
If so if there is knob and tube wiring present you will need
to have this addressed since it can't be covered over with
You will need to discuss this with an insulation contractor.
I think it would be tricky to do it that way because of
Another area to mention is the heating equipment.
Without discussing the efficiency of the equipment, itself
but rather improving the delivery of heat from the system.
If you have forced air heat sealing the duct work and
insulating them will improve the efficiency.
With hot water piping would likely benefit from insulating
the pipes.
On July 2008, an article by Building entitled “What it costs: Thermal Insulation” it
been discussed that
Since October 2006 all new housing in England and
Wales has needed to meet the energy requirements in
Part L1A of the Building Regulations. Certain components
and elements must achieve a minimum thermal or energy
efficiency but it is the complete building that is assessed
as being compliant, based its carbon dioxide emission

Housing compliance is determined by the Standard

Assessment Procedure (SAP). This defines the size and
location of the planned building and then determines the
“target CO2 emission rate” (TER), based on the 2002
Building Regulations. The new building then has to be
designed to reduce this by 20% – this is known as the
“dwelling CO2 emission rate” (DER).

The government predicts that the extra cost of achieving

the DER value would vary from £450 for a 65m2 two-
bedroom mid-floor flat to just under £1,000 for a 140m2
four-bedroom detached house.

Designers have some flexibility in achieving the DER –

increasing thermal insulation levels is one the ways it can
be done.

Thermal insulation levels

The limiting area-weighted average U-values are
0.35W/m2K for walls, 0.25W/m2K for roofs, 0.25W/m2K
for floors and 2.2W/m2K for windows. These can be
lowered to achieve compliance, provide a more energy-
efficient dwelling and reduce carbon emissions and
heating bills.

There are many materials with different thermal

conductivities that can be used for insulation. The lower
the thermal conductivity the better the U-value and each
insulant can be designed to achieve a specific value – it is
just a matter of specifying adequate thickness. The
service lives for insulants are expected to be more than 60
years, when correctly specified, designed and installed.

Plant and animal-based insulants such as sheep’s wool
and cellulose fibre These have thermal conductivity in the
range of 0.037–0.040W/m2K. The specification issues are
similar to those for mineral fibre.

Cellular plastics. These are the most thermally efficient of

the common insulants. Phenolic and polyisocyanurate
foams have the lowest thermal conductivity: 0.023W/m2K.
Rigid polyurethane, extruded and expanded polystyrene
have higher values, in the range of 0.032–0.040W/m2K.
The thermal conductivity of cellular plastics reduces over
time, owing to gas exchange. This can be limited by gas
impermeable facing and should be allowed for in the
thermal rating. Joints should be close fitting or taped and
filled to minimize air movement and gaps.

Mineral fiber, stone or glass wool These have a thermal conductivity of about 0.033–
0.040W/m2K. When using these materials, it is important to maintain a dry
environment during construction to protect them from rain and minimize risk of
condensation. Thermal performance is reduced if moisture comes in contact with this
type of insulation. Air movement can be limited by specifying mineral fiber insulation
with a facing. Mineral fiber used for flooring or flat roofs should have adequate
compressive resistance for the expected traffic and loads to avoid compression.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literatures and Studies

Plastic Waste Management


Plastic bottle waste is a very serious problem in our environment. Since plastic

bottles are cheap and very convenient, many people are using it and the problem is our

proper disposal since it is non-biodegradable that can contribute in the pollution of our


The study, “Wasting and Recycling in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines”, talks

about solid waste management strategy of Metro Manila that criticizes all types of

incineration-based on treating plastic waste since it is against the Clean Air Act of

1999. Common recycling, waste reduction, and applying new technologies and

effective implementation of strategies could help in managing Municipal wastes.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle is an environmental way that reduces plastic wastes to

be disposed on landfills.

Jucyte et al. (2005) on a study entitled “Economical and Ecological Feasibility of

Plastic Recycling” reported different natural and chemical treatment of plastic wastes.

One way to greatly reduce number of plastic wastes is by reusing it, but the problem is

most plastic materials aren’t made to be reuse and only plastic bottles are easy to


In the published article “The Plastics Pollution of Manila Bay” (2006) by

Greenpeace, In Manila Bay, most of the plastics come from land-based sources and

that plastics are intended for disposal after only one use are defined as single-use

plastics. Plastic waste pollution contributes to the loss of economic resources,

especially in fishing. It is often implicated in the shortfall of tourism opportunities, as the

presence of plastic litter mares the natural beauty of the environment.

Not only in the ocean but also in the land. As it discussed in the study of Bernard

EC (2008) “Solid-waste management practices of households in Manila, Philippines”.

Results showed that the households generated an average of 3.2 kg of solid waste per

day, or 0.50 kg/capita/day. The types of wastes commonly generated are food/kitchen

wastes, papers, PET bottles, metals, and cans, boxes/cartons, glass bottles,

cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes

A study entitled “The Study on Recycling Industry Development in the Republic

of Philippines” (2008) stated that most plastics are non-biodegradable and takes time

to degrade themselves, and most people put it into fire that causes pollution and health

hazard to other people.

In the study conducted by Hopewell et. al (2009) entitled “Plastic Recycling:

Challenges and Opportunities”, there are many ways to reduce the plastic wastes like

strategies that down gauging and reusing the product. Reprocessing of recyclable

plastics are creating new opportunities for recycling and it may be possible to divert the

majority of plastic waste from landfills to recycling over the next decades.

On the status and prospects of waste PET bottles recycling in Mauritius,

Seebaluck (2009) on a study entitled “Prospects for Recycling of Waste PET Bottles in

Mauritius” found that many pet bottles were produced since because it is high in

demand and because of improper disposal, the non-biodegradable material poses

another problem.

But according to Rachel Cernansky in its article “When Recycling is Bad for the

Environment”, plastic complexity is the chief problem in recycling because it cannot be

melted down and recycled together as it has different additives and properties.

Not only that, but also Lisa Zyga says in her article “How Much Energy Goes

into Making a Bottle of Water?” that it takes great energy input in producing and

transporting plastic bottles and most of that are PET bottles Even though using

recycled materials could lead to some energy savings, almost all plastic bottles for

water are currently made from virgin PET bottles.


Park et al. (2009) on a study entitled “Reduce, Reuse, and Replace: A Study on

Solutions to Plastic Wastes” stated that plastics are non-biodegradable and takes time

to degrade on landfills. Since more plastics are produced every day, it’s difficult to

lessen plastic waste and it can contribute in environmental pollution.

Thermal Property of Pet Bottles

Plastic bottle waste is a very serious problem in our environment. Since plastic

bottles are cheap and very convenient, many people are using it and the problem is our

proper disposal since it is non-biodegradable that can contribute in the pollution of our


The study, “Wasting and Recycling in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines”, talks

about solid waste management strategy of Metro Manila that criticizes all types of

incineration-based on treating plastic waste since it is against the Clean Air Act of

1999. Common recycling, waste reduction, and applying new technologies and

effective implementation of strategies could help in managing Municipal wastes.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle is an environmental way that reduces plastic wastes to

be disposed on landfills.

Jucyte et al. (2005) on a study entitled “Economical and Ecological Feasibility of

Plastic Recycling” reported different natural and chemical treatment of plastic wastes.

One way to greatly reduce number of plastic wastes is by reusing it, but the problem is

most plastic materials aren’t made to be reuse and only plastic bottles are easy to


In the published article “The Plastics Pollution of Manila Bay” (2006) by

Greenpeace, In Manila Bay, most of the plastics come from land-based sources and

that plastics are intended for disposal after only one use are defined as single-use

plastics. Plastic waste pollution contributes to the loss of economic resources,

especially in fishing. It is often implicated in the shortfall of tourism opportunities, as the

presence of plastic litter mares the natural beauty of the environment.

Not only in the ocean but also in the land. As it discussed in the study of Bernard

EC (2008) “Solid-waste management practices of households in Manila, Philippines”.

Results showed that the households generated an average of 3.2 kg of solid waste per

day, or 0.50 kg/capita/day. The types of wastes commonly generated are food/kitchen

wastes, papers, PET bottles, metals, and cans, boxes/cartons, glass bottles,

cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes

A study entitled “The Study on Recycling Industry Development in the Republic

of Philippines” (2008) stated that most plastics are non-biodegradable and takes time

to degrade themselves, and most people put it into fire that causes pollution and health

hazard to other people.

In the study conducted by Hopewell et. al (2009) entitled “Plastic Recycling:

Challenges and Opportunities”, there are many ways to reduce the plastic wastes like

strategies that down gauging and reusing the product. Reprocessing of recyclable

plastics are creating new opportunities for recycling and it may be possible to divert the

majority of plastic waste from landfills to recycling over the next decades.

On the status and prospects of waste PET bottles recycling in Mauritius,

Seebaluck (2009) on a study entitled “Prospects for Recycling of Waste PET Bottles in

Mauritius” found that many pet bottles were produced since because it is high in

demand and because of improper disposal, the non-biodegradable material poses

another problem.

But according to Rachel Cernansky in its article “When Recycling is Bad for the

Environment”, plastic complexity is the chief problem in recycling because it cannot be

melted down and recycled together as it has different additives and properties.

Not only that, but also Lisa Zyga says in her article “How Much Energy Goes

into Making a Bottle of Water?” that it takes great energy input in producing and

transporting plastic bottles and most of that are PET bottles Even though using

recycled materials could lead to some energy savings, almost all plastic bottles for

water are currently made from virgin PET bottles.

Park et al. (2009) on a study entitled “Reduce, Reuse, and Replace: A Study on

Solutions to Plastic Wastes” stated that plastics are non-biodegradable and takes time

to degrade on landfills. Since more plastics are produced every day, it’s difficult to

lessen plastic waste and it can contribute in environmental pollution.

Thermal Property of Pet Bottles

Many researchers are conducting research and studies that will reduce plastic

bottle waste by using recycled polyethylene terephthalate bottle in another material.

Freire et al. (1999) study entitled “Thermal Stability of Polyethylene

Terephthalate (PET): Oligomer and Formation of Volatiles”, investigated two oven-able

pet bottles under severe heating conditions and migrate into different liquid, tested in

different time and concluded that pet bottles even under melting point, have good

temperature stability and well suited in high temperature food contact.


According to Blunt (2002) in her study “Health and Safety in Welding and Allied

Processes”, plastic and synthetic resins are now commonly used in coating materials

because it has a thermal insulation capacity that exceeds in other material.

Nienhuys et al. (2004) on a study entitled “Plastic Waste Insulation Re-Use of

PET for High Altitude Houses” stated the principles of using PET bottles as insulating

material in different forms for high altitude houses because people were highly

dependent on firewood that many trees were cut down.

Kamal et. Al (2009) reported in their study “Recycling of Waste PET Bottles as a

Voluminous Alternative Material for Making Composite Panels” that PET bottles tied

with thin steels results in good compatibility with cement and good strength on

composite panels.

Utilization PET Bottles

In 2004, Muller’s study entitled “Energy absorption capability of recycled plastic

bottles”, assessed potential energy absorption capability of recycled PET bottles and

concludes that PET bottles are capable of absorbing significant amount of crush

energy when it is filled with appropriate filling materials.

In Nigeria, a company that manufactures carbonated soft drink published an

article “Unified Recycling: Coca-Cola Launches First Bottles-to-Fiber Recycling

Operation in Nigeria” (2005) and it shows that across Nigeria’s cities and villages, PET

bottles end up at dumpsites and landfills. That is why Coca-Cola initiated a buyback

and recycling scheme for used PET bottles, regardless of source or brand. The

synthetic fiber produced from PET bottles are valuable raw material that supports

various local industries in producing textiles, mattresses, pillows, sofas, roofing sheets

and insulation for buildings.


Andrew (2005) conducted a study entitled “Recycling of Plastic Bottles for Use

as A Lightweight Geotechnical Material” where PET bottles’ physical and mechanical

properties were investigated. The tests made shows that this material may be useful as

a lightweight geotechnical fill.

An article by Packaging Gateway entitled “Beer in PET bottles alternative

packaging” (2006) that says PET Bottle’s recycling advantages, though, are becoming

increasingly important as part of the drive towards greater sustainability in packaging

across the world.

In (2009), Baum Publications Ltd produces HD-Green, that is from PET bottles

and used as a thermal insulation wherein it was designed to meet the specialized

needs of the technical sleeping bag in the market and according to them, it is

exceptionally warm and soft with the highest thermal efficiency possible in the eco


There was also news and articles about converting PET bottles into insulation

materials. In 1990, two chemists come up with an answer that to reduce the number of

PET bottles in the world is to make them as an insulation foam as it has a melting point

of more than a hundred degree Celsius and a lower degree of flammability (Dermot

O’Sullivan, 1990).

Cost Analysis on Thermal Insulation

“Life-Cycle Analysis of Roofing Insulation Levels for Cold Storage Buildings” is a

paper by Richman and et. al in February 2008 and it tackles that to reduce operating

costs, cold storage buildings are being designed with increasing levels of thermal roof

insulation. This examines the current state of the art in order to estimate average roof

insulation requirements in modern cold storage buildings and also includes both

economic and environmental considerations


There is also a quality answer in This Old House, a website that holds a forum

about “Insulation Cost Analysis” (June 2008) and here they discussed insulation that

will yield best results. This is to insulate basement ceilings because that is critical. The

perimeter rim of the floor where it sits on the foundation so insulation at this area

definitely needs to be applied.

And lastly, an article by Building entitled “What it costs: Thermal Insulation” (July

2008). Certain components and elements must achieve a minimum thermal or energy

efficiency but it is the complete building that is assessed as being compliant, based its

carbon dioxide emission rate. Thermal Insulation levels These can be lowered to

achieve compliance, provide a more energy-efficient dwelling and reduce carbon

emissions and heating bills. There are many materials with different thermal

conductivities that can be used for insulation and cellular plastic are the most thermally

efficient of the common insulants.

Thermal Stability

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles were investigated under severe

heating conditions and oligomers and volatile substances were analyzed as potential

migrants into foods according to an article of Freire and et. al “Thermal Stability of

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET): Oligomer Distribution and Formation of Volatiles”

(August 1999). Overall migration and the specific migration of terephthalic acid,

ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol were all very low. They were few in number and

low in concentration and none merited migration tests. It is concluded that even when

tested up to melting point, PET plastics of this type have good temperature stability and

are well suited for high‐temperature food contact applications.

And also, in the paper of Rajabinejad and et. al “Recycling of Used

Bottles Grade Poly Ethylene Terephthalate to Nano Fibers by Melt-electrospinning


Method” (February 2009) used PET bottles disposal is an unsolved environmental

problem, and there are many efforts for finding an applicable solution for it. This work

was carried out to convert used PET bottles into nanofibers by melt-electrospinning

method. It was concluded however the melt electrospinning production of nanofibers

has some difficulties but it can be considered as an applicable and environmentally

friendly way to recycling the used PET bottles so it can prevent more pollution of the

environment. This shows that Poly Ethylene Terephthalate bottles have thermostability

properties that can be used in insulation.


Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers will use woven cloth as an additive on the gypsum composites.

Woven cloth are to be bought on bakery shops. Woven cloth will be shaken off to

eliminate excess flour, and it will be washed and dried to be free of dirt. After complete

drying, fibers from woven cloth will be stripped and be mixed on gypsum composites.

On gypsum composites, Plaster of Paris, water, and starch are to be used.

Plaster of Paris are to be bought on hardware per kilogram. Plaster of Paris to water

mix will be adopt to prevent formation of lumps on the mixture. Tap water on the

laboratory will be used with Plaster of Paris to form a slurry mixture. Starch dissolved in

small amount of hot water will be added on the mixture to increase the adhesion

between woven cloth and the plaster.

The mold where the samples will be poured are made from illustration board

with plastic cover in order for the mixture not to pass through. The mold are to be

design to cast a 12x16x½ inch, with an allowance of ¼ inch in depth, which will be the

dimensions for all the samples. Oil will be applied on the mold before pouring the

mixtures to make sure it will not stick on the mold.


After the poured samples harden for an hour, it will transferred in a storage

chamber in a controlled temperature where it will be cured for 24 hours. All samples

will be kept dry in the laboratory and will be stacked flat, and off the ground. The

storage chamber shall be inside a building, will be on the laboratory and fully protected

from weather and direct sunlight which follows section 9 of ASTM C1264-14a or

Standard Specification for Sampling, Inspection, Rejection, Certification, Packaging,

Marking, Shipping, Handling, and Storage of Gypsum Panel Products. After curing for

about 24 hours, it will be put out on mold and will be dried on oven with 300 degree

Celsius for 3 hours. Mass of all samples will be noted after pouring, after hardening for

an hour, after curing, and after oven-drying.

The researchers will use ASTM C473-19 or Standard Test Methods for Physical

Testing of Gypsum Panel Products in testing the flexural strength of all samples. Test

specimens will be supported near the ends and a transverse load will be applied

midway between the supports. The load to be applied are parallel face up and face

down and perpendicular face up and face down with respect to the sample. The load is

determined at the transverse failure through the thickness of the specimen.

The average breaking load that is calculated from the tests will be graph to

determine its

Flowchart of Research Design

Figure 2 Flowchart


Purchasing Plaster of Paris,

starch. Gathering woven
cloth, washing and drying it.

Mix Design

Flexural Strength Test ASTM C473

Average Breaking Load Report

Data Comparison to ASTM


Does it pass the No
minimum standard

Analysis on the flexural
strength of woven cloth
reinforced gypsum

Description of Research Instrument Used

In order for the researchers to evaluate the thermal capabilities of the

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles, they must first determine its R-value. There

are several ways in obtaining the R-value of a specimen like ASTM C177 that uses

Guarded-Hot-Plate (GHP) apparatus or ASTM C518 that uses Heat-Flow-Meter (HFM)

apparatus. ASTM C177 and ASTM C518 are the common tests in determining the

thermal resistivity of a specimen, however, the GHP apparatus and HFM apparatus are

not available in the Philippines. For the researchers to obtain the thermal resistivity of

their specimen, they used the standard ASTM E1269 in which a Differential Scanning

Calorimetry (DSC) apparatus is being used. The DSC apparatus measures the

specimen’s specific heat capacity.

Material Requirements

Polyethylene Terephthalate

Polyethylene Terephthalate is a resin and a synthetic fiber. PET is

commonly used in disposable beverages bottle, photographic film, and magnetic

tape. It can be blown-molded, spun into fibers, or extruded to form film or tape.

In order to obtain a homogenous specimen, the researchers are to use a single


variant of PET bottle since they come in different sizes, shapes, and sometimes


Mix Design

The specimen’s dimension would be 1 square meter with a thickness of 25 mm.

Table 1 Mix Design

Area (m2) Thickness (m) Volume (m3) Numbers of PET

1 1 0.025 0.025 157

A sample of specimen will be prepared since the study only aims to assess the

thermal capability of a PET bottles. In making a thermal insulator, it is important to

have a trapped air-void spaces that will also reduce heat transfer. There will be no

need for a binder since PET bottles’ melts at 260 degrees Celsius, therefore enough

heat will allow the PET bottle fibers to produce a tight bond.

Specimen Details

In a PET-bottles-made thermal insulator specimen, a plane area of 1m 2 with

thickness 0.025m requires approximately 157 PET bottles to be made. For the

researchers to obtain a homogenous specimen, they decided to use a single variant of

PET bottle free from contamination.

Laboratory Experiment

Due to unavailability of some apparatuses that measures thermal resistivity like

Guarded Hot Plate (GHP) and Heat Flow Meter (HFM) in the Philippines, the

researchers decided to use Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The DSC

apparatus measures the specimen’s specific heat capacity. The testing of the

specimen will follow the ASTM standard E1269-11 which is the Standard Test Method

for Determining Specific Heat Capacity by Differential Scanning Calorimetry.



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Kristina Jucyte, Karolis Kevelaitis, Jian Renzhong, Andrew Hirschpold, Hector Perez

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EX CORPORATION (February 2008). The Study on Recycling Industry Development

in the Republic of Philippines.

Seebaluck (2009). Prospects for Recycling of Waste PET Bottles in Mauritius.

Greenpeace International, (2006). The Plastics Pollution of Manila Bay.

Hopewell, Jefferson & Dvorak, Robert & Kosior, Edward. (2009). Plastics Recycling:

Challenges and Opportunities. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of

London. Series B, Biological sciences. 364. 2115-26. 10.1098/rstb.2008.0311.

Cernansky, Rachel, (2009, July). When Recycling Is Bad for the Environment. Discover


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The Coca-Cola Company, (2005). Unified Recycling: Coca-Cola Launches First

Bottles-to-Fiber Recycling Operation in Nigeria.


Bernardo, EC. (2008, October). Solid-waste management practices of households in

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Seonhee Park, Ningwei Li, Dilasha Mahat. May 5, 2009. Reduce, Reuse, and Replace:

A Study on Solutions to Plastic Wastes.

Maria Teresa De A. Freire, Andrew P. Damant, Laurence Castle, Felix G. R. Reyes,

(August 23 1999). Thermal Stability of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET): Oligomer

and Formation of Volatiles.

Sjoerd, Doreen [Nienhuys] November 2004. Plastic Waste Insulation Re-Use of PET

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Jane Blunt, Nigel C. Balchin, (2002). Health and Safety in Welding and Allied

Processes (Fifth Edition),

Awaja, Firas & Pavel, Dumitru. (2005, November). Injection stretch blow moulding

process of reactive extruded recycled PET and virgin PET blends. European Polymer

Journal. Volume 41, Issue 11, pp. 2614-2634. 10.1016 /j.eurpolymj.2005.05.036.


Mohammad Arif Kamal, Syed Javed Rizvi (2009). Recycling of Waste PET Bottles as a

Voluminous Alternative Material for Making Composite Panels.

Muller, (2004). Energy absorption capability of recycled plastic bottles.

Andrew J. Graettinger, (2005). Recycling of Plastic Bottles for use as a Lightweight

Geotechnical Material.

Thermal insulation derived from plastic bottles. (2009, January). Recycling Product

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O’Sullivan, Dermot. (1990, February). PET bottles recycled into insulation foam.

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BusinessMirror, (2018). PET bottles 90 percent retrieval rate in the Philippines. Article.

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Davies, T. W. (2011). Fourier’s Law. Article.

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Gardner, K. (2019). Cheap Ways to Insulate a Building. Article.

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Shawyer, M. & Pizzali, A. (2003). FAO Fisheries Technical Paper.

Richman, Pasqualini & Kirsh. (February 2008). Life-Cycle Analysis of Roofing

Insulation Levels for Cold Storage Buildings. ASCE Library. Journal of Architectural

Engineering / Volume 15 Issue 2

Freire, Maria Teresa & Damant, Andrew & Castle, Laurence & Reyes, Felix. (August

1999). Thermal Stability of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET): Oligomer Distribution

and Formation of Volatiles. Wiley Online Library. Packaging Technology and Science,

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Rajabinejad, Khajavi, Rashidi, Mansouri & Yazdanshenas. (February 2009). Recycling

of Used Bottle Grade Poly Ethyleneterephthalate to Nanofibers by Melt-electrospinning

Method. Faculty of Environment & Energy, Sciences & Research Campus.

This Old House, (2008, June). Insulation Cost Analysis.

Mayer, Peter (2008, July). What it costs: Thermal Insulation. Building



Biographical Statement

Joshua M. Bernal is currently studying at Polytechnic University of the

Philippines undertaking Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is 19 years old

and living in an ordinary house at Binangonan, Rizal and born at 27th of May 1999 at

Angono, Rizal. A member of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – Polytechnic

University of the Philippines Student Chapter (PICE-PUPSC) since he enrolled in PUP.

Graduated with honors at Kapalaran Elementary School and Vicente Madrigal National

High School, his primary and secondary education respectively. An ordinary student

but skilled in using some software like Microsoft Office, Corel Graphics, Adobe

Photoshop and AutoCad.


Biographical Statement

Jamar A. Camar is a student currently taking Bachelor of Science in Civil

Engineering in Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila. He was

born in April 22, 1998 on Balo-ei, Lanao del Norte. He graduated in Alabang

Elementary School – Main where he took his Primary education and in Muntinlupa

Business High School – Main where he took his Secondary education. He is a member

of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – PUP Student Chapter and American

Concrete Institute Philippines – PUP Student Chapter from 2015 up to present. His

current research interest includes the adding of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) to

thermal insulator for roof-ceilings.


Biographical Statement

Pauline Dela Cruz is a student of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at

Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She is currently an undergrad student in the

university and doing her research regarding thermal insulators. Her current research

interests include alternative construction materials, improvisation of materials that can

cause be a turning point in the current constructing capability of the country while

aiming to help the environment by recycling waste materials. She is current member of

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering (PICE) – PUP Student Chapter and just recently

applied her membership to American Concrete Institute (ACI) – PUP Student Chapter.

She applied as Civil Engineering student in PUP with the aim to be a part of the strong

foundation of the country’s future construction.


Biographical Statement

Born in the city of Muntinlupa in 1998, Jerome M. Palicte is a 20-year-old Civil

Engineering student at Polytechnic University of The Philippines. Attended Muntinlupa

Science High School from 2011-2015 where he finished his secondary education.

Graduated at Bayanan Elementary School (MAIN) where he took his primary

education. Became a 1st Honorable mention during graduation on elementary and

competed as a Mathalino participant for the school.

Wanted to contribute in the society even in a small way by conducting a

research that is about using PET bottles as a thermal insulator that would help lessen

wastes on the environment. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s saying, “Be the change you

want to see in the world”, and like to be a good example for his family, classmates, and

also for the society.


Biographical Statement

Nicole Denise G. Salandanan is a student from Polytechnic University of the

Philippines enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. She is a member of

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers and American Concrete Institute PUP Student

Chapter. Her current research interest includes utilization of wastes to various products

that will help the community and the environment. Salandanan was born in Calamba,

Laguna on September 5,1998 and grew up in Lopez, Quezon where she finished her

primary and secondary education in Lopez West Elementary School Bldg.1 and Lopez

National Comprehensive High School, respectively. She strives to be the best version

of herself to help contribute in the development of the community and the nation by

continuously acquiring experiences and achievements.

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