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Steel Column With A Class 4 Cross-Section: Benchmark Example No. 30

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Benchmark Example No.


Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

SOFiSTiK | 2020
DCE-EN30 Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

VERiFiCATiON Manual, Service Pack 2020-4 Build 54

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Front Cover
Project: Queensferry Crossing | Photo: Bastian Kratzke
Steel column with a class 4 cross-section


Design Code Family(s): EN

Design Code(s): EN 1993-1-1
Module(s): BDK, AQB, AQUA
Input file(s): scl 4 sig neff.dat, scl 4 iterative.dat

1 Problem Description
The problem consists of a simply supported beam with a box cross-section shown in Fig. 1. The design
element should be verified against uniform compression as shown in Fig. 2.

bƒ 1

tƒ 1


y T
tƒ 2

bƒ 2

Figure 1: Geometry of box cross-section

This benchmark example is used to verify and compare the SOFiSTiK results with the ECCS reference
example [1].

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Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

17 -5500





17 -5500
00 Loading
0.00 My =
2.00N · e
N,y -2.00 4.00 0.00 6.00
2 00 0 00 2 00 4 00

Figure 2: Model, loadings and the internal forces My , N

2 Reference Solution
This example is concerned with the cross-section and buckling resistance of steel members. It deals
with the spatial behavior of the beam and the occurrence of lateral torsional buckling as a potential mode
of failure. The content of this problem is covered by the following parts of EN 1993-1-1:2005 [2]:

• Structural steel (Section 3.2 )

• Classification of cross-sections (Section 5.5)

• Buckling resistance of members (Section 6.3)

• Method 2: Interaction factors kj for interaction formula in 6.3.3(4) (Annex B)

and parts of EN 1993-1-5:2006 [3]

• Effective cross section (Section 4.3 )

4 Benchmark No. 30 | SOFiSTiK 2020

Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

3 Model and Results

Table 1: Model Properties

Material Properties Cross-Section Properties Geometric Loading


S 275 h = 600 mm H = 4.0 m N = 5500 kN

E = 210000 N/ mm2 b = 600 mm

ƒy = 275 N/ mm2 tƒ1 = 10 mm

ν = 0.3 tƒ2 = 20 mm

G = 81000 N/ mm2 t = 10 mm

γM0 = 1.0 A = 29400 mm2

γM1 = 1.0 y = 174800.0 cm4

z = 153200.0 cm4

Table 2: Results

SOF. SOF. Ref. [1]1

(Iterative) (SIG NEFF)

Aeƒ ƒ [ cm2] 260.8 250.2 247.78

y,eƒ ƒ [cm4 ] 1573000 152400 154000.0

eN,y [mm] 32.90 28.20 30.1

bƒ 1,eƒ ƒ [mm] 130.8 151.3 159.5

b2,eƒ ƒ [mm] 100.7 143.24 151.3

b4,eƒ ƒ [mm] 100.7 143.24 151.3

Tottston - 0.94 0.95

χ 1.0 1.0 1.0

λy 0.178 0.174 0.173

λz 0.190 0.186 0.185

kyy 1.082 1.084 1.084

kzy 0.866 0.867 0.867

nm − y 0.958 0.952 0.973

nm − z 0.920 0.921 0.940

2 The buckling resistance check has been calculated using hand calculation (SOFiSTiK).

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Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

4 Design Process3
Design Loads

NEd = 5500 kN


STEP 1: Cross-Section class check

bƒ 1 = bƒ 2 = b − 2 · t = 600 − 2 · 10 = 580 mm

h = h − tƒ 1 − tƒ 2 = 600 − 10 − 20 = 570 mm

Upper flange (compression):

u 235 v t 235
ϵ= = = 0.924
ƒy 275

bƒ 1 580
= = 58.0 > 42 · ϵ = 42 · 0.924 = 38.8 (Class 4)
tƒ 1 10

Lower flange (compression):

bƒ 2 580
= = 29.0 < 42 · ϵ = 38.8 (Class 3)
tƒ 2 20

Class 3 - but it also fulfils requirements for Class 1 (33 · ϵ)

Web (compression):

h 570
Cross-section classification, EN 1993- = = 57.0 > 42 · ϵ = 38.8 (Class 4)
1-1, Table 5.2 t 10
The cross-section is classified as Class 4.

STEP 2: Calculating the effective properties under uniform axial com-

3 The sections mentioned in the margins refer to DIN EN 1993-1-1:2005 [4] unless

otherwise specified.

6 Benchmark No. 30 | SOFiSTiK 2020

Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

1 1 1


Figure 3: Effective area for uniform compression

Determination of the characteristics of the gross cross section

tƒ 1 + tƒ 1 h + tƒ 2
Sy = b · tƒ 1 · h − + 2 · h · t ·
2 2

1 10 + 20
Sy = 600 · 10 · 600 − +2
29400 2
570 + 20
· 570 · 10 · 600 −

Sy = 6.873 · 106 mm3

Sy 6.873 · 106
rt = = = 233.8 mm
A 29400.0

Sy is the first moment of area of the gross cross section with respect to
the centroid of the lower flange (y-y axis),

rt is the distance from the centroid of the lower flange to the centroid
of the gross cross-section

Calculation of effectivep width of the upper flange

ψ = 1.0 → kσ = 4.0

bƒ 1 580
λp = p = p = 1.105 Plate elements without longitudinal stiff-
tƒ 1 · 28.4 · ϵ · kσ 10 · 28.4 · 0.924 · 4.0 eners, EN 1993-1-5, 4.4

λp = 1.105 > 0.5 + 0.085 − 0.055 · Ψ
= 0.5 + 0.085 − 0.055 · 1 = 0.673

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Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

λp − 0.055 · (3 + Ψ) 1.105 − 0.055 · (3 + 1)

ρ= 2
= = 0.725
λp 1.1052

beƒ ƒ ,ƒ = ρ · bƒ 1 = 0.725 · 580 = 420.5 mm

be1,ƒ = be2,ƒ = 0.5 · beƒ ƒ ,ƒ = 0.5 · 420.5 = 210.2 mm

Calculation of effectivep width of the web

ψ = 1.0 → kσ = 4.0

h 570
Plate elements without longitudinal stiff- λp = p = p = 1.086
eners, EN 1993-1-5, 4.4 t · 28.4 · ϵ ·
kσ 10 · 28.4 · 0.924 · 4.0

λp = 1.086 > 0.5 + 0.085 − 0.055 · φ


λp = 1.086 > 0.5 + 0.085 − 0.055 · 1 = 0.673

λp − 0.055 · (3 + φ) 1.086 − 0.055 · (3 + 1)

ρ= 2
= = 0.734
λp 1.0862

beƒ ƒ , = ρ · h = 0.734 · 570 = 418.7 mm

be1, = be2, = 0.5 · beƒ ƒ , = 0.5 · 418.7 = 209.3 mm

Determination of characteristics of effective cross section consid-

ering effective widths of the upper flange and webs in uniform

ƒ = bƒ 1 − beƒ ƒ ,ƒ = 580.0 − 420.5 = 159.5 mm

 = h − beƒ ƒ , = 570.0 − 418.7 = 151.3 mm

Aeƒ ƒ = A − (ƒ · tƒ 1 + 2 ·  · t )

Aeƒ ƒ = 29400 − (159.5 · 10 + 2 · 151.3 · 10) = 24778.1 mm2

tƒ 1 + tƒ 2 10 + 20
rƒ = h − − rt = 600 − = 351.2 mm
2 2
tƒ 2 
r = h + − rT − be1, −
2 2
10 151.3
r = 570 + − 233.8 − 209.3 − = 61.2 mm
2 2
2 · r ·  · t + rƒ · ƒ · tƒ 1
eN,y =
Aeƒ ƒ

2 · 61.2 · 151.3 · 10 + 351.2 · 159.5 · 10

eN,y = = 30.1 mm
rTeƒ ƒ ,N = rT − eN,y = 233.8 − 30.1 = 203.7 mm


eN,y is the shift of centroid of the effective area relative to the centre
of gravity of the gross cross section determined assuming uniform

8 Benchmark No. 30 | SOFiSTiK 2020

Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

axial compression.

rTeƒ ƒ ,N is the distance from the centroid of the bottom flange to the
centroid of the effective cross-section under uniform compression.

STEP 3: Calculating the effective properties assuming the cross-

section is subject only to bending stresses

The effective section modulus Weƒ ƒ ,y is determined on the cross-

section subject only to bending moment.

Cross section class check

Upper flange (compression âC“ the same as in 1): Class 4

1 1 1

Figure 4: Effective area for bending

Determination of characteristics of effective cross section consider-

ing effective widths of the upper flange (calculation of effective width of
the upper flange is already done in section 1) and gross cross section
of the web:

Aeƒ ƒ = A − ƒ · tƒ 1

Aeƒ ƒ = 29400 − 159.5 · 10 = 27804.9 mm

rƒ · ƒ · tƒ 1 351.2 · 159.5 · 10
ΔrT,m = = = 20.1 mm
Aeƒ ƒ 24778.1

rTeƒ ƒ ,M = rT − ΔrT,M = 233.8 − 20.1 = 213.6 mm

ƒ · tƒ3

eƒ ƒ ,y
= y + Aeƒ ƒ · ΔrT,M
2 − + ƒ · tƒ · (rƒ + ΔrT,M )2

159.5 · 103

eƒ ƒ ,y
= 1.748 · 109 + 27804.9 · 20.12 − +

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Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

159.5 · 10 · (351.2 + 20.1)2 = 1.539 · 109 mm4


eƒ is the effective second moment of area (cross section under pure
ƒ ,y
bending) with respect to y-y considering the effective width of the
upper flange.

The effective section moduli at the upper and lower edge of the girder’s
web, Weƒ 
and Weƒ are, respectively:
ƒ ,y,1 ƒ ,y,2

eƒ ƒ ,y

Weƒ =
ƒ ,y,1 tƒ 2
h + − rTeƒ ƒ ,M
1.540 · 109

Weƒ ƒ ,y,1
= = 4.20 · 106 mm3
570 − − 213.6

eƒ ƒ ,y

Weƒ =
ƒ ,y,2 tƒ 2
rTeƒ ƒ ,M −
1.540 · 109

Weƒ ƒ ,y,2
= = 7.558 · 106 mm3
213.6 −
Web (bending):
 
σ2 My,Ed / Weƒ ƒ ,y,2
Weƒ ƒ ,y,1 4.20 · 106
Ψ = = = =
σ1 
My,Ed / Weƒ ƒ ,y,1

Weƒ ƒ ,z,2
7.558 · 106

Ψ = −0.56 > −1
h 570 42 · ϵ 42 · 0.924
= = 57.0 > =
t 10 0.67 + 0.33 · Ψ 0.67 − 0.33 · 0.56
= 57.0 > 79.8 (Class 3)
The web is at least of Class 3.

In case of a slender web, the effectivep width should be determined on

the basis of stress ration Ψ .

The effective section modulus Weƒ ƒ ,y for the design resistance to uni-
form bending is defined as the smallest value of the effective section
moduli at the centroid of the upper and lower flange, Weƒ ƒ ,y, and
Weƒ ƒ ,y,2 , respectively:

eƒ ƒ ,y 1.540 · 109
Weƒ ƒ ,y,1 = =
tƒ 1 + tƒ 2 10 + 20
h + − rTeƒ ƒ ,M 570 − − 213.6
2 2
Weƒ ƒ ,y,1 = 4.144 · 106 mm3

10 Benchmark No. 30 | SOFiSTiK 2020

Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

eƒ ƒ ,y 1.540 · 109
Weƒ ƒ ,y,2 = = = 7.205 · 106 mm3
zTeƒ ƒ 213.6

Here, Weƒ ƒ ,y,1 governs.

STEP 4: Cross section resistance check

Additional bending moment NEd ·eN,y causes compression at the upper

flange (+compression).
NEd NEd · eN,y
+ Class 4-sections, EN 1993-1-1,,
Aeƒ ƒ · ƒy / γM0 Weƒ ƒ ,y,1 · ƒy / γM0 Eq. 6.44

5.5 · 106 5.5 · 106 · 30.1

= +
24778.1 · 275/ 1.0 4.144 · 106 · 275/ 1.0
= 0.807 + 0.145

= 0.95 < 1.0 Satisfactory


In this example Method 2 is applied. Since the member has a rectangu-

lar hollow cross-section, the member is not susceptible to torsional de-
formation, so flexural buckling constitutes the relevant instability mode
and χLT = 1.00

STEP 1: Characteristic resistance of the section

NRk = A · ƒy = 24778.1 · 275 = 6813977.5 N = 6813.97 kN NRk is calculated assuming that the
cross-section is subject only to stresses
My,Rk = Wp,y · ƒy = 4.144 · 106 · 275 = 1139.6 · 10−6 Nm due to uniform axial compression, EN
1993-1-5, 4.3(4).

My,Rk = 1139.6 kNm My,Rk is calculated assuming the cross

section is subject only to bending
stresses, EN 1993-1-5, 4.3(4)
STEP 2: Reduction coefficients due to flexural buckling, χy and χz

Plane xz (buckling about y)

Lcr,y = β · L = 4.00 m
t Aeƒ ƒ
Lcr,y A
λy = · EN 1993-1-1, Eq. 6.51
y λ1
v v
t y t 174700.00
y = = = 24.38 cm
A 294.00
λ1 = 93.9 · ϵ
u 235 v t 235
ϵ= = = 0.9244
ƒy 275
t 247.78
400 294.00
λy = · EN 1993-1-1, Eq. 6.51
24.38 93.9 · 0.9244

λy = 0.173

SOFiSTiK 2020 | Benchmark No. 30 11

Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

Buckling curves, EN 1993-1-1, Table α = 0.34 Curve b

h i
ϕ = 0.5 · 1 + α · (λy − 0.2) + λy

ϕ = ·0.5 1 + 0.34 · (0.173 − 0.2) + 0.1732


ϕ = 0.51
χ, ϕ, EN 1993-1-1, Eq. 6.49 χy = s ≤ 1.0
ϕ+ ϕ2 − λy

χy = p
0.51 + 0.512 − 0.1732
χy = 1.01 ≤ 1.0 → χy = 1.0

Plane xy (buckling about z):

Lcr,z = β · L = 4.00 m
t Aeƒ ƒ
Lcr,z A
EN 1993-1-1, Eq. 6.51 λz = ·
z λ1
v v
t z t 153200.00
z = = = 22.82 cm
A 294.00
t 247.78
400 294.00
EN 1993-1-1, Eq. 6.51 λz = ·
22.82 93.9 · 0.9244

λz = 0.185

Buckling curves, EN 1993-1-1, Table α = 0.34 Curve b

h i
ϕ = 0.5 · 1 + α · (λz − 0.2) + λz

ϕ = ·0.5 1 + 0.34 · (0.185 − 0.2) + 0.1852


ϕ = 0.51
χ, ϕ, EN 1993-1-1, Eq. 6.49 χz = r ≤ 1.0
ϕ+ ϕ2 − λz

χz = p
0.51 + 0.512 − 0.1732
χz = 1.01 ≤ 1.0 → χz = 1.0

STEP 3: Calculating of the interaction factors kyy and kzy

ψy = My,Ed,bse / MEd,top = 175.5/ 175.5 = 1.0

Table B.3 of EN 1993-1-1 gives:

Interaction factors k,j for members not Cmy = 0.6 + 0.4 · ψy ≥ 0.4
susceptible to torsional deformations,
Annex B, Table B.1

12 Benchmark No. 30 | SOFiSTiK 2020

Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

Cmy = 0.6 + 0.4 · 1.0 = 1.0

kyy = Cmy · 1 + 0.6 · λy · ≤ Cmy · 1 + 0.6 ·
χy · NRk χy · NRk

kyy = 1.0 · 1 + 0.6 · 0.173 ·
1.0 · 6813.97
≤ 1.0 · 1 + 0.6 ·
0.173 · 6813.97

kyy = 1.0837 ≤ 1.484

kzy = 0.8 · kyy = 1.084 · 0.8 = 0.867

Final expression

Check for y-y

NEd My,Ed
+ kyy · ≤ 1.0 Uniform members in bending and axial
NRk My,Rk compression, EN 1993-1-1, 6.3.3, Eq.
χy · χLT · 6.61
γM1 γM1
5500 175
+ 1.084 · ≤ 1.0
6813.9 1139.6
1.0 · 1.0 ·
1.0 1.0
0.807 + 0.166 = 0.973 ≤ 1.0 → Satisfied

Check for z-z

NEd My,Ed
+ kzy · ≤ 1.0 Uniform members in bending and axial
NRk My,Rk compression, EN 1993-1-1, 6.3.3, Eq.
χz · χLT · 6.62
γM1 γM1
5500 175
+ 0.867 · ≤ 1.0
6813.9 1139.6
1.0 · 1.0 ·
1.0 1.0
0.807 + 0.133 = 0.94 ≤ 1.0 → Satisfied

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Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

5 Conclusion
In the reference example, the effective area Aeƒ ƒ is determined assuming that the cross-section is sub-
jected only to stresses due to uniform axial compression (EN 1993-1-5, 4.3(3)) Ac,eƒ ƒ = ρ · Ac . The
effective section modulus Weƒ ƒ is determined assuming the cross-section is subject to only bending
stresses (EN 1993-1-5, 4.3(3)).

By using the NEFF SIG SMIN input it is possible to define only one effective cross-section for the de-
sign and stability check, therefore the effective section modulus is determined assuming that the cross-
section is subject only to stresses due uniform axial compression. The Aeƒ ƒ as well as Weƒ ƒ ,y and
Weƒ ƒ ,z values are calculated in SOFiSTiK for the effective cross-section as shown in Fig. 3. This ap-
proach checks the MOST UNFAVOURABLE case where all plates are under compression.

By using the iterative method (EN 1993-1-5, Annex E) for calculating the effective cross-section prop-
erties, the effective CS properties will be calculated for the current stress state, so it gives more re-
alistic and economical results as shown in table 2. The iterative method can be used ONLY for the
THIN-WALLED cross-sections. In Fig. 5 you will find the comparison between ”SIG NEFF”, ”Iterative
approach” and the reference.

1 1
SOF. Iterative 4

Figure 5: Comparison of the b,eƒ ƒ values

6 Literature
[1] D. Beg et al. Design of plated structures. Ernst & Sohn and ECCS, 2010.
[2] EN 1993-1-1: Eurocode 3: Design of concrete structures, Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
buildings. CEN. 2005.
[3] EN 1993-1-5: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures, Part 1-5: Plated structural elements. CEN.

14 Benchmark No. 30 | SOFiSTiK 2020

Steel column with a class 4 cross-section

[4] DIN EN 1993-1-1:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures, Part 1-1: General rules and rules
for buildings - Deutsche Fassung EN 1993-1-1:2005 + AC:2009. CEN. 2010.

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