The Book of Romans: Justification by Faith I

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#DeeperLearning TESDA@Study – 11April2020

The Book of 3. What terms are used to

show the depths of human
quite apart from law but not
contrary to it. Romans 3:31.
Romans Chapter 3 depravity? Rom. 3:13-18. It is by means of personal faith
NoTE.—The throat, the tongue, in Jesus Christ that this wonderful
Lesson Guide Godrighteousness may be
the lips,and the mouth are used
for destructive purposes instead received. This righteousness
Justification by of being utilized in praising God. appeared in the character of
As terrible odors come from an Jesus while He was living on the
Faith I opened tomb, so "corrupt earth.
communications" (Eph. 4:29)
come from the throat of the 6. What does God exercise
A. Both Jew and Gentile
unconverted. This figurative when He declares a person
Under Condemnation expression is now interpreted by righteous? Rom. 3:23, 24.
the next clause: "With their NoTE.-A man is justified freely
1. In spite of the Jews' tongues they have used deceit." -it costs him absolutely nothing-
special privilege, what was This is followed by another by ,God's gracious kindness that
the result of unbelief? figurative expression taken from operates because of the
Rom. 3:1-9. Psalm 140:3. This is a figure of 'redemption," literally the
NoTE.—The "advantage" of the malicious infliction of pain and ransoming, that was
Jew is illustrated by distress; it is explained by Romans accomplished by Jesus Christ.
circumcision. 3:14. Paul says the feet of the Justification without cost; its
The apostle is referring back to wicked are swift or sharp to shed source is God's grace and it is
chapter 2:25, where he says, blood. They love violence, accomplished in the person
"Circumcision verily profiteth." He destruction, and misery. The of Jesus Christ.
now begins to explain his world today is full of such
meaning. The Jew was given many desolation and misery. 7. What principle ordained
advantages, "much every way." Of by God excludes boasting?
the numerous blessings 4. How does Paul introduce Rom. 3:25-30.
and privileges bestowed, Paul the impossibility of NoTE.-"The nearer we come to
mentions one in particular: "Unto justification by works Jesus and the more clearly we
them were committed the oracles of the law? Rom. 3:19, 20. discern the purity of His
of God." This statement includes NoTE.—"Righteousness by works character, the more clearly we
the entire Old Testament. To of law has been the basis of shall discern the exceeding
have the divine revelation every false religious system and sinfulness of sin and the less we
entrusted to them, and that in shall feel like exalting ourselves.
had become the principle even
turn to be given by them to the of the Jewish religion (DA 35,36) Those whom heaven recognizes
world, was certainly a very great Jew and Gentile alike are in need as holy ones are the last to
honor. of justification. But the law has parade their own goodness."—
no power to justify. It can only Christ's Object Lessons, page
2. How widespread is human expose the sinfulness of sin in its 160.
guilt? Rom. 3:10-12. true colors. Justification can be
NoTE.—The emphatic word of obtained in only one way."—The 8. What is the effect of faith
verse 12 is "all." Seventh-day Adventist Bible upon the law? Rom. 3:31.
The apostle uses a picture word: Commentary, on Rom. 3:20. NoTE.—"Is he [man] now free to
"All were out of alignment." The transgress God's law? Says Paul:
English B. Proclamation of God's `Do we then make void the law
particle "cline" in such expressions through faith? God forbid: yea,
as "inclination," comes from the we establish the law.' How shall
word Paul uses. we, that are dead to sin, live
5.By what means is the
He literally says that all are any longer therein?' And John
righteousness of God made declares, 'This is the love of
outclining, instead of inclining;
evident? Rom. 3: 21, 22. God, that we keep His
that is, they are deviating from
NoTE.-"Being witnessed by the commandments: and His
the true instead of inclining
law and the prophets," is an commandments are not
toward it. Paul further states that
expression that includes the grievous.' In the new birth the
all have become unprofitable,
whole of the Old Testament. heart is brought into harmony
good for nothing, quite useless.
Paul is here speaking of the with God, as it is brought into
The apostle then describes the
witness of all the ceremonies, accord with His law."— The
actions of. men: "There is none
laws, promises, and revelations Great Controversy, page 468.
that doeth good."
throughout the Old Testament
from Genesis to Malachi. We must
bear in mind that divine
righteousness is imputed to us
#DeeperLearning TESDA@Study – 11April2020

1. How [do] the Law and the Prophets witness to the gospel (Romans 3:21)?

2. What are the terms or conditions of God’s salvation? Whom do they apply to (Romans 3:22, 24, 26, 28, 30)?
What does he stress by repetition?

3. Why is sin such an important concept in understanding and appreciating the gospel (Romans 3:22-23)?
4. Why do you think people prefer to work their way to heaven than to accept God’s free gift (Romans 3:24)?

5. What is the gift of God’s grace (Romans 3:24)?

6. How does Jesus’ sacrifice demonstrate God’s justice* (Romans 3:25)? *The correct term is “righteousness”
Romans 3:25. .
7. What is propitiation’ and why is it so important (Romans 3:25

8. How does the gospel establish the law (Romans 3:31)?

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