Octaves: Midi File

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Chapter One
Page 2
The distance between two notes with the same letter name is an octave. The word octave comes from the word oct,
meaing eight. Note that there are eight white keys in an octave. The following gif has arrows which denote the note
A in two octaves.

Accidentals: Sharps and Flats

C is the only key with no sharps and flats. All other keys have one or more sharps or flats. Sharps and flats are
added to allow a scale to sound normal. For example, the below scales are based on the note F. The first scale is
intentionally incorrect, in that it is missing a flat. Click on the midi file and see if you can hear the note that sounds

The second scale should sound much more pleasant to your ear. The difference is that the B note is flat. In other
words the B note has been lowered in pitch. On a piano B flat is played on the the black key preceding the B. B flat
on the guitar can be found on the third fret of the third string. Remember, a flat is the next lower key note. The
lower note may be a black or white key.

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A sharp raises a pitch to the next higher pitch. On the piano you would play the next key to the right whether it is
white or black.
A natural is used when a flat or sharp sign no longer applies to a line or space on the staff.
The following staffs show sharps, flats and naturals. Note that the key signature (designation of sharps and flats) is
listed at the beginning of the scores. The sharps and flats pertain to all notes of the score, unless a natural sign
appears next to a note, which causes that note and all notes of the same letter to be natural within that measure. But
remember, accidentals within a measure only apply to notes in that measure. All measures without an accidental
conform to the key signature at the beginning of the staff.


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Chapter One
Page 3
You have learned that notes are used to determine pitch. Notes are also used to specify duration.
The duration of a note is largely dependent on the beat. A whole note is equal to two half notes. A whole note is
also equal to four quarter notes. Does this mean that all whole notes represent the same duration in every piece of
music that has ever been written? Absolutely not. The notes represent a fixed relationship with the other notes in a
specific piece of music. The actual duration or indication of speed is based on the phrases provided at the beginning
of a piece of music, or upon the tempo desired by the musicians or conductor.
There is also notation used to specify silence, or rests. The rests are also based on a fixed relationship with other
rests in a piece of music. Thus, four quarter rests equal a whole rest. The below list should be printed and kept
readily available until it is completely memorized. The only note that you may not be familiar with is the dotted
note. A dotted note means that the duration is 1.5 times the length of a non dotted note. Thus, a dotted quarter note

is equal to 1.5 quarter notes, which is the same as a quarter note and and eigth note.
Tempo indications are almost always in Italian and are typically located above the first staff. Tempo indications
convey the speed of the music as recommended by the composer or arranger.

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Chapter One
Page 4
Beats and Meter
Meter is the organization of beats into patterns of strong and weak beats. Organizing beats in strong and weak
patterns is very natural. Whether it is a old wrist watch's tick tock, a train's clink-ity clink as it rolls down the
tracks, or a musician tapping his foot to "get the beat", organizing beats into regular pulsations of a sound is as
natural as breathing.
A time signature indicates the meter of a piece of music. The time signature consists of two numbers. One
number is written above the other. The time signature appears just after the clef sign and key signature. The
top number indicates the number of notes per measure. The bottom number indicates what kind of notes (half
notes, quarter notes, etc.) The following gif shows a piece of music with a time signature of "three quarter
time". Thus, there are three quarter notes per measure. Coincidentally, three quarter time is often referred to as
waltz time.

The number of beats per measure will have a profound impact on how the music sounds. Too many beats per
measure may make the music sound slow and laboured. Too few beats may make the music sound choppy and
lacking in precision.
The top number of a key signature usually indicates the number of beats per measure. However, this is not
always the case. For example, if the top number is evenly divisible by three, then the meter is called
compound duple. An example is six eight time. Note that the measures in the below piece should be divided
into two beats.

Understanding time signatures and recognizing the number of beats per measure is largely a result of
experience. The above measures were dividied into two beats. However, six eight time can also have six beats
per measure. Students should listen to the midi files on Sheet Music USA and try to hear the beats per
measure. Practice will produce its rewards.

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End of Chapter One

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Blank Piano Sheet Music February 3, 2000 Toccata and Fugue Midi File
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Beethoven's 5th Symphony December 4, 2000 5th Symphony Midi File
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Climb Ev'ry Mountain from The Climb Ev'ry Mountain Midi
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When You Wish Upon A Star May 20, 2000 When You Wish Midi File
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When You Wish Page 3
Rhapsody in Blue by Gerschwin April 30, 2000 Rhapsody in Blue Midi File
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Yesterday by the Beatles April 11, 2000 Yesterday Midi File
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Linus and Lucy by Vince
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Elfin Dance by Edvard Grieg March 5, 2000 Elfin Dance Midi File
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Clair de Lune by Debussy Jan 23, 2000 Clair de Lune Midi File
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New World Symphony by
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Ode to Joy by Beethoven Oct 8, 1999 Ode to Joy Midi File
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Bridal Chorus by Wagner Aug 2, 1999 Bridal Chorus Midi File
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Adagio for Strings by Barber July 11, 1999 Adagio Midi File
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Romance by Tchaikovsky July 3, 1999 Romance Midi File
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Soaring by Robert Schumann June 18, 1999 Soaring Midi File
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Prelude and Fugue in D Minor by
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Pomp and Circumstance
Pomp and Circumstance by Elgar May 29, 1999
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● tears in heaven sheet music
Posted by: courtney smith on NOV 19 2001 at 19:27
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Artist ● HELP ME
Posted by: Some Butt Crack Dude on NOV 19 2001 at 11:39
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● end of the innocence
Find it !
Posted by: mogl on NOV 17 2001 at 3:08
Home & Musician Photos ❍ There have been no follow ups to this message.
Music Message Board ● free Keyboard sheet from the album AMERICANA from THE OFFSPRING
30 Pages of Music Theory Posted by: Danilo Scuteri on NOV 17 2001 at 1:58
Want an Email When We ❍ There have been no follow ups to this message.
Add FREE Sheet Music? ● I have Hero, by Mariah Carey
Beginner Piano Music Posted by: Monique on NOV 14 2001 at 13:58
Advanced Piano Music ❍ There have been 4 follow ups to this message.
Christmas Piano Music ● Hero by Mariah Carey
Piano Chords Posted by: Monique on NOV 14 2001 at 13:57
Blank Piano Sheet Music ❍ There has been 1 follow up to this message.

Beginner Guitar Music ● HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Advanced Guitar Music Posted by: Ray on NOV 14 2001 at 11:11
Christmas Guitar Music ❍ There have been no follow ups to this message.

Guitar Scales ● INCUBUS

Blank Guitar Sheet Music Posted by: Jamie on NOV 13 2001 at 13:15
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● Sheet music for Out of My League
Posted by: phil on NOV 11 2001 at 15:45
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● Need to find Rainbow Connection
Posted by: Becz on NOV 08 2001 at 19:13
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● Radio Show
Posted by: Jean-Paul on NOV 08 2001 at 15:49
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● Need Hero (by Mariah Carey) and Reflection (from Disney's Mulan) sheet
Posted by: Roy on NOV 08 2001 at 14:56
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● Need Hero (by Mariah Carey) and Reflection (from Disney's Mulan) sheet
Posted by: Roy on NOV 08 2001 at 14:56
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● Need Hero (by Mariah Carey) and Reflection (from Disney's Mulan) sheet

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Posted by: Roy on NOV 08 2001 at 14:56
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● Mary DId you Know?
Posted by: Linda Barnes on NOV 08 2001 at 14:32
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● Petula Clark's "Downtown"
Posted by: Susan Corbett on NOV 06 2001 at 10:37
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● JM Jarre sheet music
Posted by: Leviathan on NOV 06 2001 at 1:22
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● Synthesizer sheet music
Posted by: Leviathan on NOV 06 2001 at 1:21
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● New music like sum41, blink182 etc
Posted by: ellie martin on NOV 04 2001 at 13:46
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Posted by: MUSICIAN on NOV 04 2001 at 9:35
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Posted by: SHAGGY on NOV 03 2001 at 5:39
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● 5/4 time
Posted by: bob on OCT 31 2001 at 18:29
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● naidoo
Posted by: mogl on OCT 30 2001 at 10:11
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● Sheet music for 'Walking in Memphis'
Posted by: Nic Arena on OCT 28 2001 at 17:47
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● Help
Posted by: Renben on OCT 28 2001 at 4:06
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● Backstreet Boys
Posted by: Kirby on OCT 27 2001 at 20:58
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● i need PHISH sheet music
Posted by: Ainsley on OCT 24 2001 at 14:49
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● matrix soundtrack

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Posted by: mogl on OCT 24 2001 at 4:45

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● i need sheet musik
Posted by: jonno on OCT 24 2001 at 2:09
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● I need "But I Do Love You" from coyote ugly
Posted by: daisy on OCT 20 2001 at 15:30
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● Van halen
Posted by: Sam on OCT 19 2001 at 12:25
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● key change in sheet music
Posted by: Fran on OCT 16 2001 at 20:08
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● linkin park
Posted by: christian B on OCT 15 2001 at 17:16
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● REM Coldplay Elton John HELP HELP HELP
Posted by: Louise on OCT 15 2001 at 14:48
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● Great Balls Of Fire
Posted by: Matt G on OCT 10 2001 at 12:42
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● Angels among us
Posted by: joan on OCT 09 2001 at 5:04
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● I need any of the these following songs: "On Bended Knee" by Boyz II Men,
Posted by: Bobby on OCT 07 2001 at 19:21
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● I need any of the following: "I'm Already There" by Lonestar, "He Stopped
Loving Her today" by George Jones, "We Danced" by Brad Paisley, "Buy Me A
Rose" by Kenny Rogers, or "It's Your Love" by Tim McGraw
Posted by: Bobby on OCT 07 2001 at 19:17
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● O Town - All or Nothing
Posted by: Judes on OCT 07 2001 at 0:48
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● CANON IN D PLZ!!!!!!
Posted by: Deanna on OCT 06 2001 at 15:35
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● Les Mis Piano Scores
Posted by: Matt Gherkin on OCT 05 2001 at 6:05

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● candle in the wind
Posted by: Bh on OCT 04 2001 at 21:20
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● I would like some help
Posted by: Sara on OCT 04 2001 at 13:17
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● Gracie Fields
Posted by: Katie Haywood on OCT 03 2001 at 11:47
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● Alicia Keys
Posted by: Caera Bradshaw on OCT 02 2001 at 19:23
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● important comment
Posted by: shposner on OCT 02 2001 at 17:58
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● Boyz 2 Men and K-ci and Jojo
Posted by: Jason Lau on SEP 30 2001 at 11:13
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● Yanni
Posted by: Kaylie on SEP 29 2001 at 7:03
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● free sheet music?????
Posted by: Patricia Ray on SEP 28 2001 at 22:27
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● Need to Download sheet music for "Hey Big Spender" and "Home" from Beauty
and the Beast
Posted by: Laura on SEP 28 2001 at 16:48
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● Saxapohone Music
Posted by: Jordan on SEP 28 2001 at 14:52
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● Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Posted by: Moon on SEP 27 2001 at 18:34
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● Mariah Carey
Posted by: Allie on SEP 27 2001 at 18:04
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● Looking for Faith Hill or Sarah McLoughlan
Posted by: Linda on SEP 26 2001 at 11:30
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● Radiohead sheetmusic
Posted by: Briam on SEP 25 2001 at 7:51

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● Piano Sheet Music for "Anyting You Can Do, I Can Do Better" by Irving Berlin
from Annie Get Your Gun
Posted by: terio on SEP 24 2001 at 13:51
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● Depeche Mode?
Posted by: Chiara on SEP 23 2001 at 21:46
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● Miss Celie's Blues
Posted by: Dave Hunter on SEP 23 2001 at 4:54
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● Here u find November Rain!
Posted by: Pacio on SEP 23 2001 at 3:45
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● Please HELP !!!
Posted by: Alex on SEP 22 2001 at 23:29
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Posted by: Julie on SEP 22 2001 at 21:10
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● We will rock you
Posted by: Regina on SEP 22 2001 at 8:47
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● November rain sheet music
Posted by: doyler on SEP 22 2001 at 7:17
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● song lyrics
Posted by: T. Gardner on SEP 19 2001 at 8:54
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● Coldplay piano music
Posted by: Brian on SEP 18 2001 at 16:14
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● God Bless America
Posted by: Doc on SEP 18 2001 at 9:50
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● trying to find Ahmad Jamal sheet music
Posted by: KayntSpell on SEP 17 2001 at 19:27
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● I need sheet music for these songs:
Posted by: Beverley on SEP 15 2001 at 23:47
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● Never is a promise PLEASE!!! (fiona apple)
Posted by: Anne on SEP 12 2001 at 8:37

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● Smashing Pumkins piano music
Posted by: Doyler on SEP 11 2001 at 11:36
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● stairway to heaven -- Led Zepplin
Posted by: Jukestar on SEP 10 2001 at 17:39
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● I want to find a sheet music
Posted by: Tania on SEP 09 2001 at 14:17
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● Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head
Posted by: Tom on SEP 07 2001 at 11:35
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● Midi Notation device, does anyone know any?
Posted by: Amanda on SEP 05 2001 at 16:24
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● Solfeggietto PRETTY PLEASE?
Posted by: Suzanne on SEP 03 2001 at 21:16
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● Xmas Sheet Music
Posted by: Cool Winds on SEP 03 2001 at 13:59
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● I need Jacques Offenbach - CAN CAN
Posted by: Toci on SEP 02 2001 at 16:17
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● George Winston and Garth Brooks WANTED: PIANO sheet music
Posted by: kira on AUG 29 2001 at 17:16
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● Help, the MIDI files wont play on winamp
Posted by: Eric on AUG 25 2001 at 14:07
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AUG 23 2001 at 14:44
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● Mondo Grosso!
Posted by: musicboy on AUG 21 2001 at 14:23
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● sheet music & lyrics
Posted by: Marion on AUG 21 2001 at 12:57
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Posted by: TWT on AUG 19 2001 at 0:53

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● The Bangles - Eternal Flame...
Posted by: Glenn on AUG 18 2001 at 0:21
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● The simpsons
Posted by: steve on AUG 16 2001 at 22:18
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● Free Sheet Music on Falln'
Posted by: Alicia Keys Fan on AUG 16 2001 at 4:08
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● who's playing this stuff?
Posted by: steph on AUG 15 2001 at 14:55
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● Any popular music :)
Posted by: Terrance on AUG 13 2001 at 20:28
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● I need piano music for Chicago - Im sorry
Posted by: Michael on AUG 13 2001 at 15:50
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● Titanic theam song
Posted by: K.C. on AUG 12 2001 at 19:03
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● Can anyone help me find the piano sheet music for Bette Midler's 'The Rose'?
Posted by: Pui-Tien on AUG 12 2001 at 12:43
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● More Free Music
Posted by: Gertrud on AUG 12 2001 at 4:56
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● SF (by Scott Mc Kenzie) for diatonic accordian
Posted by: Eric Smith on AUG 09 2001 at 0:40
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● song - The Windmills Turning
Posted by: Marion on AUG 08 2001 at 16:48
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● Enya, the Corrs, Plumb.. (pls, mr. webmaster, if you could add the songs of the
following, just let me know.
Posted by: mikee on AUG 07 2001 at 23:24
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● When The Morning Comes-Smash Mouth.. and any songs made around
1960,70,and early 80's.
Posted by: Kay on AUG 06 2001 at 16:31
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● Colorblind

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Posted by: Leigh on AUG 06 2001 at 2:24

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● Happy Together (by The Turtles) and There You'll Be (by Faith Hill)
Posted by: Roy on AUG 05 2001 at 14:45
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● Reflection (Mulan)
Posted by: Roy on AUG 05 2001 at 14:23
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● Reflection (Mulan)
Posted by: Roy on AUG 05 2001 at 14:23
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● Reflection (Mulan)
Posted by: Roy on AUG 05 2001 at 14:23
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● Scott Joplin
Posted by: Al Koppen on AUG 02 2001 at 14:20
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● latin
Posted by: alexia on AUG 02 2001 at 12:05
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● wondering
Posted by: alexia on AUG 02 2001 at 12:00
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● other free sheet music sites
Posted by: Amanda-Rae on JUL 31 2001 at 13:22
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● Streets of London
Posted by: Marion on JUL 30 2001 at 23:38
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● Piano Sheet Music for Eddie Heywood's Soft Summer Breeze (CA 1956)
Posted by: Bill on JUL 30 2001 at 13:14
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● hip hop sheetmusic
Posted by: john on JUL 30 2001 at 8:59
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● merci beaucoup!
Posted by: Liza on JUL 29 2001 at 22:51
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● anyone have any romantic sheet music or songs??
Posted by: Jenny on JUL 29 2001 at 19:59
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● Sheet music for Walking in Memphis
Posted by: Phillip on JUL 29 2001 at 11:39

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Free Sheet Music Plus

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● New Piano and Guitar music for That's Why (You Go Away) By Michael Learns
to Rock
Posted by: Vernon Tam on JUL 28 2001 at 23:51
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● New Piano and Guitar music for That's Why (You Go Away) By Michael Learns
to Rock
Posted by: Vernon Tam on JUL 28 2001 at 23:51
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● New Piano and Guitar music for That's Why (You Go Away) By Michael Learns
to Rock
Posted by: Vernon Tam on JUL 28 2001 at 23:51
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● Whats sup
Posted by: Angela on JUL 28 2001 at 12:27
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● This site
Posted by: Slim Shady on JUL 27 2001 at 8:20
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● Moonlight sonata 3rd movement
Posted by: Adrian S on JUL 26 2001 at 19:43
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● Where is the new stuff?!
Posted by: Katie Howser on JUL 25 2001 at 18:26
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● Where is the new stuff?!
Posted by: Katie Howser on JUL 25 2001 at 18:26
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● Where is the new stuff?!
Posted by: Katie Howser on JUL 25 2001 at 18:26
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● Where is the new stuff?!
Posted by: Katie Howser on JUL 25 2001 at 18:26
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● Where is the new stuff?!
Posted by: Katie Howser on JUL 25 2001 at 18:26
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● Where is the new stuff?!
Posted by: Katie Howser on JUL 25 2001 at 18:26
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● free huh?
Posted by: whatever on JUL 23 2001 at 5:04
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Free Sheet Music Plus

● Sheet Music
Posted by: Tom Longrigg on JUL 22 2001 at 12:25
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● November Rain Piano Music
Posted by: jimbob on JUL 22 2001 at 7:53
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● Scooby-Doo where are you?
Posted by: Debra on JUL 17 2001 at 23:28
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● Scooby-Doo Where are you, free sheet music
Posted by: Debra on JUL 17 2001 at 23:25
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● Orpheus-Can't find the time to tell you
Posted by: guyradio on JUL 17 2001 at 10:50
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● Popular/Oldies Sheet Music for piano
Posted by: Kay (the annoying one) on JUL 15 2001 at 18:14
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Posted by: Charles Clayton on JUL 15 2001 at 11:13
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● help
Posted by: vanessa on JUL 13 2001 at 21:21
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● Les Miserables
Posted by: Amanda rae on JUL 13 2001 at 15:28
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● The rose
Posted by: David Ferguson on JUL 12 2001 at 6:31
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● Colorblind Sheet Music
Posted by: Paul Paradis on JUL 11 2001 at 17:45
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● Drops of Jupiter By Train
Posted by: Danielle on JUL 11 2001 at 12:00
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● Sheet music.. I Will survive and Its Raining Men
Posted by: KAY on JUL 10 2001 at 18:06
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● For a school concert
Posted by: Sarah on JUL 10 2001 at 10:56
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● "Happy Birthday" sheet music

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Free Sheet Music Plus

Posted by: Jolie on JUL 10 2001 at 6:59

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● fdsfds
Posted by: dfdsds on JUL 09 2001 at 12:33
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● R U A music buff ?
Posted by: Tina on JUL 08 2001 at 22:24
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● Anyone know where i can find 'Amazed' by Lonestar, 'Don't want to miss a thing'
by Aerosmith, or any Queen music?
Posted by: Rhiannon on JUL 08 2001 at 21:27
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● I need K-ci &Jojo "All my life" sheet music.........plz help me out with any sites u
know and tell me if u have it cause i want to impress a girl........plz!!!!!i need
Posted by: David! on JUL 08 2001 at 21:14
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● how do you find sheet music for trumpet on this site
Posted by: Rob on JUL 04 2001 at 13:17
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● Sheet Music
Posted by: Anna on JUL 03 2001 at 20:05
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Posted by: Cristal on JUL 02 2001 at 23:39
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● moi lolita
Posted by: caroline on JUL 02 2001 at 15:14
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● Counting Crows Piano sheet
Posted by: Gary on JUN 29 2001 at 14:12
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● Piano Music Swap?
Posted by: Amanda on JUN 29 2001 at 9:30
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● REM piano sheets
Posted by: Daniel Flux on JUN 27 2001 at 13:52
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● Jimmy Buffet
Posted by: Mari on JUN 26 2001 at 18:43
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● Web
Posted by: Sam on JUN 26 2001 at 4:19

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Free Sheet Music Plus

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● Really free sheet music!
Posted by: Sepand on JUN 25 2001 at 0:06
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● elton john: tiny dancer
Posted by: mark on JUN 23 2001 at 20:13
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● Tower of Power Charts
Posted by: Mike on JUN 20 2001 at 12:38
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Posted by: Kay on JUN 19 2001 at 18:52
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● hoe
Posted by: moe on JUN 19 2001 at 13:52
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● Need BSB Sheet Music
Posted by: Margarita on JUN 19 2001 at 9:06
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Posted by: glaze on JUN 18 2001 at 13:40
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● songs/Gracie Fields
Posted by: Marion on JUN 16 2001 at 13:54
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Posted by: Kay on JUN 16 2001 at 13:28
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● gospel sheet music
Posted by: Elaine Jensen on JUN 14 2001 at 18:31
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● Bryan Adams
Posted by: mary on JUN 14 2001 at 10:24
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● Buddy Holley or The Beatles
Posted by: yorky on JUN 13 2001 at 13:24
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Posted by: NIC on JUN 13 2001 at 13:00
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● "Stand by Me "sheet music
Posted by: Lindsey on JUN 13 2001 at 9:13
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Free Sheet Music Plus

● piano music
Posted by: Marion on JUN 12 2001 at 23:04
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● piano music
Posted by: Marion on JUN 12 2001 at 22:58
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● 2 pac changes
Posted by: Christine vogel on JUN 12 2001 at 16:31
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● I need 2 pac changes
Posted by: Christine vogel on JUN 12 2001 at 16:26
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Posted by: chad on JUN 12 2001 at 16:04
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● U2 Live in Atlanta, GA 3-30-01
Posted by: Jeff on JUN 11 2001 at 9:09
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● Serenade on a Picket Fence (?)
Posted by: Tom on JUN 10 2001 at 11:36
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● Need to find sheet music!!!
Posted by: Heather on JUN 09 2001 at 17:59
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● Help!
Posted by: Amy on JUN 04 2001 at 16:04
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● German National Anthem
Posted by: Stella A. Owens on JUN 03 2001 at 21:52
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● I NEED N*Sync music-This I Promise You
Posted by: Tiger on JUN 03 2001 at 14:56
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● I NEED N*Sync music-This I Promise You
Posted by: Tiger on JUN 03 2001 at 14:56
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● I NEED N*Sync music-This I Promise You
Posted by: Tiger on JUN 03 2001 at 14:55
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● Please, please help me!!!
Posted by: Jenny on JUN 02 2001 at 5:55
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● Need sheetmusic of little mermaid

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Free Sheet Music Plus

Posted by: Jenny on JUN 02 2001 at 5:54

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● Please help! need sheetmusic of little mermaid
Posted by: Jenny on JUN 02 2001 at 5:53
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● Please help! Need sheetmusic from The little mermaid
Posted by: Jenny on JUN 02 2001 at 5:51
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● Does anyone have the sheet music to the circus theme?
Posted by: Greg on JUN 01 2001 at 5:09
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● Nature boy piano score !
Posted by: Jan Bjorklund on MAY 29 2001 at 11:21
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● Smells like teen Spirit??
Posted by: Shane on MAY 26 2001 at 20:32
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● Smells like teen Spirit??
Posted by: Shane on MAY 26 2001 at 20:32
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● Does anyone have a classical chopstics....
Posted by: Ashley on MAY 25 2001 at 15:59
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● I have karma police piano/guitar sheet
Posted by: Pak on MAY 25 2001 at 14:38
❍ There have been 54 follow ups to this message.
● sounds a bit off
Posted by: damian on MAY 23 2001 at 12:05
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● Question to webmaster
Posted by: Pop'n'rock Pianist on MAY 22 2001 at 0:05
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Posted by: Sam on MAY 18 2001 at 3:29
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● Need Sheet Music ASAP
Posted by: Joyce on MAY 15 2001 at 19:56
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● I will survive

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Original Message Posted By: JULIE (JULIE) on SEP 22 2001 at 21:10.

Reply #1 by: SARAH (SARAH) on OCT 01 2001 at 19:47.

Were you after the piano score? if you were i can e-mail you a copy of it.

Reply #2 by: SARAH (SARAH) on OCT 01 2001 at 19:47.

Were you after the piano score? if you were i can e-mail you a copy of it.

Post A Reply To This Message!


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http://www.freesheetmusicplus.com/messages/msg10182221104860.htm [11/21/2001 9:37:46 PM]

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