Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)
Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)
Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)
Doctorate of
Cranfield University
Cranfield School of Management has been an inspiration to
generations of business leaders. As part of Cranfield University,
the UK’s only wholly postgraduate university, we are uniquely
placed to connect technology and leadership. Our contribution
to global innovation is world-leading, changing the way society
thinks, works and learns.
3 Accredited
Our Executive DBA is one of only a few
Doctor of Business Administration
7 Faculty support
As the issues addressed by researchers are
programmes worldwide to hold real organisational problems, they tend to
the Association of MBAs (AMBA) be cross-functional, requiring input from a
accreditation. number of faculty with differing expertise.
This is reflected in our supervisory structure
“A research degree is not to be undertaken lightly but the benefits are terrific.
The programme enabled me to develop new frameworks and models for
interpreting the world and an in-depth understanding of
my research area which looked at the role of personal
values and their relationship performance in small and
medium enterprises. All of this, allied to more insights
about myself and my own development needs, led to an
enormous amount of personal growth. Someone once said
to me, early in my DBA, that you will do your best work
when you have graduated. That has certainly been the
case and it helped to equip me to lead my business through
very difficult economic times.”
Dr Andy Wood OBE, Chief Executive, Adnams plc
About the Executive DBA
Our Executive DBA is the highest-level business qualification that can
be attained, and is aimed at senior practitioners, policy-makers and
consultants who want to be thought leaders in their organisations and wider
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Deliverable 4
Research Design
Deliverable 5
Impact Plan
Years one and two each comprise four separate, five day modules focusing on research methods,
co-ordinated and delivered at Cranfield School of Management. The research training and researcher
development input is structured into weekly blocks enabling collaborative working over a concentrated
The Doctoral Researchers Core Development training programme is designed to develop and optimise
your research capability by leveraging the wealth of knowledge and resources available at Cranfield.
Years three and four contain a number of optional workshops focusing on in-depth methodologies,
writing, personal development, panel meetings, one half week residential at Cranfield School of
Management and the viva.
Additional input is tailored to meet individual study requirements. DBA researchers are required to
attend all residential weeks at Cranfield School of Management and the expected time commitment
(in addition to the residential cohort/campus weeks) is approximately 15 to 20 hours per week.
Half Week
Deliverable 6
Empirical Project
Deliverable 7
A life-changing experience
For many, studying for an Executive DBA at Cranfield is a landmark event in their lives, both
personally and professionally.
Graduates tell us that the Cranfield experience produced a significant transition in the approach that
they use in their working lives - to one that is more rigorous and evidence-based.
The personal development element of the Executive DBA is designed to provide you with a range of
transferable personal and professional skills as a basis for continuing professional development.
You will develop personally by engaging in the learning and knowledge and skills acquisition process
required to progress through the programme. The Executive DBA provides a rich developmental
experience in ways that may not be immediately obvious. The many skills that you acquire, or in
many cases build on, are sophisticated ones that will clearly differentiate you from others.
The skills are both derived from, and are seamlessly transferable to, ongoing business situations.
Personal motivators
The decision to embark on a DBA can be for a variety of personal reasons, for example:
As well as making a contribution to knowledge about practice that can be used extensively, most
people expect that the experience will have a personal impact on them and their careers. However,
they may not be able to explain exactly what they expect this personal impact to be.
The personal development aspect of the DBA provides you with a structured approach to help
you reflect on and make sense of this more personal impact. By reflecting on these aspects in a
systematic way, you will be better able to harness the personal learning which is inherent to the
Class profile 2015/16
Sponsorship time
Class Age
The very essence of the DBA means that the Average
44 years
supporting organisation has the opportunity to
capitalise on the research outcomes and the
employee’s enhanced business and leadership
skills, allowing future company objectives and 89% Male
strategies to be met. 11% Female
Academic staff
A key strength of Cranfield School of Management is its world-class faculty, which is among
the largest and most diverse of any business school in Europe. The Executive DBA is supported
by a wide range of our faculty who are renowned in their fields, and the School is known for
the high level of support it provides to doctoral researchers. The Executive DBA programme
draws on this expertise in providing research training and supervision. The team is led by the
Director of the Executive DBA, Professor Emma Parry, and the Director of Research, Professor
David Denyer.
David is the Director of Research at Cranfield School of Management and is committed to developing
the next generation of researchers. He is a founding member of the International Evidence-based
Management Collaborative and in 2009 received the prestigious Advanced Institute of Management
Research Fellowship. He helps senior leaders to establish strategic direction and deliver sustained
performance improvement, and designs, facilitates and delivers compelling learning events for
senior executives. He was voted HR magazine’s 2012 “Most Influential UK Thinker”.
Emma is the Director of the Executive DBA and a renowned expert in Human Resource Management
(HRM). She is the President of the Executive DBA Council 2017-20, represents DBA issues on the
British Academy of Management Council and is the Deputy Chair of the Chartered Association of
Business Schools DBA Steering Group. Emma leads global HRM research projects and manages
The Cranfield Network on International Human Resource Management (Cranet), a worldwide
network of over 40 business schools that conducts comparative HRM research. Her clients have
included the MoD, NHS, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the Society for
Human Resource Management Foundation and many private sector organisations.
Check the full admissions requirements and Milton Keynes
application deadlines Birmingham
Milton Keynes Cranfield
Bicester Stanstead
Submit a research proposal online