M.P.A - Theatre Arts - 2018

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Duration : 2 hours Max. Marks : 50

HaIl Ticket No.

1. \\/rite your Hall Ticket No. in the OMR Answer Sheet given to you. Also, write 1'6u1 I{.11
Ticket No. in the space provided above.

^ Each question carries One mark. There is negative marking of 0.33 for each I'rong
3. Answers are to be marked on the OMR Answer Sheet folloq'ing the instructions provided

4. Please handover theOMR Ansn'er Sheet at the end of the examination to the Invisilator.
You may take the Question Paper after the examinations is over.

5. No additional sheet vvill be prolided. Rough work can be done in the Question paper itself.

1 . 'Biomechanics' is a method of actor training developed by

A) Konstantin Stanislavski B) Nemerevich-Damchenko

C) Vsevolod Mel'erhold D) Yevgeny Vakhtangov

2, The author of Tamil epic 'Silappatikaram' is

A) lr4asti Venliatesha I1'engar B) Subrahmaniam Bharathi

C) Ilango Adikal D) Perumal Murugan

a. - 3l-,

. 3. \\4rich of these plays vvas 41 written by Bertolt Brccht?

A) Drums in the Night B) Mother courage and Her Children

C) The Road to Damascus D) The Caucasian Chalk Circle

4. Who is the author of Abhinavabharati', a commentary on Nat"vasastra. the ancient Indian


A) Bhattalollata B) Vishnui vardhana

C) Bharata D) Abhinavagupta

5. \\hich ofthe follou'ing Nobel laureates for literature is primarily a song-wriler and singer?

A) Garcia Marquez B) Orhan Pamuk

C) Haruki Murakami D) Bob D1'1an

6. \Vhich ofthe follou.ing has reieclgd Nobel prize?

A) Albert Camus B) Jean-Paul Sartre

C) Nelson Mandela D) Yasser Arafat

7. The author of the book "A Brief History of Time; From the Big Bang to Black Holes".
who passed auay recenlly is

A) Roald Dahl B) Stephen King

C) Albert Einstein D) Stephen Hau'liing

8..In the year 1942. for the cultural au'akening of the people. '*'hich association u'as formed
by theatre artists under the left parties?



9. \\as olle of the founding leaders of Jana Natl'a Manch. the activist theatre
group from New Delhi.

A) Utpal Dutt B) Lokendra Arambam

C) Safdar Hashmi D) Prasanna

10. The theatre companv which consists of members of one family, '*'hich is running for
nearly 150 years is

A) Dilshad Nautanki B) Surabhi Companl'

C) Kohinoor Theatre D) GubbiVeeranna Company

q- >6

' 1i. The founder-director of Manipuri theatre group Kalakshetr4 u'ho directed famous plays
like Pebet and Droupadi is

A) Ratar Thiyam B) Heisnam Kanhailal

C) Singhajit Singhaji D) Ibo Tumbi

12. Who is the author of the book, "The Empty Space"?

A) Robert Wilson B) Peter Brook .

C) Eugenio Barba . D) John Clark

13. The tradition of NOH theatre has started in the 14th century in which country?

A) China B) Korea

C) Indonesia D) Japan

14. Kathak Dance traditionally uses this as the primary percussion instrument

A) Mridangam B) Khol

C) Tabla D) Chanda

15. Traditionalll'. Carnatic classical music uses this as the primary percussion instrument

A) Mridangam B) Khol

C) Tabla D) Chanda

16. Ierzy Groton'ski described his theatre practice as

' A) Poor Theaue B) Theatre ofthe Oppressed

C) Bare Theatre D) Theatre of Cruelty

17. 'Arlecchhino' (Harlequin) and 'Pantaloon' are stock characters in the improvised theatre

A) Miracle Play B) Cirque de Soleil

C) Open Theatre D) Commedia Dell' arte

18. Three novels by Rabindranath Tagore -Devi (the Goddess), Nashta Nirha (Broken Nest)
and Ghare Baire (Home and the World) u'ere made into films by the director

A) Bimal Roy B) Mrinal Sen

C) Ritn'ik Ghatak D) Satyajit Ray

q- 36
' 19. Shakespeare's plal's King Lear and Macbeth were adapted as Japanese fiims Ran (Chaos)
and Kumonosu-jo (knolvn as Throne of Blood) by the director

A) Yasujiro B) Akira Kurosawa

C) Kenji Mizoguchi D) Nagisa Oshima

20. In rvhich traditional style of C/zhau dance. masks are not used?

A) Malurbhanj B) Saraikela

C) Purulia D) Sambalpuri

2L " Dasakathia" is the traditional narrative theatre form which originated from

A) Bihar B) Odisha

C) Jharkhand D) West Bengal

ll. Late Veenapani Chau'la founded a research and performance compan)' situaled near
Auror.ille. Pondicheri called

A) Koothupatlarai B) Su'aram

C) Attalalari D) Adishakti

23. Pagla Ghodd (Mad Horse). Bakiltihcs (Remaining Histoq) and Hattamalar Oparey are
plays in Bengali. written by

A) Mahasweta Devi B) Badal Sircar

' C) Manoj Mitr D) Bijon Bhattacharya

24. World Theatre Day Message. 2018 for the Asia Pacific region u'as deliverbd by

A) Tadashi Suzuki B) Ramgopal Bajaj

C) N,Iin Tanaka D) Danny Yung

25. Sanskrit book''Panchatantra'' is a collection of

A) Stories B) War Strategies

C) Plays D) Poems

26. Russian novels'Brothers Karamazov' and 'Crime and Punishment were uritten by

A) Ir{axim Gork1, B) Fyodor Dostol"evskl'

C) Leo Tolstoy D) Vladimir Nabokov

27. In classical Greek theatre, in which area of the theatron is used for performance ofthe

A) Orchestra circle B) Front part of the Skene

C) Parados D) Prohedria

28. What is a Cyclorama in theatre?

A) The Music Pit B) Circular platform

C) Lighting Booth D) White backdrop to the stage

29. Hovv many inches make one feet?

A) 6 inches B) 12 inches

C) 15 inches D) 18 inches

30. In the Bharatanatyam performance follo',r'ing Kalalishetra School, the dancer usually
avoids this kind of Abhinaya.

A) Aangika B) Vaachika

C) Aahar-va D) Satvika

31 . Bhagoriya Dance belongs to which tribal community in India?

A) Ko1'a B) Gond

C) Bheel D) Santhal

32. Padmashree Tijan Bai is famous for vvhich folk musical narrative form?

. A) Pandvani B) Bhanhari

C) Chandaini D) Alha

33. Koothambalam is tl-re performance space of form.

A) Therukoothu B) Bayalata

C) Kathalali D) Kudiyattam

34. The architect. who designed the famous arts space Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal is

A) Larry Baker B) Hafeez Contractor

C) Peter Cook D) Charles Correa

35. Pick the odd one out.

A) Koothu Pattarai, Chennai B) Rang Vidushak, Bhopal

C) Satabdi, Kolkata D) Attakalari, Bengaluru

q* >6
' 36. Sri Neelaksnteshv,ara Nalyasetta Sangha (known as NeeNaSam) is the Theatre Institution
founded by

A) B V Karanth B) K V Subbanna

C) Gubbi Veeranna D) K V Puftappa

37 . Naya Theatre is the Theatre Company founded by

A) Om Shivpuri B) M K Raina

C) Habib Tanvir D) Arvind Gaur

38. The Constitution of India provides "freedom of speech and expression' to all its.citizens
Which of the follou'ing is among the grounds on the basis of u'hich, reasonable restrictions
can be placed on this freedom?

A) Questioning the Government B) Opposing Nationalism

C) Incitement to commit an offence D) Allegations of tenorism

39. According to Aristotle's Poetics. Catharsls is achieved throush

A) Philosophical understanding B) Pity and Fear

C) Kno'"ring the story D) Critical thinling

40. In lighting design. the process through which different lights are connected to designated
dimmers is called

A) Patching B) Focussing

C) Adjusting D) Operating

41. The Irish play 'Riders to the Sea' is uritten by

A) W B B) Samuel Beckett

C)JMSynge D)TSEliot
42. Which of the follou'ing is 4q! a play b1' Shakespeare?

A) Coriolanus B) Titus Andronicus

C) Anton-v and Cleopatra D) Caesar and Cleopatra

43. \lhich of the following plays of Bhasa deals with a story from Ramal'ana?

A) Oorubhangam B) Madhl'ama V1'ayogam

C) Pratima Natakam D) Pancha Ratram

8..- 36
44. Which plaluright founded'The Berliner Ensemble'?

A) Bertold Brecht B) Gerhart Hauptrnann

C) Heiner Muller D) Erwin Piscator

45. The author of'Theatre and its Double' is

A) Eugenio Barba B) Antonin Artaud

C) Micahel Chekhov D) Eru'in Piscator

46. Barnam tr/a4 Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' in Hindi "as translated by

A) Raghuvir Sahay B) Harivanshrai Bachchan

C) Mohan Rakesh D) Rangey Raghav

47. Which is the Sanskit political drama that has the character of Chanakya?

A) Mrichchakatikam B) Mudrarakshasam

C) Naganandam D) Dootavakyam

48. Abhinaya Darpana (The Mirror of Gesture) is a Sanskrit treatise u,ritten by

A) Nandikeswara B) Abhinavagupta

C) Dhananjaya D) Vishnuvardhana

49. The Marathi play Uddhvastha Dharmashala is Written by

A) Vijay Tendulkar B) Mahesh Elkuncu'ar

C) Satish Alekar D) G P Deshpande

50. ITFoK Theatre Festival takes place annually in

A) Kalaghoda, Mumbai B) Klajuraho, Madhyapradesh

C) Kolkata D) Kerala

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