And Web Forms: Outline

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Introduction to ASP.

and Web Forms

This material is based on the original slides of Dr. Mark Sapossnek, Computer Science Department,
Boston University, Mosh Teitelbaum, evoch, LLC, and Joe Hummel, Lake Forest College

Š Background
Š ASP.NET Overview
Š Programming Model
Š Programming Basics
Š Server Controls
Š Data Binding
Š Conclusion
Web Architecture

+ Browser


Network HTTP, TCP/IP


Server Web Server

Web Development Technologies

Š Client-side technologies
„ XHTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript
Š Server-side technologies
„ ASP (Active Server Pages)
„ ASP.NET is the next generation of ASP
What is ASP?

Š Server-side programming technology

Š Consists of static HTML interspersed with script
Š ASP intrinsic objects (Request, Response,
Server, Application, Session) provide services
Š Commonly uses ADO to interact with databases
Š Application and session variables
Š Application and session begin/end events
Š ASP manages threads, database connections.

What is ASP?

HTTP request HTTP response

(form data, HTTP HTML, XML
header data)

ASP page
(static HTML,
server-side logic)
Example: HelloWorld.asp

<form method=“post">
<input type="submit" id=button1 name=button1
value="Push Me" />
if (Request.Form("button1") <> "") then
Response.Write "<p>Hello, the time is " & Now()
end if

ASP Challenges
Š Coding overhead (too much code)
„ Everything requires writing code!
Š Code readability (too complex; code and UI intermingled)
Š Maintaining page state [After submit button is clicked, if
we click the back button, we expect to maintain scroll
position, maintain which control had focus, and restore
focus, or allow server code to focus a new control ]
requires more code
Š Session state scalability and availability
Š Limited support for caching, tracing, debugging, etc.
Š Performance and safety limitations of script
Š Background
Š ASP.NET Overview
Š Programming Model
Š Programming Basics
Š Server Controls
Š Data Binding
Š Conclusion

ASP.NET Overview
Š ASP.NET provides services to allow the
creation, deployment, and execution of
Web Applications and Web Services
Š Like ASP, ASP.NET is a server-side technology
Š Web Applications are built using Web Forms
Š Web Forms are designed to make building
web-based applications as easy as building
Visual Basic applications
ASP.NET Overview
Š Keep the good parts of ASP and improve the rest
Š Simplify: less code, easier to create and maintain
Š Multiple, compiled languages
Š Fast
Š Scalable
Š Manageable
Š Available
Š Customizable and extensible
Š Secure
Š Tool support

ASP.NET Overview
Key Features

Š Web Forms Š Session management

Š Web Services Š Caching
Š Built on .NET Framework Š Debugging
Š Simple programming Š Extensibility
model Š Separation of code and UI
Š Maintains page state Š Security
Š Multibrowser support Š Simplified form validation
Š XCOPY deployment Š Cookieless sessions
Š XML configuration
Š Complete object model
ASP.NET Overview
Example: HelloWorld.aspx
<%@ Page language="c#" %>
<script runat="server">
public void B_Click (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
Label1.Text = "Hello, the time is " + DateTime.Now;
<form method="post" runat="server">
<asp:Button onclick="B_Click" Text="Push Me”
runat="server” /> <br>
<asp:Label id=Label1 runat="server" />

ASP.NET Overview

Š ASP.NET is built upon

„ .NET Framework
„ Internet Information Server (IIS)
ASP.NET Overview

Š Internet Information Server (IIS)

„ IIS MMC Snap-In (Internet Services Manager)
z Tool to manage IIS
„ Virtual Directories
z Provides a mapping between URL and file path
z E.g., on my machine the URL:
maps to the file path:

ASP.NET Overview

VB C++ C# JScript …
Visual Studio.NET

Common Language Specification

ASP.NET: Web Services Windows
and Web Forms Forms
ADO.NET: Data and XML

Base Classes

Common Language Runtime

Š Background
Š ASP.NET Overview
Š Programming Model
Š Programming Basics
Š Server Controls
Š Data Binding
Š Conclusion

Programming Model
Controls and Events

Š Server-side programming model

Š Based on controls and events
„ Just like Visual Basic
„ Not “data in, HTML out”
Š Higher level of abstraction than ASP
Š Requires less code
Š More modular, readable, and maintainable
Programming Model
Controls and Events

Button code
Button ...

List code
List ...

Text code
Text ...

Browser ASP.NET Event handlers

Programming Model
ASP.NET Object Model

Š User code executes on the web server in

page or control event handlers
Š Controls are objects, available in
server-side code
„ Derived from System.Web.UI.Control
Š The web page is an object too
„ Derived from System.Web.UI.Page which is a
descendant of System.Web.UI.Control
„ A page can have methods, properties, etc.
Programming Model

Š A postback occurs when a page generates an

HTML form whose values are posted back
to the same page
Š A common technique for handling form data
Š In ASP and other server-side technologies the
state of the page is lost upon postback...
Š Unless you explicitly write code to maintain state
Š This is tedious, bulky and error-prone

Programming Model
Postbacks Maintain State

Š By default, ASP.NET maintains the state of all

server-side controls during a postback
Š Can use method="post" or method="get"
Š Server-side control objects are automatically
populated during postback
Š No state stored on server
Š Works with all browsers
Programming Model
Server-side Controls

Š Multiple sources of controls

„ Built-in
„ 3rd party
„ User-defined
Š Controls range in complexity and power: button,
text, drop down, calendar, data grid, ad rotator,
Š Can be populated via data binding

Programming Model
Automatic Browser Compatibility

Š Controls can provide automatic browser

Š Can target UpLevel or DownLevel browsers
„ UpLevel browsers support additional functionality,
such as JavaScript and DHTML
„ DownLevel browsers support HTML 3.2
Programming Model
Automatic Browser Compatibility
IE 4



Netscape Button Control Button code

Button ...

Menu Control Menu code
IE 5.5
Text Control Text code


IE 6

Menu ASP.NET Event handlers



Programming Model
Code-behind pages

Š Two styles of creating ASP.NET pages

„ Controls and code in .aspx file
„ Controls in .aspx file, code in code-behind page
z Supported in Visual Studio.NET
Š Code-behind pages allow you to separate the
user interface design from the code
„ Allows programmers and designers to work
<%@ Codebehind=“WebForm1.cs”
Inherits=WebApplication1.WebForm1” %>
Programming Model
Automatic Compilation

Š Just edit the code and hit the page

Š ASP.NET will automatically compile the code
into an assembly
Š Compiled code is cached in the CLR
Assembly Cache
Š Subsequent page hits use compiled assembly
Š If the text of the page changes then the code
is recompiled
„ Works just like ASP: edit, save and run

Programming Model
Automatic Compilation
Š Background
Š ASP.NET Overview
Š Programming Model
Š Programming Basics
Š Server Controls
Š Data Binding
Š Conclusion

Programming Basics
Page Syntax

Š The most basic page is just static text

„ Any HTML page can be renamed .aspx
Š Pages may contain:
„ Directives: <%@ Page Language=“C#” %>
„ Server controls: <asp:Button runat=“server”>
„ Code blocks: <script runat=“server”>…</script>
„ Data bind expressions: <%# %>
„ Server side comments: <%-- --%>
„ Render code: <%= %> and <% %>
z Use is discouraged; use <script runat=server> with code in
event handlers instead
Programming Basics
The Page Directive
Š Lets you specify page-specific attributes, e.g.
„ AspCompat: Compatibility with ASP
„ Buffer: Controls page output buffering
„ CodePage: Code page for this .aspx page
„ ContentType: MIME type of the response
„ ErrorPage: URL if unhandled error occurs
„ Inherits: Base class of Page object
„ Language: Programming language
„ Trace: Enables tracing for this page
„ Transaction: COM+ transaction setting
Š Only one page directive per .aspx file

Programming Basics
Server Control Syntax

Š Controls are declared as HTML tags with

runat=“server” attribute
<input type=text id=text2 runat=“server” />
<asp:calendar id=myCal runat=“server” />

Š Tag identifies which type of control to create

„ Control is implemented as an ASP.NET class
Š The id attribute provides programmatic identifier
„ It names the instance available during postback
„ Just like Dynamic HTML
Programming Basics
Server Control Properties

Š Tag attributes map to control properties

<asp:button id=“c1" Text="Foo" runat=“server”>
<asp:ListBox id=“c2" Rows="5" runat=“server”>

Š Tags and attributes are case-insensitive

Š Control properties can be set programmatically
c1.Text = “Foo”;
c2.Rows = 5;

Programming Basics
Maintaining State

Š By default. controls maintain their state across

multiple postback requests
„ Implemented using a hidden HTML field:
„ Works for controls with input data (e.g. TextBox,
CheckBox), non-input controls (e.g. Label,
DataGrid), and hybrids (e.g. DropDownList,
Š Can be disabled per control or entire page
„ Set EnableViewState=“false”
„ Lets you minimize size of __VIEWSTATE
Programming Basics
Maintaining State

Š Example: MaintainingState.aspx

Programming Basics
Server Code Blocks

Š Server code lives in a script block marked

<script language="C#" runat=server>
<script language="VB" runat=server>
<script language="JScript" runat=server>

Š Script blocks can contain

„ Variables, methods, event handlers, properties
„ They become members of a custom Page object
Programming Basics
Page Events

Š Pages are structured using events

„ Enables clean code organization
„ Avoids the “Monster IF” statement
„ Less complex than ASP pages
Š Code can respond to page events
„ e.g. Page_Load, Page_Unload
Š Code can respond to control events
„ Button1_Click
„ Textbox1_Changed

Programming Basics
Page Event Lifecycle

Initialize Page_Init
Restore Control State
Load Page Page_Load

Control Events
1. Change Events Textbox1_Changed

2. Action Events Button1_Click

Save Control State

Unload Page Page_Unload
Programming Basics
Page Loading

Š Page_Load fires at beginning of request after

controls are initialized
„ Input control values already populated

protected void Page_Load(Object s, EventArgs e) {

message.Text = textbox1.Text;

Programming Basics
Page Loading

Š Page_Load fires on every request

„ Use Page.IsPostBack to execute conditional logic
„ If a Page/Control is maintaining state then need only
initialize it when IsPostBack is false

protected void Page_Load(Object s, EventArgs e) {

if (! Page.IsPostBack) {
// Executes only on initial page load
Message.Text = "initial value";
// Rest of procedure executes on every request
Programming Basics
Server Control Events

Š Change Events
„ By default, these execute only on next action event
„ E.g. OnTextChanged, OnCheckedChanged
„ Change events fire in random order
Š Action Events
„ Cause an immediate postback to server
„ E.g. OnClick
Š Works with any browser
„ No client script required, no applets,
no ActiveX® Controls!

Programming Basics
Wiring Up Control Events

Š Control event handlers are identified on the tag

<asp:button onclick="btn1_click“ runat=server>
<asp:textbox onchanged="text1_changed“ runat=server>

Š Event handler code

protected void btn1_Click(Object s, EventArgs e) {
Message.Text = “Button1 clicked”;
Programming Basics
Event Arguments

Š Events pass two arguments:

„ The sender, declared as type object
z Usually the object representing the control that generated
the event
z Allows you to use the same event handler for
multiple controls
„ Arguments, declared as type EventArgs
z Provides additional data specific to the event
z EventArgs itself contains no data; a class derived from
EventArgs will be passed

Programming Basics
Page Unloading

Š Page_Unload fires after the page is rendered

„ Don’t try to add to output
Š Useful for logging and clean up

protected void Page_Unload(Object s, EventArgs e) {

Programming Basics
Import Directive

Š Adds code namespace reference to page

„ Avoids having to fully qualify .NET types and
class names
„ Equivalent to the C# using directive

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>

Programming Basics
Page Class

Š The Page object is always available when

handling server-side events
Š Provides a large set of useful properties and
methods, including:
„ Application, Cache, Controls,
EnableViewState, EnableViewStateMac,
ErrorPage, IsPostBack, IsValid, Request,
Response, Server, Session, Trace, User,
„ DataBind(), LoadControl(), MapPath(),
Š Background
Š ASP.NET Overview
Š Programming Model
Š Programming Basics
Š Server Controls
Š Data Binding
Š Conclusion

Server Controls
Š ASP.NET ships with ~50 built-in controls
Š Organized into logical families
„ HTML controls
z Controls / properties map 1:1 with HTML
„ Web controls
z Richer functionality
z More consistent object model
Server Controls
HTML Controls

Š Work well with existing HTML designers

Š Properties map 1:1 with HTML
table.bgcolor ="red“;

Š Can specify client-side event handlers

Š Good when quickly converting existing pages
Š Derived from
Š Supported controls have custom class,
others derive from HtmlGenericControl

Server Controls
HTML Controls

Š Supported controls
„ <a> „ <textarea>
„ <img> „ <button>
„ <form> „ <input type=text>
„ <table> „ <input type=file>
„ <tr> „ <input type=submit>
„ <td> „ <input type=button>
„ <th> „ <input type=reset>
„ <select> „ <input type=hidden>
Server Controls
HTML Controls

Š Example: HTMLControls.aspx
„ Basic page lifecycle with HTML Controls

Server Controls
Web Controls

Š Consistent object model

Label1.BackColor = Color.Red;
Table.BackColor = Color.Blue;

Š Richer functionality
„ E.g. AutoPostBack, additional methods
Š Automatic uplevel/downlevel support
„ E.g. validation controls
Š Strongly-typed; no generic control
„ Enables better compiler type checking
Server Controls
Web Controls

Š Web controls appear in HTML markup as

namespaced tags
Š Web controls have an asp: prefix
<asp:button onclick="button1_click“ runat=server>
<asp:textbox onchanged="text1_changed“ runat=server>

Š Defined in the System.Web.UI.WebControls

Š This namespace is automatically mapped to the
asp: prefix

Server Controls
Web Controls

Š Web Controls provide extensive properties to

control display and format, e.g.
„ Font
„ BackColor, ForeColor
„ BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth
„ Style, CssClass
„ Height, Width
„ Visible, Enabled
Server Controls
Web Controls

Š Four types of Web Controls

„ Intrinsic controls
„ List controls
„ Rich controls
„ Validation controls

Server Controls
Intrinisic Controls
Š Correspond to HTML controls
Š Supported controls
„ <asp:button>
„ <asp:radiobutton>
„ <asp:imagebutton>
„ <asp:linkbutton> „ <asp:image>
„ <asp:hyperlink> „ <asp:label>
„ <asp:textbox> „ <asp:panel>
„ <asp:checkbox> „ <asp:table>

Š Specify AutoPostBack=true to make change

events cause a postback
Server Controls
List Controls

Š Controls that handle repetition

Š Supported controls
„ <asp:dropdownlist>
„ <asp:listbox>
„ <asp:radiobuttonlist>
„ <asp:checkboxlist>
„ <asp:repeater>
„ <asp:datalist>
„ <asp:datagrid>

Server Controls
CheckBoxList & RadioButtonList

Š Provides a collection of check box or

radio button controls
Š Can be populated via data binding
<asp:CheckBoxList id=Check1 runat="server">
<asp:ListItem>Item 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 2</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 3</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 4</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 5</asp:ListItem>
Server Controls
Intrinisic & Simple List Controls

Š Example: WebControls.aspx
„ Assorted intrinsic and list controls with

Server Controls
Rich Controls

Š Custom controls with rich functionality

Š Supported Controls
„ <asp:calendar>
„ <asp:adrotator>
Š More will be added
Š 3rd party controls are coming
Š Example: RichControls.aspx
Server Controls
Validation Controls

Š Rich, declarative validation

Š Validation declared separately from input control
Š Extensible validation framework
Š Supports validation on client and server
„ Automatically detects uplevel clients
„ Avoids roundtrips for uplevel clients
Š Server-side validation is always done
„ Prevents users from spoofing Web Forms

Server Controls
Validation Controls
Š <asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
„ Ensures that a value is entered
Š <asp:RangeValidator>
„ Checks if value is within minimum and maximum values
Š <asp:CompareValidator>
„ Compares value against constant, another control or data type
Š <asp:RegularExpressionValidator>
„ Tests if value matches a predefined pattern
Š <asp:CustomValidator>
„ Lets you create custom client- or server-side validation function
Š <asp:ValidationSummary>
„ Displays list of validation errors in one place
Server Controls
Validation Controls

Š Validation controls are derived from

which is derived from the Label control
Š Validation controls contain text which is displayed
only if validation fails
Š Text property is displayed at control location
Š ErrorMessage is displayed in validation

Server Controls
Validation Controls

Š Validation controls are associated with their

target control using the ControlToValidate
<asp:TextBox id=TextBox1 runat=server />

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="Req1"
Text="Required Field" runat=server />

Š Can create multiple validation controls with the

same target control
Server Controls
Validation Controls

Š Page.IsValid indicates if all validation

controls on the page succeed

void Submit_click(object s, EventArgs e) {

if (Page.IsValid) {
Message.Text = "Page is valid!";

Server Controls
Validation Controls

Š Display property controls layout

„ Static: fixed layout, display won’t change if invalid
„ Dynamic: dynamic layout
„ None: no display; can still use ValidationSummary
and Page.IsValid
Š Type property specifies expected data type:
Currency, Date, Double, Integer, String
Server Controls
Validation Controls

Š Can force down-level option

„ Only server-side validation

<% @ Page Language="c#"

ClientTarget="DownLevel" %>

Server Controls
Validation Controls

Š Example: ValidationControls.aspx

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