K. L. E. Institute of Technology Gokul, Hubballi - 580030 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering South Western Railway
K. L. E. Institute of Technology Gokul, Hubballi - 580030 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering South Western Railway
K. L. E. Institute of Technology Gokul, Hubballi - 580030 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering South Western Railway
KLE Society’s
Gokul, Hubballi - 580030
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Internship in
For the academic Year 2019-20
Submitted by
7th Semester Students of EEE Department
1. Anurag .T 2KE16EE004
2. Mohammad Hashmi . U. M 2KE16EE013
3. Preeti. K 2KE16EE020
4. Rakshita. R 2KE16EE025
5. Ramya. P 2KE16EE026
6. Sana. M 2KE16EE030
7. Shalini. D 2KE16EE036
8. Shreya. A 2KE16EE041
9. Shruthi. M 2KE16EE042
10. Sujay. M 2KE16EE047
11. Suraj. M 2KE16EE048
Gokul, Hubballi - 580 030
This is certified that the work entitled in “SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY” is a bonafide work
carried out at Hubballi by Students of 7th semester in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor
of Engineering degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the Vishweshwaraiah
Technological University, Belagavi during the Academic year 2019-20. The report has reached
the standard, fulfilling the requirements of regulations related to the degree.
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would
be incomplete without the mentioning of the people whose constant guidance and encouragement
made it possible. We take pleasure in presenting before you our project during the course of
internship, which is the result of studied blend of both research and knowledge.
It gives us immense pleasure to express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to
Chief Instructor Shri. S. Kamarajan, for the valuable guidance, encouragement and help for
completing this work. His useful suggestions for this whole work and co-operative behavior is
sincerely acknowledged.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Prateek Premnath for his everlasting
encouragement in guiding us towards the completion of this Internship project.
This internship would not have been possible without encouragement and whole-hearted
support from the Department of Electrical and Electronics of KLE Technological University.
At the end, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who helped us directly
or indirectly during this internship project.
Place: Hubballi
Date: 11-07-2018
There are three power supply systems as existing over Indian Railways to provide illumination, fan,
air-conditioning and other miscellaneous needs of electricity for travelling passengers. These are:
2×25 kW alternators for AC coach and 1×4.5 kW for non-AC coach is mounted underslung, driven
by a pulley-belt arrangement when driving pulley is mounted on coach axle. Output is rectified and
charges 110V DC battery for continuous power supply to AC and non-AC coaches. AC load of roof
mounted packaged units is supplied by converting DC into 2×25 kVA inverters. This system is
followed over trains having a combination of AC and non-AC coaches.
End-on-Generation (EOG)
Two power cars each equipped with 2×750 kVA DG sets, one at each end of the train, supplies 3
phase power at 750 V AC power to each electrically interconnected air conditioned coach. The
voltage is stepped down to 3 phase 400 V and supplied to standard voltage equipment on each
coach. EOG system is followed for fully air conditioned train like Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Duranto,
GaribRath, Premium special trains. Import of LHB class of coaches from Germany is provided with
the EOG system with a promise to provide SG system design for indigenous manufacturing. SG
technology given was a complete failure and IR is still struggling to develop designs for the last 15
Head-on-Generation (HOG)
Power is supplied from the train locomotive at the head of the train. The single phase 25 kV
transformer of the electric locomotive is provided with hotel load winding which is converted to
three phase AC at 750 V using 2×500 kVA inverter and supplied to the same system as that of
EOG. In case of Diesel Locomotive, three phase alternator is mounted on the traction alternator and
feeds the hotel load. This is the most efficient system as the cost of power is about 25% less as
compared to EOG, but the system is still under development for the last 30 years. The other class of
trains namely Electrical Multiple Unit and Main Line Electrical Multiple Units employs the same
system for coach lighting. The system is similar to what is followed in train-set composition of train
having a power unit at head as well as on tail and power the entire load of the coach for comfort.
Power House
The 11000V HT supply is given to the Power House of Railway Workshop through over head lines from the
Hescom (KEB). From power house the 11KV supply distributed to the all sections of the Railway
Workshop, there step down transformer is used from where it is step down from 11KV to 440V and given to
section users.
In the power house 500KVA power is generated, here 2 generators are used for 500KVA capacity. The both
generators are used for load shading of distributor, 2 Air Circuit Breakers(ACB) are used for 2 Generators.
A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from
damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current
flow after a fault is detected. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then must be replaced, a circuit breaker
can be reset (either manually or automatically) to resume normal operation.
Air Circuit Breaker(ACB) and Oil Circuit Breaker(OCB) are used in power house, but for most of the
applications OCB is used, nowdays OCB’s are avoided due extra maintenance so ACB’s are preferred due to
ease in maintenance.
The 11000V supply from HESCOM is given to the Power House Workshop loco shed from here 11000
supply is given to H.T incoming workshop to distribute power for all sections of workshop.
Current transformer
Current transformers used in metering equipment for three-phase 400 ampere electricity supply A current
transformer (CT) is a series connected measurement device designed to provide a current in its secondary
Current transformers are often constructed by passing a single primary turn (either
an insulated cable or an uninsulated bus bar) through a well-insulated toroidal core wrapped with
many turns of wire. The CT is typically described by its current ratio from primary to secondary.
For example, a 1000:1 CT provides an output current of 1 amperes when 1000 amperes flow
through the primary winding. Standard secondary current ratings are 5 amperes or 1 ampere,
compatible with standard measuring instruments. The secondary winding can be single ratio or
have several tap points to provide a range of ratios. Care must be taken to make sure the secondary
winding is not disconnected from its low-impedance load while current flows in the primary, as this
may produce a dangerously high voltage across the open secondary and may permanently affect the
accuracy of the transformer.
Specially constructed wideband CTs are also used, usually with an oscilloscope, to measure high
frequency waveforms or pulsed currents within pulsed power systems. One type provides a voltage
output that is proportional to the measured current. Another, called a Rogowski coil, requires an
external integrator in order to provide a proportional output. A current clamp uses a current
transformer with a split core that can be easily wrapped around a conductor in a circuit. This is a
common method used in portable current measuring instruments but permanent installations use
more economical types of current transformer.
Voltage transformers (VT), also called potential transformers (PT), are a parallel connected type of
instrument transformer, used for metering and protection in high-voltage circuits or phasor phase
shift isolation. They are designed to present negligible load to the supply being measured and to
have an accurate voltage ratio to enable accurate metering. A potential transformer may have
several secondary windings on the same core as a primary winding, for use in different metering or
protection circuits. The primary may be connected phase to ground or phase to phase. The
secondary is usually grounded on one terminal.
There are three primary types of voltage transformers (VT): electromagnetic, capacitor, and optical.
The electromagnetic voltage transformer is a wire-wound transformer. The capacitor voltage
transformer uses a capacitance potential divider and is used at higher voltages due to a lower cost
than an electromagnetic VT. An optical voltage transformer exploits the electrical properties of
optical materials. Measurement of high voltages is possible by the potential transformers. An
optical voltage transformer is not strictly a transformer, but a sensor similar to a Hall effect sensor.
H.T Incoming WorkshopThe HT incoming workshop is used for distribution of the supply to
the all sections of the workshop.
Trip current is – 100Amps. If the current increase more than the trip current value the HT incoming
workshop machine will trip and total Workshop supply will stop. The whole supply of the workshop is
depends on HT incoming workshop.
AC Generator
In power house 2 generators are used of 500 KVA. Both generators are used for loadsheding of distributer.
In South Western Railways (SWR) power house the Generators are used since from 29/10/1987 and still
in the running condition
A Substation has a step up transformer increase the voltage while decreasing the current, while step
down transformer decrease the voltage while increasing the current for domestic and commercial
distribution. The word substation comes from the days before the distribution system become a grid. The
first substations were connected to only one power station, where the generators were housed and were
subsidiaries of that power station.
In SWR POWER HOUSE the control is divided into two sections.
1. General maintenance
2. HT structure and OH switch gears
3. UG cables (HT and LT)
4. Transformers
5. Switch gears
6. Station battery and battery charger
7. Protective devices
8. Metering equipments
9. Earthing arrangements
10. Safety gadgets
Conventional Lead Acid cells for TL applications. Different capacity of batteries is used for
different coaches, depending upon the requirements of the particular coach, number of cells are
The batteries which is used for AC coaches is called ‘VRLA’. VRLA is valve regulated lead acid
batteries, each cell is 2 volts. The AH of VRLA batteries is 1100AH, the generated standard voltage
from the regulator is 110V DC to store that voltage 56 cells each of 2 volts are used . VRLA
batteries which nearly can store 112V.
The battery which are used for non AC coaches is called ‘LMLA’. LMLA is low maintenance lead
acid battery, each cell is 6volts. The AH of the VRLA batteries is 120AH. It requires 18 cells, each
of 6 volts , which is nearly 108V.
Before setting up in particular coach, it is checked if it meets the requirements, if it is not then the
whole battery is discarded and checked for faults. Then replacement of other cells is done so as to
meet the requirements. After this also if it fails then it is completely discarded. Once cells fails to
give the power then it is sent to scrap yard. Neither fast charging nor slow charging is done. Battery
is charged according to the rate specified by designer.
The present and most efficient procedure for the maintenance of lead acid cells is to carry out
through overhauls, repairs, rigid tests and quality control during POH work of TL/AC coaches in
the workshop, the work in the maintenance depots is confined only to regular and systematic
examination, occasionally topping up of cells and charging whenever needed.
The lighting batteries of coaches by the vary nature of service conditions cannot be expected to
have steady rate of charge or discharge. They are often left to idle for a long duration or charged at
higher rates. Such strenuous service of the cells therefore calls for systematic and through
examination while in service, prompt remedial measures of defects or replacements of cells and
quality POH work in shops to achieve the expected life without any loss efficiency below 80%.
Float guide
Vent plug
Float: the float stem will have markings to imdicate the lowest and highest electrolyte levels
permissible. It should be ensured that the electrolyte level is maintained in service by adding pure
distilled or demineralized water to IS:1609.
Float guide: The float guide is of removable and anti-splash type and facilitate unrestricted vertical
movement of float stem. During maintenance, it is essential to ensure that the float assembly is
designed to prevent acid-splash in service(IS:6848). Any defective float guides or assemblies
should be replaced promptly.
Vent plug: This is of the anti-splashtype with more than one exit-poles. This will allow the gasses
to escape freely but effectively prevent acid particles or spray from coming out. It should be
ensured that the vent plug is tightened fully whenever the plug is opened during maintenancefor
checking specific gravity of cell or after topping up electrolyte level with distilled water.
The liquid to test is poured into a tall container, often a graduated cylinder, and the hydrometer is
gently lowered into the liquid until it floats freely. The point at which the surface of the liquid
touches the stem of the hydrometer correlates to specific gravity. Hydrometers usually contain a
scale inside the stem, so that the person using it can read specific gravity. A variety of scales exist
for different contexts.
Hydrometer are calibrated for different for different uses, such as a lactometer for measuring
the density (creaminess) of milk, a saccharometer for measuring the density of sugar in liquid, or an
alcoholmeter for measuring higher levels of alcohol in sprits.
The hydrometer makes use of the Archimedes principle: a solid suspended in afluid is buoyed
by a force equal to the weight of the weight of fluid displaced by the submerged part of the
suspended solid. The lower the density of the fluid, the deeper a hydrometer of a given weight
sinks; the stem is calibrated to give a numerical reading.
Brushless alternators are axle driven, with ‘V’ belt drive, mounted on the bogies of the AC & TL
coaches. These alternators are of various ratings (4.5KW/25KW) and make as per requirement for
different type of coaches. KEL 4.5KW Train Lighting System consists of a three phase homopolar
Inductor type Alternator and a static Regulator-Rectifier Unit. KEL alternators render a trouble free
long service without practically any maintenance as it is completely free from any operational
conditions by eliminating PCB’s, transistors and thyristors which are comparatively less reliable.
Brushless Alternator type KELA 45120 is of totally enclosed construction capable of developing a
constant of developing a constant voltage of 120V at a load current of 37.5A from minimum speed
for full output to maximum speed. The machines are used for charging the coach battery, operation
of fans, lights etc. in the coach.
Alternators make use of 140mm PCD flat pulley when mounted on the underframe and
185mm PCD, four groove pulley in conjunction with an axle pulley of 572.6mm PCD when
mounted on the Bogie. Necessary Belt tensioning mechanism is provided alongwith the alternator.
1) Output voltage – 124V+/-5%.
2) Voltage Setting range – 110V(min) – 140V.
3) Rated current – 37.5A.
4) Maximum Current – 43A.
5) Cut in speed – 350 RPM( approx. 19KMPH train speed with half worn wheel)
6) Minimum speed for full output – 550RPM (approx. 29KMPH train speed with half worn
7) Maximum speed – 2650RPM (approx. 140KMPH train speed with half worn wheel)
8) Class of insulation – ‘F’
9) Resistance between phase – 0.39 Ohms at 20’C
10) Resistance of field winding – 4.5 Ohms at 20’C
The alternator consists of two sets of winding namely AC winding and field winding, both
accommodated in the stator. The AC winding are distributed in the small slots and field windings
are concentrated into two slots. Each field coil spans half the total number of stator slots. AC coils
are connected in star and Field coils are connected in series.
The Rotor, consisting of stacked stampings, resembles a cogged wheel having eight sets of teeth
and slots uniformly distributed on the rotor surface skewing the rotor axis.
The core of the stator which is completely embraced by the field coils will retain a residual
magnetism if excitedby a battery once. The flux produced by the field coils find its path through the
rotor. When the rotor is rotated, the passage of the rotor teeth and slots alternatively under the field
offers a varying reluctance path for the flux produced by the field coils. This flux which vary
periodically links with AC coils and induces an alternating voltage in the AC coil. The frequency
of the induced voltage depends on the speed of the rotor. The magnitude depends on the speed of
the rotor and level of excitation. The field is strengthened by a positive feedback system in the
regulator to attain the desired output voltage.
Rectifying the 3phase AC output of the alternator to DC using full wave rectifier bridge.
Regulating the voltage generated by the alternator at the set value.
Regulating the output current of the set value.
This consists of six numbers of silicon diodes, connected in three phase full wave bridges.
The three phase AC output of the alternator is rectified by three diodes to obtain DC output
at terminals + DC and – DC of the regulator-rectifier unit. Each diode is protected against
transient surge voltage by capacitor C1. The whole bridge is protected against high
frequency surges by capacitor C3 and the DC output is filtered by capacitor C2.
The voltage induced in the AC winding of the alternator is dependent on the speed of the
rotor, the excitation current, and the load current. In the absence of a voltage regulator, the
output voltage will rise indefinitely due to the positive feedback to the field. The voltage
regulator monitor the voltage and pass a command to the control circuit to reduce the
excitation current as soon as the output voltage reaches the set value.
This is a single phase transformer with tappings for input and output. The transformer steps
down the voltage for the field coils. The transformer has five sets of terminals bought to a
terminal strip. Input from the two phases of alternator, centre tapping of the transformer
going to the negative
terminal of field supply and the output of the transformer going to the respective terminals
of magnetic amplifier.
The voltage detector serves the function of providing necessary ‘error signal’ for voltage
regulation. It consists of a network of zener diode, potential divider and rheostat.
When the output voltage of the alternator exceeds the set value, the voltage drop across R1
reaches sufficient value to cause the zener break down and this will send a current through
the control winding 1pg magnetic amplifier, which causes an increase in the impedence of
load winding thereby decreasing the field current, maintaining the output voltage of
alternator at set value. The voltage drop across R1 can be varied by varying thr resistance
Zener diode starts conducting only at a designated voltage(zener voltage). The voltage
across the zener will be maintained even if the voltage input to the circuit is increased. Thus
it serves a base for comparison.
The Magnetic Amplifier forms the nucleus of the regulator circuit. It works on the principle
of saturation of magnetic core. It has six sets of winding designated as follows: Load
windings-2 sets; Control windings-4 sets; Of these four sets of control windings only three
sets are used in the circuit.
The load winding is connected in the field circuit and the field current passes through the
winding. Subject to the command from the voltage and current sensing circuits, manifested
through control winding, load winding offers a variable impedence to the field circuit
thereby regulating the voltage and the current at set value.
Silicon diodes acts as a full wave rectifier for the field supply. These diodes conducts
alternatively as the terminals becomes positive with respect to the centre tapping. The
rectified current from the diodes is taken through the feedback winding of magnetic
amplifier to positive and negative terminals respectively for the field supply.
It consists of three silicon diodes connected for three phase full wave rectification with the
negative terminal taken from the power rectifier bridge. It rectify the AC output of the
alternator and supplies DC voltage to the voltage detector for voltage sensing.
Current regulation circuit consists of a variable shunt(SHR) connected in series with the
load circuit and a diode. When the load current exceeds the set value, the drop across the
shunt will be sufficient to drive the diode into conduction and pass a current through the
control winding of magnetic amplifier. The effect of this control current is to retain the
current at the limited value reducing the output voltage on further loading. The current
limiting circuit prevent the alternator from over loading.
400mm, 300mm and 200mm sweep carriage fans are used in Indian Railways in SG, MOG and
EOG coaches where the system voltage could be DC 110V or AC 110V. As the passenger amenity
item, carriage fans have to be maintained in such working conditions as to obtain good air-flow and
trouble-free service for ensuring maximum passenger specification.
Railway carriage fans are either of the fixed or swivelling type and conform to specifications
Performance requirements of these fans are as follows:
Such design performance of the carriage fan can be maintained in service only by
efficientmaintenance of its vital accessories such as carbon brushes, brush holders, springs,
commutator, bearings, regulator and its resistance etc. Parts while replaced should be to correct
specifications to ensure efficient performance of fans.
1. The fan shall be provided with a close mesh guard for protection for users against injuries, as
specified in IS:6680.
2. To prevent an earth fault in the coach, fans are insulated from the coach body by providing an
insulating pad while fixing (RDSO SKEL 3838).
3. The fan base is fixed to the coach body by using hexagonal head screws, washers and flat
washer. This shall receive special attention since there have been cases of fans dropping in the
service and causing injuries to occupants.
4. The lead from the fan shall be taken in such a way that the wires do not rub or get damaged by
the swivelling of the fan body.
The aim in maintenance is to reduce or compensate for the wear and tear in operation so that the
installation continues to function well and give good service. Preventive maintenance covers the
following three aspects:
1. Systematic checking of the carriage form while in service.
2. Localisation of defect, rectification and restoration of normalcy, if necessary, by replacement of
defective/worn-out parts.
3. Analysis of the basic cause of failure and taking remedial action to avoid or minimise
Previously, 110V DC fixed and swivelling type fans of different sweeps having commutation with
the help of carbon brushes were being used in self-generating coached and DC EMUs. Maintenance
and replacement of carbon brushes and their holders including maintenance of commutator of these
fans had been great concern to Indian Railways in addition to its low efficiency, reliability and
excess noise. In order to reduce maintenance cost, weight, operational cost and to enhance
efficiency, reliability, service life and aesthetic of these fans implementing the latest state of art
The input to such unit will be fed through battery bank of 110V DC in parallel with alternator,
rectifier cum regulator. The unit shall be suitable for operating voltage available as input i.e. 90V to
140V DC with 15% ripple. The over voltage trip shall be set at 155V.
The motor of the fan shall be permanent magnet type, light in weight and small in size without field
winding, brushes and commutator. The stator may be of two or more windings. The permanent
magnet shall be fitted on the rotor in such a manner that it should not get disengaged. It is desirable
that the magnet shall be embedded in slots. For fixing of fan guard, extension of fan body collor or
provision of additional collor shall be used.
Carriage lighting is provided from Axel driven generators in conjunction with storage batteries on
DC 110v system, Diesel generator sets with step-down transformers on AC 110V in MOG system
and Diesel generator sets with step-down transformers on AC 110V in EOG system.
Postal 40 Lx
Dining / Pantry 30 Lx
Lavatories corridor in first class 16 Lx
Lavatories corridor in other class 11 Lx
The level of illumination shall be measured on a horizontal plane 840mm above floor level and
500mm from back of every seat. Average illumination shall be obtained by dividing the sum of
illumination at each seat by the number of seats. While conducting the seats, the windows and
doors shall be closed to avoid outside lights from influencing the readings. Degree if uniformly of
illumination, which is the ratio of level of illumination at the least favourable seat (minimum level)
to the average level of illumination, shall not be less than 1:3.
In the corridors, the value of illumination level shall be taken on a vertical plane along the
centre, of the corridor at appoint 840mm above the floor level and between each compartment door
with lights inside the compartment switched on and windows on the corridor side as well as
compartment side closed.
Indoor ways and vestibules the reading shall be taken adjacent to the door or vestibule at a
height of 840mm from floor level.
Four in lavatories and toilets readings shall be taken in the centre of the compartment at a
height of 1500mm above the floor.
The transparency or reflecting power of all exposed surface and lamps and fittings would
deteriorate due to the formation of a film of dust or dirt. This would result in reduction of the level
of illumination to very low levels within a comparatively short period. Proper maintenance is
therefore necessary to keep up the initial illumination values.
The wattages of incandescent and fluorescent lamps to be used in various classes of compartment
are as under:
Ceiling light fittings in I, II, III AC, II 18W, 2 ft long fluorescent lamps with
sleeper, postal vans and dining cars on inverters
DC 110V system
Do on AC: MOG system in I and II class 18W fluorescent lamps with inverters
Do in I class, II class and during cars on 2 ft 18W twin-tube fluorescent with inverters
MEMU (Mainline Electric Multiple Unit), MEMU is a commuter rail system in India operated
by the Indian Railway for semi urban and rural areas.
The system uses mainline electrical Multiple units (MEMU) operating on alternating current (AC)
drawn from overhead cables through centenary system.
MEMU trains are designed of semi urban and rural areas, unlike EMU(electrical multiple unit)
trains that are designed for urban and semi-urban area. Memu trains are also having end vestibules
(gangway connections) not found on EMU trains. Also, unlike EMU, MEMU trains have
In MEMU trains there will be 2 Motor Coaches.One at the front and another at the back. It can
move forward and backward. It needs 1 Motor Man and 1 guard, 1 Motor Coach contains 4
Traction motors, 4 Traction battery and 2 Traction motor controllers. The current will be taken from
HT (High Tension) line containing 25KV overhead line, taken from pantographwhich contains
VCB(Vacuum circuit breaker). In Traction motors the Tapchanger controls the speed of the train
containing 22 notch sequences. If voltage exceeds more than 25KV, the VCB will blast and
disconnect the supply.
End on generation
Cost efficient
Low maintainence
Extra space
Cooler or heater
No fans
Consists of RMPU
A metered quantity of diesel fuel is then injected into the cylinder, which ignites spontaneously because of
the high temperature of compressed air. The diesel is injected through injector in the chamber. Hence, the
diesel engine is also known as compression ignition (CI) engine. An alternator is coupled with the diesel
engine and the kinetic energy of engine is transmitted to alternator and converted into electrical energy.
Alternator works on the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. This electrical energy is then fed to the
DG set can be classified according to cycle type as: two strokes and four strokes. However, the commonly
used diesel engines use the four stroke cycle
• Diesel Engine
• Alternator
• Fuel Tank
• Starter Motor
• Battery
• Control Panel
Use of fire retardant materials for furnishing
Emergency openable windows
Vertically interlocked buffer couples
Individual reading light in chair car
Anti telescopic
Advanced pneumatic disc break system
Modular interior
Higher end air conditioning
Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches are the passenger coaches of Indian Railways that have
been developed by Linke-Hofmann-Busch of Germany[1] (renamed Alstom LHB GmbH in 1998
after the takeover by Alstom[2] and mostly produced by Rail Coach Factoryin Kapurthala,
India.[3] They have been used since 2000 on the broad gauge (1676 mm[4]) network of Indian
railways. Initially, 24 air conditioned coaches were imported from Germany for usein the Shatabdi
Expresses, after which the Rail Coach Factory started manufacturing after technology transfer. [5]
The coaches are designed for an operating speed up to 160 km/h and could go up to
200 km/h.[6] However, they have been tested up to 180 km/h. Their length of 23.54 m and a width
of 3.24 m means a higher passenger capacity, compared to conventional rakes (US: consists).[7] The
tare weight of the AC chair car was weighed as 39.5 tonnes. [8] They are considered to be "anti-
telescopic", which means they do not get turned over or flip in case of a collision (chiefly head-on).
These coaches are made of stainless steel and the interiors are made of aluminium which make
them lighter as compared to conventional rakes. [9] Each coach also has an "advanced pneumatic
disc brake system" for efficient braking at higher speeds, "modular interiors" that integrate lighting
into ceiling and luggage racks with wider windows.[10] The improved suspension system of LHB
coaches ensures more riding comfort for the passengers compared to conventional rakes. The air
conditioning system of the LHB coaches is of higher capacity compared to the older rakes and is
controlled by a microprocessor which is said to give passengers better comfort than the older
coaches during summer and winter seasons. They are relatively quieter as each coach produces a
maximum noise level of 60 decibels while conventional coaches can produce 100 decibels.
Each LHB coach costs between ₹ 15 million to 20 million, whereas the power car which houses a
generator costs about 30 million.[6][11] In 2016, IR declared that all ICF coaches will be replaced by
LHB coaches to provide more safety and comfort.
EOG Coaches
II AC Sleeper
III AC Sleeper
Buffet Coach
Power Car
Technical data:
Cooling capacity :7.0 TR
Heating capacity:6.0 KW
Compressor motors:4.9KW
Nominal Power:16.5KVA
Supply Voltage:415,3ph,AC,50HZ
Fan motor axial(for condensors):1HP,415V,3ph,AC,50HZ
Fan motor radial(for evaporator):1.5HP,415V,3ph,AC,50HZ
Maximum speed: 200km/h (200 mph)
Air Volume:
Fresh air supply : 820
Maximum power input, cooling(KW) : 13.25
Maximum power input, heating(KW) : 6.0
Maximum power input, dehumidifying(KW): 11.0(approx.)
Refrigerant : R-22
Weight : 630 approx.
Dimensions(m) : 2200*2000*500
RMPU Make : Approx.. quantity per unit
Equipments used:
Flow Chart:
Supply Net 1 Supply Net 2
230V 1ph
Pump1,Pump2 Light control,10A fuse
With MCB 1-1.6A Battery
Battery Diagnosis,6A
AIRWAY: (Choking)
HeimlichManeuver for adults: If there is blockage in airways Heimlich maneuver is done. The
technique is called the Heimlich maneuver, or abdominal thrusts. Abdominal thrusts lift your
diaphragm and expel air from your lungs. This causes the foreign object to be expelled from your
airway. The Red Cross also recommends including five back blows, although some institutes, such
as the American Heart Association, don’t teach this technique.
How to perform the Heimlich maneuver
The steps you need to perform a Heimlich maneuver depend on who you’re aiding another
person who isn’t pregnant or an infant (under a year old)
a pregnant woman or an infant
Regardless of whom you perform the maneuver on, that person should still get medical help
afterward. This is to ensure no physical damage has occurred to their throat and airways.
Normal person:
Alternatively, if the person can’t stand up, straddle their waist, facing their head. Push your fist
inward and upward in the same manner as you would if they were standing.
On a pregnant woman
On pregnant women, you need to place your hand a little higher on their torso, around the base of
their breastbone. If that person is unconscious, place them on their back and try to clear the airway
with your finger in a sweeping motion. If you can’t remove the lodged object, begin
performing CPR.
On an infant
If the person who is choking is younger than 1 year, you need to follow other steps:
Sit down and hold the infant facedown on your forearm, which should be resting on your
Give five back blows gently with the heel of your hand.
If that doesn’t work, position the infant face up and resting on your forearm and thigh so
their head is lower than their trunk.
Place two fingers at the center of their breastbone and perform five quick chest
Repeat the back blows and chest thrusts until the object is expelled and the infant can
breathe or cough on their own.
On yourself:
Make a fist and place it just above your navel, thumb side in.
Grab the fist with your other hand and push it inward and upward at the same time. Perform
five of these abdominal thrusts.
Repeat until the object is expelled and you can breathe or cough on your own.
You can also thrust your upper abdomen against a hard edge like the corner of a table or
counter, or back of a chair.
Artificial respiration:
Mouth to mouth: Pulmonary anton ventilation (and hence external parts of respiration) is achieved
through manual insufflation of the lungs either by the rescuer blowing into the patient's lungs
(mouth-to-mouth resuscitation), or by using a mechanical device to do so. This method of
insufflation has been proved more effective than methods which involve mechanical manipulation
of the patient's chest or arms, such as the Silvester method. [4]
instance in near-drowning and opiate overdoses. The performance of mouth to mouth in its own is
now limited in most protocols to health professionals, whereas lay first aiders are advised to
undertake full CPR in any case where the patient is not breathing sufficiently.
Method of artificial respiration in which the patient is placed face downward, pressure then beingr
hythmically applied with the hands to the lower part of the thorax.
If you're not trained in CPR, then provide hands-only CPR. That means uninterrupted chest
compressions of 100 to 120 a minute until paramedics arrive. For adult 8000 compressions and for
a child 600 compressions.