Behaviorist Theory of Sla

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Behavioral Approaches

Behavioral Psychology – idea that all actions whether made by man or animal are all learned behaviors
and can be learned and unlearned.


Pavlov’s Dogs – dogs learned to associate the sound of the bell with food and as a result they salivate
every time there was food or not.

In a nutshell, Pavlov discovered a process

CLASSICAL CONDITIONING - in which a previously neutral stimulus came to evoke a specific response by
being repeatedly paired with another stimulus that evoked the response and psychologist came to call

So psychologist eventually expanded on Pavlov’s findings and the result was a new type of
conditioning called

OPERANT CONDITIONING – refers to conditioning in which the organism emits a response, or operant.

These conditioning refers to child’s PR or NR.

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT (PR) - rewarding the child for doing good and to maintain the behavior

NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT (NR) – response or behavior strengthened by stopping, removing or

avoiding negative outcome.

PUNISHMENT- stops the behavior in a way that you are taking out his chance to decide.

Behaviorist Theory – a psychological theory that believed “infants learn oral language from other
human role models through a process involving imitation, reward and practice (Cooter and Reutzel,


In the 50s and 60s Behavioral Psychology became popular to apply to all types of learning
including language learning.

Two psychologists most known for applying behavioral psychology to learning and especially
language learning are WATSON and SKINNER. This application led to the Behaviorist Theory of Second
Language Acquisition (SLA).



Verbal Behavior – the behavior of an organism (foreign language learner) that is being conditioned.

Stimulus – what is taught/ presented by foreign language teacher.

Response – reaction of the learner to the stimulus.

Reinforcement – approval and praise of the teacher and fellow students as well as self- satisfaction

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