DDU 6th National RESEARCH CALL - RVP - 2 PDF

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Science and Technology
Economic Transformation

The sixth annual research conference of Dire Dawa University will be held on 22 and 23 May 2020 (Ginbot 14 & 15, 2012
E.C) with a grand theme “Research in Science and Technology for Economic Transformation.’’ Thus, we cordially in-
vite interested researchers to submit their research papers, review articles, technical papers and case studies including
but not limited to the following sub themes:

1. Issues of Economic Transformation in Ethio- 7. Finance, Business, Economics & Develop-

pia ment

2. Railway Engineering in Ethiopia 8. Communicable and non

non--communicable Dis-
eases in Ethiopia
3. Energy Technologies in Ethiopia
9. Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages
4. Emerging Issues in Science, Engineering and
 Heritage, Tourism & Urban development in Ethio-
pia; Law & Governance, International relations;
5. Transformational Engineering in Ethiopia Language & cultural studies

 Role in Mega Projects and Industrial parks; Electro 10. Current Issues
mechanical Engineering; Mechanization Engineering;
 Indigenous knowledge; Job creation; Mental
Status, Practices and Application of Digital Technolo-
Health; Climate change, Environment & Develop-
gies in Ethiopia
ment; Peace and security; Science Culture prac-
6. Natural and Computational Sciences tices and Development in Ethiopia.

Preparation of Abstract
 Title of the paper.
 Correspondent Author: name, affiliation, postal address, Email address and cell phone number.
 200-400 wordsabstract (clearly highlighting the research problem, objectives, methodology, key findings and the con-
 3 to 5 Keywords that explain the paper.
 Formatting style: Ms-word, Times New Roman, 1.5 line space, Unbold.
 The paper should ( be unpublished or not be submitted for publication and not be presented in other similar
Submission of Abstract
 submit abstract ahead of the deadline via : [email protected]
 While submitting your abstract the subject of your mail should be stated as “DDU_NRC2020_Subtheme_n”, where
‘n’ indicates the role number (1-10) of a sub-theme in which your article can be categorized.
Preparation and Submission of Full Paper
 You will be notified to submit the full length paper if your abstract is selected.
 It should not exceed 15 pages and submitted in MS Word format.
 Should be prepared as per the MS Word Template that can be downloaded from http://www.ddu.edu.et/NRC2020

Important Deadlines Contact Information

 Submission of abstract : March 31, 2019 Dr. Dejene Getachew
 Notification of accepted abstracts: April 15, 2020 (Director, Research Affairs Directorate)
 Submission of full length paper: April 24, 2020 Cell phone: +251- 913– 2476 - 40
 Notification of final acceptance: May 01, 2020 Mr. Amdael Shifa (Research and Community Service Director, DDIT)
 Conference Dates: 22 & 23 May, 2020 Cell phone: +251- 912- 0476 - 23

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