Corrosion Awareness: Andrea Etheridge, Mike Fielder, Chi-Ming Lee, Dave Moore

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Andrea Etheridge, Mike Fielder,

Chi-Ming Lee, Dave Moore

Main CD
Rotten Apples
Spoil Barrels

corrosion failures acount for:

25% of all safety incidents,
5% of lost production
and add 10% to the lifting costs

corrosion awareness
making corrosion everyone’s business
“Corrosion Awareness”
From its initiation in January 1995, the
BP Amoco-driven Corrosion Awareness
Campaign has evolved into an external
partnership in support of all BP Amoco

This service is now available to support

other operators and service companies
in implementing their corrosion control
processes. Delivery is through a
combination of technical presentations,
toolbox talks, exhibitions, posters,
technical notes, campaigns and
knowledge transfer processes, tailor-
made to each particular business need.

Now re-badged “Corrosion Awareness”

the team members can be contacted
as follows:

Andrea Etheridge, Mike Fielder, Chi-Ming Lee, Dave Moore

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Corrosion Awareness, SGS House, Wellheads Drive, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7GQ
tel: +44 (0)1224 793 619

corrosion website
“Corrosion Awareness” - philosophy
The philosophy has been to encourage
a proactive approach of ‘prevention
rather than cure’.

This is achieved by encouraging:-

Ownership of corrosion and its
associated problems from the few
to the many.
Teamwork in order to improve the
overall management of corrosion.
Development of corrosion control
performance measures to
demonstrate compliance and sustain
continuous improvement.

A proactive approach to corrosion

management will deliver significant
cost and risk reductions.
“Corrosion Awareness” - role
Corrosion affects everyone either
directly or indirectly. In accord with
the BP Amoco policy ‘getting HSE right’,
which states ‘no accidents, no harm
to people and no damage to the
environment’, management of
corrosion is a critical factor in its

The role of “Corrosion Awareness” is

to assist the Business Units in fulfilling
their obligation to their individual
Corrosion Management Strategies. This
is achieved by educating and
empowering everyone to recognise
and address corrosion and its
associated risk to business delivery.
Toolbox Talks
Toolbox talks cover the corrosion
related topics which pose a threat to
the Asset. The “Corrosion Awareness”
team works with the Asset corrosion
management team to design the
BP Amoco
relevant talks. Supervisor sessions are
run where team leaders learn about
key corrosion threats and how to
cascade knowledge on corrosion
control to their teams.
The topics covered
The aim of the talks is to improve the include:
overall awareness of corrosion and to Corrosion Management System
enable individuals to see what they Corrosion Control Matrices
can do personally to prevent corrosion. Commissioning Risks
Fabric Maintenance
Chemical Management
Corrosion Monitoring
Main Oil Line
Dead Legs
Water Injection
Corrosion Under Insulation
Screwed Connections
Carbon Dioxide Corrosion
Oxygen / Microbial Corrosion
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Galvanic Corrosion
Toolbox Talks - example

"Water gets
under insulation
and causes
How can WE help stop wet Corrosion"
insulation causing corrosion on
our platform ?

"Help us Stop
This!" It happens behind mineral wool insulation
covered by metal cladding

It happens to carbon steel and corrosion

resistant metals such as Duplex.

Water gets in through broken seals on

insulation cladding.

Insulated pipes, vessels and valves all over

the platform are at risk.

Typical corrosion under insulation - offshore N.Sea Potable, produced and sea water can all
cause corrosion.
Toolbox Talks - example

"Top of the "The Facts !"

rots !"

Areas of constant wetting are at risk -

Using pipes as steps ! 'Nappy Rash !'

Repeated wetting and drying concentrates

Dropped objects ! the chloride, which is worse.

Corrosion is worst at 60-80°C.

Sea water hosing
eg. routine module washdown

Seawater valve stem leaking

Water can 'wick' along to wet the whole

Partially finished

Water gathers at low points.

Fire deluge testing Maintenance job !
Toolbox Talks - example

"These are some of the "As a Team we can

things WE could do" STOP THE ROT !"

Make sure loose, broken or missing

cladding is sorted out - even temporarily. What ONE thing can each of us do?

Get something done about sites where

you have to stand on insulation to
access equipment.
Bag off insulation before hosing down.

Check that paint coating is intact before

putting insulation back on !

The best way to avoid CUI is to get rid of

the insulation - WE can challenge the
Do we need to set targets ?
Ensure existing insulation/ stainless steel How will we measure progress ?
cladding is adequately sealed (ie silicone By when ? What's next.....?

Visual Aids
A variety of posters and displays has
been produced to reinforce the
corrosion awareness message. These
vary in style and approach and are
tailored to meet the individual asset’s

Two displays are available:

One describes the corrosion awareness
process and how that can help.

The other describes the cost of

corrosion and corrosion threats at
various stages of an asset’s life.

A ‘black museum’ of corrosion failures The poster titles include:

is also available. Corrosion Under Insulation
Stagnant Area Corrosion
Chemical Misuse
Chemical Control of Corrosion
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Microbial Induced Corrosion
Water Injection System Corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion
Carbon Dioxide Corrosion
Visual Aids - examples

finish the job... The Causes:



Using pipes as steps

Partially finished maintenance job


...or BAG OFF ! Dropped objects Drips

All insulated pipework
and vessels are at risk
Bag off INSULATION when conducting REPAIR work ! This including duplex
stainless steel
will STOP water getting in through BROKEN or damaged seals
on CLADDING and causing Corrosion Under Insulation(CUI). What can we do here ?
Be Aware: Report or fix damaged, loose or missing cladding.
Corrosion Under Insulation(CUI) happens underneath mineral wool insulation covered by metal
cladding. It affects both carbon steel and corrosion resistant metals such as duplex. Insulated pipes Report rust stained cladding
and vessels all over the installation are at risk. Potable, produced and sea water can all cause this
type of corrosion.
Stop water dripping onto cladding
What Else Can I Do ? Do something about sites where people stand on
Report or fix damaged, loose or missing cladding. Stop water dripping onto cladding. Report drips
coming out of cladding. Replace removed cladding as soon as the job is done. Don’t insulate if not
cladding to access plant
Don't insulate unless vital
Federal Activities
“Corrosion Awareness” supports BP Amoco’s
federal corrosion management system with
a range of activities including:

Knowledge Management:
“Corrosion Awareness” has created a web
site to assist the transfer of knowledge and
lessons learnt.
Technical Notes: A series of short technical
bulletins on cross asset materials and
corrosion issues has been prepared under
the direction of Paul Badelek (BP Amoco,
Corrosion Consultant, Aberdeen). They are
designed to share operations experience
between BP Amoco Business Units, Partners
and Project/Design teams.

Cost of Corrosion:
Assisting assets in collating, interpreting
and reviewing the cost of corrosion. Technical Notes:
Topsides Bolting - Corrosion
Corrosion Management Assurance System Protection.
(CMAS) :
Corrosion of Cunifer Seawater
Supporting the uptake of the federal CMAS Cooling System Pipework.
and encouraging implementation of corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion of Nickel
control performance measures (CCPM’s).
Aluminium Bronze Valves in
Corrosion in Carbon Steel Coarse
Seawater Filters.

corrosion website
“Corrosion Awareness” - direction
To date BP Amoco participants include:

Alaska (Prudhoe Bay)

Southern North Sea
Wytch Farm

“Corrosion Awareness” remain

committed to the support of all BP
Amoco operations. However, the team
is now in a unique position to use its
specialist skills and experience to assist
in corrosion control with other
operators and service companies.

“Corrosion Awareness” can assist

corrosion control in all upstream and
downstream activities by providing
processes, material and resources
tailored to your every need.

corrosion awareness
making corrosion everyone’s business

GeoQuest, 03000437

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