Transaction Processing System
Transaction Processing System
Transaction Processing System
ATM transactions
Credit Card system
Electronic Commerce
Online Payments
Online Trading Stocks
Self-checking stations
TPS is needed to conduct business in nearly any organization today. TPSs bring
data into the databases of the organization; these systems are also a basis on
which management-oriented information systems are based.
Data Capture
Data capturing denotes to the storage of data through source data automation.
Transaction processing systems are increasingly relying on the interchange of
electronic data. These systems provide for computer-to-computer communication
without repeated data entry by replacing paper documents with formatted
transaction data sent over telecommunications networks.
Data Validation
Validation includes checking for missing data items, valid codes and valid values.
More extensive validation may involve transaction authorization based on the
record of the customer and the inventory available.
Transaction-steps of processing
Processing of data inputted by users into automated machinery system, it shows
logical and mathematical operations and stores processed results into the
Database Maintenance
System files or databases need to be updated after transactions other than
inquiries. Thus, the data collected by TPSs serves as a source of detail for
management-oriented information system components.