General Points of The Prologue To The Caterbury Tales

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The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

General points
1. Chaucer is the real founder of English poetry and is rightly called the Father of
English poetry .

2. Chaucer made a fresh beginning in English poetry.

3. Chaucer's education as a poet was two-fold: a part of it came from French and
Italian literature and the other part of it came from life.

4. Chaucer was not merely bookish and least visionary man. Like Shakespeare

\and Milton he was a man of worldly affairs.

5. "Canterbury Tales" is Chaucer's remarkable and famous work which is a
collection of stories related by the pilgrims on their way to the shrines of Thomas
Becket at Canterbury.
6. These pilgrims represent different sections of the contemporary society of
7. The description of these characters shows Chaucer's narrative power as a poet
8. All these characters are individualized yet their thoroughly typical qualities
give a unique value to Chaucer's picture of men and manners in England of his
9. "Canterbury Tales" is a land mark in the history of English poetry because here
Chaucer enriches the English language and meter to such an extent that now it
could be conveniently used for any purpose.
10. By introducing a variety of highly finished characters into a single action and
engage them in an intimated dialogue, Chaucer fulfilled every requirement of a
11. By drawing finished and various portraits in verse, Chaucer showed the way to
the novelists to portray characters.
12. Chaucer's work fall into three periods:
in first period he imitated FRENCH models .
in second period he imitated Italian models
in third period he imitated English models
13. Chaucer's third period may be called English period because in it he threw off
foreign influences and showed native originality.
14." Canterbury Tales” is his greatest poetic achievement which places him in the
heart of London. Here we find his gentle, kind humor, which is Chaucer's greatest
quality, at its very best.
15. among his chief characteristics are his delightful freshness and simplicity, his
roguish genital humor ---------------he was full of quaint fun, his heart felt love of
nature. his tender pathos , his knowledge of women ,his love for his dear old
books, his power of life like portraiture ,his admirable way of story-telling and
perfection of his verses
16. During his Italian period Baccaccio alone exercised a deep influence on
Chaucer's art
17. The main difference between Chaucer and Baccaccio is that Chaucer
emphasizes characters rather than passions while Baccaccio emphasis passion
18. Chaucer's skill in characterization is well pronounced in the Prologue and
each one of his characters comes to our view in full form exhibiting the
particularities of his or her class.
19. Various features of Chaucer's poetry are
story telling
narrative poet
a novelist
dramatic approach
descriptive poet
realistic poet
humorous irony
20 Chaucer’s imagery is of simplest kind .he takes similes and comparisons from
real life

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