01 v1n1 1977

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Point, California, and a renowned high

speed bicyclist who appears twice in
the Guinness Book of World Records,
has offered $2500 to the first human
powered vehicle to reach or exceed 55 MPH
(the national speed limit) for 200 meters. Any
human powered vehicle which is powered by
only one person may also claim this prize by
reaching or exceeding 54 MPH over the same
distance. Ifthe prize isnot claimed by 1January
1985, it will be awarded to the fastest single
rider vehicle for 200 meters prior to that date.
The following conditions must be met:
1)The speed must be attained entirely within
the rules of the IHPVA.
2) The record run must be witnessed by at
least one member of the IHPVA Board of
Directors and by a second official observer
who was previously designated as such by the
IHPVA president.
3) The record machine must be inspected
immediately after the record run by the above
mentioned observers. The wheels must be in-
spected, along with the entire machine, to
insure that no stored energy was employed
during the run.
4) Detailed photographs, both with and
without any streamlining, must be supplied for
After breaking two world bicycle records, Dr.
Abbott recently decided to retire from active
competition. In 1972 he rode a specially de-
signed bicycle behind a race car at over 140
MPH on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. A
specially prepared race car completely
shielded the bicycle from the wind - thus
making such incredible speeds possible. This
record still stands. In1976, Dr. Abbott broke the
world unpaced bicycle speed record at 47.8
MPH for 200 meters with a flying start. His aim in
offering the prize is to stimulate competition
and technological improvement in human
powered transportation. The California State
Highway Patrol has offered to issue a com-
plimentary traffic ticket to anyone who wins.
The Abbott prize ison deposit at the Santa Fe
Federal Savings and Loan, 40th St. branch, in
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.. San Bernardino,
t " CA.

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Human Power, volume one, number one ... Great! Just what
the world needs . another narrow special-interest publication.
Actually, this sort of publication is invaluable to those of
us who are buried under the unmanageable deluge of informa-
tion available. A magazine like Human Power can provide a sum-
mary of everything you need to know about one subject, in one
Official Publication of the INTERNATIONAL HUMAN POWERED place, updated periodically. Magazine publishers who are wise
VEHICLE ASSOCIATION, Long Beach, CA. enough to spot a growing trend like this one can make a fortune
Volume 1, Number 1 Winter/1977/1978 Commemorative Issue in specialty markets. Since I spent a few years as a magazine
editor, I have a good idea of how the game works. Essentially,
The IHPVA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the publisher's share of the cover price (perhaps 50%) just about
improvement, innovation and creativity inthe design andjdevelopment
of human powered vehicles as well as encouraging public interest in covers the production costs of paper, printing, and facilities.
physical fitness and good health through exercise. The advertising revenue, therefore, has to cover editorial salaries
and purchased articles and photographs. Professional journals
which carry no advertising must obviously carry a higher price,
rely on volunteer editors, and pay nothing to their writers. At
PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR PRODUCTION the moment, it is not clear which way Human Power will go.
Dick Hargrave Dick Hargrave There is definitely a need for something to fill the gap between
EDITOR Dan Meske highly esoteric journals such as Human Factors and Ergonomics
Paul VanValkenburgh Paul VanValkenburgh and the product-oriented magazines like Bicycling and Bike
Chet Kyle World. For this first issue we have relied heavily on volunteer
ART DIRECTOR Teri Previtire (coerced?) help from our amazingly talented and professionally
Dick Hargrave
expensive members. We have articles by Dr. Paul MacCready,
Prof. Chester Kyle, Phil Norton, Randy Danta, and Bill Watson.
And, of course, this issue, our logo, and our race posters would
CONTENTS not exist without hundreds of man hours of free art and produc-
THE GOSSAMER CONDOR ......................... 4 tion work by designer Dick Hargrave (assisted editorially by
yours truly).
CHRONOLOGY OF A RECORD ..................... 6 A large part of the effort of grinding out a first issue is
in resolving the format and orientation. The name Human
Power gives us a great deal of latitude in editorial content,
DESIGN OF HUMAN POWERED BOATS ............. 8 while still expressing the basic thrust of the IHPVA. Human
Power is primarily oriented toward human-propelled transporta-
THE HISTORY OF IHPVA .......................... 10 tion over land, sea, or air. At the moment, that is most commonly
represented by pedal-cycles, rowboats, and a few flying machines.
IHPVA OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS.....11 However, we should not ignore other popular modes of human-
powered transportation such as jogging, wheelchairs, skate-
PHOTO ALBUM ................................... 12
boards, ice skates, cross-country skiing, and so on. In broader
RACE RESULTS, 1975/76/77 ......................... 16 terms, Human Power perhaps ought to even promote stationary
power production in methods such as stairs (versus elevators),
SEQUENCE OF RECORDS .......................... 18 electricity generation (i.e., the pedal-powered television), the
treadle sewing machine, and such reactionary devices as the man-
ual toothbrush. Personally, I even have a great interest in using
Ralph Therrio pushes the Aeroshell 2 to its limit: 49.93 human power to overcome government mass and friction, and
MPH. Complete story by the vehicle's designer, Paul social inertia.
VanValkenburgh, appears on page 6. But where are we going with Human Power? What you see
before you will be the only 1977 issue, and therefore is an
Cover Photo by: annual. The next step is to become a quarterly. From that we
may become bimonthly or monthly. There is certainly enough
GEORGE NAOUM, PO. Box 2255, Alhambra, CA 91803
editorial material available to justify such growth. For example,
IHPVA Photos by: there wasn't enough room in this issue for technical articles on
Bob Alexander Don Nickles Alan Hart Ventilation Air Drag, by Glen Brown, and wind tunnel data
Roland Antilla Bruce Sargeant Chester Kyle on streamlined bicycles. These and many other technical tips
Jack Cameron Frank Whitt Bruce Longson
will be provided in future issues.
COPYRIGHT © 1978 International Human Powered Vehicle Associa- But growth will be limited by production time and costs.
tion, % C.R. KYLE/Engineering, California State University, Long Although manufacturers cry out for the proper ad vehicle to
Beach, CA 90840. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or reach their markets, whether there are enough human power
any part of the contents without written permission is prohibited. products, or whether we decide to take that route, remains to
Second and first-class postage paid at Long Beach, CA, and
additional mailing locations. Cover design and title protected by U.S. be seen. If enough members and readers are willing to support
and foreign trademark registrations. Subscription information on and promote Human Power, then we won't have to sell out, or
page 19. to go begging for the thousands of dollars worth of free pro-
fessional help required to make our cause known.




by Paul MacCready
On August 23, 1977, the Gossamer Condor won the Kremer In February we reassessed the controllability problems and de-
Competition for powered flight, winning aviations largest prize, cided, on the basis of model tests in air, model tests in water, ex-
which had been established 18 years ago and which was now worth tensive computer modeling, plus some lucky intuitions, that much
$87,500. The prize was for a figure-8 flight around pylons 1/2 smaller tip chord was needed. A revised vehicle was built in a
miles apart, with an altitude exceeding 10 feet at the start and end larger hangar at Shafter Airport 12 miles northwest of Bakersfield.
of the figure-8, with unassisted takeoff and no stored energy. The smaller chord meant less area and hence higher speed, dic-
IHPVA was a considerable help in the development of the Gossa- tating that the pilot compartment be covered to decrease parasite
mer Condor, and the Gossamer Condor has been instrumental in drag. Wing rigidity requirements combined with weight limita-
the development of the air division of IHPVA. This is the story. tions dictated the use of a single spar part way back in the wing,
HOW IT BEGAN which made a double surface airfoil necessary if the span was not
The Gossamer Condor was born in the fusion of several day- to be in the airstream. Thus, the present design evolved through
dreaming ideas when I was on vacation in July 1976, away from taking what seemed the only available options.
the mental rigors of normal business. The spark was the realiza-
tion that a high performance hang glider takes only about 1 horse- Flights were promising right off, but then a crash due to poor
power to keep it aloft (I had just completed an article on hang controllability slowed things down. Some ingenious control tech-
niques at last solved the problem of turns, but the horsepower
glider performance). If one increased all dimensions 3-fold with-
needs seemed to increase weekly although the vehicle looked the
out increasing the weight, the power required would reduce to
1/3 horsepower. This would fall within human powered flight same as before the crash. The aerodynamic sleuthing became more
refined and the performance improved to its prior value - but
capabilities, with a simple vehicle which could be built rather
now through understanding rather than luck. Structural revisions
easily. Previously, I had never considered competing for the Krem-
er Prize. Many teams of excellent aerodynamicists and excellent brought the weight down to 70 lbs., and with some other aerody-
craftsman around the world had labored long and hard without namic improvements the plane flew better than ever, making the
success, and I certainly had neither time nor skill to justify com- prize flight August 23. In its final version the Gossamer Condor
peting. The new idea changed my thinking. The task now looked is a docile machine to fly. It has been flown by four people who
easy, and the prize was certainly enticing. have never flown an airplane before, including Chet Kyle and Joe
Simple aerodynamics calculations showed that low horsepower The real key to success was the simple construction which per-
was required in straight flight, and I felt sure that if straight flight mitted constant revision, and quick repairs after accidents.
was really that easy, some way would be found to provide controll-
ability. First some models had to be built to check the structural
concepts and to get some clues about pitch stability and controll- It was association with IHPVA that permitted development of
ability with and without a front stabilizer. We then built an 88 the engine. I had known Jack Lambie for years through gliding and
foot wingspan version in the Tournament of Roses float pavilion hang gliding activities, and through him got acquainted with the
at Brookside Park and tested it one night in the rain before dis- streamlined bicycle races. My involvement in the first two annual
assembling it. A complete 95 foot wingspan version was built in a races as timer and as provider of the trophy plaques through my
hangar at Mohave Airport (a 96 foot span was planned, but the company, AeroVironment, Inc., introduced me to Drs. Chet Kyle
hangar dimensions determined otherwise). Wing torsional rigidity and Joe Mastropaolo. Joe said I should train to do the flying my-
was inadequate and several new wings were built. By Christmas self, and so my son Tyler, then 14, and I were introduced to the
1975 it was making short flights, which at last permitted quantita- ergometer an the painful fun of daily workouts. We progressed
tive testing. The longest flight at Mohave was 21/2 minutes. Turn rapidly, comparing our horsepower per pound with the curve in
control was virtually non-existant for many control inputs with the 1975 paper by Chet and Joe titled "The Effect of Body Posi-
the first stabilizer and wing we experimented with. We finally dis- tion Upon Power Output In Cycling." However, although our
covered that if we actually provided enough control to initiate a horsepower per pound finally reached that of the test subjects,
turn by tip spoilers, the horsepower requirements for flight it was obvious that we would fall far short of what championship
doubled to an unacceptable value. cyclists achieve. When we began worrying about other competitors

for the Kremer Prize in January, Chet went hunting for a better il :
engine and brought Greg Miller to Mohave. Greg worked dili-
gently with us there, making the first 21/2 minute flight, and then
at Shafter flew 5 minutes 10 seconds in March, the longest-dura-
tion ever for a man-powered aircraft. Then Greg had to leave for
racing in Belgium. We finally made contact with Bryan Allen in
Bakersfield - an amateur cyclist, and a hang glider pilot, who lived
near Shafter and had time to devote to the project.
Ron Skarin came out and flew a few times, but his time was n
limited and he was unavailable for several months. So it was up to
Pryan, with Tyler and me serving in test pilot functions. Joe Mas- e
tropaolo prescribed the exercise schedule for Bryan and contin- Z
ued to make an ergometer available to us. The rest is history.
Recently a fan in Sweden wrote Bryan and asked if he was going
to mass produce the engine.
An untrainea pilot airborne on a aemonstration nop.

However, the rules were not carefully thought out. One rule re-
quired a surface so horizontal that no airport would pass, and only
a dry lake or an ice-covered lake would be acceptable. Another rule
required the surface to be vegetated. Not surprisingly, no official
records were ever set. In this small field, unofficial records have
so far proved adequate.
The field will be growing, and now that the Kremer Prize is no
longer a goal, the incentive of records will prove valuable. I draft-
ed a suggested set of rules which were designed to be simple, con-
venient for the entrant, which would not penalize the entrant who
did not have an unusually good site, and which would not foster
the development of overspecialized aircraft. Last spring IHPVA
established a human powered aircraft section and Jack Lambie
was elected as vice president to handle this section. In the mean-
time, it turned out that FAI was working on a new set of rules de-
signed to overcome some of the problems with the prior ones. I
wrote FAI to let them know the details of the rules I had suggested
for IHPVA. At a meeting of the man-powered aircraft rules com-
mittee of FAI in June they developed a new set which incorporated
the main philosophy of my suggestions but kept a few differences.
ilde view OT tme uselage snows moe peaals mounmea o mne
support pylon and the reclining seat. These newest rules will probably be adopted officially by FAI in
Bryan trained both by bike riding and by working out on the October 1977. It is likely that IHPVA will adopt the same set so
ergometer in half-hour sessions. His peak horsepower, for the there will be no conflict between FAI and IHPVA. I feel strongly
7 minute period which is about what the Kremer flight would take, that IHPVA is the most appropriate group to have jurisdiction
over the sport of human powered flight, since the subject is so
was 0.47 horsepower. At his weight of 136 lbs. this is 3.48 x 10-3
closely allied to the streamlined bike events already handled by
horsepower/lb. The test subjects in the paper by Chet and Joe
were considered to have the conditioning of normal college ath- IHPVA. It is probable that FAI would like the responsibility of
letes. Their weight averaged 166 lbs., and they averaged 0.39 such a specialized subject being handled by a specialist organiza-
tion such as IHPVA. Whether official coordination between the
horsepower for 7 minutes in the upright and supine position; this
groups is established or not, IHPVA should homologate records.
is 2.35 x 10-3 horsepower/lb. Bryan's number is 48% higher. The
very best championship bike racers might be about 60% higher, The proposed rules require the vehicle to go over a 2 meter
so obviously Bryan was in very good shape. high hurdle once in the flight. The categories are duration, dis-
tance in straight line, and distance around a closed course. On the
Bryan's longest flight was about 8 minutes 10 seconds on August Kremer Prize flight the Gossamer Condor flew 7 min. 22.5 sec-
22. He reported after the 71/2 minute flight August 23 that he felt onds, traveled about 1.35 miles through the air, and would be
he could have flown another 1 or 2 minutes if necessary. I check- credited with 1.0 miles for distance around a closed course. The
ed his pulse 2 minutes after the flight and it was under 120/minute. most successful other vehicle is the Japanese Stork which last
The Gossamer Condor with a 135 lb. pilot probably takes 0.33 winter flew 1.30 miles in a straight line and achieved a duration
horsepower to maintain level flight at 9.8 m.p.h. in an absolute of 4 minutes 43 seconds.
calm, and 0.42 horsepower to turn. On the prize flight he flew
faster (10.8 m.p.h.) and had to cope with some turbulence. I esti- WHAT NEXT?
mate he averaged about 0.43 horsepower for the 71/2 minutes. In spite of the deletion of the money prize from the field, I am
sure the field will grow. There are a lot of articles on the subject
On the ergometer and in the Gossamer Condor Bryan used the coming out now, which will culminate in January in an 11-page
supine position, sitting on a seat at the same level as the crank article in National Geographic. A one hour NOVA film on non-
hub, with a seat back but no restraining straps; his arms were free, commercial television will be coming out in a few months.
which permitted reading books during the ergometer sessions and
manipulating controls on the Gossamer Condor. If we were to build a completely new Gossamer Condor, it could
be made to fly a little faster and yet take about 20-2 5% less horse-
RECORDS power to operate. Flights exceeding an hour would then be achiev-
Official record categories for distance and duration flights for able. People have discussed having competitions for flights across
man-powered aircraft were set up by the Federation Aeronautics the English Channel or from Palos Verdes to Catalina. As impos-
Internationale (FAI) which handles records for sport aviation. sible as it sounds, I'm sure that such events will happen eventually.

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fairing that shows scars of a first run rollover.

by Paul Van Valkenburgh
A lot of the credit for Team Aeroshell success in 1977 is due to
Professor Chet Kyle. At the 1976 event, when Alan Abbott beat
Ralph Therrio on one of my machines, Kyle observed that "It
was a triumph of engineering over muscle." Since I am an engineer
by trade, I took that as a challenge, and vowed to demonstrate
some real engineering next time. I started designing that same day.
Three months before the race I had a wooden mockup running
on the street. Two months before the race I tested Ralph on an
ergometer to check the power output of hand-and-foot propul-
sion. (He put out 1.84 horsepower for 6 seconds.) Four weeks
before the race Ralph began welding up the frame. Two weeks
before the race we were riding the final frame around on the street,
making modifications for stability and comfort. At the same time,
I was adapting one of my past year's bodies to fit. With a week to
go we were essentially finished, but we had no tires - and that
is a story in itself.
My design required 18 inch tires, which I knew existed, because
I bought one with a wheel from Tom Snedden. Ralph found a
couple of wheels off an old Moulton, but the tires were rotted.
With a month to spare, we started calling around. I spent over
eighty dollars on long distance phone calls and European telegrams
to find only one source, in Italy. A local importer (Nameless) as-
sured me he could get them airmailed here in time, at a cost of
almost one hundred dollars. They never appeared. So two days
before the race, we built our own tires. I cut down two 27 inch



Inner worKings ot tne Aerosnell quaaracycle, snowing

"trainer wheels" and hand crank/steer mechanism.
tires, disassembling the ends cord by cord, and glued them back
together in a perfect overlapping splice. My wife sewed the beads
back together on her sewing machine and Ralph spliced the tubes
and hand-sewed the tires up on our way to the track. Obviously
(continued on page 19)
The IHPVA Speed Championships are generating worldwide
publicity that is reaching literally millions interested people. Wide-
spread enthusiasm among the media (Television, magazines, and
newspapers) can be attributed to the uniqueness of the event, the
technological innovations, and rising interest in energy conserva-
tion and human conditioning. Dr. Chet Kyle, president of IHPVA,
is attempting to keep a record of all articles on the Speed Champ-
ionships. Currently the list includes over sixty articles in forty
publications and six languages. Some of the publications include:
1. Long Beach Independent Press Telegram,
November 11, 1974.
2. UPI throughout USA, November 12, 1974
3. Santa Ana Register,
November 10, 1974; November 12, 1974.
4. Sports Illustrated, December 16, 1974.
5. Bike World,January 1975.
6. Bicycling Magazine,January 1975.
7. Radsport (Germany), January 22, 1975.
8. Sunday Supplements,
50 Eastern Newspapers, February 1975.
9. Long Beach IPT Southland Sunday, February 2, 1975.
10. Bike World, February 1975.
11. Popular Mechanics, March 1975.
12. Long Beach Independent Press Telegram,

j 13.
April 3 & 7, 1975.
Bike World,June 1975.
Current Science, October 29, 1975.
Car and Driver, November 1975.
British Cycling, November 8, 1975.
IUJI NSOF 17. Bicycle Journal, December 1975.
SPEED (uri iyT 18. Bicycling Magazine,January 1976.
19. Sunset Magazine, April 1976.
.·llIIDI*.UIP*II 20. Los Angeles Times,
.,: ,,, .,,,,,
Centinela South Bay Edition, April 15, 1976.
txrrn·)Y-lxrr 21. Los Angeles Times,
iur·n rrd*nxrm
"-I Ir n.· aulx San Fernando Valley Edition, April 15, 1976.
· -ml+.a*,*rlrir-
Inlr **IIV-
22. Berkeley Gazette, April 27, 1976.
inrCan·brr L
I)·*ill Irsar x ·rrli 23. El Mundo Esportivo (Spain), April 9, 1976.
iI' *ur.lurr.larnrn
I·lr.x.*lr·r*·lreXLu 24. Christian Science Monitor, May 14, 1976.
I-··rnm xrrnna
ii ra*L-)lw-·rUnCI
rxrm UauLI*r
·-·nru*mir" 25. Competitive Cycling, June 1976.
-·I -.
I··lru.·*nl. ·a *IfUI
rrthu 26. Velo News,June 1976.
I-·I^X *·ci··-
'··n.r,a- *rlnlr 27. Bike World,June 1976.
·a 28. Shimano World, Summer 1976.
29. Road and Track, August 1976.
'· )·-

g' 30. Science Digest, August 1976.
I1Q1'-IIV,!Wr- - n
r- - - 31. Radmarkt (German), September 1976.
"Zfls4·d;8·- 441OVI- 7*1 - ..
..- _-
32. Bike World, September 1976.
rg-- V
I rrr_ _ 33. Panorama Magazine, (Italian),June 15, 1976.
iC t~ 34. Welt Am Sontag, (German), May 5, 1975.
011ar-7-4~d ppk:
Majazil, (German), May 1976.
Hong Kong Cycling Association Bulletin,
_IL·a (Chinese), 1975.
da· r,. 37. Hong Kong Cycling Association Bulletin,
(Chinese), 1976.
38. American Bicyclist and Motorcyclist, March 1976.
d;4yD 39. BicycleJournal, February 1976.
40. Bicycling Magazine,July 1976.
WC 41. Bicycling Magazine, August 1976.
42. British Cycling,June 5, 1976.
mcn"' 0 43. Boy's Life, December 1976.
44. Stern Magazine, (German), November 17, 1976.
IBM-III~ 45. National Georgraphic World, April 1977.
46. Horizon Magazine,July 1977.
47. Bicycling, February 1977.
48. Bike World,January 1977.
49. Bicycling,July 1977.
50. Bike World,July 1977.
51. Los Angeles Times,
Centinela South Bay Edition, April 24, 1977.
(continued on page 19)
The racing shell used for Olympic rowing competition is well
adapted to overcome the above mentioned drag forces. It is very
long and lightweight with only a few inches of draft. Its surface is
smooth, and it has graceful lines which result in very little wake or
turbulence. It is doubtful that the displacement-type hull can be
easily improved for purposes of human powered racing. Therefore,
other hulls and lift means are presently being investigated, includ-
ing catamaran, planing, air cushions, and hydrofoils.
The catamaran is essentially an adaptation of the displacement
hull, using two relatively narrow pods to produce the required
buoyancy. Since the pilot needn't sit in the hull, the width of each
pod may be narrower than the width of his hips. Narrower dis-
placement pods are desirable because sideways movement of sur-
rounding water is reduced along with inertial drag forces. Dual hull
designs are also inherently stable due to their wide stance, which
helps to counteract the shifting mass of the human powerplant.
Also, since the pods are not occupied, they may be sealed on top
and designed with near zero freeboard. Such a design allows use
of readily shaped foam as a construction material.
Planing is a lift technique which minimizes inertial forces be-
DESIGN OF HUMAN POWERED BOATS cause the craft is induced to skim on the surface of the water rather
by Randy Danta than plow through it. To achieve planing motion, a relatively flat
Human powered boats are an exciting challenge to designers underside is angled slightly upward with the nose out of the water.
with a nautical bent, since there are virtually no restrictions on As full power is applied, speed and lift increase until the craft
design, and creativity is likely to be the key to success. Before con- rises to the skimming position typical of a water ski. Once the
struction begins, however, it may be helpful to examine some of craft is "in plane," power may be conserved slightly. Planing speed
the presently known design principles, and various factors that of a human powered boat is a matter of speculation, since a great
affect a boat's speed. deal of power and/or surface area is believed necessary. Since hu-
HULL DESIGN man power is limited to bursts of under one horsepower, it is
The most basic feature of any boat design is the means used to conceded that wide planing surfaces may be necessary despite the
produce lift. Lift is what keeps the craft on, in, or over the water corresponding loss due to viscous drag. It has been suggested to
while in motion. Objects which sink to the bottom are classified use variable length planing surfaces, perhaps dammed at the edges
as anchors and are unlikely to win any races. with air introduced below the waterline to lessen viscous skin ef-
The most widely known hull type gets lift by floating and is fects. These matters are open for experimentation and may pro-
called the displacement hull. It gets its name because, while float- vide exciting and useful results.
ing, it displaces a volume of water equal to its own weight. The Hydrofoils act in water much as an airplane wing acts in air, and
shape of the submerged portion is irrelevant to a floating object are presently used to lift high-powered boats out of the water for
while it is drifting freely. Moving a displacement hull through the higher speeds in rough water. Lift of a hydrofoil is produced by in-
water,however, requires power to overcome the inertial,-viscous, clining the foil upward in the direction of travel. This "angle of
and turbulent drag forces associated with its motion. attack" causes water deflected downward to support a load, de-
As the bow of the boat advances, the water must separate and pending on surface area, angle of attack, and foil geometry. In-
move around the hull. Forces used to move the water sideways are creasing surface area correspondingly increases viscous drag, and a
termed "inertial" forces, and increase with the speed and size of high angle of attack bears the penalty of high inertial drag or com-
the boat. To keep inertial drag forces as small as possible, the hull plete stall. Therefore most successful hydrofoil craft utilize small
should have a narrow beam and a shallow draft. foils and big engines. It is unknown whether a human powered
As the hull moves, water tends to cling to all submerged sur- vehicle can be supported by hydrofoils, or whether the resultant
faces and must constantly be brushed away. This clinging force is speed will be at all noteworthy.
due to viscosity of the water and is minimized by a smooth under- Air cushion vehicles are relatively new and are feasible for
side with a minimum wetted area. Since a circle has a smaller peri- travel over land as well as water. Lift is produced by pressurizing
meter than any other shape of equivalent area, a rounded hull a layer of air between the craft and the surface, and depends upon
cross-section is probably a good choice. Deep "V" shaped hulls the sealing effect of a flexible skirt. Human power for an air cush-
and other refinements seen on motor boats are designed to im- ion vehicle must be distributed between the two independent func-
prove seaworthiness and are not recommended because they tend tions of pumping air to the cushion and generating forward thrust.
to reduce top speed.
Speed is also reduced by improperly shaped lines which pro- POWER TO MAKE IT GO
duce turbulence as the boat moves. Each time a ripple, eddy, or Along with selection of hull design, a mechanical system must
splash is produced, speed is sacrificed. Losses due to these effects be developed to transmit human power. Any such system will have
are classed as "turbulent drag" losses. Obviously, the energy used less than perfect efficiency, based on the sum of losses in the input,
to splash, spin, or otherwise agitate the water could more effective- transmission, and thrust mechanisms. Since the human body con-
ly be used to increase forward speed. sists of many muscle groups, there are endless possible movements
Another retarding effect which plagues the displacement hull which can be utilized to drive machinery. Therefore, endless spec-
is "wave drag" which arises suddenly once the boat reaches its ulation surrounds the subject of what mechanism is best. Some
maximum "hull speed." As the hull is driven faster, an unavoidable of the well recognized mechanisms for extracting human energy
bow wave is produced which lengthens in pitch as speed increases. are circular hand cranks, foot cranks, linear treadles, rowing ma-
Soon the wave length equals the length of the hull, and the stern chines, and treadmills. Selection of an efficient energy extraction
begins to settle into the trough between wave peaks. To increase mechanisms is, in most cases, influenced by the design of the trans-
speed still further requires driving the craft uphill - an impossible mission and thrust components of the system. A thrust system
proposition for most deep displacement boats. The only ways to based upon a linear motion may not adapt well to a circular power
avoid the effects of "wave drag" are to make a very long hull, a input motion, and vice versa. Although complete mechanical isola-
very shallow draft, or both. tion can be achieved between components of a system, this is not

Other less conventional thrust mechanisms might operate as
HUMAN POWER SEACRAFT a fish by flapping or "sculling" against the water. Such a motion
by Bill Watson, V.P.-Water may prove very efficient and also adapt to the human body with a
The IHPVA has expanded its scope of interest seaward by of- minimum of mechanization. Perhaps a rubber suit with a fish-like
ficially voting to recognize speed records set by human powered tail section will prove the lightest, most maneuverable, and fastest
water vehicles. To this date the fastest officially recognized implementation ot numan power to an aquatic environment.
vehicles of this type are the sleek racing shells used in Olympic Imagine a race contested by mermaid-like creatures who hobble
rowing competition. It is hoped, however, that by applying scien- to the dock and deftly swim away at the sound of a starting gun.
tific technology, entirely new concepts in vehicle design will bring Those having access to smooth water can start building vehicles
about major increases in existing speeds. immediately and refining their performance over 2000 meters.
With variations in wind, tide, and currents, it is difficult to mea- Others without a water course will have to conduct thrust and lift
sure the exact speed of a water vehicle. The shells ordinarily race experiments at home in the bathtub. This will undoubtedly repre-
against each other over 2000 meters measured from a standing sent somewhat of a problem for many owing to the large number
start. Therefore, there are records for various 2000 meter courses of laps which must be counted.
around the country. Average speeds seem to be 9 to 10 knots. The
Human Power aquatics division hopes to see these records fall to
designers of much faster vehicles. These might include propeller
driven catamarans and hydrofoils, high aspect ratio planing hulls,
hovercraft, or possibly even fish-like (swimming) submarines. If
speeds cannot be accurately measured in no wind conditions, all
racing may have to be done side by side with other vehicles. Rules
will have to be established to allow different vehicles around the
country to compare their speeds with each other. Starting from a
standing start may be required. Taras Kiceniuk Jr.'s Human Power
Aircraft (ground effect) could easily skim a few inches over the
water at over 20 knots, trailing a string in the water to make it
technically a water craft. Starting from a standstill would prevent
The IHPVA is considering offering a prize for the first human
power sea craft to advance the 2000 meter speeds by a reason-
able amount. But goals other than just straight line speed should
be considered in designing these sea vehicles. It is hoped that they
will someday develop into practical and seaworthy craft.
The 1978 International Human Powered Speed Champion-
a very efficient approach. An example of such a divorced system ships will be held at Ontario Motor Speedway, Ontario, California
would be to drive a generator with crank, transmit the resulting on Saturday, May 6, 1978 from 7:00 a.m. until noon. The early
electrical power over wires, and produce thrust using an electric starting hour was scheduled to avoid the winds which can dramati-
motor and propeller. Such a system is hopelessly inefficient and cally affect the performance of human powered vehicles.
is only used at present by municipal electric power departments The '78 Speed Championships will feature the traditional fly-
and other projects financed by taxes. ing start 200 meters and a new event, the 25 kilometer (about 151/2
The most familiar power system for human powered water miles) road race. The road race will employ a LeMans type start
vehicles is that used on the rowboat. Since rowing transmits power and will be open to both single and multiple rider vehicles. (A
directly from the rower to the water there is very little transmis- LeMans start requires that riders run across the track to their
sion loss except for slight friction at the oarlocks. The sliding seat vehicles before mounting and starting.) Each vehicle will be al-
used on racing shells allows the longest possible oar movement and lowed a maximum of two helpers to assist in vehicle entry and
so represents an advantage. But a large fraction of the torso must push-off. Road racing human powered vehicles should be built
also be accelerated forward and backward with each stroke, and with adequate visibility, entilation, and maneuverability. Team
energy for this body movement is not available for useful power. tactics in the road race will be limited to pace lines of no more than
Other inefficiencies occur at the outboard ends of the oars and four vehicles per team. Blocking will not be allowed. Some experts
cannot be overcome even by the most skillful oarsmen. First is are predicting lap speeds of up to 40 m.p.h. and average speeds of
the water which clings to the oar and is lifted during each return 35 m.p.h. for the road race!
stroke. Second is the eddies which the oar produces. And third is Excitement has been added to this Spring's Speed Champion-
the non-parallel angle at which the oars push during all but a small ships by the recent announcement of the Abbott Prize, a $2,500.00
fraction of the total power stroke. award offered by Dr. Alan Abbott to the first multiple powered
The most likely alternative to rowing is a propeller driven by a vehicle to reach 55 m.p.h. or to the first individually powered
rotating shaft. The shaft bearings and other associated power trans- vehicle to reach 54 m.p.h. whichever occurs first.
mission components represent power losses not associated with
the oar. But this technique has the advantage of allowing pedaling The 1978 IHPVA Speed Championships will be a spectacular
and had cranking for power production. Some experimentation event for entrants and spectators alike. Please plan to attend and
will be necessary to determine an optimum propeller design for pass the word to your friends.
this purpose. If you have a question concerning the upcomingSpeed Champ-
Other propulsion systems which are adapted to rotational drive ionships or if you wish to be placed on the mailing list for entry
include paddlewheels and various moving belt designs. Like the forms write to:
oar, those devices rotating on an axis perpendicular to the direc- Phil Norton
tion of thrust usually must be raised above water while returning IHPVASC
forward. An exception might be a submerged belt with hinged 505 California Drive
scoops which open for the power stroke and close on the return Claremont, Calif. 91711

ionships, April 5, 1975. Lambie and Kyle organized and ran the
first race almost single handed, with some welcome assistance from

BBQ06l I~R I Dr. Paul MacCready who was the official timer and donated the
trophy plaques for the winners. About 300 spectators showed up
in the bitter cold dawn at the Irwindale Raceway along with 14
of the strangest pedal powered vehicles ever seen. The singles
race was won by Ron Skarin at 44.69 MPH, and the multiple rider
class was won by Phil Norton and Chris Deeton at 44.87 MPH.
In 1976, Jack Lambie and his wife Karen went around the world
on a tandem (without fairing), and Dr. Kyle organized and ran the
Speed Championships with the help of his students and other vol-
unteers. This time $2500 in prizes were donated by Raleigh Indus-
tries and trophies by Aerovironment Inc. Held on April 24, 1976
at Irwindale Raceway, over 2000 people and 26 vehicles came to
the event. Allan Abbott won the singles race at 47.80 MPH, and
the Mount Baldy Cycle Club streamlined triplex, ridden by Dar-
ryl Le Vesque, Alan Stephens and Mark Orr won the multiple rid-
er category at 48.95 MPH.
In the meantime it became obvious that an organization was
necessary to guide the new sport. So on March 28, 1976, the Inter-
national Human Powered Vehicle Association was born. Allan

Abbott was elected the first President, Alec Brooks Vice Presi-
dent, and Chester Kyle the Executive Secretary. Rules were estab-
lished for sanctioning races and recognizing land speed records
set with human powered vehicles of unlimited design (the Inter-
national Cycling Federation recognizes records set with standard
racing bicycles only). More recently, the IHPVA has added rules
for setting records in the air and on water. It was hoped that the
Now that the Speed Championships and the IHPVA have gain-
stimulus provided by the Speed Championships and by other
ed international recognition and acceptance, it might be interest-
events sponsored by the IHPVA would encourage radical changes
ing to briefly note where they originated. As with the creation of
almost anything, the story is a bit devious. It started in 1973 with and improvements in human powered transportation throughout
the world.
Dr. Chester Kyle, a professor of Mechanical Engineering, andJack
Lambie, an Aerodynamics Consultant from Orange, California.
At that time, two of Dr. Kyle's mechanical engineering students
at California State University, Long Beach, decided to measure the
rolling resistance of various bicycle tires. Coasting tests in a 1/8
mile long hallway at CSULB showed high pressure sew-up tires
were superior to clinchers as everyone knew in the first place. But
the tests also showed that the wind resistance of a bicyclist was
over 90% of the total drag on a bicycle at speeds over 25 MPH. It
occurred to them that everything else is streamlined to cut wind
resistance, why not a bicycle? This began a continuing series of
tests on streamlined bicycle shapes and human power output. 0
In 1974, Jack Lambie quite independently started building a 0
streamlined bicycle after some trial calculations that showed that
man should be able to travel at over 50 MPH under his own power Ia
on a bicycle with proper streamlining. By coincidence Lambie and a.
Kyle met at a conference on the Aerodynamics of Race Cars be-
fore either of them had completed their vehicles. So they agreed Tne Kyle streamliner renewe minterest in aeroaynamics n
1974, with Ron Skarin setting new speed records.
to test them in the CSULB hallway. The results of this first meet-
ing of streamlined bicycles in the USA was modestly described The Speed Championships have received wide coverage in
as fantastic, or the greatest thing since television. The streamlining Europe and there was a recent record attempt under IHPVA rules
cut the air resistance by over 60%. However there were a few in Germany. Although no record was set it is an encouraging be-
nasty problems with the machines such as instability to cross winds, ginning. Several dozen major articles have appeared about the
overheating of the rider who was almost hermetically sealed into Speed Championships in US and foreign magazines and newspap-
the wing-shaped shell, front wheel wobble as the fairing vibrated, ers. The IHPVA has Directors from 14 countries who are world
poor visibility, dust filling the enclosure, etc. renowned in cycling. Dr. Paul MacCready, Official Timer at the
Nevertheless, after solving enough of the problems so that the past three Speed Championships, and a charter member of the
bicycle was rideable, Dr. Kyle decided to see how fast the stream- IHPVA, has recently won the $87,500 Kremer Prize for human
liner would go. Barry Harvey of the Teledyne Corporation kindly powered aircraft. It is obvious that the members of the organiza-
offered to donate a light weight titanium racing bicycle for the tion are an unbelievably active and creative group.
trials. Harvey convinced USA Olympic cyclist Ron Skarin that The April 30, 1977 International Human Powered Speed
he should try to ride the machine. There followed two months of Championships was by far the most successful yet. Held at On-
practice in the early dawn hours (to avoid the wind) at the Los tario Motor Speedway, California, under the direction of Darryl
Alamitos Naval Air Station, California, on the main air strip. On LeVesque, over 50 vehicles were entered, and over 2000 specta-
November 11, 1974, Ron Skarin startled the cycling world by go- tors attended. The infamous 50 MPH barrier was still standing at
ing over 40 MPH for a whole mile in the Kyle-Teledyne stream- the end of the race - but not by much. The singles prize went to
liner. Ralph Therrio at 49.38 MPH, and the multiple rider winners were
The notariety gained by this record breaking effort led to the Gibby Hatton and Jerry Ash at 49.93 MPH. The sponsors, Shim-
creation of the 1st International Human Powered Speed Champ- ano and Bud's Bike Shop of Claremont, California, donated $2500
(continued on page 19)
Karen rode around the World on a tandem. Helped build and
Chester Kyle PRESIDENT
develop Kremer prize winning "Gossamer Condor."
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, California State University,
Long Beach. Helped organize first International Human Powered Bill Watson VICE PRESIDENT - WATER
Speed Championships with Jack Lambie. Founder, IHPVA March Pattern maker, Van Nuys, Calif. Participated in 1976 and 1977
28, 1976. Built and tested some of the first streamlined bicycles Speed Championships taking 6th and 7th place respectively, with
in the USA, Cycling Researcher, Actively races standard bicycles very ingenious and well built machines. Charter member IHPVA.
in the Veterans Class. Helped build man-powered aircraft that made the first successful
self-powered takeoff in the USA (1975-76). Building a human-
powered boat. Enthusiastic bicycle tourist.
Industrial Electronics Engineer for IEEE Corporation, Van Nuys,
Calif. Entered last three Speed Championships as a competitor Peter Boor TREASURER
and vehicle designer and builder. Author of technical articles on Partner and Manager of Bud's Bike Shop, Cucamonga, Calif.
electronics and holder of several patents. Enthusiastic bike com- Graduate physicist and mathematician. Charter member of
muter and tourist. IHPVA. Vice President Southern California Cycling Association,
President Mount Baldy Cycle Club. Active Veteran bicycle racer.
High School psychology teacher, West Covina, California. Built Robert Alexander HISTORIAN
and rode the fastest tandem entry in the first and second Speed Traffic Engineer, Bicycle Traffic Consultant, road surface mater-
Championships. Fastest 200 meter time in the first race (46.27 ials expert. Long time recreation cyclist and author of dozens of
MPH) Races bicycles, (Category III road, Category II track). scientific and popular articles related to transportation and cycling.
Aerodynamics Consultant, Orange, California. Co-Organizer of Owner, Graphic Design firm, Los Angeles, Calif. Charter member
International Human Powered Speed Championships, built and IHPVA. Designed and helped build fairings for first and third race.
flew an exact replica of the Wright Brothers Aircraft. Pioneered Designed posters and programs, 1976-77 races. Hobby, low-speed
many models of gliders and hang gliders. In 1976, Lambie and wife aerodynamics and vehicle design in general.
ALLAN ABBOT, (USA) thusiastic tourist, (12 countries, 20 States). L'Official du Cycle. Active European Ama-
MD in Dana Point, California. Past Presi- WOLFGANG GRONEN (Germany) teur Cycle racer and tourist.
dent IHPVA; Winner singles category Retired former Coach of German Profes- SHINICHI TORIYAMA (Japan)
1976 International Human-Powered Speed sional Cycle Racing Team. Owns largest Director of his own Bicycling Research
Championships. Holder of World Bicycle Archive of historic bicycle photographs and Laboratory. Vice President of Japan
Motor paced speed record 140.5 MPH literature in Europe. Prolific Cycle Journal- Cycling Club. Bicycling writer and publish-
(1972). Bicycle and motorcycle racer. Jun- ist. Personal friend of scores of European er for popular, scientific and industrial pub-
gle doctor in Peruvian Amazon. Leaving amateur and professional bicycle racers and lications. Organized several International
(1977) to cruise Mexico and South Pacific coaches. Technical consultant on cycling to Cycling tours. Original research on bicycle
on 24 ft. yacht. German Sports Universities. stability, human power output, and tire roll-
JOSE DOMINGO AEREQUI (Spain) RENE JACOBS (Belgium) ing friction.
President of Zeus Industries, Abadiano, Editor of Belgian Cycling Journal. Publish- OTTO WEINMANN, JR. (Switzerland)
Spain. Largest manufacturer and exporter er of Velo, a facts yearbook on Cycling. Assistant to the President, Weinmann
of bicycle components in Spain. EDDY MERCKX (Belgium) Company, Worlds largest manufacturer of
JORGEN BEYERHOLM, JR. (Denmark) Professional Bicycle Racer. Holder of the Aluminum Caliper brakes and lightweight
Sports Reporter for largest newspaper in World Hour Record (49 Km 431 m, Mexi- rims. Worked in all phases of the manufac-
Denmark. National Cycle Ball Champion co, 1972). Winner of Tour d'France 4 times, turing operation in Weinmann's three
1960-65, 1971-72. Captain of Danish Pro- and winner of scores of major races and European plants (Switzerland, West Ger-
fessional Cycling Team 1970-75. Captain, tours in Europe. The best known and most many and Belgium).
1975-76 Danish Amateur team, Town of successful bicycle racer in the World today. FRANK WHITT (England)
Marjorco (Spain). President of Cycleball SIR HUBERT OPPERMAN, O.B.E. Retired Chemical Engineer. Author of
section of Danish Cycling Federation. (Australia) popular and scientific journal articles on
COMMENDATORE Australian Member of Parliament. Holds basic bicycle science. Researcher on hu-
TULLIO CAMPAGNOLO (Italy) numerous long distance cycling records set man power out-put, cycling wind resistance,
Owner and President of Brevetti Interna- over 40 years ago and never broken includ- bicycle component efficiency, and other
zionali Campagnolo, the largest manufac- ing 850 miles in 24 hours behind motors technical topics. Owner of large cycling re-
turer of bicycle racing components in the (1932) and from Lands End England to search library. Past president, Southern
World. Champion Professional Bicycle John O'Groats in 63 hours 22 minutes Veteran Cycling Club. Co-author of Science
Road racer before World War II. (1929). The most renowned long distance of Cycling (1975) with Gordon Wilson. An
FRED DE LONG (USA) cyclist of all time. Author of numerous ar- active cyclist.
Plant Engineer for E.S.B. Incorporated, ticles and books. DAVID GORDON WILSON (USA)
Pennsylvania. Technical Editor of Bicycling HELMUT QUINDT (Austria) Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Mas-
Magazine, American Bicyclist and Motor- Director of Steyr-Daimler Puch Company, sachusetts Institute of Technology. Co-
cyclist. Member of American National Bi- Austria's largest bicycle manufacturer. author of Science of Cycling (1975) with
cycle Standards Technical Advisory Group. GERARD SILLEN (Holland) Frank Whitt. Offered well-known prize for
Member International Standards Organiza- Sports Editor of Dutch newspapers. Presi- design of best Human Powered land trans-
tion Technical Committee. Worked on Bi- dent of Royal Dutch Soccer Federation. portation vehicle (1967). Designer and
cycle Manufacturers Association Service Well known cycling journalist covering all builder of widely publicized recumbent bi-
Manual Project; Cycling Manual for Boy major events in Europe. Active in organiz- cycles. Patents on wet weather bicycle
Scouts of America. Presents Proficiency ing Dutch Youth Sports Organizations. brakes. Research on bicycle accidents for
and Training Courses (Cycling) throughout CHARLEY TANTEL (France) U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commis-
USA. Former Cycle racer and present en- Director of the French Cycling Journal sion. Cycle tourist (1/4 million miles).



uwner: Alan ADDOtt Rider: Alan Abbott · Speed: Owner: Paul VanValkenburgh * Rider: Ralph Therrio · Speed:
38.87 MPH (1975) 46.51 MPH (1976)
Ilrl-------- -·lrmsrr-----sa-rrr

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Owner: Jerry Wiegert · Rider: Cliff Halsey · SWill

Speed: 46.03 MPH (1977) U I.El( I I Owner: Bill Watson Rider: Bill Watson
Speed: 44.74 MPH (1977)

.. ..
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. .

0o 0
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Owner: Alec Brooks · Rider: Mark Capron · uwner: uaraner Martin · iaer: Norman ail ·
Speed: 43.78 MPH (1977) Speed: 42.65 MPH (1977)


Owner: Schwinn Paramount CC * Rider: Butch Stinton ·

Speed: 42.65 MPH (1977) Speed: 42.33 MPH (1977)

w 0
Owner: Tom Slocum · Rider: Tom Slocum · Owner: David Saks · Rider: David Saks ·
Speed: 39.73 MPH (1977) Speed: 39.01 MPH (1977)

O 2
z D
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Owner: Chester Kyle · Rider: Ron Skarin · m mEE
SDeed: 38.87 MPH (1977) ummW M~M U HUMSpeed: 33.14 MPH (1977)
iaw' ,, - .. . ,/..
,- ,-,, ..
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I w
I a
Owner: Sandra Martin · Rider: Nathan Dean ·
* Speed: 33.69 MPH (1977) Speed: 31.53 MPH (1977)

Owner: Alec Brooks · Rider: Alec Brooks ·
Speed: 30.15 MPH (1977) 13 Speed: 29.99 MPH (1977)
0 0
0 z
I w
I Y .

I 03
Owner: Willmot White · Rider: Willmot White Owner: Donald Smith · Rider: Donald Smith ·
Speed: 28.48 MPH (1977) Speed: 28.14 MPH (1977)

a- .a-


Owner: Ted Ancona · Rider: Ted Ancona · Owner: Randy Danta · Rider: Randy Danta
Speed: 25.35 MPH (1977)
Did Not Finish (1977)

. .....I .. :
:11 . . I .
- jh

Owner: C. Rahm * Rider: C. Rahm · Speed: 19.99 MPH (1977) Owner: Kurt Zickerman * Rider: Kurt ZicKerman .
Did Not Finish (1977)
_ ~..
r===- ... . - . -=-

*M YSw.e
[email protected]

Owner: Glen Brown · Rider: Kevin Lutz · Did Not Finish (1977) Owner: Timothy W. Dick Rider: T.W. Dick
Did Not Finish (1977)
_N! - I

_ f _ ... .

.... SHOP 0
0 I0
I ... W6
a a.

Owner: Bud's Bike Shop · Riders: Darryl LeVesque, Dave

Hatton · Speed: 49.93 MPH (1977) Keffer, Mark Orr · Speed: 48.11 MPH (1977)

Northrup University SAE · Riders: Holleman,

Russell Speed: 47.90 MPH (1977)

Speed: 43.56 MPH (1977) Jay Webster · Speed: 34.39 MPH (1977)
a r___l. _


Owner: Jack Lambie Riders: Jack Lambie, Unknown · Owner: Carson High School * Riders: Jeff Narney, Henry
Did Not Finish (1977) Rodriguez Speed: 23.13 MPH (1977)
t ;:··· :- it--- ·. ·----: 'r. ···- -·
3rd International
Human Powered Speed Championships
Ontario Motor Speedway - April 30, 1977
3rd In LAW

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2nd International
Human Powered Speed Championships
Irwindale Raceway- April 24,1976 REIT · I I ..


Place : .. OwnerL Rider Type of Vehicle

'3 :Alaui :A!bott: .. '" Alan Abbot Prone Recumbent Streamlined Bicyle
4.2 PuVanValkenburgt Ralph Thert Streamlined Racing Bicycle
t3 4*1#
23 Schwnn Paramo.nt c OCBtch Bfnton Strearklined eing!Bicycle .
AL Alee Brooks Marc Capron Supin Recumbent Streamlined Bcyclei 4tfl
Chester Kyle Ron Skafin Streamlined Racing: Bicycle..
i:,i Bi Watson Streamlined ouring Bicycle.
Bj~l'Watson~&i ' -'SCkL~
Byron, Rexwnkle Mario Plombo" Supine Recumbent Streamlined T"riy.:c'lei.'
Kut Zlkrmaa KurtZickernman Streamlined Raci ng Bicycle
Alec Bro ac Capron SupineStreamfined Bicyd3e an
Partialy Streamlined Racing Bicycl ..~S.lAT
Ed.ward $cturea~ 3648~~~
Streamlined Racing Bicycle
en Dysart StreamlinedR acing!Bicycte4 .:. :,
:~~~r Sa~.
$alkl Ernest Wl!!lam$ .. Supine Streamlinedmricycle
;IL Randy Danta" Randy Dant Supine Streami!ned Tricycle .
-7 GleI B;own . .ln Brow. Supine Streamlined: Bicycle,..
Wikntot white Be~n Dysart. Streamined Racing: Bicycle:
'."i kI
(b) Nathan Deant: Prone Necumbent Streamlined Bicycle:
Supir Tricycle'"'".:
n .Rowing Action Tricycle
Ted A6conaImports I

Thom Socum Thomas Sneddon Supine Streamlined Trcycle

'34 .James.:Stehenon: Jarnes Stephenson Prone Recumbent Streamlrtned Bicycle
M P. R:
i. . - . ..... ?.·-:./...:

Aln; StephensiDary Streamlined Triple, Bicyc

P101 Norton,
, . LZ.2·I-:-
Streamlined Tandem: Bicy Ie i~'.. ':i":......':: :::"
.~: ~
Russ Harper,
is fbi rtone ... Dave Kffr Streamlined ;tandemh Bicycfe .
..Tow:Nyswether, ::::
20f D--.arry~·lts8suer~t
Bud's Ike Sb~p Todd ku:n iStreamlined Tandem Bicy 'die
Ronld Quell, ~~~~~~~~·
: · :·:~:1'
24 Romad rQul Susa-on Qullot Tandm Trtycle ' ' /'
" ' "' ;.:= : ' : ':

1st International
Human Powered Speec Championships
Irwindale Racewa y - April 5,1975
. -
:I I Owner ' der Type of:Vehile:.:
Ch es erKyle Rtot* Skariin . '·. ' Streamlined Racing Bicycle 444:
6JackLanmble (liby Halton Streamlined Racing Bicycle '43
3. :Byro Raxwlnkle Maro Palombo Supine Recumbent Streamlined Tricycle .:t41$ :
'4.:., Mark Capron ~:Ale4 Smo s . ~. Supine Recumbent Streamlined Bicycle .*3
5. Alan Abbot Alen A fliot, Prone Recumbent Streamined Bicycle 38487:
Jack Larnble eS Dysa rt .Streamlined Racing Bicycle .753
(tl) IRan yDante Randy Da ta.
- IProne Recumbent Streamlined Tricytcle .. . T: 3
S Glen Brown'. Glen Brov Supine Recumbent Bicycle (Unstreamlined) 33891
(continuednext page)
(from preceeding page)

Sequence of
Human Powered
Land Vehicle Records

8i~stea~\r~srp"1. I III... .... IIP "11
No w - -.....
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ano .........
~ra~ir~r~ i~qB~11S
no= gl~ss~la~aI
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(Cover, con't from page 6) (Background, con't from page 10)

they worked, although Ralph blew out two standard 27-inch rear in prizes to the winners. Safety helmets were donated by Bell.
tires during record attempts. The next Speed Championships should see the end of the 50
So we set a new record. But that won't be the end of it, because MPH barrier, thus hopefully fulfilling the 1974 published predic-
Kyle has done it again. He passed on the comment that our body tions of Kyle and Lambie. There are further barriers to be broken
"looked like it was put together by blind men in boxing gloves." on land, with the $2500 Abbott Prize for any human powered
Sure, it's true - but wait till next year. I'm going to apply for a vehicle that can break the USA National Speed Limit of 55 MPH.
patent on the hand crank/steer mechanism, and try to build a body Hopefully, similar intriguing goals will be established by
like Abbott's to go over it all. the IHPVA so that the creative thrust will continue on all fronts,
Speaking of next year, I feel that we may be able to put on a bet- including human powered air and water vehicles.
ter show for the spectators in the future. After all, they are sup-
porting our organization, and in spite of the crowd we had, there
ought to be ten times as many bicyclists who would be interested.
All we have to do is apply standard practices from auto and motor-
cycle race promoters. For one thing, I believe we need more head-
to-head competition. We need runoffs like the year before to pro-
vide a little excitement. We could also provide more "people ac-
tion," like having a LeMans start and a dismount finish for the
road race.
I would also like to promote the idea of better "product identi-
fication," which attracts sponsors and lets the spectators identify
with brands. Every NASCAR race car is essentially identical ex-
cept for the engine and the exterior sheet metal, but everyone
roots for "their" Dodge, or Chevy, or Mercury. I suggest that we
add a "Production Class," which require standard upright bicycle
frames. These are the bread-and-butter manufacturer vehicles,
and yet they are no longer competitive for outright top speeds.
Use of production frames would apply our research to everyday
cycling, reduce the engineering required, and perhaps attract more
sponsors. But, regardless of the rules or classes, the top awards
will still go to those builders and riders who put out the most ef-
fort before the race day. Wolfgang Gronen, our Director in Germany, awards the
Honorary Chairmanship of the IHPVA Board of Directors
to Eddy Merckx - the world's most renowned bicycle racer -
(Publicity, con't from page 7) St. Vith, Belgium, 1976.
Europe's first Speed Championships - "EURO REKORD '78"
52. Los Angeles Times,
- will be held this year on April 9th. Organized by Mr. Gronen,
San Gabriel Valley Edition, April 28, 1977. sponsored by RAD magazine and Cycles PEUGEOT, "Euro
53. California Living Rekord '78" will be sending the THREE fastest European
(Los Angeles Herald Examiner) April 24, 1977. vehicles and riders to the United States to compete in the
54. Competitive Cycling,July 1977. IHPVA's 4th International Human Powered Speed Champion-
55. Velo News, May 1977. ships to be held at Ontario Motor Speedway, May 6, 1978.
56. Parade Magazine,June 19, 1977. Don't miss this first truly International event!
57. America Illustrated, (Russian), May 1977.
58. Topic Magazine, No. 103 (USIS publication).
-m- m

59. Radmarkt (German),July 1977.
60. L.A.W. Bulletin, August 1977.
61. Popular Mechanics, September 1977.
62. Young Athlete, October 1977.
63. Bicycling Magazine, October 1977.
lIHYIi ,

64. Bicycling Magazine, November 1977.

However, it is impossible for reporters to learn everything about
the race, the machines, and the people involved in one hectic
morning. Occasionally, they end up publishing incomplete or er-
Join the IHPVA. Membership dues include a subscription to
the news bulletin, HUMAN POWER (including future com-
roneous information. As winner cycle builder Van Valkenburgh memorative issues), reduced entry fees to the Speed
says, "Just being fastest won't necessarily produce the exposure. Championships - $5.00 for members, $15.00 for non-
It helps to give reporters the information on a platter. A number members; reduced admission fees to all IHPVA events;
of the stories written about the 1977 race took statements verba- member I.D. card and certificate.
tim from a one-page, Xeroxed "Press Release" that my team hand- The bulletin will contain announcements of world-wide
ed out at the race." events of interest, race results, reports on the latest in
For good exposure, second best to winning is having an attrac- human-powered vehicle technology, and general associa-
tive, colorful, unusual, photogenic machine. Certain racing vehicles tion news.
such as Alec Brook's "Pressodyne" and Don Smith's "Aardvark" Dues are $10.00 per calendar year in U.S.A. To compensate
have often appeared in magazines, even though they have never for additional postage and handling for mailing outside U.S.A
finished in the top five places. and its outlying areas, please remit: for Canada, $11.00; all
Successful promoters let their sponsors know what the poten- other countries, $12.00.
tial audience is. Based on the circulation of only a few periodicals, Please make your check or money order payable to the
it is fair to say that photographs of some vehicles have been expos- IHPVA. Send dues to: PETER BOOR, Treasurer
ed to millions of people! The advertising on a winning or exotic IHPVA
machine will probably reach many times more people, with a much 1203 Yale Avenue
better image, than all the expensive paid ads you can buy. Claremont, CA 91711
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