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The Future of Refrigerants:

Challenges and

Global Training Center

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The Future of Refrigerants:

Challenges and Opportunities

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Welcome 5

Bassam Elassaad Dr. Omar Abdelaziz

 Assistant Professor of Thermofluids at Zewail City of
 ASHRAE Life Member and past sub-region chair for
Science and Technology.
Europe. Founding President of ASHRAE Falcon
Chapter.  More than 15 years of R&D and project
management experience in thermal and fluid
 Member of Montreal Protocol Refrigeration
sciences. Dr. Abdelaziz actively collaborates with
Technical Options Committee (RTOC) and
appliance and equipment manufacturers on the
Technical & Economics Panel task forces on
development of advanced HVAC&R equipment. He
refrigerants and energy efficiency.
is quite involved in ASHRAE. He received the society
 Over 40 years of experience in the HVAC&R distinguished service award in 2016
industry. Professional Engineer from Canada and
 Dr. Abdelaziz is an active member of ASHRAE and
member of the Royal Belgian Engineers Society.
currently serves on its Research Activity Committee.
 Co-Chair RTOC, member of TEAP and several task

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Learning Objectives 6

 Alternative Lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerants are widely sought
as sustainable solutions for Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
(HVAC&R) applications. At the end of this course; participants will be able to
 Understand the transition landscape along with associated policies and treaties.
 Describe the proposed refrigerants and how they can be used in different HVAC&R
 Understand the challenges and opportunities associated with the different types of
refrigerants, including hydrofluoroolefins and natural refrigerants.
 Become familiar with the different related standards and codes.
 Get hands-on experience with free software, such as ORNL heat pump design

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Outline/Agenda 7

 Background Information
 Proposed Alternatives for Different Applications—Theoretical and
Empirical Analyses
 Related Standards and Codes of Systems and Substances
 Challenges and Opportunities
 Systems Perspective—Energy Efficiency with New Refrigerants
 Introduction to Risk Assessment
 Hands-on Experience with Free Software, Such as Heat Pump Design
 Summary

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The Future of Refrigerants: Challenges 8
and Opportunities


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Instructional Methods 9

 This course will be divided into 5 main lectures and a opportunity for
hands-on experience on publicly available software tools. It will include
 Lectures
 Question and Answer Sessions
 Opportunities for participants to learn how to use the web-based ORNL
LCCP tool and the ORNL Heat Pump Design model.

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Background Information

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Defining the Refrigerants 11
 A refrigerant is a substance or mixture of substances, used for either
providing cooling (usually, air conditioning or refrigeration) or heating
(heat pumps), while usually undergoing liquid-to-vapor or vapor-to-
liquid phase transition respectively
 Refrigerants are all around you
 Sometimes referred to “natural” refrigerants
 Most refrigerants are engineered to provide the required safety and
efficiency for specific applications at an adequate cost
H2O or R718
 One of the most commonly used refrigerants is that used by your body
to keep you cool! You drink it everyday
 R718 or water O

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Mechanical Refrigeration 12

 1775 Cullen at Edinburgh used vacuum pump to chill water—vaporization

 1834 Jacob Perkins first mechanical compression cycle—ethyl ether
 1845 Gorrie used compressed air to freeze water
 1846 Harrison commercialized Perkins machine—food preservation
 1859 Ferdinand Carre—ammonia/water absorption system
 1869 Commercial “artificial ice” production
 1873 Carl Linde introduced ammonia vapor compressor – and then a
carbon dioxide [ CO2] refrigeration machine in 1890.
 1876 Raoul Pictet built SO2 compressor
 1880–90 Various new refrigerants—CO2, methyl chloride

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History of HVAC&R Refrigerants 13
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Generation Generation Generation Generation
“Whatever “Safety and “Ozone “Global
works” Stability” Protection” Warming”

1830’s – 1930’s 1990’s – 2010’s

1930’s – 1990’s 2010’s - ?

Limited applications – Enabled innovation Preserved 2nd gen. Limited optimal choices
Industry innovations, safety, Safety and design
Poor Safety and cost stability and efficiency challenges

• NH3 • NH3 • NH3 • NH3

• CO2 • CFCs: R-11, R-12 • HCFCs: R-22, R-123 • Low GWP HFCs, HFOs,
• Hydrocarbons • HCFCs: R-22, R-502 • HFCs: and HCFOs: R-1234yf, R-
• H2O • R-134a 1234ze(E), R-1233zd(E),
• SO2 • R-410A R-32, and their blends
• Methyl Chloride (R- • R-404A • Renewed interest in
40) • Other blends natural refrigerants:
CO2, Hydrocarbons

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International Ozone Treaties 15

The Vienna Convention 1985 The Montreal Protocol 1987

 Focused on the protection of the  21 articles covering
ozone layer  Definitions, control measures, data
 21 articles covering reporting, monitor of trade, legislative
requirements, non-compliance
 Scientific research consequences, financial assistance and
 Monitoring ozone depletion technology transfer
phenomenon  1990, 1992, 1997 and 1999 Amendments
 Exchange of information and
 Montreal adjustment 2007
 Legal implementation framework  Kigali Amendment 2016

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Article 2 Definitions and Annexes 16

 Annex A
 Group I: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (11, 12, 113, 114 and 115)
 Group II: Halons (1211, 1301 and 2402)
 Annex B
 Group I: Other fully halogenated CFCs (13, 111, 112, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217)
 Group II: Carbon tetrachloride
 Group III: 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform)
 Annex C
 Group I: Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs) (consumption/production)
 Group II: HBFCs
 Group III: Bromochloromethane
 Annex E -Group I: Methyl bromide
 Annex F: Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

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Institutional Framework Under the 17

Montreal Protocol
Meeting of the

Ozone Bureau of the

Secretariat Meeting of
UNEP Parties

Implementation ExCom/ Assessment

Multilateral Other MEAs
Committee Panels

Multilateral Environmental Technology &

Fund Secretariat Effects Economics


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Non-Article 5 Party Control Measures 18
2010-2030 (Consumption)
Substance Baseline 2010 2015 2020 2030
CFCs, Halons 1986 100%
Other CFCs,
Carbon tetrachloride, 1989 100%
Methyl chloroform
HCFCs 1989* 75% 90% 99.5% 100%
HBFC None 100%
BCM None 100%
Methyl Bromide 1991 100%
* 1989 HCFC Consumption + 2.8 CFC Consumption Source: UNEP

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Article 5 Control Measures 2010-2040 19
Substance Baseline 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2040
CFC, Average of 100%
Halons 1995-1997
Other CFCs, Average of 1998-
Carbon 2000 100%
Methyl chloroform Average of 1998- 70% 100%
HCFCs Average of 2009- 10% 35% 67.5% 100%* 100%
HBFC, BCM None 100%
Methyl Bromide Average of 20% 100%

* Allowing for servicing an annual average of 2.5% during 2030-40 Source: UNEP

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Key Obligations under Montreal Protocol 20

 Control measures: phase-out schedules

 Common but differentiated approach: Developing countries given 10 years’ grace
 Regulatory measures
 Establishment of licensing systems within 6 months of ratifying the 1997 Montreal
protocol amendment
 Trade controls
 Data reporting
 Imports, exports, production, destruction of ODS, trade with non Parties
 Exempted uses (if relevant): feedstocks, essential uses, critical or quarantine and pre-
shipment applications of methyl bromide, emergency uses

Source: UNEP

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Montreal Protocol Assistance to Article 5 21
 Preparation of HCFC Phase-Out Management Plans (HPMPs)
 Facilitate Article 5 countries’ compliance with the control targets for HCFC
consumption with minimal impacts on the national economy, the
environment and on occupational health
 Help implement technology transfer investments, policies and regulations,
technical assistance, training and capacity-building, awareness and
 Multilateral Fund (MLF)
 Established in 1991 to assist developing countries meet their Montreal
Protocol commitments
 Has approved activities including industrial conversion, technical assistance,
training, and capacity building worth over US $3.0 billion

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Regulatory Landscape—Growing 22
Pressure on HFCs
 Global: Increasing interest in a proposal for a global agreement on phase-down of HFCs
 Caps and reduction in use (Kyoto Protocol) and
 U.S./China agreement to control greenhouse gas (GHG), including HFC emissions.
 Japan: Kyoto Protocol—METI/NEDO promoting development and use of fluids with low
GWP. Extensive risk assessment study for use of Class 2L flammable refrigerants (5 years).
 EU: F-gas regulations. Regulations on stationary refrigerants starting in 2020, now 2015!
 Australia: Australian Carbon Trading Scheme proposed high carbon tax, starting July
2010, which would apply to all GHGs, including HFCs. Currently under debate.
 U.S.: Obama Administration supported EPA in executive rulemaking in absence of
climate change legislation coming from the legislature.

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Kigali Amendment Proposals 23

 Adopted by the 28th Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol on

October 15th 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. It includes the following :
 Agreement in principle by all 197 member countries to focus on reduction of
HFC use to reduce net warming by 0.5°C
 Adds HFCs to the list of substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol.
 Phase-down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol as their use is increasing
rapidly as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances.
 Four major, separate phase-out timelines; several exceptions.
 Obviously some clean-up work and final ratifications are necessary and in

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Kigali’s Impact 24

 Phase-down, not a phase-out, of
 Avoids over 80 billion metric tons
of carbon dioxide equivalent
cumulatively through 2050
 According to UNEP:
 HFC phase-down is expected to
avoid up to 0.5 degree Celsius of
global temperature rise by 2100
 Continue to protect the ozone

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Kigali’s HFC Phase-Down Schedule 25

A2 exceptions: Belarus, Russian

Federation, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,
• 25% HCFC component of baseline
• 5% reduction in 2020
• 35% reduction in 2025

A5 exceptions (Group 2): GCC, India,

Iran, Iraq, Pakistan

Technology review in 2022 and every

5 years;

Technology review 4-5 years before

2028 to consider the compliance
deferral of 2 years from the freeze of
Source: Kujak, S., “Flammability and New Refrigerant Options”, ASHRAE Journal 2028 of A5 Group 2 to address growth
May 2017

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Technology Pull 26

 A2 countries have already stopped production of HCFCs and are

limiting its use
 HFC market is very mature
 Alternative refrigerants are already being extensively evaluated
 These development in developing countries would be available to A5
countries via “international pull-through”
 Potential for leapfrogging from HCFC to alternative lower GWP refrigerants
 Additional regulations and rules in developments for A2 countries such
as leak reduction, technician training, and refrigerant recovery could
be considered by A5 countries

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Kigali’s Ratifications 27

• Until Dec 31, 2019,

67 countries have
ratified with 16 in
• In total 92 have
ratified or
accepted the

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Legal Commitments towards the 29
Montreal Protocol
 After the applicable phase-out date; if the party can’t comply despite
having taken all practicable steps to cease production of that
substance for domestic consumption, other than for uses agreed by the
Parties to be essential, it shall ban the export of used, recycled and
reclaimed quantities of that substance, other than for the purpose of
 Each Party shall, within three months of the date of introducing its
licensing system, report it to the Secretariat
 Reporting

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Phasing Down HFCs 30

 Based on equivalents CO2 emissions (mass * GWP)

 No ban on specific refrigerants
 The higher the GWP and the larger mass used, the higher its impact
would be on the collective country quota and thus pressure for phase-
 Focus of phase-down:
 Reduce GWP of refrigerant used
 Reduce refrigerant charge size
 Reduce leakages
 Recover, recycle and reclaim refrigerants $143 in USA $120 in USA
$73 in India! $41.04 in India!

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Global HFC Emissions 31

Global HFC consumptions in Global HFC consumptions in

metric tonnes, 2012 tonnes of CO2eq, 2012
Other HFCs,
6% HFC-125,

HFC-32, HFC-134a,
13% 28%

9% HFC-143a,

Other HFCs, HFC-32, 4%

HFC-134a, 5%
HFC-152a, 0.30%

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Source: Ray Gluckman

IIR Conference Birmingham
Sept 2018

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The EU F-Gas
GWP Limits
• 2015: R/F GWP 150
Containment & Phase-Down • 2020: Others
Competence Consumption - MAC GWP 150 • 2015: Reporting
• Regular leak reduction of - Commercial Ref obligations
checking HFCs GWP 2500 • 2017: Traceability
• Certification • 37% by 2020 • 2022: GWP 150 for pre-charged
and training • 79% by 2030 multipack equipment
of installers refrigeration > 40 • 2015 – 2022:
kW (except various reports
cascades GWP
• 2025: GWP 750
single split AC < 3

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F-Gas Impacts on HFC Pricing 35

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Japanese HFC Regulation 36
 New regulation encompasses the whole life-cycle of Equipment
 Phase down in the production of HFCs (Managed phase-down to prevent price hike)
 Promote the use of low GWP products (Sector Based Approach)
 Requirements for Leak Prevention
 Requirements for Recycling and Destruction at end of life.
Government sponsored safety studies concluded:
 Mini Splits- risk assessment concluded using R-32 is acceptably safe for wall and
celling units w/o additional measures.
 Further study concluded floor standing models are sufficiently safe with sensor and
fan to dilute in case of major sudden release of R-32.
 Result of the study was that a regulation on mini-split ACs was issued to require
manufacturers and importers to reach weighted average GWP 750 by 2018.
 Overall Target is 50% reduction in CO2-eq by 2025
Source: JCI – Sustainable Building
 Regulation became effective April 2015 Symposium, Beirut 2016

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Japan Act of Rational Use & Proper 37
Management of Fluorocarbons
Product Target GWP Target Year
Mini splits 750 2018
Commercial Splits 750 2020
Mobile AC 150 2023
Condensing units 1,500 2025
Cold storage 100 2019
Foam 100 2020
Dust blowers 10 2019

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U.S. EPA SNAP Regulations 38
Phase-out Chillers Cold Storage Retail Food Supermarket Remote Stand- Stand-Alone Stand-
Refrigerant (new) Warehouse Refrigeration – (new) Condensing Alone MT> Alone
(new) Food (new) MT < 2,200 BTU/hr LT
Processing & 2,200 BTU/hr (new) (new)
Dispensing (new)

R-134a Jan 1, OK OK Jan, 1 Jan, 1

2024 2019 2020
R-404A Jan 1, Jan 1, Jan 1, Jan 1, 2017 Jan 1, Jan, 1 Jan, 1 Jan, 1
2024 2023 2021 2018 2019 2020
R-407 - Jan 1, Jan 1, Jan, 1 Jan, 1 Jan, 1
A&B & F 2023 2021 2019 2020
R-407C Jan 1, - Jan 1, Jan, 1 Jan, 1 Jan, 1
2024 2021 2019 2020
R-410A Jan 1, Jan 1, Jan 1, Jan, 1 Jan, 1 Jan, 1
2024 2023 2021 2019 2020
R-507A Jan 1, Jan 1, Jan 1, Jan 1, 2017 Jan 1, Jan, 1 Jan, 1 Jan, 1
2024 2023 2021 2018 2019 2020

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Developing Countries HCFC Phase-Out 43

Source: Seminar 45, What In The World?

Global Refrigerant Regulations Explained
By Experts from Around the Globe
Presentation By Ayman El Talouny; ASHRAE
Winter Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2018.

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HCFCs Phase-Out Vs. HFCs Phase-Down— 44
Overlapped Commitments

How to manage HFCs while phasing HCFCs? Leapfrog opportunities?

2024 HFCs
2025 Plans Overlapped commitments with challenges and


Low to no interaction between HCFCs and HFCs



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Other Regulatory Tools 45

 Ban of HCFCs based equipment: import or local manufactured (overall

or per category)
 Ban of new facilities: local manufacturing facilities or installations of
large applications
 Other:
 Special requirements for labeling of HCFC containers, ban on non-refillables
 Record keeping and/or mandatory log books of refrigerants and equipment
 Ban of venting to atmosphere
 Mandatory recovery, recycle and reclaim
 Mandatory certification of individuals, licensing of companies and

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European Mobile Air-Conditioning 46
Directive 2006/40/EC
“Fluorinated greenhouse gases with a global warming potential (GWP) higher
than 150 CO2 GWP can no longer be used in mobile air climate (MAC) systems.
Car manufacturers are free to choose a refrigerant/system as long as it fulfills the
obligation of the directive.”
 Starting Jan 1, 2011. Final in Europe by year 2017.
 A result of the identification of the correlation between production of R-134a
and the rate of accumulation of R-134a in the earth’s atmosphere.
 Generally assumed a gas such as CO2 or HFC-152a could be used.

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History of Refrigerants

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Characteristics of the Common 48
Refrigerants Known in 1928


Air Does not liquefy readily No None
Water High freezing point No None
CO2 Low critical temperature No Mild
Ammonia Satisfactory Yes Toxic, odor
SO2 Corrosive with water No Toxic, odor
Methyl chloride Satisfactory for iron systems Yes Yes
Methyl bromide High freezing point Yes Yes
Butane Satisfactory High No
Dichloroethylene Low pressure No Slight

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Challenge of Creating a 50
New Refrigerant to Replace SO2
 Boiling point between –40°F and 32°F (– 40°C and 0°C)
 Nonflammable
 Considerably less toxic
 Improved chemical stability
 Nice if pungent odor for leak detection

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A Few Days Later… 51

 R-12: Dichlorodifluoromethane had been selected…

Thomas Midgley

• Start with a basic hydrocarbon

• Exchange hydrogens for
• Fluorine
• Chlorine
• Bromine
• Iodine

 And an industry revolution had begun

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Were These the Perfect Refrigerants? 52

 CFCs and HCFCs (R-11, R-12, R-22) were used from 1930 until about
1974—a span of 44 years—these were generally perceived to be nearly
perfect refrigerants.
 Safe
 High efficiency
 Nonflammable
 They are still legal to use and are being used in the USA, but not legal to
manufacture. They are manufactured in a few “Article 5” (Developing
Economy) countries.

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Refrigerant Safety and Handling 53

• Independent third-party assessment

(Underwriters Laboratories)
• Published report of comparative
refrigerant safety
• Publicly available in 1933

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Stratospheric Ozone Depletion 55

 Ozone depletion caused by Cl

and Br reaction with ozone in
combination with long
atmospheric life
  Eliminate Cl and Br or decrease
atmospheric life

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New Required Properties for Refrigerant 56
 Boiling point between –40°F and 32°F (– 40°C and 0°C)
 Nonflammable
 Considerably less toxic (nontoxic)
 Chemical stability (inside a refrigeration machine, but breaks down to
harmless products if released into the atmosphere)
 Nice if has odor for leak detection
 Nice if inexpensive (difficult to achieve)
 Cannot contain chlorine, bromine, or iodine, all of which deplete ozone

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Ozone Depletion—A Brief Timeline 57

 1974 Professor Rowland and Molina propose ozone

depletion by chlorine from CFC transported into the
stratosphere. Paul Crutzen strengthened the proof that
manmade chemicals impact the stratosphere
 1987 Antarctic “Ozone Hole” publicized. Montreal
Protocol established to mitigate ozone depleting
substances, or at least their release into the atmosphere.
 1991 HFC-134a is commercialized
 Other HFC molecules follow quickly.
ASHRAE Standard 34 grows.
 1995 Rowland, Molina, and Crutzen awarded Nobel Prize
in Chemistry
 Meanwhile, the refrigeration and AC industries had to
retool and adapt

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Safety and Handling Guidelines for HFC- 58
 HFC molecules were not a new class of matter.
 HFC-152a, HFC-23, and others had been in use for years.
 HFC-134a had not been used in commerce or in homes and businesses.
 A multiyear, multilateral toxicity test program was conducted from
about 1987 to 1991.
 Extensive peer review determined HFC-134a was safe to use.
 Not toxic, not flammable.

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Chemistry: Designing for Low ODP 59

R-50; A3
28 GWP
Ethane, 0 ODP
R-290; A3
R-22; A1 0 ODP
R-123; B1 R-134a; A1 3.3 GWP
0.06 ODP
0.01 ODP 0 ODP
1760 GWP
79 GWP 1300 GWP

R-32; A2L R-143a; A1 R-125; A1

4800 GWP 3170 GWP R-245fa; A1
677 GWP
858 GWP

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Zeotropic Series Blends: Safety + Ozone 60
Blend Components Composition Std 34 GWP
R-410A R-32/R-125 50/50 A1 1924
R-404A R-125/R-143a/ 44/52/4 A1 3943
R-407C R-32/R-125/ 23/25/52 A1 1624

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Global Warming 62

 1990s–2000s: Global Warming Widely Acknowledged and Publicized

 Kyoto Protocol on global climate change—1997 to 2012 →2020
 Primary greenhouse gas : Water vapor, exhibits radiative forcing
 Next most potent greenhouse gases : CO2, methane (CH4)
 Gases with high CO2 comparison value: HCFC and HFC refrigerants

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Total Annual GHG Emissions 63

• CO2 from fossil fuel

combustion and industrial
• CO2 from forestry and other
land use (FOLU);
• Methane (CH4);
• Nitrous oxide (N2O); and
• Fluorinated gases (F-gases).

• Source: IPCC WGIII

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GWP of Common Refrigerants 64





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New Required Properties for Refrigerant 65
 Boiling point between –40°F and 32°F (–40°C and 0°C)
 Nonflammable?
 Considerably less toxic (nontoxic)
 Chemical stability (inside a refrigeration machine but breaks down to
harmless products if released into the atmosphere)
 Nice if pungent odor for leak detection
 Nice if inexpensive (more difficult to achieve)
 Cannot contain chlorine, bromine, or iodine, all of which deplete ozone
 Must have short atmospheric lifetime to minimize GWP

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4th Generation Refrigeration 66

 React with common atmospheric species to shorten life span

 Couple of chemistry approaches
 Increase the number of hydrogens
 Include oxygen or others
 Reduce chemical stability—add bromine or Iodine
 Unsaturations (double or triple bonds; i.e. using olefins)
 Best approach
 Unsaturation and hydrogen (HFO, HCFO, HCO, HBFO)
 Problem: flammability increases

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Representative Alternative Low GWP 67
Refrigerant Molecules

R-1234yf –A2L R-1234ze(E)- A2L R-1233zd(E) – A1 R-1224yd(Z)- A1 R-1123

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Olefin Molecules Proposed as 68
Designation ASHRAE Designation Chemical BP °C
HO-1150 R-1150 Ethene –104°C
HO-1270 R-1270 Propene –48°C
HFO-1234yf R-1234yf 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropene –29 .4 °C
HFO-1234ze R-1234ze 1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropene –19 °C
HFO-1336mzz(Z) R-1336mzz(Z) 1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butane 33.4 °C
HFO-1233zd(E ) R-1233zd(E) t-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene 19 °C
HCO-1130(E) R-1130 (E) t-dichloroethene 47.7 °C
HFO-1123 Trifluoroethene* Trifluoroethylene –56 °C
HCFO-1224yd 1-chloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene 16 °C
HFO-1132a Difluoroethene* 1,1-difluoroethylene (vinylidenefluoride) –86.7 °C

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The Issue is Not 69
“Natural Fluids” Versus “Synthetic Fluids”

More important are environmental stewardship and

delivering cooling or heating with the smallest possible life-
cycle climate impact, regardless of technology being

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Refrigerant Selection: A Trade-off 70

 Environmental performance
Compressor Compressor
(~0 ODP and reduced GWP) Flammability and Cycle Discharge
Design Temperature
 Safety for consumers (flammability
and toxicity)
Lubricant HAT
Toxicity Glide
Selection performance
 Energy efficiency (reduced
indirect CO2 emissions, especially
at high ambient operations) Operating Material Thermophysi-
Pressure Compatibility cal Properties
 Intellectual property
 Transition costs (industry and Stability ODP, GWP Heat Transfer Capacity

 Product sustainability

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HFO-1234yf—Low-GWP Option to 71
Replace R-134a
 HFO-1234yf is the first in a growing family of olefin molecules
 Met timing mandated by European MAC Directive to replace R-134a
 Excellent environmental properties
 Very low GWP of 1, zero ODP, good LCCP
 Atmospheric chemistry determined and published
 Low toxicity: Acute and chronic toxicity superior to R-134a
 System performance very similar to R-134a
 Excellent COP and capacity, no glide
 Thermally stable and compatible with R-134a components
 Potential for direct substitution of R-134a

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HFO-1234yf Properties 72

R-134a R-134a

3 Property R-134a R-1234yf

Vapor Pressure, MPa

2.5 Boiling -26°C -29°C

Molecular 102 114
1.5 weight
1 Formula CF3CH2F CF3CF=CH2
0.5 GWP 1300 1

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature, °C

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HFO Development Trend as per ASHRAE 73
Standard 34
First HFO Molecule in 2008 – HFO-1234yf
Standard 34
First HFO Blend in Standard 2012 – Class 2L
First Non Flammable HFO 2013
HFO Status as of Mid 2017 • 9 distinct molecules
(Includes refrigerants • 43 refrigerant blends (23
proposed, but not flammable, 20 non-
necessarily listed) flammable)

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Proposed Alternatives for Different


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Safe (A1) Low-GWP Proposed between 75
2010 and 2018

© 2020 ASHRAE Learning Institute

Figure 2-1 from the 2018 RTOC report.
A2L Low-GWP Proposed between 2010 76
and 2018

© 2020 ASHRAE Learning Institute

Figure 2-2 from the 2018 RTOC report.
R-22/R-407C Alternatives (AREP) 77

Refrigerant GWP100years, AR5 ODP Standard 34

R-22 1760 0.06 A1
R-407C 1624 0 A1
DR-93 1147 0 A1
N-20b 904 0 A1
R-449B 1296 0 A1
ARM-20b 251 0 A2L
DR-3 146 0 A2L
R-444B 295 0 A2L

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Relative Performance Compared with 78
Baseline Refrigerant: R-22

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Non-Flammable R-404A Alternatives 79
Refrigerant GWP100years, AR5 Standard 34 Designation
R-404A 3943 A1
ARM-35 2019 A1
R-452A 1945 A1
R-448A 1273 A1
ARM-32a 1445 A1
DR-33 1293 A1
N-40a 1235 A1
N-40b 1222 A1

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Flammable R-404A Alternatives (AREP) 80

Refrigerant GWP100years, AR5 Standard 34 Designation

R-404A 3943 A1
ARM-20a 139 A2L
HDR110 146 A2L
ARM-30a 197 A2L
ARM-31a 463 A2L
D-2Y65 238 A2L
DR-7 244 A2L
L-40 285 A2L
R-32 677 A2L
R-32/R-134a 989 A2L
R-290 3 A3

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Relative Performance Compared with 81
Baseline Refrigerant: R-404A

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R-134a Alternatives (AREP) 82
Refrigerant GWP100years, AR5 Standard 34 Designation
R-134a 1300 A1
AC5X 568 A1
ARM-41a 860 A1
D-4Y 521 A1
N-13a 547 A1
N-13b 547 A1
XP-10 573 A1
AC5 89 A2L
ARM-42a 107 A2L
R-1234yf 1 A2L
R-1234ze 1 A2L
R-600a 3 A3
R-290/R-600a 3 A3

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Relative Performance Compared with 83
Baseline Refrigerant: R-134a

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R-410A Alternatives (AREP)
Refrigerant GWP100years, AR5 Standard 34 Designation
R-410A 1924 A1
ARM-70a 469 A2L
D2Y60 271 A2L
DR-5 491 A2L
HPR1D 407 A2L
L-41a 494 A2L
L-41b 494 A2L
R-32 677 A2L
R-32/R-134a 708 A2L
R-32/R-152a 650 A2L
L-41-1 (R-446A) 461 A2L
L-41-2 (R-447A) 572 A2L
R-466A (good performance) 733 (AR4) A1
HDR-147 (good performance) <400 A1 (expected)
HDR-139 (smaller capacity) <300 A1 (expected)

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Relative Performance Compared with 85
Baseline Refrigerant: R-410A

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Refrigerant Selection by Compressor 86
 Centrifugal—low and medium pressure refrigerants (R123, R134a)
 Screws—medium and some high pressure (R134a, R22-past)
 Scrolls & Recips—high pressure mostly (R22, R410A, R407C)




3.5 35 350 3,500 35,000 350,000

Cooling Capacity, kW

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Low Pressure R-123 Alternatives 87

 Flammability
 Nonflammable: GWP 400-600
 Flammable: GWP <150
 Good efficiency
 Near design compatible
alternatives available
 Varying glide

Source: Seminar 56 Low GWP Alternative Refrigerants and Their Applications,

Part 2, 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Steve Kujak, “Insights into the Next Generation HVAC&R Refrigerant Future”

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Medium Pressure R-134a Alternatives 88

 Low GWP available today

 R-1233zd(E)
 R-1224yd
 R-514A
 R-1234ze(E)
 Most nonflammable
 Good efficiency
 No glide
 Compatible with existing designs
Source: Seminar 56 Low GWP Alternative Refrigerants and Their Applications,
Part 2, 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Steve Kujak, “Insights into the Next Generation HVAC&R Refrigerant Future”

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High Pressure R-410A Alternatives 89

 GWP: 460 – 675

 Flammable
 Higher efficiency
 Near design compatible
alternatives available
 Varying glide

Source: Seminar 56 Low GWP Alternative Refrigerants and Their Applications,

Part 2, 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Steve Kujak, “Insights into the Next Generation HVAC&R Refrigerant Future”

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Market Fragmentation 90

 R-134a
 Refrigerators: HCs and R-1234yf
 MAC: R-1234yf
 Chillers/Refrigeration: R-513A, R-1234ze(E), R-1234yf
 R-404A/R407C
 Transport: R-452A and CO2
 Stationary: R-448A, R-449A/B, Transcritical CO2, cascaded cycles
 R-410A
 Small charge: HCs and R-32
 Splits: R-32 and R-452B

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Related Standards and Codes of

Systems and Substances

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U.S. and International Standards 92

U.S. General Standards International General Standards

 ASHRAE Standard 34—Safety  ISO 817—Safety classification
 ISO 5149—Application rules
 ASHRAE Standard 15—Application
 EN378—Design guide for AC, heat
rules, large equipment
pump, and refrigeration
 ASHRAE Standard 15.2—Residential equipment, with required safety
and light commercial AC and HP

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U.S. and International Standards 93

U.S. Product Standards International Product Standards

 Underwriter’s Laboratories  European Norms (EN) and
standards for certification of International Electrotechnical
specific equipment uses: Commission product and
 UL 471—Commercial refrigeration equipment standards, which have
and freezers, precedence in many venues:
 UL 484—Room air conditioners,  EN/IEC 60335-2-89—Commercial
refrigeration and freezing,
 UL 250—Domestic refrigerators,
and  EN/IEC 60335-2-40—Electrical AC
and heat pumps,
 More for other equipment types
 EN/IEC-60335-2-24—Domestic
refrigerators, and
 more for other equipment types

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ASHRAE Standard 34 94

 A listing of refrigerants that have been

reviewed and evaluated for safety.
 An evergreen document subject to
continuous maintenance.
 New refrigerants can be added to this
standard after a new refrigerant
application is submitted to and reviewed
by the Standing Standards Process
Committee that oversees this standard—
 As necessary, new refrigerant safety
classification rules can be added.

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ASHRAE Standard 34: Designation 95
and Safety Classification of Refrigerants
 The safety classification process of ASHRAE Standard 34 considers
several aspects of fire hazard in its classification:
 Will the refrigerant propagate a flame at the conditions of the test?
 If so, what is the lower flammability limit? (A measure of ignition risk)
 What is the heat of combustion? (A measure of consequence of a fire)
 What is the burning velocity? (Another measure of consequence of a
 Burning velocity is the basis for differentiation between Class 2 and 2L

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ASHRAE Standard 34 Classification 96
 In ASHRAE Standard 34, refrigerants are classified by three groups of
 Section 1—Designation and nomenclature requires proficiency with use
of REFPROP to determine physical properties from the equation of state
models within REFPROP.
 Section 2—Toxicity is complex, but for existing molecules it requires
literature searching along with exposure limit calculations.
 Section 3—Flammability requires flame measurements of lower
flammability limit (LFL) and flame velocity, as well as leak modeling for
as-formulated blend: worst-case formulation (WCF) at extremes of
composition tolerance and worst-case fractionated formulation (WCFF).

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ASHRAE Standard 34 97

 Safety Classification depends on flammability and

toxicity (ISO-817 and ASHRAE-34
Higher Flammability A3 B3  Flammability is determined based on lower
flammability limit (LFL), flame velocity, and heat of
A2 B2 combustion
Increasing Flammability

Lower Flammability  Class 1: Non-flammable

A2L* B2L*  Class 2L: Feeble, slow flame, slow low-pressure rise
 Class 2: Burns faster, low heat of combustion
No Flame Propagation A1 B1  Class 3:
Burns at explosive speed, high heat of

* A2L & B2L are new  Toxicity depends on the Occupational Exposure Limit
designations for lower Lower Higher (OEL)
flammability refrigerants Toxicity Toxicity
with a maximum burning  Class A: > 400 ppm
velocity of 10 cm/sec
Increasing Toxicity  Class B: < 400 ppm

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Refrigerant Flammability 98

Source: Kujak, S., “Flammability and New Refrigerant Options”, ASHRAE journal May 2017

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ASHRAE Standard 15 99

 Safety classification information developed and

published in ASHRAE Standard 34 is, in turn, used
in ASHRAE Standard 15
 ASHRAE Standard 15 is an application standard. It
gives basic rules for how and where a refrigerant
can be used, based on the safety classification
developed by ASHRAE Standard 34 for that
 Building code agencies, government agencies,
architects, and designers use the application
guidelines that are developed by ASHRAE
Standard 15

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ASHRAE Standard 15—Purpose and 100
 Specifies safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigeration systems
 Establishes safeguards for life, limb, health, and property and prescribes safety requirements
 Applies to:
 Design, construction, test, installation, operation, and inspection of mechanical and
absorption refrigeration systems, including heat-pump systems used in stationary
 Modifications, including replacement of parts or components if they are not identical in
function and capacity; and
 Refrigerant substitutions with a different designation

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ASHRAE Standard 15—Content 101

 Classifications  Design, construction, & operation

 Section 4 – Occupancy  Section 9 – Equipment and Systems
 Section 5 – Refrigerating systems  Section 10 – Operation and testing
 Section 6 – Refrigerant safety  General
 Restrictions  Section 11 – General requirements
 Section 7 – Refrigerant use  Section 12 – Precedence with
 Section 8 – Installation
 Section 13 – Listed equipment
 Normative appendices

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ASHRAE Standard 15—Classification 102

 Refrigerant classification (toxicity and flammability)

 Class 1 Nonflammable  Class A Lower toxicity
 Class 2 Lower flammability  Class B Higher toxicity
 Class 3 Higher flammability
 Occupancy classification (speed of evacuation)
 Institutional  Large mercantile
 Public assembly  Industrial
 Residential  Mixed
 Commercial
 Refrigerating system classification (probability of occupant exposure)
 Direct  High probability
 Indirect (open or closed)  Low Probability

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ASHRAE Standard 15—Refrigerating 103
System Classification
High Probability System Low-Probability System
 The basic design, or the location  Leakage of refrigerant from a
of components, is such that a failed connection, seal, or
leakage of refrigerant from a component cannot enter the
failed connection, seal, or occupied space.
component will enter the
 Typically, low probability systems
occupied space
use a secondary fluid, such as
 Definition: occupied space that chilled water. The refrigeration
portion of the premises accessible equipment is located in a
to or occupied by people, machinery room or outside.
excluding machinery rooms.

Source: J. Kohler

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ASHRAE Standard 15—Restrictions on 104
Refrigerant Use
 Assure that occupants will be safe if the entire refrigerant charge is
discharged into the smallest occupied space in which it could
discharge to
 Systems with a larger charge quantity must go into a machinery room or

Source: J. Kohler

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ASHRAE Standard 15—Current Restrictions 105
on Flammable Refrigerants

A2 and A2L Refrigerants

A3 cannot be used except if allowed by AHJ

- Laboratories with more than 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) area per person
- Industrial occupancies
- Portable unit systems containing less than 0.331 lb (150 g) of refrigerant charge

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Standards and their Impact on Flammable 106
Refrigerant Charge Limit
Standard Title Application Factors that dictate Flammable Ref. Flammable Ref.
allowable charge Charge Limit with Charge Limit with
limit limited measures additional measures
IEC 60335-2-24 Particular requirements for Domestic refrigeration A3 ~ 150 g per circuit
ANSI/UL 60335- refrigerating appliances, ice-
2-24 (6th) cream appliances and ice-
IEC 60335-2-89 Particular requirements for Any refrigeration Minimum room size, leak A2L ~1.2 kg
ANSI/UL 60335- commercial refrigerating appliances used in detection sensors, fan A3 ~ 0.5 kg
2-89 appliances with an incorporated commercial situations circulation
or remote condensing unit or
IEC 60335-2-40 Particular requirements for Any air conditioning and Minimum room size, LFL, A2L ~ 1.8 kg A2L ~ 8kg/70 kg
(6th) electrical heat pumps, air heat pump applications lowest release height, A2 ~ 0.5 kg A2 ~ 3.4 kg
conditioners and dehumidifiers maximum releasable A3 ~ 0.15 kg/2.5kg A3 ~ 0.3 kg/1.0kg
charge, leak detection
sensors, ventilation
ISO 5149 Mechanical refrigeration systems Any refrigeration, air Varies by access A2L ~ 1.8 kg A2L ~ 60 kg/unlimited
used for cooling and heating - conditioning and heat category and location A2 ~ 0.5 kg A2 ~ 3.4 kg/unlimited
safety requirement pumps: domestic, classification A3 ~ 0.15 kg A3 ~ 1.5
commercial and industrial kg/2.5kg/unlimited

TEAP EETF 2019 © 2020 ASHRAE Learning Institute

TEAP TASK FORCE Decision XXVIII/4 Report: on safety standards relevant for low-GWP alternatives
U.S. Standards in Transition 107

 The U.S. standards are presently based more on legacy refrigerants.

They are not entirely adequate in addressing flammability risks per U.S.
expectations and liability standards.
 They are being updated to meet the anticipated transition timelines for
U.S. markets.
 What information is still needed to update the U.S. standards?
 How is that information being developed?

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Safety Standards and Building Codes—US 108

Model Codes

- 2019

34 - 2016

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Product Safety Standards (HVAC) 109

ANSI/UL 60335-2-40●CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60335-2-40

 IEC 60335-2-40 based standard with North American Deviations
 Replaces:

ANSI/UL 1995 (HVAC) CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 236

ANSI/UL 484 (Room Air) CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 117
ANSI/UL 474 (Dehumidifiers) CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 92

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ANSI/UL 60335-2-40 110

 2nd Edition Published–Sep 2017

 Aligned with IEC 60335-2-40 5th Edition.
 Treats A2L refrigerants as Class A2 refrigerants; allow flammable refrigerants in
dehumidifiers and room air conditioners (A2L limited to ~ 900g)
 Enabled A2L refrigerants up to ~40 kg in outdoor chillers
 3rd Edition–Under Development
 Aligned with IEC 60335-2-40 6th Edition (Published early 2018)
 Fully enables A2L refrigerants up to ~ 80 kg per refrigerating system.
 Content development and Preliminary Comment completed
 Ballot Phase~ Jul/Aug 2018, 2nd Ballot on comment resolution if needed~ Oct/Nov 2018
 Publication Ready~ Dec 2018 –Jun 2019

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US Mechanical Code 111

 ASHRAE 15-2016 on going revisions

 Addendum d –Human Comfort -Complete requirements for Class A2L (3rd PPR)
 Addendum h–Machinery Rooms –Complete requirements for Class A2L ( 2nd PPR)
 Addendum a–removal of Ammonia from ASHRAE 15 in lieu of IIAR-2 (1st PPR)
 Addendum b–change from ‘portable’ to ‘self-contained’ for Section 7.5.3
 Currently working on completing:
 Class 2L refrigerants with technical justification of requirements
 Human comfort applications—charge below RCL
 Large equipment—unlimited charge in Mechanical Equipment Room
 Remove Ammonia (Class B2L) in lieu of IIAR-2
Expectation is that all work will complete public review and get published by the end
of 2018

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Regulations are Driving Changes 112
in Refrigerant Selection and Use

First Requirement: Know and Obey Applicable Laws

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U.S. and European Safety Standards 113
 U.S.  Europe
 US EPA—Significant New  ISO standards
Alternative Policy (SNAP) list
 European Norm (EN) standards
 OSHA – EN378
 ASHRAE  International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC)
 Underwriters’ Laboratory
 Specific products and
 Building codes and fire safety applications
 60335-2-NN series standards

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International Overview 114

 Europe—F-gas regulations :
 MAC Directive of 2006—Limits direct GWP of refrigerants in auto AC (MAC)
 F-gas 2—Schedule of reduction of direct GWP values by end-use application;
posted in 2015, beginning in 2020
 U.S.— EPA SNAP delisting of high-GWP refrigerants for which lower-GWP
replacement options exist; begins in 2017
 Court ruling set back – California taking the lead
 Japan—Requiring use of low-GWP refrigerants as quickly as feasible; driven
 China—2014 agreement with U.S. to begin phase-down of HFCs where
feasible alternatives exist
 All of the above are now being updated per the Kigali Amendments

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Building Codes and Safety Standards 115

 Building codes and safety standards are other legal guidelines that exist
to protect us. They are on the critical path toward ultimate widespread
adoption of flammable low-GWP refrigerants.
 Building code rules are enforced at the local level by municipal, county,
and state authorities.
 The local authorities have the final word over what refrigerants we may

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Fire Marshals

Protect public safety and enforce building and fire

safety codes
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Primary Building Codes in 117
North America
 International Code Council publishes and updates the IMC and IBC as
model codes:
 International Mechanical Code (IMC)—Considered primary for refrigeration
 International Building Code (IBC)—Also references ASHRAE Standard 15
 International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAMPO)
also publishes a model code:
 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC)

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Building Codes 118

 The model building codes are updated only once every three years, by
a formal process.
 Each major code is on a different rotation. One is always being
reviewed for update.
 States, cities, and other governmental entities (such as fire marshals)
can and do select and adapt these model codes for their specific
 For example, the City of New York, the City of Los Angeles, and Cook
County (Chicago) have their own codes, often enforced by the
municipal fire marshal.

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Building Code Initiatives 119

 ASHRAE Code Staff: Connor Barbaree and Brian Cox

 ASHRAE Code Interaction Subcommittee (CIS)
 Work closely with ASHRAE Standard 34 and ASHRAE Standard 15
 Codes and standards task force—stakeholder group facilitating codes
and standards approval.
 An ASHRAE MTG—MTG-LGWP, a multilateral task group commissioned
with funds and support from DOE, AHRI, ASHRAE, and independent
experts to work on building-code related matters to facilitate low GWP.

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Refrigerant Codes and Standards Task 120
 Multilateral group of stakeholders representing government, industrial,
and regulatory interests with a common goal.
 Work with building code authorities and agencies to facilitate the
inclusion of categories for environmentally sustainable refrigerant
materials in building codes, particularly in the United States.
 Identify the cognizant building code agencies.
 Understand the processes and timelines for updating various standards.
 Facilitate the development and inclusion of appropriate guidance and
 Being incorporated into the ASHRAE MTG-LGWP.

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Challenge: R-1234yf Can Burn! 122

 HFO-1234yf will burn: requires high ignition energy and will have
extremely slow flame propagation velocity (flame speed )
 Mild flammability is a new (2007) category for ASHRAE and the HVAC&R
industry. What does it mean?
 Flammability properties are significantly less consequential than 152a
(MIE, burning velocity, etc.) but at the bottom of Class 2
 Defined new A2L classification versus A2 for HFC-152a
 How significant is this new property of low flammability?

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Refrigerant Characterization 123

 Each new molecule (and blend of molecules) must be classified by

ASHRAE Standard 34 and 15 before it can be incorporated into building
 The HVAC&R industry is transitioning from highly stable fluoroalkanes (like
R-134a) to olefin molecules because olefins provide a mechanism for
rapid breakdown if they are released into the atmosphere.
 Some HFCs, like R-152a and R-32, have shorter atmospheric lifetimes.
These HFCs are flammable: Class 2 and Class 2L, respectively, for these

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Assessing Risks when Using 124
Flammable Refrigerants
 Evaluate and quantify the hazards
 Make reasonable assumptions and ask relevant questions
 For example: What is the probability of a leak occurring?
 If a leak or loss of refrigerant does occur, what is the probability that it might
 If an ignition occurs, what are the consequences?
 What leak scenarios can be imagined and quantified?

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Risk Assessment 125

 It is a quantitative or qualitative estimates of risk related to a well-

defined situation and a recognized and defined hazard
 Quantitative risk assessment requires
 The magnitude of the potential loss (L)
 The probability (p) that the loss will occur
 Risk for use of Class 2L materials will be quite different from risk for use of
Class 2 or Class 3 flammable materials because the hazard associated
with higher flammability is greater.

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Flammability Safety—Controlling and 126
Designing for Key Factors
 Fuel air mixture:
 Select refrigerant with higher concentration (LFL) to
minimize the chance of having a “combustible cloud”
Fuel air mixture: is
 Ignition sources
it above LFL and
 Restrict or enclose less than UFL?
 Select refrigerants requiring highest minimum ignition
 Severity of event Severity
of Event
 Design application to handle pressure rise (venting)
 Design refrigerant to minimize potential secondary issues
 Select refrigerants with lowest possible burning velocity Energy

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Considerations for 127
Using Flammable Refrigerants
 Determine if the refrigerant might be used in a space occupied by
 Residential? Factory? Business (e.g., supermarket )?
 Is the space used for working or as a living space for ordinary citizens,
some of whom may have limited or impaired mobility?
 Limit the amount of refrigerant per machine, based on the risk posed by
the particular refrigerant, and/or the size of the room that contains the

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Considerations for 128
Using Flammable Refrigerants
 Depending on the amount of flammable refrigerant being used, there
may be requirements for overpressure relief venting to the outside of the
building or requirements for direct mechanical venting of escaped gas
by use of fans. For larger systems, the requirements may include limiting
the equipment that contains hazardous refrigerants to specially
designed and access-controlled machine rooms or even machine
placement outside of the building altogether.
 These measures are already used for such refrigerants as propane,
ammonia, HCFC-123, and hydrocarbons, as used in chiller systems per
ASHRAE Standard 15 and ISO 5149. These same safety measures are
being reviewed and extended to fit the new Class 2L lower-risk,
flammable refrigerants.

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How Does One Use a Flammable 129
 Apply the rules in relevant standards
 ASHRAE Standard 15—primarily for commercial and industrial
 ASHRAE Standard 15.2P—domestic and light commercial AC
equipment in the United States
 This standard is under development

 IEC/UL standards for specific applications

 Standards are being updated and harmonized globally
 IEC/UL/60335–x-xx

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Initiatives of 2L Flammability 130
Multidisciplinary Task Group
 MTG Low GWP is the coordinating group for ASHRAE and AHRI research
 Composed of members of other ASHRAE technical committees, UL, and
AHRI members
 Mandate to accelerate the development of guidelines for use of low global
warming refrigerants, natural and synthetic

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Research Projects and Proposals on Safe 131
Use of Flammable Refrigerants
 1806-TRP—Flammable refrigerants post-ignition simulation and risk
assessment update.
 WS 1807—Guidelines for flammable refrigerant handling, transporting,
storing and equipment servicing, installation, and dismantling.
 WS 1808—Servicing and installing equipment using flammable
refrigerants; assessment of field-made mechanical joints.
 A growing body of completed Research Project reports from prior
projects is available.
 Completion of the necessary research is expected to take up to one

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Information Available for Users,

Designers, and Installers on
Low-GWP Refrigerants

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Safety Information Available Now: 133
Material Safety Data Sheets
 Manufacturers are legally responsible for providing safety information
about products they make and sell (safety data sheets [SDS]/material
safety data sheets [MSDS]). These are on manufacturer web sites and
 Third-party regulatory bodies also provide safety limits and usage
guidelines (e.g., UL in the United States).
 Some consideration had already been given to using flammable
refrigerant gases (propane, butane, isobutane, etc.), particularly for
domestic refrigerators and other small systems; more detailed in
European ISO, EN, and EC standards.

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Finding Best Refrigerants for Given Cooling 134
Solution is Still a Work in Progress
 The most rapid implementation of low GWP (particularly flammable
refrigerants) is advancing in areas where small charge sizes can be used
or where machines can be placed in spaces not also occupied by
people (transport trucks and containers, chillers, etc.).
 Conducting proper risk assessments is not yet finished but has been
identified as critical, and work is in progress.
 Regulations are being developed that regulate use of Class 2L, Class 2,
and Class 3 refrigerants, but with some differences between the United
States and Europe.

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Refrigerant MSDS 135
and Safe-Handling Instructions
 Search online for MSDS for the product(s) of interest
 Search terms: “Refrigerant Safety”, “Refrigerant Handling”, “Product_Name”
Safe Handling

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Rigorous Refrigerant Safety Are Required 136

 Use leak monitors but now not just on large systems.

 Use oxygen monitors in enclosed spaces or low areas like basements.
 Be sure that pressure relief devices and any overpressure vents exhaust
to the outside of the building.
 Use active mechanical venting if equipment is indoors.

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New Rules Apply for 137
Flammable Refrigerants
 Determine the flammability of the refrigerant being used.
 Do not use flammable refrigerants in equipment not designed for or
rated for flammable refrigerants.
 Use vacuum pumps and recovery machines rated for use with
flammable refrigerants, with non-sparking switches and non-sparking
 Be aware of charge size limitations, as prescribed by safety codes and

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Be Aware of Common Hazards 138

 Do not smoke or allow others to smoke if flammable refrigerants are

being used, transferred, charged, or recovered.
 Be alert for any potential ignition source—heaters, sparking motors or
switches, static electricity, etc.
 When brazing, or welding, be sure all refrigerant has first been
evacuated from the system.
 Not a new concern but much more important with flammable

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Challenges and Opportunities

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Global Cooling Demand 140

6DS 4DS 2DS OECD Countries OECD Non-Members

18 12

Global Building Cooling Consumption, EJ

Global Building Cooling Consumption, EJ


12 8


6 4


0 0
2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1990 est 2013 BAU 2050 2DS 2050
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Challenges and Opportunities 141

Global emissions of fluorocarbon

 Kigali Amendment to the Montreal CFCs HCFCs HFCs

Gigatonnes CO2-e / Year

 Transition from HCFC to HFC
 Staring HFC phase-down in 7
developing world
 Potential for leapfrogging 5

 More challenging task 4

 Several alternatives (no clear silver
bullet yet) 2
 Safety, efficiency, and capacity
1990 2010 2030 2050
© 2020 ASHRAE Learning Institute
Green House Gas Emissions 142

 Stationary A/C account for ~700 MMTCO2e annually

 74% Indirect emissions from electricity generation
 Direct emissions: 7% HFC and 19% HCFC

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Definition of Availability 143

Technology: Refrigerants and applications for energy efficient end-products;

Components: for energy efficient products;
After-sales service: practices to properly service and maintain new
enhanced energy efficiency technologies.

Widely available
Available Technology
Emerging / R&D Technology
Not Available

Availability can be enhanced by sustainability e.g. avoiding being locked into

inefficient technologies or obsolete refrigerants.
Availability can be reduced by import restrictions, taxes, or shipping/transport
costs and other policies.

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High Energy Efficiency Tier 144
High GWP HCFCs High GWP HFCs Low and Med GWP Refrigerants
India: HCFC-22 available in 3 Star. Only local US: Central AC 2-speed, Mini-splits, VRF with R-410A
EU: Central AC 2-speed, Mini-splits, VRF, EU Ecodesign
High-tier Energy Efficiency: > 10% better than MEPS

units, imports not allowed units

Japan: "The top runner program" requires weighted
EU: Cent A/C 2-speed, Mini-splits, VRF- Ecodesign average APF higher than the standard value. (for both
domestic and commercial ACs)
China: "Top Runner Program" requires weighted
average APF higher than standard value, about 1% of India: HFC-32 and HC-290 available up to 5 Star
China: one manufacture (Midea) have launched HC-290
Korea: R-410A system including ductless, mini-split
and some manufacturers introduce HFC-32 that had higher
system and VRF
APF than the standard value
No development on high efficiency HCFCs. India: R-410A widely available in inverter 3 to 5 star
No availability in high efficiency
ROW (and HAT excluding Saudi): HFC-32 units as locally
ROW: availability of R-410A units in some markets
manufactured or imported
HAT: High GWP HFCs Could not meet higher
efficiency with conventional design, however, MEPS
US: Emerging new technology using HFOs
>10%, (EER 12.7) can be achieved with microchannel
heat exchangers

HAT: Research on HC-290 and HFOs by local manufacturers

R-454B accepted by Egypt OEMs
Japan: Not available

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Availability of Refrigerants 145

Source: ASHRAE 2019

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Availability of Compressors 146

Max Incremental
Component Remarks potential cost for RAC
improvement unit
Higher efficiency rotary
Mostly used
-Inverter driven dedicated 20% to 30% 20%
for rotary
two stage Very limited
10% 10% – 20%
compression availability
motor efficiency
Standard same Same

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Source: Nicholson et al
Compressors by Refrigerant and Type 147

Variable Speed Fixed Speed

Rotary Compressors
(Million Units)



2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

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Source: Nicholson et al
Theoretical Refrigerants Screening 148

 NIST study: “Limited options for low-global-warming-potential

Refrigerants”, published in nature communications
 Started with 157M substance available in PubChem  reduced to 62
relevant fluids based on different filters and review criteria
 Properties estimated using EOS implemented in NIST REFPROP if available
(only 22) or extended corresponding states of Huber and Ely for the
 New molecules show promise when blended with R-32
 Mixing with R-125 can mitigate flammability
 Up to 4 components mixtures may be sought to obtain acceptable
trade-off in performance

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warming-potential refrigerants”, Nature Communications 8, Article
NIST Study—Basic Cycle

Mark O. McLinden, J. Steven Brown, Riccardo Brignoli, Andrei F.


Kazakov & Piotr A. Domanski, “Limited options for low-global-

R-290 R-161 R-717

COP/COP (R-410A)
1.04 R-32
1.02 R-E170 R-22

number: 14476 (2017),doi:10.1038/ncomms14476

1 R-1132E
R-1252yey R-410A
R-1243zf Difluoromethanethiol
0.98 R-152a
R-134 Tetrafluormethaneamine R-1141
0.96 Trifluoromethanethiol
R-1234yf R-1123
0.94 R-1234zeE
0.92 Tetrafluorodioxole

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Volumetric Capacity/Volumetric Capacity (R-410A)

Non- Flammable
Slightly Unknown
Flammable GWP 1 3170

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R-22 Alternatives: Thermal Properties 150

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R-410A Alternatives: Thermal Properties 151

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Pathway to a Sustainable A/C Future 152

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Cost Implications of New Refrigerants 153

 Global cost-effectiveness is key to the transition to sustainable A/C

 Since the 1970s, U.S. manufacturers have steadily reduced the inflation-
adjusted cost of residential central-ducted A/C systems while
maintaining or improving performance, even while transitioning away
from ODS to today’s HFC refrigerants
 Performance improvements and charge minimization efforts supporting
transition towards low-GWP can offset upfront cost increased through
life-cycle energy savings

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Systems’ Perspective

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Experimental Low GWP Refrigerant 155
Evaluation at ORNL
 Provide unbiased science-based feedback to the HVAC&R community
and policy maker to
 Avoid costly two-step transition: HCFC  HFC Low GWP
 Inform HVAC&R industry about potential merits and limitations of the
different alternatives available on the market.
 Evaluate the performance of alternative lower GWP refrigerants for
minisplit and packaged air conditioning (AC) units under high ambient
temperatures, 35°C to 55°C.

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Test Conditions 156

Test Outdoor Indoor

condition DBT DBT WBT RH
°C °C °C %
AHRI B 27.8 26.7 19.4 50.9
AHRI A/ 35.0 26.7 19.4 50.9
T3* 46 26.7 19 50.9
T3‡ 46 29 19 39.0
Hot‡ 52 29 19 39.0
Extreme‡ 55 29 19 39.0
‡ conditions used for both split and packaged AC units evaluations © 2020 ASHRAE Learning Institute
R-22 Alternative Refrigerants 157

Refrigerant Manufacturer GWP (AR5)
R-22a - A1 1,760
N-20bb Honeywell A1 904
DR-3b Chemours A2L 146
ARM-20ab (R-457A) ‡ Arkema A2L 139
ARM-20bb‡ Arkema A2L 251
L-20a (R-444B)b‡ Honeywell A2L 295
DR-93b Chemours A1 1,153
DR-7(R-454A)b‡ Chemours A2L 238
R-290a - A3 3
a Sources: IPCC AR5, 2013
b GWP values for refrigerant blends not included in IPCC reports are calculated as a weighted average using manufacturer-supplied compositions.
‡ Alternatives used for both split and packaged AC units evaluations

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R-410A Alternative Refrigerants 158

Refrigerant Manufacturer GWP (AR5)
Safety Class
R-410Aa - A1 1924
L41-2 (R-447A)b Honeywell A2L 572
L41-Z (R-447B)b‡ Honeywell A2L 715
DR-55b (R-452B)‡ Chemours A2L 676
ARM-71ab‡ Arkema A2L 461
HPR-2Ab Mexichem A2L 593
R-32a‡ Daikin A2L 677
a Sources: IPCC AR5, 2013
b GWP values for refrigerant blends not included in IPCC reports are calculated as a weighted average using manufacturer-supplied compositions.
‡ Alternatives used for both split and packaged AC units evaluations

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Experimental Setup – R-22 159

 Unit designed for high ambient performance up to 55°C

 Rated Capacity at ISO T1 (~AHRI A) = 5.28 kW (18 kBtu)
 COP of 2.78 (EER ~ 9.5)
Environmental chambers and code tester

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AHRI A: 35°C Outdoor and 160
27°C Indoor
R-22 w/

L-20a (R-444B) mineral oil
90% ARM-20b
DR-3 DR-93
80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 105%
Cooling Capacity

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Extreme: 55°C Outdoor and 161
29°C Indoor
100% L-20a R-22 w/

95% (R-444B) mineral oil

DR-93 ARM-20b
85% DR-3
80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 105%
Cooling Capacity

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Experimental Setup – R-410A 162

 Unit designed for high

ambient performance
up to 55°C
 Rated Capacity at ISO
T1 (~AHRI A) = 5.28 kW
(18 kBtu)
 COP of 3.37 (EER ~ 11.5)

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AHRI A: 35°C Outdoor and 163
27°C Indoor

105% DR-55 R-32


100% ARM-71a
95% R-410A
L-41 (R-447A)
80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 115%
Cooling Capacity

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Extreme: 55°C Outdoor and 164
29°C Indoor
HPR-2A R-32
105% L-41 (R-447A)

100% ARM-71a

80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 115%
Cooling Capacity

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Packaged AC Units 165

 R-22 Unit (SKM PACL-51095Y)

 380/415V, 3 Ph, 50 Hz
 Capacity*(T1) = 92.8 kBtu/h (27.2 kW)
 EER = N/A
 R-410A Unit (Petra PPH4 115)
 460V, 3 Ph, 60 Hz
 Capacity*(T1) = 132 kBtu/h (~ 38.68 kW)
 EER* = 10.66 (COP ~ 3.12)

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Instrumentations 166

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Performance Relative to R-22 at 35°C 167

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Performance Relative to R-22 at 52°C 168

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Performance Relative to R-410A at 35°C 169

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Performance Relative to R-410A at 52°C 170

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Low-GWP AREP Phase II HAT Matrix 171
Unit Baseline Repo
No. Equipment Type Refrigerant Refrigerants Tested Test type Test Standard rt No.
1 3-ton air source, split R-410A R-32 soft-opt. AHRI Standard 210/240 42
ARM-71a, DR-5A, HPR2A, L-41-1, L-
2 3-ton air source, split R-410A 41-2 drop-in AHRI Standard 210/240 52
3 3-ton air source, split R-410A R-32, DR-5A, L-41-2 drop-in AHRI Standard 210/240 54
R-32, ARM-71a, DR-5A, DR-55, 47 &
4 5-ton air source, RTU R-410A HPR2A, L-41-2 drop-in AHRI Standard 210/240 53

5 6-ton air source, RTU R-410A R-32 soft-opt. AHRI Standard 340/360 55

6 4-ton air source, RTU R-410A R-32, DR-5A, DR-55 soft-opt. AHRI Standard 210/240 56

7 2.5-ton air source, RTU R-22, R410A R-32 soft-opt. AHRI Standard 210/240 57
R-32, ARM-71a, DR-55, HPR2A, L-
8 1.5-ton air source, mini-split R-410A 41-2 soft-opt. AHRI Standard 210/240 62
N-20b, DR-3, ARM-20b, L-20a, DR-
9 1.5-ton air source, mini-split R-22 93, R-290 soft-opt. AHRI Standard 210/240 62
10 2-ton air-to-water chiller R-410A R-32, DR-5A, L-41-1, L-41-2 drop-in Tester defined conditions 46
11 split system commercial ice machine R404A ARM-20b, N-40c drop-in AHRI Standard 810 and 29 45

Source: Karim Amrane and Xudong Wang, “Low-GWP Alternative Refrigerants Evaluation Program Phase II -
Testing Results at High-Ambient Temperature Conditions”, International Roundtable Meeting on Risk Assessment © 2020 ASHRAE Learning Institute
Model for the use of low-GWP Refrigerants in High Ambient Temperature Countries, October 3-4, 2017, Kuwait
AC at Standard Rating Conditions 172

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AC at High Ambient Conditions 173

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Impact of Refrigerant on Compressor 174
Discharge Temperature

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Refrigerant Charge Quantities 175

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Not All Tests are Equal! 176
No. Expansion Valve Lubricant Compressor Charging procedure
4-ton TXV for R410A and Prototype charge was adjusted to match superheat and
1 3-ton TXV for R32 POE for R-32 same subcooling
TXV was used to adjust superheat and charge level
2 adjustable TXV same POE same was adjusted to match subcooling.
use same charge initially, then R32 charge was
3 same TXV same POE same optimized to match subcooling

adjustable stem was charge was adjusted to match the subcooling at

placed on the expansion the “B” test. For DR-55 only: match the superheat
4 valve same POE same and subcooling at the “A” condition.
6.5-ton TXV for R410A Prototype Prototype compressor for R- charge was adjusted to match subcooling and
5 and 4.5-ton TXV for R32 POE for R-32 32 (1.7% bigger Vdisp) superheat

Speed to match capacity the optimum charge was selected to maximize unit
(410A and DR55 at 60Hz, efficiency at “A” condition while also matching the
6 adjustable TXV same POE DR5A at 61Hz, R32 at 55Hz) subcooling

charge was reduced to reach minimum charge with

7 same TXV same POE same subcooling ranging 3-6K.

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Practical Example: R-404A Replacements 177

Natural Non-Flammable Mildly-Flammable

ASHRAE # R-744 R-448A R-455A
GWP 1 1273 (67% reduction 146 (95% reduction
over R-404A) over R-404A)
Composition CO2 R-32/125/134a/1234yf R-32/1234yf/744
/1234ze (21.5/75.5/3.0)
Capacity (% of R- Varies by climate 105 – 115% 102 – 106 %
Evaporator Glide 0 -4°C -6°C
Discharge Temp. > 20°C above R-404A 10 – 20°C above R- 8 – 13°C above R-
404A 404A
Source: Seminar 56 - Low-GWP Alternative Refrigerants and Their Applications, Part 2, 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Michael Petersen,
Experimental Evaluation and Field Trial of Low GWP R404A Replacements for Commercial Refrigeration.

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Cooling COP 178

Source: Seminar 56 - Low-GWP Alternative Refrigerants and Their Applications, Part 2, 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Michael Petersen,
Experimental Evaluation and Field Trial of Low GWP R404A Replacements for Commercial Refrigeration.

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LCCP 179

Source: Seminar 56 - Low-GWP Alternative Refrigerants and Their Applications, Part 2, 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Michael Petersen,
Experimental Evaluation and Field Trial of Low GWP R404A Replacements for Commercial Refrigeration.

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Fractionation of High Glide Ref. 180

Type of Leak Vapor 2-Ph middle of Vapor middle of

Discharge Line condenser condenser
System On On Off
Time (hrs) 1.2 1.2 1.5
Charge % 42% 53% 47%
R-744 (3%) 3.1% 3.8% 3.3%
Composition R-32 (21.5%) 19.2% 20.8% 20.5%
R-1234yf (75.5%) 77.6% 75.5% 76.2%
Impact of Capacity % 93% 97% 99%
Fractionation COP % 100% 100% 100%
Performance Capacity % 97% 99% 100%
after top-off COP % 100% 100% 100%
Source: Seminar 56 - Low-GWP Alternative Refrigerants and Their Applications, Part 2, 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Michael Petersen,
Experimental Evaluation and Field Trial of Low GWP R404A Replacements for Commercial Refrigeration.
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Introduction to Risk Assessment

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Flammability 182

higher than Lower
*Lower Flammability Limit (LFL), usually expressed in
volume per cent, is the lower end of the concentration range
over which a flammable gas can be ignited at a given
temperature and pressure.

Existence of
Ignition Rapid
Source leakage

Probability = [rapid Leakage] x [High Concentration] x [Ignition Source]

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Concept of Risk Assessment 183

The concept behind risk assessment is to define what is an acceptable risk

given the conditions for ignition in a particular location.
To begin: a definition of risk is agreed upon and a matrix of probability vs.
severity is built.
 Risk is a combination of the probability of concurrence of harm and
the severity of that harm.
 Tolerable risk is the level of risk that is accepted in a given context
based on the current acceptable values by a community.
 Residual risk is the risk remaining after reduction measures have been
implemented. Safety is freedom from risk which is not tolerable.

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Tolerable vs. Unacceptable Risk 184

The risk levels depend on the severity of injury, the amount

of damage to the environment, the frequency at which
people are exposed to the danger and the duration of

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Process to build a model 188

 An outline of the methodology and the components that are the basis for the risk
assessment model;
 A model of what data can be collected;
 Information on the regulatory regime and the enforcement mechanisms;
 International standards play a role in the next step of risk assessment in the form
of recommendations for local standards;
 Rigorous regulations as those adopted in other regions must be adapted to HAT
 Stakeholders: governments and local research institutions, industry and private
sector, and UN Environment & UNIDO

The intention is to build a model, not convert it into regulation

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Procedure of Risk Assessment according to ISO/IEC 51 189

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Tolerable Risk 190

Tolerable risk
Product/System Unit Population Usage stage Service stage

Residential AC 1 x 108 1 x 10-10 1 x 10-9

Commercial AC 7.8 x 106 1.3 x 10-9 1.3 x 10-8
VRF 1 x 107 1 x 10-9 1 x 10-8
Chillers 1.34 x 105 7.5 x 10-7 7.5 x 10-7
Condensing units 1.46 x 105 6.9 x 10-8 6.9 x 10-7

Tolerable risk depends on the number of units in the market of the product identified.
Tolerable risk depends on the frequency and severity of the accident.

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Reduction (Mitigation) of Risk: Reiterative FTA
a) Select risk assessment method
Start a, b,
c 191
b) Select product Definition of use d
c) Select stages of the product life, Hazard identification
i.e. usage or service etc. e, f

d) Investigate installation Estimation of risk

g, h, i
e) Determine severity of hazard Evaluation of risk
f) Set tolerance levels
g) Investigate refrigerant leak rate, Is risk Yes
speed and amount k
h) Determine flammable time
volume Risk reduction m
i) Consider ignition sources
Estimation of risk
j) Develop FTA
k) Compare against tolerance Evaluation of risk
l) Evaluate risk against tolerance n
m) Reduce risk with No Residual risk
countermeasures tolerable?
n) Redevelop FTA Yes
o) Confirm and publish
Validation and documentation


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Hands-On Experience

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Hands-On Experience 193

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REFPROP Add-In in Excel 194

 Open my Excel Workbook example

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Summary 195

 Large global pull towards sustainable refrigerant use

 Government
 Industry
 End users
 Several new molecules in new risk classes have been developed or proposed
and are being evaluated
 Some “old refrigerants” (hydrocarbons, CO2, ammonia) are also being
considered or reconsidered for various applications but with new regulations for
their use on a wider basis
 The risk and hazard evaluations of using flammable refrigerants in applications
where they have not been used before or using 2L refrigerants is still a work in
progress. Liability and public safety concerns are powerful forces that must be

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Summary (continued) 196

 Using small charge amounts (150 gm) is one strategy to enable use of flammable
refrigerants, such charges are used in domestic refrigerators
 Limited amounts of Class 2L (300 gm to 500 gm) refrigerants are being used in
small room AC units in Asia
 Around the world, safety standards for the use of flammable refrigerants are still
being finalized. This is work in progress
 ASHRAE Standard 15, ASHRAE Standard 15.2 for domestic AC
 EN378, IEC 60335-2-NN, ISO 817, and ISO 5149 internationally
 Building codes in the United States and internationally must be updated, and this is
expected to occur 2020 to 2023.
 Refrigerant sellers and distributors provide safe-handling instructions for their

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Setting the Stage for 197
New Refrigerants
 Non-flammable alternatives limits for different baselines
 R-123: <10 GWP available
 R-134a: 400 to 600 GWP
 R-404A: 1200–1400 GWP
 R-410A: all 2L class
 Need to work with flammability as a new design variable
 Harness additional opportunities from zeotropic mixtures
 Don’t fear product fragmentation by refrigerants—we are at the age of
customized industry (3-D printing)

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Resources: 198

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Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this report is correct, neither the
author nor ASHRAE assumes, and hereby disclaim any liability to users of this information for any loss,
damage, or injury caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence,
accident, changing regulations, or any other cause.

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Omar Abdelaziz: [email protected]
Bassam Elassaad: [email protected]

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Evaluation and Certificate 201

ASHRAE values your comments about this course. Please complete the
course evaluation form and return it to the appropriate course
representative. You will then receive your Certificate of Attendance.

If you have any questions about ASHRAE Certificates or ASHRAE courses,

please contact Ayah Said at [email protected].

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ASHRAE Professional Certification 202

ASHRAE has certified more than 2200 professionals

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 Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP)
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The presentation has ended. The following charts are
for your information going forward. References and
links to internet- based information are provided to
enable the user to find updated information going
forward as the regulatory environment solidifies.

Background Information

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References 204
 ACHR News. The Professor’s Lesson on HFO, HC Refrigerants: Next-Gen Fluids Each Offer Unique
Traits, Characteristics.
 ASHRAE. 2007. ASHRAE Standard 97-2007, Sealed glass tube method to test the chemical stability for
materials for use within refrigeration systems. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
 ASHRAE. 2016. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2016, Safety standard for refrigeration systems. Atlanta:
 ASHRAE. 2016. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2016, Designation and classification of refrigerants.
Atlanta: ASHRAE.
 ASTM. 2009. ASTM E681-09, Standard Test Method for Concentration Limits of Flammability of
Chemicals (Vapors and Gases ). ASTM International: West Conshohocken, PA.
 EU. 2014. EU F-Gas Regulation, Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the
council 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing regulation (EC) No 842/2006.
European Union: Brussels, Belgium.

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References 205
 EPA. Refrigeration and air conditioning.
 EPA. 2015. Protection of stratospheric ozone : Change of listing status for certain substitutes under
the Significant New Alternatives Policy Program: Final Rule. Federal Register 80(138):42870–959.
Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
 EPA. 2016. Protection of stratospheric ozone : New listings of substitutes: Changes of listing status
and reinterpretation of unacceptability for closed cell foam products under Significant New
Alternatives Policy Program; and revision of Clean Air Act Section 608 Venting Prohibition for
Propane: Final Rule. Federal Register 81(231):86778–895. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.
 EPA. 2016. Protection of stratospheric ozone: Update to the refrigerant management requirements
under the Clean Air Act: Final Rule. Federal Register 81(223):82272–395. Washington, DC: U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
 UN. 2016. Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
Decisions XXVIII/1 and XXVIII/2. New York: United Nations.

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References 206
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