Property Measurement-Pvt: Abstract - The Experiment Was Carried Out To

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PROPERTY MEASUREMENT-PVT Experiment 2 : Gay-Lussac Experimet

( Nur Aqila Binti Mohamad ) ( 2018660614 )  To determine the relationship between

temperature and pressure of an ideal gas
Abstract – The experiment was carried out to
investigate the properties measurement/PVT. A Experiment 3 : Isentropic Experiment
customarily designed and developed equipment
called The Perfect Gas Law Apparatus was  To demonstrate isentropic expansion
provided for a better comprehensive process.
understanding of the First Law of Experiment 4 : Determination of ratio of heat
Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics capacity
and the relationship between P-V-
T. There were four experiments being carried out.  To determine the ratio of heat capacity
Firstly, we started off with the Boyle’s experiment
where the relationship between pressure and
volume of an ideal gas was to be determined. The An ideal gas is a gas whose pressure P, volume V,
experiment was repeated three times. Initially, and temperature T are related by the ideal gas law:
from pressurized chamber to atmospheric PV = nRT. where n is the number of moles of the
chamber. Followed by, atmospheric chamber to gas and R is the ideal gas constant. Ideal gases are
vacuum chamber. Lastly, from pressurized defined as having molecules of negligible size with
chamber to vacuum chamber. an average molar kinetic energy dependent only
on temperature.
To determine the relationship between
pressure and temperature of an ideal gas, Gay- Boyle’s Law’s an experimental gas law
Lussac experiment was executed. To get the that describes how the pressure of a gas tends to
average value of the temperature at pressurize increase as the volume of the container decreases.
and depressurize vessel, three trials were done. In A modern statement of Boyle's law is the absolute
third experiment, to demonstrate the isentropic pressure exerted by a given mass of an ideal gas is
expansion of gases, the isentropic expansion is to inversely proportional to the volume it occupies if
be determined. The ratio of the heat capacity was the temperature and amount of gas remain
determined in the last experiment. unchanged within a closed system.

I.INTRODUCTION Boyle's law is expressed as:

The perfect gas law apparatus was introduced to PiVI = PfVf
students in order for the students to better
comprehend the fundamental of the First Law of Where,
Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics
Pi = initial pressure
and the relationship between P-V-T. The apparatus
consists of two frame mounted interconnected Vi = initial volume
transparent and rigid vessels, with one vessel
equipped for operation under pressure and the Pf = final pressure
second vessel under vacuum.
Vf = final volume
The vessel is pressurised and vacuumed using an
electrical air pump together with valves and
tappings. The vessels are independent and can also Because the temperature and the amount of gas
be used together to enable the study of various don't change, these terms don't appear in the
thermodynamic processes. equation. This linear relationship between
II. OBJECTIVES pressure and volume means doubling the volume
of a given mass of gas decreases its pressure by
Experiment 1: Boyle’s Law Experiment. half.
 To determine the correlation between Gay-Lussac's law states that the pressure
pressure and volume of an ideal gas. of a given mass of gas varies directly with the
absolute temperature of the gas, when the volume
is kept constant. When the temperature of a  V is the volume
sample of gas in a rigid container is increased, the
pressure of the gas increases as well. The increase R is the ideal, or universal, gas constant, equal to
in kinetic energy results in the molecules of gas the product of the Boltzmann constant and the
striking the walls of the container with more force, Avogadro constant,
resulting in a greater pressure.
In this equation the symbol R is a constant
The equation for Gay-Lussac's Law is: called the universal gas constant that has the same
value for all gases—namely, R = 8.31 J/mol K.
𝑃₁ 𝑃₂
= The isentropic process (a special case of
𝑇 𝑇₂
adiabatic process) can be expressed with the ideal
gas law as:

T1 = Initial Temperature

P1 = Initial Pressure PV K = constant

T2 = Final Temperature or

P2 = Final Pressure

An isentropic process is a thermodynamic P 1V 1 K = P 2V 2 K

process, in which the entropy of the fluid or gas
remains constant. It means the isentropic process
is a special case of an adiabatic process in which In which κ = cp/cv is the ratio of the specific heats
there is no transfer of heat or matter. It is a (or heat capacities) for the gas. One for constant
reversible adiabatic process. pressure (cp) and one for constant volume (cv).
Note that, this ratio κ = cp/cv is a factor in
The entropy of a given mass does not change
determining the speed of sound in a gas and other
during a process that is internally reversible and
adiabatic processes
adiabatic. A process during which the entropy
remains constant is called an isentropic process,
∆𝑠 = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 s1= s2. Some examples of theoretically IV. APPARATUS
isentropic thermodynamic devices are pumps, gas Gas Expansion Apparatus
compressors, turbines, nozzles, and diffusers.
Heat capacity or thermal capacity is a
physical property of matter, defined as the amount Experiment 1: Boyle’s Law Experiment
of heat to be supplied to a given mass of a material
1. The General Start-up Procedures in section 5.1
to produce a unit change in its temperature.
was performed. All the valves are ensure to be
In an ideal gas, molecules have no volume closed.
and do not interact. According to the ideal gas law,
2. The compressive pump is switched on and the
pressure varies linearly with temperature and
pressure inside the chamber is allowed to increase
quantity, and inversely with volume.
up to 150 kPa. Then, the pump was switched off
and the hose was removed from the chamber

pV = nRT 3. The pressure inside the chamber was monitored

until it stabilises.
4. The pressure reading for both chambers before
expansion were recorded.
 p is the absolute pressure of the gas 5. V 02 was fully opened and the pressurized air
 n is the amount of substance was allowed to flow into the atmospheric
 T is the absolute temperature chamber.

6. The pressure reading for both chambers after 4. The pressure reading inside the chamber was
expansion were recorded. monitored until it stabilises. The pressure reading
PT 1 and the temperature TT 1 were recorded.
7. The experimental procedures were repeated for
the following conditions :- 5. The, valve V 01 was let opened slightly and the
air was allowed to flow out slowly until it reaches
a. From atmosphheric chamber to vacuum
atmospheric pressure.
b. From pressurized chamber to vacuum 6. The pressure reading and the temperature
chamber reading after the expansion were recorded.
8. The PV value was calculated and Boyle’s Law 7. The isentropic expansion process were discussed.
was proven.
Experiments 4: Determination of ratio of heat
Experiment 2: Gay-Lussac Experiment capacity
1. The General Start-up Procedures in section 5.1 1. The General Start-up Procedures in section 5.1
was performed. All the valves are ensure to be was performed. All the valves are ensure to be
closed. closed.
2. The hose from compressive pump was 2. The hose from the compressive pump was
connected to the pressurized chamber. connected to the pressurized chamber.

3. The compressive pump was switched on and the 3. The compressive pump was switched on and the
temperature of increment for every 10kPa in the pressure inside the chamber was allowed to
chamber were recorded. The pump was stopped increase to 160 kPa. Then, the pump was switched
when the pressure PT1 has reached about 160 kPa. off and the hose from the chamber was removed.
4. Then, valve V 01 was let opened slightly and the 4. The pressure inside the chamber was monitored
pressurized air was allowed to flow out. The until it stabilizes. The pressure reading PT 1 and
temperature reading for every increment of 10 kPa temperature reading TT 1 were recorded.
were recorded.
5. Valve V 01 was fully opened and it was brought
5. The experiment was stopped when the pressure back to the closed position after a few seconds.
had reached the atmospheric pressure. The pressure reading PT 1 AND TT 1 were
monitored and recorded until it become stabilizes.
6. The experiment was repeated three times to get
the average value. 6. The ratio of the heat capacity was determined
and compared with the theoretical value.
7. Graph of pressure versus temperature was

Experiment 3: Isentropic Expansion Process VI. RESULTS & CALCULATION

1. The General Start-up Procedures in section 5.1 Experiment 1: Boyle’s Law Experiment
was performed. All the valves are ensure to be
closed. Condition 1: From pressurized vessel to
atmospheric vessel
2. The hose from compressive pump was
connected to the pressurized chamber.

3. The compressive pump was switched on and the

pressure inside the chamber was allowed to
increase until about 160 kPa. Then, the pump was
switched on and the hose from the chamber was

Before expansion After expansion

PT 1 ( kPa abs ) 154.5 143.8

PT 2 ( kPa abs ) 126.1 142.3

Condition 2: From atmospheric vessel to vacuum vessel Experiment 2: Gay-Lussac Experiment

Before After For Trial 1

PT 1 ( kPa abs ) 143.2 114.8

Pressure Temperature ( ℃ )
PT 2 ( kPa abs ) 59.8 113.6 ( kPa abs )
Pressurize Depressurize

Condition 3: From pressurized vessel to vacuum vessel 110 32.5 31.6

Before After 120 32.6 32.0

PT 1 ( kPa abs ) 151.1 120.5 130 33.2 32.4

PT 2 ( kPa abs ) 61.8 118.9 140 34.1 33.2

150 35.0 32.7

Sample Calculation :- 160 35.6 35.3

For condition 1: From pressurized vessel to

atmosphheric vessel.
For Trial 2
V1 = 0.025m3
V2 = 0.01237m3 Pressure Temperature ( ℃ )
By using Boyle’s Law, ( kPa abs )
P1V1 = P2V2 Pressurize Depressurize

110 31.2 32.5

( 154.5 x 0.025 ) + ( 126.1 x 0.01237 ) =
( 143.8 x 0.025 ) + ( 142.3 x 0.01237 ) 120 31.6 33.9

130 32.2 35.0

5.4224 = 5.3553
140 33.3 35.3
The difference is only 0.06715, therefore the Boyle’s
Law is verified. 150 34.3 36.0
For Trial 3 160 36.3 36.1

Pressure Temperature ℃)
( kPa abs
( kPa abs ) ) Temperature (℃)
110 32.6 Depressurize
110 120 31.732.8 32.1

120 32.0 33.2

130 33.4 Graph of pressure against temperature
130 32.6 34.4

140 140 33.534.0 35.4

Experiment 3: Isentropic Expansion Process
150 150 34.534.7 36.1
Before expansion After expansion
160 160 35.535.1 36.4
PT 1 ( kPa abs ) 161.6 110.3

TT 1 ( ℃ ) 36.0 33.0

For isentropic process :-

= 𝑃₂( 𝑘 )
𝑇₁ 𝑃₁
K= 1.4
( 33/36 ) = 110.3 0.2857
( )
0.9167 = 0.8966

The difference is 2.01%. The isentropic expansion is

Experiment 4: Determination of ratio of heat capacity VIII. CONCLUSION

To conclude the experiment, the experiments of

Before expansion After expansion Boyle’s Law, Gay-Lussac’s Law, Isentropic
expansion Process and ratio of Heat Capacity were
PT 1 ( kPa abs ) 161.6 110.3
conducted to determine the properties
TT 1 ( ℃ ) 36.0 33.0 measurement PVT. Despite having errors while
conducting the experiment, we managed to pull
𝑘−1 through and obtained values with high accuracy.
𝑇₂ 𝑃₂( 𝑘 ) The objective of these experiments were achieved.
𝑇₁ 𝑃₁ K = 1.15

llax error had occurred due to the apparatus being
𝑘−1 situated much higher than the observer’s eyes. It is
33 110.3( 𝑘 a
) recommended to lower the table so that a more
= accurate value is obtained. Multiple trials were
36 161.6 a
also done to get the average value.
The difference with the ideal value which is 1.4, is
only 0.25. The difference is only 0.06715.
1. SOLTEQ, Perfect Gas Expansion
VII. DISCUSSION file:///C:/Users/Hp/Downloads/24445
Starting with the first experiment, which was the
Boyle’s Law, the data tabulated was calculated pdf%20(1).pdf
using the formula P1V1 = P2V2 2. Ilearn,
3. Scribd,
It was found that, the value of P1V1 is very close /188076994/Properties-
to the value of P2V2. The value slightly vary due Measurement- PVT-Lab-Report-Uitm
to some errors occurred during the experiment. 4.
Hence, we can say that, the Boyle’s Law is proven. engineering/thermodynamics/thermodyn
As what has being stated by the Gay-Lussac’s Law,
pressure is proportional to temperature. This
statement is supported by the graph that has
5. October 23rd, 2019, Wikipedia, Heat
been plotted above. As pressure increases, the
temperature increases with a constant volume.
The depressurize line plotted to have the highest
temperature as the pressure increase as to
6. June 6, 2019, Chemistry Libretexts,
compared to the pressurize line.
For the third experiment, we have proven the ard_University/Howard%3A_Physical_Che
isentropic expansion by calculating tabulated mistry_Laboratory/8._Heat_Capacity_Rati
data with the formula os_for_Gases_(Cp%2F%2FCv)
7. November 2, 2019, Wikipedia, Gay-
( Lussac’s Law,

𝑇₂ 𝑃₂ ) Lussac%27s_law
𝑇₁ = 𝑃₁
With the value of ideal K=1.4, it has found that the
calculation had only 2.01%.
For the last experiment, The K value was
calculated to be 1.14 which has only 0.25
difference in value.


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