Spouses Chua v. Tan-Sollano

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Administrative Law Case Digest Pasquin, Irish Mae

Sps. Chua vs. SKCP Tan-Sollano

FACTS: Spouses Chua filed an administrative complaint against the respondents for
dismissing their complaint against Atty. Tasarra and others for perjury and False Testimony.
According to the spouses, the dismissal of their complaint was highly irregular as the
prosecution presented an airtight case.
ISSUE/S: WON the respondents should be held administratively liable.

In administrative proceedings, the complainant has the burden of proving with substantial
evidence the allegations in the complaint. Mere allegation is not evidence and is not
equivalent to proof."

Here, considering that Spouses Chua failed to present substantial proof to show the
prosecutors' culpability, the Court cannot rule out the possibility that the instant
administrative case was ill motivated being retaliatory in nature and aimed at striking back at
them for having participated in the dismissal of XV-07-INV-15J-05513, either as
investigating prosecutor or approving officer. In the absence of contrary evidence, what will
prevail is the presumption that the prosecutors involved herein have regularly performed their
official duties.

Moreover, in Maquiran v. Judge Grageda,   the Court held that alleged error committed by
judges in the exercise of their adjudicative functions cannot be corrected through
administrative proceedings but should instead be assailed through judicial remedies. 1Here,
the same principle applies to prosecutors who exercise adjudicative functions in the
determination of the existence of probable cause to hold the accused for trial in court.

Verily, an administrative complaint is not an appropriate remedy where judicial recourse is

still available, such as a motion for reconsideration, an appeal, or a petition for certiorari.  In
the present case, as narrated by Spouses Chua, XV-07-INV-15J-05513 is still pending and
active. As such, Spouses Chua still has remedies to contest said ruling.

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