Fortune Research - EFERT - Staying Afloat Despite Regulatory Headwinds (Detailed Report)
Fortune Research - EFERT - Staying Afloat Despite Regulatory Headwinds (Detailed Report)
Fortune Research - EFERT - Staying Afloat Despite Regulatory Headwinds (Detailed Report)
The government has enacted policies to enhance agricultural productivity with major
funding allocated through PM National Emergency Program (financed through PSDP
releases) and the wider disbursements of agricultural credit to improve stagnant
productivity of important crops like wheat, rice, sugar and cotton.
GDP growth rate in comparison to agriculture growth rate
Source: NFDC, Economic Survey, Fortune Research Source: NFDC, Economic Survey, Fortune Research
Special measures have been proposed in the PM National Emergency Program with 3
Water availability has been a key
concern for Pakistan and
projects initiated under a combined allocation of PKR 220bn to reduce water logging
government has proposed projects and salinity across the agricultural strip; promoting an equitable distribution of water
to the tune of PKR 220bn to curtail across districts, improving crop yields to ensure food security, construction of high
water problems efficiency drip & sprinkler irrigation system, construction of small ponds and water
retaining reservoirs etc.
Declining agricultural land pressurizing already stagnant productivity
With major emphasis substantiated towards water availability, the goal of bringing
additional land under production has also been earmarked. The 3.8% decline in area
under cultivation of five major crops in FY19 can be attributed towards a multitude of
Unfavorable weather conditions at vital stages of crop development (a 2-5 degree
Celsius increase in Sep’19 compared to previous years) has put severe pressure on
cotton production
The outbreak of whitefly pests and the locusts attack damaging standing crops
and trimming down production
Quickly diminishing economic returns for farmers owing to inflationary pressures
in input materials
Source: *5 major crops, Economic Survey, Fortune Research Source: Economic Survey, Fortune Research
PKR 19.3bn, PKR 11.4bn and PKR Three specific projects have been initiated to provide productivity enhancement for
3.9bn have been allocated for the wheat, rice and sugar-cane; over a 5-year period. The funds allocated will be utilized
productivity enhancement of to upgrade crop processing methods with the use of modern machinery and abundant
wheat, rice and sugarcane, availability of high yielding crop inputs (certified seeds).
Another agricultural program of National Oilseeds Enhancement Program has also
been prioritized with PKR 10.2bn proposed to be invested over a period of 5 years, in
which a subsidy mechanism has been revitalized. Up to 20 acres of land, a subsidy of
PKR 5000/acre has been provided as a relief to the farmers, and another subsidy of
50% has been granted for the purchase of oilseed machinery.
Product mix of fertilizers
Urea has been the preferred fertilizer of farmers, whose product share has averaged
Urea and DAP have been the leading
66% during the last decade. It contains the highest nitrogen nutrient of any product,
fertilizer nutrients in the demand
giving the nutrient-deficient soil of the country some much needed boost to improve
and make up a share of 65% and
crop yields. While urea burdens the responsibility of being the biggest nitrogen-based
21%, respectively
nutrient provider, DAP fulfills the phosphoric needs with its high water solubility,
couple with concentrated 46% phosphoric content and increased effectiveness in
developing the root structure of plants. DAP is the most heavily imported fertilizer
commodity as its production is only carried out by FFBL (capacity of 675 ktons) with
EFERT, FFC and a bunch of small players importing from Chinese and Gulf markets to
fulfill the demand of Pakistan. DAP’s share in the overall product mix averaged 20%
over the past decade.
Products ('000 tons) CY19 CY18 YoY % share
Urea 6,228 5,811 7% 65%
DAP 2,031 2,241 -9% 21%
NP 544 453 20% 6%
CAN 472 609 -22% 5%
NPK 72 68 5% 1%
SSP 65 101 -36% 1%
Others 149 103 45% 2%
TOTAL 9,561 9,387 2%
Source: NFDC, Fortune Research
In spite of a 9.1% decline in DAP offtake during CY19 (2.03 mntons), FFBL still managed
to maintain their DAP sales at c.700 ktons improving its presence to 34% (+3.2ppt).
FFC & EFERT both witnessed substantial decline in their offtake numbers (51%/16%
YoY) bearing the brunt of low demand caused by import compression and weakening
currency sweeping the country.
Post BMR in CY09, FFC has been producing above its installed capacity, consistently
clocking c.120% utilization levels. EFERT has 2 urea plants; Base & EnVen. Their strategy
involves maximizing production from EnVen plant and subsequently relying on Base
plant to touch 2mn production level. Fatimafert and Agritech plant rely on SNGPL
network (also recipients of RLNG). FATIMA has been utilizing its urea plant at an average
utilization of 90% over CY15-19.
Fatimafert & AGL capturing market share (‘000 tons) Dec'19 changing dynamics (‘000 tons)
With agricultural sector shouldering the burden of moving the growth needle of the
CY19 changed the momentum for
economy, we expect these historical levels to sustain during the short to medium
the industry right at the turn of the
term. Our investment case predicts a moderate 1% offtake growth in urea in CY20
year. Agriculture sector will likely
stirred by the slashing of GIDC cess subsequently leading to decline in prices, efforts
provide much needed impetus to
to bring additional agricultural land under cultivation of wheat, sugarcane and cotton
Pakistan’s economic cycle
(whose fertilizer mix is heavily nitrogen based) and the steep differential to DAP prices.
During the long-run, we could foresee urea demand declining from their peak levels
and normalizing towards 5.8-6.0 mntons figure as the country will move towards
nutritionally more suitable fertilizers with CAN and NP witnessing an uptick in their
The road to self-sustainability in urea
The unavailability of gas (the main raw material) was the main reason behind
Pakistan’s net importer status of urea during the initial half of last decade (avg. of 940
ktons imported every year during CY11-15). Urea industry offtake has ranged between
Demand vs Supply (‘000 tons)
Declining mkt. share (‘000 tons) Shouldering declining DAP demand (‘000 tons)
Our investment case also involves the end of concessionary gas agreement in 2QCY23
substantially increasing production costs from EnVen, compelling the company to seek
new avenues to drive growth. Coincidentally, the slight decline in nitrogen-based
products in the long term is also projected to occur during the infamous post-
concessionary period dangerously looming over EFERT’s horizon exerting even further
downside pressure on prices with EFERT likely to bear additional brunt of this
development (assuming lower capacity of EFERT to pass on inflationary costs).
Shedding the net importer status
With the country’s status as a net importer of urea during CY11-15, the industry did
not experience any inventory pileup situation, but with the supply of undisrupted gas
from Mari network from CY15 onwards, the sector started to utilize its unused
Heavy Importer (CY11-CY15) (‘000 tons)
Higher production in CY19 was Subsidy, Exports and Improved production (CY16-19) (‘000 tons)
owing to LNG allocation to non-
operating urea plants. Demand of Gas hikes
urea is expected to remain flat inflate costs
Exports above
going forward, in our view approved PKR2000/bag
by ECC
Source: NFDC, Fortune Research Source: Commodity Market Outlook (World Bank), Fortune Research
The massive decline from CY15 to CY16 can be attributed towards the removal of GIDC
cess from cost calculations. The gradual inclination witnessed from CY18-CY22 has the
average devaluation of 6% of PKR relative to USD to thank. With this looming
competitive advantage scheduled to end in CY23, the full force of this phenomena will
be felt by the company in gross margins as they are projected to fall by c. 9ppts during
CY23-24 (assuming these cost-push pressures are not passed on).
But will this advantage stand in the face of impending hike?
The government in the heat of food security concerns and food inflation outruns has
deferred the gas hike till the start of next fiscal year in a bid to pass on the impact of
lower input costs to farmers. With increasing regulatory influence on the sector’s
pricing in spite of being a deregulated market according to Fertilizer Policy 2001, it’s
definitely a likelihood that significant pushback will be received to maintain local
prices at depressed levels.
FFC has backed their stance of not proportionally passing on the GIDC impact based
on this rationale. Similarly, it would be a difficult scenario for EFERT (in spite of
possessing superior cost structure), if inflationary pressures are not passed on.
EPS (PKR) GM (%) EPS (PKR) GM (%)
1,021 10.90 11.72 31.42% 300 10.90 11.72 31.42%
1,343 10.43 10.75 30.55% 315 10.82 11.57 31.29%
1,672 9.95 9.75 29.66% 706 8.96 7.70 27.81%
Source: Fortune Research Source: Fortune Research
Recommendation OGRA: PKR 1,343/mmbtu Recommendation OGRA: PKR 706/mmbtu
MoF: 1,672/mmbtu MoF: PKR 315/mmbtu
EFERT Accruals After-tax EPS impact Net cash adj. Net cash adj.
Waived off Waived off Subsidy rec. GST rec.
(PKRmn) impact (PKR) impact impact (PKR)
Acronyms Rating
bps basis points LCY Local Currency BUY TSR > 15%
BVPS Book Value per share MRP Market risk premium HOLD -10% > TSR > 15%
CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate NAV Net Asset Value SELL TSR < -10%
CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model NPV Net Present Value
DCF Discounted Cash Flow PB Price-to-Book Value NR Not Rated
DDM Discounted Dividend Model PCF Price-to-cash flow TSR = Capital gain + DY
DE Debt-to-Equity PE Price-to-Earnings Old Rating
DPS Dividend per share PKR Pakistani Rupee Overweight TSR > 15%
DY Dividend yield ppt percentage point Marketweight 0% > TSR > 15%
EPS Earnings per share PS Price-to-Sales
Underweight TSR < 0%
EUR Euro PV Present Value
EV Enterprise Value RFR Risk-free rate
EVA Economic Value Added RI Residual Income
FCF Free Cash Flow ROA Return on Assets
FCFE Free Cash Flow to Equity ROE Return on Equity
FCFF Free Cash Flow to Firm SOTP Sum Of The Parts
FCY Foreign Currency TP Target Price
g Growth TSR Total Stock Return
IRR Internal Rate of Return USD US Dollars
JPBV Justified Price-to-Book Value WACC Weighted average cost of capital
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