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International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 1

Volume 6, No. 3, March 2017

Evaluation of Indore BRT: Passengers’ Perception of Services

and Improvement Opportunities
Sudhanshu Dube, Associate Professor, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth University, Indore
Sandeep Narulkar, Professor, Civil Engineering, S.G.S.I.T.S., Indore
O. P. Bhatia, Ex-Director and Ex Professor and Head, Civil Engineering, SGSITS, Indore
Omprakash, HOD, Civil, SGVU Jaipur

ABSTRACT distances. The demand is met either by an increased

vehicular population owing to private vehicle ownership
In the whole world the Bus Rapid Transit Systems are or by increasing the public transit facilities. The former
gaining popularity since is low investment option in mode is on a rampant trend in India. This is heading to
comparison to the rail transit but has facilities tending to traffic congestions, environmental pollution and energy
the rail transit. In India, under Jawaharlal Nehru National security issues in urban areas of India. In India personal
Urban Renewal Mission Scheme many of the cities have ownership of vehicles is a status symbol and progress of
opted for the system. One of the main aims of the mission an individual is assessed by the size of the vehicle a person
was to provide safe and quality transport system and owns. The open market economy and the easy credit
hence the Bus Rapid Transit Systems were encouraged. schemes have added fire to the trend of personal
Indore Bus Rapid Transit System has been working since motorization. This is an unsustainable trend. It is widely
May, 2013 and has been successfully operating to serve as recognised that attempts to address unsustainable patterns
a rapid dedicated corridor for bus passengers. There have of travel involve a detailed understanding of travel
been public interest litigations which include demanding behaviour and the reasons for choosing one mode of
scrapping the system and running the buses in mixed transport over another. The arguments for car use,
vehicle lanes. The system in Indore has 11.4 km straight including convenience, speed, comfort and individual
corridor along an old highway transecting the city. The freedom, are well known (Anable, 2004).
present study aims at evaluating the performance of the
system based on the perception of services and The latter mode that is the public transportation (or transit)
improvement opportunities. A questionnaire was prepared is more sustainable if it is planned, designed and operated
and opinion of 368 passengers was collected and to cover a larger area and larger population. According to
analyzed. It was found that on majority of the questions, Litman (2012), “Public Transit (also called public
the passengers have shown satisfaction and have transportation and mass transit) includes various services
overwhelmingly appreciated the system. However, there that provide mobility to the general public in shared
are certain points which require proper attention and if vehicles, including shuttle vans, local and intercity buses,
such corrections are made it will improve the performance and passenger rail.”Laying the stress on the increased
of the system. safety of an individual, Litman (2013) states, „Public
transportation is a very safe mode of travel, and total per
Keywords capita traffic casualties tend to decline as public transit
ridership increases in a community.” In Indian context the
Bus Rapid Transit System, Speed, Reliability, Comfort, public transit in most of the Tier II cities are dominated by
Safety Para-Transit mode of transport and the buses. It is
necessary to promote measures that can reduce private
INTRODUCTION transport dependence and increase public transport use.
This is not an easy task because there is an underlying
Population explosion in the cities of India is one of the
resistance of people to move from private to public
major environmental challenges of our time. Major reason
transport (STIMULUS, 1999).
of the population explosion is not biologic but
indiscriminate migration of rural population. India is There is a difference in the rail transit and bus transit in a
experiencing the menace of swollen cities with least sense that the rail transit has a fixed corridor and
amenities. Larger cities have larger transportation unobstructed movement but the buses normally share the
demands in terms of traffic volumes and the travel

Impact Factor: 5.913

International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 2
Volume 6, No. 3, March 2017

roads which have mixed traffic conditions. Rail transport systems worldwide. A study by Hidalgo and Pai (2010)
and its modern form is a fast mode but requires huge the Delhi BRT Corridor has been carried out for the
initial investments. The vehicles of public transportation lessons learnt and recommendations. They mention, „One
especially the buses face tremendous impedance in of the initial projects in India, the Delhi Bus Corridor, has
moving on the city roads. This leaves the bus operated been controversial: media outlets highlighted problems for
public transport a slow moving transport system and more the general traffic and safety, while user surveys showed
and more people develop an aversion for the use of public improved perception by bus users, bicyclists and
transport. According to Deng and Nelson (2013), “Bus pedestrians. The discussion of the benefits and problems
services are often criticized for the slow operational speed of the corridor has been mostly based in perceptions and
and infrequent, inconvenient and unreliable service. As a prejudices.‟ Gautam Raj et al. (2013) carried out a traffic
rubber tyre system, the BRT system needs to overcome the simulation study on VSSIM Software to evaluate the Delhi
negative perception of bus services through effective BRT Corridor to assess the speed, travel time, delay and
marketing, branding and the modern design of buses and capacity. DEng and Nelson (2013) evaluated Beijing BRT
stations.” Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) is a concept and concluded that it is one of the key measures for
in which the buses are plied on a dedicated corridor. BRT promoting sustainable mobility. Hidalgo et al. (2013)
has been defined by the Transit Cooperative Research evaluated the Bogota Mass Transit System which has BRT
Programs “a rapid mode of transportation that can provide as a major component on the issues of cost-benefit
the quality of rail transit and the flexibility of buses” (BRT analysis including monetary valuation of direct impacts on
Reference Guide). ITDP (2007) has more elaborate travel time and travel cost and externalities, such as
definition, “Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a high-quality bus- improved road safety and air quality, impacts on crime,
based transit system that delivers fast, comfortable, and land values, employment and tax revenue etc. They
cost-effective services at metro-level capacities. It does conclude that though the system has improved on all these
this through the provision of dedicated lanes, with bus- points but further improvement in the services are
ways and iconic stations typically aligned to the centre of required. Gandhi et al. (2013) compare two designs of
the road, off-board fare collection, and fast and frequent BRT System viz., the open system and the closed system
operations and excellence in marketing and customer to establish the usefulness of the BRT system. Their
services.” results show that bus operational speeds in open systems
are approximately 25% less than those in closed systems
In India, under JNNURM Scheme many of the cities have however, the passenger speed is more in open system for a
opted for development of a BRT system. One of the main shorter journey. Nelson has presented the performance and
aims of the JNNURM was to provide safe and quality benefits of the BRT System. Present study is also aimed at
transport system and BRT system was encouraged. A evaluation of Indore BRT according to Passengers‟
detail on aspects of BRT systems in India are found in the Perception of services. The details of the study and the
report by UNEP (2013). The Janmarg system in findings are presented in following paragraphs.
Ahmedabad demonstrates how fast a BRT system can
become the backbone of a city‟s transport network. What BRTS INDORE
began as a 12.5 km pilot corridor in 2009 is expected to
span 88 km by 2013, providing connectivity across the Indore a two tier city in central India with population 2.3
city‟ (ITDP, 2011).In Indore a BRTS system(closed type) million having rapidly growing urban area , growing
has been executed for a length of 11.5 km on east while traffic congestion and air pollution ,also growing
National Highway No. 3 connecting Mumbai and Agra. accidents. Looking to these problems Indore BRTS Project
The BRT system is laid between Niranjanpur in north to was started in the Yr. 2013 with road length of 11.5 km
Rajeev Gandhi Chouraha is south of Indore city in the year from Niranjanpur to Rajeev Gandhi Intersection with the
2013.More details and the features of the Indore BRT objective of integrated model public transport which was
system are presented in following text. Presently there are fast comfortable safe reliable and eco friendly. It is closed
other cities in India which either have a BRT system or type of BRT with 20 median stations and 1 kerb station.
have been proposed. The cities are Pune, Bhopal, Rajkot, The buses are called i-Bus. The bus stations are featured
Chennai etc. with enclosed premises which incorporate sliding screen
doors, staffed ticket booths, information booths and
The evaluation of BRT system is an important aspect as displays, bus arrival information displays, limited seating
regards the improvements of the system are concerned. provisions, Wi-Fi facilities etc. Platforms are level with
Many researchers and agencies have evaluated the BRT the bus floors for quick and easy boarding, accessible for

Impact Factor: 5.913

International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 3
Volume 6, No. 3, March 2017

disabled passengers and children with minimum delay. incidentally are intellectuals also. These citizens have
Ticketing is done off board and checking is done in the either not understood the woes of a common person
buses. 34 i-Buses with ridership of 45,000 passengers/day staying in a large city and spending much time in slow
at an average is running successfully with frequency of 4 moving public transport which is devoid of many
minutes, so the waiting time and overcrowding of facilities. These intellectual citizens have an eye on
passengers is reduced significantly. Indore BRT system additional right of the way that will be available once the
has high capacity, high quality, air-conditioned buses with BRT system is scrapped. Though, BRT systems occupy a
capacity to carry 80 passengers at a time. The buses are substantial share of right of the way of any road the
having separate seating arrangements for ladies and gents passenger carrying capacity is much more and the speed of
also separate exit for females. In the beginning the buses the BRT buses is quite competitive with that f the personal
were carrying an average of 2,046 passengers per day but vehicles. If operated with proper systems such as smart
now the number of passengers have increased up to 45000 ticketing, inclusive planning etc. The BRT can be proven
passengers per day .Also now the waiting time for bus to be a boon for a city‟s transportation system in terms of
passenger has reduced up to 3 minutes from 10 minutes at reduced congestion and low carbon emissions. The
the beginning and now there is 26% increase in journey present study is aimed at an evaluation based on the public
speed (Source: Indore BRTS Wikipedia and information opinion about the BRT System and its operation.
from AICTSL office)
Present study is based on a survey carried out amongst the
In a recent decision a BRT system running in Delhi has users of BRT to gain a feed back of the system and its
been insistently planned to be scrapped. Litigations are operation. In all 800 people were surveyed. The feedback
filed in the various courts and the present government in from the survey has been discussed and at the end a
Delhi is also thinking of scrapping the present BRT conclusion has been drawn. In all 368 passengers were
corridor. Indore BRT is also facing lots of litigations on surveyed. The feedback collected is prepared in the form
various issues and aspects of its implementation. The main of results shown in following paragraph. The sample
reason for all such litigations seems to be bias for the questionnaire was prepared and was consider in the
personal motorization by the rich and effluent citizens who present study. The feedback form is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Feedback Form


1 Speed Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
2 Reliability Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
3 Safety Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
4 Convenience Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
5 Frequency Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
6 Comfort Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
7 Cleanliness Very satisfied /satisfied /Dissatisfied
8 Pedestrian crossing Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
9 Width of foot path Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
10 Over loading problem in I buses Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
11 I- bus is having reasonable fare Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
12. Overall Satisfaction Very Satisfied/ Satisfied / Dissatisfied
13. Other Vehicular Restriction on BRT Lane Yes/ No
Flyover, Subway, Escalator, Foot Over
Bridge are needed Yes / No
15 conveyance from home to BRTS bus stop by auto / by public transport / by others
conveyance from BRTS stop to your
destination by auto / by public transport / by others
17 Parking should be provided on BRTS lane Yes / No

Impact Factor: 5.913

International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 4
Volume 6, No. 3, March 2017

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS dissatisfied. In the present study a time speed survey was
conducted both in peak hours as well as in off peak hours.
The evaluation results of the first 12 questions in the It was found that the I-bus takes about 44 minutes as
questionnaire are indicated in Table 2and in Figure 1 in average travel time in travelling a distance of about 11.5
terms of percentage. The questions had a reply in three kms between two ends. Thus the average speed comes out
major categories viz. Not Satisfied, Satisfied and Very to be around 15.7 km/hr. In Janmarg BRT system of
Satisfied. In the following lines the survey results and the Ahmedabad, the average speed is coming out to be 20 to
discussion about the parameter is presented. 22 km/hr. The BRT system has 21 bus stops and at each
stop it takes around 1 to 1.5 minutes time. The major cause
Table 2: Results of the Feedback Survey of delay in the BRT system is the frequently encountered
intersections of major roads. The managers of BRT have
S. Parameter Not Satisfied Very improved the signalling system at each of the intersections
No. satisfied satisfied by prioritising the signals. The speed of the BRT vehicles
1 Speed 12.3 73.6 14.1 can be increased by providing Flyovers of the dedicated
2 Reliability 15.1 21.4 63.3 lanes as well as two adjoining lanes of Mixed Traffic at
3 Safety 15.7 18.1 66.1 certain important intersections. This will relieve the
4 Convenience 21.3 15.8 62.8 congestion problems.
5 Frequency 19.8 30.8 49.3
6 Comfort 19.2 30.2 50.4 Reliability, Frequency and Overloading of Buses:
7 Cleanliness 17.3 25.9 56.6
As regards the reliability of the BRT buses is concerned
8 Pedestrian crossing 54.9 35.3 9.7
63.3% of the people seem to be very satisfied followed by
9 Width of foot path 21.8 27.1 51.02
21.4% as satisfied. Overall 84.7% people lie in above
10 Over loading problem 20.7 27.7 51.4
satisfaction category. The 5th question regarding the
in I buses
Frequency also indicates that about 80.1% of the people
11 I- bus is having 12.4 23.03 66.3 are in or above satisfaction category. Presently the BRT
reasonable fare buses are maintaining time and are quite frequent in
12 Overall Satisfaction 17.24 31.1 51.78 operation. As far as the overloading of the buses is
concerned, in peak hours the number of standing
passengers is increased. This sometimes chokes the
80 passages as well as the door area and there is a problem in
70 boarding or exiting the buses. Although the percentage of
passenger who is dissatisfied is hardly 20.7, one has to pay
60 attention on this point. Few people want that the frequency
50 be increased specifically in the peak hours. If one observes
the crowd in the bus, it is quite clear that more buses are
required to be plied on the BRT route to cater to the need
30 of the people.
Safety, Convenience and Pedestrian Crossing:
0 The safety issue in the BRT lane is also indicating similar
results. The passengers are safely handled on the BRT bus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 stops and in the BRT buses. Crossing the Mixed Vehicle
Lanes on both sides of BRT is a bit inconvenient task and
Dissatisfied Saitisfied Very Satisfied the safety of the people in this part is in question.
However, on the question of convenience in BRT a
substantial fraction (21.4 %) seems to be not satisfied
All Values are in Percentage of Respondents though 78.6% of the people are in or above the satisfied
category. This has a link with the pedestrian crossing and
Figure 1: Results of Passenger Survey on BRT
reaching to the bus stops at various locations (Question 9).
Speed of BRT Buses: The survey indicates that 54. 9% of the people are not
satisfied with the facilities. This has a relation to the
As regards the speed of the BRT Buses is concerned, the negligible crossing facilities provided at the bus stops,
major portion of the surveyed persons (73.6%) was falling inter sections etc. In order to increase the facilities of
under satisfied category and about 14.1 % persons were pedestrian crossing amenities such as foot over bridges
very satisfied and about 12.3 % of the passengers were with steps and/or elevators and escalators can be provided
at important bus stops. This will not only ensure the safety

Impact Factor: 5.913

International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 5
Volume 6, No. 3, March 2017

of the passengers but also make the BRT system more fully satisfied. This indication is a good sign for the
inclusive and physically challenged persons can also cross overall success of the BRT System.
the MVL. The bus stops or the shelter potions of BRT
should also have facilities such as drinking water and The other 4 questions (from question no. 13 to 16) had
urinals. major answer as YES or NO. The results are indicated in
Figures 2 to 5.
Comfort and Cleanliness:
Restriction to other Vehicles on BRT Lane:
The question about comfort is also akin to these two
questions to some extent. However, about 80.6% of the In the present scenario, the BRT Lane is a dedicated lane
surveyed persons are in and above the satisfaction meant for the movement of the I-Buses. Only Ambulances
category. The cleanliness in the buses is quite satisfactory. have been permitted in the BRT Lane along with the I-
About 83% of the passengers surveyed have replied in Buses. In response to a PIL filed in the Honourable
satisfactory and above category. The maintenance of HighCourt of Madhya Pradesh the court had given a ruling
cleanliness is quite meticulous. There are no vendors that other 4 wheelers vehicles can move in the BRT lane.
permitted to sell petty items in the BRT buses. Smoking is But with a restriction that there would not be over
strictly prohibited in the buses as well as on the bus stops speeding nor overtaking of the buses at all the stops and
and tobacco or paan chewers are also not allowed. signals. However, it was a temporary arrangement and the
Moreover food consumption is the buses or at the bus operators of BRT were successful in getting a verdict to
stops is also prohibited. The BRT buses provide utmost revert the order. However, the case through the PIL is still
comfort in the travel. The seating and circulation going on and one has to wait till the clear verdict comes
arrangement as well as the level boarding alighting facility through. The passengers have overwhelmingly declined
of the buses is quite comfortable. The route specific travel the other vehicular traffic entry to BRTS. In reply to the
in i-Bus is much more comfortable in comparison to the question: whether the other vehicles restriction on BRT
poor quality para-transit facilities available in the mixed lane is to be continued? 83.25 % of the people voted for
vehicle lane. Very recently free Wi-Fi facility has been the continuance of the restrictions. The results of the
provided at many of the bus stops. This has increased the survey are indicated in Figure 2.
comfort level of the younger generation.
Other Vehicular Restriction on BRTS
Width of Foot Path:
Lane (% of Respondants)
The question was framed to consider the safety of the
passenger out of the BRT Lane. The foot paths are also
shelter from the traffic flows in the MVL as well as traffic 16.75
moving on the service lane. About 78% of the respondents
are above the satisfied category. However, at some of the
locations some vendors have occupied the footpath area or
some structures such as transformers, distribution boxes of No
telephone lines or electricity etc. have cropped up as a 83.25
hassle in the pedestrian movement.


This is one of the important USP of the BRT system. The Figure 2: Results of Survey on Restrictions to other
fare structure is quite suitable and 66.3 % of respondents Vehicles on BRT Lane
are very much satisfied with the fare structure. Only 12.4
% of the respondents seem to be dissatisfied. However, Conveyance to/from BRT Stop to Destination:
these fares have not been revised since the inception of the
Indore BRT operations are on a single road stretch and one
BRT system. This requires a fair consideration because the
has to use various modes of conveyence to reach BRT
cost of the fuel and operation and maintenance of the BRT
from the destination or vice versa. The survey in the
buses is increasing. There is a need of a formula to
present study indicates that a susbtential number of
increase the fare intermittently.
passengers use private mode of conveyance to Reach BRT
Overall Satisfaction: (about 42.6 % persons approaching or leaving BRT use
thais mode). Nearly 34.2 % people approaching BRT and
As regards the overall satisfaction of the commuters of 38.2% of the people leaving the BRT use available public
BRT is concerned, about 83% amongst the respondents are transport such as inter city buses, city buses, vans etc.And
around 20.2% people approaching BRT and 17.2 % of the

Impact Factor: 5.913

International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 6
Volume 6, No. 3, March 2017

people leaving the BRT use costlier public transport such at the bus stops. These amenities will not only fulfil the
as Autorikshaws, Taxies etc. Hardly 2.2 % of the needs of BRT passengers but also overall pedestrians
pessengers approaching BRT and 0.5 % of the people moving around the BRT lane. This will also facilitate a
leaving the BRT do not reuqire any convayence. This is smooth traffic flow in the mixed vehicle lane. The other
quite pertinent that the pessengers need some covenyance. aspect is of flyovers. The BRT lane is running parallel to
There are a few points where certain buses and vans from one of the main traffic corridors of the city of Indore and
a larger distance provide a suiatble transit.But mainly there many roads connecting the CBD to recently developed
is a paucity of feeder public transport from the entire city city areas and the other towns cross this corridor. It has
and the surroundings to the BRT system. Figures 3 and 4 been observed that the maximum traffic is passing through
indicate the % of people approaching the BRT lane this corridor parallel to the BRT lane and crossing the
through various conveyance modes. BRT Lane at many places. It will be apt to provide
flyovers for the BRT lane as well as the mixed traffic lanes
at certain important intersections to increase the speed of
Conveyance from BRTS Stop to
the BRT. These needs have been felt by about 85% f the
Destination (% of Respondants)
passengers. Figure 5 indicates the split in percentage.
By Others
2.2 In any major city of India or other countries, the parking
of the vehicles is a major issue. As it is stated in the
By Auto foregoing discussion the about 42.6% of the passengers
34.2 42.6 use private vehicles to reach the BRT lane. This is a
substantial fraction. There is an urgent need of provision
BY Public
of parking facility at or around the BRT lanes so that the
Trancport people can safely park their vehicle. In the original plan of
20.2 No Need BRT system lot of parking places were shown. However,
due to paucity of available land and encroachments the
parking amenities have been very low. This needs an
improvement. In the survey carried out for the present
Figure 3: Results of Survey on Conveyance from BRTS
study about 56% of the respondents indicated the need of
Stop to Destination (Percentage)
parking on the BRT Lane. Presently in around 75% of the
wider portion of the BRT lane has been provided with
Conveyance from Origin to BRTS Stop service lane facility. In some of the portions separate cycle
(% of Respondants) tracks are also provided to encourage the Non Motorized
Transport (NMT). But most of the service lanes and the
cycle tracks are presently being used for parking and it has
0.5 By Others also become a safe haven for the unauthorized street side
vendors and other encroachers. The surveyed data
38.2 By Auto regarding need of parking around BRT Lane can be seen
on Figure 6.
By Public
No Need Need of Fly
17.9 Overs, Subways, Escalators, Foot Over

Figure 4: Results of Survey on Conveyance from

Origin to BRTS Stop (Percentage) 15.2

Improvement of the Physical Amenities on BRT Lane: Yes

To improve the efficiency of the BRT Lane certain No

physical amenities are required to be improved. One of the
most serious aspects of the BRT lane is the approach to the 84.8
bus stops. The crossing of intersections and mixed vehicle
lanes for the pedestrians is quite inconvenient for
passengers especially physically challenged, children,
ladies and elderly people. The need of skywalks, foot over Figure 5: Survey Data Presented in % for Need of
bridges with elevators and escalators are required urgently Facilitated Movement on BRT Lane

Impact Factor: 5.913

International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 7
Volume 6, No. 3, March 2017

opinion that the BRT route should have proper parking

Should Parking Be Provided around facilities in its surroundings so that the passengers can
BRTS park their vehicle and board BRT buses conveniently.

Due to the Honourable High-court‟s interim verdict 4

wheelers were allowed in the BRT Lane for a period of
about 13 months. This decision was then reverted and
43.8 Yes again the BRT lane was reserved for I-Buses as well as
56.2 Ambulances. In the survey carried out in the present study,
No 83.25% of the respondents were of the opinion that the
entry of other vehicles in the BRT Lane should be strictly
banned. As regards reaching or leaving BRT lane from
various locations of the city, it is observed that only 38.2%
of the respondents use public transport for reaching BRT
and 34.2 % respondents use public transport to reach their
Figure 6: Survey Data Presented in % for Need of destination. This has a direct link with the non availability
Parking on BRT Lane of proper link of other public transport facility with the
BRT system. One of the most important aspects of the
CONCLUSIONS feeder facilities that is running the I-buses to and from
important destinations such as Railway Stations, Bus
Present study deals with the performance of the BRT Turminuses and other commercial hubs like CBDs etc. has
system of Indore in the present condition from passengers been missing in planning. These buses can travel through
view point. The customers were asked a set of 12 the BRT Lane partially and connect to important
questions which had an answer in terms of Very Satisfied, destinations. The BRT stops in that case can act as tranfer
Satisfied and Dissatisfied. Out of 12 questions asked, in 10 points and people can have wider options to use the BRT
questions more than or nearing 50% of the respondents facility. Presntly he frequency of the BRT Buses in the
had an answer that they are Very Satisfied. The answer dedicated lane is quite low and the capacity is not being
satisfied had a range from 15.8% to 31.1%. The fraction of utilized properly. The planning of plying extra buses will
dissatisfied passengers was in the range of 12.4% to increase the utilty of the BRT Lane. In a nutshell it can be
27.8%. The 10 questions were Reliability, Safety, stated that the public transport in the form of BRT is
Convenience, Frequency, Comfort, Cleanliness, Width of gaining popularity amongst the masses and requires to be
foot path, Over loading problem in I buses, I- bus is improved for better performance. The BRT system in
having reasonable fare, Overall Satisfaction. In response to Indore is required to be extended for more areas.
the question asked on speed, 73.6% of respondents replied
is satisfied category and 14.1% respondents were falling in REFERENCES
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for Transportation and Development Policy, New [13] TCRP (2007). “Bus Rapid Transit Practitioner‟s
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[8] ITDP (2011). “BRT in Chennai – Towards a New
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July 2011, Institute for Transportation and in India. Low-Carbon Mobility in India and the
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[9] Litman, Todd (2012) “Evaluating Public Transit as Environment Programme, Authors: Darshini
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Strategy”, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 26th for Urban Equity, CEPT University, Ahmedabad.
July, 2012

Impact Factor: 5.913

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