Plasterboard Installation Reference Manual: 8mm Drywall

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Some of the key advantages of plasterboard drywall systems outlined in the document include that they provide a faster, cleaner and smoother alternative to traditional wet plaster and render works. Drywall systems also offer benefits such as reduced construction time and easier installation.

Advantages listed for plasterboard drywall systems include that they eliminate delays associated with wet construction, allow for fast and economical drywall installation, allow correction of misaligned walls, enable wiring to be installed between the drywall and surfaces, and provide a smooth clean finish ready for decoration.

Components mentioned include Boral plasterboard, cornice adhesive, masonry adhesive, wall furring systems, Gypbeams, wet area flashing, uPVC angle flashing, plasterer's metal angle, and wet area flashing adhesive.

Plasterboard Installation Reference Manual

8mm Drywall

313D Issue 3
2 8mm Drywall System
Contents Description
Description .............................................................. 2 Boral Plasterboard Drywall Masonry systems are
Application notes ................................................... 3 methods of attaching plasterboard to brick,
Vertical application ................................................. 4 masonry and concrete walls to provide a quick
Horizontal application ............................................ 5 and professional finish.
Irregular wall surfaces ........................................... 6
Door jambs ............................................................. 7 Depending on the particular type of surface, the
Window reveals ...................................................... 7 plasterboard is bonded to the basewall with either
Gypbeam reveals .................................................... 8 Boral Plasterboard Cornice Adhesive or Boral
Corners .................................................................... 9 Plasterboard Masonry Adhesive. The Drywall can
Mechanical application ........................................ 10 also be mechanically fitted using wall furring
Accessories and trims .......................................... 12 systems.
Compounds .......................................................... 13
Jointing and finishing corners ............................ 14 Advantages
Butt joints .............................................................. 14
Two and three coat application ........................... 15 This fast, dry alternative to cement render and
Mechanical tools .................................................. 16 solid plaster offers many advantages:
Trade tools ............................................................ 19
Installation ............................................................ 21 • Eliminates the delays associated with heavy,
Wall tiling .............................................................. 22 wet construction.
Bathroom construction ........................................ 23 • Fast, economical drywall installation - avoids
Bathroom construction details ............................ 24 cleanup of wet trades.
Wet area accessories ........................................... 25 • Allows correction of misaligned masonry
Guarantee .............................................. Back Cover and concrete walls.
Technical Desk Details .......................... Back Cover • Electrical and telephone wiring can be
Address and Phone Number Details ... Back Cover installed between the Drywall and masonry
surfaces - avoids chasing of masonry
• Provides a smooth, clean, serviceable finish,
Introduction ready for decoration.
• Boral Plasterboard and Adhesives, being
Boral 8mm Drywall Plasterboard System is a plaster based, possess good fire resistance
faster, cleaner and smoother alternative to properties.
conventional wet plaster and render.

This manual outlines the benefits, system System Selection

components, installation procedures, tools and Securing Drywall plasterboard using adhesive
adhesives necessary for lining masonry walls in systems is suitable when the basewall is:
domestic and residential applications.
• relatively flat, with irregularities not causing
Installers will find Boral Drywall Plasterboard ideal the gap between the back of the Drywall and
to work with. The sheets are lightweight, yet the wall to consistently exceed 17mm; and
remarkably strong due to a special reinforced fibre • the masonry or concrete surfaces must be
core. Because Drywall is prefabricated, there’s no clean, in good condition, dry and free of
downtime waiting for wet plaster to dry. This can release, waterproofing or other chemical
cut days off construction time; wall painting or agents, dust, oil, grease or loose drummy
papering can commence almost immediately and material.
there’s none of the mess normally associated with
plastering. Alternatively, mechanical systems can be used in
all cases, or specifically when the basewall is
For use around fixtures such as windows and unsuitable for adhesive application.
sliding door frames, the Drywall system
incorporates Boral Plasterboard Gypbeams, with a Limitations
result that is clean and professional. Drywall
provides a smoother, more attractive appearance Boral Plasterboard Drywall Masonry Systems are
than normal plastering and is also far more alternatives to solid plastering and are not to be
resistant to cracks, chips and scratches. used for isolating dampness.

If you require more information on the 8mm Boral The suitability of exterior walls should be checked
Drywall Plasterboard system or any other Boral by the building designer.
product, contact your local Boral Plasterboard
8mm Drywall System 3

Application Notes Mixing Masonry Adhesive

Boral Plasterboard Sizes • Always use clean cold
The range of Boral Plasterboard sizes is subject to water and clean containers
change. For details of sizes available contact your and tools - using dirty
local Boral Plasterboard supplier. containers/tools may affect
the setting time and set
Masonry Adhesive • For best results slowly add
Masonry Adhesive will give you a working time of powder to water (ratio of
up to 60 minutes.Take care not to mix more than 2kg powder to 1 litre water)
can be used in this time. Mixing instructions, and allow powder to soak
printed on the bags, should be followed carefully for 1-3 minutes before
to ensure best results. mixing.
• Mix by hand or with a
power mixer (maximum of
400rpm) - mixing at higher
speeds will draw air into
the mix and may affect
working time.
• Mix only enough adhesive
for 60 minutes working
• Mix until a smooth
workable paste has been
• Do not overmix, as this
may accelerate setting.
• Once setting has
commenced, the material
cannot be re-mixed and
should not be used further.
• Do not mix with previously
prepared batches or other
adhesives. The inclusion of
Adhesive Application other materials (e.g.
retarders, filler etc.) in the
Use Boral Plasterboard Masonry Adhesive to bond mix will impair the
plasterboard sheets to masonry walls.This performance of this
product has exceptional bond strength and, when product, i.e. reduced
mixed, is suitable for adhering to porous surfaces. strength, poor adhesion
and will void the product
It is essential that all new concrete or masonry warranty.
surfaces be allowed to dry out to normal levels
before the installation of Boral Drywall A bonding agent may be required to ensure
Plasterboard. Where the surface is particularly dry satisfactory adhesion particularly when the wall is
or porous, it is advisable to dampen the wall or dry or very porous.
apply a bonding agent prior to the application of
the adhesive. If any doubt exists concerning the suitability of the
wall surface, contact your local Boral Plasterboard

Mechanical Application
As an alternative to installing with adhesives,
Boral Plasterboard Wall Furring Systems, utilising
steel furring sections or steel/timber battens
fastened to the basewall can be used.

These wall furring systems are strongly

recommended for use where the masonry wall
and/or existing paintwork is in poor condition.
4 8mm Drywall System
True Wall Surfaces • Cut Boral Drywall Plasterboard sheets 16mm
less than ceiling height, to allow for 8mm
Boral Drywall Plasterboard can be applied top and bottom ventilation gaps.
vertically or horizontally. Before commencing • Position temporary offcuts of 8mm board
application, the basis of a true wall plane should between the floor and bottom of sheets
be established. Where there are irregularities in before fixing. Remove when adhesive has
the base-wall surface, levelling pads of Drywall dried.
will be required for straightening, to establish a • Place Drywall in position, and using a
true line for the finished Drywall surface. straight edge press the sheets firmly into
place top and bottom.
• Carefully level vertically and horizontally.
Vertical Application • Hold sheets in position by shoring or other
• Clean off all protruding block mortar so as to temporary fixing until adhesive has set.
establish a true line for finished dry wall • Ensure that the Drywall sheets are applied
surface. within the setting time of adhesive daubs
• Apply daubs of adhesive to wall surface or applied.
Drywall approximately 50mm diameter by
10mm minimum thickness, at not more than When all sheets are fixed and the adhesive is set,
350mm centres horizontally and vertically. flush joint, using your preferred Boral Drywall
• Apply adhesive daubs 50mm from board Plasterboard jointing system.
edges and ends.

Layout of Masonry Adhesive Daubs on Wall

350mm max.


350mm max.

Packers 8mm ventilation gap

top and bottom
8mm Drywall System 5
Horizontal Application • Hold sheets in position by shoring or other
temporary fixing until adhesive has set.
• Clean off all protruding block mortar so as to • Ensure that the plasterboard sheets are
establish a true line for finished dry wall applied within the setting time of adhesive
surface. daubs applied.
• Apply daubs of adhesive to wall surface When all sheets are fixed and the adhesive is set,
approximately 50mm diameter by 10mm flush the joint, using an approved Boral
minimum thickness, at not more than Plasterboard jointing system.
350mm centres horizontally and vertically.
• Apply adhesive daubs only where bottom
board will be placed and 50mm from board Butt Joints in Horizontal Application
edges and ends. When fixing plasterboard to masonry wall
• Position temporary offcuts of 8mm board surfaces, butt joints should be avoided.
between the floor and bottom of sheets Where it is necessary to butt join sheet ends,
before fixing. Remove when adhesive has these must be staggered min. 600mm and ends
dried. butted neatly as follows:
• Place bottom board in position and press
firmly into place. • Where the sheet ends will fall, butter the wall
• Trim top board 16 mm less than ceiling with a continuous ribbon of adhesive,
height to allow for 8 mm top and bottom approximately 50mm wide and a minimum
ventilation gaps. of 10mm thick.
• Apply adhesive daubs only where top board • Alternatively, butter along sheet ends with a
will be placed and 50mm from board edges continuous ribbon of adhesive
and ends. approximately 25mm wide, and a minimum
• Place top board in position, and using a thickness of 10mm.
straight edge press the sheets firmly into • Press sheet ends firmly into position and
place top and bottom. hold in place by shoring or other temporary
• Carefully level vertically and horizontally, fixing until adhesive has set.
ensuring recessed edges are aligned.
Butt joints are then ready for jointing. Follow Boral
Plasterboard standard procedure for flush butt

Layout of Masonry Adhesive Daubs on Wall

Stagger butt joints

350mm max.
600mm min.


50mm ribbon
of adhesive at 50mm min. from
butt joints board edges

Packer 8mm ventilation gap

top and bottom
6 8mm Drywall System
Irregular Wall Surfaces
Layout of Levelling Pads on Wall
• Mark out Boral Drywall Plasterboard widths
on the basewalls.
• Check basewalls with plumb lines and 600mm
straight edges to find high spots, and to max.
clear any wiring.
• Using these as a guide for the level to be set,
attach 75mm x 75mm levelling pads of Boral
Drywall Plasterboard to walls with adhesive
to a true line.
• Pads are to be positioned at 600mm centres
max. horizontally to intersect joints, and at
1350mm centres max. vertically, on an
adhesive bed at not less than 3mm thick on
high spots, or more than 10mm thick. 1350mm
• Apply daubs of adhesive to wall surface or max
board approx. 50mm in diameter and 15mm
thickness, at not more than 350mm centres
horizontally and vertically.

Where the cavity width between the back of
the board and the wall surface consistently
exceeds 17mm, a furred system is
recommended, or alternatively, refer to
Boral Plasterboard Sales Offices for advice.
8mm ventilation gap Levelling pad
• Cut Boral Drywall Plasterboard sheets 16mm top and bottom
less than ceiling height, to allow for 8mm
top and bottom ventilation gaps.
(Positioning 8mm Plasterboard offcuts
between bottom of sheets and floor, as
described in “True Wall Surfaces”.) Layout of Masonr y Adhesive Daubs
• Place Drywall in position, and using a on Wall with Levelling Pads
straight edge press the sheets firmly into
• Carefully level vertically and horizontally. max.
• Proceed as for true wall surfaces.

Levelling Pad 75mm


75mm 1350mm


Levelling pad

Adehesive daub
8mm ventilation gap
top and bottom
Construction Details 7

Door Jambs

Standard Metal Door Jamb Metal Door Jamb

Door jamb Door jamb

Standard Timber Door Jamb

Door jamb

Window Reveals
Boral Plasterboard window reveals for
drywall masonry systems are applied as Window Reveal

• Cut narrow widths of Boral Drywall

Plasterboard to line up with the wall levelling
Masonry adhesive
• Use linerboard edge of square edge board to
abut the window frame. Alternatively use
Rondo Stopping Angle. Set over corner
• Fix by applying daubs of Masonry Adhesive bead (P32)
to the back of the reveal lining and press
directly into position, accurately preserving
margins to the frame.
• Temporarily support the head lining. Set over stopping angle
• The face sheets should be fixed to overlap (P25 or P26)
the leading edge of the reveal linings.
• Apply Rondo Corner Bead P32 and finish
with your preferred Boral Plasterboard
jointing system.
8 Construction Details
GypbeamTM Reveals Window Reveals
GypbeamTM Plasterboard can be fixed vertically or
horizontally. GypbeamTM Window Reveals for
drywall masonry systems are applied as follows:

• Clean off all protruding block mortar so as to

establish a true line for finished GypbeamTM
• Measure and cut GypbeamTM reveal to
length, width and depth.
• Starting with bottom GypbeamTM reveal
apply daubs of adhesive to wall surfaces
width and depth of no more than 250mm
• Apply adhesive daubs 50mm from board
edges and a minimum of 25mm from
window frame.
• Where butt joints occur, butter the wall with
a continuous ribbon of adhesive to a width
of approximately 50mm and a minimum of
10mm thick.
• Place GypbeamTM reveal in position and
using a combination square press firmly on
width and depth surfaces along the beam to
achieve a 90o angle.
• Repeat process for each GypbeamTM reveal
starting with the top gypbeam and then the
250mm Max. sides.
• When all GypbeamTM reveals are fixed and
the adhesive is set, flush butt joints using an
approved Boral Drywall Plasterboard jointing

25mm Min.

Daubs 50mm from

board edges

Window Reveals
Construction Details 9

Aluminium Windows
Dowell windows, working closely with Boral
Plasterboard, have developed a window frame
innovation ideal for 8mm Drywall and GypbeamTM
Reveals. The GypbeamTM reveals slot neatly into
the window frame to give a stylish window reveal

Internal Corners
Where two block walls form an internal wall
corner, plasterboard is adhered to the wall by
daubs of Masonry Adhesive at 350 mm centres
and 50mm from edges, fixed as follows:

• Position the bottom and top sheets for one Dowell Windows
wall firmly into the angle and hold in
• Butt the bottom and top sheet for the other
wall firmly against the first wall sheets. Internal Corner
• Fill and tape the angle, and finish, as
described under "Jointing and Finishing".

External Corners
Plasterboard external corners should be
reinforced and protected with a metal corner bead
before finishing with jointing compounds. The
Wall Junction
corner beads (Rondo External Corner Bead, Part
No. P32) are applied to the full length of the
corner, and adhered to plasterboard with Masonry
Adhesive as follows:

• Butter a bead of Masonry Adhesive (15 mm

wide, 10 mm thick) down both sides of the
bead and apply to the plasterboard.
• Ensure that the corner bead is plumb and
straight before leaving Masonry Adhesive to
• Flush finish the angle with Boral
Plasterboard Jointing Compound.
Applying External Corner Bead
10 Drywall Masonry Systems
Mechanical Application Fixing and layout of Furring Channel 129 or
As an alternative to installing 8mm Drywall
with adhesives, 10mm Boral Drywall • Furring Channel 129 or 308 are attached to
Plasterboard with a Wall Furring System can furring channel clips (Rondo Part No. 237)
be used. These wall furring systems are which are in turn fixed to the wall.
strongly recommended for use where the • Mark out on the wall surface fixing locations
masonry wall and/or existing paintwork is in for the furring channel clips (237) as follows:
poor condition.
1. Clips to be positioned at 600mm centres in
Boral Drywall Plasterboard can be fixed to steel horizontal rows, with rows spaced at 900mm
furring or to steel/ timber battens. The steel centres apart vertically when applying
sections listed below are manufactured by Rondo Furring Channel 308, and 1200mm apart
Building services Pty. Ltd. and supplied by Boral vertically when applying Furring Channel
Plasterboard: 129.
2. Fix clips to the wall surface with suitable
• Furring Channel - Part No. 129 or 308. masonry fasteners, after packing out to
• Face Recessed Furring Channel - Part No. achieve a true line. Furring Channel (129 or
333. 308) is then attached to the clips vertically.
• Resilient Channel - Part No. 581. 3. Additional furring channel is applied
• Batten - Part No. 301. horizontally at the top and bottom of the wall
• Furring Channel Anchor Clip - Part No. 237 to support the edges of the Drywall. The
or 239. furring clips are positioned in a row at the
top and bottom of the wall spaced at
The Resilient Channel (Part No. 581) is used 1200mm centres for Furring 129, and 900mm
mainly in acoustic wall construction. centres for Furring 308.

Application - BoraI Drywall Plasterboard

Rondo Steel Components • Cut Drywall sheets 16mm less than ceiling
28mm height to allow for 8mm top and bottom
ventilation gaps.
• Apply 1200mm wide Drywall vertically, with
16mm 129 edges centred over furring channel.
• Fasten with 25mm screws to furring
308 channels at 400mm centres in the field of the
board, and at 200mm centres on edges, (or
16mm to timber battens with 30mm nails or screws
at 230 mm centres in the field of the board,
13mm 38mm 301 and at 200mm centres on edges).

19mm 100mm

68mm 40mm

Furring Installation
Fixing and layout of Timber Battens, Steel
Batten (301), Furring Channel (333) or
Resilient Channel (581).

• Fix timber/steel battens or steel furring

channel vertically at 600mm maximum
centres, with suitable masonry fasteners,
after packing out to achieve a true line.
• Provide and fix short lengths of furring/
batten at top and bottom of wall to support
plaster edges, leaving a 25mm ventilation
gap between ends and main furring.
Drywall Masonry Systems 11

Mechanical Application (continued)

Fixing and Layout of Timber Battens, Steel Battens (301),
Furring Channels (333) or Resilient Channels (581)



Furring fixed to wall

with masonry fasteners

Fixing and Layout of Furring Part 237 Clips @ 600mm Furring Part 129 or
Channel 129 or 308 spacing for vertical furring 308 @ max.600mm
vertical centres

Part 237 Clips @ 1200mm

max.for vertical furring
Part 129; 900mm max.
for Part 308


100mm max. Part 237 Clips @ 1200mm max. for horizontal

furring Part 129; 900mm max. for Part 308
12 Accessories and Trims
The major accessories and trims shown on this
page are manufactured by Rondo Building Stopping Bead
Services Pty. Ltd., and supplied by Boral
Plasterboard. All steel components are coated 8mm Part No. P10
with corrosion resistant finishes either with
Zincanneal or G2-Galvbond Z275 (refer to Rondo
Building Services Pty. Ltd. for details).

Plasterlock Corner Bead
For 8mm Boral Plasterboard.
32mm Provides a neat finish edge around door
and window openings in place of architraves.
Part No. P32

Plasterlock Arch Bead

Designed to provide true, Part No. P30
straight lines and strong durable protection
at external corners. The exposed bead-head
resists impact and forms an exact screed for finishing.

Casing Bead 30mm
Reinforcing edges of Boral
Plasterboard lining of archways.


Bullnose Corners
Part No. P04

Expansion Joint Components

Removable Part No's R05 and R06
Filament Tape
Part No. P35

Shadow Line Stopping Angle

Part No. P50


Expansion Bead
Use: Use: 10mm
Provides a finish to expansion joints where required
in locations for walls and ceilings. Designed to provide a clean
straight edge for walls or ceilings.
Suitable for use around timber door jambs.
Jointing and Finishing 13

Taping and Basecoating
Mixing Powder Compounds
Detailed mixing instructions printed on the
bags should be carefully followed - mixing
instructions can vary for different
compounds. Supe Sm oth
Correct mixing of jointing compound powders is
important to ensure good jointing and finishing.


• Always use clean drinking water, containers

and tools.
• Add powder to water, sifting slowly.
• Do not mix with other materials, or previous
• Avoid entrapment of air if mixing by hand, All Purpose Jointing
or if by power blade mixer do not operate Compounds
above 400 rpm max. This will avoid
whipping air into the mix.
• Plaster based setting type powders
(BaseBond, SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Mid
Set, SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Long Set, and
All Purpose Plaster) should not be
overmixed, as this accelerates setting. Once
hardening has commenced these
compounds cannot be remixed.

Premixed Compounds
• Keep containers and tools clean, and seal lid
when not in use.
• Do not mix with other compounds.
• Stir contents thoroughly, but lightly before
use, if necessary.
Finishing Compounds
• Store jointing compounds under cover in a
dry location, at moderate temperatures.
• Stocks should be rotated.
14 Jointing and Finishing
Jointing Coats
To achieve best results it is recommended
that a three coat system is used for flush
jointing and finishing, using perforated
paper tape.

This particularly applies in locations experiencing

considerable variation in climatic conditions, and
situations where above normal building frame
stresses can be experienced. Basecoat

Paper tape
Internal Corners
• Gaps in excess of 4mm should be filled with
BaseBond, SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Mid
Set or SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Long Set Internal
• Allow to set.
• Measure and cut perforated paper tape to
• Apply basecoating compound to both sides Finishing coat
of the angle, using a 50mm broad knife.
• Fold perforated paper tape along it’s centre
line and bed into the compound, using a
50mm corner tool.
• When set (or, for pre-mixed compounds,
completely dry), apply a finishing coat of
compound, ensuring edges are feathered
with a 100mm corner tool.
• When thoroughly dry, sand lightly.

External Corners
• Apply BaseBond, SuperSmooth™ BaseCote
Mid Set or SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Long
Set to both sides of the previously nailed
corner bead, forcing the compound into the
perforations of the bead, and level off. External
• Allow to set. Corners
• Apply finishing compound, feathering back
from the nose of the corner bead.
• When thoroughly dry, sand lightly.
Finishing Butt
Butt Joints Joint

Butt or end joints that have been adhered should

be flush jointed and finished as described for
recessed edge board jointing procedures.
However, in order to give a flatter finish and
minimise any apparent surface build-up of
compound, each jointing coat is considerably
widened, so that the finished joint is
approximately 500mm to 550mm wide.

500mm to 550mm wide

Jointing and Finishing 15

Three-coat Application Step 1. Fill the Recess

First Coat
• Evenly fill the recess formed by the tapered
edge of the plasterboard with BaseBond,
SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Mid Set or
SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Long Set.
• Measure and cut reinforcing tape. Centre
and press the tape into the fresh compound.
• Hold the blade of the broad knife at 45o to Step 2. Bed the Tape
the board surface and draw along the joint
with sufficient pressure to remove excess.
• Ensure that all air bubbles have been
expelled, taking care that sufficient
compound is left under the tape to provide a
strong bond.
• After the tape is embedded, apply a skim
coat of compound. Feather edges of joints
and spot fastener heads. Step 3. Skim Coat Over Tape
• Allow to set for a minimum of one hour
between coats.

Second Coat
• Apply a second coat of compound,
feathering 50mm beyond the edges of first
coat. Spot fastener heads again.
• When the second coat has set and dried,
scrape back in preparation for the finishing Step 4. Apply Second Coat

Finishing Coat
• Ensure that basecoats have set/dried before
applying finish coat.
• Use a trowel or broadknife to apply finishing
compound over the second base coat,
feathering joint edges at least 50mm beyond
edges of basecoat.
• After trowelling, apply a damp sponge to
edges of joints and corners to reduce the Step 5. Apply Finishing Coat
need for sanding.
• Allow a minimum of 24 hours in good drying
conditions (considerably longer in humid,
damp conditions).
• When thoroughly dry, sand lightly to a
smooth finish with 150 grit abrasive paper or

Two Coat Application

Where a two coat jointing and finishing
application is used, a generous skim coat of Step 6. Lightly Sand
BaseBond, SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Mid Set or
SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Long Set should be
applied after the paper tape has been embedded.
When this skim coat has set apply a thick coat of
an all purpose or finishing compound, feathering
at least 50mm beyond edges of the skim coat.
Allow to dry, and sand if necessary, taking care
not to scuff the paper on the plasterboard.
16 Jointing and Finishing
Mechanical Tools
The use of mechanical tools has gained acceptance in the industry as a fast and professional method for
applying joint compounds. In the hands of a capable operator, mechanical jointing tools will save time and

The following table summarises those tools suitable for application of Boral jointing compounds:

Jointing Compounds for Mechanical Tools

Application Suitable
Category Product Packaging Coverage Mechanical
Taping Basecoat Finishing Tools
SuperSmooth™ Mud Pump,
Taping & 20kg bag 125m2 NR Banjo Box (only),
Basecoating Flat Finisher
Long Set
Note: BaseBond and SuperSmooth™BaseCote Mid Set are not suitable for use with mechanical tools
80m2 for
All Purpose Dry 3 coats Mud Pump,
Mix Compound 17kg bag Automatic Taper,
250m2 for
finishing Corner Roller,
Corner Finisher,
75m2 for Nail Spotter,
All Purpose All Purpose Pre 3 coats Flat Finisher
18kg pail
Compounds Mix Compound 240m2 for (1st & 2nd boxes)
80m2 for
All Purpose 3 coats Mud Pump,
17kg bag Banjo Box (only),
Plaster 240m2 for Flat Finisher
TopCote 550 24kg pail 300m2 Mud Pump,
Finishing NR NR Nail Spotter
Finishing Compound 20kg carton 250m
Compounds FinalCote Flat Finisher,
Finishing 22kg pail 280m2 NR NR
Corner Finisher

When using mechanical tools to apply jointing • Allow compound to dry thoroughly between
compounds, use the following procedure: all coats - 24 hours in good drying
conditions, longer in humid situations.
• Reinforce all joints with perforated paper • After final coat has dried, sand lightly to a
tape, using the taping tool. smooth finish with 150 grit abrasive paper or
• Remove excess compound with a broad equivalent.
knife, and allow to dry.
• Cover all fastener heads using a broad knife Note:
or nail spotter. • Apply a setting-type compound promptly.
• Tape internal angles using the corner roller, • Do not leave compounds on tools for long
embedding the tape into the angles. periods.
• When all joints are dry, apply a 2nd coat to • Clean all mechanical tools before and after
fastener heads. use.
• Apply finish coat to internal angles using a • Follow manufacturer's instructions.
corner finishing tool.
• Apply finish coat to joints with a flat finisher
(2nd box).
• Apply finish coat to fastener heads.
Jointing and Finishing 17

Mechanical Tools

Taping and Basecoating

Automatic Taper

Using the Automatic Taper

Banjo Box

Flat Finishing of Joints

Flat Finishers
(1st and 2nd Boxes)

Flat Finisher
Using the Flat Finisher
18 Jointing and Finishing
Mechanical Tools

Finishing of Corners

Corner Finisher

Corner Roller
Using the Corner Finisher

Additional Tools

Nail Spotter


Corner Box
Trade Tools 19

Trade Tools Saw

Boral Plasterboard supplies a range of quality For cutting Boral Plasterboard at door
and windowopenings.
tradesman tools. The basic tools needed are
shown on this and the following page.

Tee Square
1200mm or 1350mm blade, and 350mm stock

Trimming Knife
For cutting Boral
Used for making accurate
knife cuts across board

With notched head to

enable knife to cut from
edge of sheet.
Corner Tools

100mm for finishing

internal angles,
giving a neat straight
Measuring Tape

50mm for tape application to

internal angles.

Straight Edges

200mm Waisted, Bowed or curved shank:

Available in Specially shaped to ensure correct camber

1500mm, to second coat of joint compounds.
1800mm &
2400mm sizes 275mm Waisted:

Shaped to enable the finishing coat of joint

compounds to be feathered out at the edges.
275mm FlatTrowel:

Standard type plasterer's trowel used for

scraping back joint compounds and
finishing external angles on columns,
beams and archways.
20 Trade Tools

Holesaw Sanders

For cutting holes Hand Sander

and penetrations.

Pole Sander
Broad Knives

150 grit sanding paper or 220 grit

fibreglass mesh sanding cloth.

50mm: For application of Boral Plasterboard Stud
Adhesive, and for stopping.

75mm: For taping internal angles and stopping.

100mm: For finishing internal angles and stopping.

150mm: For embedding tapes in recessed joints

and finishing fastener heads.

Mixers Bucket - sized to suit mechanical pump

Hand Mixer
Plasterboard Trimmer

Jiffler Mixer

Small Tool

Used for flushing GypbeamTM For trimming Drywall and

reveal junctions and cornices. GypbeamTM reveal edges
Installation in Wet Areas 21
Introduction Plumbing
The following pages cover the use and application Plumbing fittings abutting Boral Wet Area Drywall
of Boral Plasterboard products in the lining of wet Plasterboard are to be installed in accordance
areas. Comprehensive details are provided with Regulatory Authorities’ requirements.
showing how drywall plasterboard is applied and
jointed. Cutouts for plumbing penetrations are to be made
neatly, using an appropriate knife or hole saw, not
Description with a blunt instrument or hammer. Leave a gap
as small as possible between the cut edges and
Boral Wet Area 8mm Drywall Plasterboard is the pipe.
recognised by its grey-blue multilayered face and
back liners, which are resistant to moisture Seal thoroughly around penetrations with Boral
penetration. The gypsum core is moisture resistant Wet Area Sealant finished with Boral Wet Area
with low absorption characteristics. This stops taping Cement. A Tap Penetration Flange ("Fluid
water wicking up the board and inhibits the Apron" by HPH Pty. Ltd. or equivalent) can be
likelihood of water vapour penetrating to the cavity used over plumbing fitting but must be sealed
of a partition. with an approved sealant.

Boral Wet Area Drywall Plasterboard is Installation

manufactured with recessed edges for water-
resistant jointing in tiled areas and normal jointing Boral Wet Area Drywall Plasterboard is fixed
beyond tiled areas. It is an ideal water-resistant horizontally where possible in all wet area rooms.
base for adhesive application for ceramic tiles and Edges of Wet Area sheets adjoining floor to all
the application of paint and wallpaper finish areas, except shower recess, are to be kept 8mm
beyond tiled areas. clear of finished floor levels.

Advantages Boral Wet Area Drywall Plasterboard when used

as a substrate for wall tiling in wet areas, must be
• Choice of jointing methods fixed with Boral Plasterboard Masonry Adhesive
• Dimensionally stable and supplementary mechanical fasteners. Hold
• Economical base for adhesively applied wall sheets in position by shoring until adhesive has
tiles set.
• Quick, dry installation
• Easy to cut and form openings Where wall tiles 6.5mm thick or less are to be
• Same thickness wall lining throughout all used, space daubs of Masonry Adhesive at
rooms 250mm maximum centres vertically/horizontally
• Effective lining for masonry and block walls and 25mm from where the sheet edges will be
Supplementary mechanical fasteners (Boustead
Cautionary Notes Nylon anchors or equivalent) should also be used
Boral Wet Area Drywall Plasterboard must be and spaced at 500mm centres horizontally and
installed in strict accordance with 250mm centres vertically.
recommendations of this manual and:
Fix fasteners through every second adhesive daub
• is not to be installed over a vapour barrier or and into the masonry wall. Fasteners are to be
on a wall acting as a vapour barrier. drilled out and applied only after Masonry
• is not to be used in critical exposure areas Adhesive daubs have set and dried. The
such as group shower rooms or steam mechanical fasteners are then inserted and tapped
rooms. home, flush with the plasterboard surface.
• is not to be used in unprotected external
applications. Where wall tiles 6.5mm to 12mm thick are to be
• is to be applied with Masonry Adhesive only applied, space daubs of Masonry Adhesive at
(with supplementary mechanical fasteners in 250mm maximum centres horizontally and
tiled areas) to masonry wall or block wall, 200mm vertically.
never to other types of plasterboard, plaster Fastening anchors should be spaced at 500mm
(gypsum) or similar materials. max. centres horizontally and at 200mm centres
• must be faced with ceramic tiles when vertically.
installed in shower recesses and shower
compartments over baths.
• must not be used if fractured or damaged.
• must be stored under cover.
22 Installation in Wet Areas
Wall Tiling • Centre perforated paper tape reinforcement
over joints, internal and external angles, and
• Fix wall tiles to Boral Wet Area Drywall bed firmly into the Wet Area Taping Cement,
sheets using only an organic based adhesive ensuring no trapped air bubbles remain.
complying with Australian Standard AS2358 • When the tape is embedded, immediately
"Adhesives For Ceramic Wall Tiles and apply a skim coat of Wet Area Taping
Mosaics" Part 1-1.3(a) Type 1. Cement with a broad knife ensuring the tape
• After adequate preparation of the surface, is completely covered, with no tape curling
apply adhesive to the whole of the area to be at the edges. Cover fastener heads with Wet
tiled, one square metre at a time, in Area Taping Cement.
accordance with the Manufacturer’s • Apply a skim coat of Wet Area Taping
Specifications. Cement to the cut edges of the plasterboard
• Use a notched-edge trowel as recommended sheets at (1) The junction of the board and
by the adhesive Manufacturer in a horizontal the shower base. (2) The junction of the
direction, never vertically or apply in daubs. board and bath rim. Feather out across the
• Firmly press tiles into the ribs of the surface of the board.
adhesive before skinning occurs, ensuring
there is contact over the entire back surface Method B (alternative method)
of each tile. Plasterboard taped and finished with BaseBond,
• When tile adhesive has hardened, fill joints SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Mid Set or
continuously with grout approved by the tile SuperSmooth™ BaseCote Long Set over
Manufacturer. Approved grouts providing perforated paper tape.
high water resistance are recommended.
• Provide relief joints 6mm wide in accordance
with tile and adhesive Manufacturer’s
recommendations at the following locations:
- internal corners;
- penetrations;
- jambs at wall openings; and
- floor wall junctions.
Relief joints must be completely filled with SuperSmooth
an approved flexible waterproof sealant.

Joint Treatment in tiled areas

In tiled areas, joints, angles and junctions are to
be treated with Boral Wet Area Drywall
Plasterboard water resistant jointing system,
described as either "Method A or Method B". All
joints in wet areas are to be a minimum 1200mm
above the floor.

Method A ( recommended) Note. Where jointing system ‘Method B’ has been

used to joint Wet Area Drywall Plasterboard in the
Plasterboard taped and finished with Boral Wet shower recess, the system is incomplete until a
Area Taping Cement over perforated paper tape. waterproof sealer has been applied over the board
and finished joints before tiling. Check the sealer
for compatibility with tile adhesive.

Joint Treatment beyond tiled areas

In areas not to be tiled, Boral Wet Area Drywall
Plasterboard may be adhered with Masonry
Adhesive as specified for normal 8mm Boral
Drywall Plasterboard.

Joints and angles in areas not to be tiled are to be

• With a broad knife evenly fill the recess at
finished using any one of the range of Boral
the joints with Wet Area Taping Cement and
Plasterboard Jointing Systems. Use same jointing
apply also to both sides of internal and
system also where sheet joint coincides with top
external angles.
edge of tile panel.
8mm Wet Area Drywall System - Typical Bathroom and Shower construction details 9

Note: Where wall tiles of thickness 6.5mm to

12mm are used, the fastener centres must
Boustead Countersunk Head Nylon Anchors
be spaced at 500mm centres horizontally
(ANC 05025, 05040, 06525 and 06540 or
and 200mm centres vertically fixed through
500mm max. equivalent) spaced at centres shown fixed
adhesive daubs
through adhesive daubs.

250mm max.
Masonry adhesive daubs approximately 50mm diam. by 10mm thick applied to either masonry/brick
surface or to 8mm Wet area Drywall Plasterboard at centres shown.

Note: Where wall tiles of thickness 6.5mm to 12mm are used, space masonry adhesive daubs at
500mm centres horizontally and 200mm centres vertically.

Note: Special attention should be paid to

CSIRO Appraisals approved in-situ membrane
the treatment of joints and fastener heads
internal lining applied to face of Wet Area Drywall
in wet areas. Joint treatment "Method A or B"
Plasterboard surface by an approved installer.
or normal treatment may apply.

8mm Boral Wet Area Drywall Plasterboard Masking tape

250mm Wet area sealant around pipe penetration

Foam backing rod
max. finished with wet area taping cement as
per typical plumbing penetration detail
overleaf or alternatively aTap Penetration
Flange ("Fluid Apron" by HPH Pty. Ltd. or Hob
equivalent) sealed with an approved wet
area sealant.

Enlarged View of In-situ Membrane Shower Base

10 8mm Wet Area Drywall System - Typical Bathroom and Shower Construction Details

Boral Wet Area

Type 1 organic based wall Plasterboard
tile adhesive
Boral Wet Area Plasterboard Ceramic wall tiles on
Ceramic wall tiles Type 1 organic based wall
Ceramic wall tiles
tile adhesive
Boral Wet Area Plasterboard
Flexible sealant
relief joint - 6mm Flexible sealant 6mm
Skim coat of wet area
relief joint - 6mm Wall tiles taping cement at
Tap body
Flexible sealant cut edge
relief joint
Flexible sealant
Tap penetration flange Corner reinforcing relief joint - 6mm
or wet area sealant Basin profile tape

Vertical flashing angle Bath

Type 1 organic based wall
Mechanical fastener
tile adhesive
fixed through adhesive
Wet area sealant

Typical Plumbing Penetration Vanity Unit Wall Junction Internal Corner Detail Bath/Wall Junction Details

Ceramic wall tiles on

Type 1 organic based wall
Ceramic wall tiles on Mechanical fastener tile adhesive
Type 1 organic based wall
tile adhesive Boral Wet Area
Boral Wet Area Plasterboard
Boral Wet Area Mechanical fastener
Plasterboard Ceramic wall tiles on
Type 1 organic based wall Skim coat of wet area
tile adhesive taping cement at
CSIRO Appraisals approved in-situ cut edge
internal lining applied to face 10mm wet area sealant
of drywall by approved installer
Wet area sealant
Flexible sealant
Flexible sealant relief joint - 6mm
relief joint - 6mm 5-10mm
Floor tiles

Flexible sealant
relief joint - 6mm

Wet area flashing uPVC angle cove

Optional foam plastic
adhesively fixed to sub-floor with
rod used as essential Masking tape to
wet area flashing adhesive
bond breaker - by hold rod in place - Floor tiles on Preformed shower base
membrane installer by membrane installer bed of mortar

Impervious Floor/Wall Junction or Shower Wall to Floor Junction Preformed Shower Base/Wall Junction
8mm Wet Area Drywall System 25

Decoration Beyond Tiled Area Wet Area Sealant

Acrylic water resistant sealant in 450 gram
Paint Finish cartridges, for sealing junctions and cutouts
Prepare Boral Wet Area Plasterboard lining and in tiled areas.
carry out paintwork in accordance with the
Specification of the paint Manufacturer. Boral
Plasterboard PrimeCote is recommended as a
priming coat.

Wallpaper Finish
Prepare Boral Wet Area Plasterboard lining and
carry out wallpapering in accordance with the
Specification of the wallpaper Manufacturer.
Wet Area Flashing
Ceilings Extruded uPVC angle flashing 100mm x 50mm
Boral Plasterboard Standard Core is for flashing wall/floor junctions. Supplied in
recommended for use in ceilings of wet areas, 3 metre lengths.
such as bathrooms, shower rooms, laundries and

Architectural Specification
Boral Wet Area Plasterboard Systems shall
incorporate materials supplied by Boral
Plasterboard and shall be installed as detailed and 50mm
described in Installation Reference Manual 204D
Booklet 4 "Fixing in Wet Areas".
Plasterer ’s Metal Angle
For Commercial Wet Area Details refer also to
Boral Technical Manual 305C “Wet Area Systems Metal angle 32mm x 32mm for flashing internal
for Commercial and Institutional Construction”. corners. Supplied in lengths of 2400mm.

Further shower construction details are available

on request from all Boral Plasterboard Sales
Offices. 32mm

Caution 32mm
Please refer to containers or Safety Data Sheets
(available from Boral Plasterboard Sales Offices)
when handling relevant products. Wet Area Flashing Adhesive
Wet area flashing adhesive for adhering wet area
flashing uPVC angle cove to sub-floors
Wet Area Accessories
Tap Penetration Flange
Used to seal around tap penetrations.

Tap Penetration Flange

(Fluid Apron© by H.P.H. Pty. Ltd.
or equivalent)

Two part adhesive

Products manufactured and supplied by Boral Australian The information contained in this brochure is
Gypsum Limited (BAGL) A.C.N. 004 231 976, trading as available on TecSYS - a comprehensive technical
Boral Plasterboard, are guaranteed to be of consistent catalogue on CD-ROM.
quality and free from any defects.
Boral Plasterboard products must be installed using the
components and accessories specified and in
accordance with the instructions detailed in Boral
Plasterboard’s technical literature.
Our products are manufactured to suit the requirements
of the building industry in Australia.
Boral Plasterboard may limit its liability under this
guarantee to, at its option, the replacement or payment
of the cost of replacing OR supplying equivalent or
payment of the cost of supplying equivalent OR the
repair or payment of the cost of repairing products found
to be defective.

Important Note
The technical information contained within this manual available electronically on TecSYS (our technical
was correct at the time of printing. Building Systems and catalogue on CD) or the Boral Plasterboard Website.
details are, however, subject to change. To ensure the Alternatively, contact your nearest Boral Plasterboard
information you are using is current, Boral Plasterboard Sales Office or TecASSIST (see details below).
recommends you review the latest building information

Through TecASSIST Boral Plasterboard is demonstrating

its commitment to providing excellent technical service
and support to design, building and construction
professionals Australia wide.
A free-call architectural support line, TecASSIST is
available to provide sound advice on all matters relating
to drywall plasterboard construction.
Combining years of professional experience with the
latest design information and technology, the TecASSIST FREE-CALL 1800 811 222
team has the skills to help you.
Boral Plasterboard TecASSIST phone line is open to 24 hour fax: (03) 9645 1812
receive calls from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, email: [email protected].
Melbourne time (Victorian public holidays excepted).

Queensland Western Australia

733 Nudgee Road Northgate 4013 12 Hoskins Road Landsdale 6065
Telephone (07) 3215 2244 Telephone (08) 9400 2666
Fax (07) 3215 2299 Fax (08) 9302 1133
New South Wales 7 Barrier Street Fyshwick 2609
3 Thackeray Street Camellia 2142 Telephone (02) 6280 4243
Telephone (02) 9638 0571 Fax (02) 6280 5816
Fax (02) 9638 5557
South Australia 93 Albert Road Moonah 7009
119-121 Bedford Street Gillman 5013 Telephone (03) 6278 9966
Telephone (08) 8240 8888 Fax (03) 6278 9865
Export Department
Fax (08) 8341 1004 676 Lorimer Street Northern Territory
Port Melbourne 3207 Cnr Coonawarra Road & Mataram
Victoria Street
676 Lorimer Street Port Melbourne 3207 Telephone (03) 9214 2138
Winnellie 0820
Telephone (03) 9214 2138 Fax (03) 9646 1109
Telephone (08) 8984 4484
Fax (03) 9646 1912 Fax (08) 8984 3778

Boral Plasterboard Website:

© Boral Australian Gypsum limited 1999

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