Mechanical Vibrations Previous Years Questions PDF

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The document discusses different types of vibrations including free vibration, forced vibration, and damping of single degree of freedom systems. It also discusses vibration isolation, resonance, and critical speeds of shafts.

The different types of vibrations discussed are free vibration, forced vibration, effect of damping, and vibration isolation.

The factors that affect the natural frequency of a spring-mass system include the spring stiffness, mass of the system, and any external parameters like gravitational acceleration.


Free and Forced Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems, Effect of

Damping, Vibration Isolation, Resonance, Critical Speeds of Shafts
GATE 2018

1. The equation of motion for a spring-mass system excited by a harmonic force is

Mx¨+Kx=Fcos(ωt) Where M is the mass, K is the spring stiffness, FF is the force amplitude
and ω is the angular frequency of excitation. Resonance occurs when ω is equal to

2. A machine of mass m=200m is supported on two mounts, each of stiffness k=10 kN/m. The
machine is subjected to an external force (in N) F(t)=50cos5t. Assuming only vertical translatory
motion, the magnitude of the dynamic force (in N) transmitted from each mount to the ground is
______ (correct to two decimal places).

Answer: 33.33N
3. In a single degree of freedom underdamped spring-mass-damper system as shown in the
figure, an additional damper is added in parallel such that the system still remains
underdamped. Which one of the following statements is ALWAYS true?
(A) Transmissibility will increase. (B) Transmissibility will decrease. (C) Time period
of free oscillations will increase. (D) Time period of free oscillations will decrease.

Answer : (C) Time period of free oscillations will increase.

GATE 2017

4. The damping ratio for a viscously damped spring mass system, governed by the
relationship is given by

5. A thin uniform rigid bar of length L and mass M is hinged at point O, located at a
distance of L/3 from one of its ends. The bar is further supported using springs, each of
stiffiness k, located at the two ends. A partical of mass m=M/4 is fixed at one end of the
bar, as shown in the figure. For small rotatios of the bar about O, the natural frequency of
the system is

6. A mass m is attached to two identical springs having constant k as shown in the figure.
The natural frequency ω of this single degree of freedom system is
7. The radius of gyration of a compound pendulum about the point of suspension is 100
mm. The distance between the point of suspension and the center of mass is 250 mm.
Considering the acceleration due to gravity as 9.81 m/s2, the natural frequency (in
radian/s) of the compound pendulum is_________

Answer: 15.66rad/s

GATE 2016

8. A single degree of freedom spring mass system with viscous damping has a spring
constant of 10 kN/m. The system is excited by a sinusoidal force of amplitude 100 N. If
the damping factor (ratio) is 0.25, the amplitude of steady state oscillation at resonance is

Answer: 20mm

9. The spring constant of a helical compression spring DOES NOT depend on

(A) coil diameter (B) material strength (C) number of active turns (D) wire diameter

Answer: (B) material strength

10. A solid disc with radius a is connected to a spring at a point d above the center of the
disc. The other end of the spring is fixed to the vertical wall. The disc is free to roll
without slipping on the ground. The mass of the disc is M and the spring constant is K.
The polar moment of inertia for the disc about its centre is J=Ma2/2.
The natural frequency of this system in rad/s is given by

11. A single degree of freedom mass-spring-viscous damper system with mass m, spring
constant k and viscous damping coefficient q is critically damped. The correct relation
among m,k, and q is

12. The system shown in the figure consists of block A of mass 5 kg connected to a spring
through a massless rope passing over pulley B of radius r and mass 20 kg. The spring
constant k is 1500 N/m. If there is no slipping of the rope over the pulley, the natural
frequency of the system is_____________ rad/s.

Answer: 10rad/s
13. The static deflection of a spring under gravity, when a mass of 1 kg is suspended from it,
is 1 mm. Assume the acceleration due to gravity g=10m/s2. The natural frequency of this
spring-mass system (in rad/s) is_____________

Answer: 100rad/s

14. A single degree of freedom spring-mass system is subjected to a harmonic force of

constant amplitude. For an excitation frequency of √ , the ratio of the amplitude of
steady state response to the static deflection of the spring is __________

Answer: 0.5

15. Considering massless rigid rod and small oscillations, the natural frequency (in rad/s) of
vibration of the system shown in the figure is

Answer: (D)

GATE 2015

16. A mobile phone has a small motor with an eccentric mass used for vibrator mode. The
location of the eccentric mass on motor with respect to center of gravity (CG) of the
mobile and the rest of the dimensions of the mobile phone are shown. The mobile is kept
on a flat horizontal surface.
Given in addition that the eccentric mass = 2 grams , eccentricity = 2.19 mm, mass of the
mobile = 90 grams , g = 9.81 m/s2 .Uniform speed of the motor in RPM for which the mobile
will get just lifted off the ground at the end Q is approximately.

(A) 3000 (B) 3500 (C) 4000 (D) 4500

Answer: (B) 3500

17. A precision instrument package(m = 1 kg) needs to be mounted on a surface vibrating at

60 Hz. It is desired that only 5% of the base surface vibration amplitude be transmitted to
the instrument .Assume that the isolation is designed with its natural frequency
significantly lesser than 60 Hz, so that the effect of damping may be ignored. The
stiffness (in N/m) of the required mounting pad is ________.

Answer: 6767.6005 N/m

18. In a spring-mass system the mass is m and the spring constant is k. The critical damping
coefficient of the system is 0.1 kg/s. In another spring mass system, the mass is 2m and
the spring constant is 8k. The critical damping coefficient (in kg/s) of this system is

Answer: 0.4kg/sec

19. A single-degree-freedom spring-mass is subjected to a sinusoidal force of 10 N

amplitude and frequency ω along the axis of the spring. The stiffness of the spring is 150
N/m, damping factor is 0.2 and undamped natural frequency is 10 ω. At steady state, the
amplitude of vibration (in m) is approximately

(A) 0.05 (B) 0.07 (C) 0.70 (D) 0.90

Answer : (B) 0.07

20. Which of the following statements are TRUE for damped vibrations?

P For a system having critical damping, the value of the damping ratio is unity and
system does not undergo a vibratory motion.

Q. Logarithmic decrement method is used to determine the amount of damping in a

physical system.

R. In case of damping due to dry friction between moving surfaces resisting force of
constant magnitude acts opposite to the relative motion.
S. For the case of viscous damping, drag force is directly proportional to the square of
relative velocity.

(A) P and Q only (B) P and S only (C) P, Q and R only (D) Q and S only

Answer : (C) P, Q and R only

21. Figure shows a single degree of freedom system. The system consists of a massless rigid
bar OP hinged O and a mass m at end P. The natural frequency of vibration of the system

GATE 2014

22. Critical damping is the

(A) largest amount of damping for which no oscillation occurs in free vibration

(B) smallest amount of damping for which no oscillation occurs in free vibration

(C) largest amount of damping for which the motion is simple harmonic in free

(D) smallest amount of damping for which the motion is simple harmonic in free

Answer: (B)

23. Consider a cantilever beam, having negligible mass and uniform flexural rigidity, with
length 0.01 m. The frequency of vibration of the beam, with a 0.5 kg mass attached at the
free tip, is 100 Hz. The flexural rigidity (in N.m2) of the beam is _______

Answer: 0.064 to 0.067 N.m2

24. A rigid uniform rod AB of length L and mass m is hinged at C such that AC = L/3, CB =
2L/3. Ends A and B are supported by springs of spring constant k. The natural frequency
of the system is given by

25. In vibration isolation, which one of the following statements is NOT correct regarding
Transmissibility (T)?

(A) T is nearly unity at small excitation frequencies

(B) T can be always reduced by using higher damping at any excitation frequency

(C) T is unity at the frequency ratio of √2

(D) T is infinity at resonance for undamped systems

Answer: (B)

26. What is the natural frequency of the spring mass system shown below? The contact
between the block and the inclined plane is frictionless. The mass of the block is denoted
by m and the spring constants are denoted by k1 and k2 as shown below.
27. Consider a single degree-of-freedom system with viscous damping excited by a
harmonic force. At resonance, the phase angle (in degree) of the displacement with
respect to the exciting force is

(A) 0 (B) 45 (C) 90 (D) 135

Answer: (C) 90

28. The damping ratio of a single degree of freedom spring-mass-damper system with mass
of 1 kg, stiffness 100 N/m and viscous damping coefficient of 25 N.s/m is _______

Answer: 1.24 to 1.26

29. A mass-spring-dashpot system with mass m = 10 kg, spring constant k = 6250 N/m is
excited by a harmonic excitation of 10 cos(25t) N. At the steady state, the vibration
amplitude of the mass is 40 mm. The damping coefficient (c, in N.s/m) of the dashpot is

Answer : 9 to 11N.s/m

30. A single degree of freedom system has a mass of 2 kg, stiffness 8 N/m and viscous
damping ratio 0.02. The dynamic magnification factor at an excitation frequency of 1.5
rad/s is _______

Answer : 2.0 to 2.4

31. If two nodes are observed at a frequency of 1800 rpm during whirling of a simply
supported long slender rotating shaft, the first critical speed of the shaft in rpm is

(A) 200 (B) 450 (C) 600 (D) 900

Answer: (A) 200

GATE 2013

32. A single degree of freedom system having mass 1 kg and stiffness 10 kN/m initially at
rest is subjected to an impulse force of magnitude 5 kN for 10-4 seconds. The amplitude
in mm of the resulting free vibration is

(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 (C) 5.0 (D) 10.0

Answer: (C) 5.0

GATE 2012

33. A concentrated mass m is attached at the centre of a rod of length 2L as shown in the
figure. The rod is kept in a horizontal equilibrium position by a spring of stiffness k. For
very small amplitude of vibration, neglecting the weights of the rod and spring, the
undamped natural frequency of the system is

GATE 2011

34. A mass of 1 kg is attached to two identical springs each with stiffness k = 20 kN/m as
shown in the figure. Under frictionless condition, the natural frequency of the system in
Hz is close to
(A) 32 (B) 23 (C) 16 (D) 11

Answer: (A) 32

35. A disc of mass m is attached to a spring of stiffness k as shown in the figure. The disc
rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface. The natural frequency of vibration of the
system is

GATE 2010

36. The natural frequency of a spring-mass system on earth is ωn. The natural frequency of
this system on the moon (gmoon = gearth /6) is

(A) ωn (B) 0.408ωn (C) 0.204ωn (D) 0.167ωn

Answer: (A) ωn

37. A mass m attached to a spring is subjected to a harmonic force as shown in figure. The
amplitude of the forced motion is observed to be 50mm. the value of m (in Kg) is
(A) 0.1 (B) 1.0 (C) 0.3 (D) 0.5

Answer: (A) 0.1

GATE 2009

38. The rotor shaft of a large electric motor supported between short bearings at both
deflection of 1.8 mm in the middle of the rotor. Assuming the rotor to be perfectly
balanced and supported at knife edges at both the ends, the likely critical speed (in rpm)
of the shaft is

(A) 350 (B) 705 (C) 2810 (D) 4430

Answer: (B) 705

39. An automotive engine weighing 240 kg is supported on four springs with linear
characteristics. Each of the front two springs have a stiffness of 16MN/m while the
stiffness of each rear spring is 32 MN/m. The engine speed (in rpm), at which resonance
is likely to occur, is

(A) 6040 (B) 3020 (C) 1424 (D) 955

Answer: (A) 6040

40. A vehicle suspension system consists of a spring and a damper. The stiffness of the
spring is 3.6 kN/m and the damping constant of the damper is 400 Ns/m. If the mass is
50 kg, then the damping factor (d) and damped natural frequency (fn), respectively, are

(A) 0.471 and 1.19 Hz (B) 0.471 and 7.48 Hz (C) 0.666 and 1.35 Hz (D) 0.666 and 8.50 Hz

Answer: (A) 0.471 and 1.19 Hz

GATE 2008

41. The natural frequency of the spring mass system shown in the figure is closest to
(A) 8 Hz (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40

Answer: (B) 10 Hz

42. A uniform rigid rod of mass m = 1kg and length L = 1m is hinged at its centre and
laterally supported at one end by a spring of spring constant k = 300 N/m. The natural
frequency ωn in rad/s is

(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40

Answer: (C)

GATE 2007

43. For an underdamped harmonic oscillator, resonance

(A) occurs when excitation frequency is greater than undamped natural frequency

(B) occurs when excitation frequency is less than undamped natural frequency

(C) occurs when excitation frequency is equal to undamped natural frequency

(D) never occurs

Answer: (C)

44. The natural frequency of the system shown below is

45. The equation of motion of a harmonic oscillator is

given by and the initial conditions at t = 0 are x(0)=X, dx/dt(0)=0. The amplitude of x(t)
after n complete cycle is

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