Project Report "Banking System" in India Introduction of Banking
Project Report "Banking System" in India Introduction of Banking
The market place began to change for banks in India as a result of reforms of the
financial sectors initiated in the current decade. On account of policy measures
introduce to infuse greater competitive vitality in the system, the banking has entered
in to a competitive phase. Competition has emerged not only from within the banking
system but also from non-banking institutions. Lowering of entry barriers,
deregulation of interest rates and growing sophistication of customers have made
banking far less oligopolistic today. Introduction of capital adequacy and other
prudential norms, freedom granted to enter into new turf’s and greater overlap of
functions between banks and non-banks have forced banks to get out of their cozy
little world and think of the future of the banking.
Greater coordination between monetary, fiscal and exchanged rate policies for
achieving the goals of faster and sustainable economic growth, macro-economic
stability and export promotion.
Close integration of various financial markets such as money market, capital market
and forex market.
In the next millennium banks will have to be more and more cautions about
customer service, profitability, increased productivity, to keep face with changing
banking scenario. As banks in India prepare themselves for the millenium these are
the shifts in the paradigm they are likely to experience. The 21st century may see the
dawn of “DARWINIAN BANKING”. Only the banks could fulfill the demands of
markets and changing items would survive and prosper.
Preamble :
Purpose :
To meet the credit requirements of small business units, industrial unit, retail trader,
artisan, Small Scale Industry (SSI) and tiny units.
Eligibility :
A. Customers of the following segments with a satisfactory track record for the last
two years enjoying credit facilities.
B. Units who do not enjoy credit limit with us/other banks at present with excellent
performance and credential may be considered.
Quantum of loan :
Assessment :
For small business, retail trader etc. 20% of the annual turnover declared for tax
purpose or last twelve months turnover in the operative accounts, whichever is
In respect of parties with good track record, where sales tax returns are not available,
the credit limits may be decided taking into consideration the actual turnover in the
accounts during the last two years.
For professionals and self employed persons, 50% of their gross annual
income as per IT return shall be considered as the limit for issuing the SBI
credit card.
For small scale industrial units, tiny sector units the assessment norms in
vogue as per the Nayak Committee recommendations would continue.
Validity :
Credit card limit will be valid for a period of three years, subject to satisfactory
conduct of the accounts.
Annual review will be done based on conduct/operations of the A/cs. A major
portion of the sales turnover should have been routed through the accounts as
revealed by the credit summations.
Repayment :
The working capital advance may be continued subject to that review every
year provided the credit summations in the account is not less than 50% of the
projected sales turnover. If the credit summations is less than 50% of projected
sales turnover. The outstanding as on the due date of review should be made
repayable in suitable monthly installments.
The term loan is repayable in suitable installments with in a maximum period
of five years.
In case of composite loans, only the term loan is repayable in installments up to
a maximum period of five years.
Interest rate :
As per extent instructions issued from time to time relating the market segment.
Refinance :
Security :
Collateral :
User SBF :
However, in case of the excellent track record, sanctioning authority may waive
collateral requirement.
Margins :
Documentation :
The credit card is a hassle free convenient banking product aimed at simplifying
the credit delivery mechanism.Cumbersome procedural aspects relating to reviews
and renewals, submission of stock statement, balance sheet and other statements are
done away with. The credit limit will be worked as detail above.
Card No.
Account No.
Tel. No.
Limit Rs.
Date of issue
Valid upto
………….. (Branch Code)
The borrower would be issued a photo card indicating sanctioned limit and validity of
the limit (sample card)
Insurance :
All eligible loan accounts sanctioned for small scale industries (other than
services) would qualify for cover under CGTFSI scheme (presently the scheme has
been introduce in five circles on pilot basis viz. New Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow,
Patna & Hydrabad).
Operation :
Inspections :
Sanction :
Scoring Model :
Rationale :
An ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) card is useful to a card holder as it helps him
to withdraw cash from banks even when they are closed. This can be done by
inserting the card in the ATM installed at various banks locations.
State Bank Cash Plus CARD
Signature Panel.
Magnetic Stripe
We uses our State Bank Cash Plus Card for cash withdrawal from ATMs.
We uses it for making the payments for purchase made at the merchant
SBI card provides customers with an option, in addition to the existing banking credit
facilities available. With an SBI card customers can enjoy hassle-free credit facilities.
This study would help us to know about the problems that are faced by the consumers
during transactions. It would also reveal the problems that are being faced by the bank
employees while dealing with customers and would also highlight the future prospect
of SBI card.
As the concept is completely under the control of various banks and RBI. So the
information is directly taken from these sources.
As the concept includes two terms i.e. cash credit or working capital loans and terms
loans. Therefore both the terms are taken into consideration in the proposed study.
Due to the privatization of banking sector many big private players entered in this
sector giving a tough competition to the existing players. So, to face this stiff
competition all the public sector banks have to review their functioning. These aspects
will be given importance in this project report.
The concept of SBI card, question crops in mind what is a SBI card, What is its
shape and size, what is its function. A SBI card is nothing but a identity card
containing card holder’s photographs with signature, card no. Name, A/c No. limit,
validity period, branch code with signature of Branch Manager.
Focus of the problem
The study has been conducted at SBI Bhiwani. The main focus of the study is to know about
customer’s perceptions about various credit schemes. As SBI card is an integral part of SBF
(small business financing). So the due weightage is given to SBI card. This study has been
To find out main obstacles while getting finance under various credit
Taking Sample has carried out the study. Therefore, all the limitations
associated with sampling.
Sometimes the respondent does not want to disclose some relevant
The Chapterisation of the project report is as following :
Chapter –1 :
I have discussed about the relevance and importance about the
project. I have explained the topic with ATM facilities. Why this study
is required? What are the limitations? What are the objectives and
what are the steps I have adopted for doing this project.
Chapter –2 :
Chapter –3 :
It consists the detail descriptions about the raw data. Here the
complete analysis of the data, which is collected from the primary
sources. For tabulation the data is converted into the percentage and
after that it is tabulated. On the basis of this data the graph are
inserted. At last the conclusion is drawn on the basis of this data.
Chapter –4 :
It consists the appendices part of the project report in this part I have
mentioned the names of all those books, magazines, journals and
web-sites from where I have collected the material comes under the
head of bibliography. It also consists the questionnaire, which is used
for collecting the data.
Universe or survey population
All the customers availing credit schemes in Bhiwani is our universe while the sample size is
Sampling techniques :
Probability samples are characterized by the fact hat each element of the population
Research Design
A research design is simply a plan for study in collection and analyzing the data. It helps the
researcher to conduct the study and ensure that economical procedures are employed and
probing is relevant to the problem. Depending upon the objective of the study there is three-
Data Collection :
Primary Data are those data which are collected to solve a problem or take advantage of any
opportunity on which a decision is depending. These data are basically observe and recorded
by the researcher for the first time used primary data for my project work.
Secondary data are those data which are primarily collected by other person for his own
Independent variables :
Natural Calamities
Dependent variables :