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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Emma Gontjes _____________

Date: __04/10/2020___ Subject/ Topic/ Theme: ___Different places of the Rock Cycle ____Grade: ___ 4th grade__

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
The unit is about Rock Cycles and this lesson is looking at different places Sedimentary Metamorphic, and Igneous rocks can be found.
cognitive- physical socio-
Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E development emotional
 Distinguish between the three different rock formations U
 Identify the different locations of the different rock formations Ap
 Use evidence for distinguishing different types of rocks Ap
 Demonstrate how other outside elements can change the way a rock is formed Ap

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:

4-ESS1-1 Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils

(Could also cover this social studies core- 4 – G1.0.1 Identify questions geographers ask in examining the United States.)

(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite knowledge and Know what a rock cycle is and the three points in a rock cycle; Sedimentary, Metamorphic, and
skills. Igneous.

Pre-assessment (for learning)(if applicable):

Asking if they remember what the locations of the different rock formations are.
Outline assessment activities Formative (for learning):
(applicable to this lesson) Explaining the diagrams with a partner.
Formative (as learning):
Answering the problems at them end.
What barriers might this lesson Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of
present? Engagement Representation Action and Expression
Provide options for self- Provide options for Provide options for executive
regulation- expectations, personal comprehension- activate, apply & functions- coordinate short &
skills and strategies, self- highlight long-term goals, monitor
What will it take –
assessment & reflection - Talking through the progress, and modify strategies
neurodevelopmentally, - They will get to assess diagrams with a partner. - They get to monitor
experientially, emotionally, etc., for their answers at the end their understanding
your students to do this lesson? of the lesson with the through talking it out
answer key. with another student.
Provide options for sustaining Provide options for language, Provide options for expression
effort and persistence- optimize mathematical expressions, and and communication- increase
challenge, collaboration, symbols- clarify & connect medium of expression
mastery-oriented feedback language - They get to
- Students will be - Having a criterion for communicate with
collaborating with the last activity of partners and express
partners during naming the rocks on the their answers on the
explanation time and board. sheet before looking
mini worksheet time. at the key.
Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical
interest- choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible action- increase options for
authenticity, minimize threats - Asking students what interaction
- They get to see the different places they - Talking through their
different parts of the have been and what explanation and also
world where these rocks looks different in those writing it down.
are located. places.

Students will need their notebooks and a writing utensil.

Materials-what materials (books,
handouts, etc) do you need for this
lesson and are they ready to use?

Students will be in their desk. Their desks should be next to a partner as they will have to do
partner work. The teacher will be in front of the class projecting things on the screen and using
How will your classroom be set up the white board.
for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Component Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time s for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or prompts.
0:00 “Raise your hand if you have you guys been to another Students respond to prompts and engage in
Motivation state before? Have you been maybe out of the country conversation.
0:01 (opening/ before? How do these places look different from
introduction/ Michigan?”
All of these places look very different. They have
different trees, climates, flowers, and more. They also
have different rocks. We are going to go on an
adventure, not only around the world, but into the
world to look at different places and where the
different formations of rocks are found.

“I want you guys to open your journals and write the

three types of rocks we have been talking about down.
Also see if you all can get them in their correct order.”

“Go over your answers with your partner.”

0:04 Open a computer screen to project for your students.

(I have made a Pages document with the rock pictures

in them)
nt Open the first image for the class and examine it. “I
(the largest want us to all look at this diagram and talk through it
component together. Let’s start at the sedimentary rock. And just
or main read through it”
body of the
lesson) Read the whole diagram and explain it to the students.
The different routes that a sedimentary rock can take. Students pay attention.
Have students turn to their partner and explain the Partner up and explain the model to the other partner.
picture to them. They each get one minute. (Time Each get one minute.
0:07- them)
0:09 Ask one student, “Can you tell me two places a
sedimentary rock can go to?”
Ask another student, “Can you tell me two places or
outcomes that can happen to magma?”
Ask if any students have questions about the diagram.

Go to the next page for another picture just like the first
0:10 one and have students explain it to their partners.
Give students time to explain the rocks to their
partners. Simply go over the diagram when they are
done and then move on.

Go to page three now.

“This is a photo of the different layers of the earth. I
want you to talk with your partner about how the rock
cycle would work here” Talk and describe the photo with your partner.
Have some partners share with the whole group?

“Sediments gather at the surface, then compress in the

red section to form a metamorphic rock, then they melt
into magma. Once that magma come to the surface and
is cooled, it turns into an igneous rock.”

Although these different layers of the earth show

different rock formations, different locations on the
0:14 surface can too. Different places also have different
climates. Climate is another word for weather pattern.
The weather can affect a rocks formation. We are first
going to travel to Hawaii.
Picture of Hawaii. Tell me what rocks you think will be Respond to why they think these different rocks
here and why. appear at the different places.
(Igneous rocks because there is a volcano and igneous
rocks are made from lava)
Picture of Arizona. Tell me what rocks you think will
be here and why.
(Sedimentary rocks because all the sand is being
compressed. These rocks you can see the different
layers of sand)
Picture of Mountain Range. Tell me what rocks you
think will be here and why.
(Metamorphic rocks because they are under a high
pressure. These rocks look sturdier.)
Go to the fourth page. There are three different types of
rocks and six photos of real rocks. With the students go
over what type of rock each rock is and give an
explanation why.
The fifth page is going to have the students do what we
just did but with a partner. There will be six photos of
rocks. They will have to name the rock and give an
explanation. Give them time to do this. Have them
right down their answers but talk about it with a
0:20 Closure Once students have written down their answers and Students will participate in grading themselves and
(conclusion, explanations for the six rocks, show the answer key. giving input in the conversation.
culmination, Have students assess how they did.
wrap-up) Ask students what rocks they got wrong. Ask them
why they think they got them wrong. For homework,
they will be choosing a place in the United States and
find out what type of rock they would find there.

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement for
next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the process of
preparing the lesson.)
I thought this lesson went really well. It was a different pace than the previous lessons. I incorporated different

methods of teaching through using technology and having students work with partners to answer questions but also

verbally explain the rock cycle. I also think that the self-assessment at the end of the lesson was a really good tool for

the students to evaluate themselves, but also, for me to evaluate them. My peers liked how I was able to verbalize the

different types of rocks and give examples that were perceivable to them. They also liked how I made it fun for my

students by pretending that we were traveling to these different places.

Although I think this was a good lesson, there are a few changes that I made to my lesson. I simply incorporated

some different prompting questions, that I caught myself adding throughout the lesson. I did not have them in there

before. Another thing that I ended up changing, was the format of my pictures. I originally had them in pages

documents, but I realized that it would work a lot better in a google slides format. I changed that so my separate

documents were in one google slide. Those were the two big changes that I made to my lesson after teaching it.

Overall, I thought this lesson went well. It was a basic lesson and slides. Everything was laid out and it gave the

students an opportunity to talk out and explain the rock cycle to someone else.

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