Bill of Sale Motorcycle
Bill of Sale Motorcycle
Bill of Sale Motorcycle
____________________________________ (City, State, Zip code) hereby certify that I am the lawful owner of this vehicle:
B u y e r an d S a l e I n f o r m a t i o n :
I hereby, and with full authority, transfer ownership of the above vehicle to __________________________ (Buyer Name) of
on ___________ (Date).
Additional Agreements :
______ The buyer acknowledges that the above vehicle is being sold AS IS, and the buyer assumes all responsibility for future
Initial damages and/or liabilities resulting from the use of this vehicle. The buyer also agrees to secure their own insurance.
______ The seller acknowledges and certifies that this vehicle is free of any liens or other collections at the time of sale and
Initial agrees to hold the buyer harmless for any valid claims made against said vehicle.
S i gn at u r e s :
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Witness 1 Signature Witness 2 Signature
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Witness 1 Address Witness 2 Address