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PHA619 – LEC Extended Release

PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORM, DRUG DELIVERY - Allows a reduction in dosing frequency from the
SYSTEM, AND MEDICAL DEVICES necessitated by a conventional dosage forms, such
as a solution of an immediate-release dosage form
Chapter 9: MODIFIEDD-RELEASE DOSAGE FORMS AND DRUG U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
DELIVERY SYSTEMS - Tablets & capsules
- Definition o Taken once or twice daily
- Differentiate the following dosage forms: - Provides immediate release of drug:
o Extended-release o Provides promptly desired therapeutic
o Delayed-release effect
o Repeat action o Followed by gradual and continual release
o Targeted release of additional amounts of drug maintaining
- Advantages and disadvantages of extended release effect over predetermined period of time
dosage forms over conventional forms
- Characteristics of drugs best suited for incorporation Delayed Release
into an extended release product - Release the drug at a time other than promptly after
- Mechanisms by which drug action are achieved administration
- Explanation of 3 ways by which the rate of drug - Delays is time based or based on the influence of
release from the solid dosage forms be modified environmental conditions, like gastrointestinal pH
- Explanation of the different technologies employed - Example:
in the modification of drug release rate. Give the o Enteric coating Aspirin
products employing these modifications:
o Coated beads, pellets, granules, Examples of Proprietary Modified-Release Oral Dosage Form
microspheres Delayed Release – Prilosec (Omeprazole)
o Multi-tablet system - Enteric coated granules of Omeprazole placed in
o Microencapsulated drugs capsules
o Embedding drug in slowly - Omeprazole
eroding/hydrophilic matrix system o Is acid liable and is degraded by gastric acid
o Embedding drug in inert plastic matrix o Use: treatment of duodenal ulcer
o Complex formation
o Ion-exchange resins Modified-Release Dosage Forms
o Osmotic pump Repeat Action
- Reasons why drugs must remain intact until it - Contains two single doses of medication:
reaches the intestines? How are these be achieved? o One – for immediate release
- Development of an IVIVC model o Second – for delayed release
- Clinical considerations in the use of oral modified- - Example:
release dosage forms
- How extended drug action is achieved by routes
other than oral administration o Two layered tablets
- Chapter 20 – Novel and Advanced Dosage Forms,  One drug layer for immediate
Delivery Systems and Devices pp 737-750 release
o In ocular drug products  Second layer for release of drug
o Parenteral system later as a second dose/in an
o Vaginal inserts extended release manner
o Subdermal implants
Targeted Release
Modified-release dosage forms - Release towards isolating or concentrating a drug in
- With drug release features based on time, course, body
and/or location to accomplish therapeutic or - Region, tissue, or site for absorption or for drug
convenience objectives action
- No offered by conventional or immediate-release
- Differentiated into: CONVENTIONAL FORMS
o Extended release - Less fluctuation in drug blood levels
o Delayed release - Frequency reduction in dosing
- Enhanced convenience and compliance
- Reduction in adverse side effects
- Reduction in overall health care costs

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DISADVANTAGES OF EXTENDED-RELEASE DOSAGE FORMS o Eliminate hazards and environmental
- Loss of flexibility in adjusting the drug dose and/or concerns associated with organic solvent-
dosage regimen based systems
- Risk of sudden and total drug release/dose dumping - The variation of thickness of the coats and in the
due to failure of technology type of coating material affects the rate at which
body fluids penetrate the coating to dissolve the
Characteristics of drugs best suited for incorporation into an drug
extended release product - The thicker the coat, the more resistant to
1. They exhibit nether very slow nor very fast rates of penetration and the more delayed will be drug
absorption and excretion. release and dissolution
2. They are uniformly absorbed from the - Coated beads
gastrointestinal tract. o 1mm in diameter
3. They are administered in relatively small doses. o Combined to have three or four release
4. They possess a good margin of safety. groups among more than 100 beads
5. They are used in the treatment of chronic rather contained in the dosing unit
than acute conditions. - Example: Spansule (SmithKline Beecham)

How extended drug action is achieved Multitablet System

- By affecting the rate at which the drug is released - Small spheroid compressed tablets 3 to 4mm in
from the dosage form diameter may be prepared to have varying drug-
- By slowing the transit time of the dosage form release characteristics
through the gastrointestinal tract - They then may be placed in gelatin capsule shells to
provide the desired pattern of drug release
Rate of drug release of solid dosage forms may be modified - Each capsule may contain 8 to 10 minitablets, some
by: uncoated for immediate release and others coated
- Modifying drug dissolution by controlling access of for extended drug release
biologic fluids to the drug through the use of barrier
coatings Microencapsulated Drug
- Controlling drug diffusion rates from dosage forms - Microencapsulation
- Chemical reaction or interaction between the drug o A process by which solids, liquids, or even
substance or its pharmaceutical barrier and site- gases may be enclosed in microscopic
specific biologic fluids particles by formation of thin coatings of
wall material around the substance
EXTENDED-RELEASE TECHNOLOGY FOR ORAL DOSAGE o Cleaner substitute for carbon paper and
FORMS carbon ribbons as sought by the business
Coated beads, Granules, and Microspheres machine industry
- Using conventional pan coating or air suspension - Gelatin
coating, a solution of the drug substance is placed on o Common wall-forming materials;
small inert nonpareil seeds or beads made of sugar - and synthetic polymers such as
and starch or on microcrystalline cellulose spheres o polyvinyl alcohol
- Nonpareil seeds o ethylcellulose
o Range of 425 to 850 mm o polyvinyl chloride
- Microcrystalline cellulose spheres - Encapsulation Process
o Range from 170 to 600 mm 1. Dissolving the wall material
o Considered as more durable during 2. Material to be encapsulated is added and the
production than sugar-based cores two-phase mixture thoroughly stirred
- Lipid Materials used to Coat Granules 3. With the material to be encapsulated broken up
o Beeswax to the desired particle size, a solution of a
o Carnauba wax second material, usually acacia, is added
o Glyceryl monostearate 4. This additive material concentrates the gelatin
o Cetyl alcohol (polymer) into tiny liquid droplets
o Cellulosic material like ethylcellulose 5. These droplets (the coacervate) form a film or
- Aqueous coating systems coat around the particles of the substance to be
o Use ethylcellulose and plasticizer as coating encapsulated
material 6. The final dry microcapsules are free-flowing
 Ex. Aquacoat and Surelease discrete particles of coated material
7. The wall material usually constitutes 2% to 20%
of total particle weight

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- Different rates of drug release may be obtained by - Three-layer Tablets
changing: o Both outer layers containing the drug for
o the ratio of core to wall immediate release
o the polymer used for the coating o Some commercial tablets are prepared with
o the method of microencapsulation an inner core containing the extended-
- Advantage of Microencapsulation release portion of drug and an outer shell
o the administered dose of a drug is enclosing the core and containing drug for
subdivided into small units that are spread immediate release
over a large area of the gastrointestinal
tract, which may enhance absorption by Embedding Drug in Inert Plastic Matrix
diminishing local drug concentration - The drug is granulated with an inert plastic material
- Example: Potassium chloride (Micro-K Extencaps, such as polyethylene, polyvinyl acetate, or
Wyeth) polymethacrylate, and the granulation is compressed
into tablets
- The drug is slowly released from the inert plastic
Embedding Drug in Slowly Eroding or Hydrophilic Matrix matrix by diffusion
System - The compression creates the matrix or plastic form
- The drug substance is combined and made into that retains its shape during leaching of the drug and
granules with an excipient material that slowly during its passage through the alimentary tract
erodes in body fluids, progressively releasing the - An immediate-release portion of drug may be
drug for absorption compressed onto the surface of the tablet
- When these granules are mixed with granules of - The inert tablet matric, expended of drug, is
drug prepared without the excipient, the excreted with the feces
uncombined granules provide the immediate effect, - Example: Gradumet (Abbott)
and the drug-excipient granules provide extended
action Complex Formation
- The granule mix may be formulated as tablets or - Form complexes that may be only slowly soluble in
capsules for oral delivery body fluids, depending on the pH of the environment
- Hydrophilic cellulose polymers - This slow dissolution rate provides the ER of the drug
o Commonly used as the excipient base in - Example: Rynatan (Wallace)
tablet matrix systems o Salts of tannic acid, tannates, provide this
- The effectiveness of these hydrophilic matrix quality in a variety of proprietary products
systems is based on:
o The successive processes of hydration of Ion Exchange Resins
the cellulosic polymer, gel formation on the - A solution of a cationic drug may be passed through
polymer’s surface, tablet erosion, and the a column containing an ion-exchange resin, forming
subsequent and continuous release of drug a complex by the replacement of hydrogen atoms
- Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) - The resin-drug complex is washed and may be
o A free-flowing powder tableted, encapsulated, or suspended in an aqueous
o Commonly used to provide the hydrophilic vehicle.
matrix - The release of the drug depends on the pH and
- For a successful hydrophilic matrix system: electrolyte concentration in the gastrointestinal tract
o The polymer must form a gelatinous layer - Release is greater in the acidity of the stomach than
rapidly enough to protect the inner core of in the less acidic environment of the small intestine
the tablet from disintegrating too rapidly - Example: Hydrocodone polistirex and
after ingestion chlorpheniramine polistirex suspension (Tussionex
o 20% of HPMC results In satisfactory rates of Pennkinetic extended-release suspension – CellTech)
release for an extended-release tablet - Phentermine resin capsules (Ionamin capsules
formulation -CellTech)
- Example: Oramorph SR Tablets (AllPharma) - The mechanism of action of drug release from ion-
 Contains morphine sulfate exchange resins may be depicted as follows:
- Manufacturers may prepare:
- Two-layer Tablets In the Stomach
o One layer containing the uncombined drug -
for immediate release Drug resinate+ HCl ⇌acidic resin+drug hydrochloride
o Other layer having the drug embedded in a -
hydrophilic matrix for ER Resin salt + HCl ⇌ resin chloride +acidic drug

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- Prepared so that an initial dose of drug is released
In the Intestine immediately, and a second dose follows later
- - The tablets may be prepared with the immediate-
Drug resinate+ NaCl ⇌ sodium resinate+drug hydrochloride release dose in the tablet’s outer shell or coating and
- the second dose in the tablet’s inner core, separated
Resin salt + NaCl ⇌resin chloride + sodium salt of drug by a slowly permeable barrier coating
- The drug from the inner core is exposed to body
fluids and release 4 to 6 hours after administration
- This system incorporates a polymer barrier coating
- Example: Repetabs (Schering)
and bead technology in addition to the ion-exchange
- Best suited for treatment of chronic conditions
requiring repeated dosing
- The initial dose comes from an uncoated portion and
- Low dosage and fairly rapid rates of absorption and
the remainder from the coated beads
- The coating does not dissolve, and release is
extended over 12 hours by ionic exchange
Delayed-Release Oral Dosage Forms
- Reason why drugs must remain intact until it reaches
Osmotic Pump
the intestines, how are these achieved?
- The pioneer oral osmotic pump delivery system is
- Release of a drug from an oral dosage dorm may be
the OROS system developed by Alza
intentionally delayed until it reaches the intestines
- The system is composed of a core tablet surrounded
for several reasons:
by a semipermeable membrane coating having a
o To protect a drug destroyed by gastric fluids
0.4mm diameter hole produced by laser beam
- The core tablet has two layers o To reduce gastric distress caused by drugs
o Containing the drug – active layer particularly irritating to the stomach
o Containing a polymeric osmotic agent – o To facilitate gastrointestinal transit for
push layer drugs that are better absorbed from the
- The system operates on the principle of osmotic intestines
pressure - These can be achieved if the enteric coating is:
- As the pressure increases in the osmotic layer, it o pH dependent
pumps the drug solution out of the delivery orifice  breaking down in the less acidic
on the side of the tablet. Only the drug solution (not environment of the intestine
the undissolved drug) is capable of passing through o time dependent
the hole in the tablet.  eroding by moisture over time
- The system is designed such that only a few drops of during gastrointestinal transit
water are drawn into the tablet each hour
- The rate of inflow of water and the function of the
tablet depend on the osmotic gradient between the o Enzyme dependent
contents of the two-layer core and the fluid in the  Deteriorating as a result of the
gastrointestinal tract hydrolysis-catalyzing action of
- The drug-release rate may be altered by: intestinal enzymes
o changing the surface - Agents used for enteric coating of tablets and
o thickness or composition of the membrane capsules:
o diameter of the drug-release orifice o Fats
- The drug-release rate is not affected by: o Fatty acids
o gastrointestinal acidity o Waxes
o Alkalinity o Shellac
o fed conditions o Cellulose acetate phthalate
o gastrointestinal motility
- Example: AcuTrim Examples of modifies-release tablets and capsules official in
- Gastrointestinal therapeutic system (GITS) the USP
o Glucotrol XL ER tablets - Table 9.2
o Procardia XL ER tablets
Examples of propriety modifies-release oral dosage forms
- Controlled-onset extended release system (COER –
- Table 9.3
o Covera HS tablets
 Initial drug is released 4 to 5 hours
after tablet ingestion


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- Assessing IVIVCRs is important throughout product
development, clinical evaluation, submission of an
application for FDA approval for marketing, and
during post-approval for any proposed formulation
or manufacturing changes

Development of an IVIVC model

- a guidance document, Extended Release Oral Dosage
Forms: Development, Evaluation, and Application of
In Vitro/In Vivo Correlations
- Provides guidance to sponsors of new drug
applications and abbreviated new drug applications
for extended-release oral products
- The guidance (IVIVC) provides method of:
o Developing an IVIVC and evaluating its
o Using an IVIVC to establish dissolution
o Applying an IVIVC as a surrogate for in vivo
bioequivalence during the approval process
or during post-approval for certain
formulation or manufacturing changes

Three categories of IVIVCs are included in the document

Level A
- A predictive mathematical model for the relationship
between the entire in vitro dissolution and release
time course and the entire in vivo response time
- For example, the time course of plasma drug
concentration or amount of drug absorbed
- Most common type of correlation submitted

Level B
- A predictive mathematical model of relationship
between summary parameters that characterize the
in vitro and in vivo time courses
- For example, models that relate the mean in vitro
USP REQUIREMENTS AND FDA GUIDANCE FOR MODIFIED- dissolution time, the mean in vitro dissolution time
RELEASE DOSAGE FORMS to the mean residence time in vivo, or the in vitro
Drug Release dissolution rate constant to the absorption rate
- Based on drug dissolution from the dosage unit constant
against elapsed test time
- Descriptions of the various test apparatus and Level C
procedures may be found in the USP - A predictive mathematical model of the relationship
- The individual monographs contain specific criteria between the amount dissolved in vitro at a particular
for compliance with the test and the apparatus and time (or the time required for in vitro dissolution of a
test procedures to be used fixed percent of the dose) and a summary parameter
that characterizes the in vivo time course (maximum
Uniformity of Dosage Units concentration or area under the curve)
- Uniformity of dosage units may be demonstrated by - The level of IVIVCs may be useful in the early stages
either of two methods, weight variation or content for formulation development when pilot
uniformity formulations are being selected

In Vitro-In Vivo Correlations Most common process for developing an IVIVC model (Lvl A)
- Critical to the development of oral extended-release - Develop formulations with different release rates
products (e.g. slow, fast, and intermediate) or a single-release
rate if dissolution is independent of condition

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- Obtain in vitro dissolution profiles and in vivo plasma - Ocular Drug Products / Ophthalmic
concentration profiles for these formulations - Parenteral System
- Estimate the in vivo absorption or dissolution time - Vaginal Inserts
course for each formulation and subject using - Subdermal Implants
appropriate mathematical approaches
Ocular Drug Products
Criteria in Development Applicable to the Development of - Extended periods of therapy may be achieved by
IVIVC are the following: formulations that increase the contact time between
- In determining in vitro dissolution, USP dissolution the medication and the corneal surface
apparatus, type I (basket) or type II (paddle), is - This may be accomplished by:
preferred, although type III (reciprocating cylinder) o Use of agents that increase the viscosity of
or type IV (flow-through cell) may be applicable in solutions
some instances o Ophthalmic suspensions in which the drug
- An aqueous medium with a pH not exceeding 6.8 is particles slowly dissolve
preferred as the medium for dissolution studies. For o Slowly dissipating ophthalmic ointments
poorly soluble drugs, a surfactant (e.g. 1% sodium o Use of ophthalmic inserts
lauryl sulfate) may be added - Gels Extended Release
- The dissolution profiles of at least 12 individual o Use viscosity-increasing agents to increase
dosage units from each lot should be determined corneal contact time
- For in vivo studies, human subjects are used in the o Example:
fasted state unless the drug is not well tolerated, in  Pilocarpine (Pilopine HS gel, Alcon)
which case the studies may be conducted in the fed  Employs Carbopil 940, a
state. Acceptable data sets have been shown to be synthetic high molecular
generated with use if 6 to 36 human subjects weight cross-linked
- Crossover studies are preferred, but parallel studies polymer of acrylic acid
or cross-study analysis may be acceptable using a  Timolol maleate (Timoptic-XE,
common reference treatment product, such as an IV Merck)
solution, an aqueous oral solution, or an immediate-  employs gellan gum
release product (Gelrite), which forms a
gel upon contact with the
Clinical Considerations in the Use of Oral Modified-release precorneal tear film
dosage forms o Ophthalmic Inserts
- Not to used them interchangeably or concomitantly  Lacrisert (Merck)
with immediate-release forms of the same drug  Rod-shaped water-soluble
- Patients stabilized on a modified-release product form of hydroxypropyl
should not be changed to an immediate-release cellulose
product without consideration for any existing blood o Pilocarpine Insert
level concentrations of the drug
 Available in a membrane-
- Patients should not be changed to another
controlled reservoir system
extended-release product unless there is assurance
 Treatment of glaucoma
of equivalent bioavailability
Parenteral Systems
- A different product can result in a marked shift in the
- (Long-acting parenteral systems) extended rates of
patient’s drug blood level because of differences in
drug action following injection may be achieved in a
drug-release characteristics
number of ways:
- Modified-release tablets and capsules should not be
o Use of crystal or amorphous drug forms
crushed or chewed, since such action comprises their
having prolonged dissolution characteristics
drug-release features
o Slowly dissolving chemical complexes of the
- Patients being fed by enteral nutrition through a
drug entity, solutions, or suspensions of
nasogastric tube may receive conventional or
drug in slowly absorbed carriers or vehicles,
modified-release medication
o Large particles of drug in suspension
- Should not generally be used as the source of a drug
o Injection of slowly eroding microspheres of
to prepare other dosage forms
- Non-erodible plastic matrix shells and osmotic
- The rate and duration of drug delivery may be
tablets remain intact throughout gastrointestinal
controlled mechanically using controlled-rate drug
transit and the empty shells or ghosts from osmotic
infusion pumps
tablets may be seen in the stool
- Examples: Table 20.3

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Vaginal Inserts o is a thick, flat, rectangular polymeric slab
- (Vaginal administrations) enclosed in a pouch of a knitted polyester
- In a polymeric vaginal drug delivery system, such as a retrieval system.
resilient medicated vaginal ring, or a copper- o It is indicated for initiation and/or
containing intrauterine contraceptive device, the continuation of cervical ripening in patients
drug may be uniformly distributed throughout the at or near term when there is medical or
polymeric matrix. obstetrical indication for labor induction.
- Upon administration and when in contact with - Estring
vaginal fluids, the drug will slowly dissolve and o unique method of administering estradiol is
migrate out of the device. through the use of the estradiol vaginal ring
- Drug inside the device will diffuse toward the surface (Estring, Pharmacia Corp., A Division of
along a concentration gradient, resulting in a long- Pfizer)
acting drug delivery system. - Crinone Gel
- Mirena (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine o bioadhesive vaginal gel Crinone Gel (Wyeth-
system) Ayerst)
o consists of a T-shaped polyethylene frame o which contains micronized progesterone
with a steroid reservoir (hormone and the polymer polycarbophil in an oil-in-
elastomer core) around the vertical stem. water emulsion system
o It is designed to prevent pregnancy for up o used to assist in reproduction
to 5 years
- Intrauterine Progesterone Drug Delivery System Subdermal Implants
o Progestasert System - long-lasting dosage forms that provide continuous
o slowly releases an average of 60 mg of release of drug, often for periods of months to years
progesterone per day for 1 year after - They can be made by compression, melting, or
insertion. sintering.
o progesterone-induced inhibition of sperm - Several types are available including pellets,
capacity for survival and alteration of the resorbable microparticles, polymer implants, in situ-
uterine milieu to prevent nidation. forming gel/solid implants, metal/plastic implants,
o provides contraception without the need and drug-eluting stents.
for daily self-medication and has the Pellet Implants
advantages of (a) using a natural - small, sterile, solid masses of the active drug with or
- Dinoprostone Vaginal Insert without excipients
o Dinoprostone (Cervidil, Forest - usually administered using a suitable special injector
Pharmaceuticals) (e.g., trocar) or by surgical incision

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- first-order kinetics - size and rate of erosion will - Gliadel Wafer Implant
influence the release rate o Polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant
Resorbable Microparticles or Microspheres (Gliadel Wafer)
- 20 to 100 μm in diameter o is a sterile off-white to pale yellow wafer
- composed of the drug dispersed within a approximately 1.45 cm in diameter and 1
biocompatible, bioresorbable polymeric excipient mm thick
(matrix) o designed to deliver the carmustine directly
- administered as an aqueous suspension into the surgical cavity created when a brain
subcutaneously or intramuscularly for systemic tumor is resected, with numerous wafers
delivery, or they may be injected into a specific being used depending upon the desired
location in the body dose.
Polymer Implants - Goserelin Implant (Zoladex)
- formed as a single mass, such as a cylinder o Goserelin acetate implant (Zoladex,
- must be biocompatible and can be either AstraZeneca)
biodegradable or nonbiodegradable o sterile, biodegradable product containing
Shaped Implants goserelin acetate, equivalent to 3.6 mg of
- administered by means of a suitable injector drug, designed for subcutaneous injection
- release rates are not zero order but can approach with continuous release over 28 days
zero-order kinetics o indicated for a number of disorders,
- used to deliver potent small molecules, including including the palliative treatment of
steroids, and large molecules, including peptides advanced carcinoma of the prostate,
- advantage to the biodegradable implants is that they offering an alternative to orchiectomy
do not require removal after release of all the drug. and/or estrogen administration when the
Liquid-gel / Solid Implants standard treatments are not indicated or
- initially liquid formulations comprising a polymer, are unacceptable to the patient
active drug, and solvent o used in the treatment of endometriosis and
- a gel or a solid polymeric matrix is formed trapping advanced breast cancer.
the drug and extending the release of the drug for - Histrelin (Vantas) Implant
days or months o sterile nonbiodegradable, diffusion-
Metal/Plastic Implants controlled reservoir drug delivery system
- formulated from titanium or other suitable materials designed to deliver histrelin continuously
- administered by an injector or surgical installation for 12 months upon subcutaneous
- A solution of the drug, located inside the implant, is implantation
released via an osmotically driven pump inside the o It contains 50 mg of histrelin acetate, a
implant synthetic nonapeptide analog of the
- may last as long as 1 year or more naturally occurring gonadotropin- releasing
- its release follows zero order hormone (GnRH) or luteinizing hormone–
Drug-eluting Stents releasing hormone (LH-RH).
- combine the mechanical effect of the stent with a - Viadur Implant
prolonged pharmacologic effect of the incorporated o Viadur (leuprolide acetate)
drug o A sterile, nonbiodegradable, osmotically
- can be coated with a nonbiodegradable or
driven miniaturized implant designed to
biodegradable polymer-containing drug
deliver leuprolide acetate for 12 months at
- pellets or implants were sterile, small, usually
a controlled rate.
cylindrical solid objects about 3.2 mm in diameter
o indicated in the palliative treatment of
and 8 mm long
advanced prostate cancer
- prepared by compression and intended to be
- Vitrasert Implants
implanted subcutaneously to provide continuous
o contain 4.5 mg of the antiviral drug
release of medication over time
o used to treat AIDS-related cytomegalovirus
Example of Implants
(CMV) retinitis
- Levonogestrel Implants
o surgically implanted into the vitreous cavity
o set of six flexible closed capsules of a
of the eye in an outpatient intraocular
dimethylsiloxane–methyl vinyl siloxane
copolymer, each containing 36 mg of the
o This system provides long-term (up to 5
years) reversible contraception.

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