Health Beliefs and Living With Chronic Diseases
Health Beliefs and Living With Chronic Diseases
Health Beliefs and Living With Chronic Diseases
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Health Beliefs and Living with
Chronic Diseases
are visited, in all Asian countries traditional healers are often frequented
to deal with physical, mental, interpersonal and existential problems.
Cultural beliefs influence the whole gamut of health-related behav-
iour. However, this chapter is primarily confined to discussing how these
beliefs help people in appraisal and social construction of their illness
experience. These cultural beliefs may not play a predominant role in
cases of acute and life-threatening diseases where the immediate concern
is to save a life, as in the case of heart attack. However, in the case of a
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on others socially, economically and even for daily living. They grieve
the loss of their healthy state, feel distressed and develop psychiatric dis-
orders, most commonly depression or anxieties. A prospective study of
general medical admissions found that 13% of men and 17% of women
had an affective disorder (Guthrie, 1996). He further observed that the
proportion of patients with conditions such as diabetes or rheumatoid
arthritis who have an affective disorder is between 20% and 25%. It can
be difficult to diagnose depression in the chronically ill. Physical symp-
toms such as disturbed sleep, impaired appetite and lack of energy may
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logical researches may fall into some pattern if cultural beliefs and their
psychological imports are more systematically investigated.
To put it briefly, research focusing on health beliefs should be built
on shared understanding about the human nature (Dalal, 2011). First,
people are generally actively involved in understanding the meaning
of their illness. This understanding is essential to appropriately react
to the health crisis. Second, people differ widely in the way they sub-
jectively construct the experience of even very similar illnesses. Their
beliefs about the illness and life in general provide the basic inputs for
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The professional sector: In the original sense this refers to modern western
medicine. These include the medical personnel formally trained and
legally permitted to deal with patients. This category also includes the
paramedical staff. However, as Kleinman noted, in some traditional
medical systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, homeopathy, acupuncture
practitioners are trained in the professional schools. These medical
systems also come in this category. It can be mentioned here that in
most of the Asian and African countries western medicine is accessible
to only a small section of the society and people still subscribe to these
traditional systems. In India, for example, western medical care is avail-
able to less than 8% of the population.
It is not that people always stick to only one sector of treatment. On
the contrary, people alternate or try more than one mode of treatment
at the same time. People who suffer a disease often resort to different
modes of treatment, within or across all three sectors, as they may really
not know what will really work in their case. However, in recent years
with wider reach of medical facilities more people are seeking medical
care, but in the process they are also experiencing the limitations of drug
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world we live in. They provide the basis for decision and actions we take
in everyday life. These beliefs we acquire in social interactional process
and are sustained because of their functional value. These beliefs cannot
be viewed in isolation but they serve as integrated and cohesive constitu-
ents of a larger belief system pertaining to all domains of life. Cultural
and social milieu creates the context for formation, change and main-
tenance of these beliefs, and also for interpreting the experiential world
we live in. Indigenous health beliefs, in this sense, need to be examined
as part of the belief system of a society.
Beliefs can be understood as shared and assumed truths within a
cultural set-up. Beliefs are thus taken as propositions that are consid-
ered to be correct and the basis of social interaction. Beliefs are part
of our understanding of the world we live in, the people we are, and
explanations of happenings. We imbibe many beliefs in the course of
growing up in a family and culture. They are part of our conscious-
ness, guiding our thoughts and actions. Beliefs here do not refer to sub-
conscious thoughts, or a mental activity occurring below the threshold
of consciousness. When a person owns a belief, he or she consciously
accepts its meaning and implication. The degree of valence with which
one owns a belief can vary from mild acceptance to confident certainty.
Beliefs require conscious acceptance. Furthermore, beliefs may vary in
terms of their complexity, centrality and flexibility, as they implicate
everyday life of the people.
Taken from this perspective, beliefs lie in the grey area between
assumption and knowledge (Walker, 2006). At one extreme they can be
termed as dogmas or delusions; in milder form they are termed as faith,
convictions, superstitions and misconceptions. Belief and faith overlaps,
both accept the phenomenon a priori. However, the rational presump-
tion that often lies behind belief is wholly lacking in faith. One cannot
argue with a faith; it simply is. We try to anchor our beliefs in some
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these works, but no direct linkages have yet been established. Perhaps
the most compelling evidence is provided by the placebo studies. It
is observed in a large number of studies that anticipation of physical
effects as outcomes of medication placebos bring about actual physical
changes. In a study, Fielding et al. (1983) reported that patients were
expected to experience hair loss from chemotherapy, but 30% patients
who were on placebo instead of chemotherapy suffered hair loss, which
was to the same extent as the chemotherapy group. As argued by Radley
(1994) where doctors and patients subscribe to the same beliefs strongly
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and where there is greater faith in doctors, placebos will have more ther-
apeutic powers.
Expectations work varied ways. One related phenomenon ‘anniver-
sary effect’ signifies that people are more likely to die around important
dates in their lives. Phillips et al. (1992) surveyed the records of over
2 million people. It revealed that women are more likely to die within
a week after their birthdays; men peak just before their birthday. The
interpretation was that women are more likely to believe that birthdays
are occasions to celebrate and meet friends and relatives; whereas for
men it is a time to take stock of their accomplishments, which they
often dread.
Lazarus (1993, 2000) has talked about ‘healthy illusions’—the beliefs
that make life liveable. Such beliefs (like, I am a good person) are essen-
tial to lead a healthy life. Such self-serving illusions include illusion of
well-being, illusion of personal control, unrealistic optimism, etc. Such
illusions have positivity bias and are associated with subjective well-
being. Taylor and Brown (1994) have discussed some of the important
functions that healthy illusions serve for people. First, they provide
explanations as to why do people fall sick. It is important to have an
explanation, no matter how aversive it is to make life events predictable.
It helps people in having mental preparations to face the hard truth.
Second, beliefs about the causes of illness help people in deciding about
the kind of treatment to be sought. People postpone decisions regarding
the alternative medicine to be sought till they are sure about the causal-
ity. Third, beliefs play an important role in building hopes and expecta-
tions, which trigger the healing mechanism of the body. People who
expect to die on the operation table often fail the surgery. Beliefs help
people in reintegrating within the culture they come from. Cultural
beliefs help find meaning in their suffering. Dalal (2011) has discussed
cultural beliefs about self and health in India, which have such positivity
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demons and deities that can be taken care of by offering prayers, chant-
ing mantras, wearing amulets and visiting spiritual healers. The bodily
conditions of disease were caused by imbalances of the body. The bodily
conditions of disease are supposed to be caused by imbalance of three
life energies (tridoshas) and could be alleviated by taking medicine and
regulating diet. From the Sankhya viewpoint, mental suffering consists
of affective reactions like greed, envy, lust, etc. The complete annihila-
tion of suffering is thus possible when all the causes of suffering are
removed (Paranjpe, 1998, 2006). In this endeavour not only physicians,
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but family, friends, society and traditional healers also are presumed to
play an important role. The vast variety of healing systems practiced in
India work on these basic premises.
Onset of an Illness
When do people realize that they are chronically sick? In some instances
like coronary heart disease, the impinging reality leaves no scope for
thinking otherwise. However, in most of the other instances it takes
quite long for patients to reconcile with the fact that they are chroni-
cally sick. People tend to believe, even in the face of hard evidences to
the contrary, that they will be fully cured. When the disease is diagnosed
as chronic, there is a tendency to explore the possibility of an error in
the diagnosis. People are very susceptible at this stage to suggestions that
the disease is curable. Even patients at the advanced stage of cancer are
found to be hopeful of complete cure (Kubler-Ross, 1975).
In the Indian setting, it is generally not during the routine check-up that
the disease is detected. When people observe some unusual symptoms or
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bodily changes, they confide it to their close relatives and friend, who help
in interpreting the symptoms to arrive at a naïve diagnosis (Singh, 1987).
These are the people in close social network who provide initial interpreta-
tions about the possible implications of the symptoms. Those who appraise
the illness as still at the initial stage may try domestic remedies. In quite a
number of cases, formal medical check-up does not take place to arrive at
a diagnosis. There is a greater degree of reliance on the diagnosis made by
elders, priests and paramedical personnel (Banerjee, 1986).
Once a diagnosis of the chronic disease dawns upon the patient, the
immediate crisis reaction may be that of fear and anxiety. The patient is
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actively seek illness. It is possible that some patients may impart neu-
rotic meaning to it, for example, they may view illness as a punishment
or as an escape from the rigor of life.
Lipowski (1978) also examined in greater detail the different mean-
ings, which people assign to their illness. These are illness as a challenge
(insightful acceptance), illness as an enemy, illness as punishment, ill-
ness as weakness, illness as relief, illness as a strategy (as a means), illness
as an irreparable loss and damage, and illness as value. The meaning
that a person assigns to his or her illness is predominantly conscious,
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behavioural control need not be real, the belief that one can take steps
to control one’s illness is sufficient to reduce distress. Second is cogni-
tive control, which is the availability of some cognitive skills to think
differently about the illness. For example, a hospitalized patient about
to undergo a painful diagnostic medical procedure may be instructed
to focus on the benefits of the procedure rather than on the current
discomfort. Decision control is the belief in the ability to make decisions
about the future course of action. The patients who believed that they
have options to choose from are capable of making their own decisions.
The fourth is information control, which is a sense of control achieved
when one acquires sufficient information about the obnoxious event
itself. A patient awaiting surgery, for example, may have all post-operative
side effects carefully explained, so that when they occur, it will not be
distressing. The fifth is retrospective control, a term coined by Thompson,
to refer to the belief that the event that just occurred was controllable,
thereby implying that its reoccurrence can be controlled in future. He
stated that the kind of control exercised would depend on the appraisal
of the potentially stressful event by the individual.
Another important theory was proposed by Rothbaum et al.
(1982). Their two-process model of perceived control claimed that
people attempt to gain control not only by bringing the environment
into line with their wishes (primary control) but also by bringing
themselves into line with environmental forces (secondary control).
According to Rothbaum et al., four manifestations of secondary con-
trol (changing oneself ) are (i) predictive control by attributing the
event to severely limited ability, thus guarding oneself against future
disappointment; (ii) attribution to luck, which can lead to illusory
control; this occurs when luck is construed as a personal characteristic;
(iii) vicarious control, when the individual identifies him or herself
with the powerful others (God or a leader); (iv) interpretive con-
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pain and suffering. Studies have revealed the chaos and mental health
problem which this cultural ideal of sense of personal control has caused
in the West (Schwartz, 2000). Giving up the sense of personal control
and accepting the destiny is many times prescribed as the remedy for
alleviation of the suffering one is going through. The message of the
Gita that one has control over the efforts one can make, not on the out-
come can help in alleviating pain and suffering (Bhawuk, 2012). One
has to learn what one can control and what one cannot. Surrender and
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‘letting go’ are the other concepts, which need to be critically examined
for their role in dealing with health- and illness-related issues.
A wide variety of reactions are observed when people are told about the
diagnosis of a chronic illness. Quite often, the initial reaction is that of
denial or disbelief, which averts the onset of any emotional crisis. Denial
also gives some time to adjust to the impinging reality. Other typical reac-
tions are of high anxiety and emotional disturbance, clouding clear think-
ing. On the other hand, there are people who accept the diagnosis rather
stoically. Chronic illness is something people have to live with, and they
have to make long-term alterations in their lifestyle. There could be wide
fluctuations in the mood of patients with changes in their physical con-
ditions and nature of disability. Pain and discomfort are other factors
influencing the affective state. Many of these affective reactions may be
transitory or of diffused kind, whereas other reactions are specific to the
appraisal of the symptoms. Broadly speaking, affective reactions could
be of two types—a general response to the situation like fear, sadness,
unpleasantness, anxiety, etc., and those which are belief dependent. The
belief-related affects are often very specific reactions, based on causal
beliefs and control the appraisal of the situation. Such affective reactions
are those of anger, depression, disappointment, pity, etc.
Studies have been done to establish linkages between affective reac-
tions to an undesirable life condition, and causal and control-related
beliefs. Causal appraisal gives rise to a qualitative distinction among the
feelings. Weiner (1985) found that in the case of giving help, lack of
effort on the part of the help seeker aroused anger, whereas physical
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the patient himself or herself, once he or she is out of the critical phase.
In diabetes and arthritis, for example, patients are expected to monitor
their physical condition, follow the treatment regimen and take neces-
sary precautions. Same is the case with heart patients, where any neglect
may be fatal at times. Patients’ role in following the treatment regimen
thus seems crucial in chronic illness.
Notwithstanding, universally, lack of compliance seems more a rule
than exception. WHO (2003) inferred that more than 50% of the patients
do not take prescribed medication in accordance with the instructions.
Thus even in situations where proper medical care is available, compli-
ance is still a problem. The social characteristics of the patients such as
age, gender and education were found to be poor predictors of compli-
ance, though a high correlation was found between characteristics of the
treatment regimen and nature of patient doctor relationship.
Rosenstock’s (1966, 1974) health belief model originally developed
to predict preventive health behaviour, was later extended to account for
compliance to the treatment regimen. In this health belief model, the
perception of threat to health is the most crucial factor. The perceived
threat of the disease is determined by two considerations: perceived
threat of the disease one is suffering from, or could suffer from, and per-
ceived vulnerability to the illness and its consequences. For example,
a diabetic would first assess his condition as severe or mild and would
think about its possible consequences for his life adjustments, before he
perceives diabetes as a threat.
However, this perception of threat is not sufficient to engage in
health-care behaviour. One important factor is the belief that a par-
ticular health-related activity will protect oneself from the threat. The
second factor in the model, which will determine health behaviour, is
the perceived cost and benefit of compliance. In order to comply, the
patient must believe that the recommended regimen will be effective and
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the accrued benefits will offset the cost, such as discomfort, side effects
and other negative aspects. According to the health belief model, to ini-
tiate or sustain any treatment regimen, the patient waits for some cues
so as to make him/her aware of the potential consequences. Internal
cues are very important in this context.
The health belief model is tested taking various chronic illnesses, and
is found useful in predicting compliance. Where an illness is diagnosed
and a course of treatment recommended, the patients’ perception of the
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the second phase of the study, half of the subjects were told that the
drug was inactive and that they had reduced their smoking through
their own efforts, while the rest of the subjects were not debriefed at
all. The debriefed group, and in particular those with an internal locus
of control, went on to reduce their smoking by a significantly greater
amount than the others. Colletti and Kopel (1979) also reported that
the more the subjects attributed their improvement to their own efforts,
the less they were smoking one year later. Sonney and Janoff (1982) gave
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their obese patients a choice between two weight loss programmes, one
emphasizing self-control and another external control by the therapist.
Both programmes were equally effective during the treatment period,
but the self-control group maintained better progress, as found in the
follow-up interview.
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Quite often patients are required to read bodily signals about the onset
of the crisis, take precautionary measures, administer medicine, etc. Any
comprehensive physical rehabilitation programme must pertain to all or
most of these goals. The task is certainly challenging.
In the long term, an even more challenging task is that of psycho-
social rehabilitation. Social support and patients’ own internal resources
are crucial factors in successful long-term coping with the chronic
disease. The psychosocial rehabilitation of the patient does not fol-
low a predetermined course; rather there are many ups and downs and
uncertainties, which keep cropping up from time to time. Much of the
successful rehabilitation depends on patients’ positive interaction with
people in their socio-cultural milieu. Fortunately, most of the patients
show an impressive ability to cope with adverse life conditions. Many
of the survival strivings are built-in in the human nature, which are
activated whenever survival is endangered. Thus, very few patients need
professional help to get rehabilitated (Taylor, 1983).
The phenomenon that facilitates the task of rehabilitation is,
what Rosenbaum (1983) termed ‘learned resourcefulness’. Learned
resourcefulness refers to an acquired repertoire of self-regulated inter-
nal responses, such as emotions, pain and cognitions (Rosenbaum,
1983; Rosenbaum and Ben-Ari, 1987). The conditions that activate the
self-regulatory process are similar to those that are recognized as stress
conditions. In the condition of prolonged stress due to chronic illness,
people gradually acquire a large response repertoire to cope successfully.
In many instances, it is observed that psychological adjustment or exist-
ence is even better than the one prior to the illness.
Against this background, the emphasis of any rehabilitation pro-
gramme should be to provide an opportunity wherein a patient can
learn to be resourceful, that is, acquire self-regulatory skills to live with
the illness. Perhaps the important question is how can one learn to be
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