wPKI Specification: 1 Scope

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E3P recommendation published in: www.parasas.


Produced by E3P Work Group

Signed by: E3P Coordinating Committee – 2007-05-09
Recommendations for E3P members, published in www.signature.lt

wPKI Specification
1 Scope
This document describes requirements for wPKI, it defines in detail the requirements for wireless
implementation of PKI, related to qualified signatures.

2 Version history
Versiion 1.0 2005-11-01 Draft
Versiion 1.2 2006-01-05 Revision
Versija 1.3 2007-01-15 Revision
Versija 1.4 2007-01-30 Migration to common terms/definitions
Versija 1.5 2007-03-16 Corrections according to work-group notes
Versija 1.6 2007-05-09 Signed by E3P Coordinating Comittee

3 Abbreviations and definitions

All the terms and definitions inside this document are put in italic and are understood exactly as
defined in Appendix A to this paper.

4 Introduction (Informative)
The following obligatory roles are defined in wPKI set-ups:

Relying Trusted
Relying Trusted
party Service
party Service
(Service Provider
provider) Provider
provider) (TSP)


Registration Certification
(RA) (CA)

E3P recommendation published in: www.parasas.lt

4.1 Functionality overview

RA provisions SIM cards with SSCD function for those customers who express their will in using PKI
services (see "PKI specification" section 4.1 for more details).
Service Providers deliver their services to the customers by electronic means (based on special
internet, voice and similar applications). The mobile phone is a signing device in authentication and
signing applications for wPKI case.

4.2 Conceptual description

In wPKI operation there are 4 main processes: SIM provision, certificate activation, usage and
Description of these services is only informative.

4.2.1 SIM provision

The process of SIM provision is constructed to provide SSCD for physical persons in such a way, that
this SSCD could be used for issuing a qualified certificate later on:
1. RA establishes identity of the person and deliver SIM card for GSM subscriber in face-to-face
2. SSCD's device certificate is declared active for particular SIM and is made available for all TSP's.
3. The customer receives the code for activation of qualified certificate.

4.2.2 User registration/certificate activation

The purpose of the certificate activation process is to create and activate a qualified certificate.

2 Certification
4 Registration
Authority 5 Authority
7 (RA) 6 (CA)

1. User issue request to activate their qualified certificate (activation interface - mobile).
2. RA initiates signing request to the user's mobile device to sign the personal data.
3. The user verifies the data and signs it by inputting their device certificate activation code.
4. RA receives personal data signed.
5. RA adds up additional data (including device certificate) and forwards the request for certificate
activation to some CA.
6. CA creates and activates a qualified certificate and publishes it.
7. The user is notified about the operation status, the user is given an opportunity to change their

E3P recommendation published in: www.parasas.lt

4.2.3 Usage
The usage scheme describes processes initiated by SP and TSP interaction (e.g. usage of
authentication service). The scheme does not include user-SP interaction:

provider 1
6 Provider



3 Certification

1. Service Provider requests some identity service from TSP (the user is identified by personal ID
code or by GSM subscriber number).
2. TSP generates the signature request and sends it to the user's mobile phone.
3. User signs the request by entering their sPIN.
4. TSP receives signature data.
5. TSP checks the validity of the signature data and validity of certificate.
6. Service Provider receives identity-related service from TSP.

4.2.4 Termination
It is possible for the user to stop using PKI services in several ways:
- when the user expresses their will to RA to stop using the services,
- when the user informs RA about lost/compromized SSCD,
- the qualified certificate expires,
- RA finds out that the user has violated the user-CA agreement or in situations regulated by law.

In cases of certificate revocation:

1. RA informs CA of certificate revocation, CA immediately revokes certificate, CRL lists are updated.
2. In case of SIM blocking due to loss or SIM damage, the device certificate is taken out of the list of
valid SSCD available to all TSP's.

E3P recommendation published in: www.parasas.lt

5 Products (Normative)
This section describes services that have to be delivered by participating parties.

5.1 RA products for CA

Device certificates for all activated SIM cards, root certificates used for signing device certificates.
User signature on personal data, produced with device certificate.
Certificate revocation service.
User support.

5.2 CA products for RA

Qualified certificate production/activation service.
Qualified certificate revocation service.
Qualified certificate publication service.

5.3 RA products for user

User identification,
Production and delivery of SSCD (SIM card),
Agreement on using SSCD and qualified certificates,
Support/helpdesk services,
Instruction/informational material,
Managing of the certificate lifecycle: activation and revocation.

5.4 RA products to TSP

List of active device certificates, associated to SSCD and MSISDN (phone number).
Qualified certificates and associated personal data.

5.5 TSP products to SP

Service Level Agreement for PKI service provision
Connection to wPKI (system interface)
Monitoring and support, problem resolution (single point of contact for all PKI-related problems)

5.6 Mobile Operator products for TSP

Service level agreement for connection to wPKI
Connection to wPKI (system interface).

6 Technical requirements (Normative)

This section describes requirements for wPKI elements.

6.1 General requirements

TR.1 The SIM cards used in wPKI applications have to be produced in secure environment and have
to comply to protection profile defined by CEN CWA 14169 with evaluation assurance level EAL4+
according to "Common criteria - security" standard (ISO/IEC15408). The SIM vendor has to provide
certificate upon request from CA for a particular SIM product.

TR.2 The SIM card may have two key pairs (Key-s and Key-N) stored in secure SSCD area. The Key-
N usage must be protected by signatory PIN code "sPIN".
wPKI interaction with the user is based on SIM Toolkit [STK], with RSA cryptographic plug-ins for:

E3P recommendation published in: www.parasas.lt

i) binary information encryption/signing function (Fingerprint Signature Plugin - FP), capable of

using two private keys, (this function may be used in authentication and non-repudiation
signing applications)
ii) text decryption function (TD), related to one private key (This function allows to securely
send some secret text message to the user; the TD does not produce any reusable
output, except showing decrypted text on mobile phone's display);
iii) binary information decryption function (AD), related to one private key (this function is used
for user's data protection in external systems).

TR.3 The usage of the private key Key-N has to be protected by the sPIN code (the sPIN has to be
input at every usage of the Key-S). sPIN has to comprise of 4-8 digits. The sPIN has to be blocked
after 5 incorrect attempts to input this code.
The picture below indicates relation of cryptographic plug-ins and keys:



Key-S Key-N

TR.4 The access to plug-in FP should be granted only to TSP's that provide qualified signature-based
PKI services (i.e. these TSP declare their signing system to be secure with assurance level EAL4,
according to protection profile defined by CEN CWA 14170).

6.2 SIM provision and certificate activation requirements

TR.12 The user is provided with "activation code" used in activation of qualified certificate, it has to be
delivered personally with preconditions:
- the user identity has been established according to Registration Policy,
- the user familarizes themselves with the main principles of usage of qualified
certificates and signs the related contract.
TR.15 The user may be provided with a possibility to set their sPIN value before or immediately after
activation of their qualified certificate.

6.3 Other requirements

TR.20 Mobile operators have to sign agreements and provide access to wPKI to all the TSP's that
comply to TR.4.
TR.24 Mobile Operators must provide list of all active device certificates and revoked certificates to
TR.30 RA has to perform the following actions when terminating qualified certificates:
- informs CA of certificate revocation,
- terminates CA-user agreement related to particular SIM card.


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