Rinciples of Appropriate Antibiotic Use For Acute Pharyngitis in Adults: Background

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Principles of Appropriate Antibiotic Use for

Acute Pharyngitis in Adults: Background

Author affiliations listed on page 719. Richelle J. Cooper, MD, MSHS The following principles of appropriate antibiotic use for adults
*After the primary authors (Drs. Jerome R. Hoffman, MA, MD with acute pharyngitis apply to immunocompetent adults with-
Cooper and Hoffman), authors are John G. Bartlett, MD
out complicated comorbid conditions, such as chronic lung or
listed in alphabetical order. Richard E. Besser, MD
heart disease, and history of rheumatic fever. They do not apply
Role of the funding sources: The Ralph Gonzales, MD, MSPH
Centers for Disease Control and John M. Hickner, MD, MSc
during known outbreaks of group A streptococcus.
Prevention provided partial support Merle A. Sande, MD* 1. Group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the
for the development of the principles causal agent in approximately 10% of adult cases of pharyn-
and required final approval of all
manuscripts submitted for publication.
gitis. The large majority of adults with acute pharyngitis have a
Dr. Cooper is supported in part by a self-limited illness, for which supportive care only is needed.
National Research Service Award 2. Antibiotic treatment of adult pharyngitis benefits only
(F32 HS00134-01) from the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality.
those patients with GABHS infection. All patients with pharyn-
gitis should be offered appropriate doses of analgesics and
Requests for single reprints:
Richard E. Besser, MD, Respiratory
antipyretics, as well as other supportive care.
Diseases Branch (C-23), Centers for 3. Limit antibiotic prescriptions to patients who are most
Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 likely to have GABHS infection. Clinically screen all adult
Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333;
E-mail [email protected].
patients with pharyngitis for the presence of the four Centor
criteria: history of fever, tonsillar exudates, no cough, and ten-
In addition to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, the principles der anterior cervical lymphadenopathy (lymphadenitis). Do not
outlined in this document have been test or treat patients with none or only one of these criteria,
endorsed by the American Academy of since these patients are unlikely to have GABHS infection. For
Family Physicians and the American
College of Physicians–American
patients with two or more criteria the following strategies are
Society of Internal Medicine. appropriate: (a) Test patients with two, three, or four criteria by
Annals of Internal Medicine encour- using a rapid antigen test, and limit antibiotic therapy to patients
ages readers to copy and distribute with positive test results; (b) test patients with two or three cri-
this paper, providing such distribution teria by using a rapid antigen test, and limit antibiotic therapy
is not for profit. Commercial distribu-
tion is not permitted without the to patients with positive test results or patients with four crite-
express permission of the publisher. ria; or (c) do not use any diagnostic tests, and limit antibiotic
Reprinted with permission from the therapy to patients with three or four criteria.
March 20, 2001, issue of Annals of 4. Throat cultures are not recommended for the routine pri-
Internal Medicine. mary evaluation of adults with pharyngitis or for confirmation
© 2001 American College of of negative results on rapid antigen tests when the test sensi-
Physicians–American Society of
tivity exceeds 80%. Throat cultures may be indicated as part of
Internal Medicine.
investigations of outbreaks of GABHS disease, for monitoring
the development and spread of antibiotic resistance, or when
such pathogens as gonococcus are being considered.
5. The preferred antibiotic for treatment of acute GABHS



pharyngitis is penicillin, or erythromycin in a penicillin-allergic 1.2 Antibiotics are prescribed to a substantial majority
patient. (approximately 75%) of adult patients with acute pharyn-
gitis.8 Physicians report that they prescribe unwarranted
[Cooper RJ, Hoffman JR, Bartlett JG, Besser RE, Gonzales R, antibiotics because they believe that patients expect them,
Hickner JM, Sande MA. Principles of appropriate antibiotic use that patients will reconsult if antibiotics are not prescribed,
for acute pharyngitis in adults: background. Ann Emerg Med. that patients will be unsatisfied without a prescription,
June 2001;37:711-719.] and that it is quicker to write a prescription than to ex-
plain why a prescription is not indicated.9-11 However,
1.0 BACKGROUND physicians are not very good at predicting which patients
expect antibiotics,11,12 and patient satisfaction depends
Sore throat is one of the most common chief complaints of less on whether an antibiotic is prescribed, or even whether
adults treated in an outpatient setting. Although its differ- preconsultation expectations are met, than on whether
ential diagnosis is large and includes many other causes the physician shows concern and provides reassur-
that are important to recognize (Table), the vast majority ance.9,11-15 Delaying antibiotic prescriptions does not
of immunocompetent adults presenting with sore throat increase the chance that patients will return in the next
have acute infectious pharyngitis. Most of the widespread few days for reconsultation. Prescribing antibiotics
antibiotic use in such patients is based on an effort to treat “medicalizes” the illness, and one study found increased
bacterial (particularly streptococcal) pharyngitis. Recog- likelihood that patients would return for the next similar
nition and specific treatment of some of these other sore illness.13,15,16 The inappropriate use of antibiotics can
throat entities are important but are beyond the scope of have significant negative consequences both to individ-
this paper, which addresses the treatment of nongonococ- ual patients and to public health.
cal, nondiphtherial acute pharyngitis in healthy adults.
1.1 Acute pharyngitis accounts for 1% to 2% of all vis- GOALS
its to outpatient departments, physician offices, and
emergency departments.1 A wide range of infectious This paper examines the available evidence regarding the
agents, most commonly viruses, cause acute pharyngitis. diagnosis and treatment of acute GABHS pharyngitis in
Approximately 5% to 15% of cases in adults are caused by adult patients. It makes recommendations that balance
group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS).2-7 In some concerns about the potential consequences of untreated
patients, it can be important to identify an infectious GABHS and the goal of decreasing inappropriate antibi-
cause other than GABHS (for example, gonococcal otic prescriptions. It discusses pharyngitis in adults
pharyngitis, Epstein–Barr virus, and acute HIV infection), (patients ≥18 years of age), a population in which GABHS
but in the vast majority of cases, acute pharyngitis in an accounts for only approximately 5% to 15% of cases2-7
otherwise healthy adult is self-limited and rarely produces and in which such complications as acute rheumatic fever
significant sequelae. are much less common. These guidelines do not apply to
patients with a history of rheumatic fever, valvular heart
disease, immunosuppression, or recurrent or chronic
pharyngitis (symptoms >7 days), or to patients whose
sore throats have a cause other than acute infectious
Table. pharyngitis. They are not intended to apply during a
Differential diagnosis of sore throat in the immunocompetent
adult. known epidemic of acute rheumatic fever or streptococcal
pharyngitis or in nonindustrialized countries in which
the endemic rate of acute rheumatic fever is much higher
Epiglottitis than in the United States. Clinicians should always con-
Ludwig angina
Retropharyngeal abscess sider the epidemiologic circumstances when applying
Peritonsillar abscess these recommendations in practice. Furthermore, these
Thyroiditis principles are not intended to comment on or contradict
Gastroesophageal reflux
Oropharyngeal or laryngeal tumor previous practice guidelines from other organizations,17,18
Pharyngitis (infectious, traumatic) which are primarily directed at sore throat evaluation in



2.0 METHODS (NNTB) of approximately 63 to prevent one case of acute

rheumatic fever in the samples studied. These early trials
We conducted a systematic review of the literature from were usually performed in populations with a much
1950 to 2000 for these evidence-based management prin- higher incidence of acute rheumatic fever in both the
ciples. We identified all randomized, controlled trials or treated and control groups than is present today. The
meta-analyses of randomized, controlled trials that con- reported incidence per population was approximately 60
tained clear definitions of criteria for inclusion, diagno- times greater in 1965 than in 1994 (the last year for which
sis, and outcomes, as well as studies evaluating diag- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported
nostic strategies for GABHS pharyngitis. We searched statistics); therefore, the NNTB today is undoubtedly
MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library, and we also much higher, in the range of approximately 3,000 to
searched the references of the inception articles to 4,000.25-27
identify other studies. Our search strategy sought Carditis is the most serious complication associated
English-language articles and used the keywords sore with acute rheumatic fever. In recent outbreaks of acute
throat, group A streptococcus, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rheumatic fever, carditis was seen in 50% to 91%of pedi-
streptococcal pharyngitis, throat culture, and strep. Many atric cases.28-31 These data probably reflect diagnosis of
of the identified articles had easily recognizable subclinical cases by echocardiography. Carditis occurred
methodologic flaws (for example, use of convenience in approximately one third of adult cases of acute rheu-
samples, exclusion of patients without a throat culture matic fever.32,33 The most important consequence of
or those without a positive throat culture, and lack of carditis, permanent valvular dysfunction, is most com-
an appropriate or clearly identified criterion stan- mon after clinically severe carditis.28 Given that acute
dard), and we considered these limitations when eval- rheumatic fever is rare in adults, that carditis is not a com-
uating the evidence and making our recommenda- mon feature of adult cases of acute rheumatic fever, and
tions. Furthermore, the efficacy reported in the clinical that most cases of carditis in adults are mild or asymp-
trials may have been affected in part by repeated clinic tomatic, the likelihood of permanent cardiac dysfunction
visits, repeated cultures, and checks of patient adher- seems to be very small. Thus, the NNTB to prevent a single
ence to pill ingestion, all of which would result in over- case of clinically significant carditis is substantially greater
estimation of the effect size of treatment. We did not than the NNTB to prevent a single case of acute rheumatic
mathematically summarize the various trials because fever.
of the variable quality of the cited evidence. During the 1980s, several outbreaks of acute rheumatic
fever occurred, causing concern about reemergence
3 . 0 E V I D E N C E F O R A N T I B I O T I C T R E AT M E N T O F of the disease. 29-32,34,35 It is important to consider
PHARYNGITIS CAUSED BY GABHS local epidemics. Physicians should be prepared to
revise their treatment approaches if evidence suggests
an outbreak.
Pharyngitis caused by GABHS is predominantly a dis-
ease of children 5 to 15 years of age. It has a prevalence 3.2 Acute Glomerulonephritis
of approximately 30% in pediatric pharyngitis but only Although poststreptococcal acute glomerulonephritis
5% to 15% in adult pharyngitis in nonepidemic condi- occurs, it is extremely rare, even in the absence of antibi-
tions.2-7,19,20 Physicians may consider prescribing anti- otic treatment.36-41 Furthermore, no evidence shows that
biotics for streptococcal pharyngitis to prevent rheumatic antibiotic therapy for pharyngitis decreases the incidence
fever, prevent acute glomerulonephritis, prevent suppura- of this complication.36-41
tive complications, decrease contagion, and relieve
symptoms. 3.3 Peritonsillar Abscess
The incidence of suppurative complications, regard-
3.1 Acute Rheumatic Fever less of treatment with antibiotics, is also low.42-45 A
Early randomized trials demonstrated that penicillin review of randomized trials from the 1950s and 1960s
treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis is effective in pre- indicates that antibiotics decrease the incidence of peri-
venting acute rheumatic fever21-23 (relative risk, 0.2824). tonsillar abscess (“quinsy”) complicating streptococcal
This translated into a number needed to treat for benefit pharyngitis,24 with a best estimate for NNTB of 27.



Modern clinical trials44,45 provide some evidence that otics. 15 This further supports limiting antibiotics to the
targeting antibiotics to a subset of patients with higher patients most likely to benefit and reemphasizes the
clinical likelihood of GABHS may prevent peritonsillar importance of the quality of the physician–patient inter-
abscess. However, in another recent review of GABHS action.
pharyngitis in practice, Little and Williamson46 reported
that the risk for peritonsillar abscess was not reduced T R E AT I N G P H A R Y N G I T I S C A U S E D B Y G A B H S :
because many patients did not present for care until SUMMARY
after the complication had developed. 46 A recent retro-
spective study of more than 30,000 patients confirms
these findings. 47 Among patients who developed sup- Antibiotic treatment of GABHS pharyngitis decreases the
purative complications, 31 of 71 (44%) had them at first risk for an extremely rare disease (acute rheumatic fever),
presentation. 47 Of the other 56% who presented with decreases the risk for a rare complication (peritonsillar
pharyngitis before subsequent development of periton- abscess), and decreases duration of some symptoms by 1
sillar abscess, only approximately 25% showed GABHS to 2 days. Symptomatic improvement seems to depend on
on culture or rapid antigen test, and most (67%) had whether treatment begins within 48 hours of symptom
been treated with antibiotics that effectively eradicated onset. Because acute rheumatic fever is rare in the United
GABHS. States, patients who decline antibiotic treatment are very
unlikely to have measurable adverse consequences. There-
3.4 Prevention of Spread of Disease fore, it is most appropriate to limit antibiotic therapy to
Streptococcal infection often occurs in epidemics, and the few adults with a high likelihood of GABHS pharyngi-
contagion is a problem in areas of overcrowding or close tis who are likely to benefit; the epidemiologic circum-
contact. Although treatment must continue for 10 days, stances of the patient should also be considered. For
24 hours of antibiotic therapy greatly reduces the recov- example, it may be appropriate to test for and treat GABHS
ery of GABHS from pharyngeal cultures.41,48-50 While pharyngitis in health care or child care workers, teachers,
antibiotics are recommended as a means of reducing and parents of young children. Group A β-hemolytic
spread in schools and other closed settings,20 the impact streptococcus is more likely to spread in environments
of treatment on disease spread in noninstitutionalized frequented by these patients, and those at risk for expo-
adult populations is unknown. Nevertheless, for clinical sure may be at greater risk for complications of GABHS
decision making, it is reasonable to consider whether an infection.
adult is living in close quarters with others, especially
small children. 4.0 DIAGNOSING GABHS

3.5 Relief of Symptoms The diagnostic accuracy of any test (including a clinical
Relief of suffering is an appropriate concern of both examination) reflects both its sensitivity and specificity.
physicians and patients. Antibiotic therapy instituted Investigators typically attempt to define the variables of
within 2 to 3 days of symptom onset hastens symptomatic tests to attain high accuracy. At the same time, however,
improvement by 1 to 2 days in patients whose throat cul- clinicians generally value sensitivity (and the ability to
tures ultimately grow GABHS or in populations that have rule out disease) more than specificity. This type of strat-
a high likelihood of GABHS pharyngitis identified clini- egy, which minimizes false-negative results at the expense
cally; however, antibiotics do not have this effect in patients of increased false-positive results, can be appropriate
with a negative culture.37,43-45,49-52 Few studies have when the consequences of failure to diagnose disease are
examined the effect of antibiotic treatment on other substantial, and thus the primary goal is to miss the least
clinical indicators, such as return to work or to normal number of cases.
activity. For a population in which the prevalence of disease is
One recent trial among unselected patients with acute low, a small change in specificity has a far greater effect on
pharyngitis found that symptom duration was strongly overall accuracy than even large changes in sensitivity,
related to patient satisfaction. 13 Satisfaction, in turn, because the number of cases is small and the number of
was far more closely related to whether the physician patients without disease is large. For example, when the
addressed the patient’s concerns than to use of antibi- prevalence of disease is 10%, as it is for GABHS in adult



pharyngitis, a strategy that evenly sacrifices 1% in speci- to be performed on persons with negative results on rapid
ficity to gain 1% in sensitivity would increase the number antigen tests who had at least two clinical signs suggestive
of false-positive results by nine times as much as it would of GABHS infection. These data assume that the preva-
decrease the number of false-negative results. Pharyngitis lence of GABHS is 10%, that the sensitivity of the rapid
caused by GABHS is not highly prevalent in adults, is not antigen test is 70%, and that 70% of adults have pharyn-
life-threatening, rarely has serious sequelae, and is often gitis with at least two clinical signs suggestive of GABHS.
overtreated in current practice. Therefore, it seems Furthermore, culture results are not available at the time
appropriate to design a diagnostic strategy that sacrifices of the index visit, and a delayed decision about use of
a small degree of sensitivity and allows substantial gains antibiotics eliminates the primary benefit of antibiotic
in specificity. therapy in adults, namely symptom relief.
4.1 Diagnosis of GABHS remains a subject of contro-
versy, partly because the best standard for diagnosis has 4.2.1 Clinical Prediction
not been definitively established. In addition, tests for Several clinical findings have some discriminative
significant increases in antistreptolysin titers and use of value in distinguishing GABHS from other causes of acute
throat swab cultures cannot provide “real-time” results— pharyngitis. The ability of experienced physicians to pre-
that is, results that are available when a decision regard- dict positive throat cultures is moderate, with estimated
ing antibiotics must be made. Because only patients with sensitivity ranging from 55% to 74% and estimated speci-
pharyngitis resulting from GABHS (and a few other rare ficity ranging from 58% to 76%.39,63-65 In an attempt to
bacterial causes) benefit from antibiotic therapy, the goal improve clinical sensitivity and specificity, investigators
of the diagnostic evaluation is to predict which patients have developed and tested clinical decision rules based
are highly likely to have GABHS pharyngitis. on various constellations of historical and physical signs
Recovery of GABHS from throat cultures is reported in and symptoms.6,63,64,66,67 Depending on threshold or
many clinical trials and may be the best available predic- cutoff scores, these rules in academic and community
tor of treatment response. Yet the physician should also practices have a sensitivity of 64% to 83% and a speci-
be aware that results of throat swab cultures vary accord- ficity of 67% to 91% for predicting positive throat cul-
ing to technique, the site in which the sample is obtained tures.6,7,45,64,68 Although some prediction rules that
and plated,53-55 the culture medium,56-58 the conditions have nine or more variables with differential weighting
in which the culture is incubated,53,56,58-60 and whether may be slightly more accurate than rules containing four
results are checked at 24 or 48 hours.53,56 Throat swab or five elements, they are much less practical to remember
cultures also fail to distinguish acute infection from the and use.
carrier state.37-39,50,61,62 Although we no longer recom- The most reliable predictors of GABHS pharyngitis are
mend throat swab cultures for routine use, they may be the Centor criteria.63 These include tonsillar exudates,
indicated to help investigate outbreaks of GABHS disease tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy or lympha-
and to monitor the development and spread of antibiotic denitis, absence of cough, and history of fever. The posi-
resistance. tive and negative predictive values will vary depending
4.2 There are several reasonable approaches to the on the prevalence of GABHS in the population. However,
diagnosis of GABHS in an otherwise healthy adult, such several studies of adults with pharyngitis indicate that the
as use of rapid antigen testing as an adjunct to clinical presence of three or four of these criteria has a positive
screening or use of clinical criteria alone. Either of these predictive value of 40% to 60%, and the absence of three
strategies is associated with reasonable diagnostic accu- or four criteria has a negative predictive value of approxi-
racy (approximate sensitivity ≥70%, specificity ≥70%) mately 80%. Compared with throat culture, the sensitiv-
and allows treatment decisions to be made early in the ity and specificity of three or four clinical criteria for iden-
course of illness, when patients can receive symptomatic tifying GABHS pharyngitis are 75% and 75%.45,63,68
therapy. In a low-prevalence population, the additional Although clinical screening alone would leave some
increase in sensitivity obtained by performing throat cul- patients with GABHS untreated and result in overtreat-
ture in patients with negative results on rapid antigen ment for other patients, most patients with GABHS would
tests translates into a small absolute gain in identified be treated and excess antibiotic use would substantially
GABHS cases. To detect one additional case of GABHS decrease.69 National estimates suggest that antibiotics are
infection, approximately 30 throat cultures would need prescribed for approximately three quarters of adults



with pharyngitis in the United States.8 A recent study 5.0 PRINCIPLES

reported that clinical screening could decrease overall
antibiotic prescriptions to adults with pharyngitis by We recommend the following strategies to select patients
81.5%, thereby decreasing inappropriate antibiotic use for antibiotic therapy. These strategies achieve the goal of
by almost 88%.7 treating a substantial proportion of true-positive patients
while limiting unnecessary antibiotic use. For these
4.2.2 Rapid Antigen Tests strategies, projected antibiotic prescription rates for
Rapid antigen tests for GABHS, when compared with adults with sore throats in a low-prevalence practice set-
the “criterion standard” of throat culture, have reported ting are between 10.6% and 33%, much lower than cur-
sensitivities of 65% to 91% and specificities of 62% to rent rates, which exceed 65%. Prospective studies
97%, depending on the type of test and the practice set- should be conducted to compare these strategies in terms
ting.57,68,70-72 These tests can be done during the office of relevant patient outcomes and cost. The Centers for
visit and allow real-time treatment decisions. The poten- Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommend that
tial advantage of the rapid antigen tests compared with rapid antigen testing remain a reimbursable diagnostic
clinical models is that they have approximately the same test. The empirical strategy and a test-and-treat strategy,
sensitivity and greater specificity for predicting results of both based on clinical criteria, should provide the clini-
throat culture. The disadvantage is that many patients cian with some flexibility to tailor evaluation and treat-
must be tested to reduce antibiotic use more than clinical ment strategies to individual patients and practice set-
criteria alone. Although rapid antigen testing would fur- tings.
ther decrease antibiotic prescribing, it would “medical- Principle 1. Clinically screen all adult patients with
ize” pharyngitis because patients would need to see a pharyngitis for the presence of the four Centor criteria: history
physician for the test to be performed. of fever, tonsillar exudates, no cough, and tender anterior cer-
Limited evidence suggests that rapid antigen tests vical lymphadenopathy (lymphadenitis) [A]. (Letters in
could be effectively added to clinical criteria in a Bayesian square brackets are evidence ratings. See the background
manner, to increase specificity, although this is unlikely to document in this issue [pp 690-697] for explanation.
be the case.68 If it is assumed that there is no association Levels of evidence for treatment strategies reflect efficacy
between the two prediction methods (although this is of treatment among selected groups of patients; none of
unlikely to be the case), performing a rapid antigen test the strategies discussed in this paper have been evaluated
only in patients with an intermediate clinical probability prospectively to determine the impact of the selection
of GABHS (with two or three of the four clinical variables) strategy on adverse outcomes.)
and withholding antibiotics from those with negative test Principle 2. Do not test or treat patients with none or only
results would decrease antibiotic use, compared with a one of these criteria. These patients are unlikely to have
clinical decision alone, at the cost of potentially under- GABHS infections [A].
treating an additional small group of patients with GABHS. Principle 3. For patients with two or more criteria, the fol-
Assuming a rapid antigen test with 80% sensitivity and lowing strategies are appropriate: (a) Test patients with two,
90% specificity and a GABHS prevalence of 10%, an three, or four criteria by using a rapid antigen test, and limit
antibiotic prescription rate of approximately 10.6% and a antibiotic therapy to patients with positive test results [D]; (b)
testing rate of 70% would be expected if a rapid antigen test patients with two or three criteria by using a rapid antigen
test was applied to all adults with two or more Centor cri- test, and limit antibiotic therapy to patients with a positive test
teria. This strategy would correctly treat approximately 6 result or patients with four criteria [D]; or (c) do not use any
to 7 of 10 patients with GABHS pharyngitis. If adults with diagnostic tests, and limit antibiotic therapy to patients with
four Centor criteria were treated with antibiotics empiri- three or four criteria [B].
cally, and only those with two or three Centor criteria Principle 4. Do not perform throat cultures for the routine
were tested, an antibiotic prescription rate of 25% and a primary evaluation of adults with pharyngitis or for confirma-
testing rate of 55% would be expected. This strategy tion of negative rapid antigen tests when the test sensitivity
would correctly treat approximately 7 to 8 of 10 patients exceeds 80% [A]. Throat cultures may be indicated as part
with GABHS pharyngitis. In comparison, using similar of investigations of outbreaks of GABHS disease, for mon-
assumptions, the estimated antibiotic prescription rate itoring the development and spread of antibiotic resis-
would be 33% if patients with three or four criteria were tance, or when such pathogens as gonococcus are being
empirically treated. considered [A].



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Dr. Hickner: Department of Family Practice, Michigan State
University, B-111 Clinical Center, East Lansing, MI 48824.
Dr. Sande: Department of Medicine (4C104), University of Utah,
50 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84132.


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