Important Predictions From Varshphala

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Important Predictions from Varshphala

(Ashtak Chakra, Dhundhiraja Padhati, Varsheshwar and Muntha)

15-07-2010 to 15-07-2011

Since the Purva-Bhaga has a remainder while the Uttara-Bhaga does not, you are
likely to have a trying period ahead -- more so during the second half of the year. If
modifying influence is not present in your chart, then you are likely to face
inconveniences owing to blockage of funds or for incurring losses.

In your chart, for the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn. This
planet happens to be the 4th-lord. If relevant for the age-period you are running,
then during the year you may look forward to acquiring a qualification (degree or
diploma) from a college/ polytechnic/ institute.

In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde; so, the sign-lord of Jupiter gains importance. For
the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn, who is the sign-lord of
Jupiter. Since Jupiter is the natural significator for child-birth, if you are married and
expecting a child, then during the year you may look forward to being blessed with a
worthy child.

In your this year's Varsha-phala chart, the planet Saturn becomes the Varsheshwara.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be a natural

malefic planet. It is neither situated in exaltation or in own-sign. Besides, it is not
having very good strength as per Pancha-vargeeya Bala. As a result of these, the
goings-on during the year may not be very smooth. If some strong modifying
influences are not present in your Varsha-phala chart, then you may suddenly face
some untoward development, or experience wide fluctuations in your financial

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be Saturn.

This year may be somewhat problematic. You may not remain in good health or good
mood; you may face a temporary setback in your profession, or you may become
unhappy owing to failure or disappointment. Some of your new acquaintances may
cause you pain, and it is quite possible that the person may belong to the opposite
gender. On the bright side, you may secure a lucrative new employment, or start a
new business or workshop. You may come in contact with- and unexpectedly receive
an opportunity from some person belonging to a different community or religion, and
hailing from or residing in a very distant place. Although you may be required to
work harder, your rank and remuneration will increase, and so will be your standard
of living.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha falls in the 11th-house. As this is a
highly praised position, you will be exceedingly fortunate in certain respect - which
makes everyone happy. Your activities will become very brisk, and your earnings will
reach an all time high. Whatever you will lay your hands upon will appear to turn into
proverbial 'gold'; all your cherished desires will be fulfilled, and some of your
ambitions realized. You will receive direct favors from your superiors and gain
indirect benefits from government sources also. However, the deteriorating state of
health of your mother may cause you some concern.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha-sign falls in the sign of Mars. The
year ahead is favorable for you. You will become more energetic and successful in all
your efforts. You will fulfill all your commitments, and your credibility and honor will
increase. You will attract the attention of your superiors, and win appreciation from
the authorities. It appears quite possible that you might be elevated to a more
prestigious position. Your popularity will increase, and people in general will treat
you with respect.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the lord of Muntha-sign falls in the 8th-
house from the Varsha-Ascendant, and the planet is not in exaltation or in own-sign
or in own-nakshatra. This is not a favorable combination. During the year, you may
suffer from illness, have to meet with heavy and wasteful expenditure, and even run
the risk of incurring losses. In the sphere of profession, you may face a temporary
setback; besides, your credibility and honor could be at stake for some queer reason.

Important Predictions from Varshphala

(Ashtak Chakra, Dhundhiraja Padhati, Varsheshwar and Muntha)

15-07-2011 TO 15-07-2012

Since the Purva-Bhaga has a remainder while the Uttara-Bhaga does not, you are
likely to have a trying period ahead -- more so during the second half of the year. If
modifying influence is not present in your chart, then you are likely to face
inconveniences owing to blockage of funds or for incurring losses.

In your chart, for the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn. This
planet happens to be the 4th-lord. If relevant for the age-period you are running,
then during the year you may look forward to acquiring a qualification (degree or
diploma) from a college/ polytechnic/ institute.

In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde; so, the sign-lord of Jupiter gains importance. For
the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn, who is the sign-lord of
Jupiter. Since Jupiter is the natural significator for child-birth, if you are married and
expecting a child, then during the year you may look forward to being blessed with a
worthy child.

In your this year's Varsha-phala chart, the planet Saturn becomes the Varsheshwara.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be a natural

malefic planet. It is neither situated in exaltation or in own-sign. Besides, it is not
having very good strength as per Pancha-vargeeya Bala. As a result of these, the
goings-on during the year may not be very smooth. If some strong modifying
influences are not present in your Varsha-phala chart, then you may suddenly face
some untoward development, or experience wide fluctuations in your financial

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be Saturn.

This year may be somewhat problematic. You may not remain in good health or good
mood; you may face a temporary setback in your profession, or you may become
unhappy owing to failure or disappointment. Some of your new acquaintances may
cause you pain, and it is quite possible that the person may belong to the opposite
gender. On the bright side, you may secure a lucrative new employment, or start a
new business or workshop. You may come in contact with- and unexpectedly receive
an opportunity from some person belonging to a different community or religion, and
hailing from or residing in a very distant place. Although you may be required to
work harder, your rank and remuneration will increase, and so will be your standard
of living.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha falls in the 7th-house. This is a quite
unfavorable position. You may have a troublesome period ahead during the year.
The deteriorating state of health of your spouse may cause you some concern. The
condition of your own health may not remain very good, and you may become lazy
or lethargic. You may have quarrels and misunderstandings many persons, and may
have a disappointment owing to failure. You should avoid getting into any dispute
with powerful and/ or influential persons - as the possibility of getting entangled in a
lawsuit is feared.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha-sign falls in the sign of Mars. The
year ahead is favorable for you. You will become more energetic and successful in all
your efforts. You will fulfill all your commitments, and your credibility and honor will
increase. You will attract the attention of your superiors, and win appreciation from
the authorities. It appears quite possible that you might be elevated to a more
prestigious position. Your popularity will increase, and people in general will treat
you with respect.

Important Predictions from Varshphala

15-07-2012 TO 15-07-2013
(Ashtak Chakra, Dhundhiraja Padhati, Varsheshwar and Muntha)

Since the Purva-Bhaga has a remainder while the Uttara-Bhaga does not, you are
likely to have a trying period ahead -- more so during the second half of the year. If
modifying influence is not present in your chart, then you are likely to face
inconveniences owing to blockage of funds or for incurring losses.

In your chart, for the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn. This
planet happens to be the 4th-lord. If relevant for the age-period you are running,
then during the year you may look forward to acquiring a qualification (degree or
diploma) from a college/ polytechnic/ institute.

In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde; so, the sign-lord of Jupiter gains importance. For
the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn, who is the sign-lord of
Jupiter. Since Jupiter is the natural significator for child-birth, if you are married and
expecting a child, then during the year you may look forward to being blessed with a
worthy child.

In your this year's Varsha-phala chart, the planet Venus becomes the Varsheshwara.

The Varsheshwara planet is situated in own-sign in your Varsha-phala chart of this

year. It is neither combust nor eclipsed. This is a favorable indication, and you will
be fortunate in many respects.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be a natural

benefic planet. As a result of this, you will be fortunate: the goings-on during the
year will be very smooth, and you will not face any untoward development or sudden
fluctuation in your general affairs.
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be Venus. You
will have an excellent pleasurable time-period ahead, and dame fortune will be
smiling on you being ever ready to grant you any boon. You will receive direct
benefits and indirect assistance from some senior persons of aristocratic background
-with some of whom you are likely to develop very cordial relationship or intimate
friendship. Your domestic life will be bright with happiness, and some person of the
opposite gender may become a source of pride and joy to you. There might be an
auspicious celebration in your family, and you may have an addition to your family
by marriage or childbirth. You may have some pleasant journeys to places of

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha falls in the 5th-house. This is a very
favorable position, and you will be fortunate in many respects. You will receive favors
from your superiors, and may also receive benefits from government sources. You
will remain in good health, visit places of recreation, remain engaged in creative
pursuits, and have good gains from entertainment fields. Your learning and wisdom
will increase, and the prosperity of your children will increase your happiness. You
will do some pious deeds, and take part in charitable activities.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha falls on the face of Rahu. This is a
highly favorable combination, and you will be fortunate in many respects. You may
get an out-of-turn promotion or secure a lucrative new employment. Your social
position will be elevated and circle of friends will be widened. You will spend a lot for
acquiring fashionable dresses and personal adornments; you may also acquire an
attractive new vehicle. You may frequently undertake journeys to places of interest
for pleasure and profit. You will have a really enjoyable time-period, and lead your
life in comfort and style.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha-sign falls in Cancer - the sign of
Moon. Both the sign and its lord are afflicted owing to association- or taspect- of
malefic planets. The year ahead is likely to be quite problematic for you. You may
not remain in good health and your domestic life may not be at all happy. You may
face a temporary setback in profession, or may become aggrieved owing to certain
reasons. Married ladies may become unfavorably disposed to you; they might
misbehave with you, or use harsh, hard, or even insulting words. You may lose
popularity, and your credibility and honor might also be waning.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha-sign falls in the sign of Mars. The
year ahead is favorable for you. You will become more energetic and successful in all
your efforts. You will fulfill all your commitments, and your credibility and honor will
increase. You will attract the attention of your superiors, and win appreciation from
the authorities. It appears quite possible that you might be elevated to a more
prestigious position. Your popularity will increase, and people in general will treat
you with respect.

Important Predictions from Varshphala

15-07-2013 TO 15-07-2014

(Ashtak Chakra, Dhundhiraja Padhati, Varsheshwar and Muntha)

Since the Purva-Bhaga has a remainder while the Uttara-Bhaga does not, you are
likely to have a trying period ahead -- more so during the second half of the year. If
modifying influence is not present in your chart, then you are likely to face
inconveniences owing to blockage of funds or for incurring losses.

In your chart, for the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn. This
planet happens to be the 4th-lord. If relevant for the age-period you are running,
then during the year you may look forward to acquiring a qualification (degree or
diploma) from a college/ polytechnic/ institute.

In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde; so, the sign-lord of Jupiter gains importance. For
the current year, the Ashtaka-Chakra Index Planet is Saturn, who is the sign-lord of
Jupiter. Since Jupiter is the natural significator for child-birth, if you are married and
expecting a child, then during the year you may look forward to being blessed with a
worthy child.

In your this year's Varsha-phala chart, the planet Mercury becomes the

The Varsheshwara planet is situated in own-sign in your Varsha-phala chart of this

year. It is neither combust nor eclipsed. This is a favorable indication, and you will
be fortunate in many respects.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be a natural

benefic planet. As a result of this, you will be fortunate: the goings-on during the
year will be very smooth, and you will not face any untoward development or sudden
fluctuation in your general affairs.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Varsheshwara happens to be Mercury. If

you are engaged in academic- or intellectual- pursuits, you will have excellent
progress, and come out in flying colors in examinations and/ or competitions. You
will have dawn of prosperity - if your profession has connection with business/
commerce, press/ printing, teaching, consultancy, etc. You will meet with learned
persons, and enter into lively discussions with them; you may win appreciation or
applause for some of your original writings. Your interest in scientific information,
latest technological developments, computer programming, etc and subjects like
mathematics, logic, astrology, etc will also increase.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha falls in the 2nd-house. This is a
highly favorable position, and you will be fortunate in many respects. You will receive
favors from your superiors, and may also gain benefits from government sources.
You may earn good profits from the sale and purchase of old houses, and also from
speculative investments. Your earnings and accumulated wealth will considerably
increase. You will enjoy relishing good food, and your domestic life will be very joyful
and happy.

In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha-sign falls in Cancer - the sign of
Moon. Both the sign and its lord are afflicted owing to association- or taspect- of
malefic planets. The year ahead is likely to be quite problematic for you. You may
not remain in good health and your domestic life may not be at all happy. You may
face a temporary setback in profession, or may become aggrieved owing to certain
reasons. Married ladies may become unfavorably disposed to you; they might
misbehave with you, or use harsh, hard, or even insulting words. You may lose
popularity, and your credibility and honor might also be waning.
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Muntha-sign falls in the sign of Mars. The
year ahead is favorable for you. You will become more energetic and successful in all
your efforts. You will fulfill all your commitments, and your credibility and honor will
increase. You will attract the attention of your superiors, and win appreciation from
the authorities. It appears quite possible that you might be elevated to a more
prestigious position. Your popularity will increase, and people in general will treat
you with respect.

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