Advancing Urban Ecology Toward A Science of Cities: Overview Articles

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BioScience Advance Access published February 24, 2016

Overview Articles

Advancing Urban Ecology toward

a Science of Cities

Urban ecology is a field encompassing multiple disciplines and practical applications and has grown rapidly. However, the field is heterogeneous
as a global inquiry with multiple theoretical and conceptual frameworks, variable research approaches, and a lack of coordination among
multiple schools of thought and research foci. Here, we present an international consensus on how urban ecology can advance along multiple
research directions. There is potential for the field to mature as a holistic, integrated science of urban systems. Such an integrated science

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could better inform decisionmakers who need increased understanding of complex relationships among social, ecological, economic, and built
infrastructure systems. To advance the field requires conceptual synthesis, knowledge and data sharing, cross-city comparative research, new
intellectual networks, and engagement with additional disciplines. We consider challenges and opportunities for understanding dynamics of
urban systems. We suggest pathways for advancing urban ecology research to support the goals of improving urban sustainability and resilience,
conserving urban biodiversity, and promoting human well-being on an urbanizing planet.

Keywords: urban ecology, conceptual frameworks, comparative research, urban systems, complexity

D espite significant challenges, cities are at the 

forefront of sustainability practice, serving as the
focal points of actions promoting sustainability pathways
capacity of a system to absorb stress, to continue to develop,
and to change without a loss of essential structure, function,
identity, and feedback (Folke 2008). We define sustainability
(Rosenzweig et  al. 2010). Ecological principles are key as a continuing process of ensuring the balance of economic,
to transformative change to achieve resilience to climate environmental, and human well-being both now and in the
change and other urban stressors (Royal Society 2014). How future. However, the complexity of social–ecological inter-
can scholars of urban ecology develop the necessary knowl- actions both within cities and across interconnected urban
edge to promote resilience and help set cities and future regions—where purportedly sustainable choices made in
urbanization on sustainable trajectories? What changes in one place are not truly sustainable if they create social,
the theory and practice of urban ecology can be envisioned economic, or environmental problems and trade-offs else-
to tackle such challenges? where—clearly represent “wicked” problems faced by today’s
In 2013, at the Society for Urban Ecology First World urban ecologists. In this article, we discuss current findings,
Congress in Berlin, we gathered a diverse, international team challenges, and opportunities to advance urban ecology
of leading urban ecologists to answer these questions. Rather toward a more holistic science of cities. We argue that cen-
than approaching these questions with a dense review, we tral features of future urban ecological research should be
developed a consensus to guide future urban ecological synthesis, a complex-systems view, cross-city comparison at
research. This hard-won consensus was achieved despite multiple scales, and inclusion of more disciplines that take
diverse perspectives, cultural traditions, and modes of appli- advantage of emerging data sources, methods, and tools. We
cation among our team. Our goals in presenting this consen- present a framework to jointly advance these features.
sus are to motivate new and advanced cross-city comparative
ecology, to develop more unified conceptual frameworks to Urban challenges
advance urban ecology theory, and to synthesize core urban The planet is rapidly urbanizing (figure 1), placing tremen-
ecology research principles to guide future research in the dous pressure on cities and urban areas to provide good liv-
field. ing conditions for the majority of humanity. Accomplishing
Urban ecology has emerged as a multidisciplinary field these fundamental goals in a way that ensures a resil-
with many of the tools needed for advancing cities’ sus- ient and equitable future for the human population and
tainability and resilience. Here, we define resilience as the simultaneously maintains Earth’s biodiversity and crucial

BioScience XX: 1–15. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
doi:10.1093/biosci/biw002 Advance Access publication XX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X • BioScience 1

Overview Articles

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Figure 1. The countries shown are projected to contribute 25 million or more to the global urban increment between 2014
and 2050. The category “Other countries” includes countries with urban increments of less than 25 million each. India is
projected to add 404 million urban dwellers, China 292 million, and Nigeria 212 million. The United States will continue
to add significantly to its urban population, with nearly 90 million new urban inhabitants by 2050 (UN 2014).

ecological processes is essential to achieving a transition for new infrastructure represents a key opportunity for using
toward sustainability. For example, the Global Urbanization ecologically based design, architecture, and planning in
Prospects (UN 2014) found that urbanization is proceed- development and governance processes.
ing as expected with 54% of the world’s population now Cities are under threat of climate change and associated
living in urban areas. The world’s current urban popula- extreme events, such as drought, catastrophic storms, storm
tion of 3.9 billion is expected to surpass six billion by 2045 surges, and heat waves (figure 2). Cities are also confronted
(UN 2014), putting services that urban ecosystems provide with a mix of growing challenges from population growth
to residents at a premium (McPhearson et  al. 2015). The that outpaces infrastructure development, growing slums
amount of built infrastructure that will be deployed to and informal settlements, changing demographic charac-
develop new urban areas is dizzying (Ahern et al. 2014), and teristics, social inequality, economic fluctuations, pollution,
embodied within that infrastructure is a tremendous drain local changes in climate and water systems, ageing infra-
on natural resources from elsewhere. This massive demand structure in need of replacement, and other stressors. These

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Overview Articles

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Figure 2. Storm surge inundation and flooding in New York City following landfall of SuperStorm Sandy (2012). Sandy
was not unprecedented, because storm surges of similar magnitude have been documented. However, social, ecological,
and economic impacts were significant and spurred the city to establish a special task force, the Special Initiative for
Recovery and Resiliency, for rebuilding and improving resilience in the city. Photograph: Allison Joyce/Getty Images.

factors interact dynamically, often in complex ways with their production. Moreover, urban populations benefit
each other and with climate change, to affect urban systems from ecosystem processes occurring well beyond the
(Bettencourt et  al. 2007, Grimm et  al. 2008). Disturbances boundaries of their cities, which yield ecosystem services
from migration, development, armed conflicts, epidem- from regional and even distant nonurban ecosystems. A
ics, and economic upheaval are commonplace in urban social–ecological systems approach in urban ecology is
systems. Planning, designing, and managing urban spaces crucial for understanding urban ecosystem services and
across multiple scales require understanding how the many managing ecosystems and green infrastructure to meet
interacting components and subsystems together create pat- goals and needs of increasing and diverse urban popula-
terns and processes that influence system dynamics. Urban tions in the context of urban change. In addition, manag-
decisionmakers—from mayors to neighborhood activists ing and designing urban ecosystems to ensure the resilient
and from investors to corporate leaders—need tools and and equitable supply of ecosystem services requires expert,
financial resources to navigate the transformation of their local ecological knowledge (Faehnle et  al. 2014) and
communities along sustainable pathways and to promote the often involves extensive built and technical infrastructure
resilience of desirable transformed states (Pickett et al. 2014, (Grimm et  al. 2013). The importance of built infrastruc-
Childers et al. 2015). ture to the delivery of services in cities demonstrates the
For example, cities are increasingly looking to green need for scholars of urban ecology to interact more with
infrastructure to meet demands for such benefits as urban engineers, architects, and designers (Ahern et al. 2014). In
air temperature cooling, stormwater absorption, drinking addition, the importance of matching the supply of urban
water supply, and improved human health (Elmqvist et al. ecosystem services so that they are locally accessible to
2013). Urban ecosystem services are the benefits urban those who may benefit from them (McPhearson et  al.
residents derive from local and regional urban ecosystem 2013, Haase et al. 2014) stresses the need for urban ecol-
functions (Gomez-Baggethun et al. 2013, Larondelle et al. ogy to interact more directly with the field of economics
2014). However, ecosystem services are not simply a ben- and sociology. This showcases the significance of linking
efit of ecosystem functioning but rather are coproduced by human needs and actions with the structure and function
people and ecosystems (Andersson et al. 2015), emphasiz- of urban ecosystems—an approach developed uniquely
ing the need for an integrated approach to understanding within urban ecology (Niemelä 2014). XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X • BioScience 3

Overview Articles

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Figure 3. An example of urban ecology in cities: New School research assistant Mu Hsiao Lan collecting vegetation and
soil data in Marine Park, Brooklyn, as part of the MillionTreesNYC Afforestation Study (e.g., Falxa-Raymond et al. 2014).
Photograph: Timon McPhearson.

The global expansion of urban ecological research future research (Niemelä 2014). Here, we consider how the
Urban ecology has grown rapidly and expanded globally, field can mature.
in both research and practice, in the last two decades.
Pioneered by investigators in Europe and Asia (Kowarik Ecology in, of, and for cities
2005, Sukopp 2008, Wu 2014), with this recent expansion, Ecology in cities research that uses ecological approaches
the field is poised to make further progress. For example, from wild and rural ecosystems in analogous “green” patches
since the two US long-term ecological research (LTER) sites within urban areas forms the early foundation and backbone
in Baltimore, Maryland (BES), and Phoenix, Arizona (CAP), of the field (Grimm et al. 2000, Sukopp et al. 2008). It also
were launched in 1997, over 1000 articles, books, and book serves a significant role in expanding ecological expertise to
chapters have been published, and over 130 students have inform urban biodiversity conservation, landscape design,
been trained in urban ecology by these two research pro- and natural resource and wildlife management (Nilon 2009).
grams alone. Long-term urban ecological research in Seattle, For example, advising on how best to manage urban land-
New York, and other US cities has also contributed sig- scapes to meet multiple biodiversity and ecosystem ser-
nificantly to the theoretical and empirical basis of the field. vice goals requires local ecological knowledge ­(figure  3).
Urban ecology research centers have now been established Similarly, understanding how climate change affects eco-
in other US cities (e.g., Minneapolis, Boston, Los Angeles) system structure, function, and services in cities requires a
with increasing collaboration globally, especially with long- diverse set of expertise, which is increasingly being found
standing urban ecology research programs in European within the expanding boundaries of urban ecology. Many
cities as well as with established or emerging programs in of the changes in urban areas anticipate alterations driven
China, South Africa, and elsewhere across the world. The by global environmental change (Grimm et  al. 2008) and
rapid growth and expansion of urban ecology globally has urban systems can serve as model systems for examining the
resulted in a heterogeneous and evolving field, with neither a interaction of social and biophysical patterns and processes
firm, fixed disciplinary boundary nor a clear internal struc- (Collins et al. 2011).
ture. Given the youth of the field, it is reasonable that it is Ecology in cities is classic urban ecology focusing on
still evolving and provides a unique opportunity for shaping primary ecological questions in urban areas, such as how

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Overview Articles

Box 1. Key questions remaining to be addressed through ecology in cities research.

• How does ecological community structure affect ecosystem functioning in different habitat types?
• How do different levels of biodiversity, in different climates, and at multiple spatial scales affect ecological functioning and services?
•  hat is the role of nonnative species? How do they affect community dynamics, ecosystem structure and function, and biodiver-
sity and ecosystem services?
•  hat biotic mechanisms, such as competition, predation, and parasitism, explain changes in biodiversity in cities, and how do
they relate to human-assisted dispersal or management?
•  hat are the reciprocal relationships of soil and substrate heterogeneity and the structure of microbial and plant communities,
and how does designed heterogeneity affect these relationships over the long term?
• How does microbial diversity affect nutrient cycling and patterns of biodiversity?
•  ow do nutrient dynamics, especially of nitrate and phosphorus, differ in differing urban contexts and in multiple habitat types?
How do biogeochemical patterns and processes, including of pharmaceuticals and other contaminant materials, differ in various
habitat types and urban contexts?

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• How do urban plant traits differ from those of nonurban plants and affect plant performance and ecological resilience?
• How do the fragmentation and size of green spaces affect their biodiversity, regeneration, and ability to provide ecosystem services?
• What is the role of metapopulation dynamics for urban biodiversity, and how does this interact with human activities in urban ecosystems?
•  ow do urban environmental stresses and disturbances influence biogeochemical processes, plant productivity, soil respiration,
and animal behavior and physiology?
• How are disturbance regimes and their impacts on urban ecological patterns and processes altered by people?
Note that the list is illustrative not comprehensive.

ecological patterns and processes in cities compare with arrangements, formal and informal social institutions, and
those in other environments and how urbanization and economic and political processes, among many other social
development affect the ecology of organisms in urban attributes (Cadenasso et al. 2006, Boone and Fragkias 2012,
habitats (McDonnell 2011). Any ecological topic is appro- Grimm et al. 2013).
priate for study in urban ecosystems, whether behavioral, Patterns and processes of urban systems in this view
population, community, or ecosystem ecology. For example, emerge out of the interactions and feedbacks between social
understanding how urbanization affects biodiversity has and ecological components of those systems. However, the
been a long-term focus in urban ecology, with a growing ecology of cities approach has developed in the last decade
canon of studies examining multiple taxa and their interac- to increasingly incorporate built infrastructure into ques-
tions (Shochat et  al. 2006, Swan et  al. 2011, Aronson et  al. tions of how social and ecological components of urban
2014). The fundamental question is how these patterns and systems interact (Cadenasso et  al. 2006). Ecology of cities,
processes differ compared with those in nonurban systems. then, is a systems science and integrates multiple disciplin-
Although ecology in cities has been interested primarily ary approaches—such as ecology and sociology—along with
in biophysical dynamics of urban ecosystems, this area of transdisciplinary perspectives—such as complexity, systems
research is increasingly examining how social structures, thinking, and sustainability—to study the city as a complex,
preferences, and organizations affect ecological dynamics highly interactive, social ecosystem (Alberti 2008). In this
in urban spaces (Groffman et al. 2014) through multidisci- view, no single discipline is more important than another,
plinary collaborations (e.g., Pickett et al. 2001, Jenerette et al. but all provide approaches important to the study of cities as
2011), with important research still left to do (box 1). ecosystems. The novelty that urban ecology provides is the
Ecology of cities incorporates ecology in cities (figure 4) diversity of approaches among a broad set of disciplines that
but expands the reach of the ecosystem concept to assert are beginning to inform our understanding of urban eco-
that the city itself is an ecosystem (McDonnell and Pickett logical processes, patterns, and heterogeneity (Grimm et al.
1990, Grimm et  al. 2000). The city as ecosystem explic- 2000, Grimm et al. 2008, Childers et al. 2015).
itly incorporates humans as drivers of and responders to However, there are challenges to achieving the promise of
urban system dynamics along with nonhuman species and an integrated ecology of cities. Advancing such integration
other system components (Grimm et al. 2000, Pickett et al. will require further expanding boundaries of the field to
2001, Cadenasso et  al. 2006, Niemelä et  al. 2011). Notably, include still more disciplines (box 2). Integrating additional
the human component includes lifestyle and livelihood disciplines into the approach of cities as ecosystems is a key XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X • BioScience 5

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services as an integrative concept is vital

in guiding planning and in monitor-
ing its success. This approach empha-
sizes that ecology for cities will require
renewed focus on bringing research
into various modes of practice, from
urban planning, governance, and man-
agement to architecture, engineering,
and design (figure 5). Thus, urban ecol-
ogy is moving toward more transdisci-
plinary approaches. Such approaches not
only depend on the interaction across
academic disciplines and professional
practices but also involve communities
along with formal government agencies
in decisionmaking. Consequently, the

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application of urban ecology is founded
on a broad base of research interests but
also seeks to engage affected communi-
ties and marry top-down and bottom-up
civic processes.
We’ve distilled five general insights
from urban ecology to guide future
research. These normative statements,
couched in terms of “must,” reflect our
shared consensus about the advances
of basic and applied urban ecology. We
find an urban ecological science of and
for cities must meet the following five
criteria: (1) It must be systems focused
Figure 4. The ecology of cities approach incorporates ecology in cities, multiple and therefore consider the relationships
disciplinary approaches and practices, transdisciplinary perspectives, and and feedbacks among social, ecological,
interactions with other ecosystems, which all are crucial to understanding the and technical infrastructure components
dynamics in complicated and complex urban systems. and subsystems of a specified urban
system. (2) It must therefore be truly
interdisciplinary and not embedded in
way to build a more holistic science of cities and one that can any single disciplinary perspective or traditional conceptual
begin to move us from ecology of cities to ecology for cities frame, expanding to more explicitly include, for example,
(Childers et al. 2015). For example, an offshoot of civil engi- politics, technology, health, and governance. (3) It must be
neering, industrial ecology, has been developing conceptual participatory, involving planners, managers, citizens, and
frameworks for cities in parallel with urban ecologists, but other stakeholders to ensure the relevance of research and
to date, there has been little interaction (e.g., Ramaswami its implementation. (4) It must investigate multiple spatial
et al. 2012). Central to industrial ecology’s view of the city is and temporal scales, as well as cross-scale interactions. (5) It
the urban metabolism perspective, first proposed by Wolman must advance new methods, models, and tools to deal with
(1965) as a city-as-organism metaphor that suggests model- urban complexity in all its forms, incorporating new data
ing resources taken in and wastes expelled. The related con- (including “big data”) and approaches from a diverse set of
cept of ecological footprint has gained traction as a heuristic fields to integrate knowledge of urban system processes and
tool for city planners. Both of these concepts focus on how dynamics.
concentrated human activity in urban systems affects and is
affected by external resource pools. The ideas of industrial The conceptual basis for synthesis in urban ecology
ecology share many similarities with some aspects of urban The diversity of conceptual approaches in urban ecology
ecology and are worth integrating into a more comprehen- (Grimm et  al. 2000, Pickett et  al. 2001, Alberti et  al. 2003,
sive framework. Likewise, Ahern and colleagues (2014) Grimm et al. 2008, Niemelä et al. 2011, Grimm et al. 2013)
illustrated how urban planning could become more interdis- underlines the multiple, overlapping ways urban ecosys-
ciplinary and inclusive through an experimental, ecological, tems are understood, studied, and theorized. Long-term
“safe-to-fail” planning approach. In this approach, ecosystem studies in Berlin, Baltimore, and Phoenix have contributed

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framework, watershed studies, landscape ecology, and hier-

Box 2. Disciplines and theories integrated in urban archical patch dynamics (Cadenasso et al. 2006, McDonnell
ecological research. et  al. 2011, Wu 2014, Niemelä 2014). Researchers have
been building on these conceptual frameworks, borrow-
• urban planning ing freely from ecology, urban planning, and the social
• urban design sciences, as well as creating new and unique conceptual
frameworks such as ecotope analysis, urban–rural gradi-
• architecture ents, and urban scaling laws for guiding urban ecological
• natural resource management research. Generally agreed on and widely used conceptual
frameworks include the Human Ecosystem Framework
• economics
guiding the BES (Pickett et al. 2001, Pickett et al. 2008), the
• sociology urban social–­ecological systems (SES) framework under-
• anthropology pinning the CAP-LTER (Grimm et  al. 2013), and the inte-
grated human and ­ecological processes model (Alberti et al.
• geography 2003). Key features of these approaches include overlap-
• political ecology ping concepts integrated from multiple disciplines (box 2)
and approaches (Zipperer et  al. 2012). However, there is

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• evolutionary biology
no unifying conceptual or methodological approach for
• landscape ecology investigating complex urban systems throughout the globe.
Such a global synthesis is necessary to compensate for the
• community and ecosystem ecology
fact that ecology of c­ ities has different meanings in different
• urban and community forestry contexts. Although a multiplicity of frameworks is neces-
• climate science sary (Pickett et al. 2007), it will be important for conceptual
and theoretical approaches to share common elements that
• hydrological science take into account the diversity of social, ecological, cultural,
• soil science economic, governance, and other contexts. The global
diversity of conceptual approaches (McDonnell 2011) sug-
• environmental education
gests the need for a more synthetic theory of cities and of
• transition theory urbanization to provide the theoretical and conceptual bases
• resilience theory for research. Synthesis and clear statements of conceptual
approaches in urban ecological research are therefore crucial
• social–ecological systems theory for building comparative studies to create more generalized
• complexity science knowledge of urban systems.
The consensus of our diverse team about how to pursue
• sustainability science
synthesis can be summarized as normative recommenda-
• environmental science tions presented earlier. An integrated science of cities will
Urban ecological research interacts with and incorporates enhance, refine, and embrace existing conceptual frame-
knowledge and approaches from multiple disciplines and works. Ecological principles will be an important component
theories. To move toward a more comprehensive and and guide for such integration because ecology is preemi-
­holistic science of cities, urban ecologists will need to work nently a science of synthesis and interaction. Furthermore,
more closely with many of the disciplines listed here and ecology provides an open, systems-based, and hierarchi-
expand to others, such as engineering, health, industrial cal modeling strategy, which can facilitate the integration
ecology, and political ecology. of diverse approaches and drivers (Pickett et  al. 2007).
However, the lack of conceptual integration and consequent
divergence among specific models hampers comparability.
With multiple conceptual frameworks in play, researchers
develop studies differently in different cities, with results
enormously to theory development and conceptual advances that are not easily comparable. For example, although urban
in urban ecology. However, these studies are independent ecological research has developed general indicators for ser-
from each other and do not always share a common con- vices produced in urban ecosystems (Gomez-Bagethun et al.
ceptual framework or methodology (McDonnell 2011, Wu 2013), both the indicators and their calculations are derived
2014), although BES and CAP LTERs share underlying from a wide variety of methods (Haase et al. 2014). The bar-
theoretical bases in hierarchical patch dynamics (Grimm riers to comparing ecosystem services across different urban
et al. 2000). contexts are shared with other cross-system efforts, such as
Urban ecology has a rich roster of conceptual approaches, sustainability indicators and mileposts, responses to climate
including, for example, social ecology, the human ecosystem extremes, and effects of design interventions. XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X • BioScience 7

Overview Articles

Complex adaptive systems

Human ecosystem framework

Scaling relations in cities

Ecosystem services framework
Ecology Urban metabolism

Ecological feedback models of and

Ecological urbanism
for cities
Socio-spatial approach to urban sociology
Metacity concept

Social-ecological systems and resilience Urban sustainability

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Figure 5. The key features of the ecology of and for cities approach includes the explicit recognition and incorporation of
a historical trajectory of frameworks and synthetic approaches advanced in both urban ecology and other disciplines. We
do not suggest that this illustration represents an exhaustive list of such approaches and frameworks for studying urban
systems; rather, it simply points to conspicuous work being done in urban areas and how they are beginning to be linked
and examined in an ecology of and for cities framework.

What will it take to achieve a more inclusive and more for those species that play a key role in ecosystem function
synthetic ecological theory of cities required to advance and services (Alberti 2015).
urban sustainability? Theory development and construction
of models should go hand in hand with specific urban eco- Cities as complex adaptive systems
logical research studies. We identify key elements required For building a science and ecological theory of cities, it is vital
for conceptualizing cities as ecosystems (box 3), recognizing to recognize that urban systems can be truly complex (Batty
that ecology in and of cities approaches can employ differ- 2008). Cities display emergent properties, have dynamics that
ent kinds of theory. In addition, diversity of theory may be are far from equilibrium, and require enormous amounts of
required because conceptual frameworks must work across energy to maintain themselves. Many urban systems display
multiple spatial and temporal scales. The scale flexibility key properties of complex adaptive systems, meaning that
of conceptual frameworks is necessary because cities and they can be highly interconnected and unpredictable while
urban regions occupy large, heterogeneous extents. Within having modular subsystems that confer redundancy and
the resulting mosaics, distinct patterns and processes may are capable of resiliency. Dealing with complexity in urban
act at different grain sizes and extents and on varying time systems is challenging and will necessitate that urban ecol-
frames. In addition, frameworks must incorporate key, ogy collaborate with and incorporate methods, tools, and
well-described drivers of urban system dynamics, includ- approaches from complex adaptive systems science. Efforts
ing social and ecological processes (Pickett and Cadenasso to understand the complex nature of urban systems is still
2009). This is because simplistic or region-specific models quite recent, but research on urban complex systems is pro-
of urban change may tacitly neglect urban processes that viding an initial basis for describing some of the fundamental
act in different geographic regions or may not incorporate patterns of complex urban systems (Bettencourt et al. 2007,
drivers such as teleconnections, consumption- and service- Batty 2008). For example, Bettencourt and colleagues (2007)
based growth, temporary or circular human migration, or described the nonlinear relationships of population size to
the regionalization of urban processes emerging worldwide urban growth, rates of innovation, and the pace of life in
(McHale et  al. 2015). Models must also identify plausible cities. Cities often display clear patterns of social inequality
key relationships among components of the system because and have flows of resources and information that use system
those relationships may not be stationary in time or space, capacity in what appear to be barely sustainable but paradoxi-
requiring a comprehensive roster from which to construct cally resilient networks (Batty 2008). Developing methods
place-specific or robust comparisons. In addition, emerging and tools that can address the social, ecological, and technical
evidence of rapid biotic evolution in urban areas suggests infrastructure complexity of urban systems is key to advanc-
the need to expand urban ecology to include studying the ing the goals of improving urban sustainability, livability,
ecoevolutionary implications of urban-driven trait changes social equity, and resilience.

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Box 3. Principles for conceptualizing urban systems.

•  he structure of urban systems includes human and nonhuman organisms; abiotic components such as soil, water, land, climate,
buildings, roads, and technological infrastructure; social institutions; politics and governance; and economic drivers—all of which
interact to produce the observable functions of urban systems.
• Humans interact dynamically within social–ecological–technical/built system (SETS) components.
•  elineating boundaries and defining response units are crucial for empirical research, as is understanding the influences, material,
and energy that cross boundaries.
• Urban ecosystem function emerges from the interactions, relationships, and feedbacks of system components.
• Urban systems are spatially heterogeneous and temporally dynamic.
• Linking urban system patterns with processes at multiple scales is a primary focus.
• Conceptual frameworks must work across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
•  onceptual frameworks must incorporate key, well-described drivers of urban system dynamics, including social, ecological,

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political, economic, and technical processes.
•  he relationship among urban form, heterogeneous spatial structure, and system functions must be known to theorize and
­measure ecosystem services.
• Conceptual frameworks must be designed to enable comparative studies across cities

Urban form, structure, and functioning landscape function–surface temperature (Hamstead et  al.
Urban form—the spatial patterns of the built, infrastruc- 2015).
tural, and embedded biotic components of cities—is a Climate and weather related extreme events such as heat
crucial component of urban structure. An ecology of cities waves can be exacerbated by the built environment. Heat
that seeks to describe relationships between urban form, waves in particular can lead to higher rates of mortality than
structure, and functioning and rate of change will need to all other natural disasters combined (Klinenberg 2002).
develop models, tools, and data sets that better incorporate A variety of social processes contribute to vulnerability to
interactions among the social, ecological, and infrastructure heat, including variation in social capital and legacies of
components of urban systems (McGrath and Pickett 2011). disinvestment, which can affect vulnerability to heat waves.
Linking urban form and structure to functioning could Furthermore, differences in intraurban surface temperature
provide a novel starting point for examining urban system can be as large or larger than urban–rural temperature dif-
patterns and processes and generate a unique platform on ferences, and a number of social–ecological–technical infra-
which to build cross-city comparative research. Defining structure interactions have been found to determine climate
urban structure and key relationships between urban struc- outcomes in cities (Jenerette et  al. 2011). For instance, the
ture and ecological processes is challenging in landscapes dense distribution of tall buildings influences the spatial
characterized by dense and patchy spatial patterns (Pickett pattern of solar radiation intensity and duration and so
and Cadenasso 2009, Zhang et al. 2013). influences air temperatures. The highly heterogeneous dis-
In order to trace the spatial and temporal patterns of tribution of vegetation in cities is a primary determinant of
urban landscape structure, compare patterns across cit- heat exposure, which is often greater for poor, elderly, and
ies, or inform urban design and planning principles, we minority segments of the population, who are often less able
need to better understand the extent and variability of to cope (Jenerette et al. 2011, Boone and Fragkias 2012). By
the relationships between urban landscape structures and similarly empirically linking urban ecological function to
their functions, such as urban heat (Larondelle et al. 2014, urban form and structure, researchers can improve the abil-
Hamstead et al. 2015). A spatially explicit understanding of ity to conduct urban ecosystem services assessment, provide
how urban structures that relate to functions are distributed a rationale for holistic and integrative approaches to urban
across an urban extent can enable planners and policymak- planning, and support urban design interventions to build
ers to better identify areas of vulnerability and spatially resilience to climate-driven extreme events (box 4).
prioritize interventions. An example of recent advances
includes a simple and reproducible approach for classifying From social–ecological to social–ecological–
the structure of urban landscapes (STURLA) that uses het- technical systems (SETS)
erogeneous, composite classes that represent combinations Despite early articulations of the importance of built infra-
of built and natural features and examine the response of a structure in conceptual frameworks for urban systems XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X • BioScience 9

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Box 4. Tree cover: Social–ecological integration.

Trees play many roles in urban ecosystems. We give an example of the relationship of tree canopy and the occurrence of crime (Troy
et al. 2012). This is not only a description of the biophysical structure of an urban system but also a spatial analysis of social data and
a case of social inequity.
Tree canopy is related to violent crime, including robbery, burglary, theft, and shootings. However, the relationship is negative, in con-
trast to the common assumption that trees hide criminals, contraband, or illegal activities. A 10% increase in tree canopy in neighbor-
hoods ranging across Baltimore City and Baltimore County was associated with a 12% decrease in crime. Crime negatively correlated
with tree canopy cover, even when controlling for social and economic variables such as income, age of housing, status as rural, race,
type of housing, length of tenure, and amount of either agricultural or protected land in a neighborhood. The effect is greater for tree
cover on public lands, suggesting that tree planting on public lands would better reduce crime than plantings on private land (figure 6).

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Figure 6. Tree canopy cover (dark green), contrasted with grass (light green), buildings (grey), streets (black),
and paved surfaces (yellow), in a neighborhood in west Baltimore, Maryland.

Furthermore, spatial analysis suggests that tree planting on public land other than rights of way will be more effective. The few neigh-
borhoods in which tree canopy cover was associated with increased crime are characterized by contact zones between residential and
abandoned industrial parcels. This finding suggests that relatively low neighborhood surveillance in such situations may permit crime
to persist. Such situations may also exhibit relatively lower-statured, early successional vegetation that may in fact conceal illicit activity,
in contrast to more mature tree canopies with open understories elsewhere. The example illustrates the social–ecological approach,
and because tree canopy cover is often a historical legacy of previous occupancy or practices in a neighborhood, it also reflects social
inequity in neighborhood canopy amenities.

(Pickett et al. 2001, Alberti 2008) and its explicit articulation In cities, built and technical infrastructure is often viewed
in the Human Ecosystem Concept (Cadenasso et al. 2006), as the most important line of defense against hazards and
most urban ecology research primarily focuses on linking disasters. In much of the developed world, however, urban
social science with biophysical science. We argue that urban infrastructure is aging and proving inadequate for protect-
ecology must move beyond a social–ecological conceptual ing city populations (for the United States, see ASCE 2013).
framing to more explicitly address the social–ecological– And in much of the developing, rapidly urbanizing world,
technical/built system (SETS). The urban SETS framing is a new infrastructure is being constructed at breathtaking
systems approach that emphasizes the importance of tech- pace, often without the benefit of ecologically based design
nology in urban built infrastructure (Grimm et al. 2016). (McHale et al. 2015). Traditional risk-avoiding engineering

10 BioScience • XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X

Overview Articles

designs for infrastructure design focus on hard, resis- inclusive urban science that takes into account key needs
tant e­lements such as increased-diameter sewage pipes and priorities from multiple interacting disciplines, practi-
for stormwater management or tanks to store sewage. In tioners, stakeholders, and ways of knowing.
contrast, more flexible, diverse, and ecologically based
elements (Felson et  al. 2013) include green infrastructure A comparative research program for urban ecology
such as parks, permeable pavement, swales or retention Despite major progress in the field, urban ecology has still
basins, or agricultural and vacant land sites in urban areas not been able to elucidate general properties and dynamics of
(McPhearson et  al. 2013). Urban infrastructure therefore urban systems. For example, to generalize the potential ben-
mediates the relationships between human activities and efits of street trees for improving urban air quality or public
ecosystem processes and may exacerbate or mitigate human health (Weber and Medhi 2013, Nowak et al. 2014), cross-
impact depending on how it is developed. system comparisons are required. Furthermore, whether the
Urban systems are undergoing multiple kinds of changes, assumptions of the models used to calculate such benefits
from densifying and expanding cities (UN 2014) to others are themselves complete, robust, and generalizable need to
that are shrinking with de-industrialization followed by de- be tested and validated (Pataki et  al. 2011). Therefore, to
densification and land abandonment (Kabisch and Haase discover what is generalizable about urban systems and what
2013, Haase et  al. 2014). Insights from urban ecology are is not, we need to develop a cross-city comparative research

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often overlooked in engineering, planning, and policy for program to advance the ability to provide general knowl-
any sort of urban future. We need to rethink what makes edge on the nature of urban system patterns and processes
both grey and green built infrastructures—as well as human (Niemelä et al. 2011, Breuste et al. 2013).
communities with their social, ecological, and technologi- So far, urban ecology has predominantly focused on the
cal couplings—resilient to environmental hazards, climate ecology of and in specific cities and towns (McDonnell and
extremes, and shrinkage. Exploring the interactions among Hahs 2009). This place-based approach is the basis for early
multiple infrastructures in urban systems using the SETS and ongoing progress in developing a more nuanced under-
framework allows equal emphasis on the coupling of social, standing of ecological structure and function relationships
ecological, and technological dynamics and may help to within urban areas. However, if urban ecological research
identify the barriers to and opportunities for urban sustain- is to successfully inform decisionmakers on how to best
ability transitions. preserve urban biodiversity, improve ecological and urban
If urban ecological research is to provide insight beyond functioning, and provide sustained delivery of ecosystem
ecology in cities for urban decisionmakers, then it will need services, we need to use the expanding canon of local stud-
to increasingly collaborate with engineers, designers, archi- ies more effectively to uncover general principles and guide
tects, planners, and industrial ecologists who work directly decisionmakers (Niemelä 2014). Some comparative research
on the built environment to facilitate understanding of how has already started to make progress in this area (Niemelä
both green and grey infrastructure can be linked—and in the et al. 2011, Seto et al. 2012, Aronson et al. 2014, Larondelle
future, deeply integrated—to deal with urban challenges and et al. 2014).
meet the needs of urban residents. We expect local context, dynamics, and history to be
For example, in Baltimore, projects involving greening, strong predictors of patterns and processes within individual
the installation of curbside swales, the retrofitting of sanitary cities and urban areas (Niemelä 2014, McHale et al. 2015),
sewer lines, increased street-sweeping frequency, and the but we also expect that some principles may generally apply
planting of desirable vegetation in vacant lots combine the to all urban systems or to a subset or type of urban systems.
insights of many disciplines and sectors. The efforts of ecolo- Comparing the ecology of multiple cities and urban areas can
gists, the city Office of Sustainability, the Department of elucidate generalizations (McDonnell and Hahs 2009) but
Public Works, transportation engineers, community activ- will require developing an urban ecological research agenda
ists, and environmentally and socially motivated nongov- that considers multiple cities and regions. Comparative
ernmental organizations combine in an effort to improve approaches must be bound by common denominators,
stormwater management, mitigate urban microclimate, such as the biophysical, social, and/or historical common-
reduce water contamination and heating, enhance neigh- alities of regions. It will be helpful to evaluate the existing
borhood social cohesion, and boost human well-being. typologies of urban systems (e.g., Knox 2014) to guide the
Social–ecological systems approaches have been success- process of setting up research for a comparative ecology of
ful at bringing the social sciences and ecological sciences cities, although we recognize that the field can mature from
together, and not just in urban systems (Grove et  al. 2006, multiple kinds of comparative research. A novel synthesis
Collins et al. 2011). However, the technical and built aspects of existing typologies may provide a starting point. Key
of cities are central to the very fabric of urban systems and, aspects of the typology selected could include history, cul-
perhaps unintentionally, are often overlooked or ignored in ture, demography, governance, dominant economy, spatial
social–ecological studies. An explicit SETS framing could extent, geographic and biome context, age, urban form,
invigorate the integration of built and other infrastructure growth rate, average income, biodiversity, hydrology, and
approaches into urban ecology and help to build a more biogeochemistry. XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X • BioScience 11

Overview Articles

Complexity theory highlights the potential of gaining media could help scientists understand how people use and
insight into general properties of cities that can serve as a perceive ecological and other spaces in the city. Wood and
starting point to investigate the underlining mechanisms. colleagues (2013) used social media data through flickr.
One pathway is to create new opportunities and platforms com, a widely used online photo-sharing website, to under-
for sharing and linking existing data sets across multiple stand when and where people use national parks. Wood
kinds of urban systems. Recent global urban biodiversity and colleagues (2013) were able to demonstrate that crowd-
studies, for example, have provided a compelling starting sourced information can serve as a reliable proxy for more
point for this type of research (Aronson et al. 2014). In addi- traditional empirical social surveys. This and similar social
tion, accounting for the complexity, connectedness, diffuse- media analyses (Keeler et al. 2015) offer the opportunity to
ness, and diversity of urban systems (McHale et  al. 2015) complement existing social science approaches to collecting
can allow for the development and testing of global gener- information on urban resident activity in and around the
alizations and, at the same time, encourage place-specific city, including their location, behavior, and emotions or feel-
relevance of urban ecological research. ing about particular places. Big data can also emerge from
To advance urban ecology, we envision an integrated, municipal hotlines, utility use and repair records, planting
interdisciplinary science grounded in multicity comparative and maintenance records of city arborists, crime statistics,
research programs that use a unified conceptual framework, and more. “CitiStat” programs, pioneered in Baltimore,

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use similar investigative methods, and ask similar questions with their emphasis on gathering and using data about
(Niemelä et  al. 2014, Childers et al 2015). Shared research city environment and agency performance, are spread-
methodologies addressing similar research questions could ing (
be applied to multiple urban areas. CitiStatPerformanceStrategy.pdf), and the emergence of
Smart Cities and increasing use of sensors promise that the
Long-term research and big data utility of big data for understanding urban systems will only
Urban ecology has benefited enormously from long-term increase with time (Knox 2014).
ecological research in urban areas. However, so far such The emergence of multiple forms of big data creates excit-
research has been undertaken primarily in already devel- ing alternatives to assess how people use and respond to
oped—but manifestly not static—western cities. Long-term urban nature. New forms of data may be a crucial resource in
urban ecological research in other urban contexts, other examining the use, value, and social equity in access of par-
biomes, and other sociocultural contexts could provide ticular spaces in the city, such as the parks, vacant areas, and
needed insight into the differences and similarities across nonpark open spaces that provide local benefits for human
the ecology of cities (Niemelä et  al. 2014, McHale et  al. well-being. Moving beyond expensive and limited spatial
2015). Long-term research can expose decadal to century- and temporal coverage of social surveys by innovating
scale processes, but it also can deal with faster temporal use of social-media data, for example, could revolutionize
scales. Cities shrink, expand, and undergo rapid geographi- social–ecological systems research and provide long-term
cal and demographic change (McGrath and Pickett 2011). data sets. Working with big data offers opportunities with
Still, urban areas highlight the flexibility of long-term multiyear to decadal data sets to understand human–nature
research, which can extend to fine time intervals to capture interactions in the city as never before and could prove
rapid changes typical of urban environments. For example, crucial to developing indicators and assessing progress on
the decadal US Census is too coarse temporally to capture UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 (the “urban” SDG).
many social, demographic, and economic changes in urban However, research in this area is still emerging, with research
areas. However, focused social surveys, other administra- questions and methods still varying widely. Initial correla-
tive records such as tax and real estate information, and tion studies will be an important first step, but incorporating
dasymetric mapping techniques can compensate for some these data into modeling and scenarios has the potential for
shortcomings of the census (Grove et  al. 2013). Land use providing much needed insight into how to design desired
also changes quickly in cities, so what once was a backyard urban futures for urban planners, designers, and managers.
lawn could within a short period of time become a garden, Furthermore, although many of these novel approaches
parking lot, or building. It will be important to articulate (Hamstead et al. 2015) and data sources (Keeler et al. 2015)
the significance of setting up long-term research in urban hold great promise, researchers must ensure that they are not
regions in constant or rapid flux over space and time. The perpetuating biases in terms of social groups that are repre-
changes in urban land mosaics present a challenge for effec- sented by such novel data streams and that the data remain
tive long-term sampling regimes, especially those aimed open and accessible to all. In other words, responsible gov-
at discovering the relationship of urban social–ecological ernance is needed to handle big data.
structure to ecosystem functioning.
Responsibly using new forms of data, including “big data,” Paths forward for urban ecology
has the potential to generate new hypotheses and develop How can we both honor the heterogeneity and complexity
new methods for long-term urban ecological investiga- of urban systems and research traditions and develop an
tion. For example, data sets being generated through social ecological science of cities that can yield general insights?

12 BioScience • XXXX XXXX / Vol. XX No. X

Overview Articles

Urban ecology has made substantial progress by studying more ecologically sensitive urban planning, design, man-
ecology in cities. The ecology of parks, yards, and even waste agement, and governance toward cities and urbanization
places has yielded great insights into urban biodiversity processes that are more sustainable, equitable, livable, and
and ecosystem processes. Urban scholars have studied the resilient to global change. Urban designers have approached
individual components of urban ecosystems, uncovering this view as well (McGrath et  al. 2007, Felson et  al. 2013).
key relationships, making predictions, and building the Potentially, one of the reasons that designers and ecologists
scientific understanding of how organisms in cities respond can interact effectively is because they are both thinking
to the processes of urbanization and the unique aspects of about a “synthetic” discipline. Ecology and design are well
urban environments. Evolution and acclimation of urban poised as a nexus for promulgating and promoting the effec-
organisms are therefore now better and better known, but tive use of a theory and science of urban systems. However, to
there are still significant gaps (Alberti 2015). During the last advance that science will require motivated interdisciplinary
two decades, a new ecology of cities has integrated ecological urban systems scholars but also new networks, knowledge
research in cities with multiple disciplinary approaches, per- and data sharing, greater synthesis within the field and across
spectives, and data to understand cities as dynamic, highly disciplines, and cross-city comparative research that lever-
connected and interactive, human-dominated ecosystems. ages the diversity and scholarship toward a more synthetic,
This new integration has brought ecology out of the distinct consilient understanding of urban system dynamics.

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green spaces of the ecology in cities and has begun to explore
the ecological functions of all components of urban form. Acknowledgments
However, there remains a host of critical ecological ques- We thank the organizers and leadership of the Society for
tions that need to be answered and empirical data that need Urban Ecology (SURE) First World Congress (2013) in
to be gathered to understand the dynamics and process of Berlin, Germany, for providing the opportunity that initiated
cities as social–ecological–technical systems. this consensus article. TM’s participation was supported by
This missing empirical ecological knowledge may be the the Urban Resilience to Extreme Weather-Related Events
most significant limitation to building a more holistic sci- Sustainability Research Network (URExSRN; NSF grant
ence of cities. For example, we still know little about how no. SES 1444755) and the Urban Sustainability Research
the supply and demand of biodiversity, ecosystem function, Coordination Network (NSF grant no. RCN 1140070). STAP’s
and ecosystem services are related in urban environments participation was facilitated by the Urban Sustainability
and, indeed, how ecosystem services can be defined in cit- Research Coordination Network (NSF grant no. RCN
ies, with their preponderance of technological structure 1140070) and the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER (NSF
(Grimm et al. 2016). We lack field data to address the urgent grant no. DEB 1027188). NBG was ­supported by the Central
needs of city planners, policymakers, and managers that Arizona–Phoenix LTER (NSF grant no. DEB 1026865 and
require scaling up from plot-based urban ecological research the URExSRN). JN was supported by the Academy of
(Grove et al. 2013). The development of a cross-comparative Finland (grant no. 1263404). TE was supported by the
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