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Final Year Design Project

Thesis · April 2013

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4540.8240

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1 author:

Muhammad Haris Hamayun

COMSATS University Islamabad


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Hydrogen Storage - Simulation Study View project

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SESSION 2008-2012




The plant design project report entited “A DESIGN PROJECT

GASIFICATION” is prepared by (M.Ishtiaq Qasim, M.Haris
Hamayun, Qadeer Ahmad, M. Adil Maqsood and Usman
Khalid) under our guidance to meet the requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering is here
by approved for submission.








Table of Contents

Abstract 05

Chapter # 1 Introduction
1.1 Energy Scenario in Pakistan 08

1.2 Roots of Energy Crisis 10

1.3 Current energy shortage in Pakistan 11

1.4 Reason for less electricity Production 14

1.5 Gasification 17

1.6 History of Gasification 17

1.7 Chemistry of Gasification 18

1.8 Stages of Gasification 20

1.8.1 Dehydration or drying 20

1.8.2 Pyrolysis 20

1.8.3 Combustion 20

1.8.4 Gasification 20

1.8.5 Equilibrium 21

1.9 Types of Gasification 22

1.9.1 Low temperature gasification 22

1.9.2 High temperature gasification 22

1.10. Gasifier 23

1.11 Types of gasifier 23

1.11.1 Updraft 23

1.11.2 Downdraft 25

1.11.3 Cross Draft 26

1.12 Advantage & Disadvantage of types of gasifier 27

1.13 Distinction attributes of gasification 28

1.14 Benefits of gasification 28

1.15 Environmental Benefits of gasification 29

1.16 Disadvantages of gasification 30

1.17 Comparison of gasification to other technologies 31

1.18 Biomass 32

1.19 Advantages of Biomass systems 33

1.20 Applications of Biomass 34

1.21 Composition of producers Gas from various fuels 35

Chapter # 2 Process Description

PFD 37


Chapter # 3 Material Balance

3.1 Material Balance around dryer 39

3.2 Material Balance around Gasifier 41

3.3 Around Cyclone separator 46

3.4 Around separator 48

Chapter # 4 Energy Balance
4.1 Around Dryer 51

4.2 Around Gasifier 53

4.3 Around Heat Exchanger 57

Chapter # 5 Equipment Design

5.1 Design of gasifier 61

5.2 Heat Exchanger Design 68

5.3 Design of cyclone separator 76

Chapter # 6 Simulation
6.1 Overall process flow diagram 80

6.2 Simulation on heat Exchanger 81

6.3 Simulation on Cyclone Separator 85

6.4 Simulation on Ash Valve 88

6.5 Simulation on Ash Separator 90

6.6 Simulation on Ash valve 1 92

6.7 Simulation on C Absorber 94

6.8 Simulation on Stripper 96

6.9 Simulation on Selexol Cooler 98

6.10 Simulation on Selexol Pump 100

6.11Simulation on Selexol Recycle 102

6.12 Simulation on Syngas Compressor 103

Chapter # 7 Instrumentation
7.1 Introduction to instrmentation 105

7.1.1 Process Control Objectives 105

7.1.2 Elements of Control Sysytem 106

7.2 Modes of Control 108

7.3 Characteristics Of Controller 108

7.4 Selection Of Controllers 109

7.5 Control loops 110

7.5.1 Feedback Control loop 110

7.5.2 Feed Forward Control loop 111

7.5.3 Ratio Control 112

7.5.4 Auctioneering Control loop 112

7.5.5 Split Range Loops 112

7.5.6 Cascade Control Loop 112

7.6 Control loop for Gasifier Reactor 113

7.7 Control loop for Heat Exchanger 113

7.8 Control loop for Compressor 115

Chapter # 8 Cost Estimation

8.1 Estimation of Equipment Cost 116

8.1.1 Dryer 116

8.1.2 Gasifier 116

8.1.3 Heat Exchanger 117

8.1.4 Cyclone Separator 118

8.1.5 Separator 119

8.1.6 Air Compressor 119

8.1.7 Cooler 120

8.1.8 Pump 120

8.1.9 Syngas Compressor 121

8.2 Total Equipment Cost 122

8.2.1. Fixed Capital Investment: 126 ISBL Plant Cost: 126 Off-site Costs: 127 Engineering Costs: 128 Contingency Charges: 128

8.3. Working Capital: 129

8.4. Variable Costs of Production: 129

8.5. Fixed Costs of Production: 130

8.6. Estimation of Equipment Cost: 131

8.6.1 Dryer: 131

8.6.2. Gasifier 131

8.6.3. Heat Exchanger: 131

8.6.4. Cyclone Separator: 133

8.6.5. Separator / Filter: 134

8.6.6. Air Compressor: 134

8.6.7. Cooler: 135

8.6.8. Pump: 135

8.6.9. Syngas Compressor: 136

8.7. Total Equipment Cost: 137

8.8. Estimation of Fixed Capital Cost: 138

8.9. Estimation of Working Capital 138

8.10. Total Investment 138

8.11. Summary of Production Cost: 139

Future Consideration of Projects 128

Chapter # 9 Reference

Energy relationship in global politics has become a vital
determinant. Biomass especially the rice husk is a very potential
source of energy, which can be utilized in a number of ways.
In Pakistan, there is an abundance of rice production as a result
more of the rice husk is easily available and has a higher
potential in order to fulfillments the energy requirements. Rice
husk can be used to produce the syngas which is an alternative
source of energy generation as compared to natural gas. As
compared to natural gas, the syngas produced by the rice husk
contains lesser amount of sulfur contents.
We have worked out at a plant design for the synthesis of 900
kg/h of syngas via 1000 kg/h of rice husk using fluidized bed
gasification. We have designed gasifier of length 5.94m and 1.32
m diameter having a volume of 8.115 m3. We have designed one
shell pass and two tube pass heat exchanger and cyclone
separator. We have done simulation of our project using ASPEN
Cost of total investment for this project is 6.45 × 106 $/year. The
estimated annual production cost of syngas was0.89 $/kg


All praises for Almighty ALLAH, the creator of this universe Who guide
us in the oceans of darkness and enable us to overcome the difficulties in
the crucial situation. All respect for the Prophet HAZRAT
MUHAMMAD (PBUH), who enabled us to recognize our creator and to
understand the philosophy of our life.
We express our cordial gratitude to our supervisor, ASSTT. PROF. DR.
H . M. ANWAAR ASGHAR, for his encouraging attitude and
constructive suggestions. We are very thankful for his help and
We have no appropriate words to manifest our feelings of respect,
gratefulness and obligations for our honorable PROF. DR.
and MISS RABYA ASLAM, whose keen interest, valuable suggestions,
sympathetic attitude and co-operation enabled us to achieve our aim.
We can never forget the enthusiastic guidance and interest of PROF.
Especially we are thankful to our parents for their inspiration and co-
operation to complete our education.



Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.1. Energy Scenario in Pakistan:

The economic stability of developing countries like Pakistan depends upon the
growth of the energy sector to influence social prosperity and long-term planning for
utilization of domestic energy resources. Pakistan has been facing an unprecedented
energy crisis since last few years. Its current energy demand far exceeds its indigenous
supplies, fostering dependency on imported oil that places substantial burden on economy
of the country.

In order to ensure security of country’s energy supplies, the Government of Pakistan is

pursuing policies of increasing our domestic supplies, attracting foreign investment,
diversifying imports to include natural gas, coal and electricity, encouraging economic
inter-fuel substitution, promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, and
supporting regional and interregional cooperation. Pakistan is an ideal location for
foreign private investment in the upstream and downstream hydrocarbon sectors as it
provides a deregulated transparent and level playing field to all.

During financial year 2009-10, primary commercial energy supplies witnessed an

increase by 0.8% (from 62.6 million tons of oil equivalent (mtoe) in 2008-09 to 63.1
mtoe in 2009-10). Increase in the supplies came from natural gas (0.6 mtoe), nuclear
electricity (0.3 mtoe), hydel electricity (0.1 mtoe) and imported electricity (0.01 mtoe).
Supplies from oil, coal and LPG showed decrease as compared to the last year. The share
of natural gas in primary energy supplies during 2009-10 was 48.8% followed by oil
31.4%, hydro-electricity 10.6%, coal 7.3%, nuclear electricity 1.1%, LPG 0.6% and
imported electricity 0.1%.

Natural gas production during this year increased from 4,002 to 4,063 million cubic feet
per day (1.5% increase) while oil production decreased to 64,948 from 65,845 barrels per
day (1.4%). The drilling activity showed slow progress as compared to the preceding two
years. During 2009-10, 26 exploratory wells were drilled as compared to 27 in 2008-09
and 2007-08. The number of development wells drilled during 2009-10 was 42 as against
59 during 2008-09 and 53 during 2007-08. The drilling efforts resulted in 15 discoveries
mostly of gas/condensate, out of which 7 were by OGDCL and 8 by the private sector

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

Oil consumption increased by 7% during 2009-10 over the preceding year. This increase
was due to 27% increase in motor spirit consumption in transport sector and 16%
increase in furnace oil consumption in power sector over the last year. The consumption
of E-10 fuel was also added in the transport sector this year. The consumption declined in
domestic, agriculture and other government sectors by 7%, 17% and 12% respectively.
Consumption of furnace oil in cement industry dropped by 41% from 105,424 tons in
2008-09 to 61,787 tons in 2009-10

Import of petroleum products increased by 12% while the crude oil decreased by 15% as
compared to the previous year. This increase in POL import was mainly due to increase
in imports of furnace oil, motor spirit and aviation fuel by 10%, 132% and 140%
respectively during 2009-10. The refineries production was down by 8% resulting in
production of 21%, 29%, 19% and 11% less quantities of Kero, diesel furnace oil and
naphtha respectively, during 2009-10 as compared to the preceding year.

Natural gas consumption increased slightly by 1% during 2009-10 as compared to the

previous year. This increase in consumption was due to fertilizer 22%, transport 12%,
industry 5%, commercial 4% and domestic 3%. Natural gas consumption decreased
during 2009-10 in cement industry by 73%, Pakistan Steel Mills by 7% and power sector
by 9% over the previous year.

Coal production decreased by 7% in 2009-10 over the previous year due to lesser
production from Balochistan and KPK coalfields. Coal imports have increased slightly by
0.13% resulting in overall decrease in coal supplies/consumption by 3% over the last
year. Consumption of coal in power generation increased by 12% from 112,520 tons in
2008-09 to 125,482 tons in 2009-10

In the power sector five new IPPs (Atlas, Engro, Orient, Nishat and Saif power) were
commission during 2009-10. This helped increase the installed capacity of thermal power
plants by 1,089 MW during 2009-10.

Electricity generation during 2009-10 increased by 4.1% (with major increase of 79% in
nuclear generation) over the last year and reached 95,608 GWh (including 249 GWh of
electricity imported from Iran). Electricity generation included 67.3% thermal, 29.4%
hydel, 3.0% nuclear, while 0.3% of the electricity was imported this year. Electricity
consumption increased by 5.7% to 74,348 GWh during 2009-10 as compared to 70,371
GWh last year. Major increases in consumption were inthe domestic sector (1990
GWh), agriculture (894 GWh), industry (494 GWh), commercial (354 GWh) and
bulk supplies (241 GWh). T&D losses of public sector power system were reduced
from 21.6% to 20.6% during 2009-10.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.2. Roots of Energy Crisis

1.2.1. Historical crises
 1973 oil crisis - Cause: an OPEC oil export embargo by many of the major Arab
oil-producing states, in response to western support of Israel during the Yom
Kippur War
 1979 energy crisis - Cause: the Iranian revolution
 1990 spike in the price of oil - Cause: the Gulf War
 The 2000–2001 California electricity crisis - Cause: failed deregulation, and
business corruption.
 The UK fuel protest of 2000 - Cause: Raise in the price of crude oil combined with
already relatively high taxation on road fuel in the UK.
 North American natural gas crisis
 Argentine energy crisis of 2004
 North Korea has had energy shortages for many years.
 Zimbabwe has experienced a shortage of energy supplies for many years due to
financial mismanagement.

While not entering a full crisis, political riots that occurred during the 2007 Burmese anti-
government protests were initially sparked by rising energy prices. Likewise the Russia-
Ukraine gas dispute and the Russia-Belarus energy dispute have been mostly resolved
before entering a prolonged crisis stage.

―All these events happen in the past cause Energy and

economic Crisis in Pakistan and the other under developing

1.2.2. Emerging shortages

Kuwait's Al Burqan Oil Field, the world's second largest oil field, will be
depleted within 40 years.

Crises that currently exist include:

 Oil price increases since 2003 - Caused by continued global increases in

petroleum demand coupled with production stagnation, the falling value of
the U.S. dollar, and a myriad of other secondary causes.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

 2008 Central Asia energy crisis, caused by abnormally cold temperatures and low
water levels in an area dependent on hydroelectric power. Despite having
significant hydrocarbon reserves, in February 2008 the President of Pakistan
announced plans to tackle energy shortages that were reaching crisis stage. At the
same time the South African President was appeasing fears of a prolonged
electricity crisis in South Africa.
 South African electrical crisis. The South African crisis which may last to 2012,
lead to large price rises for platinum in February 2008 and reduced gold
 China experienced severe energy shortages towards the end of 2005 and again in
early 2008. During the latter crisis they suffered severe damage to power networks
along with diesel and coal shortages. Supplies of electricity in Guangdong
province, the manufacturing hub of China, are predicted to fall short by an
estimated 10 GW.

1.3. Current Energy Shortage in Pakistan:

July 2008
Pakistan, the world’s sixth most populous country, has a power crisis. And it’s not
political power – its electric power. As recently as 2001, the country had 4,000
megawatts of excess power capacity. Today, it has about a 15 percent shortfall of the
capacity it needs. This shortfall is due in part to dry weather, which is reducing
hydropower output. But it is also due to poor planning. Pakistan has a huge capacity for
hydropower and large deposits of coal, but it has been slow to exploit those resources.

Country is plunging deeper and deeper into the energy crisis the electricity shortfall has
hit the record level of 7,075 MW on July owing to the forced shutdown of more than 24
units of power generation plants following the severe fuel scarcity. This situation has
pushed the consumers to bear the brunt of 18 to 20 hours load shedding, which the
sources said, might increase due to multiple factors, the most important being the
liquidity crunch being faced by the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA),
currently heading the new face of power sector, Pakistan Electric Power Company

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

The WAPDA is facing 5750 MW electricity shortfall within its own system whereas
1325 MW shortfall was recorded from IPPs.

These IPPs including country’s largest IPP with a capacity of 1600 MW, Kot Addu
Power Company (KAPCO), 362 MW AES Lalpir, 365 MW AES Pak-Gen. limited and
fifty percent shutdown of 117 MW Southern Electric Power Company (Sepcol), 120MW
Japan, 586 Uch Power Limited. Kot Addu Power Company (KAPCO), country’s largest
IPP with a capacity of 1600 MW, comprising 10 multi fuel fired gas.

The situation on ground is that that lack of capacity addition would cause power shortage
to the extent of 5,500MW in 2010. The current shortfall in electricity demand and supply
was because of the government’s inability to make full payments to the oil supplier and
power generation companies and forced closure of a few thermal power plants.

The generation from Pepco’s own thermal power plants, according to official record, has
shrunk to the lowest ebb because of Pepco’s inability to purchase fuel oil from its
suppliers. On August 20, the Wapda’s thermal plants could produce a maximum of
1,900MW electricity against their capacity of 4,829MW because of their inability to
purchase furnace oil and minor technical faults in gears, clutches and switches.

Likewise, the generation from IPPs stood at about 3,470MW on August 19 against their
capacity of 6115MW, again because of their fiscal constraints. Similar has been the case
all along for the last two months as total thermal power generation remained less than
6,000MW against total capacity of about 12,000MW.

As a result, Pakistan State Oil — the country’s largest and state-owned supplier — has
refused to make payments to the refineries or lift fuel oil. As a result, refining capacity of
some of the refineries has reduced by one-third due to storage constraints that could lead
to shortage of petroleum products in the consumer market.

Despite an available generation capacity of about 18,000MW, Pepco plants have not been
able to produce more than 12,000MW in the last two months despite maximum
generation by hydropower projects as river flows improved in the monsoon season.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

During the current month, the countrywide load shedding peaked at 4,810MW on August
25 and it was all because of financial and fuel supply constraints. That meant that
generation capacity was available but the plants did not have fuel stocks to run their units.

Karachi Situation
In the Karachi Electric Supply Company’s system, thermal plants in Karachi could
not generate more than 1,300MW electricity against their capacity of about 1,800MW.
This was more because of technical problems that fuel shortages.

Oil and gas companies are now demanding to make a law empowering the suppliers to
discontinue supplies to power companies if they fail to make payments in time up to a
certain limit. Some international lenders also feel that unless it was done, the continuous
inter-corporate circular debt in the energy sector would keep various oils and gas
companies in the financial turmoil and keep foreign investors at bay since some of these
firms are either listed abroad or were multinationals

1.4. Reason for less electricity production

1. The inter-corporate circular debt has crossed over Rs400 billion and widespread
default is looming large in the energy sector. A number of companies have, in fact,
started defaulting in their commitments technically and financially.

2. Oil firms have expressed their inability to ensure smooth supplies in the days
ahead and independent power producers (IPPS) are running at less than their
generating capacity because of financial crunch to purchase fuel.

3. Partially, because of previous government’s dilly-dallying on major economic

decisions and mainly because of current government’s pre-occupation with
political crisis, the administration finds it hard to take even day-to-day decisions in
a prudent manner. The IPPs have threatened to declare force majeure and call
government’s sovereign guarantees.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

4. The government has started eliminating subsidies. Electricity rates have been
raised by 16 per cent last month by withdrawing of general sales tax and another
61 per cent increase would be made soon after the presidential elections to be held
on September 6.

5. Natural gas rates have been increased twice by more than 40 per cent since the
democratic government took over and oil prices have surged more than 50 per cent
since February this year. Rise in utilities’ cost is resulting in escalation of all
essential and not-so-essential commodities.

6. At the heart of problem is non-payment of arrears by public sector companies and

government entities. The receivables of Pakistan Electric Power Company (Pepco)
and its allied power companies have gone beyond Rs150 billion. Karachi Electric
Supply Company (Kesc) has been holding over Rs56 billion payments to Pepco
while arrears payable by Federally Administered Tribal Areas have gone beyond
Rs75 billion as of July 31.
7. The federal government, provinces, AJK and some public sector
corporations together owe another Rs18 billion to electricity distribution

In return, the PEPCO and KESC have accumulated payables of about Rs100 billion. Of
this, Pepco has to pay about Rs64 billion to IPPs, limiting their capacity to purchase fuel
oil and hence run on less than half of their capacity. The Pepco also has to pay about
Rs10 billion and Rs8 billion each to oil and gas companies respectively. The problem is
that unless the public sector clears electricity bills of distribution companies, they would
not be able to release finances to the IPPs and oil and gas companies
On top of that is the government’s inability to clear over Rs84 billion dues to the oil
companies and refineries on account of price differential claims.

The PDC amount might have been much higher but the burden has been replaced with
even more expensive borrowing from the commercial banks. So far, the government has
paid about Rs50 billion to the oil companies and refineries by arranging syndicated loans
from the market. PSO has over Rs25 billions of receivables from Pepco and IPPs.

Since, the government has not been able to liquidate petroleum differential claims
(PDCs), the oil marketing firms have also informed the government about their inability
to make payments to the oil refineries. This is despite the fact that oil marketing
companies have reported 20 per cent higher fuel consumption during the current month.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

―This is the re-emergence of the energy sector inter-corporate debt that we used to have
in the early 1990s. The situation is even worse today‖, said a senior official in the
ministry of finance dealing with the chronic problem.

The situation is such that the energy sector crisis could worsen in the short-run in the kind
of disruption in oil supplies and much higher scale of load shedding at least for another
year. In the longer run, the budget deficit may go beyond eight per cent of GDP by end of
current year.

Pakistan’s currency has already slumped to a record low, development schemes are being
curtailed, the cost to safeguard sovereign bonds from default has almost tripled since
October last year and foreign exchange reserves have declined by almost $7 billion--
enough to cover only three months of imports.

Interestingly, the current spate of unprecedented power load shedding emerged primarily
because of financial crisis and fuel shortage, and not due to capacity constraints as being
portrayed by the government. The government has been attributing the load shedding to
the previous government’s failure to enhance generation capacity as the demand for
power consumption increased.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.5. Gasification:
Gasification is basically a technological process that involves the conversion of
carbonaceous (carbon based) raw material into synthesis gas using heat, steam &
pressure. This process involves the reaction of carbonaceous feedstock with an oxygen
containing reagent which may either be oxygen, air, steam or carbon dioxide, generally at
temperatures in excess of 800°C. This process takes into account the partial oxidation of
substance which means that amount of oxygen is supplied in a limited way such that the
fuel is not completely oxidized and it causes combustion to not occur completely.
Although the process is largely exothermic, however, some heat is still required to initiate
the gasification process & to sustain it for effective operation. The demand of
Gasification systems is also increasing because they are used to turn feed stocks like coal
into useful chemical products like ammonia.

The main product is a synthesis gas (syn gas), which contains

1. Carbon monoxide
2. Hydrogen &
3. Methane

Typically, the gas generated from gasification will have a net calorific value of 4 – 10
MJ/Nm3.The other main product produced by gasification is a solid residue of non-
combustible materials (ash) which contains a relatively low level of carbon.

1.6. History of Gasification:

To produce ―town gas‖ for light & heat.
Gasification of coal- All gas for fuel & light
To produce synthetic fuel
To produce liquid fuel & chemicals
First Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)
electric power plant
1990-2000 US Agencies provide financial support for IGCC process
2000-present Turnkey thermal & power Greenhouse gas from biomass

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.7. Chemistry of Gasification:

During the process of gasification of solid carbon whether in the form of coal,
coke, char or biomass, the principal chemical reactions are those that involve formation

a. Carbon
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Carbon monoxide
d. Hydrogen
e. Water (Steam)
f. Methane

These are as follows:

1. Combustion Reactions:

C+1/2O2 = CO -111 MJ/kmol (1)

CO+1/2O2 = CO2 -283 MJ/kmol (2)

H2+1/2O2 = H2O -242 MJ/kmol (3)

2. The Boudouard Reaction:

C+CO2 = 2CO +172 MJ/kmol (4)

3. Water gas Reaction:

C+H2O = CO+H2 +131 MJ/kmol (5)

4. Methanation Reaction:

C+2H2 = CH4 -75 MJ/kmol (6)

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.8. Stages of Gasification:

The process of gasification takes place through four different stages which are as

1. Dehydration or drying
2. Pyrolysis
3. Combustion
4. Gasification
5. Equilibrium
1.8.1. Dehydration or drying:

The feedstock is dried before the gasification process and the moisture
extracted is used in later chemical reactions.
1.8.2. Pyrolysis:

In this stage, organic materials are thermo chemically decomposed at

elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen which causes release of volatiles
and produces char. This prepares the chemically changed feedstock for

1.8.3. Combustion.
A carefully controlled burn using small amounts of air allows the volatiles
and the char to react with the oxygen to form primarily carbon dioxide, water and
trace amounts of carbon monoxide. The heat created in the process is used in the
gasification process.

1.8.4. Gasification.
The char reacts with the carbon dioxide and the steam produced in previous
steps to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.8.5. Equilibrium.
A chemical reaction known as the ―water gas shift reaction‖ helps to
balance the carbon monoxide, steam, carbon dioxide and hydrogen in the gasifier
establishing a chemical equilibrium during the final step of the process.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.9. Types of Gasification:

There are two types of gasification on the basis of temperature.

1. Low Temperature Gasification

2. High Temperature Gasification

1.9.1. Low Temperature Gasification:

If gasification takes place at a relatively low temperature, such as 700-1000°C, the
producer gas produced will contain a relatively higher %age of hydrocarbons as
compared to high temperature gasification. As a result, it may be used directly to be
burned for heat or electricity generation via a steam turbine or with suitable gas clean up
to run an internal combustion engine to produce electricity.

1.9.2. High Temperature Gasification:

This type of gasification involves a temperature range of 1200-1600oC which
leads to few hydrocarbons in the product gas, & higher proportion of CO & H2. The gas
produced during this process is called Synthesis Gas, as it is used to synthesize longer
chain hydrocarbons using techniques such as Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis.

If the ratio of H2 to CO is correct i.e., 2:1, FT synthesis can be used to convert syn gas
into high quality synthesis diesel biofuel, which is compatible with conventional fossil
diesel & diesel engine.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.10. Gasifier:
A chemical reactor that converts feedstock (wood, biomass, coal) into a
combustible gas that can be used for:

a. Heating,
b. Cooking or
c. Running an internal combustion engine.

This is achieved by partial combustion of feedstock in the reactor & using the heat
generated to pyrolyze or thermally breaks down the rest of the material into volatile

Feedstock + Limited Oxygen = CO2 + H2O + C + Associated Volatile Hydrocarbons +


Thus, the gasifier converts most of the feedstock into the flammable gases with only
some ash & unburned charcoal residue.

1.11. Types of Gasifier:

Since there is an interaction of air or oxygen & feedstock in the gasifier, they are
classified according to the way in which oxygen or air is introduced in it. So there are
three types of gasifier:

1. Updraft Gasifier or Counter-current Gasifier

2. Downdraft Gasifier or Co-current Gasifier
3. Cross draft Gasifier

1.11.1. Updraft or Counter-Current Gasifier

In this type of gasifier, the air is introduced at the bottom of the gasifier from
where it moves upwards & leaves from the top of the gasifier. Near the grate at the
bottom, the combustion reaction occurs, which are followed by the reduction reactions
(occur higher up in gasifier). In the upper part of the gasifier, the feedstock undergoes
heating & pyrolysis due to heat transfer by forced convection & radiation from the lower

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

The tars & volatiles produced during this process will be carried in the gas stream.
Ashes are removed from the bottom of the gasifier.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.11.2. Downdraft or Co-Current Gasifier:

In order to find a solution of the problem of entrainment of tar in the gas stream,
the design of gasifier is changed from counter current to co-current (down draft) gasifier,
in which primary gasification air is introduced at or above the oxidation zone in the
gasifier. The producer gas is removed at the bottom of the gasifier so that both fuel &
gas move in the same direction.

On their way down, the acid & tarry distillation products from the fuel must pass
through the glowing bed of charcoal & therefore, the y are converted into permanent
gases hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide & methane.

Depending on the temperature of the hot zone & the residence time of the tarry vapors, a
more or less complete breakdown of the tars is achieved.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.11.3. Cross draft Gasifier:

This type of gasifier is adapted for the use of charcoal. Charcoal gasification
results in very high temperatures in the oxidation zones which can lead to materials

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.12. Advantages & Disadvantages of Types of


Sr. No. Advantages Disadvantages
 Great sensitivity to tar
 Small pressure drop
& moisture & moisture
content of fuel
 Good Thermal Efficiency
 Relatively low time
1- Updraft
required for startup of
IC engines.
 Little tendency towards
 Poor reaction capability
slag formation
with heavy gas load
 Flexible adaption of gas  Design tends to be tall
production to load  Not feasible for very
2- Downdraft
 Low sensitivity to charcoal small particle size of
dust & tar content of fuel fuel.
 Short design height  Very high sensitivity to
3- Cross draft  Very fast response time to slag formation
load  High pressure drop

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.13. Distinct Attributes of Gasification:

• A clean, flexible, and reliable way of turning fossil fuels into clean energy.
• Ability to convert low-value feedstock (coal) into high-value products.
• Provides a cost effective way to capture CO2.
• Gasification enables use of domestic natural resources that would otherwise not be
economically viable.
• Provides economic benefits with respect to investment and job creation.
• Gasification is enabling redefinition of "clean energy."

1.14. Benefits of Gasification:

• Syngas is cleaned before combustion which reduces air pollutants to the

• Gasification enables the use of low-value feedstock (i.e., e.g. deep stranded coal)
to produce energy.

• Gasification plants use less water than coal combustion plants.

• CO2 can be cost-effectively captured from the gasification process.

• Syn gas can be used to produce electricity.

• Gasification systems are also increasingly being used to turn feed stocks like coal
into useful chemical products like ammonia.

• Limits the formation of dioxins & large quantities of SOx & NOx.

• Gasification can compete effectively in high-cost energy environments

• Gasification converts abundant low-value feed stocks into high-value products.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.15. Environmental Benefits of Gasification:

The environmental benefits of gasification are as follows:

1. Reduced air emissions:

Significant air emission reductions achieved through gasification with CO2

capture, at reduced cost compared to other post-combustion capture alternatives

2. Water usage:

Swan Hills Synfuels ISCG uses virtually no fresh water in the gasification
process but instead uses non-fresh water such as saline water.

3. Ability to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2):

In a gasification system, CO2 can be cost-effectively captured and

sequestered using commercially available technologies before it would otherwise
be vented to the atmosphere.

4. Ability to Use Coal Gasification for Clean Power Generation:

Low- carbon content ISCG syngas can fuel combined cycle power
generation, leading to air emissions levels much lower than those of conventional
coal-fired power or even natural gas-fired combined cycle generation.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.16. Disadvantages of Gasification:

The process of gasification, although involves a lot of advantage, but it has certain

• Tars, heavy metals, halogens and alkaline compounds are released within the
product gas and can cause environmental and operational problems.

• Tars are high molecular weight organic gases that ruin reforming catalysts, sulfur
removal systems, ceramic filters and increase the occurrence of slagging in boilers
and on other metal and refractory surfaces.

• Alkalis can increase agglomeration in fluidized beds that are used in some
gasification systems and also can ruin gas turbines during combustion

• Heavy metals are toxic and accumulate if released into the environment.

• Halogens are corrosive and are a cause of acid rain if emitted to the environment.

• Recovery and use of the bottom ash in other applications can be problematic.

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.17. Comparison of Gasification to other


1.17.1. Gasification v/s Combustion/ Incineration:

Gasification Combustion/ Incineration
Converts solid fuel into
Converts solid fuel into a gaseous
gaseous products of
fuel through a process of high
1- combustion through high
temperature oxidation-reduction
temperature oxidation
Gasification packages heat into Combustion releases the
2- chemical bonds by converting the energy into high temperature
energy into those in gaseous fuels. product gas.
Designed to maximize
Designed to maximize conversion
3- conversion of waste to CO2 &
of waste to CO & H2.
Operates under controlled amount Employs large quantities of
of oxygen. excess air.
Cleaned syngas used for chemical
Treated flue gas discharged to
production and / or power
atmosphere. Flue gas contains
5- production (with subsequent clean
dioxins and furans
flue gas discharge)

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.18. Biomass:

Biomass is a natural product of solar energy & therefore, a renewable source of

carbon & hydrogen which are the basic constituents of energy & chemical products.

Following is an attempt to define biomass:

1) Total amount of animal & plant life.

2) Biomass is an organic matter i.e. photochemical approach to harness solar energy
can be converted into other forms of energy like heat, electricity etc. using
available conversion processes.
3) Biomass energy in the context of the present day industrialized.
4) Biomass is the organic matter derived from plants as a result of photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the process by which solar energy is converted into chemical
energy by the plants with help of pigments called chlorophyll.

6CO2 + 6H2O + Sunlight + Chlorophyll = C6H12O6 + 6O2 + Chlorophyll

The term biomass refers to all plant life-trees, agriculture plants, bush, grass & algae &
their residue after processing. Biomass may be obtained from forest, woods &
agricultural lands. The term is also generally understood to include animal & human

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.19. Advantages of Biomass Systems:

1. Renewable
2. Dependent on energy already available, with minimum capital input.
3. Can be developed with present manpower & material sources.
4. Reasonably priced.
5. When biomass is burnt, the oxygen from the atmosphere combines with the
carbon in the plant to produce CO2 & water. This CO2 & water are again
available for the plant growth & hence cyclic process continues making
biomass, a renewable source of energy.
6. Biomass energy is unique because:
a. It is available in majority of geographical locations.
b. It effectively stores solar energy
c. It is a renewable source of energy in the form of carbon which can be
processed into solid, liquid & gaseous fuel.
7. The vast majority of the rural population is dependent on biomass as fuel.
Some sources of biomass are as follows:
a. Agricultural Wastes
b. Crop Residues
c. Wood & Woody Wastes
d. Organic Wastes

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

8. Biomass doesn’t contribute to global warming. Low level of sulfur & ash in
biomass prevents acid rain formation. Biomass energy brings in numerous
benefits such as:
a. Reduction in usage of conventional fuels.
b. Reduction in environmental pollution.
c. Improving the Nation`s Economy.
d. Meets the basic needs of the rural poor.
9. The environmental benefits include reduction in air & water pollution reducing
CO2 emission, greenhouse gases like SO2.
10. Low gestation period.
11. Rural employment generation.
12. Results in less ash production minimizing ash disposal cost.
13. Electrical energy can be produced in large scale at low cost.

1.20. Applications of Biomass:

The applications of biomass are as follows:
1. Direct thermal application:
a. Boiler
b. Institutional cooking & other thermal applications.
2. Production of producer gas used as a fuel in:
a. IC engines, vehicles
b. Irrigation water pumping/ village water supply.
3. Bio fuel applications
a. Ethanol for transport applications
4. Generation of electricity

Chapter No. 1 Introduction

1.21. Composition of Producer Gas from various


Different types of fuel when undergoes gasification produces different

composition of producer gas. They are depicted as follows:

Volume Percentage Calorific

Fuel Value
Method CO H2 CH4 CO2 N2
Charcoal Downdraft 28-31 5-10 1-2 1-2 55-60 4.60-5.65
Wood with
Downdraft 17-22 16-20 2-3 10-15 50-55 5.00-5.86
straw Downdraft 14-17 17-19 - 11-14 - 4.50
Downdraft 16-20 17-19.5 - 10-15 - 5.80
Downdraft 19-24 19-15 - 11-15 - 7.20
Downdraft 15-18 15-18 - 12-14 - 5.30
Charcoal Updraft 30 19.7 - 3.6 46 5.98

Corn cobs Downdraft 18.6 16.5 6.4 - - 6.29

Rice hulls
Downdraft 16.1 9.6 0.95 - - 3.25
stalks Downdraft 15.7 11.7 3.4 - - 4.32



Chapter No. 2 Process Description

Chapter No. 2 Process Description


Following are the raw materials used in the manufacturing of syngas from biomass:

1. Biomass (Rice Husk)

2. Superheated Steam
3. Air
4. Process Water
5. Selexol


We have selected the average composition of biomass (rice husk) found in different
regions of Pakistan. The composition of biomass selected for design purposes is as

Biomass %
C 36.66
H2 4.37
O2 31.68
N2 0.23
S 0.04
H2 O 8.76
Ash 18.26


The major steps involved in the formation of syngas from biomass are:

1. Biomass Preparation
2. Biomass Drying
3. Gasification
4. Gas Cooling
5. Gas Purification
6. CO2 Removal
7. Compression of Syngas

Chapter No. 2 Process Description


The major equipment’s used are as follows:

1. Rotary Dryer
2. Fluidized Bed Gasifier
3. Waste Heat Exchanger
4. Cyclone Separator
5. Scrubber
6. Knock out drum
7. Absorber
8. Stripper
9. Cooler
10. Compressor
11. Boiler
12. Turbine
Before rice husk can be introduced in the rotary dryer it is necessary to pass it
through some preparation steps e.g. it is necessary to remove dust particles and other
unnecessary material associated with risk husk for this purpose screening is done by
using specific sieves keeping in mind the average particle size of rice husk is 1mm. In
case of rice husk as particle size is already quite small therefore further size reduction is
not required.

Next step after preparation of biomass is drying of rice husk as it contains 8.76%
moisture so it is necessary to reduce the moisture contents otherwise it may cause
problems in the gasifier specially in combustion process and will make it difficult to
maintain the stoichiometric ratio of biomass to steam in gasifier and will also increase the
load on heat exchanger used after gasifier.

For this purpose rotary dryer is used that reduces the moisture contents from 8.76% to
2.80% and the operating efficiency of the rotary dryer is considered as 80%

Chapter No. 2 Process Description

Now the rice husk is ready to be introduced in the gasifier. Gasifier used for this
purpose is Fluidized Bed Gasifier because it gives well mixing of the biomass with
oxidant. In our case it makes easier to control biomass and oxidant amounts to be
introduced and as rice husk contains large amount of slag contents so it helps in to avoid
the slagging of ash in the gasifier.

Air is used as oxidant required for combustion process taking place in the gasifier. Before
sending it to the gasifier, it is firstly compressed in the Air Compressor which compresses
it to increases its pressure. The operating power of air compressor is 19.6 kW. After
compression it is then introduced into the gasifier.

Steam is required for the endothermic reactions taking place in the gasifier i.e. partial
combustion /gasification process. It is introduced at a temperature of 400o C and at a
pressure of 62 bar by using a boiler (run by syn gas produced).


Oxygen-Blown Fluidized Bed Gasifier is the selected type of gasifier it has

advantages given below:

1. Dry Ash (which makes its removal relatively simple)

2. The air-to-fuel ratio can be changed, so the bed temperature can be controlled
3. Feedstock-fluidized beds are more tolerant.
4. Excellent gas–solid contact, large contact surface area.
5. Higher throughput than fixed bed gasifiers.
6. Smaller gas handling & cleanup equipment
7. Produces high heating value gas.
8. Reduced gasifier size
9. Low power requirement.
10. Reduced heat exchangers size
11. Improved heat and mass transfer
12. Reduced char

Chapter No. 2 Process Description

Syn gas leaving the gasifier is at 800oC so it is necessary to remove excess heat
from it this is done by using a heat exchanger right after the gasifier that reduces its
temperature to 500oC and serves the purpose of preheating the boiler water as well. For
this purpose shell and tube type heat exchanger is used.

Syn gas produced contains large amount of ash contents, water vapors and some
quantity of unburnt rice husk so it is necessary to remove such material from syn gas
before it can be used as combustible gas. Solid particles are removed by using a cyclone
separator and a filter moisture contents are removed by using a knock out drum.


The Selexol process uses a physical solvent to remove acid gas from the streams
of syngas. It is ideally suited for the selective removal of H2S and other sulphur
compounds, or for the bulk removal of CO2. The Selexol process also removes COS,
mercaptans, ammonia, HCN and metal carbonyls.
The selexol solvent is a mixture of dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol, and has the
formulation of CH3 (CH2CH2O)n CH3, where n is between 3 and 9. Amine solvents react
to form a chemical bond between the acid gas and the solvent. However, selexol solvents
are true physical solvents and do not react chemically with the absorbed gases. The
ability of selexol solvents to remain chemically non-reactive with the gas is a desirable
feature. This avoids the formation of heat-stable salts that plague amine systems. Its high
selectivity for sulphur compounds over CO2 makes a selexol solvent ideal for partial
oxidation processes. It produces a highly enriched feed to the Claus unit and provides
maximum CO2 for any downstream process. The solvent may be regenerated by releasing
the absorbed sour gases. The regeneration step for Selexol can be carried out by either
thermally, or flashing, or stripping gas. In addition to its solubility, the Selexol solvent
has some other positive advantages to gasification applications.
1. A very low vapour pressure that limits its losses to the treated gas
2. Low viscosity to avoid large pressure drop
3. High chemical and thermal stability (no reclaiming or purge)
4. Selexol is true physical solvent and does not react chemically with the absorbed
5. Non-toxic for environmental compatibility and worker safety
6. Non-foaming for operational stability

7. Compatibility with gasifier feed gas contaminants
8. High solubility of selexol with nickel and iron carbonyls allows their removal
from the synthesis gas.
9. Low heat requirements for regeneration of selexol because the solvent can be
regenerated by a simple pressure letdown.
10. Non-corrosive for mainly carbon steel construction: the Selexol process allows
mostly for carbon steel construction due to its non-aqueous nature and inert
chemical characteristics.



Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

3.1. Material Balance around Dryer:

F3 938.68kg/h
F1 1000 kg/h
Solids 97.20%
Solids 91.24%
Water 2.80%
Water 8.76%

F2 61.32kg/h
Solids 0%
Water 100%

Basis: 1000 kg/h of biomass feed

Let the efficiency of dryer be 70%

So the feed F2 (moisture outlet) is;

F2 = (F1) (% of water) (dryer efficiency)

= (1000) (8.76%) (70%)

F2 =61.32 kg/hr

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

So, applying overall balance on Dryer

F1 =F2 + F3

F3 =F1 – F2

=1000 – 61.32

= 938.63 kg/h

Applying component balance;

Water balance:

(x1) (F1) = (x2) (F2) + (x3) (F3)

(0.0876)(1000) = (1) (61.32) + (x3) (938.6)

x3 = 0.028

Inlet (Biomass) Outlet (Moisture)
Streams F1 F2 F3
Flow rates (kg/h) 1000 61.32 938.68
C 36.66 - 39.06
H 4.37 - 4.66
O 31.68 - 33.74
N 0.23 - 0.25
S 0.04 - 0.04
H2O 8.76 - 2.8
Ash 18.26 19.45

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

3.2. Balance around Gasifier:

Basis: 938.68 kg of feed

F4 247.24 kg/h
(Air) %
O2 23
N2 77

F3 938.68 kg/h
(Biomass) F7 1318.914 kg/h
% (Syngas) %
C 39.06 33.031
H2 4.66
O2 33.74 CO2 23.316
N2 0.25 23.316
S 0.04
H2O 2.8 N2 14.5725
Ash 19.45
H2S 0.0291

Ash 5.7354

F5 279.05 kg/h F6 182.57 kg/h

(Steam) % (Ash) %
Water 100 Ash 100

Applying component mass balance:

C Balance:

(0.3906)(938.68) = (ωco) (F7) + (ωCO) (F7)

366.65 = (ωCO + ωC02)F7……………… (1)

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

H2 balance:

(0.0466 + 0.028)(938.68) + (1) (F5) = (ωH2 + ωH2S) (F7)

70.03 + F5 = (ωH2 + ωH2S) (F7)……….. (2)

O2 Balance:

(0.3374 + 0.014) (938.68) + (0.23) (F4) + (1/2) F5 = (1/2 ωCO + ωCO2) (F7)

329.85 + 0.23F4 + 0.5F5 = (0.5ωC0 + ωCO2) (F7)…………. (3)

N2 Balance:

(0.0025)(938.68) + (0.770 (F4) = ( N2) (F7)

2.35+0.77F4 = ( N2) (F7)…………………………………. (4)


(0.04/100) × (938.68) = ( H2S) (F7)

0.375 = ( H2S) (F7)……………………………………….. (5)

Ash Balance:

(0.1945) × (938.68) = (1) (F6)

F6 = 182.57kg/ h ash

Chemical Reaction

2.03C + 1.03 H2O + 0.5 O2 2.03CO + 1.03H2

Air Required:

0.3906×938.68 kg/h C 1 kgmol/h C 0.5 kgmol/h O2

12 kg/h C 2.03 kgmol/h C

O2 required = 7.53 kgmol O2

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

Air required = Moles of O2 + Moles of N2

= 7.53 + 1

= 8.53kgmol air

F4 = 247.24 kg/h air

Steam Required:

0.3906×938.68 kg/h C 1 kgmol/h C 1.03 kgmol/h H2 O 1 kgmol/h H2O

12 kg/h C 2.03kgmol/h C 1 kgmol/h H2O

F5= 279.05 kg/h steam

Applying overall material Balance

Mass in = Mass out

F3 + F4 + F5 = F6 + F7

F7 = F3 + F4 + F5 - F6

938.68 + 247.24 + 279.05 - 182.57

F7 = 1282.4 kg/h syn gas

Put value of F7 in equation 5;

0.375 = ( H2S) (1282.4)

H2S = 0.03

Put value of F7 & F4 in equation 4;

2.35 + 0.77(247.24) = ( N2) (1282.4)

N2 = 0.15

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

Put value of F5 H2S & F7 in equation 2;

H2 = 0.24

As we know that

ωCO + ωCO2 + ωN2 + ωH2S + ωH2 = 1

ωCO + ωCO2 + 0.15 + 0.03 + 0.24 = 1

ωCO + ωCO2 = 0.58


ωCO = 0.58 - ωCO2 ……………………………………….. (6)

Putting values of ωCO, F4, F5 and F6 in equation (6)

329.85 + 0.23(247.24) + 0.5(279.05) = (0.5(0.58 - ωCO2) + ωCO2) (1282.4)

0.41 = 0.29 – 0.5ωCO2 + ωCO2

ωCO2 = 0.24

Put the value of ὠCO2 in equation (6)

ωCO = 0.58 – 0.24

ωCO = 0.34

From literature, 20% of Ash goes into syngas. So F4 will be:

F4 = 146.056 kg/h

Amount of gas coming out of gasifier = F7 + 20%Ash

=1282.4 + (20%) (18 2.57)

F7 = 1318.914 kg/h

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance


Stream F9 F4 F5 F6 F7

Flow rates 938.68 247.24 (kg/h) 279.05 (kg/h) 146.06 1318.914

(kg/h) (kg/h) (kg/h)


C 39.06 - - - -

H2 4.66 - - - 23.34

N2 0.25 77 - - 14.58

O2 33.74 23 - - -

S 0.04 - - - -

Ash 19.45 - - 100 2.77

H2O 2.8 100 - -

CO - - - - 33.06

CO2 - - - - 23.34

H2S - - - - 2.92

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

3.3. Material Balance around Cyclone Separator:

Syngas Out
Syngas In
F9 Cyclone F11

Solids 2.80% Separator Solids 0.56%

Gas 97.20% Gas 99.44%


Flow rate of syngas in = F9 = 1318.914 kg/h

Flow rate of syngas out = F11 =? kg/h

Flow rate of Solids outlet = F12 =? kg/h


Efficiency of Cyclone separator =80 % = 0.8

So, the flow rate of outlet solids is,

F12 = (Efficiency of Separator) × (Flow rate of Syngas in) × (%age solids in


F12 = 0.8 × 1318.914 × 0.028

F12 = 29.54 kg/h

So, for syngas outlet,

F11 = F9 – F12

F11 = 1318.914 – 29.54

F11 = 1289.37 kg/h

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance


Stream F9 F12 F11

Flow rates 1318.914 kg/h 29.54 kg/h 1289.37 kg/h


H2 23.34 - 23.834

N2 14.58 - 14.935

Ash 2.77 100 0.572

CO 33.06 - 33.858

CO2 23.34 - 23.834

H2S 2.92 - 2.967

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

3.4. Material Balance around Separator:

Syngas Out
Syngas In
Separator Solids 0%
Solids 0.572%
Gas 99.428% Gas 100%


It is now considered that the scrubber will remove remaining solids present in the

Solids present in Syngas = 0.572% of F11 = 7.38 kg/hr

Amount of syngas = F11 = 1289.37 kg/hr

Solids removed = F13 =7.38 kg/hr

Amount of cleaned syngas = F12 = 1282 kg/hr

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance


Stream F11 F13 F14

Flow rates 1289.37 kg/hr 7.38 kg/hr 1282 kg/hr


H2 23.834 - 24

N2 14.935 - 15

Ash 0.572 100 0

CO 33.858 - 34

CO2 23.834 - 24

H2S 2.967 - 3



Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

4.1. Energy Balance around Dryer:

Calorific value of biomass in F3 =32660 KJ/kg

Specific heat of air at T01= CP01 =1KJ/kg

Specific heat of air at T02= CPA =1KJ/kg

Specific heat of water at T2 = CPW =4.18 KJ/kg


1) By Biomass

Q1 = F1 × C.V

= 1000 × 16885.7/3600

= 4690.47 KW

2) Air

Q01 = F01 × CP01 × ∆TF

=F01 × 1 × (343-298)

Q1 = 45F01 kW


1) By F2

Q2 = F2 × CP2 × ∆TF2

CP2 = (CPA + CPW)/2

= 2.59 KJ/kg-k

Q2 = (F1 + 61.32/3600) (2.59) (303 – 298)

Q2 = 12.95 (F1 + 0.017)

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

2) By F3

Q3 = F3 × CV

= (938.68/3600) × 32660

= 8515 KW


Total heat in = Total heat out

4690.47 + 45F01 = 12.95 (F01 + 0.017) +8515

F01 = 119.34 kg/s

F01 = 429613 kg/h


F02 = 429674.42 kg/h

Q1 = 5370.3 kW

Q2 = 1545.67 kW

HEAT LOSSES = (Q1 + Q2) – (Q3 + Q4)

= 0.1 KW

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

4.2. Energy Balance around Gasifier:

Total Energy In
Total Energy In = Energy in Biomass + Energy in Air + Energy in Steam

4.2.1. Energy in Biomass:

Mass flow-rate of Biomass = F3 = 938.68 kg/h

Temperature of Biomass = T3 = 50°C = 323K

Reference temperature of Biomass = Tr = 25°C = 298K

Specific heat capacity of Biomass = Cp = 1.926 kJ/kg-K

Energy entering in gasifier from Biomass = F3 × Cp × (T3-Tr)

Energy entering in gasifier from Biomass = 938.68 × 1.926 × (313-298)

Energy entering in gasifier from Biomass = 45197.44 kJ/h

Energy entering in gasifier from Biomass = 45197.44/3600

Energy entering in gasifier from Biomass = 12.55 kW

4.2.2. Energy in Air:

Mass flow-rate of Air = F4 = 247.24 kg/h

Temperature of Air = T4 = 304.8°C = 577.8K

Reference temperature of Air = Tr = 25°C = 298K

Specific heat capacity of Air = Cp = 1.073 kJ/kg-K

Energy entering in gasifier from Air = F4 × Cp × (T4-Tr)

Energy entering in gasifier from Air = 247.24 × 1.073 × (577.8-298)

Energy entering in gasifier from Air = 74227.73 kJ/h

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

Energy entering in gasifier from Air = 74227.73 /3600

Energy entering in gasifier from Air = 20.61 kW

4.2.3. Energy in Steam:

Mass flow-rate of Steam = F5 = 279.05 kg/h

Temperature of Steam = T5 = 400°C = 673K

Reference temperature of Steam = Tr = 25°C = 298K

Specific heat capacity of Steam = Cp = 2.083 kJ/kg-K

Latent Heat of Vaporization = λ = 2350 kJ/kg

Energy entering in gasifier from Steam = F5 × [Cp × (T5-Tr) + λ]

Energy entering in gasifier from Steam = 279.05 × [2.083 × (673-298) + 2350]

Energy entering in gasifier from Steam = 873740.4 kJ/h

Energy entering in gasifier from Steam = 873740.4/3600

Energy entering in gasifier from Steam = 242.71 kW

Total Energy In = Energy in Biomass + Energy in Air + Energy in Steam

= 12.55 + 20.61 + 242.71

Total Energy In = 275.87 kW

Total Energy Generated

Total Energy Generated = F3 × Cp × (T7 – T3)

Total Energy Generated = 938.68 × 1.926 × (1073 – 323)

Total Energy Generated = 1355923.26 kJ/h

Total Energy Generated = 1355923.26/3600

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

Total Energy Generated = 376.65 kW

Total Energy Out

Total Energy Out = Energy in Ash + Energy in Flue Gas
4.2.4. Energy in Ash:
Mass flow-rate of Ash = F6 = 146.06 kg/h

Temperature of Ash = T6 = 800°C = 1073K

Reference temperature of Ash = Tr = 25°C = 298K

Specific heat capacity of Ash = Cp = 0.514 kJ/kg-K

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = F6 × Cp × (T6-Tr)

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 146.06 × 0.514 × (1073-298)

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 58183 kJ/h

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 58183/3600

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 16.16 kW

4.2.5. Energy in Syngas:

Mass flow-rate of Syngas = F7 = 1318.914 kg/h

Temperature of Ash = T7 = 800°C = 1073K

Reference temperature of Ash = Tr = 25°C = 298K

Specific heat capacity of Ash = Cp = 2.22 kJ/kg-K

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = F7 × Cp × (T7-Tr)

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 1318.914 × 2.22 × (1073-298)

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 2269191.537 kJ/h

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 2269191.537/3600

Energy leaving gasifier with Ash = 630.33 kW

Total Energy Out = Energy in Ash + Energy in Syngas

= 16.16 + 630.33

Total Energy Out = 646.49 kW

4.2.6. Overall Energy Balance:

Energy Loss = Total Energy in – Total Energy Out + Total Energy Generated

Energy Loss = 275.87 – 646.49 + 376.65

Energy Loss = 6.03 kW

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

4.3. Energy Balance around Heat Exchanger:

F9 (Water In)

F7 (Syngas In) F8 (Syngas Out)

F10 (Water Out)

4.3.1. For Syngas:

Flow rate of syngas in = F7 = 1318.914 kg/h

Temperature of syngas in = T7 = 800°C = 1073K

Flow rate of syngas out = F8 = 1318.914 kg/h

Temperature of syngas out = T8 = 500°C = 773K

Specific heat capacity of syngas = Cps = 2.22 kJ/kg-K

4.3.2. For Water:

Flow rate of water in = F9 = x kg/h

Temperature of water in = T9 = 25°C = 298K

Flow rate of water out = F10 = x kg/h

Temperature of water out = T10 = 98.55°C = 371.55 K

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

Specific heat capacity of water = Cpw = 4.18 kJ/kg-K

Applying energy balance on heat exchanger

Energy in (Gas) + Energy in (Water) = Energy out (Gas) + Energy out (Water)

In mathematical form,

(F7×Cps×T7) + (F9×Cpw×T9) = (F8×Cps×T8) + (F10×Cpw×T10)

As F7 = F8 = 1318.914 kg/h and

F9 = F10 = x kg/h

So the equation can be written as

(F7×Cps×T7) + (F9×Cpw×T9) = (F7×Cps×T8) + (F9×Cpw×T10)


F7 × Cps × (T7 – T8) = F9 ×[Cpw × (T10 – T9)]

Putting values,

1318.914 × 2.22 × (1073 – 773) = x × [4.18 × (371.55 – 298)]

x = 2857.141 kg/h


F9 = 2857.141 kg/h

F10 = 2857.141 kg/h

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

So, heat in gas,

Qs = F7 × Cps × (T7 – T8)

Qs = 1318.914 × 2.22 × (1073 – 773)

Qs = 878396.724 kJ/h

Qs = 878396.724/3600

Qs = 244 kW

So, heat in gas,

Qw = F9 ×[Cpw × (T10 – T9)]

Qw = 2857.141 × [4.18 × (371.55 – 298)]

Qw = 878396.57 kJ/h

Qw = 878396.57/3600

Qw = 244 kW

Energy Balance Around Heat Exchanger

Energy In
Stream Flow rate Cp (kJ/kg-K) T(K) Q = F × Cp × (T-Tr)
Syngas 1318.914 2.22 1073 630.33
Water 2857.141 4.18 298 0
Total Energy In = 630.33 kW
Energy Out
Stream Flow rate Cp (kJ/kg-K) T(K) Q = F × Cp × (T-Tr)
Syngas 1318.914 2.22 773 386.33
Water 2857.141 4.18 371.55 244
Total Energy Out = 630.33 kW



Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

5.1. Design of Gasifier:


Operating Conditions

Operating temperature = 1273 K

Operating pressure = 600 psi

1. Chemical Reactions

Chief reactions taking place inside the gasifier are;

1. C + CO2 2CO

2. CO + H2O CO2 + H2

3. C + H2O CO + H2

Rate Determining Step:

Thermodynamic study of these reactions shows that reaction (3) is the slowest step.

Therefore it will be rate determining step.

C + H2O CO + H2

Order Of Reaction:

The order of reaction is 2

Considering the selected gasifier shows behavior to that of a plug flow reactor.

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

For Plug Flow Reactor:

If the order of reaction is 2 then performance equation for PFR is ;

τ=∫ A) (A)

-rA = kCA2 (B)


CA = initial concentration (kmol/m3)

CA0 = final concentration (kmol/m3)

k = rate constant

-rA = reaction rate (kmol/m3.s)

Calculating Reaction Rate;

Percentage conversion = Xc = 0.75

Initial concentration of carbon =

Final concentration of carbon =

As we know that

[ ] (4a


Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

For reaction

C + H2O CO + H2


Hence equation (4a) becomes;

Putting values gives;

= (0.024)(1-0.75)

=6 x kmol/

Since the reaction is 2nd order: so,

- =k

= k [ ][ ]

- = (1 /kmol.s)(6 x kmol/ )[ ]

We know that,


Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design


565 psia 1 kg/m- 1J 1 kJ

8.314 kJ/kgmol 673 K 14.7 psia 1kg/m-- 1000 J

=0.696 kmol/

So, equation 4b becomes

- =(1)(6 x )(0.696)

- =4.18 x kmol/ -

(5) Residence time

Ʈ= ∫


Ʈ= ∫

Ʈ= (0.024/4.18 x ) (0.75-0)

Ʈ=4.3 sec

6) Volume of solid

Ʈ= V/Fco


Fco= Flow rate kmol/sec

Ʈ= Residence time, s

V= Volume of the solid in gasifier, -

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design


=938.68 kg/hr
= 938.68 kg 1kgmol 1hr
hr 27.35 kg 3600 sec

=9.5 x kgmol/s

So, equation 6a becomes;

V= Ʈ /

=(4.3)(9.5 x )/0.024

V= 1.708

7) Volume of the Product gas

Flow rate of 1318.914 kg 1kg mol 1 hr

gaseous product
from gasifier= Hr 26.7 kg 3600 s

= 0.014 kgmol/s


0.014 kgmol 22.4 275 psia 273 k

Sec 1kgmol 14.7 psia 1073 k

= 1.49 /sec

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

Volume occupied by product gas = 1.49 x 4.3

Volume occupied by product gas =6.407

8) Volume of gasifier

Volume of gasifier = Volume of solids + Volume occupied by product gas

= 1.708 + 6.407

Volume of gasifier = 8.115

9) Diameter of gasifier

Volume of gasifier = 8.115

Area x length = 8.115

= 8.115

From Literature;

So equation (9a) becomes;


Diameter Of Gsifier = D = 1.32m

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

(10) Length Of Gasifier:

Putting value of D in equation (9b)

L = 4.5(1.32)

Length Of Gasifier = L = 5.94m

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

5.2. Heat Exchanger Design:

Syngas is on the tube sides

Water is on the shell side

Flow rate of syngas= 1318.914kg/h

Flow rate of water = 2083.773 kg/h

Initial Temperature of syngas = 800ᵒC

Final temperature of syngas = 500ᵒC

Initial temperature of water = 25ᵒC

Final temperature of water = 98.55ᵒC

Specific heat capacity of syngas = 4.569 kJ/ kg-ᵒC

Specific heat capacity of water = 4.18 kJ/ kg-ᵒC

5.2.1.Heat Load :
Q = mCp∆T
= m Cp (T2-T1)
= 1318.914 × 4.569 × (800 – 500)
= 1.774*10 6 kJ/h
= 492.77 kW

) )


LMTD = 580.723 ᵒC

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

5.2.3.Corrected LMTD:


R = 4.08


S = 0.09

Using Graph;

Ft = 0.989


Corrected LMTD = ∆Tm = ∆Tlm × Ft

= 580.727 × 0.989

∆Tm = 574.7 ᵒC

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

U = 61.51 KJ/ ᵒC-hr-m2
Q = UA∆T


A = 50.27 m2

5.2.5.Tube Specifications:

Tube outer diameter = do = 20mm = 0.02m

Tube inner diameter = dI = 16mm = 0.016m

Tube thickness = 2mm = 0.002m

Tube length = L = 5m

5.2.6.Number of tubes:

Area of one tube = πdo L

= π ×0.02 × 5
Area of one tube = 0.314 m2
No. of tubes =
No. of tubes = Nt = 160

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

5.2.7.Bindle Diameter:
Db = do ( )1/n1

As the shell side fluid is relatively clean, use 1025 triangular pitch.

Db = 20 ( )1/2.207

Db = 374.38mm

5.2.8.Shell diameter:

hi/kf = jh Re Pr0.33 (µ/µw) 0.14

Viscosity of syngas =µ = 0.02257m Ns/m2

Thermal conductivity = kf = 0.2501 W/m

Re =

Re = 16225.78

Pr = Cpμ/kf

= 4.569×103 × 0.02857×103

Pr = 0.412

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

Neglect (μ/μw);

L/di = 5/16×10-3

= 312.5

Using graph;

jh = 4×10-3


hi = 0.2501/16×10-3 × 4×10-3 × 16225.78 × (0.412)0.33(1)

hi = 757 W/m

5.2.9.Shell side co-efficient:

Baffle spacing = Ds/5

= 382.22/5

Lb = 76.44

Tube pitch = Pt = 1.25×20 = 25mm

Cross- sectional flow area = As = (Pt – d0) Ds Lb / Pt

= (25- 20) × 382.22 × 76.44×10-4 / 25

As = 0.005m2

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

Mass Velocity = Gs = 2083.773 / 3600 × 0.005

Gs = 115.77 kg / s. m2

Equivalent diameter = de = 1.10/do (pt2 – 0.917do2)

= 1.10/20 ) – ) (20)2

de = 14.201 mm

Mean shell side temp = (98.55+25)/2 = 61.77°C

Density = 1000kg/m3

Viscosity = µ = 0.8904 mNs/m2

Heat capacity = Cp =4.18 kJ/kg-s

Thermal conductivity = k = 0.66 W/m-°C

Re = G de/µ

= (115.77) (14.201×10-3) / 0.8904×10-3

Re = 1846

Pr = Cpµ/ k

= (4.18×103) (0.8904×10-3) / 0.64

= 6.09

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

Choosing 25 % baffle cut;

jh = 1.7×10-2

Without viscosity correction term;

hs = (k/de )( jh )(Re)(Pr1/3)

= (0.611/14.201×10-3) (1.7×10-2) (1846) (6.09)1/3

= 2465.7 W/m2-°C

5.2.10. Overall coefficient

1/U0 = 1/ho + do Ln (do/di) / 2kw + 1/hi × do/di

= 1/2465.7 + 0.02 ln (0.02/0.016)/90 + 1/75 × (20/16)

= 0.0021

Uo = 474.87 W/m2-°C

Well above assumed value 17.086 W/m2-c

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

5.2.11. Pressure Drop

Tube side
Re = 16225.73
Using graph;

jf = 0.0042

∆Pt = Np [ 8 jf (L/di ) (µ/µw)-m + 2.5 ] Ϸ ut2

= 2 [ 8×4.2×10-3×(5/16×10-3) + 2.5] (0.1081)(13.16)2/2

= 40 kpa

Shell side
Re = 1846

µs = Gs /Ϸ

= 115.77/1000

= 0.1157 ms-1

Using graph;

jf = 6×10-2

∆Ps = 8 jf (Ds/de) (L/Lb) Ϸµs2/2 (µ/µw)-0.14

= 8×6×10-2×(382.22/14.201) × (5/76.44×10-3) × 1000×(0.1157)2/2

∆Ps = 5 KPa

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

5.3. Design of Cyclone Separator:

Flow rate of gas = G = F = 1318.914 kg/hr = 0.366 kg/s

Density of flue gases = ρ = 0.6156 kg/m3

The range of optimum velocity of separator lie b/w 10-20 m/s.


Velocity = u = 15 m/s

Inlet Duct Area of Gas:


= (0.366)/ (0.6156×15)

Ai = 0.04 m2

Diameter of Cyclone:

Area of duct = Ai= 0.5 Dc × 0.2 Dc

0.04 = 0.1

Dc = 0.63m

Length of Upper Section:

Lc = 1.5 Dc

= 1.5× 0.63

= 0.945m

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

Length of Lower Section:

Zc = 2.5 Dc

= 2.5× 0.63

= 1.575 m

Outlet Duct Area of Gas:

= 0.5× 0.63

Do = 0.315 m

= 0.077m2

Diameter of Dust Collector:

= 0.357× 0.63

Dd = 0.225m

Effective Number of the Special Paths:

The effective number of special pattern taken by the gas within the body of
cyclone is:

u = 15 m/s

N = 3.5

Chapter No. 5 Equipment Design

Terminal Velocity of Smaller Particles:

Putting values in this equation, we get;

uo = 8.3×10-3 m/s

Particle Diameter Remove by Cyclone:


dp = diameter of particle

ρs = density of solids = 300 kg/m3

μ = viscosity of gas = 0.0286 cp = 0.0286 kg/m.s

= 7.66× 10-6

= 2768 μm



Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.1. Overall Process Flow Diagram:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.2. Simulation on Heat Exchanger:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.2. Simulation on Heat Exchanger:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.2. Simulation on Heat Exchanger:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.2. Simulation on Heat Exchanger:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.3. Simulation on Cyclone Separator:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.3. Simulation on Cyclone Separator:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.3. Simulation on Cyclone Separator:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.4. Simulation on Ash Valve:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.4. Simulation on Ash Valve:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.5. Simulation on Ash Separator:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.5. Simulation on Ash Separator:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.6. Simulation on Ash Valve 1:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.6. Simulation on Ash Valve 1:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.7. Simulation on CO2 Absorber:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.7. Simulation on CO2 Absorber:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.8. Simulation on Stripper:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.8. Simulation on Stripper:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.9. Simulation on Selexol Cooler:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.9. Simulation on Selexol Cooler:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.10. Simulation on Selexol Pump:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.10. Simulation on Selexol Pump:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.11. Simulation on Selexol Recylce:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.12. Simulation on Syngas Compressor:

Chapter No. 6 Simulation

6.12. Simulation on Syngas Compressor:

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

7.1. Introduction to instrumentation

Instrumentation is applied in order to monitor and control the key process variables
during plant operation. Instruments may be incorporated in automatic control loops or
used for the manual monitoring of the process operation. Instruments monitoring critical
process variables will be fitted with automatic alarms to alert the operators to critical and
hazardous situations.

7.1.1. Process Control Objectives

The main objectives of the designer when specifying instrumentation and control
schemes are

 To detect dangerous situations as they develop and to provide alarms and

automatic shut-down system.

 To provide interlocks and alarms to prevent dangerous operating procedures.

 To maintain the product composition within the specified quality standards.

 To achieve the desired output of the product.

 To operate at the lowest production cost, commerce with the other objectives. In a
typical chemical processing plant these objectives are achieved by a combination
of automatic control, manual monitoring and laboratory analysis.

 To keep the process variables within known safe operating limits.

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

7.1.2. Elements of control system:

In almost every control system, we can distinguish the following hardware elements,

1. Measuring element or sensors

2. Transducers
3. Transmission lines
4. Controllers
5. The final control element

1. The Measuring Element or the Sensors:

Such instruments are used to detect the disturbances, the controlled output variables,
or the necessary secondary output variables and are the main sources of information
about what is going on in the process.
The measuring instrument depends upon the types of variable which is to be measured,
and these variables must be recorded as well. Following are some typical sensors, which
are used for different variables measurements.
1. Pressure sensors
2. Temperature sensors
3. Flow rate sensors
4. Level sensors

Examples of these types of sensors respectively are as follows.

1. Thermocouples or resistance thermometers for measuring the temperature.

2. Venturi meters also flow nozzles for flow measurements.

3. Gas chromatograph for measuring the composition of the stream

A good device for the measurement depends upon the environment in which it is to be
used. Signal transmission is very important in selecting the measuring device. So the
measuring device must be rugged and reliable for an industrial environment.

2. Transducers:

Many measurements cannot be used for control until they are converted to physical
quantities such as electric voltage, current or a pneumatic signal. For example, stream
gauges are metallic conductors whose resistance changes when mechanical strain is
imposed on them. Thus they can be used to convert a mechanical signal to electric one.

3. Transmission Lines:

These are used to carry measurements signal from measuring device to the controller.
Initially mostly transmission lines were pneumatic type that they were using the
compressed air or liquid to transmit the signal but with the automation of industry and
advancement of electronic controllers, electric lines have over-ruled the pneumatic
transmission lines. Most of the time the measurements coming from a device are very
weak and these must be amplified to get the things right. So it is very common to find
amplifiers in the transmission lines. For example the output of a thermocouple is only a
few milli-volts so they must be amplified to few volts to get to the controller.

4. Controller:

This is a hardware element that has ―intelligence‖. It receives the information from
the measuring device and decides what action must be carried out. The older controllers
were of limited intelligence and could perform very limited and simple operations. The
use of digital computers in this field has increased the use of complicated control laws.

5. The Final Control Element:

This is the hardware element that implements the decision taken by the controller. For
example, if the controller decides that flow rate of the outlet stream should be increased
or decreased inorder to keep the level of the liquid in a tank then the final control element
which is a control valve in this case implements the decision by slightly opening or
closing the valve.

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

7.2. Modes of control:

There are various modes for controlling the process. The different modes depend
upon the types of controllers and the action they take to control any process variable.
Actually the controller action is dependent on the output signal of the transmitter (sensor
with transducer). This signal is compared with the set point to the controller and the error
between these two is used to control the process. Different controllers react in different
ways to control this off-set between the controlled variable and the set point.
Different types of controls are:
1. On-off control
2. Proportional control
3. Integral control
4. Rate or derivative control
5. Composite control

There are also combined control actions of different types of controllers. Actually in
different operations, it is very rare that only one of the above control actions is found but
a composite control action is the more often practiced. Typical composite control modes
are following that are commonly used.
1. Proportional-Derivative controller (PD-controller)

2. Integral-Integral controller (PI-controller)

3. Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller (PID-controller).

7.3. Characteristics of controller :

In general the process controllers can be classified as
A. Pneumatic controllers

B. Hydraulic controllers

C. Electronic controllers

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

While dealing with the gases, the controller and the final control element may be
pneumatically operated due to the reasons expressed below:
 The pneumatic controller is very rugged and almost free of maintenance. The
maintenance workers have not had sufficient training and background in
electronics, so pneumatic equipment is simple.
 Pneumatic controller appears to be safer in a potentially explosive atmosphere
which is often present in the industry.

7.4. Selection of controller :

Actually in industry, only P, PI and PID control modes are the usual practice. The
selection of most appropriate type of controller for any particular environment is a very
systematic procedure. There are many ways and means that how a particular type of
system may be controlled through which type of controller. Usually type of controller is
selected using only quantitative considerations stemming from the analysis of the system
and ending at the properties of that particular controller and the control objective.
Proportional, Integral and Derivative control modes also affect the response of the
system. Following is the summarized criterion to select the appropriate controller for any
process depending upon the detailed study of the controller and control variable along
with process severity.

7.4.1. If possible, use a simple proportional controller:

Simple P-controller can be used if we can achieve acceptable off-set with not too high
values of gain. So for gas pressure and liquid level control, usually a simple proportional
controller may be used.

7.4.2. If a simple P-controller is not acceptable, use PI-controller:

A steady-stat error always remains for proportional controller so in systems where this
off-set is to be minimized, a PI-controller is incorporated. So in flow control applications,
usually PI-controller is found.

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

7.4.3. Use a PID-controller to increase the speed of the closed loop

response and retain robustness:

The anticipatory characteristic of the derivative control enables to use somewhat

higher values of proportional gains so that off-set is minimized with lesser deviations and
good response of the system. Also it adds the stability to the system. So this type of
control is used for sluggish multi-capacity processes like to control temperature and
In short best controller is selected on following basis;
1. Severity of process
2. Accuracy required
3. Cost

7.5. Control loops:

For instrumentation and control of different sections and equipment of plants,
following control loops are mostly used.
1. Feedback control loop

2. Feed forward control loop

3. Ratio control loop

4. Auctioneering control loop

5. Split range control loop

6. Cascade control loop

7.5.1. Feedback Control Loop

A method of control in which a measured value of a process variable is compared
with the desired value of the process variable and any necessary action is taken. Feedback
control is considered as the basic control loops system. Its disadvantage lies in its
operational procedure.

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

For example if a certain quantity is entering in a process, then a monitor will be there at
the process to note its value. Any changes from the set point will be sent to the final
control element through the controller so that to adjust the incoming quantity according
to desired value (set point). But in fact change has already occurred and only corrective
action can be taken while using feedback-control system.

7.5.2. Feed Forward Control Loop

―A method of control in which the value of a disturbance is measured, and action is taken
to prevent the disturbance by changing the value of a process variable‖
This is a control method designed to prevent errors from occurring in a process variable.
This control system is better than feedback control because it anticipates the change in
the process variable before it enters the process takes the preventive action.

7.5.3. Ratio Control
A control loop in which, the controlling element maintains a predetermined ratio of
one variable to another. Usually this control loop is attached to such a system where two
different streams enter a vessel for reaction that may be of any kind. To maintain the
stoichiometric quantities of different streams this loop is used so that to ensure proper
process going on in the process vessel.

7.5.4. Auctioneering Control Loop

This type of control loop is normally used for a huge vessel where, readings of a
single variable may be different at different locations. This type of control loop ensures
safe operation because it employs all the readings of different locations simultaneously,
and compares them with the set point, if any of those readings is deviating from the set
point then the controller sends appropriate signal to final control element.

7.5.5. Split Range Loops

In this loop controller is per set with different values corresponding to different action
to be taken at different conditions. The advantage of this loop is to maintain the proper
conditions and avoid abnormalities at very differential levels.

7.5.6. Cascade Control Loop

This is a control in which two or more control loops are arranged so that the output of,
one controlling element adjusts the set point of another controlling element. This control
loop is used where proper and quick control is difficult by simple feed forward or feed
backward control. Normally first loop is a feedback control loop. We have selected a
cascade control loop for our heat exchanger in order to get quick on proper control.

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

7.6. Control loop for Gasifier Reactor :

In the gasifier reactor it is very important to control the temperature of the gasifier.
Because with the rise in temperature in the gasifier may be desired reaction cannot be
obtained. So using of the temperature control in the gasifier can solve this problem .In the
gasifier the temperature is controlled by the steam entering in the gasifier.

7.7. Control loop for Heat Exchanger:

Heat Exchangers are inherently stable operating units. However, control on flow
parameters is necessary and proper indication and recording of the inlet and outlet
conditions is recommended.
Temperature measuring elements and heat exchanger installation should be placed as
close as possible to the active heat exchanger surface for adequate mixing of the process
stream. A thermal element installed several feet downstream of the exchanger in the
process pipeline will cause a time delay in the control system. This time delay or
distance-velocity lag has a particularly noticeable effect on control performance.

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

Thermocouples in protective thermal well are proposed as temperature measuring

elements. Particular care must be taken to minimize the effect of air gap between
thermocouple and thermal well by proper installation of conducting sleeves.

These elements introduce measuring lags, which may have time constants of order of
magnitude of the main time constant of the system. However, high fluid velocities past
the thermal well tend to minimize the measuring lag.

Chapter No. 7 Instrumentation

7.8. Control loop for Compressor:

The compressor is used to obtain the require pressure for the absorption column so
pressure controller is used to check the pressure of the stream.

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.1. Introduction:
Many chemical engineering design projects are carried out to provide information
from which estimates of capital and operating costs can be made. Chemical plants are
built to make a profit and an estimate of investment required and the cost of production
are needed before the profitability of the project can be assessed. Cost Estimation is a
specialized subject and a profession in its own right, but the design engineer must be able
to make rough cost estimation to decide b/w project alternatives and optimize the design.

8.2. Costs, Revenues, Profits:

This section introduces the components of project costs and revenues.

8.2.1. Fixed Capital Investment:

It is the total cost of designing, constructing and installing a plant and the
associated modifications needed to prepare a plant site. The fixed capital investment is
made up of:

1. The Inside Battery Limits (ISBL) investment – the cost of the plant itself.
2. The modifications and improvements that must be made to the site infra-structure
known as off-site or OSBL investment.
3. Engineering and construction costs.
4. Contingency charges. ISBL Plant Cost:

It includes the cost of procuring and installing all the process equipment that
makes up the new plant.

The direct field costs include:

1. All the major process equipment, such as vessels, reactors, columns, furnaces, heat
exchangers, coolers, pumps, fans, turbines, motors, filters, centrifuge, driers etc.,
including field fabrication and testing if necessary.
2. Bulk items, such as piping, valves, wiring, instruments, structures, insulation,
paint, lube oils, solvents, catalysts, etc.

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

3. Civil works, such as roads, foundations, piling, buildings, sewers, ditches, bunds
4. Installation labor and supervision.

In addition to the direct field costs there will be indirect field costs as follows,

1. Construction costs such as construction equipment rental, temporary construction,

temporary water and power, construction workshops etc.
2. Field expenses and services such as field canteens, specialist costs, overtime pay
and adverse weather costs.
3. Construction insurance.
4. Labor benefits and burdens. Off-site Costs:

OSBL investment includes the costs of the additions that must be made to the site
infra-structure to accommodate adding a new plant or increasing the capacity of an
existing plant. Off-site investment may include:

1. Electric main substations, transformers, switchgears and power lines.

2. Power generation plants, turbines engines, standby generators.
3. Boilers, steam mains, condensate lines, BFW treatment plant, supply pumps.
4. Cooling towers, circulation pumps, cooling water mains and treatment.
5. Water pipes, water demineralization, waste water treatment plants.
6. Air separation plants to provide site N2 for inert gases, nitrogen lines.
7. Driers and blowers for instrument air, instrument air lines.
8. Pipe bridges, feed and product pipelines.
9. Tanker farms, loading facilities, conveyors, docks, ware houses, railroads.
10. Laboratories, analytical equipment, offices, canteens, changing rooms, CCR.
11. Workshop and maintenance facilities.
12. Emergency services, fire fight equipment, fire hydrants, medical facilities
13. Site security, fencing, gate houses, landscaping.

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation Engineering Costs:

It sometimes referred to as home office costs or contractor charge, include the
costs of detailed design and other engineering services required to carry out the project:

1. Detailed design engineering of process equipment, piping systems, control

systems and off-sites, plant layout, drafting, cost engineering, scale modules and
civil engineering.
2. Procurement of main plant items and bulks.
3. Construction supervision and services.
4. Bonding
5. Contractor`s profit. Contingency Charges:

It is the extra costs added into the project budget to allow for variation from the
cost estimate. All cost estimate are un-certain and the final installed cost of many items is
not known until installation has been successfully completed. Apart from errors in the
cost estimate, contingency costs help cover,

1. Changes in project scope

2. Changes in prices
3. Currency fluctuations
4. Labor disputes
5. Subcontractor problems
6. Other unexpected problems.

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.3. Working Capital:

It is the additional money needed, above what it cost to build the plant, to start the
plant run up, and run it until it starts earning income. Working capital typically includes:

1. Value of raw materials inventory, usually estimated as 2 weeks delivered cost of

raw materials.
2. Value of product and by product inventory - estimated as 2 weeks cost of
3. Cash on hand – estimated as 1 week cost of production.
4. Accounts receivable – production shipped but not yet paid for – estimated as 1
month cost of production.
5. Credit for accounts payable – feed stocks, solvents, catalysts, packaging etc.
received but not paid yet for – estimated as 1 month delivered cost.
6. Spare parts inventory – estimated as 1-2% of ISBL plus OSBL investment cost.

8.4. Variable Costs of Production:

These costs are the costs that are proportional to the plant output or operation rate.
These include the costs of:

1. Raw materials consumed by the process.

2. Utilities – fuel burned in process heaters, steam, cooling water, electricity, raw
water, instrument air, nitrogen etc.
3. Consumables – solvents, acids, bases, inert materials, corrosion inhibitors,
additives, catalysts etc.
4. Effluent disposal.
5. Packaging and shipping – drums, bags, tankers, freight charges etc.

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.5. Fixed Costs of Production:

These costs are those which incurred regardless of the plant operation rate or
output. If plant cuts back its production, these costs are not reduced. Fixed costs include:

1. Operating labor
2. Supervision – usually taken as 25% of operating labor
3. Direct salary overhead – (40-60% of operating labor + supervision).
4. Maintenance, which includes both materials and labor, and it typically estimated
as 3-5% of ISBL investment, depending on the expected plant reliability.
5. Property taxes and insurance – typically 1-2% of ISBL fixed capital.
6. Rent of land – typically 1-2% of ISBL plus OSBL investment.
7. General plant overhead – 65% of total labor (including supervision and direct
overhead) plus maintenance.
8. Allocated environmental charges – typically 1% of ISBL and OSBL cost.
9. Running the license fees and royalty payments
10. Capital charges
11. Sales and marketing costs.

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.6. Estimation of Equipment Cost:

8.6.1 Dryer:
Type = Rotary Dryer Indirect Gas Fired

Area = 6 m2

Purchase cost = $28700

This is cost of year 2007.

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year.

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 28700 × (1.025)6

Purchased cost = $33283.3

8.6.2. Gasifier
Length of gasifier = 5.94 m

Diameter of gasifier = 1.32 m

Material of construction for tubes and shell = carbon steel

Type = Plug flow

Pressure = 40 bar

Pressure factor = 1.6

Type factor = 1.0

Bare cost = $18000

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

Purchased cost = bare cost × pressure factor × type factor

= 18000 × 1.6 × 1

Purchased cost = 28800$

This is the cost in year 2004

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year [1]

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 28800 × (1.025)9

Purchased cost = $35967

8.6.3. Heat Exchanger:

Heat transfer area = A= 50.27m2

Material of construction for tubes and shell = carbon steel

Type = floating head

Pressure = 1 bar

Pressure factor = 1.0

Type factor = 1.0

Bare cost = $22000

Purchased cost = bare cost × pressure factor × type factor

= 22000 × 1 × 1

Purchased cost = 22000$

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

This is the cost in year 2004

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year [1]

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 22000 × (1.025)9

Purchased cost = $27475

8.6.4. Cyclone Separator:

By using Chemcad, we get the purchase cost of cyclone separator for the year 2006

Purchase Cost = $5914.27

This is the cost in year 2006.

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year.

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 5914.27 × (1.025)7

Purchased cost = $7030.208

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.6.5. Separator / Filter:

By using HYSYS, we get the purchase cost of separator for the year 2009 as;

Purchase Cost = $28100

This is the cost in year 2009.

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year.

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 28100 × (1.025)4

Purchased cost = $31017.14

8.6.6. Air Compressor:

By using HYSYS, we get the purchase cost of Air Compressor for the year 2009

Purchase Cost = $1062900

This is the cost in year 2009.

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year.

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 1062900 × (1.025)4

Purchased cost = $1173243

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.6.7. Cooler:
By using HYSYS, we get the purchase cost of Cooler for the year 2009 as;

Purchase Cost = $16300

This is the cost in year 2009.

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year.

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 16300 × (1.025)4

Purchased cost = $17992.15

8.6.8. Pump:
By using HYSYS, we get the purchase cost of Cooler for the year 2009 as;

Purchase Cost = $3600

This is the cost in year 2009.

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year.

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 3600 × (1.025)4

Purchased cost = $3973.726

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.6.9. Syngas Compressor:

By using CHEMCAD, we get the purchase cost of Syngas Compressor for the year
2006 as;

Purchase Cost = $466177

This is the cost in year 2006.

The average increase in the cost is about 2.5% per year.

Using this value we predict the heat exchanger purchased cost in year 2013

In year 2013;

Purchased cost = 466177 × (1.025)7

Purchased cost = $554138

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.7. Total Equipment Cost:

Dryer 33283.3 $

Gasifier 35967 $

Heat Exchnager 27475 $

Cyclone Separator 7030.21 $

Separator 31017.1 $

Pump 3973.73 $

Cooler 17992.2 $

Air Compressor 1173243 $

Syngas Compressor 554138 $

Total Physical Cost 1884120 $

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.8. Estimation of Fixed Capital Cost:

Typical Factors for the Estimation of Fixed Capital Cost
Items Factors
Equipment Erection 0.45
Piping 0.45
Instrumentation 0.15
Electrical 0.10
Building, Processes 0.10
Utilities 0.45
Storage 0.02
Site Development 0.05
Ancillary Buildings 0.20
Physical Plant Cost 3711716.4
Design and Engineering 0.25
Construction Fee 0.05
Contingency 0.10
Fixed Capital 5196402.96

8.9. Estimation of Working Capital

Working Capital = 5% of Fixed Capital Cost

= (5%) × 5196402.96

= $259820.148

8.10. Total Investment

Total Investment = Fixed Capital Cost + Working Capital

= $5456223.108

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

8.11. Summary of Production Cost:

A) Fixed Cost
Plant attainment = 85%

Operating Time = 365× 0.85

= 310.25 days/year

= 7446 tones/year

Maintenance Cost = 10% of Fixed Capital Cost

= (10%) ×5196402.96

= $519640.296

Operating Labor = 15% of Fixed Capital Cost

= (15%) ×5196402.96

= $779460.444

Plant Overhead = 50% of Operating Labor

= (50%) × 779460.444

= $389730.222

Capital Charges = 10% of Fixed Capital Cost

= (10%) × 5196402.96

= $519640.296

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

Insurance = 1% of Fixed Capital Cost

= (1%) × 5196402.96

= $51964.0296

Local Taxes = 2% of Fixed Capital Cost

= (2%) × 5196402.96

= $103928.0592

Royalties and License Fee = 5% of Fixed Capital Cost

= (5%) × 5196402.96

= $259820.148

Total Fixed Cost = $2624183.495

B) Variable Cost:
Variable Cost = Raw Materials + Miscellaneous Materials + Utilities

Raw Materials Cost:

1. Biomass

Biomass Cost = $81.63/tons

Biomass Used = 1000 kg/h

Total Cost = 607816.98 $/year

2. Selexol

Selexol Cost = $2866/tons

Selexol Used = 100 kg/h

Total Cost = 2134023.6 $/year

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

3. Process Water

Cost of water = 0.5 $/ton

Water used = 600 kg/h

Total Cosr = 2233.8 $/year

Total raw materials cost = Biomass Cost + Process Water Cost + Selexol

= 2.74 × 106 $/year

Miscellaneous Materials Cost:

Miscellaneous Materials Cost = 10% of Maintenance Cost

= $51964.0296

Utilities Cost

Utilities Cost = 5% of Maintenance Cost

= $25982.0148

Total Variable Cost = 2.82 × 106 $/year

C) Direct Production Cost:

Direct Production Cost = (Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost)

= 5.45 × 106 $/year

Sales Expenses + General Overhead = 20% of Direct Production Cost

= 1.09 × 106 $/year

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

D) Annual Production Cost:

Annual Production Cost = Total Fixed Cost + Total Raw Materials
Cost + (Sales expenses + General Overheads)

= 6.45 × 106 $/year

E) Production Cost:

Production Cost =

hr 1 year
6.45 × 10 $
974.7 kg 7446 hr

Production Cost = 0.89 $/kg


In this project, we have done through the production of syngas by the

fluidized bed gasification of 1000 kg/h of rice husk. As a result, almost
974.7 kg/h of syngas is produced after passing through cyclone
separator, filter, CO2 separation unit and compression unit.

The syngas produced can be used to generate electricity and fulfill

energy requirement. This syngas produced can be burnt in the boiler as a
result of which it will be transformed into flue gases and the heat
generated by the burning of syngas will be used to convert water into
steam by means of heat exchange.

This steam produced can be divided into two portions one of it can be
used as a gasification medium in the gasifier, while the remaining
portion can be used to run the turbine. The steam produced will run the
blades of the turbine as a result of which thermal energy will be
converted into mechanical energy.

This energy is then utilized in the generator which can convert

mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Moreover, the CO2 which is separated from the syngas can be used for
the fertilizer section or any other purposes like formation of carbonic
acid etc.


1. David M. Himmelblau, “Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical

Engineering”, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall PTR, 1996.

2. Coulson, J.M., and Richardson, J.F., “Chemical Engineering”, 4th Edition,

Volume 6, Butterworth Heminann, 1991.

3. D. Q. Kern, “Process Heat Transfer”, Mc-Graw Hill, 2000.

4. Levenspiel, O., “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley

and Sons Inc., 1999.

5. Coulson, J.M., and Richardson, J.F., “Chemical Engineering”, 4th Edition,

Volume 1, Butterworth Heminann, 1991.

6. Coulson, J.M., and Richardson, J.F., “Chemical Engineering”, 4th Edition,

Volume 2, Butterworth Heminann, 1991.

7. Mc-Cabe, W.L., Smith, J.C., & Harriot, P., “Unit Operations of Chemical

Engineering”, 5th Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, Inc., 1993.

8. J. M. Smith, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”,

6th Edition, Mc-Graw Hill.

9. Perry, R.H and D.W.Green, “Perry`s Chemical Engineering Handbook”,

7th Edition, Mc-Graw Hill New York, 1997.

10.George Stephanopoulos, “Chemical Process Control”.

11.Carlos A.Smith, Armando B. Corripio, “Principles and Practice of

Automatic Process Control”.

Soft-wares Used

1. MS- WORD 2010

2. MS- EXCEL 2010

3. MS-VISIO 2010


5. CHEMCAD 6.2

Websites Used:
















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